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{{ WAP assignment | course=Education Program:Rice University/Poverty, Gender, and Human Development Section 2 (Spring 2013) | university = Rice University | term = 2013 Q1 | project = }}
{{ WAP assignment | course=Education Program:Rice University/Poverty, Gender, and Human Development Section 2 (Spring 2013) | university = Rice University | term = 2013 Q1 | project = }}

This article does not read like feminist propaganda, as the person below thought. It reads like anti-feminist propaganda. This article is ridiculous. Reading below, it seems it was entirely re-written by some college students who wanted to claim that femicide is not a legitimate concept. This entry badly needs to be re-written.

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Revision as of 20:16, 1 November 2014

Template:WAP assignment

This article does not read like feminist propaganda, as the person below thought. It reads like anti-feminist propaganda. This article is ridiculous. Reading below, it seems it was entirely re-written by some college students who wanted to claim that femicide is not a legitimate concept. This entry badly needs to be re-written.

This article reads like feminist propaganda. If it can't be rewritten NPOV then it should be deleted. And since the term is designed as form of extreme POV propaganda I doubt it could ever be NPOV. --

I would hate to see this page deleted from Wiki --Survivor 01:16, 16 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

"In addition to the other categories of hate crime, gender is increasingly being included as a status category in State and Federal hate crime laws. The current study explored how prosecutors view gender as a status category in hate crime law, specifically in terms of their knowledge of gender-bias violence and their willingness to charge violence against women as a hate crime... The authors recommend adopting an advocacy approach that supports the notion of violence against women as an issue of power and control while at the same time educates and encourages prosecutors and the public to adopt a hate crime perspective on violence against women. " (McPhail & DiNitto 2005) Violence Against Women: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal

Engendering Hate Crime Policy: Gender, the "Dilemma of Difference," and the Creation of Legal Subjects by Valerie Jenness "discusses what feminist legal scholars refer to as "the dilemma of difference" that is inherent in hate-crime policy in the United States...

The author addresses how the dilemma of difference has been managed in the formulation of hate-crime policy in the United States, as it simultaneously addresses the ways in which gender is both distinct from and similar to other status provisions recognized in hate-crime law, i.e., race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc." (Jenness 2003) Journal of Hate Studies

Wouldn't the policies of the Taliban when they ruled Afghanistan be considered femicide or gendercide?

Gendercide of men

I'm going to delete this nonsense. It is not encyclopedic in any sense and has nothing to do with femicide. If someone wants to attempt a separate article on specifically killing men, they are welcome, but this stuff does not belong here. Femicide is a serious topic that deserves respectful attention and discourse. Myron 12:33, 16 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Why is Gendercide of men nonsense? For instance the story of Moses, and more recently in the balkans. Gendercide is a serious topic, but since femicide is redirected from gendercide this topic belongs here. Also, the killing of men because of their gender, and the killing of women because of their gender are related topics if two seperate articles existed they would be linked to each other. To say that femicide is a serious topic and the killing of men because of their gender is nonsense shows a very clear bias. -- rom

I think this article should be moved to Gendercide and improved accordingly. Femicide is more common a motif, but only because homocide of men is usually not given any special consideration (just like the "hate crime" label, crimes are easily labelled in a particular way if there's a (intentional or coincidental) pattern in the motivation or execution that can be observed). Labelling it as nonsense feminist propaganda seems misguided and highly questionable to me, but even if femicide is more common, it seems only just to discuss the topic at large if you're going to talk about one of its variants in detail. Adding a "gendercide" subsection to the "femicide" article would make it seem too biased and shift the focus -- having a large "femicide" subsection in the "gendercide" article and discussing the topic in depth there, OTOH, would make it clear that it's more common, or at least better understood, a topic, but part of the same issue and shares the basic concept. If femicide proves detailed enough a topic to justify its own article without reducing the gendercide article to a stub, a split would make sense, and the femicide article could spare the entire introduction into the basic concept of gendercide. — Ashmodai (talk · contribs) 13:36, 28 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I actually arrived at Gendercide from a wikilink that was refering to gendercide of men, and as such was surprised by the redirect. I have now changed it from a redirect into a stub that covers both (though there's only a sentence on each; the one on gendercide of women directs the reader to this article. Like I said, it's a stub). --Icarus 08:23, 30 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you for your post Ashmodai,I like what you've said and done but you've misinterpreted something "Labelling it as nonsense feminist propaganda seems misguided and highly questionable to me, but even if femicide is more common" .... that line was inferring that I (rom) thought femicide was nonsense, this isn't the case, when actually Myron originally said including the selective killing of men was nonsense, and i was replying to that. -- rom

Myth about most common cause of death

I removed the following feminist myth from the end of the article:

"Women between the ages of 15 and 44 are more likely to be maimed or to die from violence than through cancer, malaria, traffic accidents or war combined."

