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User:West.andrew.g/Dead links/Archive 170

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Oct 5, 2011 3:27:31 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.jaoa.org/cgi/reprint/103/10/489.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454019099 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:27:27 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sovo.com/2009/6-12/news/localnews/10213.cfm" (link search) on RID 454018795 (diff) on page Same-sex marriage[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:27:22 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sovo.com/2006/1-27/news/localnews/localnews_sharpton.cfm" (link search) on RID 454018795 (diff) on page Same-sex marriage[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:26:53 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/12/03/state/n220022S18.DTL&hw=same+sex+marriage+proposition&sn=011&sc=464" (link search) on RID 454018795 (diff) on page Same-sex marriage[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:26:47 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.iamra.com/pdf/Partner_Member_Directory_3-25-10.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454019099 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:26:26 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.erop.org/ostarzteuropa_eng.shtml/" (link search) on RID 454019099 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:26:21 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.bso.ac.uk/mm1ahist.htm/" (link search) on RID 454019099 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:26:17 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.aacom.org/resources/ome/Pages/default.aspx/" (link search) on RID 454019099 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:25:39 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.powerbalance2.com/powerbalance" (link search) on RID 454019136 (diff) on page Power Balance[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:25:00 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.narth.com/docs/glsen2.html" (link search) on RID 454018795 (diff) on page Same-sex marriage[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:23:39 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.catholicchronicle.org/index.php/diocesan/new-usccb-vice-president-known-for-work-on-behalf-of-marriage-family.html" (link search) on RID 454018795 (diff) on page Same-sex marriage[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:23:34 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.catholic.com/library/gay_marriage.asp" (link search) on RID 454018795 (diff) on page Same-sex marriage[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:23:28 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.catholic.com/library/Homosexuality.asp" (link search) on RID 454018795 (diff) on page Same-sex marriage[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:20:15 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.convictcityrollers.org.au/node/45s" (link search) on RID 454018691 (diff) on page Convict City Roller Derby League[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:19:04 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/the_tls/article5136819.ece" (link search) on RID 454018589 (diff) on page Longitude[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:18:46 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://highered.colorado.gov/Academics/Colleges/privateaccredited.asp/" (link search) on RID 454018561 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:17:19 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.uth.tmc.edu/med/administration/gme/pdf_files/medicare_payments_gme.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454018267 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:17:07 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.osteopathic.org/inside-aoa/Education/OGME-development-initiative/Documents/OGME-brochure.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454018267 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:16:57 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.com.msu.edu/osteomed/history.html/" (link search) on RID 454018267 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:16:53 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/biz-technology/278225" (link search) on RID 454018377 (diff) on page Logic Wireless[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:16:48 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.aacom.org/resources/other/Documents/062008_Shannon_MDAssn.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454018267 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:16:43 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.aacom.org/resources/bookstore/Documents/GrowthRpt2009.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454018267 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:16:38 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.aacom.org/data/Documents/number-of-schools.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454018267 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:12:24 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "https://www.atsu.edu/museum/subscription/pdfs/JournalofOsteopathyVol5No81899January.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454017817 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:11:18 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.hsc.unt.edu/orc/about_sponsors.html/" (link search) on RID 454017817 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:11:14 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://stfm.org/fmhub/fm2005/November/James693.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454017817 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:10:45 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://integrativemedicine.arizona.edu/education/imer.html/" (link search) on RID 454017817 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:10:40 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://integrativemedicine.arizona.edu/education/fellowship/faculty.html/" (link search) on RID 454017817 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:10:36 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://integrativemedicine.arizona.edu/about/index.html/" (link search) on RID 454017817 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:05:01 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "https://www.voterinfo.sbe.virginia.gov/election/Data/2007/FF531BB4-AA39-4797-9CCE-21999D9EC84D/official/7_s.shtml" (link search) on RID 454017310 (diff) on page Virginia Senate, District 9[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:04:56 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "https://www.voterinfo.sbe.virginia.gov/election/DATA/2007/196E44FA-8B19-4240-9A44-737216DAA55D/Unofficial/7_s.shtml" (link search) on RID 454017310 (diff) on page Virginia Senate, District 9[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:02:41 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.amsa.org/AMSA/Libraries/Exec_Docs/PPP2010.sflb.ashx/" (link