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Disciples of John the Baptist

  1. Johanan bar Zekharyah haKohen († 30 CE at Machaerus)
    1. Yeshua bar Yosef haDavid (* c. 4 BCE; † Apr 09, 30 CE at Jerusalem)
      1. Andreas bar Yonah haGalil
      2. Johanan bar Zebadiah haGalil
      3. Levi "Matthew" bar Halfai haGalil
      4. Nathanael bar Tolmai haKana
      5. Philippos
      6. Shim'on bar Yonah haKefa
      7. Shim'on haQanai
      8. Ya'akov bar Halfai haGalil
      9. Ya'akov bar Zebadiah haGalil
      10. Yehuda bar Shim'on haIsh Qeriyyot
      11. Yehuda "Thomas" haT'oma


  1. Early Proto-Indo-European
    1. Proto-Anatolian (? - 3000 BCE)
      1. Proto-Hittite (c. 2100 BCE)
        1. Ḫattuša Hittite (c. 1650 - 1180 BCE)
        2. Kanišite Hittite (c. 1935 - 1710 BCE)
      2. Proto-Luwo-Lydian
        1. Proto-Luwo-Palaic
          1. Proto-Luwic
            1. Proto-Luwian (c. 1700 BCE)
              1. Cuneiform Luwian (c. 1500 - 1400 BCE)
              2. Hieroglyphic Luwian (c. 1200 - 700 BCE)
            2. Proto-Lyco-Carian
              1. Proto-Carian-Milyan
                1. Carian (c. 600 - 200 BCE)
                2. Milyan (c. 400 BCE)
              2. Proto-Lycian-Sidetic
                1. Lycian (400 - 300 BCE)
                2. Sidetic (400 - 100 BCE)
          2. Proto-Palaic
            1. Palaic (c. 1500 - 1400 BCE)
        2. Proto-Lydian
          1. Lydian (c. 700 - 200 BCE)
    2. Middle Proto-Indo-European
      1. Early Proto-Tocharian
        1. Late Proto-Tocharian
          1. Kroränian
          2. Old Kuchean / West Tocharian
            1. Middle / Classical Kuchean
              1. Late Kuchean
          3. Turfanian / East Tocharian
      2. Late Proto-Indo-European
        1. Paleo-Balkan
          1. Proto-Albanian-Messapic
          2. Proto-Daco-Thracian
            1. Proto-Daco-Moesian
              1. Dacian
              2. Getic
              3. Moesian
            2. Thracian
          3. Mysian
          4. Paeonian
          5. Proto-Graeco-Phrygian
        2. Proto-Italo-Celtic-Germanic-Balto-Slavic-Indo-Iranian
          1. Proto-Indo-Iranian
            1. Proto-Indo-Aryan
            2. Proto-Iranian
              1. Old Central Iranian
              2. Old Northeast Iranian
              3. Old Northwest Iranian
              4. Old Southwest Iranian
                1. Old Persian
                  1. Middle Persian
                    1. New Persian
            3. Proto-Nuristani
          2. Proto-Italo-Celtic-Germanic-Balto-Slavic
            1. Early Proto-Balto-Slavic
              1. Late Proto-Balto-Slavic
                1. Early Proto-Baltic
                  1. Late Proto-Baltic
                2. Early Proto-Slavic (? - 1000 BCE)
                  1. Middle Proto-Slavic (1000 BCE - 1 CE)
                    1. Late Proto-Slavic (1 - 600)
                      1. Old East Slavic (600 - 1300)
                        1. Old Russian (1300 - 1400)
                          1. Middle Russian (1400 - 1700)
                            1. Modern Russian (1700 - now)
                        2. Early Ruthenian (1300 - 1525)
                          1. High Ruthenian (1525 - 1645)
                            1. Late Ruthenian (1645 - 1800)
                              1. Belarusian (1800 - now)
                              2. Rusyn (1800 - now)
                              3. Ukrainian (1800 - now)
            2. Proto-Italo-Celtic-Germanic
              1. Pre-Proto-Germanic
                1. Early Proto-Germanic
                  1. Late Proto-Germanic
                    1. Proto-Northwest Germanic
                      1. Proto-North Germanic
                      2. Proto-West Germanic
                        1. Proto-Elbe Germanic
                          1. Old High German
                        2. Proto-North Sea Germanic
                          1. Anglo-Frisian
                            1. Proto-English
                              1. Kentish Old English
                              2. Mercian Old English
                              3. Northumbrian Old English
                              4. Early West Saxon
                                1. Late West Saxon
                            2. Old Frisian
                          2. Old Saxon
                            1. Middle Low German
                              1. Modern Low German
                        3. Proto-Weser-Rhine Germanic
              2. Proto-Italo-Celtic
                1. Early Proto-Celtic
                  1. Late Proto-Celtic
                2. Early Proto-Italic
                  1. Late Proto-Italic
                    1. Proto-Latino-Faliscan
                      1. Old Latin
                        1. Classical Latin
                          1. Ecclesiastical Latin
                          2. Vulgar Latin
                            1. Proto-Romance
                              1. African Romance
                              2. Pannonian Latin
                              3. Proto-Southern Romance
                                1. African Romance
                                2. Proto-Sardo-Corsican
                                  1. Sardinian
                    2. Proto-Sabellic

