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== Lyra Forest 1 ==
== Lyra Forest 1 ==
Lyra Forest 1 is directly connected to Ringtown, Krokka Tunnel, and Lyra Forest 2. Lyra Forest 1 is the first part of Lyra Forest's 2 parts. There are many easy to capture Pokemon around here. A large, hollow tree stands in the middle of Ringtown and Krokka Tunnel. [[Chikorita]], [[Mudkip]], [[Taillow]], [[Pichu]], [[Bellsprout]], [[Swellow]], [[Politoed]], [[Bulbasaur]], [[Zigzagoon]], [[Linoone]], [[Torchic]], and [[Combusken]] can be captured.
Lyra Forest 1 is directly connected to Ringtown, Krokka Tunnel, and Lyra Forest 2. Lyra Forest 1 is the first part of Lyra Forest's 2 parts. There are many easy to capture Pokemon around here. A large, hollow tree stands in the middle of Ringtown butthole and Krokka Tunnel. [[Chikorita]], [[Mudkip]], [[Taillow]], [[Pichu]], [[Bellsprout]], [[Swellow]], [[Politoed]], [[Bulbasaur]], [[Zigzagoon]], [[Linoone]], [[Torchic]], and [[Combusken]] can be captured.

== Krokka Tunnel ==
== Krokka Tunnel ==

Revision as of 14:18, 30 April 2007

Fiore is the Italian word for flower. The Fiore region is where the video game Pokemon Ranger is set. There are 214 Pokemon in this region, 13 of them being legendary Pokemon. Aerodactyl is the only fossil Pokemon. 1 legendary Pokemon, Manaphy, is native to this region. 2 Pokemon, Corsola and Marill are made reference to as a rock or a doll. The Manaphy egg can be traded to Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. The crime syndicate here is the Go-Rock Squad. There are 3 towns and 1 city, each of them being based on a season. It always seems like thet season there. Ringtown is based on spring, Fall City is based on fall, Summerland is based on summer, and Wintown is based on winter. In each of these communities there is a Ranger Base, where the Pokemon Rangers work. There are no trainers here, only Pokemon Rangers, who capture Pokemon with a Capture Styler. To capture a Pokemon with a Capture Styler, you must use your Nintendo DS stylus to make loops around the Pokemon from 1 to 32 times. In every town or city there is a Ranger leader who oversees all of the communities. It is presumed the Rangers also live in the Ranger Base. Upstairs in the Ranger Base there are more Rangers and a Dragonite Bus which can give you rides from Ranger Base to Ranger Base after you prove you are a true Ranger by capturing it. Some Rangers have partner Pokemon which follow the Ranger(like in Pokemon Yellow)and use their Poke Assist when needed. The more times the Ranger makes a loop around a Pokemon, the more powerful the Poke Assist will be. Some partner Pokemon are Plusle, Minun, Fearow, Dodrio, Politoed, Pelipper, and Skarmory. All of of the Ranger Leader's partner Pokemon can fly, so they can get in touch with the other Ranger Leaders. They are also cared for by special Rangers upstairs in every Ranger Base. There are 3 Capture Challenges, designed to help Rangers become stronger. They are set up by the MC brothers-MC Fielder leads the Grassland Challenge, MC Fisher leads the Marine Challenge, and MC Arena leads the Arena Challenge. Capturing a Pokemon in each of these Challenges will get you points. Unfortunately, all of the Challenges have a time limit.


Ringtown is directly connected to Lyra Forest 1 and Kisara Plain. Ringtown is where the player begins the story, although he or she arrives in Fiore in the Fall City harbor. There is an old woman who owns a Zigzagoon and a man named Larry who owns a Taillow and provides the Rookie Mission for the player by asking the Rangers to rescue his Pokemon, although he seems doubtful of the new Ranger at first. The Ranger Leader here is Spenser, and his partner Pokemon is Fearow. Spenser used to be rivals with Joel in the past. Murph is one of the Rangers there. He is somewhat portly, slow, and clumsy. His Ranger Rank has not gone up in the last few years, and his partner Pokemon is Slowpoke. Murph does not get a lot of missions, but the ones he get are like "Change The Lightbulbs". Another main Ranger is the Solona if you picked a boy, and Lunick if you picked a girl. Although that Ranger has his or her partner Pokemon(Plusle or Minun), the player does not get her or his partner Pokemon until after she or he completes the Rookie Mission, where the Plusle or Minun will upset Larry's Taillow. This is also where you will find the Grassland Capture Challenge. Plus, this is where you capture the Dragonite, which will then give you rides to any town you have been at. Some pokemon have outragously large testecles .