search) on RID 454017126 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 3:02:07 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.philvaz.com/apologetics/a30.htm/" (link search) on RID 454017065 (diff) on page Primacy of the Roman Pontiff[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:51:37 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.testermanscifi.org/ClarkeQuotesPart2.html" (link search) on RID 454015095 (diff) on page Arthur C. Clarke[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:51:29 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/on-line/clarke/ww2.asp" (link search) on RID 454015095 (diff) on page Arthur C. Clarke[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:51:17 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.lsi.usp.br/~rbianchi/clarke/ACC.ETRelaysFull.html" (link search) on RID 454015095 (diff) on page Arthur C. Clarke[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:50:34 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://epizodsspace.testpilot.ru/bibl/spaceflight/20/names.html" (link search) on RID 454015095 (diff) on page Arthur C. Clarke[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:50:28 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/article3579120.ece" (link search) on RID 454015095 (diff) on page Arthur C. Clarke[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:49:06 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/bly/world/world.html%20University%20of%20Pennsylvania" (link search) on RID 454015730 (diff) on page Around the World in Seventy-Two Days[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:48:49 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://online.printmailcom.com/drupal/node/852" (link search) on RID 454015095 (diff) on page Arthur C. Clarke[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:48:10 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2003-03/14/12.00.film" (link search) on RID 454015095 (diff) on page Arthur C. Clarke[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:47:53 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "https://www.osteopathic.org/inside-aoa/Education/students/Documents/tips-tactics-and-truths-student-guide.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454015467 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:47:35 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.osteopathic.org/inside-aoa/Education/students/Documents/tips-tactics-and-truths-student-guide.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454015467 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:47:23 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.do-online.org/TheDO/wp-content/uploads/pdf/pub_do0707military.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454015467 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:47:18 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.do-online.org/TheDO/wp-content/uploads/pdf/pub_do0707military.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454015467 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:47:13 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.com.msu.edu/osteomed/history.html/" (link search) on RID 454015467 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:47:07 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://nihrecord.od.nih.gov/newsletters/01_20_2004/retirees.htm/" (link search) on RID 454015467 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:47:01 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://history.osteopathic.org/laws.shtml/" (link search) on RID 454015467 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:46:56 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://history.osteopathic.org/educate.shtml/" (link search) on RID 454015467 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:46:51 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://history.osteopathic.org/educate.shtml/" (link search) on RID 454015467 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:46:47 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://coursesa.matrix.msu.edu/~hst425/readings/Berliner.htm/" (link search) on RID 454015467 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:46:41 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://armed-services.senate.gov/statemnt/2000/000302rb.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454015467 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:46:16 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/newsday/obituary.aspx?n=marcia-repanes-asimov&pid=149980085&fhid=3923" (link search) on RID 454015065 (diff) on page Isaac Asimov[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:45:48 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://preem.tejat.net/~tseng/Asimov/NonAsimov/White.html" (link search) on RID 454015065 (diff) on page Isaac Asimov[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:45:43 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.playboy.com/articles/arthur-clarke-playboy-interview/index.html?page=2" (link search) on RID 454015095 (diff) on page Arthur C. Clarke[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:43:39 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.amsa.org/about/ppp/osteo.cfm" (link search) on RID 454015008 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:43:34 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ama-assn.org/resources/doc/ethics/1847code.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454015008 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:43:30 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/article3587168.ece" (link search) on RID 454015095 (diff) on page Arthur C. Clarke[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:43:26 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/about-ama/our-history.full-list-annual-meetings-presidents.page?/" (link search) on RID 454015008 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:43:22 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://traynor.uchastings.edu/ballot_pdf/1962.pdf/" (link search) on RID 454015008 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:42:48 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://history.osteopathic.org/reccalif.shtml/" (link search) on RID 454015008 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:42:44 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://history.osteopathic.org/reccalif.shtml/" (link search) on RID 454015008 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:42:40 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://coursesa.matrix.msu.edu/~hst425/readings/Berliner/" (link search) on RID 454015008 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:42:36 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://coursesa.matrix.msu.edu/~hst425/readings/Berliner.htm/" (link search) on RID 454015008 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:42:31 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://coursesa.matrix.msu.edu/~hst425/readings/Berliner.htm/" (link search) on RID 454015008 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:42:19 