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Added source (Time Magazine news article) describing evolving US reaction and the importance of Republican efforts at changing or moderating that reaction, earlier issue/revert w/cite was tech problem
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|date=August 7, 2009|accessdate=August 7, 2009}}</ref> Effective August 26, 2009, in support of the OAS Foreign Ministers mission and as a consequence of the de facto regime’s reluctance to sign the San Jose Accord, the U.S. Department of State is suspending non-emergency, non-immigrant visa services in the consular section of its embassy in Honduras.<ref name="STATE_2009_08_25" >{{cite web|publisher=[[US State Department]]|url=http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2009/aug/128349.htm|title=Temporary Suspension of Non-Immigrant Visa Services in Honduras|last=Kelly|first=Ian
|date=August 7, 2009|accessdate=August 7, 2009}}</ref> Effective August 26, 2009, in support of the OAS Foreign Ministers mission and as a consequence of the de facto regime’s reluctance to sign the San Jose Accord, the U.S. Department of State is suspending non-emergency, non-immigrant visa services in the consular section of its embassy in Honduras.<ref name="STATE_2009_08_25" >{{cite web|publisher=[[US State Department]]|url=http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2009/aug/128349.htm|title=Temporary Suspension of Non-Immigrant Visa Services in Honduras|last=Kelly|first=Ian
|date=August 25, 2009|accessdate=2009-08-25}}</ref><ref name="Reuters_2009_08_25" >{{cite news|publisher=[[Reuters]]|url=http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2009/08/25/us/politics/politics-us-honduras-usa.html|title=U.S. To Reduce Visa Services In Honduras
|date=August 25, 2009|accessdate=2009-08-25}}</ref><ref name="Reuters_2009_08_25" >{{cite news|publisher=[[Reuters]]|url=http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2009/08/25/us/politics/politics-us-honduras-usa.html|title=U.S. To Reduce Visa Services In Honduras
|date=August 25, 2009|accessdate=2009-08-25}}</ref><br />The United States made a point to criticize the events while carefully avoiding formally labeling it a "military coup", which would trigger a cutoff of millions of dollars in aid to the impoverished Central American country.<ref name="Reuters-2009-06-29_2" /><ref name="WAPOST-2009-06-30" /><ref name="STATE_2009_07_01" /> Also, the Obama Administration's attempts to pressure Honduras into reversing the ouster of Zelaya have been complicated by US Congressional Republican efforts to reach out to and advocate on behalf of the Micheletti government,<ref title=Honduran Leadership Finds Friends Among GOP Lawmakers>http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/08/AR2009100802288.html?wprss=rss_world/centralamerica</ref><ref name="Is U.S. Opposition to the Honduran Coup Lessening?"> {{cite web | url = http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1930835,00.html | title = Is U.S. Opposition to the Honduran Coup Lessening? | publisher = Time Magazine | date = 2009-10-16 }}</ref> as well as a recent Republican-commissioned US Law Library of Congress report that appears to support the constitutionality of Zelaya's ouster.<ref name="Report for Congress August 2009"> {{cite web | url = http://schock.house.gov/UploadedFiles/Schock_CRS_Report_Honduras_FINAL.pdf | title = Schock_CRS_Report_Honduras_FINAL.pdf | publisher = Law Library of Congress | date = 2009-08-01 }}</ref>
|date=August 25, 2009|accessdate=2009-08-25}}</ref><br />The United States made a point to criticize the events while carefully avoiding formally labeling it a "military coup", which would trigger a cutoff of millions of dollars in aid to the impoverished Central American country.<ref name="Reuters-2009-06-29_2" /><ref name="WAPOST-2009-06-30" /><ref name="STATE_2009_07_01" /> Also, the Obama Administration's attempts to pressure Honduras into reversing the ouster of Zelaya have been complicated by some US Congressional Republican efforts to reach out to and advocate on behalf of the Micheletti government,<ref title=Honduran Leadership Finds Friends Among GOP Lawmakers>http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/08/AR2009100802288.html?wprss=rss_world/centralamerica</ref><ref name="Is U.S. Opposition to the Honduran Coup Lessening?"> {{cite web | url = http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1930835,00.html | title = Is U.S. Opposition to the Honduran Coup Lessening? | publisher = Time Magazine | date = 2009-10-16 }}</ref> as well as a recent Republican-commissioned US Law Library of Congress report that appears to support the constitutionality of Zelaya's ouster.<ref name="Report for Congress August 2009"> {{cite web | url = http://schock.house.gov/UploadedFiles/Schock_CRS_Report_Honduras_FINAL.pdf | title = Schock_CRS_Report_Honduras_FINAL.pdf | publisher = Law Library of Congress | date = 2009-08-01 }}</ref>

