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Wikipedia:WikiProject India/India Quiz/11

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Welcome to Quiz No: 11 of India Quiz
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Quiz Questions

QUESTION 1: Born a Princess, wed to be queen, I was considered as one of the most beautiful women in the world. I was a politician and I died in 2009. Who am I ?
ANSWER 1: Gayatri Devi

QUESTION 2: Connect Veerappan and O V Vijayan
ANSWER 2: Dharmapuri

QUESTION 3: I am an actor and my father was also an actor. My first movie was in the mid seventies. My last movie (till now) was in 2005. Who am I?
ANSWER 3: Preeti Ganguly

QUESTION 4: Why was Coca Cola banned in India in the 1970s?
ANSWER 4: Coca-Cola was banned from import in India in 1970 as a result of the corporation's refusal to release the list of its ingredients

QUESTION 5: This fort is supposed to have been built by an ally of the Kauravas. The fort was heavily damaged in an earthquake in the early 20th century. Name the fort.
ANSWER 5: Kangra Fort

QUESTION 6: Give me the modern names of Sutudri, Vitasta, Vipasa and Iravati.
ANSWER 6: Sutlej, Jhelum, Beas, Ravi

QUESTION 7: Connect Sanskrit with ALGOL.
ANSWER 7: Pāṇini.The grammar of Algol was described by John Backus. It turns out that the method Backus used to describe ALGOL was essentially the same as that used by Panini to describe Sanskrit. As a result, this method is sometimes referred to Panini-Backus Form (also known as BNF).

QUESTION 8: Jyoti Basu was the first to do this in India back in 1995. What am I talking about?
ANSWER 8: Made the first cell-phone call in India.

QUESTION 9: This test cricketer could be considered a freedom fighter as well. Who am I talking about?
ANSWER 9: Buck Divecha

QUESTION 10: Which flower cannot be offered to Shiva, and what's the story behind it?
ANSWER 10: Ketaki for bearing false witness.

QUESTION 11: Connect a source of nourishment for the Pandavas with a source of nourishment for 4,00,000 school children.
ANSWER 11: Akshaya Patra. In the second case, it is a scheme run by ISKCON in Bangalore that gave impetus to government schemes about mid-day meals for school kids all over India.

QUESTION 12: X was a prominent Indian at the 1979 Academy Awards. Connect X and Ritu Kumar, the famous fashion designer.
ANSWER 12: X is Vidhu Vinod Chopra. His movie was first from India to be nominated and Little Terrorist, from director Ashvin Kumar (son of Ritu Kumar), is the second Indian film to be nominated for an Oscar in the live action short film category.

QUESTION 13: He started his career in Hongkong. Is credited with starting a known company as well as a known college. His star sign is Pisces.
FirstThe person is not alive.
SecondThink of someone very famous, more like a legend
QUESTION 14: Give an example of superfecundation from Indian mythology
ANSWER 14: Nakula and Sahadeva

QUESTION 15: Swan : 20  :: Parrot : ?
ANSWER 15: Suka Saptati(70 tales of the parrot) is a collection of erotic stories told by a parrot

QUESTION 16: We all know Lal Bal Pal. Who are Lal Lal Lal?
ANSWER 16: Lal-Lal-Lal are Tau Devi Lal, Bansi Lal and Bhajan Lal - the famous Lal trio's of Haryana.

QUESTION 17: We all know Ramanujan, the mathematician who was born in Tamilnadu. Another Ramanujan ,was also introduced to this world from Tamilnadu.
But this Ramanujan is not a person , then what is it ?
First The family to which this Ramanujan belongs was in news in mid-2006.To be more specific , International news.
Second The second sentence in the question has to be taken literally. When I said another Ramanujan, it is just Ramanujan.
Discovery of a minor planet (on 17th February 1988) which was observed from the soil of Tamilnadu from the facilities of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Kodaikanal, and that planet was named Ramanujan [10] after the Indian mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). This was the first and the last discovery of any such planet from India during the 20th century.
QUESTION 18: Once upon a time, it formed one of the eyes of a statue of a god enshrined in a mandir in Tamilnadu. What is it? And, what is its current name?
ANSWER 18: 'It' is a diamond. 'It's' current name is The Orlov. Reportedly, it once served as an eye of the statue of the presiding deity of the Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple of Srirangam

QUESTION 19: The film Mr And Mrs 55, Guru Dutt has played a cartoonist. Who actually drew the cartoons shown on screen as Guru Dutt’s works?
ANSWER 19: Three by Bal Thackeray. One by R. K. Laxman

QUESTION 20: This namesake of a yester-year Bollywood hero is an actor of Indian origin known for his roles in medical dramas on the TV abroad. Who are the two people I am talking about?
ANSWER 20: Jeetendra (original name Ravi Kapoor) and Ravi Kapoor

QUESTION 21: When was the last ashvamedha “reportedly” performed in India? Where and by whom? It may not have been as grandiose and mind blowing as the ones described in Hindu scriptures
ANSWER 21: The last known instance seems to be in 1716 CE by Jaya Sinah II, a prince of Jaipur.

QUESTION 22: Connect projectiles with outsourcing.
ANSWER 22: The Bangalore torpedo, also called The Bangalore and Bangalore sometimes. Bangalored is a verb used in context of outsourcing; so, the connect is Bangalore, which gave its name to these two terms.

QUESTION 23: History contains many references to the social evils that were conducted in our country during the middle ages. But unlike most others, this one is special, considering that it was "in favour"
of the lower castes. According to this primitive custom, members of the lower caste enjoyed the privilege of harassing women belonging to higher castes during certain months every year.
The male members of the lower caste were allowed to roam freely during the night to abduct women. Women who were so abducted were then considered as out-castes.
ANSWER 23: Mannappedi/Pulappedi from the Caste system in Kerala

QUESTION 24: Amitabh Bachchan was selected as a hero in this Bollywood comedy movie only after another person (who went on to become famous in his own right later on) did not accept it.
This was one of the first hits of Amitabh. Which film and who is the person?
ANSWER 24: Bombay to Goa/ Rajiv Gandhi

QUESTION 25: This one should be easy. He shared his last name with one of the US presidents. He is considered to be the founder of one of the state capitals. Who was he? Which state capital?