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| Hotel Sky Roca
| Hotel Sky Roca
| 20th Hairpin Bend, Salem-Yercaud Main Road, Ondikadai Post,
| 20th Hairpin Bend, Salem-Yercaud Main Road, Ondikadai Post,
Yercaud - 636 602, Salem (District), Tamil Nadu. India.
Yercaud - 636 602

| Ph: 91 - 4281 - 223115-8, Mobile: 94421-01302, Fax: 04281 - 223120
| Ph: 91 - 4281 - 223115-8, Mobile: 94421-01302, Fax: 04281 - 223120

Revision as of 16:34, 29 August 2008

A wooded path among the original forests of Yercaud.

Yercaud, popularly known hill station near Salem, Tamil Nadu, India in the Servarayan range of hills (anglicized as Shevaroys) in the Eastern Ghats. It is at an altitude of 1,500 metres (4,920 feet) from mean sea level. The town gets its name from the lake located at its center - in Tamil "Yeri" means "lake" and "Kaadu" means "forest". Yercaud is known for coffee plantations and orange groves. It also has an orchidarium run by the Botanical Survey of India.

The highest point in Yercaud is the Servarayan temple, which is situated at a height of 5326 feet. Hence the Yercaud hill area is called Shevaroy Hills.

Flora and Fauna

Some of the original forests continue to exist in the Yercaud hills and contain several endemic species of plants and fauna. The Yercaud hills have many faunal and floral similarities to the Western Ghats.

Wild life includes bison, deer,ant-eater, rabbits, hares, foxes, mongoose, squirrels, partridges, snakes, bulbuls, kites, sparrows, swallows and the bird of paradise.


The main crop of Yercaud is coffee. Coffee was first cultivated on the "Grange Estate" in the year 1820, the year in which coffee plants were brought from Africa to Yercaud by Mr. M.D. Cockburn.

Jack fruit, orange, guava and spices such as black pepper and cardamom are the other crops raised on the coffee estate.

Sandalwood, teak and silver oak are abundant too.


The best time to visit Yercaud is the warmer months between May and October. May and June are the months when tourist activity is high.

Places of interest

A view of the meandering hill roads of Yercaud from Lady's Seat.
Yercaud Lake, one of the main attractions in Yercaud.
The fountain on Yercaud Lake.
  • Arthur's Seat: This is a vantage point, which can be reached by taking a steep road going north 1 km from the center of the town. It gives a bird’s eye view of the Big Lake, Yercaud Town and the Shevaroyan Peak.
  • Grange: This is one of the oldest buildings in Yercaud, built in the 1820s by M.D. Cockburn, who was the District Collector of Salem District at that time. He established the first commercial plantation in this area and planted Coffee, Oranges, Apples and other fruit trees brought from South Africa. The other coffee plantations in Tamil Nadu are said to have originated from this humble beginning. During the Sepoy Mutiny, great efforts were made to strengthen the roof, and ramparts were built with Gun emplacements and 3 Canons were mounted at vantage points. A large cellar was made to hold provisions for about 6 months in case there was a long siege and the Europeans of the Area had to hold off insurgents. However, this never happened and all was peaceful during those years. There is a well planned and executed resort alongside the Grange, set amidst coffee and orange plantations and silver oak trees, a delightful get away for the well heeled traveler.
  • Kiliyur Waterfall: This is 3 km from the Yercaud Lake. The best time to visit this place is immediately after the monsoons. The surplus water from the Yercaud Lake and the other reaches of the Shevaroys Hills fall deep into the Kiliyur Valley in the form of a 300 feet waterfall. The views from the bottom and top of the falls are breathtaking. The trek to the bottom of the falls is only for hardcore trekkers as it takes about one hour from the lake to reach the bottom of the falls which is heavily wooded, but a good 2½ hours to get ones breath and trek back again

NOTE: The road to the falls is very narrow and only one vehicle can pass at a time. It is advised not take a vehicle to the falls. If you do so, park it at the big platform after about 3 km. Beyond that the road is very narrow and steep and you cannot turn your vehicle back. The only way back down is to drive it in reverse gear on steep and winding slopes: that is life threatening.

