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* ''Elysdeon'' – Used first as an ordinary anonymous laconinan sword by Alys in ''[[Phantasy Star]] ''and later as with it former name Elysdeon by Chaz in'' [[Phantasy Star 4]], ''earned in Rykros planet'''
* ''Elysdeon'' – Used first as an ordinary anonymous laconinan sword by Alys in ''[[Phantasy Star]] ''and later as with it former name Elysdeon by Chaz in'' [[Phantasy Star 4]], ''earned in Rykros planet'''
* ''Nei Sword'' – Unique sword given to Rolf character in ''[[Phantasy Star 2]] ''by Lutz, a long-living esper sage somewhere hidden in the cold planet of Dezoris'' ''
* ''Nei Sword'' – Unique sword given to Rolf character in ''[[Phantasy Star 2]] ''by Lutz, a long-living esper sage somewhere hidden in the cold planet of Dezoris'' ''
*''Sealed J-Sword'''- Rarest sword type weapon in [[Phantasy Star Online]]. Found at a drop rate of 1/12,604 by killing Gi Gues, giant bee like enemies found in the Seaside and Tower areas.
* ''[[Dragon's Tooth Sword]]'' – [[Deus Ex]]
* ''[[Dragon's Tooth Sword]]'' – [[Deus Ex]]
* ''The Fury'', ''Inquisitor'', ''Dragonfang'' – some of the strongest weapons in [[Dungeon Master (computer game)|Dungeon Master]] and [[Chaos Strikes Back]]
* ''The Fury'', ''Inquisitor'', ''Dragonfang'' – some of the strongest weapons in [[Dungeon Master (computer game)|Dungeon Master]] and [[Chaos Strikes Back]]

Revision as of 16:01, 13 May 2007

In Arthurian fiction

Arthur's sword Caledfwlch (Excalibur)

Excalibur, of course is featured in every tale of Arthur or Merlin ever written, in some form or another. The examples below list two of the more unique takes on Arthurian swords.

Bernard Cornwell: The Warlord Chronicles
  • Excalibur (Originally known as Caledfwlch, "Hard Lightning") - sword of Arthur
  • Hywelbane - sword of Derfel Cadarn, champion of Dumnonia
  • The Christ-blade (formerly Tanlladwyr, "Brightkiller") - sword of Lancelot
Stephen R. Lawhead: The Pendragon Cycle

In fantasy fiction (Alphabetically by author)

Terry Brooks: Shannara series

generations, later given the ability to cut through magic.

Steven Brust

The Great Weapons are 17 swords and daggers created by the Serioli in order to kill the Gods for stealing their world. They absorb the souls of those they cut, though the wielder can choose to spare the souls rather than let them be destroyed. The weapons can also temporarily swallow the soul of their wielder to prevent his or her destruction. Each Great Weapon also has unique powers and properties.

  • Blackwand - a black longsword which has the ability to expel a lethal black beam. Morrolan e'Drien received it from Sethra Lavode during the events of The Lord of Castle Black.
  • Godslayer - a large dagger with a round, silvery pommel. It has the ability to pierce the effects of sorcery, heal its user, and change its size to suit the task. It is considered to be one of the most powerful weapons in the series. It was created when Vlad Taltos fused his magical chain Spellbreaker with a Morganti dagger and the soul of a dead friend during the events of Issola.
  • Iceflame - a pale blue dagger with a blue jewel set into it. It can create fire that burns like ice and is linked to Dzur Mountain, a place of great power. It is wielded by Sethra Lavode, the Enchantress of Dzur Mountain.
  • Pathfinder - a shortsword with the ability to find and lead the wielder to anything and anyone. It is wielded by Aliera e'Kieron, who received it during the events of Dragon.

Jim Butcher: The Dresden Files

The Swords of the Cross: Three swords, each sword has one of the nails from Christ's crucifixion embedded inside, endowing it with a wide array of supernatural powers. Such swords can cut through almost anything, including metal. The swords can also sense evil, which causes them to glow and to let out a buzzing warning. The latter two were explained as to be reforged, and so, all three were probably similar or identical weapons.

