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Flora Lilium bulbiferum ssp. croceum
Scientific classification


See text

Lilium is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbs, all with large, prominent flowers. They comprise a genus of about 110 species in the lily family Liliaceae. Most species are native to the temperate northern hemisphere, though their range extends into the northern subtropics.

Lilies form an important group of flowering garden plants and are important in culture and literature in much of the world. A few species are sometimes grown or harvested for the edible bulbs.

The species in genus Lilium are true lilies. Many other plants have "lily" in their common names, some of which are quite unrelated to true lilies.


The range of lilies in the Old World extends across much of Europe, across most of Asia to Japan, south to the Nilgiri mountains in India, and south to the Philippines. In the New World they extend from southern Canada through much of the United States. They are commonly adapted to either woodland habitats, often montane, or sometimes to grassland habitats. A few can survive in marshland and epiphytes are known in southeast Asia (including L. arboricola). In general they prefer moderately acidic or lime-free soils.


Lilium longiflorum flower – 1. Stigma, 2. Style, 3. Stamens, 4. Filament, 5. Tepal

Lilies are tall, leafy stemmed herbs generally ranging in height from 2–6 ft (60–180 cm). They form naked or tunic-less scaly underground bulbs which are their overwintering organs. In some North American species the base of the bulb develops into rhizomes, on which numerous small bulbs are found. Some species develop stolons. Most bulbs are deeply buried, but a few species form bulbs near the soil surface. Many species form stem-roots. With these, the bulb grows naturally at some depth in the soil, and each year the new stem puts out adventitious roots above the bulb as it emerges from the soil. These roots are in addition to the basal roots that develop at the base of the bulb.

Most cool temperate species are dormant in winter. Most species are deciduous, but a few species (Lilium candidum, Lilium catesbaei) bear a basal rosette of leaves during dormancy.

The large flowers have six tepals. They are often fragrant, and come in a range of colours ranging through whites, yellows, oranges, pinks, reds and purples. Markings include spots and brush strokes. The plants are late spring or summer flowering.

Seeds ripen in late summer. They exhibit varying and sometimes complex germination patterns, many adapted to cool temperate climates.


Taxonomical division in sections follows the classical division of Comber,[1] species acceptance follows World Checklist of Liliaceae,[2] the taxonomy of section Pseudolirium is from the Flora of North America,[3] the taxonomy of Section Liriotypus is given in consideration of Resetnik et al. 2007,[4] the taxonomy of Chinese species (various sections) follows the Flora of China [5] and the taxonomy of Section Archelirion follows Nishikawa et al.[6] as does the taxonomy of Section Archelirion.[7]

Some species formerly included within this genus have now been placed in other genera. These genera include Cardiocrinum, Notholirion, Nomocharis and Fritillaria.

Section Martagon

Lilium distichum
Lilium hansonii
Lilium martagon Martagon or Turk's cap lily
Lilium medeoloides
Lilium tsingtauense
Lilium debile var. of L. medeoloides

Section Pseudolirium

Lilium bolanderi Bolander's Lily
Lilium columbianum Columbia Lily or Tiger Lily
Lilium humboldtii Humboldt's lily
Lilium kelloggii
Lilium rubescens
Lilium washingtonianum Washington Lily, Shasta Lily, or Mt. Hood Lily
Lilium kelleyanum
Lilium maritimum
Lilium occidentale
Lilium pardalinum Panther or Leopard lily
Lilium parryi
Lilium parvum Sierra tiger lily or Alpine lily
Lilium canadense Canada Lily or Meadow Lily
Lilium puberulum
Lilium grayi
Lilium iridollae
Lilium michiganense Michigan Lily
Lilium michauxii Carolina Lily
Lilium pyrophilum Sandhills Lily[8]
Lilium superbum Swamp lily or American tiger lily
Lilium catesbaei
Lilium philadelphicum Wood lily, Philadelphia lily or prairie lily

Section Liriotypus

Lilium bulbiferum Orange Lily or Fire Lily
Lilium candidum Madonna lily
Lilium chalcedonicum
Lilium kesselringianum
Lilium ledebourii
Lilium szovitsianum
Lilium monadelphum
Lilium pyrenaicum
Lilium rhodopeum
Lilium akkusianum
File:Ljiljan1pc.jpg Lilium bosniacum
Lilium carniolicum
Lilium ciliatum
Lilium pomponium Turban lily
Lilium ponticum
Lilium jankae
Lilium albanicum
Lilium polyphyllum

Section Archelirion

Lilium auratum Golden rayed lily of Japan, or Goldband lily
Lilium platyphyllum
Lilium brownii
Lilium japonicum
Lilium nobilissimum
Lilium rubellum
Lilium speciosum Japanese lily

