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Independent Greens of Virginia

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Independent Green Party of Virginia candidates 2010: Ron Fisher 8th, John D. Kelly 3rd, Jeff Vanke 6th, Janet Murphy 4th, Joe Oddo for David Gillis 11th, Tammy Prada campaign manager, Gail for Rail Parker 1st, Floyd Bayne 7th, Carey Campbell State Chairman.
Independent Green Congressional candidate Ron Fisher USN Captain (retired) with Indy Green endorsed Arlington County Green Party candidates: Miriam Gennari and daughter for School Board and Kevin Chisholm for Board of Supervisors with daughter September 2010
Independent Green Central Committee member and former Richmond City Council woman the Honorable Shirley Harvey
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Sherman Witcher Independent Green candidate, House of Delegates 2007, State Senate 2009. Farmer, businessman, U.S. Air Force vet
Independent Green candidates, attorney Otis Brown and Gail for Rail Parker, USAF Col. (retired)
Green Party founder Petra Kelly with Green Party congressman and famed attorney Otto Schilly at press conference.
Independent Green co-founder Joseph Oddo with Congressman Ron Paul in 2008. Joe Oddo was on the ballot for congress in 2004, 2006, 2008
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Independent Green Party House of Delegates candidate Col. Jim Leslie USMC (retired) for House of Delegates in 2009
Laura for Rail Clifton, U.S. Navy veteran, Independent Green Party House of Delegates candidate for House of Delegates in 2007. Laura's Husband, Chris Volksdorf, a Rock & Roll guitarist was also on the ballot as an Indy Green for School Board.
Independent Green Party's Gail for Rail Parker with Mayor Michael Bloomberg
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Anna Marie Choi Indy Green for House of Delegates in 2009
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Independent Green 9th Congressional district endorsee Jeremiah Heaton and Gail for Rail Parker Independent Green Party of Virginia State Vice Chair, and 1st Congressional District candidate 2010
John D. Kelly 3rd District, Janet Murphy 4th, Kenny Golden 2nd, Gail for Rail Parker September 2010

The Independent Greens of Virginia, (also known as the Indy Greens and Independent Green Party), are the state affiliate of the Independence Party of America in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It became a state party around 2001 when the regional group of independents and Greens expanded statewide. Their platform is: for "More Candidates, Less Apathy", "More Trains, Less Traffic" and "Fiscally Conservative, Socially Responsible". The party's policy is fiscal conservatism and social responsibility, with an emphasis on rail transportation. Indy Greens wish to, "invite, excite, empower" people to participate, and get on the ballot as candidates. Because it favors increased political participation and better ballot access, it has endorsed candidates regardless of ideology. As of 2010, it bills itself as "common sense conservative greens".


The party traces its roots to a local political group of "Independent Green Reformers" in the early 1990s. In their original party plan, platform and bylaws, Indy Greens described themselves as a “values conservative party”.

The phrase "values conservative party" came from American University graduate and Green Party founder Petra Kelly, and co-author the Christian conservative Herbert Gruehl in their original Green Party platform. Independent Greens remember, and honor Green Party founder Petra Kelly with a web page on their web site.

Independent Greens cite the independent Virginia tradition of U.S. Senator Harry F. Byrd, Jr. (in office 1965-1983). Byrd was the second U.S. Senator to serve as an Independent when he became an independent in 1970. In the 1990s the leaders of what would become the Independent Greens were George R. "Tex" Wood and C. W. Anglin. Wood filed lawsuits to gain ballot access for third party and independent candidates, and as of 2010 is 9th District chair of the Independent Greens.

Without "major party" status for automatic ballot access in Virginia, the party has had to gather petition signatures to get on the ballot. The requirement for statewide elections is 10,000 signatures, including at least 400 from each of Virginia's 11 congressional districts. In order for the party to gain automatic ballot access as a major party, one of its nominated candidates must receive 10% of the vote in any statewide race.

