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User talk:Ipstenu/2006

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This archive page covers approximately the dates between January 2006 and September 2006.

Post replies to the main talk page, copying or summarizing the section you are replying to if necessary.


Just wanted to say thank you for some great edits, man. Good eye for places the article size can be cut down. Simnel 12:42, 8 March 2006 (UTC)

Thanks! The layout to the Batman pages bugs the heck out of me, for some reason. Feels so .. claustrophobic. -- Ipstenu 20:27, 8 March 2006 (UTC)
Sorry if I was a bit heavyhanded with your treatment of Batman's fey side. Now that I see where you are coming from I still think it was not a useful move but at least not a POV attack. I have no idea what inspired you to cut down the Batman article, but just as a cosmetic surgeon faced with a particularly ugly nose, it is generally a good idea to check with the patient before amputating. If the article seems unwieldy, perhaps a reordering would be in order? Anyway, seeing you play paper games, do you know the car racing simulation, from Scientific American, back in the late sixties, I think? Haiduc 13:15, 20 March 2006 (UTC)

Superboy-Prime is alive

hey, what's up? look at the preview in IC #6 for the last issue. they mention a final showdown with superboy-prime. plus didio even said that he'll be around after crisis at newsarama.com

Thank you for going ahead and cleaning up the retcon punch links. You saved me a lot of time there. And thanks for all your contributions. I've seen your name here and there. --DoctorWorm7 20:02, 27 April 2006 (UTC)

No prob :) -- Ipstenu 20:14, 27 April 2006 (UTC)


You keep on deleting my link Invision Fuse from Invision Power Board article, do you have a reason for this? There was a big discussion in the discussion page regarding links, I do not see the reason for you to repeatedly delete my link, it's a resource for IPB and widely used and respected. -- 23:06, 4 June 2006 (UTC)

It's also a pay for site. external Links guidelines suggest that links to sites which sell products or services should be avoided. -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 23:09, 4 June 2006 (UTC)

"Sites that primarily exist to sell products or services." My site does not primarily exist to sell products or service, but rather a small part of my site to maintain hosting costs. And a majority of my site is open and available to the public, with small restricted bits that require simple registration. If you will be using external Links in our discussion I suggest you read it. Since I first added my site, it's been removed several times, I don't understand why!` -- 23:29, 4 June 2006 (UTC)

Well the commented section under links also says 'Please don't add any more resource links to this list! if you want to, discuss it in the talk page', speaking of reading. Finally, if InvisionFuse is your site, you shouldn't be adding it at all. That's just standard practice, and I'm blanking on where this is stated right now. -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 23:47, 4 June 2006 (UTC)

Well I can tell you it has already been discussed, I didn't put Invision Fuse up there for free advertising but rather to offer as many free and public resources to the IPB community as I can. And I very much doubt that if someone else added it, you would leave it up there. The whole wiki idea is a very good one, just some of the wiki users, who only believe in an open article if they can control as much of the aspects of it as possible. Either you have something personal against me or the site Invision Fuse? But I can't see any reason why the inclusion of Invision Fuse is a problem.-- 03:01, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

I really don't have an opinion save IPB's page is on my watch-list, I saw a site added without discussion on the talk page, and I removed it. Feel free to bring it up on the talk page there. I don't think you, or anyone else, is putting it up as free advertisement, but when something says 'please talk' and you don't... well, it doesn't look good, now does it? -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 11:14, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

There was discussion regarding it on the talk page under "Links?". There was some discussion regarding unofficial links and links that follow the guidelines. Then I restructured the page using vBulletin page as a template.-- 05:03, 14 June 2006 (UTC)

Looks good! Thanks :) (FYI, look for the section on IPB's talk page labeled 'InvisionFuse' for the recent chat) -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 13:23, 14 June 2006 (UTC)

Animated Barbara Gordon/Oracle

Ipstenu, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't keep erasing my info an Oracle's planned appearance in Justice League Unlimited. The only reason I probably found the site before you is because I'm a regular visitor on Toonzone/World's Finest, and due to my heavy spare time I happen to come upon info that's more obscure or overlooked.