* {{flagcountry|Uruguay}}: Vice President of Uruguay [[Rodolfo Nin Novoa]] condemned the coup and called for the re-establishment of democratic order in Honduras.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.espectador.com/1v4_contenido.php?id=155472&sts=1|title=Uruguay condenó destitución|publisher=Espectador|language=Spanish|date=2009-06-28|accessdate=2009-06-29}}</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Uruguay}}: Vice President of Uruguay [[Rodolfo Nin Novoa]] condemned the coup and called for the re-establishment of democratic order in Honduras.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.espectador.com/1v4_contenido.php?id=155472&sts=1|title=Uruguay condenó destitución|publisher=Espectador|language=Spanish|date=2009-06-28|accessdate=2009-06-29}}</ref>

Revision as of 14:19, 24 October 2009

Template:POV-titleInternational reaction to the 2009 Honduran coup d'état of June 28, 2009, was that the coup was widely repudiated around the globe.[1] All Latin American nations (with the exception of Honduras itself), as well as the United States, United Nations, and others, publicly condemned the military-led ouster of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya as illegal and most labelled it a coup d'état. The Obama administration, along with all other governments in the hemisphere, branded the action a "coup."[2] Every country in the region, except the United States, withdrew their ambassadors from Honduras. All EU ambassadors were withdrawn from the country.[3] Venezuela said it would suspend oil shipments, and Honduras's neighbors — El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua - stopped overland trade for 48 hours.[4] The World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank paused lending to Honduras.

President Barack Obama of the United States said, "We believe that the coup was not legal and that President Zelaya remains the President of Honduras."[5][6] Amongst the stronger reactions, the President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez pledged to "bring down" any replacement government.[7] Americas-based international organizations such as the Organization of American States, Mercosur, and the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas have also condemned the events. No foreign governmennt has recognized the de facto President Roberto Micheletti.[8]

International organizations

  •  United Nations: A one-page resolution, passed by acclamation in the 192-member body, condemned the removal of Mr. Zelaya as a coup and demanded his “immediate and unconditional restoration” as president.[9] The resolution calls "firmly and categorically on all states to recognise no government other than that" of Mr Zelaya.[10]
  •  Americas: The OAS called for an emergency meeting on Sunday,[11][12] where it approved a resolution demanding "the immediate, safe and unconditional return of the constitutional president, Manuel Zelaya."[13] Secretary-General José Miguel Insulza called the situation "a military coup."[14] On July 1, 2009, the OAS "vehemently" condemned the removal of Mr. Zelaya over the previous weekend and issued an ultimatum to Honduras's new government: Unless Mr. Zelaya is returned to power within 72 hours, the nation will be suspended from the group. Honduras withdrew from the group on July 4.[15]
  •  Caribbean: In a press release, CARICOM denounced the coup and voiced its concern over the treatment of Honduran and diplomatic officials during the coup. "The Caribbean Community condemns the military action which has interrupted the democratic process in Honduras and which contravenes the principles of the Inter-American Democratic Charter. The Community therefore calls for the immediate reinstatement of President Zelaya."[17]
  • The Association of Caribbean States condemned the coup in a statement and called for Zelaya's reinstatement. Additionally it stated, "we highlight our condemnation of the brutal treatment that Honduras military personnel gave to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Patricia Rodas as well as the Ambassadors of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. This situation is a serious violation of International law, and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations."[18]
  •  Mercosur and  Paraguay: President of Paraguay and current president pro tempore of Mercosur Fernando Lugo condemned the coup and said that no member state of Mercosur will recognize a Honduran government that is not led by Manuel Zelaya. Lugo also called for those behind the coup to be punished by serving prison sentences.[19]
