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Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies

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The Antennae Galaxies (Arp 244)

The Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies is a catalog of peculiar galaxies produced by Halton Arp. A total of 338 galaxies are presented in the atlas, which was originally published in 1966 by the California Institute of Technology.

The primary goal of the catalog was to present photographs of examples of the different kinds of peculiar structures found among nearby galaxies. Arp realized that the reason why galaxies formed into spiral or elliptical shapes was not well understood. He perceived peculiar galaxies as small "experiments" that astronomers could use to understand the physical processes that distort spiral or elliptical galaxies. With this atlas, astronomers had a sample of peculiar galaxies that they could study in more detail. The atlas does not present a complete overview of every peculiar galaxy in the sky but instead provides examples of the different phenomena as observed in nearby galaxies.

Because little was known at the time of publication about the physical processes that caused the different shapes, the galaxies in the atlas are sorted based on their appearance. Objects 1-102 are individual peculiar spiral galaxies or spiral galaxies that apparently have small companions. Objects 102-145 are elliptical and elliptical-like galaxies. Individual or groups of galaxies with neither elliptical nor spiral shapes are listed as objects 146-268. Objects 269-327 are double galaxies. Finally, objects that simply do not fit into any of the above categories are listed as objects 332-338. Most objects are best known by their other designations, but a few galaxies are best known by their Arp numbers (such as Arp 220).

Today, the physical processes that lead to the peculiarities seen in the Arp atlas are now well understood. A large number of the objects are interacting galaxies, including M51 (Arp 85), Arp 220, and the Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/NGC 4039, or Arp 244). A few of the galaxies are simply dwarf galaxies that do not have enough mass to produce enough gravity to allow the galaxies to form any cohesive structure. NGC 1569 (Arp 210) is an example of one of the dwarf galaxies in the atlas. A few others galaxies are radio galaxies. These objects contain active galactic nuclei that produce powerful jets of gas called radio jets. The atlas includes the nearby radio galaxies M87 (Arp 152) and Centaurus A (Arp 153).

Notable Arp galaxies

Arp Number Name Magnitude Notes
26 Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) +7.5 spiral galaxy
37 Messier 77 +8.9 radio galaxy
41 NGC 1232 +9.8 spiral galaxy
55 Grasshopper Galaxies ? colliding galaxies
76 Messier 90 +9.5 spiral galaxy
77 NGC 1097 +9.5 galaxy interacting with its satellite
85 Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) +8.4 galaxy interacting with its satellite
116 Messier 60 +8.8 colliding galaxies
152 Virgo A (M87) +8.6 elliptical galaxy
153 Centaurus A (NGC 5128) +6.6 radio galaxy in a collision?
188 Tadpole Galaxy +14.4 galaxy finishing merging
242 Mice Galaxies +14.7 colliding galaxies
244 Antennae Galaxies +10.3 colliding galaxies
317 Messier 65 +9.2 spiral galaxy
319 NGC 7320 +15 galaxy in colliding group
337 Cigar Galaxy (M82) +8.6 starburst galaxy

List of galaxies in the catalog

Spiral galaxies

Low surface brightness galaxies

These are mostly dwarf galaxies or poorly-defined spiram galaxies (with the designation Sm)that have low surface brightnesses (i.e. they emit little light per unit area). Low surface brightness galaxies are actually quite common. The exception is NGC 2857 (Arp 1), which is an Sc spiral galaxy (which means that it has a definite structure with loosely-wound spiral arms and a faint but well-defined nucleus)[1].