Above comment was made by 2006-05-08 21:44:05

I didn't erase it this last time, since you so kindly cited your source (which I couldn't find and said so... in the summary, it's a good idea to read those, FYI). I cleaned it up. Said so in the summary. -- Ipstenu 11:25, 9 May 2006 (UTC)

About your most recent edit, the reason I used the words I did there is that there is some contention about what exactly happened in that grave, which is what promptred me to edit that section in the first place. See, some people think that Superboy-Prime resurrected Jason Todd, partially regenerating his flesh, but the comic explicitly states that he is altering reality, not resurrecting. He basically just flipped a 1/0 switch that now says Jason Todd survived the beating from the Joker, and that's why he's again suffering from the wounds as if he has just received them. He doesn't flash back to dying; he flashes back to a page of art that was to be used in the Death in the Family storyline had the votes gone the other way, in which Batman has to carry him because he is so badly beaten. It's a bit of a semantic thing, the difference between returning life to a dead body and replacing a dead Jason with a live one; however, to Jason Todd, he never died, doesn't remember dying, only knows that Batman thought he died, and therefore is angry that Batman didn't avenge him. The anomaly is localized on Jason; while everyone knows he died, this Jason Todd had instead survived. Like I said, it's a fine line, but it's actually a big difference, and that's why that was the most neutral way I could write it, while actually describing what's on the page more accurately. --Chris Griswold 14:15, 23 May 2006 (UTC)

Oh, and the narrative is also not clear on whether "how things should be" is a universal truth or an opion of Superboy's, as noted in my text. Did you see he just undid your work? Would you be interested in mediating? He has done a lot of work on this article and seems to be very protective of i, but that means he won't let anyone make any changes he feels are too big or different from what he thinks. For instance, not allowing for the ambiguit of the issue's events and narrative. --Chris Griswold 15:17, 23 May 2006 (UTC)

Oy. IMO, Todd was 'resurrected' since he remembers everything and is pissed about the whole dead business. If he hadn't died, why would he be upset? But .. whatever. SB-P is a fucktard ;) And yeah, Cheesenw is being a little too heavy handed. Let gooooo. -- Ipstenu 15:57, 23 May 2006 (UTC)

re: Batwoman

Sorry about that. I keep forgetting to refresh my watchlist to incorporate edits since I first signed in. CovenantD 16:16, 30 May 2006 (UTC)

No is problem :) -- Ipstenu 16:16, 30 May 2006 (UTC)

Thank you for the note about the SHB for Batwoman. I'll have to remember that one. CovenantD 19:23, 4 June 2006 (UTC)

re: Nightwing and Shiva

Thanks for signing my post the other day. I'll have to be more careful about that. And sorry if I helped to reopen a tin of worms. I was hoping to defuse the matter in a post or two, but it looks like I might've made things worse. Lastly, thanks for all your work on the Dick Grayson and Batman pages. I try to keep an eye on all the pages in the DC Martial Artists category, but I know those ones are good hands. D1Puck1T 05:32, 2 June 2006 (UTC)

No ay problema :) Honestly I see where Nightwing99 is coming from, but the boy makes me want to go get the lead lined hose. He just doesn't GET that the big picture has Nightwing as a pretty awesome detective and martial artist, but he's no where NEAR Shiva calibar, and certainly not the detective that Elongated Man is. Bleah. Sometimes we have to accept our heros aren't the shizniz. -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 13:28, 2 June 2006 (UTC)

al Ghul in the bathtub (Jason Todd)

I don't have as much of a problem with the mention Ra's being in the LazPit as the flowery "Ra's himself" stuff that Cheesenw wants there. It may be important, it may not be, but it isn't currently. My feeling (developed by my weekly condensing oft he 52 storyline) is that if it proves to be important later, we can add it again. Besides, DC is playing fast and loose with the Lazarus Pit rules. Ghul's daughter Nissa can re-use them, and the one at the end of Batgirl is used by three different people in quick succession. However, if this sort of thing keeps phrases like "takes possession of him" and "bestows upon him a kiss", then I'm cool with it. --Chris Griswold 19:49, 9 June 2006 (UTC)

'Inner Deamons'

Hilarious. --Chris Griswold 19:53, 9 June 2006 (UTC)

Stop letting the Joker out, Batman! O_o D1Puck1T 05:47, 13 June 2006 (UTC)


Isn't it "encyclopedic"? Is this an american word?? - I should buy an oxford dictionary... sorry, i know this is pedantic, but really? "encyclopediotic"? You've just mixed "encyclopedic" with "idiotic" right? Was that deliberate, cos its rather ironic considering i can't find the word in a dictionary...? — ChocolateRoses talk

A pun actually :) Melting words. It's 'encyclopedic' and I do know that. -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 23:35, 10 June 2006 (UTC)
(It's a portmanteau.) --Chris Griswold 05:14, 14 June 2006 (UTC)

yo, homie

pleeze don't take it personal, houlmez (batsuit). just tryin to keap it reel. i still think you deserve madd propz on all the good edits you do. --Ghetteaux 19:08, 16 June 2006 (UTC)

