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Brothers and Sisters in Arms

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Brothers and Sisters in Arms
אחים ואחיות לנשק
Formation2023 (2023)
PurposeOpposition to the Thirty-seventh government of Israel; aid to victims of Hamas and Hezbollah attacks
  • Advocacy
  • Protest activities

Brothers and Sisters in Arms (Hebrew: אחים ואחיות לנשק), also known as Achim Laneshek and Brothers in Arms (Hebrew: אחים לנשק), is an organization of reserve men and women from various units in the IDF, operating as part of the protests against the judicial reform being promoted by the thirty-seventh government of Israel headed by Benjamin Netanyahu.[1]

On October 7, 2023, the day Hamas attacked in southern Israel, the organization suspended all political and protest activities and devoted itself full-time to aid and relief, under the name Brothers and Sisters for Israel.[2][3]

In mid 2024, the organization reinstated its protest activity across the country while calling for new elections and drafting of ultra-orthodox who are currently exempt from military service in the IDF.[4][5][6][7]

In June 2024, the Brothers and Sisters in Arms received The Presidential Award for Volunteerism (formerly the “Presidential Award for Volunteers”)[8] from the President of the State of Israel, Isaac Herzog.[9]



The organization was founded in January 2023 by reserve lieutenant colonel Ron Scherf, reserve sergeant major Eyal Naveh, and reserve sergeant major Eitan Herzel, graduates of the Sayeret Matkal IDF unit, following the speech of Justice Minister Yariv Levin, in which he detailed the judicial reforms planned by the government. Members of Brothers and Sisters in Arms, together with many other Israelis, recognized these measures would cause severe damage to democracy in Israel.[1]

The goals of the organization were to stop the legislative measures planned by the government and to strengthen Israeli democracy. The organization operates in a variety of ways, including demonstrations in front of the homes of ministers and members of the Knesset, "vigils" that include discussion positions, advocacy in Israel and abroad, and disruption and protest actions such as hanging giant signs on cliffs, blocking roads, and blocking entry to organizations and websites seen as responsible for the judicial reform (such as the Kohelet Policy Forum) or symbolize areas of life that are expected to be severely affected as a result (such as the Ministry of Defense and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange). Another central activity was the signing of statements by reservists that they would cease volunteering for service until the planned legislative measures are stopped. The organization's operations are funded through donations from the public as well as the sale of branded equipment of the organization (shirts and hats).[1]

The organization operates through several circles: a steering team of seven people, each of whom has an area of responsibility (strategy, operations, foreign relations, communications, intelligence, etc.). Beneath them, the staff that carries out the tasks, the headquarters, several departments, and about 300 people. In addition, there are tens of thousands of members in the organization's WhatsApp groups, who receive updates from the organization. Some of the operations are secret and some are open to the general public. All the activity is done voluntarily. The organization's methods of operation are military, and include, for example, compartmentalization and incident investigation. Most of the members of the executive committee are from the General Staff Reconnaissance Unit, more commonly known as Sayeret Matkal, but the organization includes veterans of a variety of military units.[10][11]

The organization began in a WhatsApp group that Eitan Herzel started with some members of Sayeret Matkal and gained momentum in a three-day journey, which began on February 8, 2023, from Latrun to the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, which the initiators defined as a journey to preserve democracy in Israel. The journey was joined by veterans of combat units and senior officials in the defense community. The number of participants in the march grew; on the first day about 1,000 people took part, on the second day about 2,500, and on the third day about 10,000. Like other activities of the organization, non-reservist citizens, who support the goals of the organization and its actions, joined the march.[12][13]

On March 28, the leaders of the organization announced that they were suspending the protest following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statement on the delay of the legislation, in order to give an opportunity for a negotiation process[14] and that they would have an "on call minute" for its renewal if the negotiations do not bear fruit.[15] During this period, the activists continued to participate in dialogue activities and regular demonstrations. A short time later, the organization returned to full protest activity, after the members of the government explicitly stated that they are continuing to promote the judicial reform.[15]



The organization's operations are divided into several areas as detailed below.