History of the Indo-European languages


Around 3700 to 3300 BCE, some tribes of the Repin culture migrated east toward South Siberia, thus establishing the Afanasievo culture. The people of this culture spoke the earliest stages of Proto-Tocharian and existed from 3300 BCE to 2500 BCE. The Afanasievans also had intense contact with speakers of Early Proto-Samoyedic, shaping the phonology and morphology of the language.

Those of the Repin culture that remained in the Pontic-Caspian steppe during that time became the Yamnayans, creating thus the Yamnaya culture and with it the Late Proto-Indo-European language, the last common ancestor of all other Indo-European languages.

Index of Proto-North Indo-European words




médyos, 'middle'

  1. Proto-North Indo-European *médyos
    1. Early Proto-Balto-Slavic *médjos
      1. Late Proto-Balto-Slavic *médjas
    2. Proto-Northwest European *médyos
      1. Pre-Proto-Germanic *mídjos
        1. Early Proto-Germanic *míðjaz
          1. Late Proto-Germanic *míðjaz
      2. Proto-Italo-Celtic *médyos
        1. Proto-Celtic *médyos
        2. Proto-Italic *méðjos



óynos [ˈoj.nos̠], 'one, 1'

  1. Proto-North Indo-European *óynos [ˈoj.nos̠]
    1. Early Proto-Balto-Slavic *médjos
      1. Late Proto-Balto-Slavic *médjas
    2. Proto-Northwest European *médyos
      1. Pre-Proto-Germanic *mídjos
        1. Early Proto-Germanic *míðjaz
          1. Late Proto-Germanic *míðjaz
      2. Proto-Italo-Celtic *médyos
        1. Proto-Celtic *médyos
        2. Proto-Italic *méðjos

Linguistic Reconstruction of Late Babylonian






b = [b], [β] d = [d], [ð] g = [g], [ɣ] ḫ = [x] y = [j] k = [kʰ], [x] l = [l] m = [m] n = [n] p₁ = [pʰ], [ɸ] p₂ = [pʼ] q = [kʼ] r = [r] s = [s] t = [tʰ], [θ] w = [w] z = [d͡z]



a = [ɑ] ā = [ɑː] e = [ɛ] ē = [ɛː] i = [ɪ] ī = [ɪː] u₁ = [u] u₂ = [ɔ] ū₁ = [uː] ū₂ = [ɔː]

How did I reach these conclusions?

