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List of violent incidents in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, July–December 2016

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Israel and the Palestinian territories


1 July

  • A pregnant Palestinian woman, Sara al-Hajuj Atrayera (27),[1] was shot dead when she allegedly pulled a knife and tried to stab an Israeli soldier at the Hasam Tzalbanit checkpost near the Cave of the Patriarchs/Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron. Palestinian eyewitnesses report that the incident occurred when she was ordered into a room for a physical inspection, was pepper-sprayed, at which she ran away and was shot dead. She came originally from the same village Bani Na'im as Mohammed Taraireh, who killed an Israeli settler the day before, and of Majd al-Khadour, also shot dead some days earlier for an apparent car-ramming attack in Hebron.[2][3] According to an investigation by the Israeli NGO B'Tselem based on the testimony of bystanders and video footage, a scuffle ensued during the inspection in a room, perhaps because a knife was found in her possession. Two Israeli officers, one a man and a woman, left the room coughing from pepper-spray, which was also later found on the face of the deceased. The woman officer had a pepper-spray in her hand. A third officer left the room, and several others gathered at the door, after which 4 shots were heard being fired. They add that this was, in their view, another of dozens of extrajudicial killings of Palestinians, who could otherwise have been detained without lethal measures, in the past 3 months.[4]
  • In a drive-by shooting in the West Bank, a Palestinian gunman shot dead Rabbi Michael Mark (48), head of a yeshiva at the Israeli settlement of Otniel, and critically wounding his wife Chava (40). Two of their 10 children travelling with them, Pedayah (15) and Tehila (13), suffered light to moderate injuries. The attack took place on route 60 between Otniel and the settlement of Beit Hagai.[5][6] A passing Palestinian couple, Ali Abu Shroukh of ad-Dhahiriya and his wife, both doctors, who were driving to the Al-Aqsa mosque for Friday prayers,[7] stopped to intervene. A young Palestinian couple were already trying to help. The 2 medicos dragged the children and wife from the flipped-over vehicles and applied first aid. At the father's funeral, his children silenced mourners crying for revenge.[8][9] In response, Transport Minister Israel Katz said the situation was one of 'all-out war'; Israel sealed off Hebron and its surrounding areas in a military closure in a measure that affects 700,000 Palestinians. Movement by the local population was subject to restrictions except for "humanitarian cases".[1] It was also stated that Israel would proceed with new construction in the settlement of Kiryat Arba; proposals were also made for the cutting off of all internet services to stop incitement; the immediate implementation of demolitions of Palestinian houses in the area lacking Israeli permits; and deductions from tax revenues regularly collected for and passed onto the Palestinian Authority, on the grounds that the sums support the families of terrorists. Katz also called for legislation to expel from the West Bank the families of anyone who engages in such attacks.[10]
  • Muhammad Mustafa Habash (63) from the Nablus area village of Asira al-Shamaliya died of excessive tear-gas inhalation fired by Israeli forces during clashes with Palestinians crossing the Qalandiya checkpoint to attend prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. He was one of a group of 40 were suffered from excessive tear-gas at the site.[11]
  • An Israeli policeman lightly injured from a stone thrown at him during riots in Kalandia. Israeli forces dispersed the protesters using crowd control weapons.[12]
  • Stones were hurled at the Jerusalem Light Rail in Shuafat area, causing no injuries but damage to the train. Two Palestinian suspects were caught by the police and brought to investigation.[13]
  • Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired two rockets toward the Israeli city of Sderot. One rocket exploded in a community center for children which as empty at the time, piercing the roof of the building and causing damage inside. Windows of surrounding buildings were also damaged. There were no direct injuries from the rocket but two civilians were treated for shock. The second rocket hit an open field in the boundaries of Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council. A Palestinian organization affiliated with ISIL, named Anqaf Bayt al Maqdis issued a statement claiming responsibility for the shooting. The Israeli air force struck what it called four "terror infrastructures" belonging to Hamas. An IDF spokesman said the IDF considers Hamas responsible for all that happens in the Gaza Strip.[14][15][16]

4 July

  • Israeli forces demolished the houses of the Assaf and Abu Habsa families in Kalandia refugee camp in punishment for an attack by two of their members, Anaan Hamad (20) and Issa Asaf (19). The two had carried out an attack in Jaffa Gate last December, killing two Israelis. The forces used hammers instead of explosives due to the density of the camp. During the demolition which lasted for four hours, Palestinians rioted, throwing stones and also shooting at the soldiers, who responded with live fire. Four Palestinians were wounded, with light to moderate injuries, during the clashes. UNWRA spokesman Chris Gunness called the acts a breach of international law[17] regarding collective punishment.[18]
  • Riots took place in Dura, West Bank after Israeli forces entered the village of Bani Naim and arrested four Palestinians, including two brothers of Mohammed Taraireh, the Palestinian teenager who killed a 13-year-old girl in the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba last week. A vehicle was also confiscated. During the raid the soldiers found and confiscated an M16 rifle, two pipe bombs and bottle of flammable paint.[18]

5–11 July Overview

50 Palestinians, of whom 14 were children, suffered injuries in clashes, mostly during 98 search and arrest operations by Israeli troops throughout the West Bank, leading to the arrest of 95 Palestinians. Gazans were fired on at least 7 times in incidents involving land and sea operations, and on 4 occasions Israel conducted bulldozing operations to level ground inside the Gaza Strip. One Palestinian was killed, and 3 reports of Israeli vehicles being stoned by Palestinians were registered.[19]

5 July

  • An IDF combat soldier from the Givati brigade shot and critically wounded a Palestinian girl, Jamileh Daoud Hasan Jaber (17) from al-Zawiya, Salfit, after she tried to stab him and another officer, while they were on duty at a bus stop, the Gitai interchange, near the Israeli settlement of Ariel in the West Bank. A video of the incident is available,[20][21][22] Israeli commentator Gideon Levy said the video shows her slowly taking 'hesitant steps' with a kitchen knife in her hand towards 2 armed soldiers, and asked General Gadi Eisenkot publicly whether the IDF supposed 'to make the death wish of every suicidal Palestinian girl come true?'[23]
  • An Israeli woman (30) was lightly injured in her face after her vehicle was caught in stone throwing north to Kiryat Arba on Highway 60.[24]

6 July

  • Three soldiers were lightly injured when a car driven by a Palestinian hit their vehicle, causing it to flip over. The incident occurred near the entrance to the Israeli settlement of Neve Daniel. The Palestinian driver is in critical condition. Investigations have been undertaken to ascertain whether it was a deliberate attack or an accident.[25][26]
  • Israeli media reported that shots were fired at an Israeli settler's vehicle near the Zaatara checkpoint near Nablus in the West Bank. No injuries were reported.[27]
  • An Israeli settler was reportedly injured by rock-throwing in the vicinity of the settlement of Beit El.[27]
  • A Palestinian teenager from East Jerusalem was arrested for firebombing Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus. No one was injured in the attack.[28]
  • A stone was hurled at the Jerusalem Light Rail causing damage but no injuries.[29]
  • At least ten Palestinians were injured, some by live fire, in clashes with Israeli soldiers in the village of Dura after the soldiers attempted to arrest suspects in Hebron area. The IDF said troops used live fire from Ruger sniper rifles and crowd-control weapons to disperse the Palestinians who attacked the soldiers with stones, firebombs and burning tires.[30]