Section Sinomartagon

Lilium davidii
Lilium duchartrei
Lilium henryi Tiger Lily or Henry's lily
Lilium lancifolium Tiger Lily
Lilium lankongense
Lilium leichtlinii
Lilium papilliferum
Lilium rosthornii
Lilium amabile
Lilium callosum
Lilium cernuum
Lilium concolor Morning Star Lily
Lilium fargesii
Lilium pumilum Coral Lily, Low Lily, or Siberian Lily
Lilium xanthellum
Lilium amoenum
Lilium bakerianum
Lilium henrici
Lilium lijiangense
Lilium lophophorum
Lilium mackliniae Siroi Lily
Lilium nanum Photo by Karl Kristensen[9]
Lilium nepalense
Lilium oxypetalum
Lilium paradoxum
Lilium primulinum
Lilium sempervivoideum
Lilium sherriffiae
Lilium souliei
Lilium stewartianum
Lilium taliense
Lilium wardii
Lilium arboricola
Lilium anhuiense
Lilium brevistylum
Lilium habaense
Lilium huidongense
Lilium jinfushanense
Lilium matangense
Lilium pinifolium
Lilium saccatum
Lilium tianschanicum
Lilium poilanei
Lilium floridum
Lilium medogense

Section Leucolirion

Lilium leucanthum
Lilium puerense
Lilium regale
Lilium sargentiae
Lilium sulphureum
Lilium formosanum
Lilium longiflorum Easter Lily
Lilium philippinense
Lilium wallichianum
Lilium wenshanense

Section Daurolirion

Lilium pensylvanicum
Lilium maculatum

Section not specified

Lilium eupetes


Many species are widely grown in the garden in temperate and sub-tropical regions. Sometimes they may also be grown as potted plants. A large number of ornamental hybrids have been developed. They can be used in herbaceous borders, woodland and shrub plantings, and as patio plants. Some lilies, especially Lilium longiflorum form important cut flower crops. These may be forced for particular markets; for instance, L. longiflorum for the Easter trade, when it may be called the Easter lily.

Lilium bulbs are starchy and edible as root vegetables, although bulbs of some species may be very bitter. The non-bitter bulbs of L. lancifolium, L. pumilum, and especially L. brownii (Chinese: 百合 ; pinyin: bǎihé gān) and Lilium davidii var unicolor cotton are grown on a large scale in China as a luxury or health food, and are most often sold in dry form. They are eaten especially in the summer, for their perceived ability to reduce internal heat. They may be reconstituted and stir-fried, grated and used to thicken soup, or processed to extract starch. Their texture and taste draw comparisons with the potato, although the individual bulb scales are much smaller. Yuri-ne (lily-root) is also common in Japanese cuisine, especially as an ingredient of chawan-mushi (savoury egg custard).

The "lily" flower buds known as jīnzhēn (金针, "golden needles") in Chinese cuisine are actually from the daylily Hemerocallis fulva. This plant – despite its looks – is actually more closely related to asparagus than to true lilies.

The "bosnian lily" (bos. "bosanski ljiljan") is considered the ethnic simbol of Bosniaks. It was on the family coat of arms of the Kotromanić dynasty which ruled the medieval Bosnian kingdom and on the flag of Bosnia & Herzegovina from 1992 to 1998. It is still used to represent Bosniaks on the coats of arms of some cantons.

Lilies are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the Dun-bar.

Classification of garden forms

Asiatic hybrid flower
An Oriental hybrid showing open and unopened flower
An emasculated Lilium Stargazer

Numerous forms, mostly hybrids are grown for the garden. They vary according to their parent species, and are classified in the following broad groups;[10] [11][12]

  • Asiatic hybrids (Division I). These are plants with medium sized, upright or outward facing flowers, mostly unscented. They are derived from central and East Asian species, including L. bulbiferum, L. cernuum, L. concolor, L. davidii, L. lancifolium, L. maculatum.
    • Ia  upward-facing flowers
    • Ib  outward-facing flowers
    • Ic  downward-facing (pendent) flowers
  • Martagon hybrids (Division II). These are based on L. martagon and L. hansonii. The flowers are nodding, Turk's cap style (with the petals strongly recurved).
  • Candidum hybrids (Division III). This includes hybrids of L. candidum with several other mostly European species.
  • American hybrids (Division IV). These are mostly taller growing forms, originally derived from L. pardalinum. Many are clump-forming perennials with rhizomatous rootstocks.
  • Longiflorum hybrids (Division V). These are cultivated forms of this species and its subspecies. They are most important as plants for cut flowers, and are less often grown in the garden than other hybrids.
  • Trumpet lilies (Division VI), including Aurelian hybrids (with L. henryi). This group includes hybrids of many Asiatic species, including L. regale and L. aurelianse. The flowers are trumpet shaped, facing outward or somewhat downward, and tend to be strongly fragrant, often especially night-fragrant.
  • Oriental hybrids (Division VII). These are based on hybrids of L. auratum and L. speciosum, together with crossbreeds from several species native to Japan, including L nobilissimum, L rubellum, L alexandrae, and L japonicum. They are fragrant, and the flowers tend to be outward facing. Plants tend to be tall, and the flowers may be quite large. The whole group are sometimes referred to as Stargazers because they appear to look upwards. For the specific 'Stargazer' hybrid, see Lilium "Stargazer".
  • Other hybrids (Division VIII). Includes all other garden hybrids.
  • Species (Division IX). All natural species and naturally occurring forms are included in this group.