Besides the absurdity that violence would kill more women aged 15-44 than cancer OR war, or even more than them combined, this statement has never been verified and there are no sources. The myth is commonly seen with different modifiers, for example "women in Europe", or with malaria switched for HIV or another disease. Its origins are unknown.

The blantant falsehood of this claim can easily be checked with WHO's international statistics of causes of death: http://www3.who.int/whosis/menu.cfm?path=whosis,mort

hugs, /Truncated (should get an account some day)

no such thing as masculinicide?

so now men can't be killed? so, only women can die? I don't get this logic, or whatever it is. Wow, and people wonder why there are so many gay men nowadays... —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) .

I guess I just wondered about the etymology of the term -- I mean, it's not "mascucide", it's "homicide." Does this mean women are actually "femo sapiens"? Attacks on women's characters are "ad feminem"? I have no problem with drawing attention to a problem that I will emphatically agree is real (although we can argue semantics and statistics all night long), but do we need to mangle the language in the process? Just checking.

This article is just PR. There are a number of propaganda statistics in this article. Hitler type "Big Lie", "Make the lie big and keep repeating it". The citations frequently refute the assertions in the article. This article should be deleted because its gendered propaganda that does not meet standard for objectivity or neutrality. 2605:E000:1310:81D7:48F5:F333:9D81:C64D (talk) 10:58, 23 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]


This page should be merged into Gendercide, with that page then expanded to include the killing of men. Any opposition? --HarmonicFeather 18:04, 23 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with HarmonicFeather on the Gendercide merge. If not merged, then at least a link to it since both topics are undoubtedly interconnected.--Y.ruvalcaba (talk) 07:26, 5 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Cultural materialism

I'm missing the reference to Marvin Harris here. Femicide was a normal way of population control in ancient times.

War is done by men. So men are more valuable then woman. A tribe who reached his maximum population, that it can support by its means of technology and land, will therefore maximize the number of men, by killing girls just after birth. And try to enslave women from neighboring tribes. This had been done by Greeks, Vikings, and most other successful warrior states. And its still common practice in India, and other 3rd world regions.

War is not suitable for population control alone, as war is done by men, but women get children. But when the number of women are reduced by femicide, the tribe will get less children. Therefore war + femicide = population control. (talk) 22:17, 6 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Proposed Changes to Article

I and another student from Rice University have selected to greatly expand and reorganize this current femicide article as a class project for a class in the Poverty, Justice and Human Capabilities Minor. As the Talk discussions currently discuss right now, a major concern of this article is that femicide does not deserve its own separate definition and should instead by moved under the greater Wikipedia Article of Gendercide. However, the planned proposals I and my partner wish to make would include a great expansion of this article, and its future contents would most certainly be able to stand alone on its own page. We do understand the struggle in maintaining a NPOV, and although we will quote heavily from Diane Radford and other academics that are in favor of the term femicide and its definition, our goal is to include other points of view that argue against femicide as a concept, and to quote just as heavily from them while still allowing a definition of the term. If any of you have suggestions as to what these sources might be, please let us know.

We have multiple reasons why we want to see this article be expanded. This current Wikipedia article on Femicide is only a few paragraphs longs and utilizes very few resources in its discussion of the topic. We plan on using a multitude of resources that far exceeds the current number, and hopefully will offer a more NPOV on the issue. Although the existing article introduces the concept of femicide, it does not discuss in detail the many different kinds of femicide nor does it give differing examples of how, why and where femicide occurs world-wide. A nuanced and neutral perspective is absolutely imperative on this subject in order to represent the many different facets of this issue, which this article does not currently offer. Another flaw in the article is that it does not reference many other Wikipedia articles that already touch on aspects of femicide including, Female homicide in Juarez, Honor killings, Corrective Rape, Infanticide and Female genital mutilation to name a few. The goal in revising this article is to create an overview on the subject that will allow users to not just get a general understanding of femicide, but also to have easy connections that allow them to examine other articles that discuss specific aspects of the issue.