Protest and disruption actions

Lt. Col. Ron Scherf, co-founder of the "Brothers in Arms" Movement, speaks at a demonstration in Haifa at Horev Square against the judicial reform, March 25, 2023

The organization's activists maintain demonstration centers, some of them permanent, in front of the homes of ministers and key Knesset members in the government. Among these: Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, Minister of Agriculture Avi Dichter, Minister of Justice Yariv Levin, Minister of Economy and Industry Nir Barkat, Member of the Knesset and Chairman of the National Security Committee Zvika Fogel, and Minister of Immigration and Absorption (formerly Ministry of Aliyah and Integration) Ofir Sofer. They also take part in major demonstrations throughout the country, Including the strengthening of protest points where the demonstrators experienced violence from the supporters of the judicial reform.[1] In addition, various protest and disruption actions were carried out, some of which are detailed below:

Demonstration of "Brothers in Arms" in front of the home of Justice Minister Yariv Levin in Modi'in, June 27, 2023
  • Blocking Highway 1 in the Sha'ar HaGai area and establishing a symbolic border crossing between democracy and dictatorship, as part of the protest organizations' "Day of Disruption" on March 1, 2023.[16]
  • Blocking the entrance to the offices of Kohelet Policy Forum, an association that has a dominant influence on the advancement of the government's legislative measures, using barbed wire and sandbags, as part of a "day of disruption" on March 9, 2023. The leaders of the organization said that they are "sealing the rift that divisiveness creates in the nation. Everyone has already understood that divisiveness harms the state's economy and the security of the state". Six activists were arrested during the activity, including Ron Scherf, one of the founders of the organization.[17][18] On the same day, dozens of the organization's activists, including former navy commanders Ami Ayalon and David Ben-Besht, blocked the port of Haifa with flares and boats, for about two hours, under the title "There is no freedom of movement in a dictatorship".[19]
  • The establishment of a symbolic recruitment office in front of the Bnei Brak municipality in a call for equality in burden (of military service), as part of a "day of disruption" on March 16, 2023.[20] On the same day, the organization's activists hung a 200 meter sign at the Eliakim junction "The dictatorship is tearing the people apart".[21]
  • The arrival of a group of activists from the sea, in kayaks and swimming, at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's house in Caesarea on March 17, with the aim of conveying to him the message that he must intervene and "stop the coup".[22] On June 11, hundreds of activists protested in front of the daycare center in Caesarea with a display that included a 15-meter-high tree, a ladder, and a huge dismissal letter, under the title "Bibi Get Down from the Tree!" calling for the dismissal of the Minister of Justice Yariv Levin.[23][24]
  • Hanging a 600 meter sign on the sides of Highway 1, showing Gallant, Dichter, and Barkat as the famous sculpture in the form of the three monkeys, on March 19.[25] On March 23, the organization's signage campaign went up throughout the country "Your finger will lead to a civil war" targeting the ten Knesset members from the Likud who did not express a firm position against the legislative measures.
The Tel Aviv Museum plaza in preparation for an event announcing the suspension of volunteering for the reserves organized by the organization
  • Demonstration of hundreds of activists outside the Israel Museum at the conference held on March 22. The speeches of government ministers Yitzhak Goldknopf and Miri Regev were interrupted and Netanyahu canceled his arrival at the conference.[26]
  • A demonstration at the entrance of the Kiryat Arba settlement, where the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir lives, and a call for him to resign from his position, under the slogan "It's simply too much for you", on March 26. According to them, "it is not given to someone who was not drafted into the IDF because of his extreme positions and violent past to wreak havoc in the State of Israel and endanger the security of the state".[28] On April 14, two huge signs were hung on the roads of the country, referring to the minister and criticizing him for his conduct in the face of the wave of terrorism.[29] Another demonstration was held on May 4 in front of Ben-Gvir's house in Kiryat Arba. A display was set up dealing with the murders in Arab community and the murder of women and a sign was hung that read "3 months, 78 murdered - one guilty!"[30] On the day of the budget approval in the Knesset, May 23, activists hung signs against the minister on the way to the Knesset: "Ben-Gvir zero abilities in the budget", "Ben-Gvir zero abilities in front of Smotrich", "Ben-Gvir zero concern for the police".
  • A demonstration during the speech of the Chairman of the Constitution Committee Simcha Rothman, as part of the conference of the Jewish Federations of North America, which was held at the exhibition grounds in Tel-Aviv on April 24.[31][32]
