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Viriathus (talk | contribs)
rv: in fact one may state that Rosicrucians have influenced all Occult western traditions (in very notorious ways). 'Esoteric' comes from gr. esôterikos=within.
Viriathus (talk | contribs)
m mving recent 'see also' references into the related section of the article's text
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Later, [[Emanuel Swedenborg]] gets special recognition because a church has followed his teachings since 1787. Currently there are two: The [[New Church]], & The [[Swedenborgian Church of North America]]. [[Martines de Pasqually]], [[Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin]] and [[Jean-Baptiste Willermoz]] are the three most influential figures in [[Martinism]], which dates back to the early 1700s and continues to exist to this day.
Later, [[Emanuel Swedenborg]] gets special recognition because a church has followed his teachings since 1787. Currently there are two: The [[New Church]], & The [[Swedenborgian Church of North America]]. [[Martines de Pasqually]], [[Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin]] and [[Jean-Baptiste Willermoz]] are the three most influential figures in [[Martinism]], which dates back to the early 1700s and continues to exist to this day.

Other current modern views on Esoteric Christianity include the [[Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn]], and its major offshoots, the [[Builders of the Adytum]], [[Society of the Inner Light]] and the [[Servants of the Light]]. [[Paul Foster Case]], [[W. E. Butler]], [[Dion Fortune]] and [[Gareth Knight]] in particular are authorities from that stream that have contributed much to literature on Esoteric Christianity. Some of the modern orders of [[Knights Templar]] are also worthy of note.
Other current modern views on Esoteric Christianity include the [[Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn]], and its major offshoots, the [[Builders of the Adytum]], [[Society of the Inner Light]] and the [[Servants of the Light]]. [[Paul Foster Case]], [[W. E. Butler]], [[Dion Fortune]] and [[Gareth Knight]] in particular are authorities from that stream that have contributed much to literature on Esoteric Christianity. Some of the modern orders of [[Knights Templar]], Essenes, the [[Master Beinsa Douno's Teaching]] (Eastern Esoteric Christianity in Europe [http://www.BeinsaDouno.org]) and [[Anthroposophy]] (Western Esoteric Christianity in Europe [http://www.goetheanum.org]) are also worthy of note.

== Biblical foundations ==
== Biblical foundations ==
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* [[Reincarnation|Rebirth]] - [[Karma|Law of Cause and Effect]] - [[Karma in Christianity]]
* [[Reincarnation|Rebirth]] - [[Karma|Law of Cause and Effect]] - [[Karma in Christianity]]
* [[The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception#The Rosicrucian conception of God and the scheme of evolution|The Rosicrucian conception of God and the scheme of evolution]]
* [[The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception#The Rosicrucian conception of God and the scheme of evolution|The Rosicrucian conception of God and the scheme of evolution]]

* [[Master Beinsa Douno's Teaching]] - Eastern Esoteric Christianity in Europe - [http://www.BeinsaDouno.org]
* [[Anthroposophy]] - Western Esoteric Christianity in Europe - [http://www.goetheanum.org]

[[Category:Esoteric Christianity| ]]
[[Category:Esoteric Christianity| ]]

Revision as of 01:23, 15 November 2006

Esoteric Christianity refers to the occult study and the mystic living of the esoteric knowledge related to what adherents view as the "inner teachings" of early Christianity, seen as a Mystery religion. The term is thought by some to be originally associated with the Essenes and, later, the Rosicrucians.

Core conceptions

See also the Christ (concept) and the Second Coming (of the Christ) according to the Esoteric Christian tradition.

Some modern-day practitioners believe that the foundational teachings of Esoteric Christianity were publicly presented to the world in the early 20th century (1) in an effort to establish a future universal religion as mankind, with a more developed mind and will, walk forward to the understandings of an Universal Friendship. Its central aim is to aid each human being in his/her task of developing the Golden Wedding Garment, also defined by Paul of Tarsus "soma psuchicon" (Greek "soma" [body] and "psuchicon" [psu(y)che--soul]; the 'soul body'): the Christ Within that must be born.

In that context, the Christ Within is the vehicle need to be formed within each individual (Galatians 4:19) in order to be able to enter and permanently live in the next Sixth Epoch's etheric environment (new heavens and a new earth): the New Galilee. This etheric region of the planet is thus regarded as the place where man, through the development of the soul body and not in the physical body, "shall be caught up IN THE CLOUDS to meet the Lord IN THE AIR": the Second Advent of the Christ.

These teachings are also believed by some to enable each individual to understand the mystery of life, that is, the mystery of death, eliminating the fear of it and are preparing human beings for in due time, as the Sun enters Aquarius by precession, to start seeing among themselves their deceased beloved ones.

This is being done according to the words "For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad." (Luke 8:17; KJV) and it is knowledge that had to wait its own time to be grasped by our own mind, as the Christ spoke: "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now." (John 16:12).

It is also referred in the same form of Esoteric Christianity that there are, and always have been, those being prepared towards Initiation - into the Lesser Mysteries, the secrets concerning the Science of Life and Being, in the spiritual worlds by the Hierophants of the seven invisible Lesser Mystery Schools - through harmonious development of the mind (occultist) and the heart (mystic) in a spirit of unselfishness service to mankind and an all-embracing altruism.

According to Max Heindel the door of a genuine Mystery School is not unlocked by a golden key, but is only opened as a reward for meritorious service to humanity and The true pupil of any Mystery School is far too modest to advertise the fact, he will scorn all titles or honors from men, he will have no regard for riches save the riches of love given to him by those whom it becomes his privilege to help and teach [1].