Arp Number Common Name Notes
1 NGC 2857 Sc spiral galaxy[1]
2 UGC 10310
3 Arp 3
4 Arp 4
5 NGC 3664
6 NGC 2537

Galaxies with split arms

This category contains spiral galaxies with arms that split into two separate parts.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
7 Arp 7
8 NGC 497
9 NGC 2523
10 UGC 1775 Contains an off-center nucleus
11 UGC 717
12 NGC 2608

Galaxies with detached segments

This category contains spiral galaxies with arms that appear to be segmented. Some spiral arm segments may appear detatched because dust lanes in the spiral arms obscure the arms' starlight. Other spiral arms may appear segmented because of the presence of bright star clusters (or discontinuous chains of bright star clusters) in the spiral arms.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
13 NGC 7448
14 NGC 7314
15 NGC 7393
16 M66
17 UGC 3972
18 NGC 4088

Three-armed spiral galaxies

Usually, most spiral galaxies contain two clearly defined spiral arms, or they contain only fuzzy filamentary spiral structures. Galaxies with three well-defined spiral arms are rare.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
19 NGC 145
20 UGC 3014
21 Arp 21

One-armed spiral galaxies

One-armed spiral galaxies are also rare. In this case, the single spiral arm may actually be formed by a gravitational interaction with another galaxy.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
22 NGC 4027
23 NGC 4618 Interacting with NGC 4625[2]
24 NGC 3445

Spiral galaxies with one heavy arm

The spiral arms in these galaxies have an asymmetric appearance. One spiral arm may appear to be considerably brighter than the other. In the photographic plates produced by Arp, the bright arm would look dark or "heavy". While most of these galaxies (such as M101 and NGC 6946) are simply asymmetric spiral galaxies, NGC 6365 is an interacting pair of galaxies where one of the two galaxies is viewed edge-on and just happens to lie where the spiral arm for the other face-on galaxy would be visible[3].

Arp Number Common Name Notes
25 NGC 2276
26 M101 Face-on spiral galaxy with five notable companion galaxies[2]
27 NGC 3631
28 NGC 7678
29 NGC 6946
30 NGC 6365 Interacting pair of galaxies, with one galaxy viewed edge-on[3]

Integral sign spiral galaxies

These are galaxies that look like a stretched-out S shape (or like the integral sign used in calculus). Some objects, such as IC 167[4], are simply ordinary siral galaxies viewed from an unusual angle. Other objects, such as UGC 10770, are interacting pairs of galaxies with tidal tails that look similar to spiral arms[5].

Arp Number Common Name Notes
31 IC 167
32 UGC 10770
33 UGC 8613
34 NGC 4615
35 UGC 212
36 UGC 8548

Spiral galaxies with low surface brightness companions

Many of these spiral galaxies are probably interacting with the low surface brightness galaxies in the field of view. In some cases, however, it may be difficult to determine whether the companion is physically near the spiral galaxy or whether the companion is a foreground/background source or a source on the edge of the spiral galaxy.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
37 M77
38 NGC 6412
39 NGC 1347
40 IC 4271
41 NGC 1232
42 NGC 5829
43 IC 607
44 IC 609
45 Arp 45 Galaxy triplet[6]
46 UGC 12665
47 Arp 47
48 Arp 48

Spiral galaxies with small high surface brightness companions

Again, many of these spiral galaxies may probably interacting with companion galaxies, although some of the identified companion galaxies may be foreground/background sources or even bright star clusters within the individual galaxies.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
49 NGC 5665
50 IC 1520
51 Arp 51
52 Arp 52
53 NGC 3290
54 Arp 54
55 UGC 4881
56 UGC 1432
57 Arp 57
58 UGC 4457
59 NGC 341
60 Arp 60
61 UGC 3104
62 UGC 6865
63 NGC 2944
64 UGC 9503
65 NGC 90
66 UGC 10396
67 UGC 892
68 NGC 7757
69 NGC 5579
70 UGC 934
71 NGC 6045
72 NGC 5994, NGC 5996
73 IC 1222
74 Arp 74
75 NGC 702
76 M90
77 NGC 1097
78 NGC 772
The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51, Arp 85). This object is comprised of a larger spiral galaxy interacting with an elliptical galaxy. Credit Robert Kennicutt, NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona/DSS/SST.