Many newer commercial varieties are developed by using new technologies such as in vitro pollination, ovary culture and embryo rescue.[13]

Pests & diseases

Aphids may infest plants. Leatherjackets feed on the roots. Larvae of the Scarlet lily beetle can cause serious damage in parts of Southern England - the brilliant scarlet adult insects can often be found on the stems and leaves. Plants can suffer from damage caused by mice, deer and squirrels. Slugs, snails and millipedes attack seedlings, leaves and flowers. Brown spots on damp leaves may signal botrytis (also known as lily disease). Various fungal and viral diseases can cause mottling of leaves and stunting of growth.

Propagation and growth

Lilies can be propagated in several ways;

  • by division of the bulbs
  • by growing-on bulbils which are adventitious bulbs formed on the stem
  • by scaling, for which whole scales are detached from the bulb and planted to form a new bulb
  • by seed; there are many seed germination patterns, which can be complex
  • by micropropagation techniques;[14] commercial quantities of lilies are often propagated in vitro and then planted out to grow into salable sized plants


The botanic name Lilium is the Latin form and is a Linnaean name. The Latin name is derived from the Greek λείριον, leírion, generally assumed to refer to true, white lilies as exemplified by the Madonna lily.[15] The word was borrowed from Coptic (dial. Fayyumic) hleri, from standard hreri, from Demotic hrry, from Egyptian hrṛt "flower". Meillet maintains that both the Egyptian and the Greek word are possible loans from an extinct, substratum language of the Eastern Mediterranean. The Greeks also used the word κρῖνον, krīnon, albeit for non-white, false lilies.


Many varieties of lily are extremely toxic to cats, causing acute renal failure even in small amounts. This is particularly true in the case of Easter lily plants, though other Lilium and the related Hemerocallis can also cause the same symptoms.[16][17][18]

See also


  1. ^ Harold Comber, 1949. "A new classification of the genus Lilium." Lily Yearbook, Royal Hortic. Soc., London. 15:86–105.
  2. ^ Govaerts, R. (2006). World Checklist of Liliaceae. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet; accessed 15 September 2006; 20:36 GMT
  3. ^ Flora of North America, Vol. 26, Online
  4. ^ Resetnik I., Liber Z., Satovic Z., Cigic P., Nikolic T. (2007). "Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the Lilium carniolicum group (Liliaceae) based on nuclear ITS sequences". Plant Systematics and Evolution. 265: 45–58. doi:10.1007/s00606-006-0513-y.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. ^ Flora of China, Vol. 24, eFloras.org
  6. ^ Nishikawa Tomotaro, Okazaki Keiichi, Arakawa Katsuro, Nagamine Tsukasa (2001). "Phylogenetic Analysis of Section Sinomartagon in Genus Lilium Using Sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Region in Nuclear Ribosomal DNA". 育種学雑誌 Breeding science. 51 (1): 39–46. doi:10.1270/jsbbs.51.39.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  7. ^ Nishikawa Tomotaro, Okazaki Keiichi, Nagamine Tsukasa (2002). "Phylogenetic Relationships among Lilium auratum Lindley, L. auratum var. platyphyllum Baker and L. rubellum Baker Based on Three Spacer Regions in Chloroplast DNA". 育種学雑誌 Breeding science. 52 (3): 207–213. doi:10.1270/jsbbs.52.207.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  8. ^ http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=242101744
  9. ^ "Velkommen til". Kalle-k.dk. Retrieved 2011-12-05.
  10. ^ North American Lily Society: Types of Lilies
  11. ^ Northern Tasmanian Lily Society: Horticultural Classification of Liliums
  12. ^ RHS A-Z encyclopedia of garden plants. United Kingdom: Dorling Kindersley. 2008. p. 1136. ISBN 1405332964.
  13. ^ J.m. Van Tuyl, A.; Binoa, R.J.; Vancreij, M; Vankleinwee, T; Franken, J; Bino, R (1991). "Application of in vitro pollination, ovary culture, ovule culture and embryo rescue for overcoming incongruity barriers in interspecific Lilium crosses". Plant Science. 74 (1): 115–126. doi:10.1016/0168-9452(91)90262-7.
  14. ^ Hcmuaf.edu.ven[dead link]
  15. ^ "Classification". Archived from the original on April 15, 2008. Retrieved 2008-06-22.
  16. ^ Langston CE (2002). "Acute renal failure caused by lily ingestion in six cats". J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 220 (1): 49–52, 36. doi:10.2460/javma.2002.220.49. PMID 12680447. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  17. ^ Hall J (1992). "Nephrotoxicity of Easter Lily (Lilium longiflorum) when ingested by the cat". Proc Annu Meet Am Vet Int Med. 6: 121.
  18. ^ Volmer P (1999). "Easter lily toxicosis in cats" (PDF). Vet Med: 331. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)

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