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Vincent James


Vincent James is an American paleoconservative YouTube political commentator. James runs a YouTube channel and website called "The Red Elephants"[1]. The channel has existed since April 10, 2016. His first video[2] was a predication that U.S. President Donald Trump will beat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election based on the electoral map of presidential nominees. His channel has 297,000 subscribers and over 37 million views. His most popular video was about the Brett Kavanaugh hearing in 2018[3]. James called Blasey Ford's testimony inconsistent and highlighted 12 inconsistencies. James also runs two other channels: "Vincent James" and "Rational Thought". "Vincent James" is a second channel[4] which he talks about daily political news and "Rational Thought" is a third channel[5] where he reacts to political videos. James also runs a Red Elephant website where he write political articles and sells merchandise[6].

Vincent James has association with other prominent political commentators such as Nick Fuentes, Jesse Lee Peterson, Owen Benjamin, Styxhexenhammer666, Matt Walsh, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter etc. James has shown support for Nick Fuentes in the "America First" movement during what Fuentes calls "The Groyper Wars"[7] which is a political movement involved in calling out neoconservatives and libertarians, enforcing strict immigration laws, opposition to foreign aid, cutting ties with Israel, American exceptionalism, pro-western, pro-family, anti-abortion and anti-drug use policies.



James was born and raised in Chicago with three other siblings. and left his home at 18 in a greyhound bus to California. James is married to a Portuguese immigrant and has three children and resides in California. James used to live in Anaheim but currently resides in Orange County James has said on multiple occasions of his regret of staying in California and plans to move out of the state. James has a strong Catholic background and says that his sister is a nun. James would often end his videos citing a bible verse to encourage his fan base of supporters.

Political Views


James describes himself as a paleoconservative with libertarian leanings.[8] James has been outspoken in support of the 2nd Amendment, strict immigration laws and advocates for people to have family. James is often critical of baby boomers and partly blames them for causing what he calls "chaos" in western civilization. He views the boomers as a generation that pursued hedonism over family, hypocritical, lack of understanding of the younger generations and too pro-Israel. James was previously a Ron Paul supporter and voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 election. James is often critical of the Republican Party and is not satisfied with its political positions and finds it to have neoconservative and globalist interests over America's well-being. He finds that the current Republican Party is not conservative and to be like the Democratic Party but only "a couple of years behind". This belief is mainly based on his dissatisfaction over the party not having an open opposition to same-sex marriage, immigration and foreign policy.

James criticizes America's relationship with Israel and does not view Israel as a country that benefits the United States at all. He cites the Israel Lobby a book by John J. Mearsheimer as evidence of Israel being a burden to the United States rather than an ally. He believes the USS Liberty was an attack purposefully done by Israel and has interviewed survivors of the incident[9]. James cites the Lavon Affair and calls the Iraq War as a war that benefited Israel and Saudi Arabia but mostly Israel. He points to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the main culprit to have pushed the Iraq War showing a clip of Netanyahu in 2003[10] testifying before congress that taking out Hussein's regime would have positive reverberations in the middle east and claims that Suddam Hussein has WMDs in Iraq and would show a Fox News article showing that Netanyahu's claim was false.

James is an advocate for Trump's policy to build the wall at the US-Mexico border and in support of Trump pulling troops out of the middle east and is critical of Trump when he finds him to be lacking in following through in his campaign promises. James believes that the Trump administration has been hijacked by people such as Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo and previously John Bolton to take Trump away from domestic problems. James claims that Trump won because of immigration but is prioritizing on focusing on foreign countries such as Israel over his domestic promises. James however says he would vote for Trump in 2020 as it would be ridiculous to vote for any of the Democratic candidates for 2020 and Trump in office would slow down the Democrats power.

James is against same-sex marriage and describes it to have been detrimental to American society and would compare 1950s treatment of homsexual behaviour to be much better than today. He would often describe that within five years of legalization of same-sex marriage there is now drag-queen story hour, the normalizaton of drag queens such as Desmond is Amazing and children being allowed to undergo hormone treatment such as the James Younger case. James is an outspoken critic of pornography and advocates for a federal ban it but is willing to compromise on an age-verification when accessing it as he finds it to be too easy to access especially since young children are using phones and tablets more often.

James finds the American immigration system to be broken and has accepted too many immigrants both legal and illegal. He is a critic of Ronald Reagan's amnesty for illegal immigrants in California and blames Reagan for causing California to turn blue. James uses Dallas county as an example of how an influx of immigrants after the Hart-Cellar Act has turned both California and Dallas County blue which was once a reliable Republican stronghold. James attributes the change due to the newly arrived immigrants voting Democrat and points to the 2019 Virginia election as a recent example. James immigration rhetoric is revolved in America's population growth is due to immigrants and not the native population having children and prefers a cap and a temporary cease of immigration so that there can be time for assimilation. He is a strong believer that demographics are destiny and says that America being below replacement rates since the 1970s especially White Americans is detrimental to America as the influx of over millions of immigrants each year changes Americans race demographics to the country's demise.



James has debated liberal YouTube gamer Destiny on Baked Alaska's stream debate between Destiny and Joe Biggs.[11] and on the Fallen State[12] hosted by Jesse Lee Peterson. James later made a video responding to Destiny's claims on concealed carry causing a rise in homicide rates on the Fallen State debate [13]and later hosted a second debate on his own channel[14]. He also moderated a debate between Destiny and John Lott[15]. All of the debates with Destiny involved issues with the 2nd Amendment with James being pro-gun and Destiny calling for restrictions on the 2nd Amendment. James later criticized Destiny[16] for not uploading the John Lott debate on his own channel and purposefully mistitling the stream debate and alludes to it being Destiny losing the debate. A month later Destiny uploaded the debate on his own channel.