Spiral galaxies with large high surface brightness companions

Galaxies in this category are almost always clearly interacting sources. The most famous of these objects is the Whirlpool galaxy (M51; Arp 85), which is comprised of a spiral galaxy NGC 5194 that is interacting with a smaller eliiptical galaxy NGC 5195. The interaction has distorted the shape of both galaxies; the spiral arm pattern has been enhanced in the larger spiral galaxy, and a bridge of stars and gas has formed between the two galaxies. Many of the other galaxies in this category are also connected by bridges.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
79 NGC 5490C
80 NGC 2633
81 NGC 6621, UGC 11175, NGC 6622
82 NGC 2535, NGC 2536
83 NGC 2799, NGC 3800
84 NGC 5394, NGC 5395
85 The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)
86 NGC 7752, NGC 7753
87 NGC 3808
88 Arp 88
89 NGC 2648
90 NGC 5929, NGC 5930
91 NGC 5953, NGC 5954

Spiral galaxies with elliptical companions

Like the spiral galaxies with high surface brightness companions, most of these spiral galaxies are clearly interacting systems. Tidal tails and bridges are visible in may of the images.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
92 NGC7603
93 NGC 7284, NGC 7285
94 NGC 3226, NGC 3227
95 IC 4461, IC 4462
96 Arp 96
97 UGC 7085A
98 Arp 98
99 NGC 7547, NGC 7549, NGC 7550 Galaxy triplet[7]
100 IC 18, IC 19
101 UGC 10164, UGC 10169

Elliptical and elliptical-like galaxies

Elliptical galaxies connected to spiral galaxies

These objects are very similar to the spiral galaxies with elliptical companions. All of the galaxies have features such as tidal tails and tidal bridges that have formed through gravitational interaction.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
102 Arp 102
103 UGC 10586 Galaxy triplet[8]
104 NGC 5216, NGC 5218
105 NGC 3561
106 NGC 4211
107 UGC 5984
108 Arp 108

Elliptical galaxies repelling spiral arms

Based on the description of these objects, it appears the Arp originally thought that the elliptical galaxies were pushing away spiral arms in companion galaxies. However, the tidal spiral arms may actually look distorted because of the interaction. Some of these "repelled" spiral arms are on the opposite side of the spiral galaxy from the elliptical galaxy. Simulations have shown that such features can be formed through gravitational interactions alone; no repelling forces are needed.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
109 UGC 10053
110 Arp 110
111 Arp 111 Galaxy group[9]
112 NGC 7805, NGC 7806

Elliptical galaxies close to and perturbing spiral galaxies

This is another category in which the majority of objects are interacting galaxies. As noted in the category name, the spiral galaxies look perturbed. Arp originally described some of the elliptical galaxies as repelling

Arp Number Common Name Notes
113 NGC 70 Part of a group of galaxies[10]
114 NGC 2276, NGC 2300
115 UGC 6678 Galaxy triplet[11]
116 Messier 60, NGC 4647
117 IC 982, IC 983
118 NGC 1141, NGC 1142
119 Arp 119
120 NGC 4435, NGC 4438
121 Arp 121
122 NGC 6040
123 NGC 1888, NGC 1889
124 NGC 6361
125 UGC 10491
126 UGC 1449
127 NGC 191 Actually interacting S0 galaxy and spiral galaxy[12]
128 UGC 827
129 UGC 5146
130 IC 5378
131 Arp 131
132 Arp 132

Material emanating from elliptical galaxies

Arp thought that the elliptical galaxies in this category were ejecting material from their nuclei. Many of the pictures could be interpreted that way. However, these objects are actually a mixture of other phenomena. For example, NGC 2914 (Arp 137) is merely a spiral galaxy with faint spiral arms[13], and NGC 4015 (Arp 138) is an interacting pair of galaxies where one galaxy is an edge-on spiral galaxy[14]. Some objects, such as NGC 2444 and NGC 2445 (Arp 143), are systems that contain "ring galaxies", which are created when one galaxy (the elliptical galaxies in these examples) passes through the disk of another. This passage causes a gravitational wave in which gas first falls inward and then propagates outward to form the ring structure[15].