Language Word Pronunciation Akkadian transcription Pronunciation
Koine Greek Ανδρονικος [an.ˈdro.ni.kos] ᵐan-dar-ni-qu-su [ɑn.dɑr.nɪ.kʼus]
Koine Greek Αντιπατρος [an.ˈti.pa.tros] ᵐan-ti-pa-aṭ-ru-su [ɑn.tʰɪ.ˈpʼɑ.tʼrus]
Koine Greek Αντων [an.tɔːn] ᵐat-tu-nu [ɑ.tʰːɔːn]


Noun in Old Babylonian Noun in Neo-Babylonian Noun in Late Babylonian Possible transcription in Imperial Aramaic script Transcription thereof Meaning in English
abnum abnu aban 𐡀𐡁𐡍 ʔbn stone
abum abu ab 𐡀𐡁 ʔb father; ancestor, forefather
addum addu adad 𐡀𐡃𐡃 ʔdd storm, thunderstorm
amtum amtu awat 𐡀𐡅𐡕‎ ʔwt female slave, female servant
apkallum apkallu apkal 𐡀𐡐𐡊𐡋 ʔpkl sage, wise man, expert; mythological sage
aplum aplu apal ܐܦܠ ʔpl heir, oldest son
aḫātum aḫātu aḫāt ܐܚܬ ʔḫt sister
aḫum aḫu aḫ ܐܚ ʔḫ brother; collegue, associate; (correlative) one another, one... the other...
barbarum barbaru barbar ܒܪܒܪ brbr wolf
birkum birku birik ܒܪܟ brk knee; lap; euphemism for male or female genitals
bābum bābu bāb ܒܒ bb door, gate, opening; city quarter
bēlum bēlu bēl ܒܠ bl lord; proprietor, owner; epithet of deities, particularly Marduk
bītum bītu bīt ܒܬ bt house; palace; temple; family, tribe, household
dayyānum dayyānu dayyān ܕܝܢ dyn judge
gišimmarum gišimmaru gišimmar ܓܫܡܡܪ gšmmr date palm
ibrum ibru ibir ܐܒܪ ʔbr comrade, fellow, friend, colleague, peer, equal (a person of the same status or profession)
ikkarum ikkaru ikkar ܐܟܪ ʔkr farmer, ploughman
ilum ilu il ܐܠ ʔl god, deity
immerum immeru immer ܐܡܪ ʔmr sheep, ram
išātum išātu išāt ܐܫܬ ʔšt fire
kaspum kaspu kasap ܟܣܦ ksp silver; money
kibtum kibtu kibit ܟܒܬ kbt wheat
lišānum lišānu lišān ܠܫܢ lšn
našrum našru našar ܢܫܪ nšr eagle
salīmum salīmu salīm ܣܠܡ slm peace, concord, amity; reconciliation with the gods, favor
šamšum šamšu šawaš ܫܘܫ šwš sun; sunlight; day; sun disk
tiʔamtum → tâmtum tâmtu tâmat ܬܡܬ tmt sea, ocean; lake; (mythology) a mythological or deified locality; Tiamat
ṭabtum ṭabtu ṭabat ܛܒܬ ṭbt salt
ṭupšarrum ṭupšarru ṭupšar ܛܦܫܪ ṭpšr scribe, tablet writer

List of Dynasties and their Rulers


Everything is counted in the Seleucid Era (SE), beginning in April of 311 BCE as Year 1 SE and April of 312 BCE as Year 1 BSE (Before SE).