And I think your attempt to 'keep it real' is filling articles with kruft that add nothing useful to the Batsuit article. So no, I don't take it personal. Yes, I'm a fangirl. But ... for fucks sake, underoos and not-campy don't really make your edits appealing at all to me. -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 19:13, 16 June 2006 (UTC)
wordd. --Ghetteaux 19:38, 16 June 2006 (UTC)

No Problem. :D --ShadowJester07 17:17, 18 June 2006 (UTC)


I'll keep a eye on it on my daliy rounds. BJK 21:19, 21 June 2006 (UTC)

Kathy Kane Pic

According to my computer, that picture is missing. Can you see it? Wryspy 20:25, 23 June 2006 (UTC)

Yeah - I even emptied my cache. If the image was missing, the link I put on your talk page would be red. -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 20:27, 23 June 2006 (UTC)


Apologies, I owe you a response on this I know, but I got the feeling we weren't far apart in our views and so I stepped out of the issue. At some point I mean to pick up the threads of what the article should look like, but I can't say if and when. I am glad the article kept its status though. Steve block Talk 16:15, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

It's no big thing :) I agree the page needs some work, but it's a beheamoth as is and I don't think splitting it out some would be a bad idea but ... that never goes anywhere :P No offense was taken at all, and I think I got a better 'big view' of things thanks to your comments. -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 16:29, 28 June 2006 (UTC)

Gim Allon Merger

With the merger completed I had simply removed it. After a couple of weeks the voting seemed unanimous among the interested and I went forward with it. If this was inappropriate, I'll of course put it back, but had assumed since the issue seemed resolved to not confuse people with multiple links that now all redirected to the same article. Markeer 01:14, 4 July 2006 (UTC)

No worries. I'll leave it in strikeout form for the next couple days, then remove it if no one has any last minute things to say. Just as well to give people a last vote, nothing on Wikipedia is irrevocable anyway :) -Markeer 03:37, 4 July 2006 (UTC)
Moving to a new 'completed' section was a good idea, I've also moved the other 'done' merge. Nice work. -Markeer 15:15, 5 July 2006 (UTC)
Totally. --Chris Griswold 19:46, 5 July 2006 (UTC)

First Warning: Humor

Continue with your use of humor, and you may be blocked from editing for a time up to one week. Wikipedia's comics articles and edit summaries are not a place for jocularity, good humor, or wit. These are places for dire nerds.--Chris Griswold 05:08, 10 July 2006 (UTC)

Batwoman and time

I disagree with your rational for putting the exact dates etc (one week and x days later...) in the Batwoman article, for two reasons. First, it doesn't matter to Kate. Secondly, adding in that much detail starts to nudge up on the line of too much detail. We're not supposed to be giving blow by blow recaps of comics (in fact, that would be possibly copyright vios), but a summary is certainly okay. Look at the 52 (comics) article for an example of explaining it all without the weeks and days. Thanks for your edits, though, I didn't get the chance to pick up comics till today. Woot! Go Batwoman! -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 23:17, 20 July 2006 (UTC)

If time didn't matter, or was too much information, but would be ignoring it as they usually do. A year has gone by throughout the DCU and 52 takes place during it. The dates won't seem immediately important, but if this week's reference to "six weeks" is any example, time will be a feature. No offense, but by the logic you make use of, we should say "OYL" in articles, either. It's TMI, right? ACS (Wikipedian); Talk to the Ace. See what I've edited. 23:24, 20 July 2006 (UTC)
It also wasn't actually a year ;) Bats was only gone about 10 months. A 'year' has gone by, but if we recount every event to the day, we're going to make all the articles longer than they need to be. Also, I don't think the in-reference to 'six weeks' is anything more than a media plot. Seriously, they made such a deal about 52 comics and each one going in 'real time', it's cool, and it's a nice schtick, but I don't see it as being all important such that we need to include it in every single article. However, I also point to the WikiProject Comics page. -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 00:25, 21 July 2006 (UTC)


You are among the editors who participated in the discussion of relevent fields at Template talk:Superherobox; please add some thoughts to the similar discussions at Template talk:Supersupportingbox and Template talk:Superteambox. More editors means a better actual concensus, and that will help us decide what to do about the fields in question. --Chris Griswold 20:51, 1 August 2006 (UTC)


Yeah, I uploaded a new version. I'll change it back. --DrBat 16:44, 23 August 2006 (UTC)