Our current plan is to reorganize the outline of the article into this organization:

1 Definition
1.1 Specific definition

1.2 Distinction from other forms of homicide

1.3 Perpetrators of femicide

1.4 Historical development of the term

1.5 Controversy over term

2 Types of femicide

2.1 Intimate partner femicide

2.2 Racist femicide

2.3 Lesbicide

2.3.1 Corrective rape

2.4 Serial femicide

2.5 Mass femicide

2.6 Sex-selective abortion

2.7 Other

3. Femicide around the world

3.1 United States

3.1.1 Notable Cases

3.2 Latin America

3.2.1 Juarez

3.3 South Asia

3.3.1 Sex-selective abortion

3.4 Africa

4. Solutions

4.1 Legal Solutions

4.2 Policy
As we only have a semester to do this project, we cannot cover all countries in the world and their relation to Femicide, but we hope to give a broad overview of different areas. We would appreciate any feedback on our proposed changes, and also any possible sources that would help in writing this article. I and my partner feel very strongly that this article has merit as a stand-alone article, and that with proper revision, more people will truly understand the term femicide and why it is important.

Robinkvest (talk) 19:41, 6 March 2013 (UTC)[reply]

SWGS 322 Wiki Review

Lena and Robin,

I liked the broad perspectives of definitions that you gave. It was here that I saw your efforts to provide neutral information. You used appropriate images (maps) and a good amount of linking to other articles. The quality and quantity of your sources were also appropriate. I also liked that you covered several areas of the world. You had a few grammatical errors: first sentence of lesbicide, need to make "conviction" plural in "only 127 conviction occurred in 2010" (Guatemala Decree 22). Under Intimate Partner Femicide, you wrote that "each day in this country results in the death of 4 women", but that's assuming that the reader would know your country of origin. Please specify which country you were referring to. You provided a broad amount of information that covered many aspects of femicide. My only major criticisms are that much of your information was repeated throughout the article (in several sections) and you heavily rely on direct quotations.

ThatRavengirl (talk) 15:55, 6 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]

SWGS 322 Wiki Review

Really thorough, well cited, well written article. I think it was very well organized, with focus on the different types of femicide, the development of the definition, and the various case studies.

A few recommendations:

  • I would maybe rename the "definition" section to "background" or "overview" so that the heading is more encompassing. You do a lot more than just simply define the term - instead you provide a very in-depth historical overview of how the term has changed and how it has been influenced. "Definition" doesn't seem to be encompassing enough for the depth of information you present.
  • I am curious about your inclusion of AIDS and FGM as examples of femicide in Africa. I understand the rationale behind it, but it seems to not fit your definition, which seems to focus more on intentionality. While I get that AIDS and FGM affects female deaths disproportionately, I feel that including it under the intentional killing of females or being female may be a stretch.
  • I would make the "femicide worldwide" section to perhaps read "case studies" in order to encourage other authors to contribute as well.
  • "policy solutions" appear to be country-specific case studies rather than overviews of the types of policy solutions available and attempted. Perhaps you could provide an overview, and then go into the specifics?

Overall, really great article! Lillyyu (talk) 20:13, 6 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]

SWGS 322 Wiki Review

My recommendations are:

  • I would add some citations to the header--it's clearly well-researched and tracks the work of Diana E. H. Russell, but what specific sources did you use for this information?
  • I think the term "sexual terrorism" in the header is a little unclear, but see how it gets cleared up in later sections.
  • I would clarify the language of the sentence, "Globally, femicide has seldom been investigated separately from homicide, and the goals of many of these authors is to change this concept." Are the authors trying to change the fact the femicide is understudied, or change the concept and definition of femicide itself?
  • Is "properly" neutral in this sentence: "Dr. Diana Russell is popularly lauded as the first to instigate the usage and to facilitate the publishing of the term at the Crimes Against Women Tribunal in 1976."?
  • I think the semicolon in this sentence should be a colon (and the same for another sentence in that paragraph): "Risk factors that increase the likelihood of intimate partner femicide include; when a male has previously threatened to commit suicide or kill the women if a woman cheats/leaves him, when there is elevated alcohol or drug abuse by either partner, or when a male attempts to control a woman's freedom".
  • Capitalize "south asia".