  • Amoracchius (Love)- Greatsword
  • Fidelacchius (Faith)- Katana
  • Esperacchius (Hope)- Recurve/Scimitar

Lewis Carroll: Jabberwocky

Paul Seifert: Legacy of X

  • Forsaken, a sword that is bonded to its host till death. takes the blood of the host to increase its own strength and in turn protect its host from any danger by means of moving on its own, or by emitting a flame of hell from its tip. It is 6'2" in length (including the handle which is 1'1" long) and weighs around 50 lbs. The full extent of its power has never been known to any mortal.

Jack Chalker: Dancing Gods series

  • Irving, the magic sword of Joe the Barbarian. Named after his son, Irving was unbreakable and could fly to Joe's hand when called, unless restrained in some fashion.

David Eddings

  • The Sword of the Rivan King, also known as Iron-Grip's Sword. Wielded by the King of Riva, i.e. the Heir to Riva Iron-Grip's throne. It is one of the most powerful swords in the Belgariad and Malloreon, with the ability to enhance the sorcery of its wielder through the Orb of Aldur, which is its pommel-stone. The Orb makes the Sword virtually wieghtless and enables it to counter sorcery, as seen when Belgarion (current wielder) used it to flick aside fireballs hurled at him, while giving it a tendency to burst into bright blue flame. It is also capable of killing Gods, as seen when Belgarion, the Godslayer used it to kill Torak, Dark God of Angarak.
  • Cthrek Goru, the Dark Sword of Shadows wielded by Torak as the counter to The Sword of the Rivan King. It appears to be able to control the powers of Darkness and was retrieved later in the Mallorean and wielded by the Demon Lord Mordja and used to kill one of Belgarion's Companions, the Silent Man---the mute Toth.

Michael Ende: The Neverending Story

  • Sikanda, wielded and named by Bastian Balthazar Bux. It was given to him by Graograman in Chapter O. Sikanda is drawn by itself, at the sense of danger, jumping into the hand of his bearer, but it must never be forced out of its sheath.

Steven Erikson: Tales of the Malazan Book of the Fallen

  • Dragipur Forged by Draconus, Now in the hands of Anomander Rake, who slew Draconus with the sword. It imprisons the souls of those slain with it.

David Gemmell

  • The Swords of Night and Day, wielded by Olek Skilgannon 'the Damned' in White Wolf and The Swords of Night and Day. Powerful, yet inferior, copies of the Swords of Blood and Fire.
  • The Swords of Blood and Fire, twin swords wielded by Decado in The Swords of Night and Day, and by Boranius in White Wolf. The original swords from which the Swords of Night and Day were copied.
  • Snaga, Although Druss’ "axe’s" name is Snaga, Druss exorcized the demon from it which is later used to imbue Gorben’s sword with similar powers as the axe; causing Gorben to become insane.

S. Morgenstern (William Goldman): The Princess Bride

  • The Six-Fingered Sword, wielded by Inigo Montoya, originally forged for the polydactyl Count Rugen by Montoya's father.

Terry Goodkind: Sword of Truth Series

  • Sword of Truth, wielded by Richard Rahl, a man of great inner strength who begins life as a simple forest guide. The sword has numerous powers, most notably that it rebels against being used on a target the wielder does not believe deserves to die, punishes its user after they have killed someone with it (especially someone who did not deserve to die), remembers the skills of its previous wielders, and if given to someone not worthy of the sword, will eventually transform them into a subhuman creature.

M. John Harrison: Viriconium

  • tegius Cromis's sword, "which contrary to the fashion of the time had no name" – The Pastel City et seq.

Brian Jacques: Redwall

  • The sword of Martin the Warrior is given to the champion of Redwall Abbey. It was supposedly made from the metal of a falling star, and is said to be unbreakable. It is passed down from Warrior to Warrior, and is of great importance to all the Redwall inhabitants. The sword is said to be magical, but it has been proven that the its true power comes from the wielder.