  • The World Bank "paused" all lending for development programs to Honduras, said to be around $80 million for the next fiscal year. Asked under what conditions the World Bank would consider resuming lending to Honduras, World Bank President Robert Zoellick replied: "It is a situation that is in flux and fluid and in this case we are trying to play a supportive role with the region and its overall goals to restore democracy."[21]


  •  Antigua and Barbuda: Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer issued a statement denouncing the removal of Zelaya. "It was with shock and dismay that I received news of the forced removal of President Zelaya and the kidnapping of Foreign Affairs Minister Patricia Rodas and the temporary detention and mistreatment of the Venezuelan, Cuban and Nicaraguan Ambassadors." Spencer voiced his support for OAS Resolution 953, the ALBA condemnation of the coup d'état, and called for the immediate and unconditional reinstatement of President Zelaya. He concluded his statement by calling upon the international community to reject the coup.[24]
  •  Argentina: Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner said: "I'm deeply worried about the situation in Honduras. It reminds us of the worst years in Latin America's history. We will demand that the OAS (Organization of American States) fully comply with the democratic charter that requires unconditional respect for democracy and, above all, the restoration of the Honduran president. I do not hesitate to call this a return to barbarity. All countries of the continent and the entire international community should demand the return of the democratically elected president."[25] On August 12, 2009 Argentine organizers said the Honduran military would no longer be welcome at an upcoming meeting of top regional military brass because of its role in the coup that deposed Zelaya.[26]
  •  Belarus: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Secretary Andrei Popov provided a response at a ministry press conference condemning the coup. "We vigorously condemn the violent upheaval of the legitimately elected President of Honduras by a group of people and his exile from the country.. ..We hope for the immediate reversion of the situation in Honduras into a legal framework and for unconditional respect by this country of its international commitments, including relevant articles of the Vienna Convention concerning security guaranties of the diplomatic staff."[27]
  •  Belize: In a statement released on June 29, 2009, the Government of Belize condemned the actions of the Honduran military, calling Zelaya "the only constitutional President of Honduras". The statement demanded his reinstatement, the return of the rule of law and the restoration of democracy.[28]
  •  Bolivia: Evo Morales, President of Bolivia, condemned the military action. "To allow people to participate and decide the future of their country through their vote, it is not possible that some groups ignore this, including the military."[29].[30]
  •  Brazil: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva condemned Honduras military coup, considering it "unacceptable",[31] and assured that his peer Jose Manuel Zelaya must return back to his post as the only condition to keep relations with this country[32]. Celso Amorim, the Brazilian Minister of External Relations issued a press release "strongly condemning the military action that resulted in the ousting of the President of Honduras," urging for his "immediate and unconditional return to power," and expressing "solidarity with the Honduran people."[33] the Brazilian ambassador in Honduras, who was on vacation in Brazil, was ordered not to return to Honduras.[34]
  •  Canada: Peter Kent, the Minister of State of Foreign Affairs (Americas), stated: "Canada condemns the coup d'état that took place over the weekend in Honduras, and calls on all parties to show restraint and to seek a peaceful resolution to the present political crisis..."[35] Kent nonetheless stated that "[t]here has to be an appreciation of the events that led up to the coup"[36] and admitted that Canadian military aid would continue to flow to Honduras, describing it as "not a major issue", and said that Canada would not be cutting the $16.4-million in development aid it provides each year.[37]
  •  Taiwan: The Foreign Minister of the Republic of China Francisco Ou described the overthrow of President Zelaya as a "coup" which "violated the principles of democracy and the rule of law" and thus "should be censured".[38]