Arp Number Common Name Notes
137 NGC 2914 Spiral galaxy with faint spiral arms[13]
138 NGC 4015 Interacting pair of galaxies[14]
139 Arp 139 Interacting pair of galaxies[16]
140 NGC 274, NGC 275 Interacting pair of galaxies[17]
141 UGC 3730 Ring galaxy system[18]
142 NGC 2936, NGC 2937, UGC 5130 Galaxy triplet[19]
143 NGC 2444, NGC 2445 Ring galaxy system[20]
144 NGC 7828, NGC 7829 Ring galaxy system[21]
145 UGC 1840 Ring galaxy system[22]

Amorphous galaxies

Galaxies in this category are referred to by Arp as galaxies that are neither spiral nor elliptical in shape. Although the does not use the term "amorphous" to describe these galaxies, it is the best description of these galaxies.

Many of these galaxies are either interacting galaxies or galaxies that are the remnants of the merger of two smaller galaxies. The interaction process will produce various tidal features, such as tidal tails and tidal bridges, that may last well after the progenitor galaxies' disks and nuclei have merged together. Although the tidal tails are described as several different visual phenomena ("counter-tails", "filaments", "loops"), they are all manifestations of the same phenomena.

Galaxies with associated rings

As noted above, these ring galaxies may have formed when a companion galaxy passed through the ring galaxy. The interaction would produce a wave effect that would first draw matter into the center and then cause it to propagate outward in a ring[15].

Arp Number Common Name Notes
146 Arp 146
147 IC 298
148 Arp 148

Galaxies with jets

These are galaxies that appear to be ejecting material outwards from their nuclei. The "jets" themselves look similar to water spraying out of a hose. In the case of IC 803 (Arp 149) and NGC 7609 (Arp 150), the jets are simply part of the amorphous structure produced by the interacting galaxies. In Arp 151 and Messier 87 (Arp 152), however, the jets are ionized gas that has been ejected from the environment around supermassive black holes in the galaxies' active galactic nuclei[23][24]. These jets, sometimes called relativistic jets or radio jets, are powerful sources of synchrotron radiation, especially at radio wavelengths.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
149 IC 803 Interacting galaxies[25]
150 NGC 7609 Interacting galaxies[26]
151 Arp 151 Seyfert galaxy (contains an active galactic nucleus)[23]
152 Messier 87 Seyfert galaxy (contains an active galactic nucleus)[24]
Centaurus A (NGC 5128; Arp 153). This galaxy is effectively an elliptical galaxy with a very unusual dust lane. Credit: NASA/ESA/HST

Disturbed galaxies with interior absorption

Galaxies in this category feature dark dust lanes that obscure part of the disk of the galaxy. All of these galaxies are the products of two galaxies merging together. NGC 520 (Arp 157) is one of the best examples of an intermediate-stage merger, where the two progenitor galaxies' disks have coalesced together but the nucei have not. Centaurus A (Arp 153) and NGC 1316 (Arp 154) are both effectively elliptical galaxies with unusual dust lanes; their kinematics and structure indicate that they have undergone merging events recently. NGC 4747 (Arp 159) may be nothing more than an edge-on spiral galaxy with a significantly dark dust lanes[27].

Arp Number Common Name Notes
153 Centaurus A Notable radio galaxy; contains an active galactic nucleus)[28]
154 NGC 1316 Notable radio galaxy; contains an active galactic nucleus)[28]
155 Arp 155
156 UGC 5184
157 NGC 520 Notable intermediate-stage merger
158 NGC 523
159 NGC 4747 Spiral galaxy with dark dust lanes[27]
160 NGC 4194

Galaxies with diffuse filaments

The filaments in these objects may represent tidal tails from galaxy interactions. Many of the galaxies are the remnants of the mergers of two spiral galaxies to form a single elliptical galaxy. However, NGC 3414 (Arp 162) appears to be merely an unusual S0 galaxy with a very small disk relative to its bulge size[2]. NGC 4670 (Arp 163) is a blue compact dwarf galaxy with extremely strong star formation activity[29]; it is clearly too small to be the merger remnant of two spiral galaxies like the other merger remnants in this sample, although it may have been involved in a much smaller interaction.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
161 UGC 6665
162 NGC 3414 S0 galaxy[2]
163 NGC 4670 Blue compact dwarf galaxy[29]
164 NGC 455
165 NGC 2418
166 NGC 750, NGC 751

