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User:DraculavanHelsing/Books/Alien 1

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Alien 1

Alien abduction
Alien abduction claimants
Alien abduction entities
Alien autopsy
Alien implants
Allagash Abductions
Anal probing
Ancient astronauts
Antônio Vilas Boas
Betty and Barney Hill abduction
Billy Meier
Budd Hopkins
Bug-eyed monster
Cattle mutilation
Cedric Allingham
Close encounter
Communion (book)
Crawfordsville monster
Dana Howard (contactee)
Daniel Fry
David Icke
David M. Jacobs
Dino Kraspedon
Elizabeth Klarer
Extraterrestrial hypothesis
Flatwoods monster
George Adamski
George Hunt Williamson
George Van Tassel
Gloria Lee
Grey alien
History of alien abduction claims
Howard Menger
Interdimensional being
Interdimensional hypothesis
Jacques Vallée
John E. Mack
Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter
Linda Moulton Howe
List of alleged extraterrestrial beings
Little green men
Men in Black
Narrative of the abduction phenomenon
Nibiru cataclysm
Nordic aliens
Orfeo Angelucci
Pascagoula Abduction
Perspectives on the abduction phenomenon
Psychosocial hypothesis
Stan Romanek
The Sirius Mystery
Travis Walton
Valentich disappearance
Whitley Strieber