Year in the Seleucid Era Year in the Gregorian/Julian Calendar
700 BSE 1011 BCE
600 BSE 911 BCE
500 BSE 811 BCE
400 BSE 711 BCE
300 BSE 611 BCE
200 BSE 511 BCE
100 BSE 411 BCE
1 BSE 312 BCE
1 SE 311 BCE
100 SE 212 BCE
200 SE 112 BCE
300 SE 12 BCE
400 SE 88 CE
500 SE 188 CE
600 SE 288 CE
700 SE 388 CE
800 SE 488 CE
900 SE 588 CE
1000 SE 688 CE
1100 SE 788 CE
1200 SE 888 CE
1300 SE 988 CE
1400 SE 1088 CE
1500 SE 1188 CE
1600 SE 1288 CE
1700 SE 1388 CE
1800 SE 1488 CE
1900 SE 1588 CE
2000 SE 1688 CE
2100 SE 1788 CE
2200 SE 1888 CE
2300 SE 1988 CE
2334 SE 2023/24 CE


Ruler (Throne name) Akkadian name Length of Reign Dynasty
Tutankhamun Nīpḫūrereya 1333 BCE - 1323 BCE 18th Dynasty
Djeserkheperure I Setpenre I [unknown] I Šatēpna-Riˀa II 1320 BCE - 1292 BCE
Usermaatre I Setpenre II Wāš-Muˀa-Riˀa I Šatēpna-Riˀa II 1279 BCE - 1213 BCE 19th Dynasty
Menmire I Setpenre III [unknown] I Šatēpna-Riˀa III 1203 BCE - 1200 BCE 19th Dynasty
Usermaatre VII Wāš-Muˀa-Riˀa VII 21st Dynasty
Usermaatre XI Wāš-Muˀa-Riˀa XI 740 BCE - 720 BCE 22nd Dynasty
Usermaatre XVII Wāš-Muˀa-Riˀa XVII 744 BCE - 714 BCE 25th Dynasty
Necho I Nikuˀu I 672 BCE - 664 BCE 26th Dynasty


Ruler Length of Reign Dynasty Relationship in Dynasty
Aliksisu III mār (...) 1195 CE - 1203 CE Angelos Brother of (...); Son of (...)

Kings of Babylon

Kings of Babylon
Ruler Length of Reign Dynasty Relationship in Dynasty
Kuraš I mār Kambuzīa Bīt-Aḫamanīšˀ 228 BSE - 219 BSE Bīt-Aḫamanīšˀ (Dynasty XI) None; Conquered Babylon on 3 Cheshvan, 228 BSE.
Kambuzīa I mār Kuraš Bīt-Aḫamanīšˀ 219 BSE - 211 BSE Bīt-Aḫamanīšˀ (Dynasty XI) Son of Kuraš I.
Barzia I mār Kuraš Bīt-Aḫamanīšˀ 211 BSE - 211 BSE Bīt-Aḫamanīšˀ (Dynasty XI) Either son of Kuraš I or an usurper.
Nabû-kudurri-uṣur III mār Nabû-naˀid 211 BSE - 211 BSE - Usurper; actual name was Nidintu-Bêl mār Mukīn-zēri Bīt-Zazakku.
Dariamuš I mār Uštāspa Bīt-Aḫamanīšˀ 211 BSE - 210 BSE Bīt-Aḫamanīšˀ (Dynasty XI) Distant relative

Seleucid Dynasty

Ruler Length of Reign Relation to previous ruler
Siluku I mār Antiuksu Bīt-Siluku 311 BCE - 281 BCE -
Antiuksu I mār Siluku Bīt-Siluku 281 BCE - 261 BCE Son
Antiuksu II mār Antiuksu Bīt-Siluku 261 BCE - 246 BCE Son
Siluku II mār Antiuksu Bīt-Siluku 246 BCE - 225 BCE Son
Siluku III mār Siluku Bīt-Siluku 225 BCE - 223 BCE Son
Antiuksu III mār Siluku Bīt-Siluku 223 BCE - 187 BCE Brother; Son of Siluku II
Siluku IV mār Antiuksu Bīt-Siluku 187 BCE - 175 BCE Son
Antiuksu IV mār Antiuksu Bīt-Siluku 175 BCE - 163 BCE Brother; Son of Antiuksu III
Antiuksu V mār Antiuksu Bīt-Siluku 163 BCE - 161 BCE Son
Dimitrisu I mār Siluku Bīt-Siluku 161 BCE - 150 BCE Son of Siluku IV
Alaksāndar 150 BCE - 146 BCE Purported son of Antiuksu IV
Dimitrisu II mār Dimitrisu Bīt-Siluku 146 BCE - 139 BCE Unknown; Son of Dimitrisu I
Antiuksu VI mār Alaksāndar Bīt-Siluku 145 BCE - 142 BCE Unknown; Son of a "Alexander III"
Antiuksu VII mār Dimitrisu Bīt-Siluku 139 BCE - 129 BCE Son of Dimitrisu I