  •  China: Qin Gang, the spokeperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, stated: "China expressed concern over the situations in Honduras and hopes it can regain stability as soon as possible." The P.R. of China has no formal diplomatic relations with Honduras, yet the PRC is one of the Permanent members of UN Security Council. When answering questions on their relations, Qin said the PRC government is willing to develop friendly, cooperative, normal relations with all countries under the principle of one-China, peaceful co-existence, as well as the UN Charter and related UN resolutions and principles.[39]
  •  Colombia: The Colombian government released a four point statement where they expressed profound concern by the break in constitutional order, rejected the removal by force of the democratically elected President Zelaya, called for the re-establishment of constitutional and legal order, and supported the actions of the OAS in its attempts to find democratic solutions for the crisis in Honduras.[40]
  •  Costa Rica: In a joint press conference with Manual Zelaya, Costa Rican President Óscar Arias condemned the coup and said that it "indicates that democracy in Latin America and its institutions are fragile and vulnerable". Arias also said that Zelaya was personally in "good condition" and that Costa Rica was offering Zelaya "all the courtesies that he deserves".[41] Currently the country and its president have been designated as neutral ground where the parts will meet on July 9 to negotiate a agreement.
  •  Cuba: The Cuban government condemned the coup d’état.[42] Raúl Castro said that there should be no negotiations with the "golpistas" (coup-makers) and that Honduras has and should have only president; Manuel Zelaya. Raúl also called the United States to act according to its condemniation of the coup.[43]
  •  Dominican Republic: "This coup d’état represents a step backwards because it violates the Democratic Charter of the Organization of American States (OAS)", says Leonel Fernández, President of Dominican Republic.[44]
  •  El Salvador: "(The Government of El Salvador) asks for the immediate restoration of the constitutional president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya", said Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes in a press conference. Funes also said that he had a telephone conversation with Zelaya, in which he expressed "solidarity" with the deposed Honduran president. The Salvadoran Minister of the Defense, David Munguía, said that the Salvadoran military will reinforce three border crossings between El Salvador and Honduras.[46]
  •  France: The French Foreign Ministry said in a statement: "France firmly condemns the coup that has just taken place in Honduras. The arrests and expulsions of diplomatic envoys are a grave breach of the Vienna convention. They are unacceptable. The constitutional order must be restored at the earliest opportunity. France calls on all parties to act with respect for the principles and values of democracy."[47]
  •  Germany: Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier condemned the arrest and exile of President Zelaya stating that it is "an act which violates the constitutional order of the Republic of Honduras. It is now vital for Honduras to swiftly return to law and order. I call upon the conflict parties to resume dialogue and to find a peaceful solution which takes due account of democracy and the rule of law."[48]
  •  Guatemala: Guatemalan President Álvaro Colom said in a press conference that Guatemala "recognizes President Zelaya as the democratically chosen president". Colom said that he will discuss with fellow Central American presidents in Managua about how to restore democracy in Honduras.[49]
  •  Italy: Foreign Minister Franco Frattini released a statement calling the coup "a serious violation of law and democratic rules".[50]
  •  Jamaica: Foreign Minister Dr Ken Baugh, who is also Jamaica's deputy prime minister, said the removal of President Zelaya was in breach of the principles of respect for the rule of law, human rights and constitutional order. "The government of Jamaica maintains its full support for and recognition of President Zelaya and therefore calls for his immediate reinstatement.[51]
  •  Mexico: The Mexican government condemned the arrest and forced exile of Zelaya to Costa Rica.[52]
  •  Nicaragua: President of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega invited Zelaya to come to Nicaragua and attend the Central American Integration System presidents' meeting. "Come here. We are not going to recognize any spurious, post-coup government that installs itself in Honduras. We will not recognize it," Ortega said.[53]
