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*[http://www.Australianwhipcracking.org/ Australian Whipcrackers and Plaiters Association]
*[http://www.Australianwhipcracking.org/ Australian Whipcrackers and Plaiters Association]
*[http://www.whipsociety.com/ Society of American Whip Artistry]
*[http://www.whipsociety.com/ Society of American Whip Artistry]
*[http://www.thewhipstudio.com/ The Whip Artistry Studio]


Revision as of 21:04, 31 July 2007

And distinguish from wip and WIP.
A type of whip known as a riding crop

The word whip describes two basic types of tools:

A long stick-like device, usually slightly flexible, with a small bit of leather or cord, called a "popper", on the end. Depending on length and flexibility, type is often called a riding whip, riding crop or "bat". It is also sometimes called a "horsewhip" or "horse whip".

The other type of whip is a long tapered flexible length of single-strand or plaited (braided) material (usually leather) with a stiff handle. Some whips of this type include the bullwhip and the stock whip. Each design has many variations and lengths for different purposes, often with different names.

As well as these traditional whip types designed for use on animals, there are whip designs that had historic uses for inflicting pain on humans, such as the "cat o' nine tails" and others. These devices are used as flogging instruments, a means of control, corporal punishment or torture.

Whips today are used primarily in animal training for three main purposes:

  • As an extension of the human arm to give commands to animals by tapping them.
  • To make a loud sharp sound, to provide direction and command to animals.
  • Incorrectly, to inflict pain.
Cat o' nine tails at the torture museum in Freiburg im Breisgau.

When a bullwhip handle is rapidly and properly moved, the tip of the whip can exceed 340 m/s (760mph) producing a small sonic boom described as a "crack". Whips were the first man-made implements to break the sound barrier. This loud noise is commonly used to drive or direct livestock or teams of harnessed animals, such as oxen or mules.

Most horse whips can be used to give commands by touch and can cause pain, but cannot make a "crack". These may include riding crops, dressage whips, and carriage or buggy whips. The exception is the Longe whip, which due to its long lash, can be made to crack as well as be used to touch the animal.

Another far less common and more modern way to create a crackable whip involves "weaving" metal rings together and typically welding the rings closed in various rope-like chain mail patterns.

Stock whips

An Australian stockwhip

Stock whips, including bullwhips and the Australian stockwhip are a type of single-tailed leather whip with a very long lash but a short handle. Stock whips are primarily used to make a loud cracking sound to move livestock (cattle, sheep, horses, etc.) away from the sound. It is generally not used to actually strike an animal, as it would inflict severe pain and is difficult to be applied with precision.

Australian stockwhip

The Australian Stockwhip is often said to have originated in the English hunting whip, but it has since become a distinct type of whip. Today, it is used primarily by Australian stockmen. Unlike the short, embedded handle of a bullwhip, the stock whip handle is not fitted inside the lash and is usually longer. A stock whip's handle is connected to the thong by a joint typically made of a few strands of thick leather (which is called a keeper). This allows the whip to hang across a stockman's arm when not being used. The handles are normally longer than those of a bullwhip, being between 15 and 21 inches. The thong can be from 3 feet to 10 feet long. Stock whips are also almost exclusively made from tanned kangaroo hide.

Australia's John Brady is an internationally renowned exponent of the art of whipcracking (an expertise he demonstrated during the live musical production The Man from Snowy River: Arena Spectacular). The Australian stockwhip was shown internationally when lone rider Steve Jefferys reared his Australian Stock Horse and cracked the stockwhip to commence the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games Opening Ceremony.

The Bullwhip

A bullwhip consists of a handle between 8 and 12 inches in length, some whips have an exposed wooden grip, others have an intricately braided leather covered handle. The lash is a braided thong, between three and 20 feet long. Unlike the Australian stock whip, the thong connects in line with the handle (rather than with a joint), or even engulfs the handle entirely. At the end is the fall and the cracker or popper. The fall is a single piece of leather between 10 and 30 inches in length. During trick shots, or target work the fall is usually the portion of the whip used to cut, strike, or tie the target. The cracker is the portion of the whip that makes the loud noise known as the "sonic boom," but a whip without a cracker will still make a sonic boom, it is simply not as loud.

Additional types

There are other variations and lengths of stock whips. The yard whip is a type of smaller stockwhip. The yard whip is used on ground in cattle yards and other small area where speed and precision is needed. The yard whip is also used by younger children that aren't quite strong enough to handle a large stock whip.

The Rose whip is another variation of the stockwhip that was pioneered in Canada in the early 19th century, though it largely fell out of use by the 1880s. The Rose whips were effective in animal yards and other small areas.