Egyptian into Akkadian


Greek into Akkadian


List of Greek suffixes in Akkadian

Greek suffixes in Akkadian
Greek suffix Akkadianized suffix Cuneiform transliteration Historically attested Partially reconstructed Reconstruction
-κρᾰ́της "-crates" -giratē gi-ra-te-e Yes No No
-θεος "-theos" -ṭusu ṭu-su Yes No No
Θεό- "Theo-" Ti- ti Yes No No
Τιμό- "Timo-" Ṭīˀmū- ṭi-iˀ-mu-u2 Yes No No

Persian into Akkadian


List of words

Akkadian words
English word Akkadian word Cuneiform transliteration Derived from ... Historically attested Partially reconstructed Reconstruction Topic
Africa Aprikû KURap-ri-ku-u2 Parthian No No Yes Geography (Country)
Ahab Aḫābbu ma-ḫa-ab-bu Hebrew Yes No No Name (Masculine) - Hebrew
Alexander Aliksāndar ma-lik-sa-an-dar Greek Yes No No Name (Masculine) - Greek
Aristocrates Arīstūgiratē ma-ri-is-tu-ug-gi-ra-te-e Greek Yes No No Name (Masculine) - Greek
Bechamoun, Lebanon Bīt-Yasumunu URUbi-it-dia-su-mu-nu Calque of Arabic name No Yes No Geography (City)
Camphor kāpūlu ka-ap-pu-ul-lu Pahlavi No No Yes Plant
Diana Amat-Nanaya GEME2.dna-na-a Calque of Latin Diana No Yes No Name (Feminine) - Latin
Felix Muḫaddû mmu-ḫa-du Calque of Latin Felix No Yes No Name (Masculine) - Latin
Frying pan tābagu ta-ab-ba-gu Middle Persian No No Yes Tool (Kitchen)
Gabriel Gabri-Ilu mgab-ri-DINGIR Hebrew Yes No No Name (Masculine) - Hebrew
Georgios Ikkaru m.lúENGAR Calque of Greek Γεώργιος No Yes No Name (Masculine) - Greek
Germania Galimanû KURga-li-ma-nu-u2 Parthian No No Yes Geography (Country)
Gordianus Gūlzanûsu mgu-ul-za-nu-su Parthian No No Yes Name (Masculine) - Latin
Hannibal Enna-Bēl men-na.dEN Calque of Punic 𐤇𐤍𐤁𐤏𐤋 No No Yes Name (Masculine) - Punic
Hempseed šāzanagu U2ša-a-za-na-gu Middle Persian No No Yes Plant
Hispania Ispanû KURis-pa-nu-u2 Parthian No No Yes Geography (Country)
Marcellus Arad-Nergal mARAD.dGIR.UNU.GAL Calque of Latin Marcus No Yes No Name (Masculine) - Latin
Marcus Arad-Nergal mARAD.dGIR.UNU.GAL Calque of Latin Marcus No Yes No Name (Masculine) - Latin
Markus Arad-Nergal mARAD.dGIR.UNU.GAL Calque of Latin Marcus No Yes No Name (Masculine) - Germanic
Melchior Milkiˀuri mmil-ku-ú-ri Hebrew Yes No No Name (Masculine) - Hebrew
Mongolia Mūgālû KURmu-ug-ga-al-lu-u2 Aramaic No No Yes Geography (Country)
Nachman Nāḫmanu mna-aḫ-ma-nu Hebrew Yes No No Name (Masculine) - Hebrew
Osorkon Šīlkanni mši-il-kan-ni Egyptian Yes No No Name (Masculine) - Egyptian
Pekah Paqaḫa mpa-qa-ḫa Hebrew Yes No No Name (Masculine) - Hebrew
Phoenicia Punikû KURpu-ni-ku-u2 Parthian No No Yes Geography (Country)
Polo šūbaganu šu-ub-ba-ga-nu Middle Persian No No Yes Sports
Polo stick šūbaganu šu-ub-ba-ga-nu Middle Persian No No Yes Sports
Rhaetia Lēšû KURle-e-šu-u2 Parthian No No Yes Geography (Country)
Rome Palūmu URUpa-lu-um-mu Parthian No No Yes Geography (City)
Sable samūllu sa-mu-ul-lu Middle Persian No No Yes Animal (Mammals)
Sandalwood šānzalu U2ša-an-za-lu Middle Persian No No Yes Plant
Sardinia šardanu KURšar-da-nu Punic-Phoenician No No Yes Geography (Country)
Shabtai Šabbatāya missing Hebrew Yes No No Name (Masculine) - Hebrew
Solomon Šalāmānu mša-lam-ma-nu Hebrew Yes No No Name (Masculine) - Hebrew
St Petersburg, Russia Dūr-Kāpu URUBÀD.ka-a-pu Calque of Russian Петербург No Yes No Geography (City)
Thorleif Adad-apla-iddina m.dIM.DUMU.UŠ.SUM.na Calque of Icelandic Þorleifur No Yes No Name (Masculine) - Germanic