  •  Panama: The Panamanian government condemned the coup.[55] However, Juan Varela, Vice President and Chancellor of Panamá stated that they will recognize the results of the elections, seeing a way out of the current situation—that was derived from the military coup—when the elections are handled in a transparent manner, and are part of the national dialog, TeleSUR reported. Varela said, "We call on all sectors to see in the elections a way out of the current situation, and among the sectors to which we make the call we include the constitutional president of the country, President Zelaya."[56]
  •  Peru: José García Belaúnde, the Foreign Minister of Peru, said that his government "strongly condemns" the coup and will push for the re-establishment of democracy in Honduras.[57]
  •  Russia: A spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry condemned Zelaya's overthrow and called it a "gross violation of basic democratic norms." Russia also welcomed the efforts by regional organizations and groups trying "to work out a solution within the framework of international law."[58]
  •  Spain: A spokesperson for Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero released the following statement: "The head of the government expressed his strongest condemnation for the illegal detention and expulsion of the constitutional president of the Republic of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya. The solution to any dispute must always be found through dialogue and respect for democratic rules. There is not, neither can there ever be, a solution to the Honduran crisis outside the country's constitutional framework."[25]
  •   Switzerland: The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs issued a statement expressing its concern. It "urges those responsible to re-establish constitutional order and the rule of law. It calls for a democratic and peaceful resolution of the current crisis."[59]
  •  United Kingdom: Chris Bryant, the British Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, said: "The UK condemns the expulsion of President Zelaya and calls for the restoration of democratic, constitutional government in Honduras. We support the Organisation of American States' call supporting the rule of law and are deeply concerned about the deployment of military personnel onto the streets of Tegucigalpa."[60]
  •  United States: The United States recognizes ousted President Manuel Zelaya as the only constitutional president of Honduras.[61] President Barack Obama said in a statement, "I call on all political and social actors in Honduras to respect democratic norms, the rule of law and the tenets of the Inter-American Democratic Charter."[11][62] In a written statement, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "The action taken against Honduran President Mel Zelaya violates the precepts of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, and thus should be condemned by all."[63] "We believe that the coup was not legal and that President Zelaya remains the democratically elected president there," Obama said. "It would be a terrible precedent if we start moving backwards into the era in which we are seeing military coups as a means of political transition rather than democratic elections," he added. "The region has made enormous progress over the last 20 years in establishing democratic traditions. ... We don't want to go back to a dark past."[64] Although U.S. officials have characterized the events as a coup, they have held back from formally designating it as a "military coup", which would require them to cut off almost all aid to Honduras.[65][66][67] On July 1, 2009, The United States Pentagon announced that joint military operations with Honduras had been suspended pending assessment of the situation.[68] On July 2, 2009, The United States State Department announced that some foreign aid to Honduras had been paused pending assessment of the situation. State Department spokesman Ian Kelly stated: “We’ve taken some actions to hit the pause button on assistance programs which we would be legally required to terminate” if the State Department ultimately determines that a military coup has taken place.[69] On July 7, 2009 The State Department announced that "we are suspending, as a policy matter, military assistance programs and a few development assistance programs that are for the Government of Honduras. The dollar amount associated with the military assistance that has been suspended, including Foreign Military Financing, International Military Education & Training, Peacekeeping Operations, and 1206 assistance, is approximately $16.5M. We are halting activities related to basic education and some environment and family planning programs, as well as support to the Government of Honduras for CAFTA-DR environmental standards. The assistance suspended by USAID thus far totals approximately $1.9 million." The Office of the Spokesman also noted that humanitarian assistance for the people of Honduras was still being supplied: "Thus, among other things, all assistance supporting the provision of food aid, HIV/AIDS and other disease prevention, child survival, and disaster assistance, as well as elections assistance to facilitate free and fair presidential elections, is still being provided to the people of Honduras."