9 July

  • Eitan Finkel of Netivot, was shot while driving home from the settlement of Metzad. The incident took place outside Tekoa. He suffered a wound to the shin. His wife and 6 children were in the car at the time. Israeli forces sealed off 2 Palestinian villages Sa'ir and Al-Arroub to search for a suspect. Clashes broke out and 8 people were arrested.[31][32][33] Locals in Sa'ir reported that four Palestinians were wounded with rubber-coated steel bullets shot by Israeli soldiers and dozens more suffered from severe tear gas inhalation.[34]
  • A Palestinian man named Bassam Mahmoud Tabish was reportedly shot by Israeli soldiers while being arrested for no clear reason. The Israeli army did not confirm the incident.[34]

11 July

  • Israeli forces shot 2 Palestinian youths with rubber-coated steel bullets during clashes that arose as they raided the al-Shuyukh area of the blockaded village of Sa'ir.[35]
  • It was reported that 10 dunams (2.5 acres) of land sin the Um Suwwana area under olive-tree cultivation and belonging to the al-Sawaada family of al-Ramadin had been torched by Israeli forces some weeks earlier.[36]
  • An improvised explosive device was thrown at the compound of Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem, causing damage to a parking vehicle.[37] In early July five Palestinian teens aged 16 and 17 of al-Aida refugee camp who admitted they were responsible for seven incident where they have thrown a total of 15 explosive devices on the compound during the month of Ramadan causing severe damage.[38]

12–18 July overview

44 Palestinians, including 13 children, were injured in clashes with Israeli troops over this period, 42 of which incidents occurred in the West Bank. A further 2 were shot in the Gaza Strip in the ARA or restricted area to which Gazans are denied access, one reportedly while out hunting birds. Twenty-three Palestinian properties were razed for lack of Israeli building permits, leaving 43 people, 25 of them children displaced. Nine attacks by settlers on Palestinians and their property were registered, including the burning of 150 olive trees in Bethlehem, the uprooting of 5 dunums of sorghum near the village of Huwwara, and the theft of over 50 sacks of hay and wheat grain in Qusra, attributed to settler actions. Six Palestinian vehicles were damaged by settler stone throwing; two Israelis were injured by Palestinians[39]

13 July

  • Anwar al-Salaymeh (22/24) from Shuafat was shot dead and Fares Khader al-Rishq (20) was critically wounded when an Israeli Border policeman, feeling he was in danger, opened fire on their car, during a raid at 3:30 a.m. on the town of Al-Ram, to examine a blacksmith's business used as a weapons' manufacturing plant. According to Israeli spokesmen, the firing occurred when a vehicle headed in direction of troops was observed as accelerating. A third youth in the vehicle, Muhammad Nassar (20) was arrested. He was not wounded. Palestinian sources say the 3 youths may not have been aware a raid was being conducted inside the town.[40][41][42][43] According to a Palestinian lawyer, a preliminary scan suggested al-Salaymeha had been shot in the back three times. An autopsy, with a Palestinian physician present, is to be undertaken to determine the exact cause of death.[44]
  • Israel conducted two airstrike raids on sites east of El Bureij Refugee Camp in the Gaza Strip, causing explosions. Israeli sources said the reason for what were called 'controlled detonations' could not be given.[45]

14 July

  • Yihya Hijazi was lightly wounded when he was shot during a police arrest in Shuafat refugee camp. According to Israel reports border guards endeavoured to arrest a man suspected of "terrorist activities" at a checkpoint. Local residents tried to hinder the arrest and Hijazi is said to have approached the soldiers, reportedly holding a knife before he was shot. A Fatah spokesman claimed Hijazi had tried to wrest a knife from the suspect.[46][47]
  • 11 Palestinians were wounded during clashes between Israeli forces and stone and bottle-throwing protestors after an Israeli undercover squad and soldiers entered al-Mazraa al-Gharbiyeh, on the northern outskirts of Ramallah and arrested Tareq Rabie, an Islamic activist at Birzeit University. Nine were hit with live fire, eight in the limbs and one severely with a stomach wound. A military closure was then imposed on the village and the surrounding area. Israeli sources state that Molotov cocktails were thrown, while Palestinians report that they were empty bottles.[48]
  • According to Palestinian sources, a group of Palestinian vehicles were hit by a barrage of rocks thrown by settlers as they came back from a wedding, on the Wadi Qana road between Qalqilya and Salfit. A Salfit Company bus was damaged, and the windscreen of a driver from the village of Biddya was smashed. Palestinians convicted of stoning vehicles can receive sentences of up to 20 years, which Palestinians say is not applied to similar cases involving settler perpetrators.[49]

18 July

  • The home in Qabatiya of Bilal Ahmed Abu Zeid, a Palestinian arrested on suspicion of providing arms used to kill an Israeli police officer and injure 2 others on 3 February, was demolished during a predawn raid. Five Palestinian youths were injured by live fire when clashes erupted at the scene. Abd al-Rahman Suleiman (20), was critically wounded by a shot to the chest; Rami Zakarneh (28) received a shoulder wound; Anwar Kamil ( 17) was shot in the leg, while Jawad Kamil (16) was hit in the waist The identity of the 5th man wounded is unknown.[50]
  • Israeli soldiers fired on a Palestinian truck when it collided with an Israeli car near Hebron. The driver, Hisham Mahmoud Abu Ayyash of Beit Ummar was wounded and arrested. Palestinian sources stated that it seems to have been a traffic accident.[51][52]
  • 2 Israeli soldiers suffered light wounds from a screwdriver when they were attacked by a Palestinian, Mustafa Baradiya (51), a mathematics teacher from Surif, outside the al-Arrub refugee camp. The Palestinian was in turn shot in the abdomen. Both soldiers, one with a wound to the hand and the other to the neck, and the civilian attacker received first aid from a passing Red Crescent Society ambulance. It later emerged that the assailant's brother, Ibrahim Baradiya (50), had been shot dead at the same site after trying to attack a soldier with an axe on April 14. Bardaya died of his injuries later than evening.[53][54]
  • Yahya Hijazi (24) was shot 9 times in the leg by Israeli troops in the Shuafat Refugee Camp. According to his mother, he was passing by and noticing a family quarrel, intervened and disarmed a man who was wielding a knife. She claims he raised his hand to signal to the troops he had no intention of using the knife, and thereupon was shot, and his other leg fractured in a subsequent beating. He was detained, but after interrogation, not placed under arrest.[55]
  • Hamza Mahmoud Rabaee (12) suffered a foot fracture and bruising in a hit-and-run accident involving, according to Palestinian claims, a car driven by an Israeli settler.[56]

19-25 July Overview

74 Palestinians, of whom 18 were children, were injured in clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank. Farmers and fishermen from the Gaza Strip were fired on at least 10 times. On 4 separate occasions Israeli demolition teams razed 7 Palestinian structures in east Jerusalem. Armed settlers shot at Palestinians farming their land near the village of al-Khader and the Israeli settlement of El’azar, near Bethlehem.[57]

19 July

  • A Gazan fisherman was wounded when the boat he was fishing from was subject to Israeli fire off the northwestern coast of the Gaza Strip.[58]
  • 7 structures in Silwan, East Jerusalem, were razed to the ground by Israeli forces. Arafat Abu al-Hamam had 4 of his buildings destroyed, a single-room home and 3 stores, built in 2008 without Israeli permits. A car-wash and garage owned by the Abu Tayih families were also demolished.[59]
  • A nearly completed home, owned by Sharhabil Alqam was also bulldozed in the Beit Hanina neighbourhood of East Jerusalem The residence was intended for him his wife and 7 children. The owner had failed to file a request for a permit.[59]
  • A Palestinian demolished his own home in the Ein al-Louz area of Silwan to avoid paying for the costs of an impending demolition ordered by the Israeli authorities.[59]
  • Muhyi a-Din a-Tabakhi (10) of al-Ram succumbed to his wounds after being critically wounded in the chest by a black sponge bullet during clashes with Israeli Border Police, who fired at a group of stone-throwing youths, demonstrating against the construction of a Separation Barrier. A Palestinian bystander who tried to assist the boy was also shot in turn, and was wounded in his hand.[60][61]
  • Settlers were accused by Palestinians of setting fire to the home of Muhammad Dawabsha in Duma. An initial Israeli investigation claimed that the building was set alight following inter-clan tensions in the village.[62][63]

