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List of Alien (franchise) characters

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The following is a list of character from the Alien series of films.



Science Officer Ash (ID# 111/C2/01X) (Ian Holm) is the Nostromo's science officer. He presses the crew to investigate the signal of unknown origin reminding them that failure to do so will result in a forfeiture of shares. Later he allows Lambert, Dallas and Kane back onto the ship despite Ripley's refusal to do so. It is later revealed that he is an android placed on the crew by the company to ensure the return of any alien lifeforms and fulfillment of all company contracts.

As Science Officer, Ash had the final say on everything related to the Weyland-Yutani Company Science Division. This included medical treatment, biological research, and investigation of any possible intelligent life forms encountered. He abruptly replaced the previous science officer, whom Captain Dallas had shipped out with six times before, just as the Nostromo left Thedus for its return journey to Earth. Ash was generally quiet, well-mannered, and well-spoken. Although Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley was suspicious of him, the rest of the crew treated Ash like any other crew member. Over Ripley's objections, Dallas entrusted Ash with all science decisions.


Engineering Technician S.E. Brett (Harry Dean Stanton), is an engineering technician on board the Nostromo. He is the first to encounter the fully grown Alien while searching for Jones. He is killed and dragged into an air duct (it is revealed in a deleted scene that Brett is cocooned by the Alien and is transforming into an Egg).


Captain A.J. Dallas (Tom Skerritt), the laid-back captain of the Nostromo, has sole access to "Mother", the ship's on-board computer. He was attacked and presumably killed by the xenomorph in the air duct tunnels trying to blow the alien out of the ship into outer space through the airlock. However, in the deleted scene "Cocoon", Ripley found that he was trapped in the Alien's nest along with Brett. Ripley then kills him with a flamethrower.


Jones is a cat onboard the Nostromo. Jones witnesses the Alien killing Brett. He is saved by Ripley and goes into hypersleep with her. (Jones also appears at the beginning of the sequel Aliens.)


Executive Officer G. W. Kane (John Hurt), operates as the second-in-command aboard the Nostromo. During his investigation of the derelict space ship, an unknown life-form attaches itself to his face and (unknown to him and to the crew) impregnates him with an alien creature. The creature unexpectedly bursts through his chest and kills him during the crew's dinner. (Jon Finch was originally cast for the role of Kane, had to drop out of the film after falling ill during the first day of shooting[citation needed].) In Alan Dean Foster's novelisation of Alien, Kane's first name was given as "Thomas."

Kane is spoofed in the movie Spaceballs.


Navigator J.M. Lambert (Veronica Cartwright), the only other female on the ship save for Ripley, pilots the Nostromo. Nervous by nature, she becomes panic stricken as the events unfold. Frozen in horror, she witnesses Parker's death and is killed by the Alien soon after.


Chief Engineer J.T. Parker (Yaphet Kotto), works as the chief engineer on board the ship, with Brett as his assistant. Pushy and acerbic, he is a constant complainer and along with Brett, demands more money for investigating the Alien transmission. He is at odds with Ripley and the two dislike each other. He gets along with the other members of the crew well enough. He dies when he is unable to attack the Alien with his flamethrower due to Lambert being in the way. He tries to physically assault the Alien but is almost instantly overpowered. The Alien then impales his head instantly killing him.


Warrant Officer Ellen L. Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), serves as an officer on board the Nostromo. She has a strong distrust of her fellow crewmate Ash after he disobeys her order not to let the infected Kane back on the ship. Eventually, she becomes the only survivor of the crew's encounter with the alien.

The Alien

The Alien is the murderer of his "host", Kane, and killed nearly all of the other crew members. The Alien is killed when it was sucked into the vacuum of space. Ash referred to the Alien as Kane's Son.



Master Sergeant Al Apone (Al Matthews) Apone was the leader of the squad that went to LV-426. He was attacked during the first alien ambush after Gorman ordered the use of only incinerator units in the hive. He was presumably impregnated by an alien and died when the atmosphere processor exploded.


Executive Officer "Bishop" 341-B (Lance Henriksen) was the android assigned to the Sulaco, primarily responsible for planetary maneuvering. Unlike Ash, he was loyal to his seniors, colleagues and Ripley and saved them by bringing down the second dropship. He was ripped apart by the Alien queen but was repairable. He was put in hypersleep on the Sulaco.