Florida stockwhip

The Florida stockwhip or Florida cow whip used by Floridian cowboys is often known as a cracker. It is a two-piece unit like the stockwhip and is connected to the handle by threading two strands of the thong through a hollow part of a wooden handle before being tied off. The cowwhip is heavier than the Australian stockwhip. Early cowwhips were made mostly of cowhide or buckskin.

Modern cow whips are made of flat nylon parachute cord. The advantage of cowwhips being made of nylon is that it doesn't matter if you get the nylon wet. Most cowwhips have handles that average 16 inches, and thongs that average 12 feet. A good cowwhip can produce a loud crack by a simple push of the handle. This can make it more convenient to use than a bullwhip in a thick vegetated environment with less swinging room. The Tampa Bay Whip Enthusiasts give demonstrations of the Florida Cracker Cowboy in costume at the annual Heritage Village Civil War Days festival, located in Largo, Florida every year in May.

Signal whips

a 4' (1.2m) signal whip

Signal whips or signalwhips are a type of single-tailed whip, originally designed to control dog teams. A signal whip usually measures between 3 and 4 feet in length. Signal whips and snake whips are similar. What distinguishes a signal whip from a snake whip is the absence of a "fall". A fall is a piece of leather attached to the end of the body of the whip. In a snake whip, the "cracker" attaches to the fall. In a signal whip, the cracker attaches directly to the body of the whip.

Snake whips

Snake whips or snakewhips are a type of single-tailed whip. The name snake whip is derived from the fact that this type of whip has no handle inside and so can be curled up into a small circle which resembles a coiled snake. They were once commonly carried in the saddlebag by cowboys of the old west. A full sized snake whip is usually at least 4 feet in length (excluding the fall and cracker at the tip of the whip) and around one inch in diameter at the butt of the whip.

A pocket snake whip can be curled up small enough to fit into a large pocket, and ranges in size from 4 feet to 6 feet in length. The pocket snake whip is primarily a whip for occasional use, such as in loading cattle. Both of these types of snake whips are made with a leather shot bag running approximately three quarters of the length of the whip.

Blacksnakes are the traditional whips used in Montana and Wyoming. The blacksnake has a heavy shot load extending from the butt well down the thong, and the whip is flexible right to the butt, ranges in size from 6 feet to 12 feet in length.

Top: A dressage whip. Bottom: a hunt crop
A set of romal reins, featuring a quirt at the end of the romal

Equestrian whips and crops

Horse whips or riding whips are artificial aids used by equestrians while riding, driving, or handling horses from the ground. There are many different kinds, but all feature a handle, a long, semi-flexible shaft, and either a popper or lash at the end, depending on use. Riding whips rarely exceed 48" from handle to popper, horse whips used for ground training and carriage driving are sometimes longer.

The term "whip" is the generic word for riding whips, the term "crop' is more specific, referring to a short, stiff whip used primarily in English riding disciplines such as show jumping or hunt seat. Some of the more common types of horse whips include:

  • Dressage whips are up to 43 inches long, including lash or popper, and are used to refine the aids of the rider, not to hurt the horse. They generally ask for more impulsion. The shaft is slightly flexible and tapers to a fine point at the tip. A similar, but slightly longer whip is used in Saddle seat style English riding.
  • Longe whips have a shaft about 4-5 feet long and a lash of equal or greater length. They are used to direct the horse as it is 'moved on a circle aroung the person standing in the centre, a process known as "Longing" (pronounced "Lungeing") The whip is used to guide and signal direction and pace, and is not used with force against the horse. Taking the place of the rider's leg aids, the positioning of the longe whip in relation to the horse gives the horse signals. Occasionally, due to the long lash, it may be cracked to enforce a command.
  • Driving whips have a stock about the same length as a longe whips, but a short lash, often no more than 12 inches. They are used specifically for driving horses in carriages or carts.
  • A crop or "bat" has a fairly stiff stock, and is only 2-2.5 feet in length, with a "popper" - a looped flap of leather - at the end. It is used by taking the reins in one hand and hitting the horse behind the rider's leg, using the crop, held in the other hand. It is to back up the leg aids, when the horse is not moving forward, or occasionally as a disciplinary measure (such as when a horse refuses or runs out on a jump). Crops or bats are most commonly seen in sports such as show jumping, hunt seat style English riding, horse racing, and in rodeo speed sports such as barrel racing.
  • A hunting whip, is not precisely a horse whip, though it is carried by a mounted rider. It has a stock about the same length as a crop, except its "stock" is stiff, not flexible. On one end of the stock it has a lash that is several feet in length, on the other end it has a hook, which is used to help the rider open and close gates while out fox hunting. The hunting whip is not intended to be used on the horse, but rather the lash is there to remind the hounds to stay away from the horse's hooves, and it can also be used as a communication device to the hounds.
  • A quirt is a short, flexible piece of thickly braided leather with two wide pieces of leather at the end, which makes a loud crack when it strikes an animal or object. They inflict more noise than pain. Quirts are occasionally carried on horses used in western riding disciplines, but because the action of a quirt is slow, they are not used to correct or guide the horse, but are more apt to be used by a rider to reach out and strike at animals, such as cattle that are being herded from horseback.