Place Names


City Names

Conventional Name of City Country Germanized Name of City Suffixes (if needed)
Beverley UK - England Biebersloh
Bordeaux France Keckrich
Caldbeck (Cumberland) UK - England Kaltenbach
Cudworth (South Yorkshire) UK - England Kundwörth im Südeberichsgau
Kirkcudbright UK - Scotland Kundbartskirche
Le Havre France Gnadenshafen
Lyon France Wotansberg
Makhanda South Africa Kiesheimstadt in Südafrika
Maryport (Cumbria) UK - England Marienhafen
Peterboro USA - New York Petersburg
[[Peterborough|Peterborough (Cambridgeshire) UK - England Petersburg
Stamford (Lincolnshire) UK - England Steinfurt im Lindkölngau
Thornham (Eastern Cape) South Africa Dornheim
Thornham (Norfolk) UK - England Dornheim im Norfolksgau
Thornham Magna UK - England Großdornheim
Thornham Parva UK - England Kleindornheim
York UK - England Eberich

River Names

Conventional Name of River Country Germanized Name of River Suffixes (if needed)
Severn Great Britain Säbrene

Personal Names

Conventional Anglicization of Personal Name Language of Origin Germanized Personal Name
Amadeo Italian Gottlieb
Amadeus Latin Gottlieb
Boudica Celtic Baudehe (/ˈbaʊ.dɛːə/) - Reconstructed
Dagorix Celtic Dacherich (/ˈdaː.xe.ˌriç/) - Reconstructed
Donald Celtic Dobnewal (/ˈdop.ne.ˌvɑl// - Reconstructed
Dubnogenos Celtic Dobnechen (/ˈdop.ne.ˌxen/) - Reconstructed
Karatākos Celtic Karetach (/ˈkɑː.rɛ.ˌtɑːx/) - Reconstructed
Theophilos Greek Gottlieb
Timothy Greek Ehregott
Ze'ev Hebrew Wolf


Conventional Anglicization of Surname Language of Origin Germanized Personal Name
Graham English Kiesheim