Carter Burke (Paul Reiser) was a corporate lawyer who often comforted Ripley and became her friend while she was at Gateway Station above Earth. After learning of the derelict ship from Ripley, he directed the colonists on LV-426 to investigate, but did not warn them of the danger. He accompanied the squad aboard Sulaco, presumably to safeguard the company's investment in the terraforming colony. He was later revealed to be a traitor who would smuggle the alien past ICC Quarantine through Ripley, by getting her impregnated by a facehugger. He would sabotage the cryochambers and get the marines killed. It is not known whether he was forced to do this by the company, as they obviously cared little about their employees and would make them do anything, or this was his own idea. He locked himself in a room and sealed the others in with the aliens when they attacked Ops, and an alien attacked him. While he is presumed dead, there was a cut scene where Ripley sees him in the hive and he claims he can feel the chest burster moving and she gives him a grenade to cut his anguish short. Further, in any case he would have died when the processor exploded at the end of the film. While certainly of questionable ethics and moral integrity, Burke is seen at several points in the film as sympaphetic. After revealing that Ripley's had been frozen for 57 years, and that her daughter had since deceased, he exhibits some sensitivity and condolence towards a heartbroken Ripley. Also he is seen offering Pvt. Hudson medical assistance after his arm is burned by Xenomorph acid.


Private Tip Crowe (Tip Tipping) is one of the first marines killed when the platoon is attacked in the alien hive. He dies when the ammo Frost was carrying explodes.


Corporal Cynthia Dietrich (Cynthia Dale Scott) was the unit's corpsman (medic), and gave Newt an examination when they first found her. Dietrich later became the first victim of the aliens when her Marine squad entered the hive (atmosphere processing station). It was presumed that she become cocooned by the Aliens to be impregnated by a facehugger and killed by the Atmosphere Processing Station's explosion.


Private Mark Drake (Mark Rolston) was the Smartgunning partner of Vasquez. He was killed during the first encounter with the aliens, when Vasquez shot an alien warrior beside him, and he was covered in its acidic blood.


Corporal Colette Ferro (Colette Hiller) was the dropship pilot. She was not present during the first alien attack. Afterwards Corporal Hicks ordered an evacuation from the planet, but Ferro was killed in midair by an alien that had snuck into the dropship. Her death is not shown but there is a large amount of blood sprayed on the windshield of the dropship.


Private Ricco Frost (Ricco Ross) was given the task of carrying the platoon's ammunition when they entered the hive under the nuclear reactor. He was killed when Corporal Dietrich accidentally triggered her flame-thrower and ignited the bag of ammunition.


Lieutenant William Gorman (William Hope) led the ill-fated mission to LV-426 until the first encounter with the aliens. He was inexperienced, having experienced 38 simulated drops, but only one previous combat drop. He was based in the control center of the APC, and was knocked out cold during Ripley's rescue of the marines after their first encounter with the aliens. He played a minor role in the following battles, and when Vasquez was injured during their escape he assisted her in committing a double-suicide/self-sacrifice by setting off one of his grenades.


Corporal Dwayne Hicks (Michael Biehn) was one of the Colonial Marines who took charge when the squad's Sergeant Apone was taken alive by the Aliens and commanding officer Lt. Gorman was knocked out. He was later wounded after a burst of fire on an alien encounter began to burn through his armor.

While not comfortable taking over the role as squad leader, his demeanor, unlike the machismo bravado of other squad members was likeable and impartial, and was open to all suggestions as to how to defeat the alien xenomorph invasion. During the holdout after surviving the first alien encounter, it becomes clear that a bond--perhaps something stronger developed between Ripley and himself as he showed her the mechanations of operating the pulse rifle.


Private First Class William Hudson (Bill Paxton) a Marine who was the squad's jokester and computer tech expert. He seemed arrogant and overconfident of his squad's firepower and abilities. However, he soon cracked under large amounts of stress after most of his Marine squad was taken or killed during the Alien attack in the hive (Atmosphere Processing Station), however, he snapped out of it later on. Like Vasquez, Private Hudson bravely fought to the end in the colony's operations room where Ripley and the rest of the few remaining Marines made their last stand. At the last minute, he was pulled through a floor grating by an Alien while he was providing cover for Ripley, Newt and the rest of his fellow Marines as they escaped. It was presumed he was taken to the hive to be cocooned and impregnated in the nest which was later destroyed by the nulcear explosion.