[70] On August 4, 2009 Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs Richard Verma sent a letter to the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Richard Lugar, R-Ind., that rejected calls to impose harsher economic sanctions against Honduras. While condemning the coup, the letter stated: "Our policy and strategy for engagement is not based on supporting any particular politician or individual." The letter also stated: "We also recognize that President Zelaya's insistence on undertaking provocative actions contributed to the polarization of Honduran society and led to a confrontation that unleashed the events that led to his removal."[71][72] Approximately one thousand pro-Zelaya demonstrators protested outside the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa after the State Department letter was made public.[73] Effective August 26, 2009, in support of the OAS Foreign Ministers mission and as a consequence of the de facto regime’s reluctance to sign the San Jose Accord, the U.S. Department of State is suspending non-emergency, non-immigrant visa services in the consular section of its embassy in Honduras.[74][75]
    The United States made a point to criticize the events while carefully avoiding formally labeling it a "military coup", which would trigger a cutoff of millions of dollars in aid to the impoverished Central American country.[65][66][67] Also, the Obama Administration's attempts to pressure Honduras into reversing the ouster of Zelaya have been complicated by some US Congressional Republican efforts to reach out to and advocate on behalf of the Micheletti government,Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page).[76] as well as a recent Republican-commissioned US Law Library of Congress report that appears to support the constitutionality of Zelaya's ouster.[77]
  •  Uruguay: Vice President of Uruguay Rodolfo Nin Novoa condemned the coup and called for the re-establishment of democratic order in Honduras.[78]
  •  Venezuela: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said that the coup called for Obama to speak out because the US "has a lot to do" with what happens in Honduras.[79] A few hours later, Chavez threatened to use force and put his troops on high alert, saying he would do everything necessary to abort the coup in Honduras if anything were to happen to its embassy.[80] He also vaguely warned that if a new government was sworn in he would "bring them down".[7] Chávez, who has both led a coup in Venezuela and survived a coup, in May 2009 threatened to withdraw Venezuela from OAS[81], has argued that the OAS should suspend Honduras from the group.


  1. ^ "Exiled Honduran leader makes 2nd trip to border". The Associated Press. July 25, 2009. Retrieved July 26, 2009.
  2. ^ "Kerry's Attempt to Block DeMint's Honduras Trip Reveals Policy Feud". The Washington Post. 2009-10-02. Retrieved 2009-10-02.
  3. ^ "EU ambassadors leave Honduras". CBS. 2009-07-02. Retrieved 2009-07-23.
  4. ^ "Two Hondurans Headed for Clash". Washington Post. 2009-06-30. Retrieved 2009-06-30. {{cite web}}: |first= missing |last= (help)
  5. ^ "Obama says coup in Honduras is illegal". Reuters. 2009-06-29. Retrieved 2009-06-30. {{cite web}}: |first= missing |last= (help)
  6. ^ "Obama Says Coup in Honduras Would Set a "Terrible Precedent"". ABC News. 2009-06-29. Retrieved 2009-06-30. {{cite web}}: |first= missing |last= (help)
  7. ^ a b "World leaders condemn Zelaya's ouster". France 24. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-28. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help)
  8. ^ "WRAPUP 2-Give talks a chance, U.S. tells Honduras rivals". Reuters. 2009-07-14. Retrieved 2009-10-06.
  9. ^ "U.N. Backs Ousted Honduran Leader". The New York Times. 2009-06-30. Retrieved 2009-06-30.
  10. ^ "UN backs Honduras leader's return". BBC News. 2009-06-30. Retrieved 2009-06-30.
  11. ^ a b c "Honduran leader forced into exile". BBC News. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-28.
  12. ^ "OEA convoca una reunión de urgencia para analizar Golpe de Estado en Honduras". El Mercurio (in Spanish). EFE. June 28, 2009. Retrieved June 28, 2009.
  13. ^ [1]
  14. ^ "La comunidad internacional pide que se restablezca el orden constitucional" (in Spanish). El Mundo. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  15. ^ "Compromise Is Sought to Honduras Standoff". The New York Times. 2009-07-01. Retrieved 2009-07-02.