  • Lady's Seat: This is a cluster of rocks on the south west of the Yercaud hills overlooking the ghat road and the city of Salem to the south. There is a sheer drop of about 200 feet at this point into a private estate in the valley below. It has a telescope house with a panoramic view of distant Salem and the winding road up. On the right of Lady's Seat are Sterling Resorts, Gents Seat and Children's Seat. During the night, the Lady's Seat offers a spectacular view of the lights of Salem city.
  • Pagoda Point, also known as Pyramid Point: This is on the eastern side of the Yercaud hills , close to Gregory Bosen's ( Dhorai ) Estate GLENROCK ESTATE holiday home's. The name comes from four piles of random stones in a pagoda or pyramid formation, made by the hill tribes. Today there is a Rama temple situated between these pagodas.
  • The Servarayan Temple: This temple is situated on top of Servarayan hill. The temple itself is a narrow and dark cave and seated inside are the god Servarayan and the goddess Kaveri representing the Shervaroy Hills and the Cauvery river. The local people believe that the god Servarayan is the guardian angel for the 67 villages in and around Yercaud. It is believed that the temple's cave is so deep it touches the Cauvery river. The local tribes celebrate their annual festival in this temple during May.
  • Bear's Cave: This is situated within a private coffee estate owned by a Mettur based business man. The main part of the cave is situated about 7 feet below the ground level and contains a deeper gorge which is believed by the local people to lead up to the cave situated in the Shervaroyan Temple.
  • Mettur View: You can get a Telescope view of Mettur from Ladies Seat. A clear view of Mettur is visitable from Shervaroyan Temple Peak, maintained by MALCO.
  • Yercaud Town : The Yercaud town is situated at an altitude of 4700 feet. The Taluk headquarters is located in Yercaud. The town has a number of seminaries and convents where brothers and sisters of various religious orders have their training schools. The Monfort School and Sacred Heart Convent are famous in the country. There is a large native Shandy (bazaar) every Sunday and a smaller one on Wednesdays, where vegetables (Chiefly native produce) and fruits are sold.
  • The Big Lake Or Emerald Lake: The first thing one sees as you enter the Yercaud town is this placid lake in a wonderful surrounding of hills and natural shoals. Also a beautifully landscaped garden on one bank. It has boating facility. This lake is the only natural lake among all the hill station lakes in the South. A floating fountain is constructed by MALCO, at the center of the lake. The lake is surrounded by a “Deer Park” and “ leisure park” and “Tamil Nadu Hotel”. Boat services are available at reasonable rate [Rs. 75 /- for 2 seats and Rs. 95 /- for 4 seats ]. Self Pedaling [15 min] and Rowing boats [30 min] are available. You have to pay the same amount as caution deposit. The safety measures are followed strictly. The minimum time can be spent: 20 min.

The Natural shoal seen around the Petrol Bunk, Round Tana and adjoining the Anna Park are about the oldest shoals of natural species of trees that one can see around the Shevaroys. Another shoal of this type can be seen adjoining the Orchidarium. In the interests of conservation this last stronghold of original trees should be preserved and replenished for the future.