Rudyard Kipling's short story Garm - a Hostage mentions a long whip used by a horseback rider in India to defend an accompanying pet dog from risk of attack by native pariah dogs. This probably was a hunting whip.

The whip is occasionally portrayed in popular culture in various contexts. One memorable whip user is Indiana Jones, the (fictional) archaeologist adventurer, who uses a bullwhip for a variety of uses, not the least of which is to swing over long chasms. Also, there are Catwoman (Batman), Zorro, the (fictional) outlaw-vigilante cowboy swashbuckler of California, and Hatcher's (played by Christopher Walken) henchmen in The Rundown.

Whips as weapons have appeared in many cartoons, TV shows, and videogames, examples being:

There are also experts at the sport, called whipcracking. One such person is Australian John Brady.

Buggy whip

This is a coach whip used for driving on horses harnessed to a buggy, or small open carriage. Though similar whips are still manufactured for limited purposes, the buggy whip industry as a major economic entity ceased to exist with the introduction of the automobile, and is cited in economics and marketing as an example of an industry ceasing to exist because its market niche, and the need for its product, disappears. In discussions of market regulation, it is often held that the economy would be disadvantaged as a whole if the buggy-whip industry were protected from going out of business by banning the automobile.

Buggy whips are not entirely gone. A resurgence of interest in the international sport of combined driving and historical carriage driving, sports enjoyed by people of all ages, has allowed some buggy whip manufacturers to stay in business, serving this specialty niche market. Foremost among these is a company in Westfield, Massachusetts.

Whips As Practical Weapons

From Zorro to Indiana Jones and from Catwoman to The Rundown, whips have graced the silver screen for almost a century. Movies show someone cracking the legs from under an adversary, or taking a gun from their hand. The whip is an elegant weapon but it has some major disadvantages.

Because of the exposure to whips in films and television, people often want to learn the whip as a personal defense weapon. They want to be able to use a whip in much the same way someone would use martial arts, a sword, or other weapons. But is this really practical as a defense weapon? The simple answer is no.

The whip can generate considerable energy and damage a person’s body severely. Exceeding the speed of sound, the tip of the whip can cut and slice like a knife, and with surgical proficiency in the right hands. But it’s foolish to think it would have the upper hand in any real engagement. Fancy whip work can be fast and impressive to watch, but its use as a defensive weapon is nearly worthless. Everyone remembers the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when Indy faces the swordsman in the Cairo market. The swordsman thrashes the air with his sword trying to look mean, and Indy, exhausted from the chase, simply pulls out his gun and shoots him. As odd as it may sound, this is one of the most realistic scenes ever shown in an action film because it’s closer to what would really happen if a whip faced another weapon.

If the whip were an effective weapon against swords, guns, and knives, why didn’t Indy just go after the swordsman with his whip? Apart from ‘it wasn’t written that way,’ it is because getting enough time to throw the whip, not to mention to have the space required, wasn’t practical or believable. Besides all of that, the final cut was far more entertaining.

In a more personal situation, imagine that you are face to face with a bad guy – a mugger or burglar. He has a gun and you have your whip. He’s pointing his gun at you – you throw your whip, and BANG – you’ve been shot. You can’t win. You never had a chance.

Another basic problem with the whip as a defensive weapon is the amount of open space you need for some of the motions. The whip is used in movies to give the user the ability to strike from a safe distance. That makes it appear that he or she has an advantage. Unfortunately, in defense, this is the whip’s Achilles’ heel. Even though it can be done more closely, usually someone using a 6-foot bullwhip needs about an18 foot clear area around him or her to make the whip effective. (This is where the whip guys say, “Hey, I can use a whip in any space,” etc. – right guys, but no one is holding a gun on you.) To continue: you need that space between you and the target to get a whip shot at him with the most energy and force. If your intention were to actually wrap the bad guy’s legs, or other part of his body, you would need to be even closer – depending on the whip’s length, your ability to wrap, etc. Do you think he’s just going to let you run up and crack a whip at him? Not likely. Then, there’s the problem of him running at you.