Robert Jordan: The Wheel of Time

  • Callandor — A powerful sa'angreal, also known as The Sword that is not a Sword resides in the Stone of Tear (heart of the stone)
  • Heron Mark Sword — The sword of the blademasters (some times Aes Sedai work and unbreakable, but many of those were lost so others adorne theirs with a heron)
  • Sword of the Malkieri Kings-Lan's sword, Aes Sedai work and unbreakable (without a heron, it is said it was that of a simple soldier)
  • Justice — The sword of Arthur Hakwing

Mercedes Lackey: Vows and Honor

  • Need — Wielded by Kethry in the Vows and Honor trilogy and later Kerowyn in By the Sword, this sword formed a magical bond with its wielders. The swords magical properties would only work for females and those bonded would be driven by the sword to help other women in distress.

Mercedes Lackey: "Winds of Fate"

In Winds of Fate Need "awoke" and it was discovered that the blade was an ancient mage-smith who, after those she lived with were massacered by bandits, sealed her soul inside the blade, which was found shortly after by the only other survivor, a teenage girl. That girl used the sword and with the mage's assistance hunted down and killed the bandits.

C.S. Lewis: Chronicles of Narnia

  • Rhindon — The sword of Peter, given to him by Father Christmas in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and later used to slay Maugrim.

George R.R. Martin: A Song of Ice and Fire

  • Blackfyre — ancestral Valyrian steel sword of House Targaryen, given to his bastard Daemon Blackfyre by Aegon IV. Lost in the Blackfyre Rebellion.
  • Brightroar — Valyrian steel sword of House Lannister, lost along with King Tommen II before the time of the series.
  • Dark Sister — a Valyrian steel sword of House Targaryen, wielded by the likes of Aemon the Dragonknight and Ser Brynden Rivers, whereabouts unknown.
  • Dawn — the ancestral sword of House Dayne with a blade forged from a fallen star.
  • Heartsbane — the ancestral Valyrian steel greatsword of House Tarly.
  • Ice — the ancestral Valyrian steel greatsword of House Stark, now melted down.
  • Lady Forlorn — ancestral sword of House Corbray.
  • Lion's Tooth — a child-sized longsword borne by Prince Joffrey of House Baratheon
  • Longclaw — the ancestral Valyrian steel bastard sword of House Mormont, given to Jon Snow.
  • Needle — a side-sword given to Arya Stark by her half-brother Jon Snow when he left Winterfell to serve on the Wall.
  • Nightfall — ancestral sword of House Harlaw.
  • Oathkeeper — a Valyrian steel longsword that was also forged from the remains of Ice. It was given to Jaime Lannister by his father, who then gave it to Brienne of Tarth.
  • Red Rain — ancestral sword of House Drumm.
  • Widow's Wail — a Valyrian steel longsword forged from the remains of Ice and presented to King Joffrey by his grandfather.

China Miéville: The Scar

  • Possible Sword — The quantum sword of Uther Doul. When its power is activated, it strikes simultaneously in the location it was swung, as well as all the locations it could've been swung.

Michael Moorcock: Eternal Champion

As Moorcock co-opts some characters from legend and myth as avatars of the Eternal Champion, this list might also include:

Christopher Paolini: Inheritance Trilogy

  • Misery, or Zar'roc, as it was known in the Ancient Language, is bright red in color. Eragon wielded it before it was taken from him.
  • "Naegling" is the sword of the elder rider Oromis. It is golden in color.

Tamora Pierce: Song of the Lioness

  • Lightning - A magical sword wielded by Alanna of Trebond who found it in the ruins in the Barony of Olau. It had a crystal on the hilt and was thinner and lighter than a broadsword. In the third book, The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, Lightning broke during a battle with dangerous hillmen, but Alanna mended Lightning by combining the broken pieces with a crystal blade using a spell she learned from the Bazhir.
  • The Crystal Blade - This sword had a crystal on the hilt and dark powers Alanna had trouble controlling. She used the blade to mend her sword, Lightning, which broke during a battle with hillmen. In the fourth book, Lioness Rampant, she learned that the crystal blade was made by her enemy, Duke Roger of Conté.

Jennifer Roberson: The Novels of Tiger and Del

  • Single-Stroke - used by Sandtiger until it broke, replaced by Samiel.
  • Boreal - jivatma used by Delilah until she broke it.
  • Samiel - jivatma used by Tiger until he broke it.

