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About editor



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Around to make edits to articles relating to anime, Japanese music and sometimes games (mostly Japanese games). I'm anything but active. I find much fun in editing Wikipedia articles and hope to contribute more to the knowledge pool (especially in the anime category since little mistakes irk me), even if it's in the slightest way possible.

Some of my editing habits

  • I tend to have the bad habit of putting Japanese names in the Eastern order (Family name followed by given name, see Name Order), instead of the Western order that Wikipedia generally uses for romanizations, so please feel free to edit my mistakes (at least, mistakes as according to Wikipedia standards).
  • I don't like using macrons (for example, I generally use Yuuto instead of Yūto) but for Wikipedia readers' sake, I'll use them here in the least. One of the reasons is because I can't type them and I don't know the shortcut to typing them (and I don't want to know either), so I have to resort to copy-and-paste from Wiki's Macron article, but that's not the main point though.
  • Also, I respect the usage of proper stylization (at least, correct by my opinions and standards) so I'll insist on them no matter what, you can edit them if you don't like them, I don't give a damn (eg. UVERworld instead of Uverworld, school food punishment instead of School Food Punishment, or Jyukai instead of Jukai).
  • I respect anonymity/privacy so I would do my best to hide identities of people when the situation calls for it (eg. Gotou Mika is known as Minatsu Aftervine when he/she is voicing for an adult visual novel, I'll use simply Minatsu Aftervine). Some people argue that Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, not the WPP (which 87.1667% of me agrees, actually), but like I said, I respect an individual's privacy.
    Note that the examples I used were all made up, I apologize if your name actually happens to coincide with the examples.
    (Apparently this author no longer cares about this point because people don't give a shit)
  • And I like to add details. In fact, as much detail as possible, even if it doesn't really concern said article, but for external and general knowledge. One good example, common theme among character names and what they mean, like Hei (黒 kuro) from DARKER THAN BLACK meaning Black in Chinese, while Yin (銀 gin) meaning Silver, etc. Feel free to edit/omit what I write but if I think you're wrong in doing so I'll make sure it goes back. Well, when I feel like it. In case you cannot understand what I'm saying, it basically means I'm a common offender of Wikipedia's No original research, though it's only because they're not verifiable by concrete sources, not that they're falsified/biased comments.

About author

I can read English, Chinese, and Japanese (my kanji knowledge is not that strong though, I can read only 200-300 kanji characters).
My interests are in anime (heck, I do read manga but not often), visual/light novels, Japanese music, gaming (mainly JRPGs and visual novels). I also like to write my own fictional stories (mostly similar to light novels).
One of my favorite light novelists is Narita Ryougo, author for Durarara!!, Baccano!, etc.
I also enjoy art and have great interest in graphics design (2D, I can do 3D modeling but it's not my area of expertise). I also express interest in voice acting (fine, laugh all you want). Most of my talents revolve about the PC so let me thank whoever who thought of making them.
And I also want to stress that I'm a seiyuu-ota as termed by Shokotan in her Otakulogy videos, meaning that I pay attention more towards seiyuu and voice acting categories. I love Ayachi a lot by the way.

And finally... I have a confession. I like girls. (Do take note this part was requested by a friend. This is true regardless.)

Random rants

I'm an open lolicon and I stress upon the point that lolicons and pedophiles are two different terms (once again, in my own context). I won't deny, lolicon does has its roots in pedophilia but I prefer to think that it has evolve to a completely different term since modern days. I'm not sexually attracted to kids by any chance, and neither do I like little boys like your neighborhood molesters in the Krumme 13 (I kind of hate little boys since most of them are rude and noisy but this applies to some little girls as well so you could say I'm biased). I like the form of petite girls, that's all. I could probably come up with a whole scripture of rant about the lolicon VS. pedophilia issue but I don't want a war of any form here.
Lastly, people who go weeaboo this, weeaboo that, disgust me. That said, people who go kawaii this, kawaii that, disgust me too. People who insist on not using original Japanese audio for games that have dual audio because "i dun wanna listen to som crappo languange zat i cant understadn" as well. So you're telling me you have never watched films like Children of Heaven or Ivan the Terrible simply because you don't understand Persian or Russian even though subtitles usually accompany such films? If you simply prefer English dubs, that's fine with me. Besides, there's not a single time where I've seen English dubs being better than the original counterpart. Some are really brilliant, I admit, but never better.

To be updated because I can't think of any shit to write here