20 July

  • A Gazan farmer was shot by a rubber-coated steel bullet while reportedly working land east of Deir al-Balah and close to the Israeli border.[64]
  • Two tin shacks owned by Abu Sneina and built close to the Atarot settlement in north Jerusalem, holding 4 storage containers and office space were demolished. The bulldozing also destroyed a 3 vehicles and a diesel tank. The land is considered public land by Israel.[65]

21 July

  • An Israeli settler's vehicle was struck with live bullets on Thursday night near Beit Sahour in the occupied West Bank district of Bethlehem, according to Israeli sources. In response Israel blocked the entrances to the townships of Beit Sahour, Jannatah, Za'atara, al-Khas and Marah Rabah in southeastern Bethlehem.[66][67]

22 July

  • Two Palestinian youths were injured in clashes with Israeli troops during the weekly protest march at Kafr Qaddum. One was shot in the thigh with a rubber-coated steel bullets, the other was struck in the head by a tear-gas canister. The marching area was also dowsed with skunk liquid, whose putrid smell lingers for some weeks.[68]

23 July

  • Samir Jabir and his cousins were surveying some of their property, to which they claim they have Ottoman period title, when they were threatened and came under fire by Israelis from a settlement called Fathers’ Road, near Bethlehem, between Neve Daniel and Elazar. When they refused to budge, the shots were fired just over their heads. The incident was filmed and posted on YouTube. According to a UN report settlers had injured Palestinians or damaged their properties on 9 occasions in the week between July 12 and 18.[69]

24 July

  • A Palestinian youth received a serious head wound from live fire during clashes with Israeli troops making a pre-dawn raid on the village of Silwad near Ramallah.[70]

25 July

  • Israeli forces demolished 12 Palestinian homes in the West Bank village of Qalandiya for lacking building permits and because of their proximity to the Separation Barrier. Seven Palestinians werfe reportedly injured by either rubber-coated steel bullets, tear-gas inhalation, or physical assault as clashes broke out when locals tried to defend the homes.[71]
  • According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, 9 youths were injured by Israeli rubber-coated steel bullets, in clashes in Abu Dis, East Jerusalem, that erupted in the wake of a solidarity march by Palestinians for aprisoner engaged in a 43-day hunger strike.[72]
  • An Israeli Borderr policeman broke and confiscated a family bike ridden by Anwar Burqan (8) after she trespassed on a stretch of road in central Hebron reserved for Jewish settlers. It was the one source of play for several children of a local pauper family. The policeman concerned was suspended after B'Tselem placed a video of the event on its website on 2 August.[73]

26 July-1 August Overview

One Palestinian was killed, and a woman wounded, from alleged stabbing attacks at checkpoints, bringing the number of Palestinians killed in such incidents in 2016 to 60, and the number of Israelis 11; 67 Palestinians, of whom 14 were children, were injured in clashes with Israeli troops. On 7 occasions farmers and fishermen from the Gaza Strip were fired on. Israel razed 20 Palestinian structures in East Jerusalem, displacing 17 people, and impacting on a further 221. Palestinians threw Molotov cocktails at Israeli cars in the West Bank on six occasions, while settlers injured one Palestinian driver by throwing bottles at his vehicle.[74]

26 July

  • 4 structures, including a home being built by Salah Abd al-Nabi Mahmoud; Haitham Mustafa's car repair shop and 2 walls, were demolished in a predawn raid by Israeli forces on the East Jerusalem village of Isawiya. The reason given was that they lacked Israeli permits.[75]
  • A young Palestinian woman, Raghad Nasrallah Shuani (18), from the village of Kafr Aqab, was shot in the legs when, ignoring calls to stop, she ran towards soldiers manning the checkpoint in Qalandiya. She sustained a light wound. Later, a knife was found in her bag. It may be a case of attempted Suicide by cop.[76][77]
  • 3 Palestinian youths were injured by live fire when Israeli forces raided the al-Amari refugee camp in Ramallah district.[72]

27 July

  • Muhammad Faqih of the village of Dura, considered the perpetrator of the drive-by murder of Rabbi Michael Mark on July 1, was killed when the house he was hiding in, in the village of Surif, was struck by several anti-tank missiles reportedly after he returned fire. Five residents of the town were also injured by Israeli live fire as clashes erupted with Israeli troops. What remained of the house, owned by Muhammad Ali al-Heeh, was subsequently demolished by bulldozers.-[78]
  • At least one young Palestinian hurled rocks at a bus on Highway 55, in the northern West Bank. No one was injured but the bus was damaged. The stone thrower and another Palestinian suspected of involvement were arrested and placed under the charge of the Shin Bet.[79]

29 July

  • Two Gazans suffered moderate wounds to their feet from Israeli live fire during confrontations near the Separation Barrier in the Gaza Strip.[80]

30 July

  • Fawzi Abu Daqqah (21) was injured and hospitalized after been struck by a rubber-coated steel bullet in clashes that broke out during an Israeli raid on Jenin.[81]

31 July

  • Rami Muhammad Zaim Awartani (31) was shot dead by Israeli forces at the Huwara checkpoint in the West Bank when he charged them, with a knife in his hand. Four Palestinians had been arrested at the same checkpoint the night before for being in possession of knives.[82]


2–8 August overview

  • On 14 separate occasions 42 Palestinian structures, 12 of which had been erected from humanitarian funding, were demolished by Israeli authorities for lacking building permits. Thirty were displaced, and a further 1,200 affected, 1,000 by the confiscating of water pipes serving 5 herding communities in the Jordan Valley. Sixty-five Palestinians, of whom 15 were children suffered injuries in clashes with Israeli troops. Farmers and fisherman were fired at with warning shots on 6 occasions in the area of the Gaza Strip. Two Israeli cars were stoned in Hizma and Halhul.[83]

2 August

  • A Palestinian resident of the village of Dura, who was released in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange was arrested after he was involved in stone and molotov throwing at Israeli forces. He admitted that he was involved in such activity and that he broke his commitment not to participate in violent activity against Israeis after his release from jail.[84]

3 August

  • The house of Izz al-Din Abu Nijma, was demolished in Beit Hanina, the 6th time in a decade during which he has sought an Israeli building permit.[85]

4 August

  • Israel gunboats fired on Palestinian fishing vessels off the coast of Gaza, damaging beyond the repair the motor of one boat owned by Muhammad Saif Abu Riyaleh[86]
  • Locals from the Palestinian village of Rammun near the Israeli settlement of Rimonim in the West Bank reported that a group of eight masked men, suspected of being "Price tag policy" activists, attacked a herd of sheep/goats, and their shepherd, an 11 year-old Beduin girl from the al-Tayba community, stabbing eleven goats, killing from seven to eleven of them. The suspected Tag Mehir activists then set fire to a thorn field. Israeli police confirmed the suspicion that the incident was a suspected "Price Tag policy" act.[83][87][88]
  • Israeli forces demolished two houses belonging to the families of two cousins of the Muhamra family who perpetrated the shooting attack in Sarona which killed four Israeli civilians in June. Six children and 7 adults were left homeless as a result.[83] Khalid Muhamra's home in Yatta was filled with explosives and was blown up, and at Muhammad Muhamra's home, an excavator was used to destory the second floor, in accordance with the court's ruling.[89][90]
  • 2 mobile homes, offices and kitchens together with a bathroom, a barracks dwelling, and 3 water tanks all owned by Ali Suliman Mlehat were razed in the al-Moarajat area outside Jericho. Another residential structure belonging to Muhammad Ali Mlehat was also destroyed. This raised the number of Palestinian structures demolished by Israeli forces since the start of 2016 to 684 Palestinian structures.[91]