Rebecca 'Newt' Jorden (Carrie Henn) was the only survivor amongst the colonists on LV-426.


Ellen L. Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) goes with the Marines to LV-426 as a civilian advisor, having met the aliens previously.


Private Daniel Spunkmeyer (Daniel Kash) was the dropship crew chief and weapons officer. He is presumed to be killed shortly after takeoff, by an Alien that had snuck aboard the dropship.

Van Leuwen

Paul Van Leuwen (Paul Maxwell) was the chairman of the Interstellar Commerce Commission board that reviewed Ripley's case concerning the destruction of the Nostromo in Alien. He blew off Ripleys's claims of a hostile organism and then decided to have her flight license revoked, as well as putting her through months of medical evaluations.


Private First Class Jenette Vasquez (Jenette Goldstein) was a smartgunner on the Sulaco, partnered with Drake. Vasquez survived the hive and helped seal off the complex from the aliens. She fought and killed many aliens during the attack. She was injured by acidic blood from an alien that was shot at point blank range. Gorman killed Vasquez and himself using a grenade to avoid being taken by the aliens. Though the character is Latina, the actress who plays her is Jewish. Scholar Judith Halberstam, in her book titled Female Masculinity, wrote that the character is a strong example of female masculinity in film.


Private Trevor Wierzbowski (Trevor Steedman) is barely seen at all in the film. He is injured when the ammunition bag, which had been carried by Frost, detonates and is then attacked and either killed or taken by an Alien off-screen. (Only his horrified screams can be heard). He was armed with a flamethrower. Ironically, a small fan group called the "Wierzbowski Hunters" is dedicated to this character, although he received even less screen time than Private Crowe.


Mary (Barbara Coles) One of the cocooned colonists the Marines squad discovers alive in the hive (atmosphere processing station) who pleaded with the Marines to kill her. She subsequently died when a chestburster popped out of her chest and her body was torched by Sergeant Apone, after which the xenomorphs started attacking the Marines.


Operations Manager Al Simpson (Mac McDonald)


Assistant Operations Manager Lydecker (Bill Armstrong)

Russ Jorden

Russ Jorden (Jay Benedict) Newt’s father. One of the “wildcatters” (colonists/survey team) who Operating Manager Al Simpson sends beyond the colony to search for a derelict ship (Space Jockey’s spacecraft bomber) on vague orders of Carter Burke back on Earth. Russ Jorden and his wife went inside the Space Jockey’s derelict spacecraft to investigate, and discovered the ancient Alien egg nest, where he was then implanted by a facehugger. He is the second known human to be implanted by a face hugger since Nostromo crewmember Kane's discovery of the Alien egg nest and subsequent facehugger implantion 57 years earlier.

Ann Jorden

Ann Jorden (Holly de Jong) is Newt's mother, one of the "wildcatters" (colonists/survey team) who accompanied her husband, Russ Jorden, inside the discovered Space Jockey’s spacecraft bomber and presumed to have discovered the ancient Alien egg nest inside the ship. She later drags her husband's body (who was implanted by a facehugger) back to the family's tractor to radio for help from the colony.

Tim Jorden

Tim Jorden (Christopher Henn) is Newt's brother. He keeps his little sister company in the family's tractor as their parents investigate inside the Space Jockey’s ship.



Francis Aaron (Ralph Brown) was Superintendent Andrews' assistant. Several prisoners caught a glance at his personnel file the day he arrived, and discovered he had an IQ of only 85 - so they took to calling him "85". He redeems his doubting of Ripley and failure to participate in the plan to kill the xenomorph when he attacks the Bishop II, buying Ripley and Morse more time- he was gunned down moments later.


Superintendent Harold Andrews (Brian Glover) was the warden of Fury 161. He often began his addresses to the prisoners with "This is Rumor Control - here are the facts". He is killed by the Alien while trying to convince the prisoners that the Alien did not exist.