Philosophy and Positions

The platform of the Independent Greens focuses on fiscal conservatism, calling for balanced budgets at local, state, and federal levels, and paying off the national debt. The party supports term limits as well as transportation issues.[1] It is perhaps best known for its advocacy of "More Trains, Less Traffic" building high speed rail nationwide, new rail subways in every major American city, and light rail. On July 7, 2008, the Indy Greens endorsed the Pickens Plan, a proposal by financier T. Boone Pickens, to build wind and solar power, and cut dependence on foreign oil.[1]

The party runs its own candidates and supports all independent and third party candidates, endorsing candidates regardless of ideology. The philosophy behind this support is the party's belief that participating on the ballot as a candidate is winning.

Electoral history

Throughout the 1990s the Independent Green Reformers were active across Virginia. In 1992 and 1996 they worked on Ross Perot petition drives. Indy Greens were active putting local and state candidates on the ballot in the 1990s. Notable Independent Greens on the ballot in the 1990s as Independents included state senate candidates Dave Goode, and conservative Virginia Dobey. In 2000 Independent Greens put several candidates on the ballot for Congress. Rick for Rail Herron was a Green Party member, and on the ballot for Congress in the 8th District. Marc Rossi was an Indy Green on the ballot in the 10th District as an Independent. In Virginia's 11th District Phd, Sarina Grosswald was a joint Independent Green Natural Law candidate in 2000, and 2002. Independent Greens were key in getting the Green Party candidate on the ballot for President in 2000 in Virginia. Independent Greens collected 18,500 of the 26,000 signatures presented to the state board of elections. In 2004 Indy Greens collected over 20,000 signatures to assist putting the Constitution candidate on the ballot for President, along with several Indy Greens for congress like Joseph Oddo, a co founder of the Independent Greens. Dr. Brad Blanton the 7th Congressional District Chair of the Indy Greens was on the ballot for congress and received 24% of the vote.[1]


In 2005 the Independent Greens collected thousands of signatures to put sitting state senator Russ Potts on the ballot as an Independent for Governor.

Glenda "Gail for Rail" Parker appeared on the ballot for the first time as an Independent Green for state legislature, House of Delegates.

C W "Levy" Levy (Independent Green Party) was on ballot in the 38th district.

Rick for Rail Herron (39th district) was also on the ballot for the Independent Greens for House of Delegates. Rick for Rail was last on the ballot as U.S. House candidate in 2000 as Independent Green and Green Party member.

Diallo Dphrepaulezz (63rd) ran strong campaign. Indy Green endorsee Katherine Waddell was elected to the House of Delegates in 68th district. Indy Green central committee member, and former Richmond City Council woman Shirley Harvey was on the ballot in 69th district, and received 18 per cent of the vote. Shirley McCall Goodall, Indy Green endorsee received almost 25 per cent of vote in 73rd district. Retired U.S. Navy veteran, and Independent Green Party member John Oscian Parmele, Jr (82nd District) pulled 28 percent of the vote.

Author of the Gail for Rail campaign song, Indy Green endorsed John "Cogg" Coggeshall received 12 per cent of vote in three way race.

In 91st District (IG endorsed Indy) Randall Adkins Gilliland received 40 per cent of vote. In 92nd district Anthony C Williams (IG endorsee) 21 percent.

In July 2005, the Indy Greens had offered their nomination to all Independents on the ballot. According to the Lynchburg News & Advance, six accepted the nomination, all others except one accepted the Indy Green endorsement.[1]


The Indy Greens' most prominent candidate in the 2006 election was retired Air Force officer Gail for Rail Parker who ran for the United States Senate against Republican George Allen, the incumbent, and ex-Navy Secretary Jim Webb, the Democratic Party challenger. Parker considered backing out late in the race if one of the other candidates would commit to funding new passenger rail systems and a new accounting system at the Pentagon, and agree to balancing the federal budget and paying off the federal debt.[2] Ultimately, she did not back out or make any official endorsements, but she did offer some last-minute support to Webb.[3] Parker garnered 26,102 votes (1.1%). The margin between Webb and Allen was 9,329 votes, smaller then the vote total of Gail "for Rail" Parker.