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/newsday/obituary.aspx?n=marcia-repanes-asimov&pid=149980085&fhid=3923" (link search) on RID 454014699 (diff) on page Isaac Asimov[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:41:51 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://preem.tejat.net/~tseng/Asimov/NonAsimov/White.html" (link search) on RID 454014699 (diff) on page Isaac Asimov[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:39:40 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://databases.unesco.org/xtrans/stat/xTransStat.a?VL1=A&top=50&lg=0" (link search) on RID 454014699 (diff) on page Isaac Asimov[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:39:11 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://theneptunes.org/yuna-zarai-working-with-the-neptunes/" (link search) on RID 454014586 (diff) on page The Neptunes discography[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:29:18 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.tu.edu/departments.php?id=44" (link search) on RID 454013540 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:29:08 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=10205058" (link search) on RID 454013539 (diff) on page Cell growth[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:28:52 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.midwestern.edu/azcom/" (link search) on RID 454013540 (diff) on page Osteopathic medicine in the United States[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:28:12 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://wikibooks.org/wiki/Biology_Cell_biology_Introduction_Cell_size" (link search) on RID 454013539 (diff) on page Cell growth[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:27:17 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.psychosomaticmedicine.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=3863157" (link search) on RID 454013448 (diff) on page Bulimia nervosa[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:25:56 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Comunicato_4_ottobre_2011/hr" (link search) on RID 454013299 (diff) on page Censorship in Italy[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:24:33 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Comunicato_4_ottobre_2011/hr" (link search) on RID 454013182 (diff) on page Censorship of Wikipedia[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:24:28 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.regiments.org/regiments/uk/cav/ImpYeo.htm" (link search) on RID 454013174 (diff) on page Imperial Yeomanry[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:24:17 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.regiments.org/regiments/uk/cav/ImpYeo.htm" (link search) on RID 454013174 (diff) on page Imperial Yeomanry[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 2:13:13 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.visitkingsisland.com/attractions/newfor09.cfm" (link search) on RID 454012017 (diff) on page Diamondback (roller coaster)[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 1:53:32 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ncaa.org/wps/ncaa?key=/ncaa/ncaa/ncaa+news/ncaa+news+online/2009/division+i/nevadas+ault+wins+200th+game_10_13_09_ncaa_news&utm_source=delivra&utm_medium=email& (link search) on RID 454010040 (diff) on page Chris Ault[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 1:43:17 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.citadel.edu/pao/newsreleases/archives/sy00-01/grad01/about_citadel.htm" (link search) on RID 454008993 (diff) on page Denmark Vesey[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 1:43:12 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.citadel.edu/library/Knob/knob_v.htm#vese" (link search) on RID 454008993 (diff) on page Denmark Vesey[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 1:37:31 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://moef.nic.in/index.phpMinistry" (link search) on RID 454008390 (diff) on page India[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 1:35:11 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.sheffieldwind.com/sheffield/index.cfm" (link search) on RID 454007973 (diff) on page Wind power in Vermont[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 1:23:34 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.rtnda.org/asfi/awards/white.shtml" (link search) on RID 454007066 (diff) on page Peter Jennings[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 1:23:27 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.rtnda.org/asfi/awards/white.shtml" (link search) on RID 454007066 (diff) on page Peter Jennings[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 1:21:31 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.wtckungfu.com/body.html" (link search) on RID 454006923 (diff) on page Chum Kiu[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 1:21:26 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.enhancedsecurityprofessionals.com/html/wing_chun_kuen.shtml" (link search) on RID 454006923 (diff) on page Chum Kiu[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 1:13:26 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/04/eak/ht04eak.htm" (link search) on RID 454006172 (diff) on page History of Korea[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:59:49 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.etruth.com/know/news/story.aspx?ID=545280" (link search) on RID 454004554 (diff) on page United States House of Representatives elections in Indiana, 2012[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:55:19 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/masterp/albums/album/171038/review/6067611/ghetto_postage" (link search) on RID 454004139 (diff) on page Ghetto Postage[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:44:27 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.americanheritage.com/articles/magazine/ah/2006/5/2006_5_52.shtml" (link search) on RID 454002979 (diff) on page Ford Mustang[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:44:04 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.c21media.net/news/detail.asp?area=4&article=62171" (link search) on RID 454002940 (diff) on page PBS UK[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:39:37 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.knoxnews.com/kns/politics/article/0,1406,KNS_356_5312155,00.html" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:39:27 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.flablog.net/2005/02/devious-plan-ver-40.htm" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:39:21 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.excelined.org/Program/ViewPage.aspx?pr=4&pc=21" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:39:15 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.cnsnews.com/news/viewstory.asp?Page=/Politics/archive/200701/POL20070129b.html" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:38:58 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.aaregistry.com/african_american_history/895/Riot_erupts_in_Liberty_City" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:38:42 