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Depiction of Pride on the south porch of Chartres Cathedral

Pride is an emotion which refers to a strong sense of self-respect, a refusal to be humiliated as well as joy in the accomplishments of oneself or a person, group, nation or object that one identifies with, or to think of one's self as being better than anyone else. According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, Proud comes from late Old English prud, probably from Old French prude "brave, valiant" (11th century), from Latin prode "advantageous, profitable", from prodesse "be useful". The sense of "having a high opinion of oneself", not in French, may reflect the Anglo-Saxons' opinion of the Norman knights who called themselves "proud", like the French knights preux.

Religious references


In Buddhism, Pride is seen as illogical as no one person or thing can be better or worse than something or someone else.


  • Judaism, using Pride in the sense of hubris or arrogance, denounces it - the phrase "Pride goes before a fall" is a paraphrase of a passage from the book of Proverbs, in the Old Testament. Many more verses of the Tanakh/Old Testament speak of Pride and arrogance. "Blessed is that man that makes the Lord his trust, and looks not to the proud, nor to those that turn aside to lies." (Psalm 40:4) "Talk no more exceeding proudly, nor let arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed." (I Sam. 2:3)


In Hinduism, Ravana, an evil king who was killed by Rama, avatar of Vishnu, exhibited the sins of Pride and Lust.


In Christianity, Pride (also Vanity or arrogance) is the essentially competitive and excessive belief in one's own abilities that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God, or the worth which God sees in others; for example: "In his Pride the wicked does not seek Him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God." (Psalm 10:4) Pride is also one of the seven deadly sins. (Pride, envy, lust, wrath, sloth, gluttony and greed)


In Taoism, according to the Tao Te Ching, Pride and Greed are human errors.


In Islam, Pride is also forbidden. According to a narration from Muhammad (PBUH), he said: "He in whose heart there is as much as a grain of arrogance will not enter paradise," and a man remarked: "A man likes his garment to be beautiful and his sandals to be beautiful." Then Muhammad (PBUH) replied: "God, Most High, is beautiful and likes beauty; arrogance is disdaining what is true and despising people." (Sahih Muslim).


Pride is one of the three Objectivist values, by which an individual perfects his virtues. It is the result of productiveness, which is free principled work to create value and meaning for your life.

Pride is seen as positive, the correct life-affirming attitude to have, as it celebrates one's achievements and promoted selfworth.


Nietzsche saw Pride as an example of the previous, master set of morals that has been replaced with slave moralities. In this, Pride was good, because it acknowledges the good and the noble, rejecting the weak and insipid. Without pride we will remain subservient. But what happens if you do not reject the weak and insipid? Should there be no pride? Wrong, pride can exist with the respect of the weak and insipid. When the weak uses means of envy and physical force, then, the weak are charged with the crime, even to the expense of the "Grace of God." Pride is the "Grace of God," as God himself had this pride to reveal that he was the true "Messiah." Thus, without God's pride he would not have been identified. Pride is the last and only hope of the true, honest man. Although, he must make sure to respect the weak and insipid. In general terms, man must learn how to control his thoughts and powers. "If we submit to the "Grace of God," then we become our surroundings. Thus, if we are surrounded by pigs, we become pigs, without pride, the honest, self-controled human being is destroyed, all due to the "Grace of God."

Social references

In Germany "national pride" ("Nationalstolz") is often associated with the former Nazi regime. Strong displays of national pride are therefore considered poor taste by many Germans. There is an ongoing public debate about the issue of German patriotism. The World Cup in 2006, held in Germany, saw a wave of patriotism sweep the country in a manner not seen for many years. Although many were hesitant to show such blatant support as the hanging of the national flag from windows, as the team progressed through the tournament, so too did the level of support across the nation. By the time the semi-final against Italy came around, the level of national pride and unity was at its highest throughout the tournament, and the hosting of the World Cup is seen to have been a great success for Germany as a nation. [citation needed]

Secondary pride

Secondary pride is a little-known but often felt variant of pride. The pride people feel for what their ancestors, children, or country has done is classified as secondary or vicarious pride.[citation needed]


The national motto of the United States Virgin Islands is "United in Pride and Hope".

The well-known English maxim, "Pride goes before a fall," is itself an adaptation of Proverbs 16:18.


  1. ^ Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "Pride" . Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  2. ^ Online Library of Liberty - QUESTION CLXII.: OF PRIDE. - Aquinas Ethicus: or, the Moral Teaching of St. Thomas, vol. 2 (Summa Theologica - Secunda Secundae Pt.2)

See also

  • Lions "Group Organization"