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Article Evaluation: "Riot grrrl"

The article "Riot grrrl", although it sometimes takes the reader on a journey slightly distant from the topic, is mostly relevant. Distractions may take the form of links to additional information surrounding the riot grrrl movement, however welcome. The second to last sentence regarding the legacy of riot grrrl and Alien She, the traveling exhibition of art informed by the riot girl movement, ends at the onset of 2016. Does the legacy continue? What does it sound and look like? Also missing from the "Riot grrrl" article, was the retelling of Kathleen Hanna's first spoken word performance at Evergreen College, in Olympia , Washington, which was documented in the film "The Punk Singer". Said performance has been documented on film as being a catalyst and integral part of the riot grrrl movement. Additionally, there was a seemingly overabundant utilization of lengthy direct quotes from women, zines, and books discussed in the article, as well as several "citations needed". There were too many direct quotes and not enough citations.

The article was primarily neutral in its inclusion of varied perspectives on the riot grrrl movement; however, opinions that were in opposition to riot grrrl lacked as equal a dedication as those that were proponents of such. Opposing opinions were underrepresented. The links appear to work as do the external links, which were also welcome. The sources all appear to be from magazine and newspaper articles or from books published about the riot grrrl movement. There are no readily identifiable peer reviewed journal articles on the matter. Could that be because riot grrrls (young, third wave feminists) were not taken seriously, as the author of the article states? No magazine, newspaper, and / or books that were sourced were noted to be biased by the author of the "Riot grrrl" article.

A perusal of the Talk pages for the "Riot grrrl" article offers editorials from opinionated persons, leading to a who's who of the riot grrrl scene, rather than from a more objective researcher. Is this because riot grrrl was a political movement and as second wave feminists have said, "The personal IS political"?

Article Selection:

Fabiola Gianotti - Italian woman-identified particle physicist and Director General of CERN; I would like to expand the current existing page by 5-fold

- http://www.iop.org/about/awards/hon_fellowship/hon_fellows/page_68416.html

- https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/07/science/fabiola-gianotti-physics-cern.html

- https://www.forbes.com/profile/fabiola-gianotti/#d1590e31290

Margaret Wertheim - Australian-born woman-identified resident of Los Angeles and science writer whose topics address and question the intersection of science and culture; I would like to expand the current existing page by 5-fold

- https://www.pbs.org/faithandreason/bio/margaret-body.html

- https://www.edge.org/memberbio/margaret_wertheim

- https://bigthink.com/in-their-own-words/im-amazed-by-the-sheer-tenacity-of-outsider-science

- https://www.guernicamag.com/at-home-in-the-universe/

- https://www.laweekly.com/arts/talking-with-the-institute-for-figurings-margaret-and-christine-wertheim-2157781

Alice Y. Ting - Taiwanese-born American chemist and professor of bioloy, chemistry, and genetics at Stanford University; I would like to expand the current existing page by 5-fold

- https://academictree.org/chemistry/publications.php?pid=20732

- http://www2.technologyreview.com/tr35/profile.aspx?TRID=459

- https://pharmaceuticalintelligence.com/tag/alice-y-ting/

Finalized Topic

Goals: To add more information on Wertheim's books, to glean more personal information about her from her editorials, to add images of the reefs and of Wertheim.

Margaret Wertheim

- https://bigthink.com/in-their-own-words/im-amazed-by-the-sheer-tenacity-of-outsider-science

- https://www.edge.org/memberbio/margaret_wertheim

- https://www.guernicamag.com/at-home-in-the-universe/

- https://www.pbs.org/faithandreason/bio/margaret-body.html

- Bomb, Summer, 2014, Issue 128, p.113-115

- The Guardian, March 13, 1997, p.T6(2)

- New Scientist, 16 Sept. 1995, Vol.147(1995), pp.44-44

- Resources for Feminist Research, Vol.25(1), p.47

- The Spectator The spectator.,1997, Vol.278(8796), p.31

-Wertheim, M. (2011). Q&A Margaret Wertheim The outsider insider. Nature, 479(7371), 40.

- Wertheim, M. (1999). Jobs for the boys. New Scientist, 162(2186), 47.

Margaret Wertheim Draft

Margaret Wertheim and her twin sister, Christine Wertheim, live in Los Angeles, California together where they founded and continue to operate the Institute for Figuring. The Institute for Figuring is a non-profit organization which houses their crochet coral reef, which began as a response to the hyperbolic crocheting abilities of Dr. Daina...

*NOTE: I made several edits to the Margaret Wertheim article in this sandbox over the course of the past 2 hours but was unable to publish my changes and lost everything I added. I had to start over. I will continue to work on it over the course of the week.

Wikipedia Assignment Assessment

1. Lead Section: The "Introductory" sentence states the topic of the article, though it could be more concise/direct. We will revise the "Introductory sentence to include more information. The "Summary" summarizes most major points, but misses one or more important aspects. Additional information is required in order for the article to be complete. The "Context" of the "Lead Section" includes some information that is not present in the body of the article. We will revise the "Lead Section" to coordinate better with the bulk of the article.