Batwoman OYL

It's not spec, it's evidence. Booster Gold was on the old version of the cover. He's not on the new version. Kyle Rayner was on the old version of the cover as a GL, on the new version he's Ion. Red Tornado took the Flash's place on the new cover. Check here and here. Bottom line, it proves Batwoman is alive OYL, is considered a candidate for JL membership, and shouldn't be ignored. CmdrClow 18:19, 6 September 2006 (UTC)

It's still spec. Covers aren't the same as someone showing up in the issue, and Supergirl's on that cover and they voted no on her. So is Green Arrow, who won't be in the JLA right now. Flash (Bart) may be in the new one. I'm not arguing that she's not alive, I'm arguing that until we see her inside the issue, it's not fact. It's speculation. There's a difference. -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 17:34, 6 September 2006 (UTC)
I agree completely. --Chris Griswold () 18:22, 6 September 2006 (UTC)

Encyclopedia articles on fictional characters should read as just that -- encyclopedia articles on fictional characters. I know it's a common trend to write these articles as if these characters actually exist, but they don't, and articles written in such a way violate Wikipedia's policy of an out-of-universe perspective. Please reference Wikipedia's Manual of Style, in particular the section on writing about fiction. --FuriousFreddy 12:07, 10 September 2006 (UTC)

Have you also read WikiProject Comics present tense? FWIW my goal was not to make CMJr sppear as a 'real person' but to clean up his article so that reading it you weren't jarred as much as I feel when I read about him. There's a lot of repetitive statements, comments about how he worked with the Outsiders, for example, which then ref the issue. I thought that it would be appropriate to put those in the ref tag, so that if someone wanted to know what issue it was, they could check. Also, I made other changes, as did the editor following me, and while I understand (and appreciate!) your work, I think you need to read the changes and make your edits back more carefully.
For example, I changed the line in the second intro paragraph 'Junior is depicted as' to 'Junior is..' Why? Because the first paragraph says he's fictional. If someone's not going to remember that between pg1 and pg2, well there's nothing we can do for them. Not all my edits were present tense you see ;) -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 13:17, 11 September 2006 (UTC)
That passage from the Comics project doesn't mean that the entire published history of acharacter should be written as if everything just happened or is happening; it means in relation to discussing the plot of a certain comic story. Footnotes aren't appropriate in the manner they were used; they should only be used for doing citations formatted in a proper style (APA, MLA, or another accepted style). It is extremely important, when doing scholarly writing about comic book characters in particular, to mention particular issues where events happened in the body of the text, and not to build one large mass (or even several little masses) of "backstory" for a character.
I sincerely hope, however, that I'm not coming off as any sort of a nag. It's just that I've experienced extraordinary amounts of stress by just trying to edit Wikipedia so that it actually reads like an encyclopedia (or, even if not an encyclopedia -- what encyclopedia uses footnotes? -- at least like a professional trade magazine of some sort). It's gotten to the point where it's not even worth it to continue -- people are more concerned with writing globs of info on individual TV show episodes, and operating under the (highly erroneous) impression that everything somehow belongs in an encyclopedia. Actually speaking, this reply here is going ot be my last edit hopefully forever, but I've shown in the past an inability to walk away from the project.
As far as the Captain Marvel, Jr article goes, I took out the two <ref>'s you had there and reworded to place the comic stories in some context (particularly the origin -- I mentioned a bit about how it was part of a three-issue crossover, and that World War II plays into the concept). I also found a good source for the Elvis/CMJ connection, and placed that as a <ref>. Other than that, nothing else was changed (I though "depicted as" worked better than "is" because, technically speaking, Cap Junior "is" nothing but pen and ink on illustration board, but it can go either way). Good luck editing Wikipedia (I would put a "you'll need it!" behind that, but...why be dramatic?). --FuriousFreddy 02:31, 14 September 2006 (UTC)
Not a nag :) I think there's some common ground between us there, that can be sorted out to be both an encyclopedia and something that's easier to read. As for footnotes, I don't feel they're not part of an encyclopedia, but lacking a good ref for them at the moment, I'll agree to disagree there :) That said, my only 'issue' was that you were just wholesale reverting, and I was thinking 'Okay, obviously this guy feels protective of the article, let's try something different...' I'm very much open to discussion on this, and frankly, I think your last edits are spot on :) It was just a 'Hey, come on, let's work together, not just reject people wholesale!' which I try not to do, too, but I know it comes off that way. Darn that internet!
As for 'I'll need it!', heh, yeah I know what you mean ;) But I've been around long enough now on the net to take all of this with a grain of salt. If you come back, I look forward to working with you again! -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 14:19, 14 September 2006 (UTC)

Comics Cleanup

You are one of the best editors working on comics-related articles on Wikipedia. I'd like to inite you to join the new WikiProject I've started: WikiProject Comics Cleanup. Similarly to how the WP:CMC collaboration works to elevate articles to Featured Article status, the primary goal of this new project is to coordinate group cleanup efforts on articles, copy editing, condensing, and providing citations where needed. The secondary goal is to remind good editors that there are other good editors who have the same goals.