Galaxies with diffuse counter-tails

All of these objects are galaxies involved in gravitational interactions. These counter-tails are tidal features caused by the gravitational interactions between two galaxies, just like similar features described in the Arp catalog. Messier 32 (Arp 168), a dwarf galaxy interacting with the Andromeda Galaxy[2], is included in this category (although the "diffuse counter-tail" is very difficult to see in Arp's photograph).

Arp Number Common Name Notes
167 NGC 2672, NGC 2673
168 Messier 32 Dwarf galaxy interacting with Andromeda Galaxy[2]
169 NGC 7236, NGC 7237, NGC 7237C Galaxy triplet[30]
170 NGC 7578
171 NGC 5718, IC 1042
172 IC 1178, IC 1181

Galaxies with narrow counter-tails

This is another category containing galaxies with tidal tails produced by gravitational interactions. These tidal tails are narrower and well defined than the tidal tails in objects 167-172.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
173 UGC 9561
174 NGC 3068
175 IC 3481, IC 3481A, IC 3483 Galaxy triplet[31]
176 NGC 4933 Galaxy triplet[32]
177 Arp 177
178 NGC 5613, NGC 5614, NGC 5615 Galaxy triplet[33]
File:Tadpole Galaxy.jpg
The Tadpole Galaxy (UGC 10214; Arp 188). The "narrow filament", which appears to be tidal feature caused by a gravitational interaction, can be seen extending across this image. Credit: ACS Science & Engineering Team, NASA

Galaxies with narrow filaments

This category contains a mixture of different types of objects. Like the galaxies with diffuse filaments or galaxies with counter-tails, some of the galaxies in this category have been involved in interactions, and the filaments are tidal features created by those interactions. Other sources, however, are simply individual spiral galaxies with faint spiral arms that are described as "filaments" by Arp.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
179 Arp 179
180 Arp 180 Interacting galaxy pair[34]
181 NGC 3212, NGC 3215 Interacting galaxy pair[35]
182 NGC 7674, NGC 7674A Interacting galaxy pair[36]
183 UGC 8560 Spiral galaxy[37]
184 NGC 1961 Spiral galaxy[38]
185 NGC 6217 Spiral galaxy[39]
186 NGC 1614 Spiral galaxy involved in recent interaction[40]
187 Arp 187
188 Tadpole Galaxy Galaxy involved in recent interaction
189 NGC 4651
190 UGC 2320 Interacting galaxy pair[41]
191 UGC 6175 Interacting galaxy pair[42]
192 NGC 3303 Interacting galaxy pair[43]
193 IC 883 Merger remnant

Galaxies with material ejected from nuclei

The ejecta in many of these objects appear to be tidal features created by gravitational interactions. In some cases (such as for NGC 5544 and NGC 5545 in Arp 199), the "ejecta" is clearly a spiral galaxy viewed edge-on that happens to line up with another galaxy's nucleus.

Almost all of the objects in this category are interacting or have recently undergone interactions. NGC 3712 (Arp 203) is an exception; it is merely a low surface brightness spiral galaxy[44].

Arp Number Common Name Notes
194 UGC 6945 Interacting galaxy pair[45]
195 UGC 4653 Interacting galaxy triplet[46]
196 Arp 196 Interacting galaxy pair[47]
197 UGC 6503, IC 701 Interacting galaxy pair[48]
198 UGC 6073 Interacting galaxy pair[49]
199 NGC 5544, NGC 5545 Interacting galaxy pair[50]
200 NGC 1134 Spiral galaxy interacting with low surface brightness galaxy[51]
201 UGC 224 Interacting galaxy pair[52]
202 NGC 2719, NGC 2719A Interacting galaxy pair[53]
203 NGC 3712 Low surface brightness spiral galaxy[44]
204 UGC 8454 Interacting galaxy pair[54]
205 NGC 3448 Merger remnant[55]
206 UGC 5983, NGC 3432 Interacting galaxy pair[56]
207 UGC 5050 Spiral galaxy interacting with dwarf galaxy[57]
208 Arp 208 Interacting galaxy pair[58]