Lyra Forest 1

Lyra Forest 1 is directly connected to Ringtown, Krokka Tunnel, and Lyra Forest 2. Lyra Forest 1 is the first part of Lyra Forest's 2 parts. There are many easy to capture Pokemon around here. A large, hollow tree stands in the middle of Ringtown butthole and Krokka Tunnel. Chikorita, Mudkip, Taillow, Pichu, Bellsprout, Swellow, Politoed, Bulbasaur, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Torchic, and Combusken can be captured.

Krokka Tunnel

Krokka Tunnel is directly connected to Lyra Forest 1, East Road, and Panula Cave. Krokka Tunnel is the first place where you see the Go-Rock Squad and battle the Go-Rock Quads. There is a small, inner cave where strong fighting type Pokemon live. There is a cliff right above Panula Cave, where you can see a Magikarp fisherman. Registeel, Deoxys, Tangela, Bellsprout, Diglett, Dugtrio, Magnemite, Magneton, Spinarak, Geodude, Graveler, Hariyama, Paras, Parasect, Zubat, Machop, Machamp, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Snubbull, Crawdaunt, Krabby, Camerupt, Kirlia, and Torkoal can be captured.

East Road

East Road is directly connected to Krokka Tunnel and Fall City. This is the first place where there will be a tough Pokemon to capture. It is just merely a small path to Fall City. Rhydon, Taillow, and Blaziken can be captured.

Fall City

Fall City is directly connected to East Road, Fall City harbor, Waterworks, Dusk Factory, and the Arena. Fall City is the only city in the Fiore region. The Ranger Leader here is Joel, and his patner Pokemon is Dodrio. Joel is more serious than Spenser, and they used to be rivals in the past. Some Rangers are Aria, Keith, and Lind. This is also home to Professor Hastings, the creator of the Capture Styler. There is an old woman with a Squirtle and a man with a Bulbasaur. There is also a woman with 6 Skitty. Points of intrest are the Joy Clock Tower and the unnamed fountain in the center. It's name will become the Ranger's name Fountain(Solona Fountain, Lunick Fountain, etc.)after the game is over. 2 figures of Horsea spray water tnto the fountain. The city seems to be a seaside port. There is also a man and his daughter who own Torchic and Snubbull plush dolls. After the game, in one small section of the town, there will be a sailor who will feel like he's being watched, only being haunted by an invisible Kecleon. Pichu, Kecleon, Ludicolo, Skitty, Jigglypuff, Meowth, Snubbull, and Makuhita.

Fall City Harbor

Fall City Harbor is directly connected to Fall City and Safra Sea. There is a lighthouse with a basement and a tourist center. In the tourist center there is a woman who owns a Charmander. There is a Lapras who will give you rides across Safra Sea to Summerland, but only after you rescue it from 2 Krabby. It's owner, the Lapras Guy looks like Scott from Pokemon Battle Frontier. Wingull, Krabby, Carvanha, Staryu, and Blastoise can be captured.


Waterworks is directly connected to Fall City. This is where all of Fall City's water supply comes from. Since there is a lot of water, many water Pokemon live here. There is also a lot of poison Pokemon, so there have been reports of poor drinking water. Most of the poison Pokemon were released by the Go-Rock Squad from another region, so Joel and the Waterworks crew decided to keep them there. The water quality is better since all of the poison Pokemon are now kept down lower, away from the water. They still create slippery sludge down there, though. It is hard to walk upwards in the tunnels because the water flows the other way. Corphish, Crawdaunt, Koffing, Drowzee, Rattata, Raticate, Grimer, Muk, Oddish, Meditite, Magnemite, Magneton, Tangela, Squirtle, Totodile, Croconaw, and Feraligatr can be captured.

Safra Sea

Safra Sea is directly connected to Fall City Harbor and Summerland. Whenever you want to go to Summerland from Fall City and vice versa on Lapras, you go through this area first. Many Wingull appear overhead when you do. This area is most famous for the Marine Capture Challenge, though. Notable features in the Marine Challenge are tiny sheets of ice scattered all around, crashed boats in the bottom right hand corner, a lighthouse, 2 small volcanoes, a rock that looks like a Corsola, and a rock that looks like a Solrock. In the crashed ship area, there is a lot of fog, and many Carvanha and Sharpedo lurk. The man at the lighthouse will stop the clock as he tells you about Psyduck, Mantine, and Wailmer. There are no Corsola or Solrock here, but there is some dark water in the shape of a heart, where many Luvdisc hide. Kyogre is the only Pokemon that can be captured in the Safra Sea that is not in the Marine Challenge. Goldeen, Seaking, Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra, Mantine, Luvdisc, Remoraid, Octillery, Wailmer, Magikarp, Gyarados, Staryu, Starmie, Psyduck, Pelipper, Carvanha, Sharpedo, and Kyogre can be captured.