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://marcambinder.theatlantic.com/archives/2008/12/jeb_bush_ponders_florida_senat.php" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:37:57 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.rpos.org/ffbr" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:37:31 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ncsl.org/programs/transportation/tranrm_p.htm" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:37:26 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.nagb.org/about/nagb.html" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:37:03 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.miami.com/mld/miami/4043757.htm" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:36:50 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.floridacapitalnews.com/campaign/stories/1003classsize.htm" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:36:45 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.excelined.org/Program/ViewPage.aspx?pr=4&pc=21" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:36:29 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.dadeschools.net/schools/liberty_charter.htm" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:36:25 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060524/ap_on_sp_fo_ne/fbn_jeb_bush_nfl_commissioner" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:36:21 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4196/is_19991124/ai_n10558203" (link search) on RID 454002137 (diff) on page Jeb Bush[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:32:27 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.worldjewishcongress.org/communities/mideast/comm_iran.html" (link search) on RID 454001714 (diff) on page Persian Jews[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:32:15 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.sfusd.k12.ca.us/schwww/sch618/Ibn_Battuta/Battuta's_Trip_Three.html" (link search) on RID 454001714 (diff) on page Persian Jews[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:32:08 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/1998/02/03/intl/intl.3.html" (link search) on RID 454001714 (diff) on page Persian Jews[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:32:03 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://csmonitor.com/cgi-bin/durableRedirect.pl?/durable/1998/02/03/intl/intl.3.html" (link search) on RID 454001714 (diff) on page Persian Jews[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:31:41 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.dtownindustries.com/" (link search) on RID 454001679 (diff) on page Downingtown, Pennsylvania[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:13:27 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://charts.de/search.asp?search=lady+gaga&x=13&y=9&cat=s&country=de" (link search) on RID 453999444 (diff) on page Lady Gaga discography[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:12:33 AM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.krasnoyarsk.memorial.ru" (link search) on RID 453999267 (diff) on page Memorial (society)[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:12:01 AM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.bop.gov/iloc2/InmateFinderServlet?Transaction=NameSearch&needingMoreList=false&LastName=Rago&Middle=&FirstName=gregory&Race=U&Sex=U&Age=&x=0&y=0" (link search) on RID 453999232 (diff) on page DeCavalcante crime family[edit]
Oct 5, 2011 12:10:32 AM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.pnas.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=15340153" (link search) on RID 453999062 (diff) on page Metabolism[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:56:12 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://lparchive.org/Dwarf-Fortress-Syrupleaf/" (link search) on RID 453997475 (diff) on page Dwarf Fortress[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:41:05 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.chhgraduates.co.nz/ourcompany.htm" (link search) on RID 453995811 (diff) on page Tasman Mill[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:35:26 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.johannhari.com/archive/article.php?id=30" (link search) on RID 453995226 (diff) on page Institute for Historical Review[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:33:43 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://zxql3000.net/nerd/md_intro.php" (link search) on RID 453995039 (diff) on page Mega Duck[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:33:38 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/specialcollections/exhibitions/web/johnwesley/" (link search) on RID 453994953 (diff) on page John Wesley[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:32:11 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.footballresearch.com/articles/frpage.cfm?topic=rulesname" (link search) on RID 453994838 (diff) on page Tom Dempsey[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:32:01 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FCL/is_10_32/ai_102656419" (link search) on RID 453994838 (diff) on page Tom Dempsey[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:25:12 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.civilization.ca/vmnf/expos/champlain/oeuv_eng.html" (link search) on RID 453994007 (diff) on page Samuel de Champlain[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:25:07 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.civilization.ca/cmc/explore/virtual-museum-of-new-france/the-explorers/samuel-de-champlain" (link search) on RID 453994007 (diff) on page Samuel de Champlain[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:25:03 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.civilisations.ca/hist/biography/biographi201e.html" (link search) on RID 453994007 (diff) on page Samuel de Champlain[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:24:51 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://champlainquadricentennial.com/champlain/history" (link search) on RID 453994007 (diff) on page Samuel de Champlain[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:22:21 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfeIaFEXW0Y" (link search) on RID 453993683 (diff) on page Sofia Gubaidulina[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:21:13 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.fowb.org/jEllwood.html" (link search) on RID 453993497 (diff) on page Battle of the Wilderness[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:21:08 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.dean.usma.edu/history/web03/atlases/american_civil_war/" (link search) on RID 453993497 (diff) on page Battle of the Wilderness[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:20:56 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.bibliobase.com/history/readerscomp/civwar/html/cw_000106_entries.htm" (link search) on RID 453993497 (diff) on page Battle of the Wilderness[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:18:03 