Ayds was a great way to lose weight, until the mid-1980s...
Banana production in Iceland
Weirder than Björk?
Bird's nest soup
Asian delicacy.
Boneless Fish
A frozen fish scaled, gutted and deboned, then glued to its original shape using a food-grade enzyme.
British Rail sandwich
A culinary match to the quality of the train service.
Bacon Explosion
Not as dangerous as it sounds.
Cannabis edible
Various foods containing cannabis.
A common food dye manufactured from insects.
Casu martzu
Italian "maggot cheese" – cheese designed to be eaten while it is infested with cheese fly larvae.
Century egg
A Chinese dish which involves preserving a duck, chicken or quail egg for several weeks to several months before eating.
Chả rươi
Vietnamese dish made from the polychaete worm.
Chubby bunny
A common (but sometimes lethal) game played with marshmallows that look like, well, bunnies.
Competitive eating
In which the main goal is the quick and vast consumption of food.
Cockle bread
Bread made by English women in the seventeenth century that involved kneading and pressing against the woman's buttocks.
Deep-fried Mars bar
A Scottish delicacy.
Dishwasher salmon
Salmon cooked using the heat from a dishwasher.
Charles Domery
A Polish soldier noted for his unusually large appetite. While imprisoned in England, he remained ravenous despite being put on ten times the rations of other inmates, eating the prison cat, at least twenty rats and, on a regular basis, the prison candles.
King of fruits. King of smells?
Dishes consisting of animals stuffed into each other. Turducken and whole stuffed camel are prominent examples.
Eyes (cheese)
There are eyes in the cheese, but no cheese in the eyes.
Flies' graveyard
A delicacy in the United Kingdom.
Fried spider
Exactly as it sounds – and a regional delicacy in Cambodia.
Fruit ketchup
Plum ketchup, anyone?
Adolf Hitler and vegetarianism
Hitler believed that a vegetarian diet could both alleviate his personal health problems and spiritually renew the Aryan race.
Hitler bacon
Can it possibly be kosher?
Hottest chili pepper
Gettin' silly with chili.
For all you vegetarian cannibals out there, the tofu product designed to look and taste like human flesh.
Human placentophagy
The consumption of a newborn's placenta is common among mammals; humans do it too.
King's Hand
A delicious(?) dish, first appearing in a dream. It consists of cookie dough and M&Ms molded in the shape of a hollow hand, then filled with Greek salad.
Kit Kats in Japan
There have been more than 300 limited-edition seasonal and regional flavors of Kit Kats produced in Japan since 2000.
Ketchup as a vegetable
Makes junk food seem healthier.
Kosher locust
Can Jews eat grasshoppers?
Luther Burger
Described as the "cardiologist's worst nightmare"
Lychee and Dog Meat Festival
Vegans are the only group who can oppose this festival without any fear of hypocrisy.
McDonald's has their own language now.
Michel Lotito
Known as Monsieur Mangetout (or "Mr Eat-all").
A type of German cheese containing live mites, which are eaten along with the cheese.
Military chocolate (United States)
Originally designed to taste "little better than a boiled potato". Not much has changed.
Monkey brains
A supposed delicacy that has been made famous through films.
In which Columbia University students stole Nutella at a rapid rate.
Alferd Packer
Before Dahmer there was Packer...
A slapstick stunt, or a kind of political protest. And there's even a list of victims.
Products produced from The Simpsons
Fictional trademarks gone real.
Rhubarb Triangle
A recipe or a dangerous area to fly through?
Roadkill cuisine
Yes, Skunk a la Michelin sounds tasty to some people.
Salmon chaos
The turmoil of salmon.
Small octopuses eaten alive with sesame oil.
Sealed crustless sandwich
A patented peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Square watermelon
Rather expensive and very much inedible.
Stargazy pie
A Cornish fish pie that looks back at you.
Stinky tofu
Fermented soybean curd is apparently a delicacy for some people. One external link describes its scent as "a used tampon baking in the desert."
A Swedish dish consisting of fermented herring, said to have the worst smell in the world.
Takeru Kobayashi
A slightly built Japanese competitive eater. He has consumed 63 Nathan's Famous hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes and holds a host of eating records for other foods.
A French showman and soldier noted for his unusual eating habits. Among other things, he ate a meal intended for 15 people in a single sitting, ate live cats, snakes, lizards and puppies, and swallowed an eel whole without chewing.
Testicles as food
Available fresh during castration season.
Toast sandwich
An English dish with an "extravagance of blandness". Add salt and pepper to taste.
La Tomatina
A gigantic food fight with a ham-topped greased pole as the start.
Sonya Thomas
What weighs 105 pounds (48 kg) and eats more hot dogs in 12 minutes than most people do all summer?
Unusually shaped vegetable
"While some examples are just oddly shaped, others are heralded for their amusing appearance, often representing a body part such as the buttocks."
Virgin boy egg
Eggs cooked with the help of young boys' urine.
Volkswagen currywurst
Volkswagen's best-selling product isn't cars, but sausages.
Who Ate All the Pies?
A chant sung by football fans in England and Scotland, aimed at supposedly overweight footballers, officials or opposing supporters.