5 August

  • 2 agricultural structures, reportedly built in 1954 and owned by Nasser Qabajeh in the Farsh al-Hawa sector west of Hebron. In addition a farm unit and its bathroom, recently built, were demolished.[92]
  • 6 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip were reportedly shot with live fire. One, 25, was said to have been critically wounded, while another sustained moderate wounds.[93]

7 August

  • Several villagers in Beita and Burin were shot by rubber bullets during Israeli raids on the townships.[94]
  • Abd al-Fattah Buayrat (17) was shot and arrested together with a companion while according to Palestinian reports they were walking between the village of Silwad and the settlement of Ofra.[95]

8 August

  • Abdullah Jamal was forced to demolish the 400-square-meter barn west of the village of Sebastia which he constructed without a permit in an area of the West Bank Israel had designated as a zone of archaeological importance. The structure was used for his cattle business.[96][97]

9–15 August overview

92 Palestinians, of whom 15 were children, were injured in clashes throughout the week. 32% from Israeli fire, live and otherwise, the rest mainly from tear gas inhalation.115 Palestinians were detained in Israeli West Bank search-and-arrest operations in the West Bank. 2 stabbing attempts were made, and one girl was arrested for carrying a knife.Israeli forces opened fire 15 times on Gazans in the restricted area, without injury.12Area C structures, some donated for people displaced by previous demolitions, were razed by Israeli forces, leaving 22 people, of whom 9 were children, displaced, while a further 120 were affected.Settlers and Palestinians clashed at the villages of Asira al Qibliya and Qusra, in the district of Nablus. 290 Palestinian olive trees in the villages of Iskaka and Khallet an Nahla, the destruction motivated by charges the land was Israeli state land.[98]

9 August

  • A total of 8 Palestinian structures were demolished throughout the day, rendering 22 people homeless and impacting on another 88.[83]
  • A Palestinian girl was detained when she either rushed the Israeli Abu Rish checkpoint checkpoint waving a knife, or took out a knife from her bag and threatened the soldiers stationed there during a security check, near the Cave of the Patriarchs/Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron. She was pepper-sprayed and arrested. No soldier was injured.[99][100]
  • Palestinian media reported that seven Palestinians were injured during clashes in Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem from Israeli forces who had arrested a PFLP-affiliated activist. Ma'an News Agency reported that the Palestinians were injured from live fire. IDF sources reported that the clashes erupted as soldiers en route to leaving the camp area, fired in order to prevent an escalation, using Ruger 10/22 rounds against the protestors reportedly hurling stones and pipe bombs in the troops' direction. The IDF did not confirm there were injuries among the Palestinians[101][102][103]
  • 2 established businesses, Nael Rizq Aqil's al-Qalaa restaurant and Tayser Aqils's booth selling anquities, were bulldozed by Israeli forces in the West Bank village of Sebastia,[96]
  • 5 residential structures, home to 27 Palestinians, 18 of whom minor, and belonging to the al-Hathalin whose construction was funded by the EU in Umm al-Kheir were bulldozed by Israeli forces. An Israeli spokesmen said 4 were demolished, for lack of Israeli permits.[96]
  • A residential structure in Fasayil, Jericho district, was also dedmolished for lack of an Israeli permit.[96]
  • Unidentified people threw Molotov cocktails at a shed, damaging it, in the Israeli West Bank settlement of Yitzhar.[104]

10 August

  • Moussa Muhammad Salman, an 85-year-old man from the village of Talfit in the district of Nablus, died after being run over by a motorbike, reportedly driven by an Israeli settler. In incident, which took place while, astride a donkey, he was herding his flock of sheep, occurred near Khirbet al-Marajim, west of Duma. He donkey was also killed.[105]
  • 4 Palestinian youths were wounded by Israeli live fire in al-Amari Refugee Camp. Clashes erupted during an Israeli raid, with Palestinians throwing rocks and burning tires, and Israeli troops firing to disperse what they called a riot.[106]
  • Settler bulldozers, accompanied by Israeli forces, and reportedly from the Israeli outpost illegal Israeli outpost of Nefih Hanania and the settlement of Rachelim razed approximately 500 olive trees extending over 8.6 acres in the al-Bayyada area of the West Bank village of Iskaka.[107]

11 August

  • 2 Palestinians were shot in the feet with Israeli live fire during clashes when the latter raided the Aida Refugee Camp and met with groups throwing Molotov cocktails.[108]
  • A Palestinian attacked with a screwdriver an Israeli youth outside the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, near At-Tur in East Jerusalem, lightly wounding him in the neck and back. The assailant then fled.[109] A Palestinian, Ahmad Naim(19) of At Tur, was arrested on the 17th of August on suspicion of involvement in the incident.[110]

13 August

  • In a raid on a Palestinian charitable organization (zakat) in Bethlehem, Israeli forces confiscated 6 computers and files, containing the data bank for the poor and the orphans in the district. The office's doors were left smashed.[111]
  • A Palestinian (23) was shot in the leg by Israeli live fire after participating in a protest near the Bureij Refugee Camp and the border fence with Israel. An Israeli spokesman stated that warning shots had not been obeyed.[112]

14 August

  • Amal Jamal Qabha (15), exited a car at an Israeli checkpoint near the Israeli settlement of Shaqed in the Jenin governorate of the West Bank, and attacked an Israeli border guardswoman, who received light injuries. The girl was arrested.[113]

15 August

  • Israeli forces demolished the family home of Muhammad Nasser Tarayrah (17) in Bani Naim. Tarayrah had stabbed to death a Jewish teenager, Hallel Ariel (13), at her home in the settlement of Kiryat Arba.[114]
  • 5 Gazan fisherman engaged in finishing off Beit Lahiya in the Gaza Strip had their boat confiscated by Israeli naval forces.[115]
  • An Israeli soldier threw a sound bomb at a group of youths sitting outside of a house in Ramallah, after a passing military jeep stopped close to them. The incident was caught on video. No injuries were reported. 3 soldiers were later disciplined for the incident.[116]

16–22 August overview

88 Palestinians of whom 14 were children were shot and wounded in the West Bank, 52,32 by live fire, were injured in one incident that took place at Fawwar Refugee Camp. One youth was killed. 4 Palestinians, one 17 years old, were shot with life fire in the Gaza Strip, while work was interrupted in the ARA restricted zones by Israeli warning shots fired on several occasions. 28 Palestinian structures were demolished and 55 Palestinians displaced, and a further 800 affected in Area C and East Jerusalem. Water pipelines serving 41 Bedouin families were cut off in the area of Jerusalem. Israeli authorities also confiscated a water tank, a digger, an electricity generator and a welding machine from several villages, and razed 330 olive and grape vines, asserting the plantations were on Israeli state land in the West Bank. Palestinian stone-throwing damaged properties near Husan, Hizma, and Shuafat, injuring one settler.[117]