Summerland is directly connected to Safra Sea and Olive Jungle. The Ranger Leader here is Cameron, and his partner Pokemon is Pelipper. Cameron is laid back, and gives people completely useless things as presents. Some Rangers here are Leilani and Percy, and his partner Pokemon is Politoed. There is a girl who owns a Phanpy. The entire town is like a huge peir, and every building excapt the Ranger Base is a thatched-roof hut. Summerland is a island, so it is tropical and warm all year round. On the beach there is a sand castle.

Olive Jungle 1

Olive Jungle is directly connected to Summerland, Jungle Relic, and Olive Jungle 2. It is a tropical and lush jungle with palm trees that Slakoth and Silcoon like to hide in. It is the first part of the Olive Jungle. The 2 grasses and the 2 flowers here are really just Oddish and Gloom. Treecko, Grovyle, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Mankey, Primeape, Gligar, Spinarak, Ekans, Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking, Shedinja, Phanpy, Electrike, Manectric, Paras, Wurmple, Silcoon, Oddish, Gloom, Heracross, and Mew.

Kisara Plain

Kisara Plain is directly connected to Ringtown. It is where the Grassland Capture Challenge is located. There is a man who will tell you about Slowpoke, Doduo, and Rapidash. The area has many ledges and patches of grass. Abra, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Spoink, Torchic, Combusken, Tauros, Bulbasaur, Doduo, Dodrio, Kecleon, Slowpoke, Rapidash, Spearow, Fearow, Tangela, Arcanine, Donphan, and Skarmory can be captured.

Lyra Forest 2

Lyra Forest 2 is directly connected to Lyra Forest 1. It is the second and last part of Lyra Forest. This part of Lyra Forest is a natural maze. Weepinbell and Victreebel swallow and spit people back to the forest entrance. There is a shrine in the forest, most likely praising Celebi. The trees here have Meowth, Ninjask, and Beedrill in them. Ivysaur, Venusaur, Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion, Hoppip, Machoke, Pinsir, Murkrow, Phanpy, Beautifly, Pichu, Pikachu, Taillow, Swellow, Scyther, Scizor, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Beedrill, Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja, Wartortle, Meowth, Spinarak, and Celebi can be captured.

Jungle Relic

Jungle Relic is directly connected to Olive Jungle. Jungle relic is a ruin in the Olive Jungle. It has 4 challenges, but the 4th one is said not to be done, for calamaties will fall on the land. Unfortunately, the challenge will be unknowingly done, filling the Jungle Relic with lava, and freeing the Entei trapped inside a statue. Once a challenge is completed, a fire will go on near the statue of Entei. The first challenge is the Challenge of Water. As you walk across a narrow bridge, Gyarados will fire 3 water balls, which may throw you down into a basement. Once you get to a small room, you will have to capture 2 Kingdra. The second challenge is the Challenge of Destruction. Pokemon will fall once you step on a switch. Those Pokemon can break the obstacles in your way. The blue obstacle is destroyed by a cut field move, the red obstacle is destroyed by a crush field move, the yellow obstacle is destroyed by a tackle field move, and the large yellow obstacle is destroyed by a double tackle field move. Once you reach the small room, allthe Pokemon you captured in this challenge will run away, leaving only Plusle or Minun. You will have to capture Salamence in the small room. The third challenge is the Challenge of Wind. Wind will blow from all directions at different times. The wind may throw you down into the basement. There are 2 paths you can take:the one to the left is shorter but more dangerous, and the one to the right is longer but less dangerous. In the small room you will have to capture a Flygon. The other Ranger(Lunick or Solona)suggests to see, not do, the fourth challenge. 2 researchers(really just 2 Go-Rock Squad members in disguise)that were there before are now gone, and once inside you will see the Go-Rock Quads abusing a Charizard. After chasing the Charizard all over the field, and possibly being pushed back by the many flame jets, and capturing the Charizard, Clyde will tell you thet capturing Charizard was the 4th challenge.