Galaxies with irregularities, absorption, and resolution

Galaxies in this category have either irregular structures (irregularities), notable dust lanes (absorption), or a grainy appearance (resolution). This category contains a mix of interacting galaxies distorted by tidal interactions, nearby dwarf irregular galaxies, and spiral galaxies with unusual large amounts of gas.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
209 NGC 6052 Interacting galaxy pair[59]
210 NGC 1569 Dwarf galaxy[60]
211 UGCA 290 Interacting dwarf galaxies[61]
212 NGC 7625 Peculiar spiral galaxy[62]
213 IC 356 Peculiar spiral galaxy[63]
214 NGC 3718 Peculiar spiral galaxy[64]

Galaxies with adjacent loops

These adjacent loops are another manifestation of the structures formed by gravitational interactions between galaxies. Some of these sources consist of galaxies that have nearly completed the merger process; the "adjacent loops" are merely the remnants of the interaction. Among the objects in this category is Arp 220, one of the best-studied ultraluminous infrared galaxies in the sky.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
215 NGC 2782 Peculiar spiral galaxy[2]
216 NGC 7679, NGC 7682 Interacting galaxy pair[65]
217 NGC 3310 Notable nearby starburst[66]; merger remnant[2]
218 Arp 218 Interacting galaxy pair[67]
219 UGC 2812 Galaxy in interaction[68]
220 Arp 220 Merger remnant; notable ultraluminous infrared galaxy

Galaxies with amorphous spiral arms

Many of these galaxies are merger remnants. The "amorphous spiral arms" are the tidal debris that remains after the collision.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
221 Arp 221 Interacting galaxy triplet[69]
222 NGC 7727 Merger remnant[2]
223 NGC 7585 Recent inequal-mass merger[2]
224 NGC 3921 Merger remnant
225 NGC 2655 Recent inequal-mass merger
226 The Atoms for Peace Galaxy (NGC 7252) Merger remnant[2]

Galaxies with concentric rings

These are galaxies with shell-like structures. Some shell structures have been identified as the results of recent mergers{cn}. In other cases, however, the shell structure may represent the outer disk of an S0 galaxy. In some compicated cases, the galaxy with the rings or shells is an S0 galaxy interacting with another galaxy; the origins of the shells in such systems can be difficult to determine.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
227 NGC 470, NGC 474 Interacting galaxy pair with one S0 galaxy[70]
228 IC 162 S0 galaxy[71]
229 NGC 507, NGC 508 Interacting galaxy pair including one S0 galaxy and one elliptical galaxy[72]
230 IC 51 Peculiar S0 galaxy[73]; possible merger remnant
231 IC 1575
232 NGC 2911 Peculiar S0 galaxy[74]
The Mice Galaxies (NGC 4676; Arp 242). These two galaxies both have tidal tails that form as a consequence of the galaxies' gravitational interaction. The galaxies are also connected by a tidal bridge, another feature formed by the gravitational interaction. Credit: NASA

Galaxies with the appearance of fission

Although the description of the objects in this category implies that the galaxies are separating apart, most of these galaxies are merging together. Many of the objects have very pronounced tital tails and bridges that have formed as a consequence of the interaction. Most objects are in the early stages of the merging process, where the galaxies still appear to have distinct nuclei and distinct (albeit distorted) disks. Among the most notable galaxies in this category are the Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038 and NGC 4039, Arp 244) and the Mice Galaxies (NGC 4676, Arp 242).