J.K. Rowling

Fred Saberhagen: Books of the Swords

The Twelve Swords of Power, each with a unique magic property, were forged by Vulcan and capriciously scattered across a world in which technology had been replaced by magic and the deities of classical antiquity returned.

  • Coinspinner - a sword which brings luck to its wielder but may desert him at any moment.
  • Doomgiver - the "sword of justice," which turns any attack back on the attacker.
  • Dragonslicer - a sword which transcends dragons' resistance to normal weapons (but does not protect the wielder in any way).
  • Farslayer - a sword which kills a named victim, regardless of distance, when it is thrown by its wielder... Who may, of course, become the next target.
  • Woundhealer - a sword which heals diseases and injuries and cannot be used as a weapon.
  • Mindsword - the "Sword of Glory" or "Skulltwister," which inspires instant and fanatic loyalty to the wielder.
  • Shieldbreaker - a sword which destroys any weapon, including other Swords... but which cannot harm any creature not bearing a weapon, nor will it allow its wielder to use any other method than itself to attempt to attack another being, even if that being is unarmed.
  • Sightblinder - a sword which causes its wielder to be perceived by observers as someone they either fear or trust, giving the power of disguise but not the power of stealth.
  • Soulcutter - the "Tyrant's Blade," which imposes instant and unbreakable depression on anyone nearby—including the wielder.
  • Stonecutter - a sword which can cut through stone.
  • Townsaver - a sword which will protect the innocent from any number of attackers... But does not protect its wielder.
  • Wayfinder - a sword which leads the wielder to whatever he seeks... But by the most dangerous way.

See also: The Song of Swords

R.A. Salvatore: Demon Wars

The elves made seven swords out of their fabulous metal silvril, and entrusted the weapons to the human rangers they trained in their distinctive straight-line fighting style.

  • Defender was a sword with its hilt set with several magical magnetite gemstones which, when activated, could make a steel weapon be powerfully drawn to the blade.
  • Flamedancer was a very thin, flexible sword with rubies set in its hilt. The blade could burst into flame. It was given to a To-Gai-Ru ranger, who was killed before he could return to his homeland, and later recovered by another To-Gai-Ru ranger.
  • Icebreaker was a massive two-handed sword crafted especially for the northern ranger Andacanavar, and was the largest single item ever forged of silvril. In fact, it was large to the point where the elves were forced to improvise a fighting style to teach Andacanavar, as the elves' b'nelle desada would not

work with the weapon's massive weight and reach.

  • Tempest is perhaps the ultimate weapon for the elven b'nelle desada, a straight, slim, somewhat short one-handed sword designed to efficiently penetrate armor and skewer an opponent. Its hilt was eventually set with several magical gemstones, including graphite, which gave it the ability to fire lightning bolts.

J. R. R. Tolkien: Middle-earth

Non-canon swords (movie only):

See also: Middle-earth swords (category)

Tad Williams: Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn

The Great Swords, which give the series its name:

  • Memory, also called Minneyar - iron sword of King Fingil Bloodfist, taken up by Seoman Snowlock (Simon)
  • Sorrow, also called Jingizu - witchwood/iron sword of Ineluki, the Storm King
  • Thorn - Sir Camaris' long sword crafted from the tailings of a fallen star.

The Great Swords require no maintenance to stay sharp. They also possess a limited sentience, and will become easier to wield when the situation warrants (e.g. when the wielder is in danger).

Lesser swords also named in the series:

  • Naidel, Prince Josua's thin rapier
  • Kvalnir, Duke Isgrimnur's blade
  • Bright-Nail, Prester John's holy blade (later revealed to be Memory in disguise)
  • Indreju, Jiriki's witchwood sword

Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman: Darksword Series

  • Hawk, Prince Gerald's enchanted sword. This relic from the Iron Wars has a built in ability which would make it thrust unerringly once the command words "Hawk Strike" are spoken.
  • The Dark Sword, Fashioned by Joram from an alloy of darkstone and iron. This crude one-piece blade, hilt, and handle has the resemblance of a dark humanoid figure forever frozen in crucifixion. It has the power to negate all magics cast upon it or its wielder.

Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman: Starshield Series

  • Nightsword - The enchanted sword that gives the second book in the series its name. It has the power to grant its wielder's wishes.