  • On the 75th Independence Day of the State of Israel on April 26, the activists of the organization hung a sign with the inscription "Democracy" on a cliff in Masada and the Israeli flag and the Declaration of Independence in Nahal Qumran.[33] The activists said that "Masada will not fall a second time and Israeli democracy will never fall. Long live the State of Israel".[34] In addition, activists from the navy held a flotilla along the coast of Tel Aviv in about 150 yachts and a small plane carried the sign "Free in our country".[35] The inscription "Israel democratic since 1948" was written on the pumping station building at Sha'ar Hagai. Also, Israeli flags were hung near the houses of the Knesset members of the Torah Judaism party in Bnei Brak.[36]
  • A demonstration of support with the participation of hundreds of the organization's activists outside the home of former Supreme Court judge Aharon Barak, in front of about 50 demonstrators supporting the legislative measures, on April 30.[37]
  • As part of the National Equality Day, on May 4, demonstrations were held against the non-conscription of yeshiva members near the home of Rabbi Gershon Edelstein and a symbolic "recruitment office" was opened in front of the Ponevezh yeshiva,[38] calling for the ultra-Orthodox to sign a new contract with the state and take part in the burden of service. For example, a morning prayer was held in collaboration with the "Religious, Zionist, Democrat" protest organization in front of the home of Minister Bezalel Smotrich in Kedumim with the chant "True religious Zionism carries the burden, does not perpetuate the state".[39][40] In addition, there was a support demonstration of hundreds of people in front of the house of retired Chief Justice Aharon Barak, in front of a counter-demonstration of hundreds of supporters of the legislation.[41][42]
  • A demonstration of dozens of activists in front of the house of Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf in Jerusalem on May 16. The demonstrators set up a display of Louis Vuitton bags and threw bills on the floor, protesting the transfer of coalition funds to the ultra-Orthodox and the property tax fund.[43][44] On May 17, a demonstration was held in Bnei Brak, near the home of the Chairman of the Finance Committee, MK Moshe Gafni, under the title "The Siege of Bnei Brak - A Rage March Against a Miserer of Public Money", against the property tax bill and the expected distribution of the budget to the ultra-Orthodox public.[45]
  • On Jerusalem Day, which fell on May 18, the organization's activists hung signs on the walls of the Old City that read "Democratic and Liberal Jerusalem".[46]
  • A demonstration of hundreds of activists outside Netanyahu's house on May 25 on the claim that he weakens and isolates Israel from the world in general and the United States in particular, and the Iranian enemy that recognizes its weakness rushes to an atomic bomb without hindrance.[47]
  • With the return of ministers and Knesset members from New York on June 6, "Brothers in Arms" activists placed a huge sign visible from the air with the inscription - "We the People - SOS Democracy" - in order to remind the ministers" in what state is the country they are returning to".[48] On the same day, activists staged a protest using a vessel, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Achziv Sea Reserve, with the participation of the Minister of the Environment Idit Silman.[49]
  • Activists of the organization disrupted Knesset member Nissim Vaturi's speech at the cultural Friday event at the Mash'an sheltered housing in Ramat Ef'al on June 23 and accused him of "sending soldiers to the gallows"[50]
  • Blocking access to the street in the city of Modi'in where Justice Minister Yariv Levin lives,[1] with wire fences, and the display of sausages "This is how the salami works", on June 27.[51]
  • As part of a day of protest held on July 3, activists blocked the entrance to Port of Haifa. They brought with them a container full of Polish salami sausages and said that these "represent the dictatorial model that Prime Minister Yariv Levin is trying to import from Poland".[52]
  • On July 6, the "Night of the Conspirators" took place, as part of which thousands of activists went out to demonstrate in front of the houses of the coalition members.[53]
  • On July 9, hundreds of activists held a "white night" in front of the Defense Minister's house, during which former senior officials in the defense establishment gave speeches and called on Gallant not to let the legislation continue.[54]
  • A huge sign "There is no people's army in a dictatorship" was hung in Kfar Daniel in order to remind the decision-makers of what is at stake if the legislation continues.
  • On a protest day on July 18, dozens of activists chained themselves to the Kariya Gate on Kaplan Street, Tel Aviv, in order to create awareness of the danger in which the State of Israel is in.[55][56] Also, hundreds of protesters blocked all entrances to the stock exchange in Ramat Gan. The demonstrators hung huge signs with the inscription "Saving the economy" and another sign on the scoreboard with the data on the damage to pensions since the judicial reform legislation began.[57][58][59]