However, not all of these objects are interacting galaxies. A few of these galaxies are simply nearby dwarf galaxies with irregular structure.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
233 UGC 5720 Dwarf galaxy[75]
234 NGC 3738 Dwarf galaxy[76]
235 NGC 14 Dwarf galaxy[77]
236 IC 1623 Interacting galaxy pair[78]
237 UGC 5044 Interacting galaxy pair[79]
238 UGC 8355 Interacting galaxy pair[80]
239 NGC 5278, NGC 5279 Interacting galaxy pair[81]
240 NGC 5257, NGC 5258 Interacting galaxy pair[82]
241 UGC 9425 Interacting galaxy pair[83]
242 Mice Galaxies (NGC 4676) Interacting galaxy pair[84]
243 NGC 2623 Interacting galaxy triplet[85]
244 Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038, NGC 4039) Interacting galaxy pair[86]
245 NGC 2992, NGC 2993 Interacting galaxy pair[87]
246 NGC 7837, NGC 7838 Interacting galaxy pair[88]
247 UGC 4383 Interacting galaxy pair[89]
248 Arp 248 Interacting galaxy triplet[90]
249 UGC 12891 Interacting galaxy pair[91]
250 Arp 250
251 Arp 251 Interacting galaxy triplet[92]
252 Arp 252 Interacting galaxy pair[93]
253 UGCA 173, UGCA 174 Interacting galaxy pair[94]
254 NGC 5917 Peculiar spiral galaxy[95]
255 UGC 5304 Interacting galaxy pair[96]
256 Arp 256 Interacting galaxy pair[97]

Galaxies with irregular clumps

These are objects that appear to be a series of irregular clumps with no coherent structure. Many of these objects are simply nearby dwarf galaxies. Some of these objects are interacting galaxies, while others are small groups of galaxies. In both cases, many of the constituent galaxies are irregular galaxies. The superposition of two or more such irregular galaxies can easily look like a single larger irregular galaxy, which is why the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies (and other catalogs) often classify these pairs and groups as single objects.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
257 UGC 4836 Interacting galaxy pair[98]
258 UGC 2140 Galaxy group[99]
259 NGC 1741 Galaxy group[100]
260 UGC 7230 Interacting galaxy pair[101]
261 Arp 261 Galaxy group[102]
262 Arp 262 Interacting galaxy pair[103]
263 NGC 3239 Dwarf galaxy[104]
264 NGC 3104 Dwarf galaxy[105]
265 IC 3862 Interacting galaxy pair[106]
266 NGC 4861 Dwarf galaxy[107]
267 UGC 5746 Dwarf galaxy[108]
268 Holmberg II Dwarf galaxy[109]

Double and multiple galaxies

Arp originally referred to these galaxies as "double galaxies", but many of these sources are more than two galaxies. Some of the objects are comprised of interacting galaxies, whereas other sources are actually groups of galaxies. The difference is that interacting galaxies will be distorted, whereas galaxies in groups are simply gravitationally bound to each other but not necessarily close enough to each other to induce major structural changes.

Galaxies with connected arms

All of these galaxies are interacting pairs of galaxies except for NGC 5679 (Arp 274), which may be an interacting galaxy triplet[110] . The connected arms described here are tidal bridge features that form between iteracting galaxies. These bridges form early during galaxy interactions.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
269 NGC 4485, NGC 4490 Interacting galaxy pair[111]
270 NGC 3395, NGC 3396 Interacting galaxy pair[112]
271 NGC 5426, NGC 5427 Interacting galaxy pair[113]
272 UGC 10186 Interacting galaxy pair[114]
273 UGC 1810, UGC 1813 Interacting galaxy pair[115]
274 NGC 5679 Interacting galaxy triplet[110]

Interacting galaxies

As the name states, these are interacting galaxies. Unlike many of the objects listed in the amorphous galaxies section, the interacting galaxies that comprise these objects are still distinguishable from each other.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
275 NGC 2881 Interacting galaxy pair[116]
276 NGC 935, IC 1801 Interacting galaxy pair[117]
277 NGC 4809, NGC 4810 Interacting galaxy pair[118]
278 NGC 7253 Interacting galaxy pair[119]
279 NGC 1253, NGC 1253A Interacting galaxy pair[120]
280 NGC 3769, NGC 3769A Interacting galaxy pair[121]