  • Anna Park :The park is situated next to the Lake. It is typical park used to host the “Flower Show” in the month of May. The “Japanese Park” inside Anna Park is a must see. Children can play around and elders can take rest. The entrance ticket will be Rs. 2/- for adult and Rs 10 /- for Camera. The minimum time can be spent: 30 min for laymen.
  • Lady's Seat, Gent's Seat and Children's Seat :This is a cluster of Rocks on the South West of the Yercaud hills over looking the ghat road and the town of Salem to the South. There is a natural rock formation in the form of a seat where reportedly a white English Lady of yester years spent her evenings viewing the magnificent panorama before ones eyes. There is a sheer drop of about 200 feet at this point into a private estate in the valley below. There is a man made viewing tower with Telescopes. One can see the magnesite deposits on the plains and on clear days a view of Mettur Dam. One should not miss the night view of the Salem town with millions of twinkling lights. On the right of Ladys Seat are Sterling Resorts, Gents Seat and Children's Seat. There is a mini park and it is a breath taking spot for a picnic. 2 km from town.
  • Botanical Survey of India : Well maintained Botanical Garden by the BSI contains a rich collection of plants. It is a treat for “Botany” Students. A “Bell Rock” in the BSI campus makes bell sound when you hit with stone. You have to climb to reach the rock. The entrance ticket will be Rs. 3/- for adult and Rs 10 /- for Camera. It remain closed on Sundays and National Holidays.
  • Horticulture Farm : It has “Rose Garden” and “Children Seat”. The Rose Garden is filled with various verities of Roses from Button Rose to Very Big Rose. A “Green Rose” plant is grown along with beautiful rose plants. Saplings of various plants are available at reasonable price. The entrance ticket will be Rs. 2/- for adult and Rs 10 /- for Camera.
  • Deer Park : Situated in the Lake. Suitable for Kids to playground. It will be closed by 5.00 p.m.
  • Silk Farm & Rose Garden :One can see the cultivation of Mulberries, the growing of silk worms and the method of spinning silk. The Rose Garden – one can see a good collection of colourful Roses and also purchase nursery plants from here 2 km from town.
  • Pagoda Point: This lies on the Eastern side of the Yercaud hills and is also known as Pyramid Point. The name comes from the hill tribes having made four piles of random stones in a Pagoda or Pyramid formation reportedly to mark some event. Today there is a Rama Temple which lies between these Pagodas. One can get a grand view of Attur and Ayothiapattinam from this picnic spot. 5 km from town.
Kiliyur waterfall
  • Monfort School:Monfort School was established in 1917 in Yercaud by the untiring effort of Bro.Denis. The school was named after the founder of the Order of St.Gabriel. St. Louis Marie Grignoin de Monfort. Its vast campus with attractive buildings, spacious play grounds, well planned and beautiful gardens, and a swimming pool which is the envy of all the schools in the South.
  • Retreat: The Retreat belongs to a Religious Society founded by St. Don Bosco (1815-1888). The Saint wanted his spiritual son, popularly known as Salesians of Don Bosco, to work for the poor land abandoned youth through schools, technical institutes, agricultural and trade schools. The Retreat serves as a Novitiate house where students of the religious order stay and study.
  • Orchidarium-Botanical Survey of India.:This is one of two orchidariums run by the Botanical survey of India. It has a large collection of native orchids. One can see the rare Ladies Slipper, an insect eating Orchid. A rare tree Shevaroys Bombax which was reported on one of the private estates has also been identified and multiplied in this farm. A treat for plant lovers. 5 km from town.
  • Sri Raja Rajeswari Temple : This is said to be the goddess of all gods in the Hindu Pantheon and by praying to her one can attain wealth and prosperity and be elevated to higher levels of spirituality.

This temple was founded by Tirukovilur Thapovanam Srila Sri Gnanananda Giri Swamigal's Parampara disciple HH Swami Poornananda Giri in the year 1983 (Swamiji attained samadhi in the year 1998) and now the temple is being looked after by his son V.Sri. In this temple the Goddess Sri Raja Rajeswari is seen surrounded by a plethora of Gods.

  • Shevarayan Temple: The Shevarayan is a flat-topped hill with a plateau. The view from the summit on all sides is magnificent, one looks down on a mass of mountains and hills far and near, with the plains spread out like a map between the Shevaroys and the nearest hills. The Yercaud town and Nagalur is well seen from this hill. The Shervarayan Temple is situated at the top of this hill. It is dedicated to Lord Shervaroyan. The temple itself is a narrow and dark cave and seated inside are god Shervarayan and goddess Kaveri representing the Shervaroyan Hills and the river Kaveri. The annual festival in the month of May is a colour event in which thousands of tribal people of the hill take part.
  • Bears Cave :This is a private property to which one does not have access except with permission. The old European Bungalow was once owned by Norton a famous Criminal lawyer of Chennai. Adjoining this bungalow is a cave which goes deep into the hill. After the first 60 feet or so one has to go down on all fours to proceed further in.
  • Kottachedu Teak Forest: The hills tribes who cultivated these lands are said to have abandoned this area after plague struck the area. These lands were than utilized by the Government for a Teak Wood plantation. Vaniar River passes through this Teak forest and leads to the Vaniar Dam. Bisons are frequently seen in the Teak Forest. 11 km from town.
  • Bears Hill :This hill is the one diagonally adjacent to Monfort on the South Eastern side of Yercaud. It also lies to the East of Sacred Heart Convent; one gets a panaromic view of the portion of Yercaud covered with Schools and Seminaries. 2 km from Yercaud Town.
  • Tipperary View Point: One can reach this southern most view point of Yercaud by taking the Tipperary Road. From there one can see the Elephant Tooth Rocks. Which are reportedly said to be the remanants of a meteorite which fell to earth. It is pure white rock compared to the Black Granite available on these hills. The Estate adjoining known as Tipperary Estate was once a posh hotel catering to the elite of British India from 1930 to 1940. The night view from this spot-with the lights of Salem in the distance is mesmerizing. 2 km from town.
  • White Elephant Tooth :One is located on the Southern Spur of the Shevaroys below the villages of Guntur and the other is located in the east overlooking the Ghat road, above the 60' bridge.