Comedian Stephen Colbert found her campaign jingle worthy of a post-election sing-along on his television show The Colbert Report.[4] Colbert also joked that Parker, whose real first name is Glenda, purposely changed her name to Gail just so it would rhyme with "light rail" to make the campaign jingle flow.

The party nominated candidates in three Congressional districts: in the 4th, Albert Burckard received 23.4% against Republican incumbent Randy Forbes; in the 5th, Joseph Oddo received 0.9% against incumbent Republican Virgil Goode and Democratic challenger Al Weed, and in the 11th, Fernando Greco received 0.9% against incumbent Republican Tom Davis and Democratic challenger Andrew Hurst.


The Independent Greens nominated candidates for five state legislative seats. In four of those races, the Democratic incumbent had no other opposition, and the Indy Green nominee received between 17% and 21% of the vote.[5]

  • Senate 31 (Arlington, Fairfax, Falls Church): Samuel D. Burley, 4,676 votes (16.52%)
  • Senate 35 (Fairfax, Alexandria): Mario T. Palmiotto, 4,532 vote (20.95%)
  • House 39 (Fairfax): Laura C. Clifton, 2,847 votes (21.17%)
  • House 49 (Arlington, Fairfax, Alexandria): James Ronald Fisher, 1,072 votes (19.12%)

In the other race, both the Democratic and Republican parties nominated a candidate.

  • House 28 (Stafford, Fredericksburg): Craig E. Ennis, 457 votes (3.23%)

Gail for Rail Parker was on the ballot for Chair, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.


Presidential race

The party organized presidential forums among minor party candidates between 2007 and 2008. Their first was January 22, 2007, at Randolph Macon Women's College in Lynchburg, Virginia. Participants scheduled were Gail for Rail Parker, Cindy Sheehan and Libertarian Green Party candidate Daniel Imperato of Florida. Ten more presidential forums were planned for 2007 at universities and colleges. The University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia hosted the second on February 5, 2007. The most notable forum in July 2007 was moderated by former CBS, and NBC newsman Marvin Kalb at the national press club, along with former Green Party Vice Presidential candidate Pat LaMarche. The forum included Jesse Johnson, Kent Mesplay, Joe Schriner, and Gail for Rail Parker. Journalist Marvin Kalb was the host of Meet The Press in 1983 when the Green Party's Petra Kelly appeared on the Sunday show. After that program Petra Kelly received a standing ovation from the journalists and studio staff.

On January 1, 2008, the Independent Greens became the first state political party in America to launch a petition drive to put New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on the ballot for president. On April 14, 2008, the party delivered 10,000 petition signatures to the Virginia State Board of Elections to put Michael Bloomberg on the ballot for President, with Paul as his running mate. On February 28, 2008, Bloomberg stated "I am not — and will not be — a candidate for president," and added that he is "hopeful that the current campaigns can rise to the challenge by offering truly independent leadership. The most productive role that I can serve is to push them forward, by using the means at my disposal to promote a real and honest debate."[6]

By August 1, 2008 the Indy Greens had submitted over 70,000 petition signatures to the state board of elections to put a Independent Green U.S. Senate candidate Gail for Rail Parker on the ballot, along with five Independent Green nominees/endorsees on the ballot for U.S. House of Representatives and the Bloomberg/Paul presidential ticket on the ballot in Virginia. On August 15, 2008 the Virginia State Board of Elections confirmed Greens had collected enough signatures to put Bloomberg and Paul on the ballot.[7] As reported by the New York Daily News reporter Liz Benjamin, Michael Bloomberg withdrew from the Indy Greens ballot line on September 5, 2008. Indy Greens offered the nomination to Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens to run in promotion of his plan to reduce the United States' foreign oil intake by investing in alternative energy.[8]

