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Germar Rudolf

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Germar Rudolf (born 29 October 1964 in Limburg an der Lahn), is a German chemist and holocaust denier. He took the name of his first wife, Scheerer, for a time, until the two divorced.

Temporarily, he was a member of the Die Republikaner, a German right wing party.

After finishing secondary education in 1983 in Remscheid, Rudolf studied chemistry in Bonn, completing his studies in 1989. As a student, he joined A.V. Tuisconia Königsberg zu Bonn and K.D.St.V. Nordgau Prag zu Stuttgart. Both are catholic German fraternities belonging to the Cartellverband der katholischen deutschen Studentenverbindungen. He was expelled in 1995 on grounds of having violated his fraternity's principles by his publications.

Finishing Ph.D postgraduate studies after his military service, he was temporarily employed at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, beginning in October 1990. During this time he wrote a paper, titled "Report on the formation and verifiability of cyanide compounds in the Auschwitz gas chambers" on behalf of the Düsseldorf attorney Hajo Herrmann, a former Luftwaffe ace holding the rank of Oberst.

Herrmann used Rudolf's paper in the defense of retired Wehrmacht general and prominent Nazi activist Otto Ernst Remer, charged with incitement of the people, a criminal offense in German law. In this paper, the disputed "Rudolf Report," Rudolf claims having collected samples of the gas chambers' brickwork in the Auschwitz concentration camp, finding only small traces of cyanide compounds in the wall's remainders. The report has been challenged since by Richard Green and Jamie McCarthy from the The Holocaust History Project.

In 1993, Rudolf was expelled from the Max Planck Institute for his unauthorised use of the institute's name to get samples analysed that were taken from the gas chamber sites at Auschwitz and Birkenau. He sued unsuccessfully against the decision. Since then, he has given advice in law suits concerning holocaust denial and related offenses, receiving financial support from sponsors and by working as a publisher.

In 1994, Rudolf was sentenced to 14 months in prison by the district court of Tübingen because of the "Rudolf Report." (Holocaust denial is considered a crime in Germany.) Rudolf avoided prison by fleeing to Spain, England and finally to Chicago, USA. There, he applied for political asylum, but his request was denied.

Meanwhile, criminal investigation continued in Germany. In August 2004, the district court of Mannheim distrained a bank account holding over €200,000. Rudolf and his associates had earned this money by selling Holocaust denying publications.

On September 11, 2004, Rudolf married a US citizen. Nevertheless, his request for asylum was finally turned down in November of that year on the basis that his application was "frivolous." On October 19, 2005, Rudolf was arrested and deported to Germany on November 15. There on arrival, he was arrested by police authorities and transferred to a prison in Baden-Württemberg.


After Rudolf left the Max Planck Institute, he started to publish several books on Holocaust revisionism. He used several pseudonyms, avowedly to generate the impression of several experts agreeing with him, cross referencing their work. He claims this to have been justified[1] due to the biased legal process in Germany.[2] In 1998, Rudolf founded Castle Hill Publishers in Hastings, England. Furthermore, he is closely associated with the Belgian revisionist organization Vrij Historisch Onderzoek (VHO).


  1. ^ Character assassins Rudolf explains his use of nom de plume
  2. ^ What's in a nym?, report on Rudolf's usage of pseudonyms, by Harry W. Mazal from the Mazal Library