Dr. Jonathon Clemens (Charles Dance) was the medic of Fury 161. He explains to Ripley that he had been a promising physician (despite a secret addiction to morphine), and had been drunk while on call. There had been an accident and eleven of the forty men died, not because of their injuries, but because Clemens had prescribed the wrong dosage of painkiller. He was sentenced to seven years in prison and had his license reduced to a 3C. "At least I got off the morphine," he says wistfully. He served his term at Fury 161, and remained behind when the others decided to stay. He is killed when the xenomorph descends from the ceiling behind him and delivers a fatal bite to his head. The fourth casualty of the film.


Lenard Dillon (Charles S. Dutton) was what could be described as the religious leader of Fury 161. He had a history as a murderer and rapist of women, but like the remaining prisoners somehow managed to find God while incarcerated. He was eventually killed by the xenomorpth while trying to trap it in hot lead.


Theatrical cut: Arthur's fate is unknown. (Like many other inmates he is maybe killed in the fire during the failed attempt to trap the Alien.) Assembly cut: Arthur is killed by fellow inmate Golic during Golic's attempt to free the Alien.


Edward Boggs

Third inmate to be killed. Killed by the xenomorph exploring a compartment with Golic and Rains.


David (Pete Postlethwaite)

A more educated inmate who knew about the hazardous materials stored in the facility. Explains to Ripley why they call Aaron "85". Killed by the xenomorph during the plan to trap it in the furnace.


Killed by the xenomorph during the plan to trap it in the furnace.


Killed by a flash fire in the facility or by the xenomorph during the plan to trap it in the furnaces.


Ted Gillas

Attempts to rape Ripley and is physically assaulted by Dillon for doing so. Later sacrifices himself during the Quinitricetyline accident to both save Ripley and several other prisoners and draw the alien into isolation.


Walter Golic (Paul McGann) is the only survivor of the Alien's attack in the tunnel, where Boggs and Rains are killed. He is then put in medical, closely watched due to the others' belief that he is mentally unstable. He refers to the xenomorph as "the dragon". In the medical ward he tells Ripley briefly about how he used to be more normal when he was younger before he commited his particularly "brutal crimes". He is a sadistic person, which is shown when he utters "magnificent", as he sees Dr. Clemens killed by the xenomorph.

In the theatrical cut Golic's ultimate fate is not revealed. (From a logical narrative standpoint Golic would still be lying strapped down to the bed in the medical ward, as the colony Fiorina 161 is closed down at the end of the film, which would mean his death by starvation a few days later.)

In the assembly cut Golic persuades Morse to unstrap him in the medical ward after hearing that the Alien has been trapped. He then knocks Morse unconscious, kills Arthur, who is guarding the waste tank with the trapped Alien, and is subsequently killed when he releases the Alien from its entrapment, believing it to be a holy creature.


Killed during the plan to trap the xenomorph in the leadwork's furnace.


Alan Jude

Killed by the xenomorph running to Dillon during the plan to trap the xenomorph in the furnace. Wore a headwrap as clothing to differentiate the inmate from the inmate who wore a gauss headwrap due to burns.


Inmante who mentions how the xenomorph is very aggressive. The first to witness the xenomorph kill another inmate during the furnace plan. Killed by the xenomorph from a bite to his neck during the plan to trap the xenomorph in the furnace.


Robert Morse is one of the prisoners from "Fury 161". He helped Ripley escape the prison and aided in the destruction of the alien. He was the only prisoner to survive. At the end of Alien 3 he is seen being led away by Weyland-Yutani guards. He seems to be the most vocal about his skepticism of trying to survive the encounter with the xenomorph. Although cynical, he allegedly has a pact with God to live forever. According to the novelization of Alien: Resurrection, it is likely he wrote about his experiences, invoking the android Call to take action.


Thomas Murphy

The first killed by the xenomorph after the xenomorph spit acid into his face causing him to accidentally tumble into a large spinning fan, killing him "instantaneously". Murphy owned the dog Spike of which the xenomorph facehugger had impregnated resulting in a xenomorph with more dog-like features (AKA: the runner). However, in the special edition of Alien 3, the dog was not the creature attacked and 'impregnated.'


Daniel Rains

Second inmante killed. Killed by the xenomorph in the candle-lit tunnels when the alien ambushes him, Boggs and Golic.


Killed by a flash fire in the facility or by the xenomorph during the plan to trap it in the furnaces.