Advocacy, negotiation and rapprochement actions


Throughout the period of the protest, the founders of the organization and its key activists speak as part of the demonstrations throughout the country, including the main stage of the protest on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv.[60][61][62][63][64][65][66] They are often interviewed through the media in Israel[67][68][69][70][71][72] and arouse interest in the foreign media as well.[73][74][75][76][77][78] The organization's activists established discussion positions outside the houses of ministers and members of Knesset and held talks with rabbis from Religious Zionism with the aim of generating dialogue and conveying the message that the People's Army is disbanding following the legislative measures. A dialogue tent was also set up with ultra-Orthodox youth who come to the conscription office in Tel Hashomer in order to receive an exemption from conscription, which operated in shifts, starting from March 20.[79] The members of the organization produced a series of informational videos ("The Lighthouse") with leaders in Israeli society. some of which are listed below:

  • Joint prayer for the unity of the people near the Rose Garden in Jerusalem, on March 22, in collaboration with other organizations.[80]
  • Handing out hundreds of bouquets of flowers at the various police stations throughout the country in thanks for the hard work of the police officers, during Passover.[81]
  • A campaign by the organization on hundreds of bulletin boards, calling on the ultra-Orthodox to share the burden through military or civilian service, under the slogan "without conscription, there is no reconciliation", appeared on April 22.[82] On April 30, a digital and outdoor signage campaign was launched with a call to the Israeli government to share the burden of the service. In Safed, the hanging of the signs was scheduled for May 5, the seventy-fifth anniversary of the breaking of the siege of Safed by the 3rd Battalion of the Palmach.
  • Marched in parallel with the "March of Flags" march in Jerusalem on May 16, with the aim of creating "a connection to the moderate right-wing public and to the sections of religious Zionism that sit on the fence"[83]
  • Informational meeting for lawyers ahead of the elections to the Bar Association, on May 22.
  • Participation of the organization's activists in the pride parade in Jerusalem.[84]
  • Participation of dozens of the organization's activists in the salute ceremony for the liberators of the Western Wall that took place on June 5 outside the Western Wall Square in Jerusalem (after the Wall Heritage Foundation did not render permission to hold it in the square).[85]

Cessation of volunteering for the reserves


On March 21, the leaders of the organization held a press conference in which they announced to start taking signatures of reservists on a petition according to which they will stop volunteering for reserve service if the planned legislative measures are passed.[86][87] In the days that followed, the reports of signatures of reservists from various units on the petition increased.[88][89][90][91][92]

The organization's activists returned and warned of irreversible damage that would occur in the army if the legislation was not stopped.[95] On July 19, members of the organization gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum Square for an event where they announced the suspension of volunteering in the reserves in order to preserve the IDF's moral values.[93] In the following days, the organization's activists turned to the Chief of Staff, Major General Herzi Halevi, demanding: "Knock on the table And say in a loud and clear voice: 'You are disbanding the people's army! Your legislation is dangerous for the security of the country!'[94]

On July 22, as part of the mass protest march to Jerusalem, activists of the organization placed a petition at the stopping point inviting them to sign a "declaration of cessation of volunteering" for the reserves. The petition was worded as a personal letter "I am not ready to serve a government that does not respect the values of Israel as a democratic state and acts contrary to the principles of the spirit of the IDF. This statement was written with great pain, and out of my moral and conscientious duty. I will continue to fight in legitimate civil ways to keep Israel democratic, free, and equal. A people's army only exists in a democracy".[95] That evening, the organization held a press conference with representatives of dozens of units and announced that 10,000 people would stop volunteering for the reserves if the legislation moves forward.[96]