16 August

  • During an Israeli raid on the al-Fawwar Refugee Camp, 3 Palestinian youths were wounded by live fire, while over 50 were reportedly injured by rubber-coated steel bullets during a search-and-arrest operation.[98][118] One of three, Muhammad Abu Hashhash (17) later died, and it was revealed he had been shot in the heart. The Palestinians complain that the ambulance taking him to hospital was delayed by Israeli troops for 1 hour, making him the 218th Palestinian casualty since the uprising of October 2015.[119]
  • Israel bulldozers eradicated approximately 50 olive trees in the Palestinian village of Shufa in the Tulkarem district. Dry-stone walls were also razed. One olive grove belonged to Abed Hamid, who stated the trees had been planted 15-20 years earlier, and that his appeal against the slated confiscation of his land was still pending. An Israel military spokesman replied that the trees were planted on Israeli state land, and had been planted without a permit.[120]
  • Muhammad Ali Ubeidat's single room 40 sq.metre structure, built for residency without Israeli permits, but used as a horse stall in the Jabal al-Mukabbir neighbourhood, East Jerusalem, was demolished by Israeli forces. [121]
  • Zakarya Moussa's car dealership in the village of 'Anata, together with 2 cars, was demolished by escorted bulldozers from the Beit El settlement.[121]
  • As a result of Israeli demolitions of 8 homes belonging to the Shalalda extended family at Jurat al-Kheil outside the village of Sa'ir, Hebron district, 50 Palestinians were left homeless. Isrfaeli sources say that they had recent stopwork orders 2 years ago. The Palestinians state that they have repeatedly tried to obtain permissions but were denied their applications.[121][122]
  • 20 Palestinians of the Zreina family were displaced after Israeli forces demolished 2 houses and a room in the Beir Ouna area of Beit Jala near Bethlehem .[121]

17 August

  • Israel bulldozers razed a one room structure owned by Tariq Dirawi in Khirbet al-Marajim in the West Bank.[123]
  • Israel forces levelled an agricultural structure in the village of Qusra owned by Samir Hasan Several retaining walls in the area were also demolished.[123]

18 August

19 August

  • 3 Palestinian protesters were injured by rubber-coatred steel bullets at Kafr Qaddum and of Bilin. According to a Palestinian spokesman, the village’s water grid was also targeted, and put out of action for several hours. It is the seventh time the water supply has been singled out, he added.[125]
  • The Palestinian Prisoner Society alleged electrtic shocks had been applied to a detainee, Ahmad Yusry Maswada (16) of Hebron. Several other detainees complained of physical abuse during interrogations.[126]

21 August

  • Mahmud Ali Walwayl (24) suffered live fire shrapnel injuries to his chest and arms in clashes with Isrtaeli forces in the al-Fara Refugee Camp in Tubas district.[127]
  • A rocket fired from Gaza landed between houses in the Israeli city of Sderot, No damage or injuries were reported. Responsibility was claimed by both the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and some Salafi Islamic militant groups.[128][129]
  • In retaliation for the rocket, the Israeli air force launched a missile against a Hamas base in Beit Hanoun, and a tank fired at what Israeli sources describe as terrorist infrastructure, including an unused water reservoir. Israeli sources claim one Palestinian was injured by shrapnel. Palestinian and UN sources stated 4 were injured, two civilians, and one boy.[128][130]Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page). Palestinian reports stated that a further 2 Gazans were injured in the later strikes.[131]

22 August

  • Israel made 50 air strikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip over 2 hours from late Sunday evening through to early Monday, reportedly in line with a new approach following Avigdor Liberman's assumption of the post of Defense Minister. The old policy responded to one rocket with one strike. Spokesmen said there was 'no intention to escalate the situation further'.[132][129][133]
  • In predawn raids Israeli forces entered several blacksmithing and lathe-operating locales in Bethlehem, Beit Jala, Hebron and al-Dawha and confiscated machinery, on the basis of a report that one such business in the area produced weapons. During clashes one youth at al-Azza refugee camp and Doha,one local youth sustained a live fire wound in his leg. Overall a further 5 youths were wounded by rubber-coated steel bullets. Some of the raids took place in Area A, which is exclusively under the control of the Palestinian Authority, and technically off –limits to Israeli forces.[134]

24 August

  • Sari Muhammad Abu Ghurab ( 24) from Qabatiya was shot dead by Israeli forces pursuing a car from which stones had reportedly been thrown, near the settlement of Ariel. According to israeli reports, a Ghurab left the car and tried to stab a soldier in the neck, and was killed in response. The soldier suffered light injuries.[135]
  • Two homes belonging to Shuiab al-Hathalin, and the home of Suleiman al-Hathalin were demolished at the village of Umm al-Kheir. The former, a disabled elderly person, was subsequently put under arrest. A structure built as a cultural centre was also demolished.[136]
  • During several search-and-arrest raids throughout the West Bank, leading also to the detention of minors, as clashes erupted with Israeli troops in the Jenin Refugee Camp, Khalil al-Saadi (25) was shot in the loins with live ammunition and also wounded by rtwo bullets to his leg.[137]
  • A 20 year old Palestinian from Gaza was shot in the foot at the Eretz border crossing.[138]
  • Moshe Yanon Orin of the outpost of Givat Aroussi is suspected to have shot at a Palestinian taxi with 5 occupants near the settlement of Yitzhar settlement, using an air-gun. The rear window of the vehicle was shattered but no one was injured.[139]

25 August

  • Abd al-Aziz Saadallah, a Gazan fisherman was wounded by Israeli naval fire and subsequently arrested. An Israeli spokesman said they opened fire at vessels after warning shots failed to stop the fishermen from deviating into an area Israel designates as off-limits. The source also stated that shots had been fired from the shore at Israeli naval forces.[140]

26 August

  • A Palestinian man, Iyad Hamad (38), was shot dead when he ran towards an Israeli guard post near Silwad and the Israeli settlement of Ofra. Initial reports stated he was an armed assailant, and had shot at soldiers from inside his car who shot him before he could get out. Witnesses at the scene, according to Ma'an News Agency said he was shot while inside the car. It emerged that Hamad, a father of three, was mentally ill and unarmed. Israeli forces had been alerted that someone intending to make a terror attack had gone missing from his home. Hamad is the 220th Palestinian killed since the uptick in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that began in September 2015.[141]
  • 2 Palestinian youths in the al-Duheisha refugee camp were shot with live fire in the legs during clashes with Israeli forces, identified by the IDF as Israeli border police raiding the camp to arrest a suspect. 30 youths have received leg wounds since the beginning of 2016. Palestinian reports relate the injuries to alleged threats made by a Captain Nidal during interrogations of detained suspects, reportedly saying that he would disable all of the youths in the camp[142][143]

27 August

  • Israeli border guard was hit in by a stone hurled at him during riots in Qatanna and suffered from a severe injury to his eye.[144]

29 August

30 August

  • Three Palestinian houses were demolished for lack of Israeli permits.Two owned by Iyad Nairoukh in Silwan still being built, and a third belonging to Wasim Atiyeh in Sur Baher, were involved. Wasim Atiyeh and his family, 5 persons, were left homeless.[146]

31 August

  • According to Palestinians reports 6 youths were assaulted by Israeli police in the Bab al-Hitta area of the Old City of Jerusalem, while a further 5 Palestinian footballers were allegedly hit with rifle butts near Herod’s Gate.[147]
  • Machinery for paving roads in the Wad al-Rakhim area of Susya was confiscated by the Israeli authorities, after, according to a village spokesman, they had strayed into an off-limits area. Israeli sources says the roads led to habitation deemed to be illegal.[148]
  • A soldier in an Israeli unit protecting a convoy of 16 buses to the tomb of Joseph near the Balata refugee camp was moderately wounded.[149]