Galaxies with infall and attraction

This category contains an odd mixture of objects. Two of the objects are edge-on disk galaxies with smaller companion galaxies nearby. Two of the objects are connected by tidal bridges. The last two objects may simply be interacting with each other over long distance.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
281 NGC 4627, NGC 4631 Spiral galaxy with companion dwarf elliptical galaxy[122]
282 NGC 169, NGC 169A Spiral galaxy with smaller companion galaxy[123]
283 NGC 2798, NGC 2799 Interacting galaxy pair[124]
284 NGC 7714, NGC 7715 Interacting galaxy pair[125]
285 NGC 2854, NGC 2856 Galaxy pair[126]
286 NGC 5560, NGC 5566, NGC 5569 Interacting galaxy triplet[2]

Galaxies with wind effects

Althoughn included in the double galaxies category, many of these objects are individual galaxies. The "wind effects" refer to the appearance, not the actual detection of high-velocity gas (such as is found in M82). In some cases, the appearance may be the result of interaction. In other cases, particularly NGC 3981 (Arp 289), the faint, extended emission may be related to the intrnsic nature of the galaxy itself and not interactions with other objects[2].

Arp Number Common Name Notes
287 NGC 2735, NGC 2735A Galaxy pair[127]
288 NGC 5221, NGC 5222 Galaxy triplet[128]
289 NGC 3981 Peculiar spiral galaxy[129][2]
290 IC 195, IC 196 Interacting galaxy pair[130]
291 UGC 5832 Irregular galaxy[131]
292 IC 575 Peculiar spiral galaxy[132]
293 NGC 6285, NGC 6286 Interacting galaxy pair[133]

Double or multiple galaxies with long filaments

The long filaments in these systems are probably tidal tails or bridges that have been produced as the result of the gravitational interaction between the galaxies.

Arp Number Common Name Notes
294 NGC 3786, NGC 3788 Interacting galaxy pair[134]
295 Arp 295 Interacting galaxy pair[135]
296 Arp 296
297 Arp 297 Interacting galaxies within a galaxy group[136]

(Unclassified Objects)

Arp did not give a subclassification for objects 298-310 in his atlas. These objects are mostly interacting galaxy pairs.

Arp Number Common Name Description
298 NGC 7469, IC 5283 Galaxy pair[137]
299 Arp 299 Galaxy triplet[138]
300 Arp 300 Galaxy group[139]
301 UGC 6204, UGC 6207 Galaxy pair[140]
302 UGC 9618 Galaxy pair[141]
303 IC 563, IC 564 Galaxy pair[142]
304 NGC 1241, NGC 1242 Galaxy pair[143]
305 NGC 4016, NGC 4017 Galaxy pair[144]
306 Arp 306 Galaxy group with two galaxy pairs[145]
307 NGC 2872, NGC 2874 Galaxy pair[146]
308 NGC 545, NGC 547 Galaxy pair[147]
309 NGC 942, NGC 943 Galaxy pair[148]
310 IC 1259 Galaxy pair[149]

Brightest Arp Galaxies For Amateur Astronomers

Maynard Pittendreigh, an amateur astronomer and occasional writer has compiled a list of the brightest Arp Galaxies that are most easily viewed by typical amateur astronomers. The galaxies on this list can be observed visually and do not require special photographic or imaging equipment. These include:

  • Arp 26, also known as M 101
  • Arp 37, also known as M 77
  • Arp 77, also known as M 90
  • Arp 77
  • Arp 85, also known as M 51
  • Arp 116, also known as M 60
  • Arp 120
  • Arp 152, also known as M 87
  • Arp 153
  • Arp 168, also known as M 32
  • Arp 244
  • Arp 269
  • Arp 270
  • Arp 271
  • Arp 281
  • Arp 286
  • Arp 317, also known as M 65
  • Arp 313
  • Arp 337, also known as M 82

See also


  1. ^ a b "Nasa/Ipac Extragalactic Database". Results for NGC 2857. Retrieved 2006-07-16.
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