2. Article: The "Organization" of headings and subheadings is clear with appropriate transitions and clear language/grammar. The "Content" covers some of the assigned topic area. We will include additional information not currently covered in the article. The article presents balanced coverage without favoring one side unduly. The "Tone" is neutral and appropriate for an encyclopedia audience. More "Images" with clear and concise captions could improve the reader's understanding of the topic. We will include additional imagery to the existing article.

3. References: For the "Citations" there are a few unsourced paragraphs or sections. Some of the article is plagiarized and must be corrected and/or cited. The article uses mostly good "Sources", but includes some lower-quality sources. We will attempt to eliminate lower-quality sources. Most "References" include a completely filled-out citation template or are otherwise complete.

4. Existing Article: "New Sections" will be comprehensive and will not duplicate other sections. The "Re-organization" of the article will cover the topic in an organized, logical fashion. The key "Gaps" will be filled. "Smaller Additions" will be added to relevant sections of the article.

Polish Your Work

Added approximately one paragraph's worth of new and / or supplementary information; added "Mosley Snowflake Project" section; chronicled "Awards and Honors" by date, in addition to some edits made by Megan Jage

*NOTE: Edits made by Jamie Alexander on Friday, 12/07/2018, not between 11/16/2018 - 11/29/2016, due to family emergency

Working Draft


Margaret Wertheim (born 20 August 1958, Brisbane, Australia) is a science writer and the author of books on the cultural history of physics. Margaret Wertheim and her twin sister, Christine Wertheim, live in Los Angeles, California together where they founded and continue to operate the Institute for Figuring (IFF). The Institute for Figuring is a non-profit organization which houses their Crochet Coral Reef, which began as a response to the hyperbolic crocheting abilities of Dr. Daina Taimina,[1] a Cornell University mathematician. Wertheim also creates exhibitions at the intersection of science and art which are shown around the world. She has won the 2016 Klopsteg Memorial Award from the American Association of Physics Teachers, and Australia's Scientia Medal (2017) for her work with public science engagement.

Education and Research


A research associate at the American Natural Museum of Natural History located in New York, a fellow at the Los Angeles Institute for the Humanities,[2] and a PhD candidate and researcher at Deakin University, Wertheim's former education includes two Bachelor's degrees, one of which is a Bachelor of Science in Pure and Applied Physics from the University of Queensland, and the other, a Bachelor of Arts in Pure Mathematics and Computing from the University of Sydney from .[3] Wertheim was also the former Discovery Fellow (2012-2013) at the University of Southern California, as well as the former Vice Chancellor's Fellow (2015) at the University of Melbourne.



Wertheim is the author of six books, including a trilogy that collectively considers the role of theoretical physics in the cultural landscape of modern Western society. The first, Pythagoras' Trousers, is a history of the relationship between physics, religion, and gender relations. The second, The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace, charts the history of scientific thinking about space from Dante to the Internet. The third book in this series, Physics on the Fringe, looks at the idiosyncratic world of "outsider physicists" such as Jim Carter, people with little or no scientific training who develop their own alternative theories of the universe.[4]

As a journalist, Wertheim has written for the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, The Guardian, New Scientist, The Sciences, Omni, Science Digest, The Australian Review of Books, 21C: Magazine of Science, Technology and Culture, The Daily Telegraph (London), Die Zeit (Germany), Australian Geographic, Glamour,[3] and is a contributing editor to Cabinet magazine, the international arts and culture quarterly. From 2001 to 2005, she wrote the "Quark Soup" science column for the LA Weekly, sister paper to the Village Voice and is now a regular writer for Aeon. In 2006, her writing was awarded the print journalism prize from the American Institute of Biological Sciences and, in 2004, she was the National Science Foundation visiting journalist to Antarctica. For ten years in her native Australia she wrote regular columns about science and technology for women's magazines such as Vogue Australia and Elle Australia - she may be the only journalist in the world to have held such a position. Her work has been included in Best American Science Writing 2003, edited by Oliver Sacks; Best Australian Science Writing 2015, 2016, 2018 (Newsouth Press); and Best Writing on Mathematics 2018 (Princeton University Press). In 2016 she was granted the Klopsteg Memorial Award for communicating "the joy of physics," by the American Association of Physics Teachers – the first woman to gain this honor in 10 years; and in 2017 she won Australia's Scientia Medal, awarded by the University of New South Wales. Throughout Wertheim's career, she has been able to do work on all seven continents.