This will also help prepare articles for Wikipedia 1.0 assessment, a project I am currently working on pulling together for WP:CMC. I'd really appreciate your membership, but I do understand if you find yourself to be too busy to participate. --Chris Griswold () 19:00, 10 September 2006 (UTC)

Wikipedia:Notability (comedy)

I've created Wikipedia:Notability (comedy) to help editors in deciding the notability of comedy- and humor-related articles. You are an editor whom I respect and admire. I would appreciate any commentary you may be able to provide to help hammer it into shape. --Chris Griswold () 09:07, 15 September 2006 (UTC)

Removing the Batsuit Images

I seriously don't think it was appropriate to remove the various incarnations of the Batsuit in other media such as film. The way Batman looks in live-action is just as essential as in the comics. The fact of the matter is that what appears on illustrations doesn't necessarily always translate well in live-action. This is mainly why all of the modern day, post-Adam West live-action interprations of Batman have depicted him with black, armor-type of costuming (as opposed to him wearing cloth and purple and grey). The costumes appearance especially changed drastically when Joel Schumacher took over the directing reigns from Tim Burton.TMC1982 17 September 2006 (UTC)

RE: JLA/Batwoman

Sure. Anytime. And...sorry for being so pigheaded about what terminology to use after issue/week eleven. I'm a bit...yeah. Anyway, you're welcome. I just noticed the user's comment and felt I had to respond. ACS (Wikipedian); Talk to the Ace. See what I've edited. 03:48, 1 October 2006 (UTC)

I'm really tired of your "holier than thou" moves even when you said you agree with me. Stop making such a big scene out of it. With the Detective reference, you know I'm right. CmdrClow 08:10, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

They're still trying to fight against the Detective reference. --CmdrClow 07:41, 9 October 2006 (UTC)

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Your point is well taken

Ipstenu, your point regarding dialogue before making major structural changes on these particular set of articles was concise and well thought out. Thank you for your courteous suggestion and for understanding...if not fully agreeing, with recent edits. Regards. NetK 04:49, 12 October 2006 (UTC)

Question for Ipstenu

I'm the user who submitted info of Jason Todd's planned Earth-Two counterpart (I'm using a library computer for the moment). How I am I suppose to provide citation, when I stated it's in the Infinite Crisis hardcover? I didn't find it on a webpage. Thanks, however, for not deleting my info right away. For the record, I did type this info on Red Hood section as well. 20:24, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

Hi. Sorry to bother you, but it looks we might have an edit war at speedster (comics) between myself and Ace Class Shadow. If you could chime in with your opinion on that article’s talk page, it would be appreciated. Thanks. Nightscream 10:25, 10 November 2006 (UTC)

Peer review

A request for a peer review of New Universe has been made at Wikipedia:WikiProject Comics/Peer review/New Universe. I'd appreciate your comments on the article, hopefully it will kickstart the comics project's peer review process. To comment, please add a new section (using ==== [[User:Your name|Your name]] ====) for your comments, in order to keep multiple responses legible. Steve block Talk 22:14, 29 November 2006 (UTC)

Re: Wonder Woman

Just an observation... "" has hit 3 reverts in 24 hours... 30 minutes actually... — J Greb 02:43, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

Please see my comment on the relevant talk pages... — J Greb 01:14, 13 December 2006 (UTC)

Just wondering... what changed your mind re the removal of "...equals or..." from "...unless she is fighting beings whose strength and durability surpasses her own, such as..."? — J Greb 23:48, 15 December 2006 (UTC)

Fair enough, just wondering. — J Greb 19:16, 16 December 2006 (UTC)

powers & abilities

Your compromise of the wordings of "some of her victories", instead of "on occassion", is quite agreeable. Would you be willing to insert something in this section relating to Wonder Woman's power of flight? I am a little fuzzy on that particular aspect of her abilities and believe that it needs to be put back in this section. What do you think?-- 08:41, 22 December 2006 (UTC)

I have to dig up some old issues first, and I'm hazy myself. I know she can fly, but writers have been inconsistent on how fast/far/well etc so it's hard to gauge. 'Flies really really fast!' probably wouldn't work ;) I'll try, though! -- Ipstenu (talk|contribs) 14:30, 22 December 2006 (UTC)