Gene Wolfe: Book of the New Sun

  • Terminus Est - Has liquid metal within the blade, making it hard to lift and giving more power on the downswing.

Roger Zelazny: Chronicles of Amber

(various authors): Forgotten Realms

In movies and television

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Robin of Sherwood

The Seven Swords of Wayland

  • Albion, the sword of Herne's Son (Robin Hood). It cannot be used to slay him.
  • Beleth
  • Morax
  • Solas
  • Orias
  • Faluros
  • Eligor

The power of the sword is neither good nor evil until used. In the episode "The Swords of Wayland" a coven gains all seven and attempts to summon Lucifer. This is thwarted by Robin Hood who reclaims his sword, Albion, and see the other six apparently destroyed. Any special abilities of the other swords were not discussed in the show, so not much is known about them beyond their names.

Star Wars

In computer games and video games

Monster Hunter

Many other weapons exist in the Monster Hunter game, but only the Sword Types are listed here.

Final forms of Great Swords(GS)

  • Chrome Razor
  • GMR Chrome Heart
  • Frozen Tuna
  • Eager Cleaver
  • Sentinel
  • Lacerator Blade+
  • Tactical Blade
  • Sieglinde
  • Seigmund
  • Great Serpentblade
  • Rathalos Firesword
  • Tormentor
  • Plesioth Water Sword
  • Eternal Annihilator
  • Black Katana MKII
  • Divine Slasher
  • Ancient Blade
  • Red Dragonsword
  • Large Bone

Final forms of Sword and Shields (SnS)

  • Poison Battleaxe
  • Deathprize
  • Deadly Poison
  • Monoblos Club
  • Blazing Falchion
  • Corona
  • Sandman Finsword
  • Master's Blade
  • Eternal Strife
  • Spiked Bat
  • Thundertip
  • Black Dragon Sword
  • Iron Chefblade
  • Kirin Bolt Ultimus
  • Catburglar
  • Ninja Sword
  • Odyssey

Final forms of Dual Swords (DS)

  • Cutlass+
  • Cyclone
  • Dual Diablo+
  • Dual Dragon Ultimus
  • Dual Tomahawk+
  • Gradios Ultimus
  • Guild Saber
  • Guillotine
  • Insector+

Devil May Cry series

Final Fantasy series

For more, see List of Final Fantasy weapons.

Fire Emblem series

The Legend of Zelda series

Lineage II

  • Caliburs
  • Dual Artisan Swords
  • Dual Crimson Swords
  • Dual Elven Long Sword
  • Dual Keshanberks
  • Dual Knight's Sword
  • Dual Raid Swords
  • Dual Stormbringer
  • Dual Sword of Limit
  • Dual Sword of Nightmare
  • Dual Tsurugi
  • Deathbringer Sword
  • Dragon Slayer
  • Elemental Sword
  • Keshanberk/Damascus
  • Keshanberk/Keshanberk
  • Spirits Sword
  • Sword of Delusion
  • Sword of Miracles
  • Sword of Nightmare
  • Sword of Valhalla

Namco's Tales series

  • Eternal Sword, the ultimate weapon in the Tales series.
  • Vorpal Blade, Used by Cless Alvein in Tales of Phantasia and by Lloyd Irving in Tales of Symphonia. Named Material Blades when paired with the Flamberge.
  • Flamberge, A sword originally used by Kratos Aurion from Tales of Symphonia and later given to Lloyd Irving. Named Material Blades when paired with Vorpal Blade.
  • Dymlos', a Swordian (talking sword) used by Stahn Aileron in Tales of Destiny
  • Atwight, a Swordian used by Rutee Katrea in Tales of Destiny
  • Chaltier, a Swordian used by Leon Magnus in Tales of Destiny
  • Clemente, a Swordian used by Philia Felice in Tales of Destiny
  • Igtenos, a Swordian used by Garr Kelvin in Tales of Destiny
  • Berselius, a Swordian used by Hugo Gilchrist in Tales of Destiny
  • The Key of Lorelei, a sword of great importance in Tales of the Abyss.