Beyond these grammatical and neutrality considerations, I do not have too many more recommendations. I agree with Lillyyu above that you might want to consider renaming the final two sections. In terms of structure and overall content, the article was well very well done. Great work! NSDhaliwal (talk) 22:10, 6 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Response to SWGS 322 edits

Thanks so much for your input Raven, Lilly and Navi. I corrected the mistakes you mentioned in your post already Raven, and I will also correct the grammatical and punctuation errors you mentioned as well Navi. I like the idea of renaming the worldwide section case studies, and will make that change. I agree that the Policy section needs some work, especially an overview. That section is still a work in progess, and by the final Contribution Lena and I will have expanded it greatly. Lilly, I understand the confusion as to why FGM and HIV/AIDS are femicide. These are forms of femicide only when misogynistic practices result in the death of a female. Diana Russell sees FGM as a practice that is essentially to please men and subordinate women and their sexual pleasure, and when this results in death it is included in her definition of femicide. Russell also writes extensively on AIDS and how if women are forced into sex with a man with HIV and the woman later dies of the disease than that is femicide as well. However, these are forms of covert femicide rather than overt femicide, so I will try and clear that up in the passages. I also will more specifically state that these are forms of femicide under Diana Russell's definition but not necessarily under other definitions. Finally, I like the idea of renaming Definition to Overview, and I will do so. Once again, thanks for all the suggestions! Robinkvest (talk) 14:40, 8 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Article Review

Hey guys. Your page is overall extremely impressive. Judging from the past discussions on the talk page it sounds like you guys turned an extremely controversial page into a very neutral, thorough, and very readable article. I like Lily was a little bit confused about your inclusion of AIDS and FGM in the article. The information is great but I wonder if there might be a better way to incorporate it into the page without seeming like it's a bit out of place. Another suggestion I had was to possibly reconsider the title 'Policy Solutions' only because the word solution slightly suggests a less neutral point of view. A small detail but the two policy solutions you listed might look better capitalized. Additionally your graphics are great but another one or two would definitely balance the page out a little bit better. Victoria.delgado (talk) 08:26, 8 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Response to Edit Suggestions

Thanks Lilly, Navi, Raven and Victoria for your thorough review and helpful suggestions! I agree that some information was repetitive so I did my best to go through and delete/rephrase certain things (I cut some things from certain sections and added them to others - see "Historical evolution of the term". I also added one more graphic to the Ciudad Mujer section and changed "Policy solutions" to "Policy implications" - thanks Victoria for the advice. I also reorganized a few of the beginning sections so they would flow better. Other than that I corrected a few more grammar errors and I think it reads stronger now! Thanks again for the help!

Lenasilva (talk) 16:06, 8 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Feminist author Diana E. H. Russell is one of the early pioneers of the term, and she currently defines the word as "the killing of females by males because they are females."

Have there been times in history where males have been killed by females because they are males? If so, could that potentially warrant an article also? I am wondering in terms of numbers how much femicide has occurred and what the opposite would be compared to.

Also presuming femicide excludes the killing of females by females for being female, I assume that mascucide would exclude the killing of males by males for being male, right? Ranze (talk) 01:38, 23 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

femicide includes women killed by women because they are female - in spite of that definition. Androcide is the male alternative.--Obi-Wan Kenobi (talk) 02:22, 27 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

neutrality and tone

There are some issues with neutrality, tone, and synth. For example much of the material on HIV has nothing to do with femicide (eg sources don't mention it) and is coatracked here. There are also tone issues in a few paras which sound a bit too conversational, chatty or even angry. I think we should not have expansive sections on issues called femicide unless there is significant consensus amongst RS that such a thing is indeed femicide, vs just violence against women - so I'm going to look at sources around FGM for example to see if this qualifies.--Obi-Wan Kenobi (talk) 02:22, 27 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]


So, talking about equality: where is the equivalent article for men murders?  — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:54, 4 September 2014 (UTC)[reply] 

Edit Request

This article claims that men make up "only" 5-8% of a crime that they define as "the killing of women by men because they are women". How embarrassing is that?

It's not just embarrassing, its a reveal that they are talking out of their butts. "Femicide" is a radical feminist attempt to make up a new sort of crime that makes female death more important than male death and for wikipedia to support this without reference to it being a rad-fem terminology is irresponsible.

