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Wikipedia:GLAM/Humanists UK/Events/World Press Freedom Wikithon

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World Press Freedom Day 2020


World Press Freedom Wikithon
Key information
When?Sunday 3 May 13.00 - 17.00

About the event


The freedom of the press has been centrally important in the history of humanism, and its defence a thread running throughout. Many of humanist heritage’s key individuals, both well and lesser known, have fought for press freedom as writers, publishers, booksellers, and readers. Join Humanists UK on World Press Freedom Day to improve the representation of these figures on Wikipedia.

Drawing on Humanists UK’s Humanist Heritage project, we will create, edit, and add to Wikipedia entries relating to press freedom, highlighting the contributions of humanists and freethinkers. Learn more about the fascinating history of campaigns for press freedom whilst developing your digital skills and learning how to edit Wikipedia.

Both beginners and more experienced editors are welcome to join in.

Useful sources


Creative Commons Search

Articles to create

Article Relevance Sources
Susannah Wright Tried for blasphemous libel after selling pamphlets in the shop of Richard Carlile. Gave an impassioned speech in her own defence. Senate House Blog, 'She Champion of Impiety' by Christian Parolin, Report of the Trial of Mrs Susannah Wright, 1822
Austin Holyoake A printer and the brother of George Jacob Holyoake. Assisted Bessie Parkes and Emily Faithfull, of the Society for Promoting the Employment of Women, in proving that printing could be a suitable occupation for women. Austin Holyoake: ODNB, A Biographical Dictionary of Freethinkers of All Ages and Nations, The London Heretics, Freethought in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth
Blasphemy Law in Northern Ireland Although abolished in England and Wales, blasphemous libel remains an offence under the common law of Northern Ireland. Blasphemous libel, Campaign to Get Rid of NI Blasphemy Laws, Humanists UK: Repealing Blasphemy Laws, Campaign to repeal Northern Ireland 'archaic' blasphemy laws
Northern Ireland Humanists A section of Humanists UK, currently unrepresented on Wikipedia. Northern Ireland Humanists, Humanist weddings: Non-religious weddings rise in Northern Ireland, Humanists take on pastoral care role for atheists in Northern Ireland prison, Humanists launch Northern Ireland’s first billboards advertising legal same-sex marriages, Congratulations! The First Legally Recognised Humanist Marriages In Northern Ireland Took Place This Weekend

Articles to improve

Article Relevance Sources
Thomas Aikenhead Example Example
Peter Annet Example Example
Thomas Paine Example Example
William Johnson Fox Example Example
Richard Carlile Example Example
Henry Hetherington Example Example
Percy Bysshe Shelley Example Example
Eliza Sharples Example Example
Edward Truelove Example Example
Matilda Roalfe Example Example
Charles Southwell Example Example
George Jacob Holyoake Example Example
Charles Bradlaugh Example Example
Charles Watts Example Example
Annie Besant Example Example
Charles Albert Watts Example Example
John William Gott Example Example
Margaret Knight Example Example
Francis Williams Example Example
James Kirkup Example Example
Ephraim Chambers Example Example
John Baskerville Example Example
Whitehouse v Lemon Example Example
LGBT Humanists UK Example Example
Eric Lubbock, 4th Baron Avebury Example Example
Defamation of religion and the United Nations Example Example



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