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/expressnews_template/article.cfm?id=6984" (link search) on RID 453993129 (diff) on page The Gateway (newspaper)[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:08:36 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.poynter.org/dg.lts/id.121895/content.content_view.htm" (link search) on RID 453991912 (diff) on page Jemele Hill[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:05:56 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://hnn.us/articles/37456.html" (link search) on RID 453991217 (diff) on page Alger Hiss[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:05:50 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/docs/v44i5a01p.htm" (link search) on RID 453991217 (diff) on page Alger Hiss[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:05:39 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=19971103&s=navasky" (link search) on RID 453991217 (diff) on page Alger Hiss[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:05:00 PM GMT -- HTTP 502 with URL "http://web.archive.org/web/20071020115852/http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=19971103&s=navasky" (link search) on RID 453991217 (diff) on page Alger Hiss[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:03:14 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://hnn.us/roundup/entries/5062.html" (link search) on RID 453991217 (diff) on page Alger Hiss[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:03:06 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://hnn.us/articles/11579.html" (link search) on RID 453991217 (diff) on page Alger Hiss[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 11:03:02 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/the_tls/Subscriber_Archive/History_Archive/article6770809.ece" (link search) on RID 453991217 (diff) on page Alger Hiss[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:52:06 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/psp/21/2/204/" (link search) on RID 453989901 (diff) on page Stanford marshmallow experiment[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:51:02 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://cherlloydfan.com/is-cher-lloyd-dating-kameelion.html" (link search) on RID 453989740 (diff) on page Cher Lloyd[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:49:05 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.cvsd.k12.pa.us/highschool/Pages/default.aspx" (link search) on RID 453989514 (diff) on page Conestoga Valley High School[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:47:05 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.acswasc.org/directory_searchdetail.cfm?O=1224&Schl=sherman&City=&Cat=0&Cnty=33&SchoolCat=Public%20School&Name=Sherman%20Indian%20High%20School&Page=1" (link search) on RID 453989208 (diff) on page Sherman Indian High School[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:45:44 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1147764" (link search) on RID 453988996 (diff) on page Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:38:21 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Comunicato_4_ottobre_2011/hr" (link search) on RID 453987920 (diff) on page Censorship of Wikipedia[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:37:03 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.jayski.com/pages/2012teams.htm/" (link search) on RID 453987735 (diff) on page 2012 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:34:11 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.kansas.com/2011/07/28/v-print/1952949/speea-members-reject-spirit-contract.html" (link search) on RID 453987379 (diff) on page Spirit AeroSystems[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:33:02 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.authentichistory.com/1898-1913/04-taft-wilson/3-1912election/19120922_Abyssinian_Treatment_of_Standard_Oil-Theodore_Roosevelt.html" (link search) on RID 453986585 (diff) on page Theodore Roosevelt[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:32:52 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://serv.ul.cs.cmu.edu/zoom/record.html?id=15584" (link search) on RID 453986585 (diff) on page Theodore Roosevelt[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:31:56 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.vw.vccs.edu/vwhansd/HIS122/Teddy/TR_Lion.html" (link search) on RID 453986585 (diff) on page Theodore Roosevelt[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:31:48 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.lvrda.org/Las" (link search) on RID 453987036 (diff) on page Symphony Park[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:31:02 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.nycpolicemuseum.org/html/tour/leadr1845.htm" (link search) on RID 453986585 (diff) on page Theodore Roosevelt[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:30:56 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.lib.msu.edu/vincent/presidents/index.htm" (link search) on RID 453986585 (diff) on page Theodore Roosevelt[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:29:56 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.americanheritage.com/articles/magazine/ah/1971/2/1971_2_60.shtml" (link search) on RID 453986585 (diff) on page Theodore Roosevelt[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:29:40 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://vvl.lib.msu.edu/record.cfm?recordid=509" (link search) on RID 453986585 (diff) on page Theodore Roosevelt[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:29:29 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Comunicato_4_ottobre_2011/hr" (link search) on RID 453986659 (diff) on page Censorship in Italy[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:20:57 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.charts.de/search.asp?search=george+harrison&x=0&y=0&cat=a&country=de" (link search) on RID 453985542 (diff) on page All Things Must Pass[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:20:25 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.workinggroupmgmt.com/artists/nsn/index.php" (link search) on RID 453985198 (diff) on page Never Shout Never[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:20:18 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.thebamboozle.com/bamboozleleft/home.php" (link search) on RID 453985198 (diff) on page Never Shout Never[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:20:12 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.thebamboozle.com/bamboozle/lineup/?section=artists" (link search) on RID 453985198 (diff) on page Never Shout Never[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:19:41 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://thebamboozle.com/roadshow/home.php" (link search) on RID 453985198 (diff) on page Never Shout Never[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:19:33 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://supjustin.com/post/92676971/nsnsummer" (link search) on RID 453985198 (diff) on page Never