There are numerous errors in fact in this article including the misunderstanding of what the defence of provocation vs the defence of self defence is. They are compared as if they are the same thing. Additionally, it is well known that women get away with more lenient sentencing for their crimes while this article claims that women are punished more severely. The only references given for their assertion is a rad fem book which doesn't provide the source for that so-called fact.

I'm sure you all felt good about helping some females get a better grade in her university course but it doesn't justify allowing wikipedia to be used as a tool for propaganda. Diana.davison (talk) 03:18, 21 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Diana and thank you for your interest in improving this article. I promise to try to help you. First of all, some advice: it's best to play it Mr. Spock to the extent that you might fail a turing test. Therefore, please change the title of this talk page section to something like "edit request" or "errors of fact", and make any other edits to that end.
Second, what specific edit are you suggesting? You could say "delete this sentence" or "remove this word" and so on. Remember, the only topic here is article improvement, and specifically not to discuss the topic of the article, in this case "femicide". If we would like to destroy the article, we start a deletion request. Ether way, I hope you will respond below. Happy editing! Chrisrus (talk) 04:13, 21 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the title suggestion. First of all, to say that "femicide" is the killing of a female then state that men comprise 5-8% of the victims is an obvious fail. How can this statement exist. Perhaps they are referring to transgendered people? That should be made clear if that's the case and they'd have to prove that the men were killed because they appeared female and not a hate crime against trans people as a separate category.

Additionally, the number of people who kill someone just because they are female is practically nil. There is usually a trigger related to a specific female that harmed them. To pretend that murder is a simple subject like "because I hate women" is beneath wikipedia.

Russell includes "cosmetic surgery" in her list of femicides. Cosmetic surgery is self elected and rarely results in death as well as the ambiguous "other mutilations in the name of beauty". Mutilations? Are we talking about clitoral piercings? What does that mean?

Criminalization of abortion is referred here as a form of femicide instead of the complex and inflammatory debate of mostly women who argue with each other over whether or not a fetus is a human.

The first use of the term "femicide" is sourced from a book called "A Satirical Review..." We all know what satire is, right?

I searched the oed online for the second reference to usage and since my complaint can no longer find an entry in the online version.

The person, Diana Russell, who has been pushing this term has a youtube video asking first world feminists why they won't use the term when other countries have taken up her mantle. If you can handle it, her appeal to feminists to adopt her term is on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOoTBoIS234

After asserting that the word "femicide" has its origins in the 1800s they say " But since it involves mere females, there was no name for it until Carol Orlock invented the word 'femicide.'"... in the 70s or something like that. And only because Diana Russell didn't want to outright steal it (though Russells refers to her Brussels speech as having been given by her and "somebody else". In the interests of objective language - "mere females"??

"Femicide is distinct from general homicide because the instances occur in domestic settings as a result of intimate partner or family violence" while research shows that the greatest predictor of IPV is female aggression. http://www.xyonline.net/sites/default/files/Kimmel,%20Gender%20symmetry%20in%20dom.pdf Domestic violence is roughly equal among the genders unless you look at one direction (non-reciprocal violence) in which case women are the majority perpetrators. This is because they believe men won't hit them back.

The article is expanded to be so ridiculously long I'm going to leave it here for now with a reference to the government study that shows women get sentenced much lighter than men when they kill a partner in a domestic setting. "Sentences for male offenders ranged from 46 months to life, while sentences for female offenders ranged from suspended sentences with probation to five years." http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/smir-phiri/law-juri.html

If you enjoyed this, I'll be back with more facts later. Diana.davison (talk) 09:41, 27 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

That's great, but we're supposed to be talking about article improvement, not the referent of the article per se. What changes would you like to make to the article? Do you have specific edits in mind? Should it be completely re-written? Do you feel prepared to do that? Or should it be deleted? If it should be deleted, we have to leave here and start a deletion discussion. Do you speak Spanish? This, https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminicidio, says "Femicide is a neologism created by..." Should we phrase it like that? "a neologism with various meanings", one that "is found in feminist discourse" and maybe "various legal meanings in different countries". Normally, we don't have articles about some vague neologism made up by some academic unless it catches on. From what I can see, this one, to some extent, has. Chrisrus (talk) 01:28, 28 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]