1 September

  • An Israeli was moderatly-wounded by gunfire when guarding Jewish whorshipers who performed religious rituals at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus. The army reported that the shots came from the nearby Balata refugee camp. The clashes erupted when sixteen buses carrying Jewish whorshipers, escorted by forces of the IDF, Israeli Police, COGAT and Israeli Border Police arrived at the shrine and met with Palestinian rioters who hurled rocks, molotov cocktails and rolling burning tires at the visitors and soldiers.[150][151][152]
  • A Palestinian woman (21) from al-Eizariya was arrested after allegedly trying to stab Israeli guards at the Kalandia Qalandiya checkpoint [153]

2 September

  • Nidal Shtayyah , a Palerstinian photojournalist was wounded when struck in the back of the head by an israeli tear-gas canister during clashes at a protest in Kafr Qaddum[154]

3 September

  • Israeli sources stated that border positions were fired at from areas neasr Beit Lahiya in the Gaza Strip[155]

4 September

  • Israeli artillery struck two Hamas sites in the norhterm Gaza Strip in retaliation.[155]

5 September

  • According to initial Israeli reports a terrorist, Mustafa Nimr (27) reportedly driving in the direction of Israeli soldiers at speed and not slowing down in the Shuafat Refugee Camp, was shot dead, for appearing to be trying to run down Israeli soldiers who were raiding the camp.His brother-in- law, 'Ali Tayser Nimir (25) who was driving the vehicle also shot and with moderate wounds in the incident was arrested. [156] Palestinian sources stated that Mustafa Nimr had been visiting his elder brother, and was bringing home food supplies and to buy Eid clothes, subsequently found in the back seat. Local eyewitnesses said the car was driving at normal speed, and crashed into a nearby car after being sprayed with gunfire.[157]Israeli intelligence sources later admitted the shooting had been a mistake, and retracted the claim he was a terrorist. The wounded man was kept in detention on a charge of driving without a license, for driving under the influence of alcohol and for 'reckless endangerment with a vehicle'.[158]One journalist counted 30 bullet holes in the vehicle. It was further claimed that two cars were racing at the time of the incident, and that the driver of the vehicle in question did not know a raid was being conducted. In a video released later 2 shots can be heard being fired after the wounded driver, Ali Nimr, emerged from the vehicle. Mustafa Nimr lived with his Jewish girlfriend in Ramat Gan. A woman in the vehicle, variously reported as his girlsfriend or his sister's husband,[159] who was with Mustafa in the back seat, was not injured in the shooting. [160] In a follow up, Ali Nimr was also charged with causing the death of his brother-in-law by negligent driving.[161]
  • Abd al-Ghani Bahlaq (21) and Nimr Abu Ghazala (20) were both shot in the legs during clashes witrh Israeli forces in Sebastia. [162]

6 September

  • Several militant sites, including a watchtower, and training areas in the Gaza Strip were shelled with Israeli artillery fire. The home of the al-Shanti family in Beit Lahiya was damaged collaterally. Israeli sourcesd say the action was in response to gunfire at border defenses overnight.[163]