That space between the whip handler and the target can rapidly disappear when the subject runs at him. This would render the use of the whip completely ineffective. If the subject gets inside distance the handler cannot extend the length of the whip to crack it or envelop his or her attacker. Even if the attacker has no gun or knife they could rush the whip handler, knock him or her to the ground and cause injury just as easily without a weapon at all. So can a whip ever make an effective weapon? It could, but only in rare and specific circumstances, and generally, only in the movies.

For a whip to be a useful defense tool, it would nearly always have to be an offensive weapon. Just about the only circumstance that would give a whip handler the advantage in a fight is the element of surprise or some other event where the person already had the upper hand. If someone is able to surprise an opponent – that is, completely surprise him or her – he might have a chance for a single strike that may give the opportunity for escape.

Often, the storylines in the Zorro films and books are good examples of whips used effectively. In Zorro stories, Don Diego uses the whip to surprise his opponent and in an offensive way. In “The Mask of Zorro,” Zorro (Alex Green in that scene) uses the whip to surprise the firing squad and disarm them momentarily to make his entrance. Once exposed, he can use his whip alongside other weapons to fight his battle or escape. It is no longer effective as a direct attack weapon.

A number of martial arts teachers and performers demonstrate the use of the whip handles as weapons and I suppose that would be possible to some extent. But again, if the other person has a gun, forget it. That’s nonsense and unrealistic. Of course the question always comes, “What if they have a knife instead of a gun?” The answer is still no. Remember, if the attacker would rush you, it’s over. It just isn’t practical. The best anyone could hope to do is to use the whip to keep an attacker at bay long enough to escape.

In ‘The Rundown,’ a chair was cut in two pieces by a whip. Ok, let me say this only once, and clearly: NO WAY. Keep in mind that it’s a movie. Stage furniture is set to break on purpose. Those of you out there who want to learn to cut your kitchen chairs in half can forget it. Save the money on the whips and buy a couple of good chainsaws. The movie also shows the whip’s tip being caught by The Rock when it’s cracked at him. That is possible if it’s staged that way – but not if someone is actually trying to cut the person catching it.

Just as we do wraps and other moves with the whip on stage and film that look dangerous, it’s possible to work out a throw that someone can catch with relative safety. It’s similar to the way one may do a wrap or body crack, but someone should do a great deal of practicing before trying this out on a person.

Finally, whenever I give a lecture on the whip and the subject of self-defense comes up, I always hear a groan from the audience when they learn that it’s not a good idea to count on the whip to fend off a mugger. Remember that the sport of whip cracking is growing and people often emulate what they see in movies and television. The basic rule is to be careful. Fight directors and special effects teams stage most of what’s shown in movies - as much as we’d like to believe otherwise. Professional stuntmen like Alex Green know what to do to set these events for the camera. They have a dozen people around making sure the moves go correctly and safely. They are not out there fighting crime on the streets of New York, or looking for treasure in the Amazon jungle.

There is plenty you can learn from these movies in the art of whip work, but be sure you know what is possible and what is Hollywood. If you have any doubts, talk to someone who knows - a whip coach, stuntman, or production specialist – and learn what you can about the physics and use of the whip. As always, before you use another person to do targeting or other stunts, practice – practice – practice.

Whip-like appendages in nature

Some organisms have whip-like devices:

  • Many unicellular organisms, and spermatozoa, have one or two whip-like appendages called flagella, which they use for propulsion. "Flagellum" is Latin for "whip".
  • Some large lizards (e.g. iguanas and monitor lizards) can whip with their tails. At least one veterinarian has complained that a modern hazard of his work is being "bitten, scratched, and whipped" by pet iguanas. The biological names of some lizards contain Mastigo- or -mastix, which is Greek for "whip".
  • The whip snake was so called from its appearance; but the old myth that it could whip a man painfully is false.
  • There has been a theory that all or some sauropod dinosaurs could crack the ends of their tails like coachwhips as a sound signal, as in the book form of "Walking with Dinosaurs".


  • Edwards, Ron (1999). How to Make Whips. Cornell Maritime Press. ISBN 0870335138.
  • Largier, Niklaus (2007). In Praise of the Whip. Zone Books. ISBN 9781890951658.
  • Morgan, David W. (2004). Whips and Whipmaking. Cornell Maritime Press. ISBN 087033557X.

See also