Shout Never[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:19:26 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=43428902&blogId=492924844" (link search) on RID 453985198 (diff) on page Never Shout Never[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:19:15 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=43428902&blogID=467070586" (link search) on RID 453985198 (diff) on page Never Shout Never[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:19:06 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.shockhound.com/features/529-nevershoutnever---positive-vibrations" (link search) on RID 453985198 (diff) on page Never Shout Never[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:18:44 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Never-Shout-Never-in-the-bw-1502217201.html?x=0&.v=1" (link search) on RID 453985198 (diff) on page Never Shout Never[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:18:00 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.deh.gov.au/parks/kakadu/artculture/seasons.html" (link search) on RID 453985006 (diff) on page Season[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:12:07 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://canadianeconomy.gc.ca/english/economy/1871Uniform_Currency_Act.html" (link search) on RID 453984165 (diff) on page Canadian dollar[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:07:53 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://supreme.justia.com/us/285/312/case.html" (link search) on RID 453983625 (diff) on page Judicial tyranny[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:06:01 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.nsnews.com/issues99/w011899/para.html" (link search) on RID 453983398 (diff) on page Darrell Mussatto[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:05:54 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/election2008/reports/report_results_elected.asp?etype='MAYOR'&experience=&gender=&acclamation=" (link search) on RID 453983398 (diff) on page Darrell Mussatto[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:01:02 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.chilliwacktimes.com/news/These+Kids+Wear+Crowns/2813807/story.html?id=2813807" (link search) on RID 453982737 (diff) on page These Kids Wear Crowns[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 10:00:06 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/mockler.html" (link search) on RID 453982623 (diff) on page Water[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:57:57 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.nasl.com/article/rhinos-eliminated-from-open-cup-on-late-goal" (link search) on RID 453982104 (diff) on page 2010 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Final[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:57:48 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mlssoccer.com/matchcenter-recap/usoc-two-goal-jaqua-praises-team-effort" (link search) on RID 453982104 (diff) on page 2010 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Final[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:57:39 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mlssoccer.com/matchcenter-recap/seattle-defeat-chivas-will-defend-usoc-crown-final" (link search) on RID 453982104 (diff) on page 2010 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Final[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:57:33 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mlssoccer.com/matchcenter-recap/lenhart-keeps-crew-alive-stoppage-time-strike" (link search) on RID 453982104 (diff) on page 2010 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Final[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:57:24 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mlssoccer.com/matchcenter-recap/late-drama-pushes-crew-past-dc-open-cup-final" (link search) on RID 453982104 (diff) on page 2010 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Final[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:57:18 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mlssoccer.com/matchcenter-recap/crew-rout-battery-usoc-semis-first-time-02" (link search) on RID 453982104 (diff) on page 2010 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Final[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:57:11 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mlssoccer.com/content/rapids-face-la-galaxy-us-open-cup-play-match" (link search) on RID 453982104 (diff) on page 2010 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Final[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:55:26 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://in.news.yahoo.com/photos/actor-dwayne-johnson-arrives-world-premiere-fast-five-photo-220934528.html" (link search) on RID 453981903 (diff) on page Fast Five[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:53:45 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.xairforces.net/newsd.asp?newsid=553&newst=1" (link search) on RID 453981681 (diff) on page Lockheed C-5 Galaxy[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:49:20 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.indiaretailing.com/news.aspx?topic=1&Id=6186" (link search) on RID 453981056 (diff) on page Gold Souk Grande Mall Chennai[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:43:56 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://library.sc.edu/spcoll/hist/Lords/Lords.html" (link search) on RID 453980188 (diff) on page Lords Proprietor[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:41:49 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.trainingmag.com/training/reports_analysis/top100/2005/rankings.jsp" (link search) on RID 453979834 (diff) on page AlliedBarton[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:36:15 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.star-telegram.com/sports/columnists/jim_reeves/story/132033.html" (link search) on RID 453979036 (diff) on page Rick Porcello[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:34:33 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.nasl.com/article/rhinos-eliminated-from-open-cup-on-late-goal" (link search) on RID 453978728 (diff) on page 2010 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Final[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:34:28 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mlssoccer.com/matchcenter-recap/lenhart-keeps-crew-alive-stoppage-time-strike" (link search) on RID 453978728 (diff) on page 2010 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Final[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:34:22 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mlssoccer.com/matchcenter-recap/late-drama-pushes-crew-past-dc-open-cup-final" (link search) on RID 453978728 (diff) on page 2010 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Final[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:34:16 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mlssoccer.com/matchcenter-recap/crew-rout-battery-usoc-semis-first-time-02" (link search) on RID 453978728 (diff) on page 2010 