See also


  1. ^ a b Donald Macintyre, 'Israel deploys hundreds of troops in search for Palestinian gunman', The Guardian 1 July 2016.
  2. ^ 'Stabbing attempt in Hebron, IDF marks Kiryat Arba terrorist's home', Ynet 1 July 2016
  3. ^ 'Israeli Soldiers Kill A Pregnant Palestinian Woman In Hebron', IMEMC 1 2016.
  4. ^ 'Extrajudicial killing at Tomb of Patriarchs: Israeli Border Police officer shoots and kills Sarah Hajuj though she no longer poses threat', B'Tselem 5 July 2016.
  5. ^ Elisha Ben Kimon & Yael Freidson, 'Murdered: Miki Mark, father of ten, yeshiva principal', Ynet 1 July 2016.
  6. ^ 'Shooting attack at family car kills father, wounds mother and two children', Ynet 1 July 2016.
  7. ^ Elior Levy, 'Palestinian doctor tried to save terror victims', Ynet 5 July 2016.
  8. ^ 'Palestinian describes aiding settler family hit by shooting attack', The Times of Israel 3 July 2016.
  9. ^ 'Palestinian civilians reportedly first to respond, treat Israelis wounded in Hebron shooting', Ma'an News Agency 3 July 2016.
  10. ^ Barak Ravid, Gili Cohen, 'Israeli Military Imposes Broad Closure on Hebron; Security Cabinet to Meet on Terror Surge', Haaretz 1 July 2016.
  11. ^ 'Palestinian man dies of tear gas inhalation after clashes erupt at Qalandiya', Ma'an News Agency 1 July 2016.
  12. ^ Eli, Yossi (1 July 2016). "שוטר נפצע קל מאבן שהושלכה לעברו במהומות בקלנדיה" [Policeman lightly injured from a stone thrown at him in a riot in Kalandia]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  13. ^ Eli, Yossi (1 July 2016). "נעצרו שני חשודים ביידוי אבנים לעבר הרכבת הקלה בירושלים" [Two suspects for stone throwing at the light rail caught in Jerusalem]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  14. ^ "Rocket fired from Gaza hits vacant Israeli preschool". The Times of Israel. 1 July 2016. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  15. ^ "ארגון פלסטיני המזוהה עם דאעש קיבל אחריות על הירי לשדרות" [Palestinian organization affiliated with ISIL claims responsibility for the shooting toward Sderot]. Walla! (in Hebrew). 2 July 2016. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  16. ^ Yagne, Yanir; Buckbut, Amir (2 July 2016). "רקטה התפוצצה במרכז קהילתי בשדרות; צה"ל תקף מטרות ברצועה" [Rocket exploded in a coummnity center in Sderot, IAF attack targets in the Strip]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  17. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish 2 Palestinian homes in Qalandiya, injure 4 with live fire', Ma'an News Agency 4 July 2016.
  18. ^ a b Zitun, Yoav; Levy, Elior (4 July 2016). "IDF demolish terrorists' homes, arrest brothers of Hallel Ariel's killer". Ynet. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  19. ^ 'Protection of Civilians Weekly Report,5-11 July 2016', OCHA 14 July 2016.
  20. ^ Elisha Ben Kimon & Yoav Zitun, 'Would-be stabber shot by soldier she attacked', Ynet 5 July 2016.
  21. ^ 'Palestinian woman wounded after alleged attempted stabbing attack near Israeli settlement in Salfit', Ma'an News Agency 5 July 2016.
  22. ^ 'Dashcam captures attempted Palestinian stabbing attack', The Times of Israel 6 July 2016.
  23. ^ Gideon Levy, 'I Thought Israeli Soldiers Weren't Supposed to Shoot Palestinian Girls Anymore', Haaretz 7 July 2016.
  24. ^ Bendet, Shabtay (5 July 2016). "בת 30 נפצעה קל מיידוי אבנים בכביש 60 ליד קריית ארבע" [Thirty year old woman lightly injured from stone throwing in highway 60 near Kiryat Arab]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  25. ^ 'Palestinian injured in alleged car ramming attack, lightly injuring 3 Israeli soldiers', Ma'an News Agency 6 July 2016.
  26. ^ 'Suspected car ramming attack in West Bank', Jpost 6 July 2016.
  27. ^ a b 'Israeli settler reportedly injured in rock-throwing incident', Ma'an News Agency 6 July 2016.
  28. ^ 'Arab teen arrested for firebombing Hadassah Medical centre', The Jerusalem Post 6 July 2016.
  29. ^ Freidson, Yael (6 July 2016). "Rock-throwing causes damage to Jerusalem light rail". Ynet. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  30. ^ "At least 10 Palestinians hurt in IDF raids in West Bank". The Times of Israel. 6 July 2016. Retrieved 6 July 2016.
  31. ^ 'Shooting victim: By a 'miracle,' terrorist didn't fire right away', The Times of Israel 10 July 2016.
  32. ^ Elisha ben Kimon, Yael Fridson, 'Man shot outside Tekoa', Ynet 9 July 2016.
  33. ^ Judah Ari Gross, 'Army seals off two villages in manhunt for West Bank shooter', The Times of Israel 10 July 2016.
  34. ^ a b "Israeli forces violently suppress clashes in sealed Hebron village in wake of shooting". Ma'an News Agency. 10 July 2016. Retrieved 11 July 2016.
  35. ^ 'Israel forces shoot, injure 2 Palestinians during clashes in blockaded Hebron village', Ma'an News Agency 11 July 2016.
  36. ^ 'Report: Israeli forces torch olive trees on private Palestinian land', Ma'an News Agency 11 July 2016.
  37. ^ Steinmatz, Moshe (11 July 2016). "מטען מאולתר הושלך בקבר רחל; נזק נגרם לרכב, אין נפגעים" [Improvised explosive device thrown in Rachel's tomb; damage caused to vehicle; no casualties reported]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 14 July 2016.
  38. ^ Eli, Yossi (13 July 2016). "נעצרה חוליית נערים שהשליכו מטעני צינור לעבר קבר רחל" [Squad of teens who have thrown explosive charges toward Rachel's tomb were arrested]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 14 July 2016.
  39. ^ 'Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 12-18 July 2016' OCHA
  40. ^ 'Fearing ramming attack, police fire at car, killing Palestinian', The Times of Israel 13 July 2016.
  41. ^ 'Israeli forces kill 1 Palestinian youth, injure 1, and detain 1 other', Ma'an News Agency 13 July 2016.
  42. ^ Gili Cohen, Jack Khoury, Nir Hasson 'Palestinian Shot Dead by Israeli Forces During Weapons Raid', Haaretz 13 July 2016.
  43. ^ Elisha ben Kimon, 'One dead in shooting at illegal weapons facility', Ynet 13 July 2016.
  44. ^ 'Israel to carry out autopsy on Palestinian slain during army raid', Ma'an News Agency 14 July 2016.
  45. ^ 'Israeli army carries out explosions in central Gaza Strip', Ma'an News Agency 14 July 2016.
  46. ^ Ben Zion, Ilan (14 July 2016). "Knife-carrying Palestinian shot by police in Shuafat". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 14 July 2016.
  47. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot Palestinian youth attempting to prevent another's detention', Ma'an News Agency 13 July 2016.
  48. ^ '11 Palestinians injured with live fire after clashes erupt near Birzeit University in Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 15 July 2016.
  49. ^ 'Israeli settlers throw rocks at Palestinian vehicles in northern West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 16 July 2016
  50. ^ '5 Palestinians injured with live fire during Israeli demolition of prisoner's home', Ma'an News Agency 18 July 2016.
  51. ^ 'Israeli forces fire at Palestinian driver, detain him after apparent traffic accident', Ma'an News Agency 18 July 2016.
  52. ^ Ma'an18716
  53. ^ 'Palestinian shot and severely injured after alleged stab attack, injuring 2 Israeli soldiers', Ma'an News Agency 18 July 2016.
  54. ^ 'Palestinian shot by Israeli forces after carrying out attack succumbs to wounds', Ma'an News Agency 19 July 2016.
  55. ^ 'Palestinian man tried to stop family brawl in Shufat, is shot 9 times by Israeli forces, Ma'an News Agency 18 July 2016.
  56. ^ 'Palestinian boy hurt in hit-and-run accident with suspected settler in Hebron', Ma'an News Agency 18 July 2016.
  57. ^ Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 19-25 July 2016, OCHA 28 July 2016.
  58. ^ 'Israeli navy shoots and injures Gaza fisherman, bulldozers level land near border', Ma'an News Agency 19 July 2016.
  59. ^ a b c 'Israeli forces demolish structures in Silwan, Beit Hanina neighborhoods of Jerusalem', Ma'an News Agency 19 July 2016.
  60. ^ 'Israeli soldiers kill 12-year-old Palestinian during clashes in central West Bank', Ma'an News Agency 19 July 2016.
  61. ^ 'Israeli Border Police fire black sponge round at chest of 10-year-old boy in a-Ram, killing him', B'Tselem 3 August 2016.
  62. ^ 'Israeli police investigating suspected arson attack in Palestinian village of Duma', Ma'an News Agency 20 July 2016.
  63. ^ 'Year after Duma killings, Palestinians report fresh firebomb attack', The Times of Israel 20 July 2016.
  64. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian farmer in central Gaza', Ma'an News Agency 20 July 2016.
  65. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish Palestinian structures in Jerusalem for second consecutive day', Ma'an News Agency 20 July 2016.
  66. ^ 'Israeli forces close entrances to Bethlehem-area towns after shooting near Israeli settlement', Ma'an News Agency 20 July 2016.
  67. ^ 'Shots fired at Israeli settler's vehicle near Beit Sahour', 22 July 2016.
  68. ^ 'Palestinian youths injured during clashes with Israeli soldiers in Kafr Qaddum', Ma'an News Agency 22 July 2016.
  69. ^ 'Israeli settlers threaten, fire toward Palestinians on their private land', Ma'an News Agency 23 July 2016.
  70. ^ 'Palestinian youth injured in head with live fire during Israeli raid on Ramallah-area village', Ma'an News Agency 24 July 2016.
  71. ^ forces demolish 12 homes in Qalandiya village, assault homeowners', Ma'an News Agency 25 July 2016.