Onimusha series

  • Raizan used by Samanosuke Akechi in Onimusha and Onimusha 3
  • Enryuu used by Samanosuke Akechi in Onimusha and Onimusha 3
  • Shippuu used by Samanosuke Akechi in Onimusha and Onimusha 3
  • Bishamon Sword used by Samanosuke Akechi in Onimusha and Onimusha 3
  • Buraitou -Thunder Sword- used by Yagyū Jubei in Onimusha 2
  • Senpumaru -Wind Lance- used by Yagyū Jubei in Onimusha 2
  • Rekka-ken -Fire Sword- used by Yagyū Jubei in Onimusha 2
  • Tensoujin used by Samanosuke Akechi in Onimusha 3
  • Kuugatou used by Samanosuke Akechi in Onimusha 3
  • Onimusha Sword used by Samanosuke Akechi in Onimusha 3
  • Genma Samonji used by Samanosuke Akechi in Onimusha 3

Super Robot Wars

  • Keitouragouken (計都羅喉剣), wielded by the Super Robot Grungust
  • Keitoushungokuken (計都瞬獄剣), wielded by the Super Robot Grungust Nishiki
  • Zankantou (斬艦刀), any one of the similar giant swords wielded by Grungust Reishiki, Grungust Sanshiki, Daizengar and Thrudgelmir
  • Ryuou Hazanken (龍王破山剣), a magical sword used by RyuKoOu
  • Koou Zanshin Rikouken (虎王斬神陸甲剣), a giant magical katana used by Shin KoRyuOu
  • Shishiou Blade, a katana-like weapon that Personal Troopers can wield

Warcraft series

See also Items in the Warcraft universe.