Activity during 2023 Israel–Hamas war

חמ"ל נעדרים של אחים לנשק באקספו תל אביב
Brothers in Arms Control center for locating missing individuals. October 2023, Tel Aviv

On the morning of October 7, 2023, following the surprise missile attack, invasion, and massacre by Hamas in the south of Israel[97][98], the leaders of the organization made an official announcement, declaring an immediate halt to all protest activities.[99] They issued a call to reserve soldiers to promptly step up in defense of the country. On the same day, the infrastructure previously used for the protest was converted to assist security forces and provide aid to survivors of the tragic incident.[3][100] The organization established dedicated logistic centers in Tel Aviv and Beit Kama, where numerous initiatives were coordinated with the help of tens of thousands of volunteers across the nation.[101][102]

Among the initiatives was the rescue of about 2,500 families from the conflict zones to safe areas, while the IDF forces were actively engaged in combat. Additionally, efforts were made to secure housing solutions for displaced families and provide support to security forces in their quest to locate missing individuals, employing advanced technological resources for this purpose. A support network was established to assist the families of killed, missing, or kidnapped individuals. Further, a transportation system was created to facilitate the movement of reservist soldiers and their families.[103]

Another initiative, First Line Med, began to raise donations and purchase medical supplies and equipment to be distributed to army units on the front lines as well as to clinics and security personnel on the home front. In addition, the organization focused on the dispensation of mental health care treatment for those affected.[104]

To ensure the well-being of those affected by the conflict, initiatives include the provision of hot meals for the families of the wounded and the rescue of animals left in the conflict zones.[103] Equipment kits have been distributed to grieving families, and a memorial site has been established, preserving information in honor of the fallen soldiers and civilian victims.

On October 12, 2023, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited the logistics center in the Expo Tel Aviv, expressing his support for this initiative.[105] He later twitted "I had a chance to visit a donation center in Tel Aviv for the victims of Hamas’ terrorist attack. We are inspired by the solidarity of the Israeli people. America will always be by Israel's side".[106]

Brothers in Arms volunteers working in an agricultural farm near Gaza border

On October 20, 2023, Brothers in Arms volunteers began helping 24 farms in 11 localities near the border with Gaza, which suffer from a lack of working hands. On the following days the project for supporting affected farms grew dramatically, connecting farmers in need with a network of tens of thousands of volunteers.[107][108]



On April 22, Knesset Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir sent a warning letter to "Brothers in Arms" following the organization's claim that he had evaded military service. Ben-Gvir called the organization's campaign "a complete lie" and demanded that they publish an apology and financial compensation in the amount of ten million shekels, claiming that he wanted to enlist in the IDF, but the IDF did not allow him to enlist due to his political views.[109]

Yotam Zamri, a panelist on the program "The Patriots" on Channel 14, spoke out against the activists of the organization and said "I don't understand why the signs are in Hebrew and not in the original language German. I recommend the 'Brothers in Arms' to grow a small mustache." As a result of these things, on May 23, 2023, he was sent a warning before a lawsuit on behalf of the organization.[110]

On June 26, 2023, Knesset Minister Bezalel Smotrich called the organization's activists "trolls" following their announcement that they would return the threat of stopping volunteering and called on the heads of the security establishment to deal with them severely.[111]

On June 27, 2023, after activists blocked the entrance to the street where he lives, Minister Yariv Levin called the protesters a "violent group" and said that "fortunately or miraculously, they 'settled' this time with burning tires on the road, blocking the street and the entrance to the parking lot of the building, and did not decide to burn down an apartment in the building".[51]

On July 18, 2023, Chief of Staff Lt. Col. Herzi Halevi attacked the organization and said that "anyone who calls for non-reporting these days is harming the IDF, and also harming the security of the state." "Brothers in Arms" published the following response: "The chief is shooting his gun in the wrong direction. The real people responsible for the danger of non-voluntariness sit in the government offices and the Knesset corridors, tearing the people apart, disbanding the army, and endangering Israel's security. Israeli patriots are in the streets today defending Israel as Jewish and democratic because a people's army exists only in a democracy."[112]