After Michael Bloomberg and T. Boone Pickens, and Jacqueline Mars (of Mars Candy fortune) for her promotion and support of conservation declined the Party's 2008 nomination for president and Ron Paul declined the Vice Presidential spot, the Constitution Party ticket of Chuck Baldwin and Darrell Castle were offered the party's ballot line and accepted it on September 8 of that year.[9] Baldwin and Castle received 7,474 votes (0.2%) in Virginia.[10]

Congressional Candidates

Gail for Rail Parker ran for the U.S. Senate for a second time in 2008. Incumbent Republican Senator John Warner chose to retire, and the seat was picked up by Democrat Mark Warner over Republican Jim Gilmore, by 65% to 34%. Parker came in third, with 21,690 votes (0.59%), just above Libertarian Bill Redpath, with 20,269 votes (0.55%).[11]

Two Indy Greens were nominated for the House of Representatives. In the 8th District, J. Ron Fisher received 2.08% against incumbent Democrat Jim Moran (68%) and Republican challenger Mark Ellmore (30%).[12] In the 11th District seat of retiring incumbent, Joseph Oddo received 2.02% against Democrat Gerry Connolly (55%) and Republican Keith Fimian (43%). Three other Independent Greens were on the ballot as Independents.


Independent Green Party of Virginia candidates Matt Carson, Gail for Rail Parker.

On January 28, 2009 the Constitution Party of Virginia gave the Independent Green Ballot Access Committee (a registered PAC in Virginia) $25,000.[13][14]

Independent Greens 2009 state elections, attempted to draft Washington Capitals hockey team owner Ted Leonsis as the gubenatorial candidate. It did field candidates in seven of the 100 House of Delegates districts, and endorsed every Independent on the ballot,a total of 27 candidates, the most of any third party.Among them was the only Korean American woman on the ballot for House of Delegates Ana Marie Choi, and the only native american indian, retired USMC Col. Jim Leslie. Most Indy Green nominee/endorees like John Parmele (US Air Force) were retired military veterans. The top vote-getter IG nominee was Craig Ennis in the 28th district, who received 24.5% of the vote against Republican Speaker of the House Bill Howell. Several Indy Green leaders were on the ballot as Independents. As usual, the party also offered endorsements to other Independents, including Green Party of Virginia candidates.[1]

IG endorsee/nominee results by district: 9th - Sherman "for Rail" Witcher received 20.7% of vote in two way race.

12th - Paul Cornett got 34% of the vote, also two way race.

18th - Todd Jack 17% in three way race.

19th - William Smith 15%, three way race.

28th - Craig "for Rail" Ennis 24.5%, two way race.

29th - Aaron Tweedie 20%, two way race

30th - Matt Carson 25%, two way race

37th - Anna Marie "for Rail" Choi 7%, three candidates on ballot.

39th - Col. Jim "for Rail " Leslie 1%, four way race.

41st - Monique "for Rail" Berry 2%, three way race.

44th - Gail "for Rail" Parker 2%, three way race.

47th - Josh Reubner (Green Party) 4%, three way race.

57th - Robert Smith 21%, two way race.

59th - Watkins Abbitt - re-elected.

64th - Col. Albert "for Rail" Burchkard 2%, three way race.

65th - Gary Reinhardt 29%, two way race.

68th - William "for Rail" Grogan 30%, two way race.

69th - Shirley Harvey 6%, three way.

70th - Otis Brown 22%, two way.

71st - Silver Persinger 17% two way race.

82nd - John Parmele 4% in three way.

85th - French Mackes 18% in two way race.

89th - Trip Triplin 18% in two way race.

91st - Gordon Hesel 35% in three way race.

100th- John W. Smith 1% in three way race.


File:Agnieszka Malczak, Green member of Bundestag Parliament for Carey Campbell's Green Party Minute.JPG
Agnieszka Malczak (24 years old) youngest Green Party member of Bundestag Parliament, Carey Campbell Independent Green Party Chairman at the November 2010 Freiburg Green Party convention.