James has debated Nick Rekieta on the Ralph Retort on pornography[17]. James argues for a ban or age-restriction on pornography just like there is a restriction on cigarettes and alcohol while Rekieta argues against it.



Critics have called James a hypocrite on his view of immigration as he has an immigrant wife but James was quick to defend his stance and points out that his wife is of European ancestry and that immigrants from Europe are not the same as immigrants from South America, Africa or Asia and that the races are biologically and intellectually different and furthers his defense by noting that immigration in America has historically been European until the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965.

The Anti-Defamation League has called James an anti-semite and a white supremacist [18] saying the the Red Elephants website[19] "promotes conspiracy theories, anti-Semitic beliefs and white supremacist mantras". James responds saying that the ADL lies and promotes Jewish interest only and defamation of character.

Groyper War


James voiced support for Nick Fuentes in the "Groyper Movement". He wrote questions for conservatives to challenge Charlie Kirk during his TPUSA summits.Turning Point USA James regards Kirk to be a fake conservative and more of a libetarian who supports Israel more than America.James believes this due to Kirk's libertarian stance on same-sex marriage, H-1B immigration, promoting gays and transgenders into TPUSA, old tweets against Donald Trump[20] and receiving money from pro-Israel donors speaking at an event in Israel calling America as just "a place holder of ideas". James regards TPUSA to be "Conservative Inc." James attended a TPUSA event which featured Charlie Kirk, Donald Trump Jr. and his fiancee Kimberley Guilfoyle. Due to their being no questions time allowed due to Kirk's previous interactions with 'groypers' at the TPUSA summit, the 'groypers' started booing and chanting ''Qn'A!" and "America First!". James approached Donald Trump Jr. and spoke to him briefly and later uploaded posts regarding his interaction with Trump Jr. urging him to listen[21][22]. Gavin Mcinnes came out in support of James and the America First movement[23] despite both their disagreements on Israel.

Ben Shapiro made a speech in Stanford University regarding the recent scourge that occurred at the TPUSA summit the denounced Nick Fuentes and the Groyper Movement[24] leading James to respond to Shapiro's speech calling him dishonest on not acknowledging the hispanic voting blue despite admitting that years ago[25]. James has referred to Shapiro in the past as a neoconservative[26] due to Shapiro's support of American intervention in the middle east.

  1. ^ "The Red Elephants Vincent James". YouTube. Retrieved 2020-01-08.
  2. ^ How Trump will win the 2016 election. Going through electoral map. Trump will SMASH Hillary, retrieved 2020-01-09
  3. ^ The 12 MAJOR Inconsistencies in the Christine Ford Testimony at the Brett Kavanaugh Hearing, retrieved 2020-01-09
  4. ^ "Vincent James". YouTube. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
  5. ^ "Rational Thought". YouTube. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
  6. ^ "Home". The Red Elephants. 2017-11-14. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
  7. ^ "Groyper". Know Your Meme. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
  8. ^ Thankful for Slavery: Black Woman vs. The Red Elephants' Vincent James, retrieved 2020-01-09
  9. ^ Charlie Kirk FREAKS OUT At Legitimate Questions from REAL Conservatives, retrieved 2020-01-09
  10. ^ Netanyahu to USA in 2002: If you take out Saddam, I guarantee..., retrieved 2020-01-09
  11. ^ Joe Biggs vs. Destiny | Gun Control Debate, retrieved 2020-01-09
  12. ^ The Great Gun Debate: Destiny vs. Vincent James! Gun Control, 2nd Amendment & Mass Shootings! (#119), retrieved 2020-01-09
  13. ^ Does 'Conceal Carry' Increase or Decrease Crime in America?, retrieved 2020-01-09
  14. ^ ROUND TWO! Destiny Debates Vince, retrieved 2020-01-09
  15. ^ Dr John Lott Leaves Liberal Streamer 'Destiny' SPEECHLESS in Debate, retrieved 2020-01-09
  16. ^ Destiny EXPOSED by Nick Fuentes, Owen Benjamin, Vincent James, & Devon Stack, retrieved 2020-01-09
  17. ^ "#Killstream: Nick Rekieta vs Vince James · DLive". DLive. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
  18. ^ "Despite YouTube Policy Update, Anti-Semitic, White Supremacist Channels Remain". Anti-Defamation League. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
  19. ^ "Home". The Red Elephants. 2017-11-14. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
  20. ^ "Vincent James on Instagram: "These people, who are now furiously trying to delete their tweets, are the face of the "conservative" movement and must be exposed.…"". Instagram. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
  21. ^ "Vincent James on Instagram: "He stopped and listened to me and I told him exactly what he needed to hear - What I told him in the brief minute I had with him was…"". Instagram. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
  22. ^ "Vincent James on Instagram: "Dear @donaldjtrumpjr - We are supporters of your father and you. Don't believe the media. Our beef is with the never Trump neocons,…"". Instagram. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
  23. ^ "Vincent James on Instagram: "Great to see Gavin standing up for the America First movement overall —— By the way, all of my opinions are based on Empirical evidence. If…"". Instagram. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
  24. ^ Ben Shapiro Speaking at Stanford University, retrieved 2020-01-09
  25. ^ Ben Shapiro Debates Ben Shapiro, retrieved 2020-01-09
  26. ^ Paul Joseph Watson CALLS OUT Ben Shapiro for His Warmongering, Tucker Piles On Too, retrieved 2020-01-09