Wertheim has penned ten television documentaries, as well as created and co-directed the award-winning series, Catalyst. Catalyst is a six-part science and technology series that was conceived for a teenage audience. She has produced several short films, written and directed the interactive Canadian public health program What About AIDS, and has regularly appeared on US, Canadian, and European television and radio broadcast programs. She has contributed to the PBS program Religion and Ethics Newsweekly as a reporter and to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's weekly current affairs television program, Sunday Morning Live, as a guest. Wertheim lectures around the globe promoting science within a social justice context.[3]

Institute For Figuring

The Föhr Reef exhibited as part of the Crochet Coral Reef project by Margaret and Christine Wertheim and the Institute For Figuring in Tübingen (Germany) in 2013

In 2003, Wertheim and her twin sister Christine, faculty member of the Department of Critical Studies at CalArts, founded the Institute For Figuring, an organization based in Los Angeles that promotes the poetic and aesthetic dimensions of science and mathematics. The IFF proposes that people interact directly via concrete contact with mathematical and scientific ideas, not simply with abstract equations and formulas. The IFF is a nonprofit organization which houses their Crochet Coral Reef, which began as a response to the hyperbolic crocheting abilities of Dr. Daina Taimina, a Cornell University mathematician.[5]

Through their work with the IFF, the Wertheim twins have created exhibitions on scientific and mathematical themes at art galleries and science museums around the world, including the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, the Santa Monica Museum of Art, Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, Machine Project and the Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles, the Science Gallery at Trinity College in Dublin, Museum of Arts and Design and the Cooper Hewitt in New York, and the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C., providing accessibility to mathematical and scientific concepts to the layperson.

Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef Project


The IFF's Crochet Coral Reef project, spearheaded again by the Wertheim sisters- with Margaret as project manager and organizer-in-chief and Christine as aesthetic coordinator- is perhaps the largest participatory art and science endeavor in the world. By creating giant installations out of yarn that mimic living coral reefs, the project resides at the intersection of mathematics, science, handicraft, environmentalism and community art practice. The project teaches audiences about non-Euclidean geometry while also engaging them with the subject of climate change and the decimation of reefs due to global warming. As of late 2018, more than 10,000 people from New York and London, to Riga and Abu Dhabi, have actively contributed pieces to Crochet Coral Reef exhibitions in more than forty cities and countries. More than two million people have seen these shows. In the Forward to Crochet Coral Reef, the book, Donna Haraway calls the project "palpable, polymorphous, powerful and terrifying stitchery." Margaret was invited to speak at a Ted Talk in February of 2009 to discuss her Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef Project. The talk has been transcribed to 22 different languages and has surpassed 1.3 million views on the Ted website.

Mosley Snowflake Project


Inspired by and working with Jeannine Mosely, a software engineer, Wertheim educated people regarding concepts surrounding fractals, by leading them in a project involving the construction of a giant fractal that utilized 48,912 business cards. High school students, professors, librarians, local artists, and hundreds of college students from diverse departments, such as fine arts, psychology, cinema, and engineering all participated in over 3,000 hours of work it took to complete its construction, without the use of any adhesives. On display at the University of Southern California's Doheny Memorial Library, the completed giant fractal, titled the Mosley Snowflake Sponge, is open for public viewing.

Awards and Honors

  • Best American Science Writing (2003)
  • Theo Westenberger Award (2011)
  • Discovery Fellow at the University of Southern California (2012-2013)
  • Best Australian Science Writing (2014, 2016, 2018)
  • Vice Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Melbourne (2015)
  • AxS Award (2016)
  • Klopstep Memorial Award (2016)
  • Scientia Medal (2017)
  • Best Writing About Mathematics (2018)
  • American Institute of Biological Sciences Print Journalism Award
  • Andy Warhol Foundation Grant


  • Pythagoras' Trousers: God, Physics, and the Gender Wars (1995)
  • The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace: A History of Space from Dante to the Internet (1999)
  • A Field Guide to Hyperbolic Space (2005)
  • A Field Guide to the Business Card Menger Sponge (2006)
  • Physics on the Fringe: Smoke Rings, Circlons and Alternative Theories of Everything (2011)
  • An Alternative Guide to the Universe: Mavericks, Outsiders, Visionaries. Exhibition catalog, from Hayward Gallery show of the same name, edited by Ralph Rugoff. (2013)
  • Crochet Coral Reef with Christine Wertheim (2015)
  1. ^ McKenna, Kristine (2009-01-07). "Talking with the Institute for Figuring's Margaret and Christine Wertheim". L.A. Weekly. Retrieved 2018-10-17.
  2. ^ "Margaret Wertheim | Edge.org". www.edge.org. Retrieved 2018-10-17.
  3. ^ a b c "Biography: Margaret Wertheim". www.pbs.org. Retrieved 2018-10-17.
  4. ^ Jascha Hoffman, "Q&A: The outsider insider", Nature 11/3/2011, Vol. 479 Issue 7371, p40
  5. ^ Shaneen, Marianne (Summer 2014). "Christine and Margaret Wertheim". Bomb. 128: 113–115 – via JSTOR.