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Schistosoma mansoni egg
Scientific classification

Weinland, 1858

Schistosoma bovis
Schistosoma curassoni
Schistosoma edwardiense
Schistosoma guineensis
Schistosoma haematobium
Schistosoma hippotami
Schistosoma incognitum
Schistosoma indicum
Schistosoma intercalatum
Schistosoma japonicum
Schistosoma leiperi
Schistosoma malayensis
Schistosoma mansoni
Schistosoma margrebowiei
Schistosoma mattheei
Schistosoma mekongi
Schistosoma ovuncatum
Schistosoma nasale
Schistosoma rodhaini
Schistosoma sinensium
Schistosoma spindale

A genus of trematodes, Schistosoma, commonly known as blood-flukes and bilharzia, includes flatworms which are responsible a highly significant parasitic infection of humans by causing the disease schistosomiasis, and are considered by the World Health Organization as the second most important parasitic disease, next only to malaria, with hundreds of millions infected worldwide.

Adult worms parasitize mesenteric blood vessels. They are unique among trematodes or any other flatworms in that they are dioecious with distinct sexual dimorphism between male and female. Eggs are passed through urine or feces to fresh water, where larva must pass though an intermediate snail host, before a different larval stage of the parasite emerges that can infect a new mammalian host by directly penetrating the skin.


The eggs of these parasites were first seen by Theodor Maximilian Bilharz, a German pathologist working in Egypt in 1851 who found the eggs of Schistosoma haematobium during the course of a post mortem. He wrote two letters to his former teacher von Siebold in May and August 1851 describing his findings. Von Siebold wrote a paper (published in 1852) summarizing Bilharz's findings. Bilharz wrote a paper in 1856 describing the worms more fully and he named them Distoma haematobium. Their unusual morphology meant that they could not be comfortably included in Distoma. So in 1856 Meckel von Helmsback created the genus Bilharzia for them. In 1858 Weinland proposed the name Schistosoma (Greek: 'split body') after the male worms' morphology. Despite Bilharzia having precedence the genus name Schistosoma was officially adopted by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. The term Bilharzia to describe infection with these parasites is still in use in medical circles.

Bilharz also described Schistosoma mansoni but this species was redescribed by Louis Westenra Sambon in 1907 at the London School of Tropical Medicine who named it after his teacher Patrick Manson.

In 1898, all the then known species were placed in a subfamily by Stiles and Hassel. This was then elevated to family status by Looss in 1899. Poche in 1907 corrected a grammatical error in the family name. The life cycle was determined by da Silva in 1908.

In 2009, the genomes of Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum were decoded opening the way for new targeted treatments. In particular, the study discovered that the genome of S. mansoni contained 11,809 genes including many which produce enzymes for breaking down proteins which enable the parasite to bore through tissue. Also, S. mansoni does not have an enzyme to make certain fats so that it must rely on its host to produce these.[1]


Electron micrograph of an adult male Schistosoma parasite worm. The bar (bottom left) represents a length of 500 μm.

The origins of this genus remain unclear. For many years it was believed that this genus had an African origin but DNA sequencing suggests that the species (S. edwardiense and S. hippopotami) that infect the hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) could be basal. Since hippos were present in both Africa and Asia during the Cenozoic era the genus might have originated as parasites of hippos.[2] The original hosts for the South East Asian species were probably rodents.

The sister group to Schistosoma is a genus of elephant-infecting schistosomes - Bivitellobilharzia. The cattle, sheep, goat and cashmere goat parasite Orientobilharzia turkestanicum appears to be related to the African schistosome.

Within the haematobium group S. bovis and S. curassoni appear to be closely related as do S. leiperi and S. mattheei.

S. mansoni appears to have evolved in East Africa 0.43-0.30 million years ago.

S. incognitum and S. nasale are more closely related to the African species rather than the japonicum group.

S. sinensium appears to have radiated during the Pliocene.

S. mekongi appears to have invaded South East Asia in the mid-Pleistocene.

Estimated speciation dates for the japonicum group: ~3.8 million years ago for S. japonicum/South East Asian schistosoma and ~2.5 million years ago for S. malayensis/S. mekongi.


The genus Schistosoma as currently defined is paraphyletic so revisions are likely. Currently twenty one species are recognised within this genus.

The genus has been divided into four groups - indicum, japonicum, haematobium and mansoni. The affinities of the remaining three species are still being clarified.

Twelve species are found in Africa. Eleven of these are divided into two groups - those with a lateral spine on the egg (mansoni group) and those with a terminal spine (haematobium group).

The four mansoni group species are: S. edwardiense, S. hippotami, S. mansoni and S. rodhaini.

The eight haematobium group species are: S. bovis, S. curassoni, S. intercalatum, S. guineensis, S. haematobium, S. leiperi, S. margrebowiei and S. matthei.