In the United States House of Representatives elections in Virginia, 2010, the Independent Greens nominated candidates in four Congressional districts. The party also endorsed candidates in all seven of the remaining districts http://www.independentpoliticalreport.com/2010/07/independent-green-party-of-virginia-endorses-candidates-for-all-eleven-virginia-us-house-seats/.

According to the Virginia State Board of Elections (SBE) and Project Vote Smart, candidates with asterisk ran as Independent Green nominees. Others ran as endorsees:[15][16][17]


Among the many local candidates the Indy Greens endorsed were the Arlington Green Party candidates for School Board, Miriam Gennari, and for County Board of Supervisors, Kevin Chisholm.[1]

The Independent Greens established an IndependentGreen Youtube channel on October 17, 2010. http://www.youtube.com/user/IndependentGreens?feature=mhum . It features Independent Green leadership and candidates.

In December 2010 State Independent Green Chairman Carey Campbell did a comprehensive hour long TV interview with John Lovaas on the highly touted cable TV show "Reston Impact". You can view the entire interview here: http://vimeo.com/17532144


Joseph Glean Independent Green for House of Delegates, Gail for Rail Parker for State Senate 2011.

Virginia elects 100 members of the state House of Delegates, and 40 members of the State Senate in 2011. Virginia's largest county, Fairfax County, also elects the local board of supervisors, and county chair. Virginia has a population of 7,300,000. Fairfax County has 1,100,000 residents. Independent Greens Jeremy Good (2003), Gail for Rail Parker (2007), and Carey Campbell (2009, a special election) ran as Independents for Fairfax County Chair, Virginia's biggest non statewide race. Several leading Independent Greens like USMC veteran, and retired Col. Jim Leslie are discussed as possible candidates.

In the state Senate races: Independent Greens Shaun Broy, Gail for Rail Parker are expected to run. In the House of Delegates Independent Green newcomer Joseph Glean is considering an invitation to run.


  1. ^ a b c d e f www.joinrun.us
  2. ^ "Independent Candidate Gail Parker Pondering Withdrawal From Va. Senate Race". Fox News. October 26, 2006.
  3. ^ "'Gail for Rail' throws support to Webb". The Hook. 2006-11-06. Retrieved 2006-11-08.
  4. ^ "Colbert's a fan of 'Gail for Rail' jingle". The Hook. 2006-11-15. Retrieved 2006-11-15.
  5. ^ "Virginia State Board of Elections : Election Results for 2007". Sbe.virginia.gov. Retrieved 2010-08-29.
  6. ^ Bloomberg, Michael R. "I'm Not Running for President, but...", The New York Times, February 28, 2008.
  7. ^ "Mayor Bloomberg on Virginia ballot", Third Party Watch, 19 August 2008 . Retrieved 20 August 2008.[dead link]
  8. ^ "T. Boone Pickens invited (sic) to join Independent Greens presidential ticket; Bloomberg withdraws", Third Party Watch, 5 September 2008 . Retrieved 6 September 2008.[dead link]
  9. ^ "Independent Green Party of Virginia Puts Baldwin on Ballot", Ballot Access News, 8 September 2008 . Retrieved 8 September 2008.
  10. ^ Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections
  11. ^ Results, State Board of Elections.
  12. ^ Results, State Board of Elections.
  13. ^ Campaign_Finance_Disclosure, State Board of Elections.
  14. ^ "Virginia State Board of Elections : CF Reports Report Codes". Sbe.virginia.gov. Retrieved 2010-08-29.
  15. ^ "2010 Candidates". Votejoinrun.us. Retrieved 2010-08-29.
  16. ^ "Virginia State Board of Elections". Sbe.virginia.gov. Retrieved 2010-08-29.
  17. ^ "Project Vote Smart - U.S. Congress Candidates for Virginia". Votesmart.org. Retrieved 2010-08-29.