The larger one next to Guntur has two rocks about 120' high and consists of pure white quartz, which is in stark contrast to the greenery around and the black of the granite available around. Easy to climb up but hard to climb down as the material is soft and crumbles beneath your feet. 9 km from town, it is a days trek up and down. Alternatively one can trek down to the plains and catch a bus to return to Yercaud. The Smaller one which can be reached on the short cut to the 60' bridge from Tipperary Estate is said to have seen some Gold Mining Activity. It can be reached in about 2 hours time and from there another 1 hour to the ghat road, from which one could catch a bus to Yercaud or Salem.

How to reach Yercaud

Air :The nearest Airports - Trichy (163 km), Bangalore(230 km) and Coimbatore (190 km). Both are connected to Chennai (Madras). Trichy has an international airport.

Railway : The nearest railway station is Salem Junction (35 km)

Road: There are good roads connecting Yercaud to various places in South via. Salem. It is 358 km from Chennai (via. Tindivanam) 222 km from Bangalore (via. Hosur - Krishnagiri - Dharmapuri - Salem - Yercaud) 190 km from Coimbatore (via. Avinashi) 163 km from Trichy (via. Namakkal) 271 km from Madurai (via. Karur) 80 km from Mettur (via. Meacheri) 144 km from Hogenakkal (via. Dharmapuri) 176 km from Tiruvannamalai (via. Harur)

Bus Service : There are regular bus services between Yercaud and Salem, which is connected to Madras, Madurai, Tiruchirapalli, Tiruvannamalai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Pondicherry and Tirupati among other places.

Where to Stay

There are many good hotels available at Yercaud for nominal cost. You can also check at religious residences for simple and neat stay. [ belongs to Brothers, Sisters and Fathers of Christian Missionaries ]. Another option is that you can stay at Salem Town and reach Yercaud. But Night Stay at Yercaud is a pleasant experience.

Hotel Name Identification Contact Web
Rahm's House Own by Brothers of Holy Cross Mr. Balu, Ph: 91-4281-223372 http://www.salema2z.in/hotels.htm
Star Holidays Inc next to Lake Mr. Murli, Ph: 91-4281-223337, 223338, Mobile : 9443553618 http://www.starholidaysyercaud.com/
Hotel Grand Palace Grand Hotel of salem Ph: 91-4281-223481-86, Fax : 223489 http://www.grandpalaceyercaud.com
Hotel Shevaroys Near to Lake http://www.salema2z.in/hotels.htm
Hotel Tamil Nadu next to Lake http://salema2z.in/hotels.htm
Tilakam Nest Ph: 91-4281-223410 http://salema2z.in/hotels.htm
Classic Cottage Ph: 91-4281-223388, 223399 http://salema2z.in/hotels.htm
Hotel SKT Residency Ph: 91-4281-291633, 291634
Kongu Resort Ph: 91-4281-223178, 223278
Silver Holidays Ph: 91-4281-222656, 222541
Thendral Resort Clifton Gardens, Rahm's Road, Near Five Roads,Yercaud, Salem Dist, Tamil Nadu, S.India Ph: 91-4281-222800, Mobile: 94433 49204 http://thendralresorts.co.cc E-mail Id: [thendralresorts@gmail.com]
Hotel Yercaud International [1]
Sterling Resort near Lady's Seat
Grange Resort
Glass House (Retreat House & Guest House) Rahm's Road, Near Five Roads,Yercaud, Salem Dist, Tamil Nadu, S.India Ph: 91-4281-222262, 222401 E-mail Id: [houseofpeaceycd@yahoo.com]
Clifton Inn Rahm's Road, Near Five Roads Ph: 91-4281-222911, Mobile: +91 99524 21099
Glenrock Estate an eco friendly camp Mobile: 99761 80405 , Bookings from Bangalore : 09986026069 Rohit www.glenrock-estates.in
Hotel Sky Roca 20th Hairpin Bend, Salem-Yercaud Main Road, Ondikadai Post,

Yercaud - 636 602

Ph: 91 - 4281 - 223115-8, Mobile: 94421-01302, Fax: 04281 - 223120 www.hoteltheskyroca.com


  • Summer Festival: This is held during the middle of May. It has a 7-day exhibition of flower shows, dog shows, boating races and a fair.