Historical notes

From an occult point of view, the Esoteric Christian tradition primarily traces itself to an exceedingly devout Order which existed in Palestine, called Essenes. They are described as a third sect which existed besides the two that are mentioned in the New Testament, the hypocritical Pharisees and the materialistic Sadducees. The Essenes are not mentioned in the New Testament and they avoided all mention of themselves and their methods of study and worship. It is thought by some that they may have made up the community at Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Jesus, according to the Esoteric Christian tradition, was a high Initiate educated by the Essenes, till his thirty years of age, and reached a very high state of spiritual development. It is possible that his education may have been conducted among the Nazarean Essenes of Mount Carmel, a community in the Galilee area, although to assert as much is pure conjecture.

Occult Christian teachings point the major alive source of the Esoteric Christian tradition, in the western civilization development, to have begun in the 14th century with the constitution of a secret brotherhood of holy men called Rosicrucian Order, which expounded itself for the first time in the deep esoteric work The Divine Comedy. This Order opened the Initiation into the Mysteries, in that time and through the centuries ahead, to the most prepared and worthy individuals, who achieved these qualities through their own effort. Around that time it starts also the age of Alchemy, expressing occult knowledge through hermetic writings, cryptographic-like, in order to avoid persecution and man's misuse of sacred teachings. In the public Manifestos of the early 17th century, the Rosicrucian Order stated "we acknowledge ourselves truly and sincerely to profess Christ (...) addict ourselves to the true Philosophy, lead a Christian life" (in Confessio Fraternitatis, 1615) and it sets the time and the way when it would publicly present to the world its knowledge, in an effort to bring the "Reformation of Mankind" through a more advanced phase of the Christian religion. The Rosicrucian Christianity, started in the early 20th century at Mount Ecclesia, relates itself to this public renaissance of the Order.

The classic Christian theosophy, which predates the Theosophical Society and Martinism, includes alchemists known, through their writings, to be connected to the Rosicrucian movement. Among the Christian theosophists are learned men as Valentin Weigel, Heinrich Kunrath, Johann Arndt, Johann Georg Gitchel, Jakob Boehme, Gottfried Arnold, Jan Baptist van Helmont, Robert Fludd, John Pordage, Jane Leade, and Pierre Poiret.

Later, Emanuel Swedenborg gets special recognition because a church has followed his teachings since 1787. Currently there are two: The New Church, & The Swedenborgian Church of North America. Martines de Pasqually, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin and Jean-Baptiste Willermoz are the three most influential figures in Martinism, which dates back to the early 1700s and continues to exist to this day.

Other current modern views on Esoteric Christianity include the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and its major offshoots, the Builders of the Adytum, Society of the Inner Light and the Servants of the Light. Paul Foster Case, W. E. Butler, Dion Fortune and Gareth Knight in particular are authorities from that stream that have contributed much to literature on Esoteric Christianity. Some of the modern orders of Knights Templar, Essenes, the Master Beinsa Douno's Teaching (Eastern Esoteric Christianity in Europe [2]) and Anthroposophy (Western Esoteric Christianity in Europe [3]) are also worthy of note.

Biblical foundations

The Way: « Ego sum Via, Veritas et Vita »

  • Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6; KJV)

The Esoteric Knowledge

  • He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. (Matthew 13:11)
  • And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand. (Luke 8:10)

The Mystic Living (the heart)

  • Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. (Matthew 16:24)
  • And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. (Luke 9:23)

The Occult Study (the mind)

  • And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:3)
  • Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. (Mark 10:15)

Biblical counterpoints

  • (20) First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, (21) because no prophecy ever came by human will, but men and women moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. (2 Peter 1:20-21)
  • (15) And consider the patience of our Lord as salvation, as our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, also wrote to you, (16) speaking of these things as he does in all his letters. In them there are some things hard to understand that the ignorant and unstable distort to their own destruction, just as they do the other scriptures. (2 Peter 3:15-16)
  • (5) Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; (6) In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
  • I urge you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and in the same purpose. (1 Corinthians 1:10)

20th century Writings

  • This is the way of the Divine Wisdom, the true THEOSOPHY. It is not, as some think, a diluted version of Hinduism, or Buddhism, or Taoism, or of any special religion. It is Esoteric Christianity as truly as it is Esoteric Buddhism, and belongs equally to all religions, exclusively to none. (Annie Besant, Esoteric Christianity or The Lesser Mysteries [5], 1914, Theosophical Society)
  • In Christianity, too, especially as far as its central point, the Mystery of Golgotha, is concerned, we must make a distinction between exoteric conceptions and esoteric knowledge. An exoteric contemplation of Christianity, accessible to all the world, is contained in the Gospels. Side by side with this exoteric contemplation, there has always been an esoteric Christianity for those who were willing - as I have said before - to prepare their hearts and minds in an adequate way for the reception of an esoteric Christianity. (Rudolf Steiner, Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity [6], 1922, Anthroposophical Society)
  • If this inner doctrine were always concealed from the masses, for whom a simpler code had been devised, is it not highly probable that the exponents of every aspect of modern civilization--philosophic, ethical, religious, and scientific-are ignorant of the true meaning of the very theories and tenets on which their beliefs are founded? Do the arts and sciences that the race has inherited from older nations conceal beneath their fair exterior a mystery so great that only the most illumined intellect can grasp its import? Such is undoubtedly the case. (Manly Palmer Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages [7], 1928, Philosophical Research Society)

Current-day essays

See also