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Final[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:31:34 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://azdailysun.com/news/state-and-regional/article_16237697-cc3c-52fb-a6b0-39e3de8d12f3.html" (link search) on RID 453978378 (diff) on page United States Senate election in Arizona, 2012[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:28:53 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.thestatesman.net/page.arcview.php?clid=4&id=202930&usrsess=1" (link search) on RID 453977601 (diff) on page Santhosh George Kulangara[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:28:35 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.limcabookofrecords.in/record_gallery.asp?sid=2626&catname=Television" (link search) on RID 453977601 (diff) on page Santhosh George Kulangara[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:28:24 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ibnlive.com/news/sci-tech/03_2007/1st-indian-space-tourist-ready-to-fly-36104.html" (link search) on RID 453977601 (diff) on page Santhosh George Kulangara[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:28:05 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.deccanherald.com/Content/Aug62007/national2007080617489.asp?section=updatenews" (link search) on RID 453977601 (diff) on page Santhosh George Kulangara[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:27:39 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://content.msn.co.in/News/National/NationalIANS_080807_0830.htm" (link search) on RID 453977601 (diff) on page Santhosh George Kulangara[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:25:28 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.jfklibrary.org/Historical+Resources/Archives/Reference+Desk/Speeches/JFK/003POF03SpaceEffort09121962.htm" (link search) on RID 453977405 (diff) on page Apollo program[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:19:31 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.indiaretailing.com/news.aspx?topic=1&Id=6186" (link search) on RID 453976382 (diff) on page Vandalur[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:13:49 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.osischool.com/concept/Communication/TransTime/" (link search) on RID 453975348 (diff) on page Transmission time[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 9:13:06 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.kernhigh.org/liberty/" (link search) on RID 453975274 (diff) on page Liberty High School (Bakersfield, California)[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:58:50 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://igem2006.com/results.htm" (link search) on RID 453972816 (diff) on page IGEM[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:55:51 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=lljc&fileName=001/lljc001.db&recNum=109" (link search) on RID 453972271 (diff) on page First Continental Congress[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:54:21 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/publications/facts/obesity/en/" (link search) on RID 453971917 (diff) on page Physical exercise[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:54:14 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.aakp.org/aakp-library/Physical-Activity-and-Exercise/http://www.aakp.org/aakp-library/Physical-Activity-and-Exercise/" (link search) on RID 453971917 (diff) on page Physical exercise[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:45:03 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://net.bible.org/bible.php?book=Joh&chapter=7#n139" (link search) on RID 453968814 (diff) on page New Testament[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:42:48 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.frommers.com/destinations/losangeles/0014020044.html/" (link search) on RID 453969458 (diff) on page Taxicabs of the United States[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:42:42 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.ladot.lacity.org/about_Commissions_taxicab_records.htm/" (link search) on RID 453969458 (diff) on page Taxicabs of the United States[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:41:16 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.errantskeptics.org/DatingNT.htm" (link search) on RID 453968814 (diff) on page New Testament[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:35:29 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mumbaimirror.com/net/mmpaper.aspx?page=article&sectid=30&contentid=200712082007120803031296876eff91c" (link search) on RID 453967819 (diff) on page Golmaal Returns[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:35:18 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.mumbaimirror.com/net/mmpaper.aspx?page=article&sectid=30&contentid=20071208200712080303049064ee9c7d3" (link search) on RID 453967819 (diff) on page Golmaal Returns[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:31:08 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://canucks.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=594316" (link search) on RID 453967034 (diff) on page 2011–12 Vancouver Canucks season[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:29:47 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.bricartsmedia.org/performing-arts/celebrate-brooklyn/2011-season" (link search) on RID 453966766 (diff) on page Brooklyn Philharmonic[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:22:39 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.austriancharts.at/search.asp?search=jovanotti&cat=s" (link search) on RID 453965303 (diff) on page Jovanotti discography[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:22:34 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.paralympic.org.au/DownloadDocument.aspx?Original=true&DocumentID=9093275b-c9c0-466a-b54e-909cba9b0cc8" (link search) on RID 453965243 (diff) on page Ellie Cole[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:20:36 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIoMfW63apk" (link search) on RID 453964889 (diff) on page 1978 Holiday Inn fire[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:20:28 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.portalmundos.com/mundoliteratura/escritores/cela.htm" (link search) on RID 453964785 (diff) on page Camilo José Cela[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:20:21 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.lavozdegalicia.es/especiales/camilo/noticia.jsp?TEXTO=100000010438" (link search) on RID 453964785 (diff) on page Camilo José Cela[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:19:52 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.ajah.ca/" (link search) on RID 453964747 (diff) on page List of foundations in Canada[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:16:06 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.hotdogonastick.com/aboutus.html" (link search) on RID 453963544 (diff) on page Corn dog[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:14:23 