  • Duskfang/Dawnfang -A magical sword that transforms at dusk and dawn. If the player kills 12 enemies while it's in one form it will become stronger once it transforms. The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion: Shivering Isles expansion
  • Holy Sword - Alundra Forged by Jess in Alundra's dream where Lutas dies, forged from the dreams of the village folk before Alundra's final Battle.
  • Lumina & FusionBrave Fencer Musashi
  • Castlevania series
    • Valmanway from Castlevania games (though it was called Crissaegrim once), a sword which, when used, emit razorwind around itself doing multiple hits. Valmanway is also extraordinarily light, capable of very quick attack as well as giving its wielder more freedom to his movements. It is the most powerful of all the "short sword" weapons in Dawn of Sorrow.
    • Various swords from mythology or legend (at least in name): Claiomh Solais, Caladbolg, Joyeuse, Balmung, Hrunting, Osafune, Kunitsuna, Yasutsuna and more.
  • Einlanzer – Used by Glenn in Chrono Cross
  • Elysdeon – Used first as an ordinary anonymous laconinan sword by Alys in Phantasy Star and later as with it former name Elysdeon by Chaz in Phantasy Star 4, earned in Rykros planet
  • Nei Sword – Unique sword given to Rolf character in Phantasy Star 2 by Lutz, a long-living esper sage somewhere hidden in the cold planet of Dezoris
  • Sealed J-Sword'- Rarest sword type weapon in Phantasy Star Online. Found at a drop rate of 1/12,604 by killing Gi Gues, giant bee like enemies found in the Seaside and Tower areas.
  • Dragon's Tooth SwordDeus Ex
  • The Fury, Inquisitor, Dragonfang – some of the strongest weapons in Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back
  • Granasaber – Used by Ryudo in Grandia II
  • Maken Valborg – Used by Melfice in Grandia II
  • Silverlight - A sword that can be used against low leveled demons and "Delrith" in the demonslayer quest in RuneScape.
  • Darklight - A improved version of Silverlight after defeating the demon in the quest "Shadow of the Storm" in RuneScape.
  • Blurite sword - A sword that has to be given to the quest giver to complete the quest "The Knight's Sword" in RuneScape.
  • Anger Sword- A sword used to kill angry unicorns in the quest "A Soul's Bane" in RuneScape.
  • Energy Sword, A type of sword made of pure energy manufactured by The Covenant in the Halo video game series: It can be seen in Halo: Combat Evolved, but can only be used in Halo 2.
  • Daikatana from the game of the same name
  • Keyblade – The Kingdom Hearts series
  • Soul Reaver, or The Reaver Blade, from the Legacy of Kain series
  • Dragon Buster – Used by Lloyd in The Legend of Dragoon
  • DualbladeLufia
  • Sword of AlthenaLunar: Silver Star Story Complete and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
  • Z-Saber – Used by Zero in the Mega Man X series and Mega Man Zero series
  • Dragon Sword, The main weapon used by Ryu Hayabusa in Ninja Gaiden
  • True Dragon Sword, the final form of the Dragon Sword when the Dragon's Eye jewel is inserted into the hilt
  • Dark Dragon Blade, the sister sword of the Dragon Sword in Ninja Gaiden. It is stolen in the beginning, and the game's goal is to retrieve it.
  • Soulforge, the paladin sword from the Quest for Glory series.
  • Kokujatou (黒蛇刀) - a flexible sword that can double as a whip, used by JakuBuOu in RyuKoOu Denki
  • Sakura Wars
    • Koutou-Mukei (光刀無形) – Used by Shinnosuke Yamazaki and Ichiro Ogami
    • Reiken-Arataka (霊剣荒鷹) – Used by Kazuma Shinguji and Sakura Shinguji
    • Shinken-Shirahadori (神剣白羽鳥) – Used by Ayame Fujieda and Sakura Shinguji
    • Shintou-Mekkyaku (神刀滅却) – Used by Ikki Yoneda and Ichiro Ogami
  • Weapons in Seven Samurai 20XX, an assortment of blades used in Seven Samurai 20XX.
  • Chaos Breaker, wielded by the main characters of the Shining Force series
  • Soul Edge, demonic shapeshifting sword in Soul Calibur games
  • Soul Calibur, the holy shapeshifting sword in Soul Calibur games
  • The Shishi-oh, wielded by Mitsurugi in the Soul Calibur games
  • The Yoshimitsu, wielded by a character of the same name in the Soul Calibur and Tekken games.
  • Zodiac sword (Incorrectly translated as Star Dragon Sword) – Used by Viktor in Suikoden and Suikoden II and by Edge in Suikoden III
  • Prakk – Wielded by Emperor Barbarossa Rugner inSuikoden
  • Izayoi - Tenchu, wielded by Rikimaru
  • Natsume - Tenchu, wielded by Rin
  • Sword of ParadiseUltima
  • Enilno, the Quicksword – Ultima II
  • The Black SwordUltima VII: The Black Gate
  • Blade CusinartWizardry
  • Guardian Blade - Wild Arms
  • Guardian Blade Argetlahm - Wild Arms 2
  • Doom Bringer - Wild Arms and Wild Arms: Alter Code F
  • Cleria Sword; A weapon made from the holy metal Cleria, seen in Ys II and Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys
  • Brave Sword; Weapon belonging to Chester, the White Knight, from Ys: The Oath in Felghana
  • Livart, Brillante, Ericcil and Almarion; Emelas swords from Ys VI.
  • Fuuenken, and Fuuraiken are used by Sol Badguy and Ky Kiske respectively in Guilty Gear
  • "Ancient Sword" as it is called by Dormin used by Wander in Shadow of the Colossus
  • Mana Sword - from the Seiken Densetsu / Secret of Mana series

In manga, anime and cartoons

In opera

In card games

Magic: the Gathering

Listed by Card Set in Alphabetical Order


  • Tawnos's Weaponry also found in 4th and 5th editions

Arabian Nights

  • Dancing Scimitar also found in Revised, Summer, 4th, 5th, Classic 6th, 9th editions

Betrayers of Kamigawa

  • Umezawa's Jitte

Champions of Kamigawa

  • No-Dachi
  • Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang


  • Sword of Fire and Ice
  • Sword of Light and Shadow


  • Rakdos Riteknife

Fallen Empires

  • Zeylon Sword


  • Sword of the Paruns

Ice Age

  • Celestial Sword


  • Sword of the Ages


  • Leonin Scimitar
  • Sword of Kaldra
  • Worldslayer -- when equipped creature does damage to a player, destroy all permanents other than worldslayer. **indestructible permanents still survive


  • Sword of the Chosen

The Dark

  • Runesword

See also