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attacked the reservists who announced the end of volunteering and said: "The refusal endangers the security of all Israeli citizens. In a democracy, the army is subordinate to the government and does not bend the government. When officials in the army try to dictate the government's policy with threats, this is wrong, and if they dictate it - This is the end of democracy. Those who drag the IDF into the political debate, those who threaten refusal, should know that refusal on one side inevitably leads to refusal on the other side". The organization published the following response: "Those who expected a responsible and unifying leadership on the night of Tisha B'Av received Bibi pressured, instigating, lying, and deceiving the public. Biden, the governor [of the Bank of Israel], Mandelblit, the heads of the security establishment, and the people have all already told you - only repeal of the dictatorship laws will save Israel because the 'reasonableness law'[113] is full-blown dictatorship. As we have guarded the State of Israel for decades, so we will continue to guard and protect it as a Jewish and democratic state for generations. The people's army exists only in a democracy".[114]

On June 29, 2023, it was announced that a number of operatives of the organization received a text message about the cancellation of their weapons license for "puzzling to incorrect" reasons that could even harm their livelihood.[115]

During the main demonstration against the legislative measures in Kaplan, Tel Aviv on July 1, 2023, a violent confrontation developed between the activists of the organization and the activists of the "anti-occupation bloc". In response, one of the organization's activists attacked a protester who was holding a Palestinian flag with pepper gas, a confrontation ensued and the attacker was detained for questioning.[116] The incident drew criticism from protest activists and other parties.[117][118] Following the incident, the organization published the following message: "We respect all our partners in the struggle who come from all shades of the political spectrum from the right and the left. Our goal is one and that is the cancellation of the regime coup. We condemn any manifestation of violence, and we will continue to fight together shoulder to shoulder for the common goal".[119]

Awards and recognition


The organization received the John McCain Award at the Halifax conference in Canada for its defense of Israeli democracy, and its civil assistance since the events of October 7.[120] On November 18, 2023, the Halifax International Security Forum awarded the organization the annual Senator John McCain Award for "extraordinary leadership in the pursuit of human justice".[121][120]

On January 22, 2024, the organization received the badge of Home Front Heroes of the Zionist Council in Israel for its activities in the Israeli home front during the war.[122]

On February 28, 2024, the active women in the organization ("Sisters in Arms") received the Knighthood of the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation for that year, following their activity in providing assistance in a variety of fields after the events of October 7.[123]

In June 2024, the Presidential Award for Volunteerism (formerly the “Presidential Award for Volunteers”) was awarded by the President of the State of Israel, Isaac Herzog, to the logistics centers that the organization operated during the Iron Swords War.[124] In the same month, Reichman University awarded Eyal Naveh an honorary doctorate degree, in recognition of the establishment of the Civil Defense Force.[125]

  • Official website (Hebrew)
  • Brothers and Sisters for Israel
  • Brothers and Sisters in Arms (English)
  • Kingsley, Patrick; Bergman, Ronen (29 July 2023). "A Sense of Mission at Risk as Israeli Reservists Resign to Protest New Law". The New York Times. Retrieved 7 August 2023.
  • SNEH, EPHRAIM (12 August 2023). "The Good Israel Will Prevail". TIME Magazine. Retrieved 20 August 2023.
  • Stahl, Lesley (17 September 2023). "Netanyahu's push to weaken Israel's Supreme Court divides nation". 60 Minutes. Retrieved 18 September 2023.
  • Rubin, Shira (14 October 2023). "Politicians called them 'traitors.' Now they're manning Israel's home front". The Washington Post. Retrieved 23 October 2023.


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  10. ^ Ben Ami, Lior (28 July 2023). ""We were asleep for many years, now we are returning to a common vision": behind the scenes of the "Brothers In Arms" protest". Ynet (in Hebrew). Retrieved 6 August 2023.
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