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.cozydogdrivein.com/history.html" (link search) on RID 453963544 (diff) on page Corn dog[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:13:56 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_19960926/ai_n14066122" (link search) on RID 453963436 (diff) on page Silk Smitha[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:10:20 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://geodepot.statcan.ca/GeoSearch2006/GeoSearch2006.jsp?resolution=H&lang=E&otherLang=F&census=Yes&DisplayData=Yes&NewImage=yes&layer=csd&IdentName=Shoal%20Lake%20(Part)%2040%20(IRI)&IdentUID=4601079" (link search) on RID 453962683 (diff) on page Shoal Lake 40 First Nation[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:10:14 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://geodepot.statcan.ca/GeoSearch2006/GeoSearch2006.jsp?resolution=H&lang=E&otherLang=F&census=Yes&DisplayData=Yes&NewImage=yes&layer=csd&IdentName=Shoal%20Lake%20(Part)%2040%20(IRI)&IdentUID=3560082" (link search) on RID 453962683 (diff) on page Shoal Lake 40 First Nation[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:10:09 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://geodepot.statcan.ca/GeoSearch2006/GeoSearch2006.jsp?resolution=H&lang=E&otherLang=F&census=Yes&DisplayData=Yes&NewImage=yes&layer=csd&IdentName=Shoal%20Lake%20(Part)%2040%20(IRI)&IdentUID=3560082" (link search) on RID 453962683 (diff) on page Shoal Lake 40 First Nation[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:04:28 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.erionet.org/JIM+Romania.htm" (link search) on RID 453960699 (diff) on page Bucharest[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:04:15 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.cotidianul.ro/numarul_studentilor_straini_din_romania_s_a_dublat-44485.html" (link search) on RID 453960699 (diff) on page Bucharest[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:04:07 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.ase.edu.ro/engleza/life_bucharest/history.asp" (link search) on RID 453960699 (diff) on page Bucharest[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:03:34 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.newnownext.com/2011/08/19/the-a-list-dallas-taylor-sassy-gay-republican-taylor-video-interview-exclusive" (link search) on RID 453961329 (diff) on page The A-List: Dallas[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:02:09 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www2.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/secretarias/relacoes_internacionais/ingles/descentralized_cooperation/sister_cities/0001" (link search) on RID 453960699 (diff) on page Bucharest[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:01:41 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.onlinegallery.ro/gradina_bot_bucurestie.html" (link search) on RID 453960699 (diff) on page Bucharest[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 8:01:34 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.daily-news.ro/article_detail.php?idarticle=5737" (link search) on RID 453960699 (diff) on page Bucharest[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:50:29 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://edition.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/03/29/japan.comfort.women.02/" (link search) on RID 453958857 (diff) on page Rising Sun Flag[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:50:10 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpTCNg7XMZ8" (link search) on RID 453958773 (diff) on page Madeleine Carroll[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:50:04 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuuxSUYnoD4" (link search) on RID 453958773 (diff) on page Madeleine Carroll[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:43:35 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.friendsofsellyoakpark,org.uk" (link search) on RID 453957394 (diff) on page Selly Oak[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:41:22 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/entertainment/showbiz-news/celebrity-interviews/2009/02/27/i-m-delighted-to-have-been-given-second-chance-for-pop-career-says-saturdays-singer-frankie-sandford-86908-21156390/" (link search) on RID 453956956 (diff) on page Dougie Poynter[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:40:38 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.3/" (link search) on RID 453956799 (diff) on page Debian[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:40:32 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.1/" (link search) on RID 453956799 (diff) on page Debian[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:35:59 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://encarta.msn.com/media_701508643/Smallpox_Through_History.html" (link search) on RID 453955198 (diff) on page Atlantic slave trade[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:35:35 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.millersville.edu/~winthrop/Thornton.html" (link search) on RID 453955198 (diff) on page Atlantic slave trade[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:35:28 PM GMT -- Connection failure with URL "http://www.memoirestbarth/EN/" (link search) on RID 453955198 (diff) on page Atlantic slave trade[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:35:11 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.aspbae.org/sites/default/files/SR%201%20-%20South%20Asia_0.pdf/" (link search) on RID 453955749 (diff) on page Institute of Rural Management[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:34:49 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.econ.ilstu.edu/vitas/rlcohn.html" (link search) on RID 453955198 (diff) on page Atlantic slave trade[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:33:20 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.rmc.ca/other/rmc_band/services/index_e.html" (link search) on RID 453955415 (diff) on page Royal Military College of Canada Bands[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:32:46 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.africawithin.com/kwaku/afrikan_involvement.htm" (link search) on RID 453955198 (diff) on page Atlantic slave trade[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:30:30 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://forages.oregonstate.edu/is/ssis/main.cfm?PageID=162" (link search) on RID 453954870 (diff) on page Soil classification[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:30:23 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://fbe.uwe.ac.uk/public/geocal/SoilMech/classification/" (link search) on RID 453954870 (diff) on page Soil classification[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:28:07 PM GMT -- HTTP 500 with URL "http://www.indiaretailing.com/news.aspx?topic=1&Id=6186" (link search) on RID 453954448 (diff) on page List of shopping malls in India[edit]
Oct 4, 2011 7:27:39 PM GMT -- HTTP 404 with URL "http://www.unf.edu/library/guides/originalresearch.html" (link search) on RID 453954391 (diff) on page Research[edit]