  16. ^ Chavez threatens military action over Honduras coup by Frank Jack Daniel and Enrique Andres Pretel, Reuters (reprinted by the National Post), June 28, 2009.
  18. ^ "Declaration of the ACS on the situation in Honduras". Association of Caribbean States. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  19. ^ a b "Mercosur condena el golpe militar y exige la inmediata restitución de zelaya" (in Spanish). Telecinco. 2009-06-29. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  20. ^ "Gobierno chileno condenó Golpe de Estado en Honduras" (in Spanish). El Mercurio Online. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-28.
  21. ^ "World Bank 'pauses' loans to Honduras - Zoellick". Reuters. 2009-06-30. Retrieved 2009-07-01.
  22. ^ "IADB says pausing loans to Honduras over coup". Reuters. 2009-07-01. Retrieved 2009-07-01.
  23. ^ "Central American bank freezes Honduras loans". Associated Press. 2009-08-27. Retrieved 2009-08-27.
  24. ^ "Antigua & Barbuda Abhors The Unconstitutional Removal Of President Zelaya Of Honduras". Government of Antigua and Barbuda. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  25. ^ a b "World reaction: Honduran crisis". BBC News. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  26. ^ "Violent protests hit isolated Honduras". Agence France Press. 2009-08-12. Retrieved 2009-08-13.
  27. ^ Press Secretary Andrei Popov responds to a media question over the developments in Honduras.
  28. ^ Statement of the Government of Belize on the crisis in Honduras
  29. ^ "World condemns coup in Honduras". The Christian Science Monitor. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-28. {{cite web}}: |first= missing |last= (help)
  30. ^ "Morales pidió repudiar levantamiento en Honduras". La Tercera (in Spanish). EFE. June 28, 2009. Retrieved June 28, 2009.
  31. ^ [2]G1 - Lula diz que é inaceitável golpe militar na América Latina Template:Pt
  32. ^ "Lula Decries Honduras Coup d'etat". Radio Nuevitas. 2009-06-29. Retrieved 2009-06-29. {{cite web}}: |first= missing |last= (help)
  33. ^ Nota nº 303 - 28/06/2009 Situação em Honduras Ministry of External Relations of Brazil. Retrieved on 2009-06-28. Template:Pt
  34. ^ [3]G1 - Itamaraty ordena que embaixador brasileiro em Honduras fique no Brasil Template:Pt
  35. ^ "Statement by Minister of State Kent on the Situation in Honduras". Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Canada). 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  36. ^ "Envoy Prepares to Visit Honduras, Warning of Obstacles". the New York Times. 2009-07-02. Retrieved 2009-07-30.
  37. ^ "Military aid flows to Honduras despite coup". Canadian Press. 2009-07-30. Retrieved 2009-07-30.
  38. ^ "Taiwan foreign minister says Honduras coup should be condemned". eTaiwan News. 2009-07-01. Retrieved 2009-07-05.
  39. ^ "China hopes Honduras regain stability as soon as possible: FM spokesman". Xinhua net. 2009-06-30. Retrieved 2009-06-30.
  40. ^ "Comunicado del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores". Presidency of the Republic of Colombia. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  41. ^ "Costa Rica repudia golpe de Estado en Honduras". Radio Nacional de Venezuela. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  42. ^ "Cuba condemns coup d'état in Honduras". Digital Gramma Internacional. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-28.
  43. ^ [4]
  44. ^ "Dominican Republic Government rejects coup d ' état against Zelaya". Diario Libre. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-28.
  45. ^ "FACTBOX: Reaction to coup in Honduras". Reuters. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-28.
  46. ^ "El Salvador condena golpe y pide restitución presidente Honduras" (in Spanish). Reuters. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  47. ^ "FACTBOX: Reaction to coup in Honduras". Reuters. 2009-06-28. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  48. ^ "Federal Minister Steinmeier on the crisis in Honduras". German Minsisty of Foreign Affairs. 2009-06-29. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
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