  72. ^ a b 'Israeli forces clash with Palestinians in West Bank, East Jerusalem, dozens injured', Ma'an News Agency 26 July2016.
  73. ^ Gideon Levy, Alex Levac, In Hebron, Israeli Forces Destroyed a Bicycle Built for 10 Haaretz 13 August 2016.
  74. ^ Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 26 July–1 August 2016, OCHA 4 August 2016.
  75. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish 4 structures in East Jerusalem's Issawiya', Ma'an News Agency 26 July 2016.
  76. ^ 'Israeli police shoot, injure Palestinian woman at Qalandiya checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 26 July 2016.
  77. ^ 'Checkpoint guards shoot knife-carrying Palestinian woman', The Times of Israel 26 July 2016.
  78. ^ 'Palestinian accused of Hebron shooting killed after Israeli forces bombard house', Ma'an News Agency 27 July 2016.
  79. ^ "IDF arrests 2 PA young men for rock throwing". Ynet. 27 July 2016. Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  80. ^ 'Israeli forces injure two Palestinians in Gaza during clashes near Israeli border', Ma'an News Agency 29 July 2016.
  81. ^ 'Israeli forces detain 5 Palestinians, injure 1 in raids', Ma'an News Agency 30 July2016.
  82. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, kill Palestinian in stab attempt at Huwwara checkpoint', Ma'an News Agency 31 July 2016.
  83. ^ a b c d 'Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 2–8 August 2016', OCHA 12 August 2016.
  84. ^ Ben Kimon, Elisha (4 August 2016). "אחד ממשוחררי עסקת שליט נעצר שוב בחשד לפעילות טרור" [One of Shalit deal released prisoners arrested again in suspection of involvment in terror]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  85. ^ Israel demolishes Palestinian home in East Jerusalem for 6th time in 10 years', Ma'an News Agency 2 August 2016.
  86. ^ 'Israeli navy opens fire at Palestinian fishermen off Gaza coast', Ma'an News Agency 4 August 2016.
  87. ^ Shabtay, Bendet (4 August 2016). "חשד: פעילי "תג מחיר" תקפו עדר עזים של רועה בדואית באזור בנימין" ["Tag Mehir" activists suspected of attacking a Beduin shepherd's herd of goats in Binyamin region]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  88. ^ "Israeli settlers attack Palestinian girl in Ramallah, stab and kill her sheep". Ma'an News Agency. 4 August 2016. Retrieved 9 August 2016.
  89. ^ Ari Gross, Judah (4 August 2016). "IDF demolishes homes of Sarona Market terrorists". The Times of Israel. Retrieved 9 August 2016.
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  91. ^ ' Israeli forces demolish Palestinian structures in Jericho', Ma'an News Agency 4 August2016.
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  93. ^ ' 6 Palestinians injured by Israeli live fire in Gaza clashes', Ma'an News Agency 5 August 2016.
  94. ^ 'Several Palestinians injured in clashes, Israeli forces storm southern Nablus villages', Ma'an News Agency 7 August 2016.
  95. ^ 'Israeli forces detain 2 Palestinian teens, injuring 1, north of Ramallah', Ma'an News Agency 7 August 2016.
  96. ^ a b c d 'Israeli forces demolishes Palestinian structures across West Bank, assault locals', Ma'an News Agency 9 August 2016.
  97. ^ 'Israeli authorities force Palestinian man to demolish own barn near Nablus', Ma'an News Agency 8 August 2016.
  98. ^ a b 'Protection of Civilians Weekly Report, 9 - 15 August 2016,' OCHA 18 August 2016.
  99. ^ 'Israeli forces detain girl in Hebron after alleged stabbing attempt', Ma'an News Agency 9 August 2016.
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  101. ^ Buckbut, Amir (9 August 2016). "שבעה פלסטינים נפצעו בעימותים עם צה"ל באזור בית לחם" [Seven Palestinians injured in clashes with IDF in Bethlehem area]. Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 9 August 2016.
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  107. ^ 'Israeli settler bulldozers uproot 500 olive trees in Salfit,' Ma'an News Agency 10 August 2016.
  108. ^ 'Israeli forces detain 12 Palestinians across West Bank during predawn raids, injure 2 with live fire', Ma'an News Agency 11 August 2016.
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  114. ^ Judah Ari Gross,'IDF demolishes home of terrorist who killed 13-year-old in her bed,' The Times of Israel 15 August 2016.
  115. ^ 'Israeli navy detains 5 Gaza fishermen, confiscate boat,' 16 August 2016.
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  123. ^ a b ' Israeli forces demolish Palestinian-owned structures in Nablus,' Ma'an News Agency 17 August 2016 .
  124. ^ Friedson, Yael (18 August 2016). "נזק נגרם לרכבת הקלה בירושלים בעקבות יידוי אבנים, אין נפגעים [Damage made to the light rail in Jerusalem as result of stone throwing; no injuries". Ynet (in Hebrew). Retrieved 1 September 2016.
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  127. ^ ' Israeli forces injure Palestinian with live fire, detain another in clashes near Nablus,' Ma'an News Agency 21 August 2016 .
  128. ^ a b Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun & Elior Levy, 'Rocket fired at Sderot, IDF retaliates,' Ynet 21 August 2016
  129. ^ a b Judah Ari Gross, Tamar Pileggi, 'Israel strikes 50 times in Gaza after rocket attack,' The Times of Israel 22 August 2016.
  130. ^ '3 Palestinians injured by Israeli shelling in Gaza after rocket falls in southern Israel,' Ma'an News Agency 21 August 2016.
  131. ^ '5 Palestinians injured by Israeli shelling in Gaza after rocket falls in southern Israel,' Ma'an News Agency 21 August 2016.
  132. ^ Yoav Zitun & Alexandra Lukash, 'IDF hits dozens of targets in Gaza following rocket attack on Sderot,' Ynet 22 August 2016.
  133. ^ Judah Ari Gross, 'With 50 raids in 2 hours, has Liberman begun to implement his new security plan?,' The Times of Israel 22 August 2016.
  134. ^ 'Israeli forces carry out massive raids in Bethlehem, Hebron, injuring 6 Palestinians,' Ma'an News Agency 23 August 2016 .
  135. ^ 'Israeli forces kill Palestinian near Nablus after alleged stabbing attack,' Ma'an News Agency 24 August 2016 .
  136. ^ 'Israeli forces demolish 3 homes, cultural center in village of Umm al-Kheir ,' Ma'an News Agency 18 August 2016 .
  137. ^ 'Israeli forces detain 14 Palestinians during predawn raids, injure 1 with live fire,' Ma'an News Agency 24 August 2016.
  138. ^ 'Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian man at Gaza border crossing,' Ma'an News Agency 16 August 2016 .
  139. ^ 'Extremist Israeli settler indicted for minor charges after opening fire on Palestinian vehicle,' Ma'an News Agency 4 September 2016.
  140. ^ 'Israeli forces wound Palestinian fisherman after opening fire on boats in the northern Gaza Strip,' Ma'an News Agency 25 August 2016.
  141. ^ Judah Ari Gross, Ilan Ben Zion, ' Palestinian who ran at troops shot dead near West Bank settlement,' The Times of Israel 26 August 2016 .
  142. ^ ‘2 Palestinians shot in Duheisha, as Israeli commander threatens to 'disable all youth in the camp',' Ma'an News Agency 18 August 2016::“I will make all the youth of the camp disabled,” “I will have all of you walking with crutches and in wheelchairs,” “I will make half of you disabled, and let the other half push the wheelchairs,” and “I will make all of you stand in line at the ATM waiting for your disability subsidies and assistance.” .
  143. ^ 'Israeli forces targeting Palestinian youth in the West Bank Resource,' Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights 23 August 2016.
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  145. ^ Steinmatz, Moshe (28 August 2016). "אבנים יודו לעבר הרכבת הקלה בירושלים; אין נפגעים [Stones hurled toward the light rail in Beit Hanina; no injuries]". Walla! (in Hebrew). Retrieved 1 September 2016.
  146. ^ ' Israel demolishes homes in East Jerusalem neighborhoods of Silwan, Sur Bahir,' Ma'an News Agency 30 August 2016 .
  147. ^ 'Israeli forces reportedly assault 11 Palestinian youths in East Jerusalem ,' Ma'an News Agency 31 August 2016.
  148. ^ 'Israeli forces confiscate paving equipment in Hebron,' Ma'an News Agency 31 August 2016 .
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  150. ^ "Israeli soldier wounded by gunfire at West Bank holy site". i24 News. 1 September 2016. Retrieved 1 September 2016.
  151. ^ "Israeli Soldier Wounded While Guarding Worshipers Praying at West Bank Tomb". Haaretz. 1 September 2016. Retrieved 1 September 2016.
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  154. ^ 'Palestinian photojournalist injured in Kafr Qaddum protest, forces raid East Jerusalem neighborhoods ,' Ma'an News Agency 2 September 2016 .
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  158. ^ Israeli intelligence informs father of slain Palestinian his son was 'killed by mistake' Ma'an News Agency 6 September 2016 .
  159. ^ Zena Tahhan, 'Israeli police shoot dead Palestinian in Jerusalem camp,' Al Jazeera 6 September 2016.
  160. ^ Nir Hasson, 'Police Retract Terror Accusation Against Palestinian Killed by Cops,' Haaretz 6 September 2016.
  161. ^ 'Israeli police accuses Palestinian of causing death of brother-in-law shot dead by Israeli forces,' Ma'an News Agency 7 September.
  162. ^ ‘Israeli forces shoot, injure 2 Palestinians during clashes in Sabastiya,' Ma'an News Agency 5 September 2016.
  163. ^ [ http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=773015 ' Israeli forces shell military training sites in northern Gaza, damage civilian home ,'] Ma'an News Agency 6 September 2016 .