Killed by a flash fire in the facility or by the xenomorph during the plan to trap it in the furnaces.

Bishop II

Bishop II (Lance Henriksen) (In Alien VS. Predator : The Movie - he is found to be Mr. Weyland) is the designer of the Bishop androids. He arrived with the Weyland-Yutani soldiers and medical team. He came only to get the Alien Queen Chestburster out of Ripley on Fury 161. He gets hit with a lead pipe by Aaron, who believes Bishop to be an android, but found that he's very human (because there's some blood at the flip of his ear.). He asked Ripley to trust him, but she refused. For more information, Bishop II.


Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) awakes to find herself the only human survivor of the crash-landing on Fiorina 'Fury' 161 of the Sulaco's escape capsule.

Alien: Resurrection

Ripley 8

Ellen Ripley 8 (Sigourney Weaver) was a human/alien hybrid clone, generated from the DNA of the original Ellen Ripley's remains, recovered from Fury 161. She was the 8th clone, and the only successful one.


Annalee Call (Winona Ryder) is a member of The Betty. She is the latest recruit and has a secret mission to kill Ripley before the Scientists can remove the Alien Queen from Ripley. Call is, in secret, actually a "second generation" android; a robot designed and built by other robots. As the Ripley clone put it, "no human being could be that humane".


John Vriess (Dominique Pinon) is a member of The Betty. He is handicapped and confined to a wheelchair, but still remains a valuable member to the crew. He appears to be chief mechanic.


Johner (Ron Perlman) is a member of The Betty. He is a joker and has a bad temper. He constantly fights with Vriess, who he teases for being handicapped. Frequently seen with a rather toxic liquor of his own creation.


Christie (Gary Dourdan) is a member of The Betty. Christie is first mate and second in command of The Betty, and carries two disposable guns attached to his wrists. He died after sacrificing himself to save the others


Frank Elgyn (Michael Wincott) is captain of The Betty. Elgyn provides Gen. Perez with kidnapped humans still in cryostatis for money. He was romantically involved with Hillard. He is tricked by the aliens and killed by them when they place a weapon in the middle of a corridor and he checks it out, only to be killed by an alien.


Vincent DiStephano (Raymond Cruz) is a soldier in the United Systems Military. He was one of the soldiers sent to capture or kill the crew of the Betty, but is captured rather than killed by Hillard, and thus when the other soldiers leave he is left behind with them. He helps Ripley and the others escape the Auriga. He is killed onboard the Betty by the Newborn when he goes to check on Call.


Dr. Jonathon Gediman is one of the three scientists involved with resurrecting the Alien Queen. He is the first "victim" of the Aliens: when he enters the Aliens' cage to investigate their disappearance, he is grabbed by an Alien and taken away. He is then cocooned by the Aliens. When Ripley is taken to the Alien Queen, Gediman is overjoyed to witness the Queen give birth to the Newborn. But immediately after the Newborn kills the Queen, it bites into Gediman's skull, killing him.


Sabra Hillard

Assistant pilot of the "Betty," and romantically invovled with Elgyn.She eventually got taken by the aliens when they swim below the cooling station.


General Martin Perez

Perez ( Dan Hedaya) is the commanding military General of the medical research lab where Ripley is being cloned for the Alien Queen's resurrection. After destroying an escape pod carrying an alien, he is bitten in the back of the head by another alien, exposing his brain and killing him.


Larry Purvis

Rescued by the team unexpectedly, Purvis (Leland Orser) was one of their kidnapping victims and has the misfortune of being infected with an alien. He dies at the climax and takes the evil Dr. Wren with him, in a final sense of justice.


Dr. Mason Wren is one of the three scientists who worked on resurrecting the Alien Queen. He exposed Call as a 'terrorist' who was searching for information on the Alien and ordered marines (including Distephano) to kill her and the other mercenaries. This failed and they captured him. He acted as a guide to them until he betrayed them, shooting Call nonfatally and going to the Betty, hoping to get there before the others and escape, stranding them with the aliens. They got there at the same time and Purvis attacked Wren and Wren shot him several times but Purvis still managed to force Wren to his stomach and when his chest burst, he killed Wren as well.


  • Beautiful Monsters: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to the Alien and Predator Films (by David A. McIntee, Telos, 272 pages, 2005, ISBN 1-903889-94-4)