S. spindale is widely distributed in Asia but is also found in Africa.

The other species occur in Asia and India

The indicum group has three species: S. indicum, S. nasale and S. spindale. This group appears to have evolved during the Pleistocene. All use pulmonate snails as hosts.

S. indicum is found in India and Thailand.

The japonicum group has three species: S. japonicum, S. malayensis and S. mekongi.

S. sinensium is a sister clade to the S. japonicum group and is found in China.

S. ovuncatum forms a clade with S. sinensium and is found in northern Thailand. The definitive host is the rat (Rattus rattus) and the intermediate host is the snail Tricula bollingi. This species is known to use snails of the family Pomatiopsidae as hosts.

S. incognitum appears to be basal in this genus. It may be more closely related to the African/Indian species than to the South East Asian group. This species uses pulmonate snails as hosts.

Comparison of eggs of various Schistosoma species:


A cladogram based on 18S ribosomal RNA, 28S ribosomal RNA, and partial cytochrome-c oxidase I (COI) genes shows phylogenic relations of species in the genus Schistosoma:[3]


Schistosoma causes the parasitic disease schistosomiasis. An anti-schistosome drug is a schistosomicide.

Species infecting humans

Parasitism of humans by Schistosoma appears to have evolved at least three occasions in both Asia and Africa.

  • S. haematobium, commonly referred to as the bladder fluke, originally found in Africa, the Near East, and the Mediterranean basin, was introduced into India during World War II. Freshwater snails of the Bulinus genus are an important intermediate host for this parasite. Among final hosts humans are most important. Other final hosts are rarely baboons and monkeys.[4]
  • S. intercalatum. The usual final hosts are humans. Other animals can be infected experimentally.[4]
  • S. japonicum whose common name is simply blood fluke is found widely spread in Eastern Asia and the southwestern Pacific region. In Taiwan this species only affects animals, not humans. Freshwater snails of the Oncomelania genus are an important intermediate host for S. japonicum. Final hosts are humans and other mammals including cats, dogs, goats, horses, pigs, rats and water buffalo.[4]
  • S. malayensis This species appears to be a rare infection in humans and is considered to be a zoonosis. The natural vertebrate host is von Muller's rat (Rattus muelleri). The snail host(s) are not yet known.
  • S. mekongi is related to S. japonicum and affects both the superior and inferior mesenteric veins. S. mekongi differs in that it has smaller eggs, a different intermediate host (Neotricula aperta) and longer prepatent period in the mammalian host. Final hosts are humans and dogs.[4] The snail Tricula aperta can also be experimentally infected with this species.
Human Schistosomes
Scientific Name First Intermediate Host Endemic Area
Schistosoma guineensis Bulinus forskalii West Africa
Schistosoma intercalatum Bulinus spp Africa
Schistosoma haematobium Bulinus spp. Africa, Middle East
Schistosoma japonicun Oncomelania spp. China, East Asia, Philippines
Schistosoma malayensis Not known South East Asia
Schistosoma mansoni Biomphalaria spp. Africa, South America, Caribbean, Middle East
Schistosoma mekongi Neotricula aperta South East Asia

Species infecting animals other than humans

Schistosoma indicum, Schistosoma nasale, Schistosoma leiperi are all parasites of ruminants.

Schistosoma edwardiense and Schistosoma hippopotami are parasites of the hippo.


Adult schistosomes share all the fundamental features of the digenea. They have a basic bilateral symmetry, oral and ventral suckers, a body covering of a syncytial tegument, a blind-ending digestive system consisting of mouth, oesophagus and bifurcated caeca; the area between the tegument and alimentary canal filled with a loose network of mesoderm cells, and an excretory or osmoregulatory system based on flame cells. Adult worms tend to be 10–20 mm (0.4-0.8 in) long and use globins from their hosts' hemoglobin for their own circulatory system.


Unlike other trematodes, the schistosomes are dioecious - i.e., the sexes are separate. The two sexes display a strong degree of sexual dimorphism, and the male is considerably larger than the female. The male surrounds the female and encloses her within his gynacophoric canal for the entire adult lives of the worms, where they reproduce sexually.


  1. ^ "Killer parasites' genes decoded". BBC News. July 16, 2009. Retrieved 2009-07-16.
  2. ^ Morgana JAT, DeJonga RJ, Kazibweb F, Mkojic GM and Loker ES (2003) A newly-identified lineage of Schistosoma Int. J. Parasitol. 33(9) 977-985
  3. ^ Brant S. V., Morgan J. A. T., Mkoji G. M., Snyder S. D., Rajapakse R. P. V. J. & Loker E. S. (2006). "An approach to revealing blood fluke life cycles, taxonomy, and diversity: provision of key reference data including dna sequence from single life cycle stages". Journal of Parasitology 92(1): 77-88. Figure 2. PMID 16629320, PMC PMC2519025.
  4. ^ a b c d e Manson-Bahr PEC, Bell DR, eds. (1987). Manson's Tropical Diseases London: Bailliere Tindall, ISBN 0702011878