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Revision as of 16:54, 10 September 2006

Chicago Cubs
2024 Chicago Cubs season
File:Cubs 1200x1200.gif
Team logo
Major league affiliations
  • Chicago Cubs (1902–present)
Major league titles
World Series titles (2)1908 • 1907
NL Pennants (16)1945 • 1938 • 1935 • 1932
1929 • 1918 • 1910 • 1908
1907 • 1906 • 1886 • 1885
1882 • 1881 • 1880 • 1876
Central Division titles (1)2003
East Division titles (2)1984 • 1989
Wild card berths (1)1998

The Chicago Cubs are a Major League Baseball team that plays in the North Side Central Lakeview neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. The club is in the Central Division of the National League. They are owned by the Tribune Company and managed by Dusty Baker.

The Cubs are one of two major league teams based in Chicago. The other team based in Chicago is the Chicago White Sox of the American League. Both clubs are charter members of their respective leagues.

Franchise history

White Stockings

The success and fame of the Cincinnati Red Stockings of 1869, baseball's first openly professional team, led to a minor explosion of openly professional teams in 1870, each with the singular goal of defeating the Red Stockings. A number of them adopted variants on that name and color, and it happens that Chicago adopted white as their primary color. After a summer of individually arranged contests among the various teams, the time was right for the organization of the first professional league, the National Association, in 1871.

The Chicago White Stockings were close contenders all summer, but disaster struck in October 1871 with the Great Chicago Fire, which destroyed the club's ballpark, uniforms, and other possessions. The club completed its schedule with borrowed uniforms, finishing second in the National Association. just 2 games behind, but was compelled to drop out of the league during the city's recovery period, finally being revived in 1874.

After the 1875 season, Chicago acquired several key players, including pitcher Albert Spalding of the Boston Red Stockings, and first baseman Adrian "Cap" Anson of the Philadelphia Athletics. While this was going on, behind the scenes the club President, William Hulbert, was leading the formation of a new and stronger organization, the National League.

With a beefed-up squad, the White Stockings cruised through the National League's inaugural season of 1876. The Chicagoans went on to have some great seasons in the 1880s, starting with 1880 when they won 67 and lost 17, for an all-time record .798 winning percentage. Extrapolating an 84-game season onto a 162-game season is a dubious proposition, but it does provide some perspective to note that a similar winning percentage nowadays would yield 129 wins.

By then, Spalding had retired to start his sporting goods company. The length of the season was such that a team could get by with two main starters, and the team had a couple of powerhouse pitchers in Larry Corcoran and Fred Goldsmith. Those two were fading by mid-decade, and were replaced by other strong pitchers, notably John Clarkson. Much has been written about Old Hoss Radbourn's 60 victories for the Providence Grays of 1884, but Clarkson also had a fair year in 1885, winning 53 games as Chicago won the pennant.

A second major league called the American Association came along in 1882, and Chicago met the American Association's champions three times in that era's version of the World Series. Twice they faced the St. Louis Browns in lively and controversial Series action. That St. Louis franchise, which went on to join the National League in 1892 after the American Association folded, would later be renamed the St. Louis Cardinals and continues to be a perennial rival of the Cubs.

Throughout all of this, and for the better part of twenty seasons, the team was captained and managed by first baseman Cap Anson. Anson was one of the most famous and arguably the best player in baseball in his day. He was the first ballplayer to reach 3,000 hits. However, the Hall of Famer is chiefly remembered today for his racist views (which he stated in print, in his autobiography, lest there be any doubt) and thus his prominent role in establishing baseball's color line, rather than for his great playing and managing skills.

After Chicago's great run during the 1880s, the on-field fortunes of Anson's team (by then often called "Anson's Colts" or just "Colts") dwindled during the 1890s, awaiting revival under new leadership.

The Cubs are the only team to play continuously in the same city since the formation of the National League in 1876. The other surviving charter member of the National League, the Braves, has played in three cities: Boston, Milwaukee and Atlanta.

"Tinker to Evers to Chance"

Joe Tinker (shortstop), Johnny Evers (second baseman) and Frank Chance (first baseman) were three legendary Cubs infielders, who played together from 1903-1910, and sporadically over the following two years. They, along with third baseman Harry Steinfeldt, formed the nucleus of one of the most dominant baseball teams of all time. After Chance took over as manager for the ailing Frank Selee in 1905, the Cubs won four pennants and two World Series titles over a five-year span. Their record of 116 victories in 1906 (in a 154-game season) has not been broken, though it was tied by the Seattle Mariners in 2001, in a 162-game season. As with 1880, extrapolating is statistically questionable, but the Cubs' 116-36 percentage of 1906 equates to 123 wins in 162 games. Curiously, both of those teams were so far in front that they seemingly lost their edge, and fell in the post-season.

The Cubs again relied on dominant pitching during this period, featuring hurlers such as Mordecai "Three-Finger" Brown, Jack Taylor, Ed Reulbach, Jack Pfiester and Orval Overall, who posted a record for lowest staff earned run average that still stands today. Reulbach threw a one-hitter in the 1906 World Series, one of a small handful of twirlers to pitch low-hit games in the post-season (another was Claude Passeau of the Cubs' 1945 squad). Brown acquired his unique and indelicate nickname from having lost most of his index finger in farm machinery when he was a youngster. This gave him the ability to put a natural extra spin on his pitches, which often frustrated opposing batters.

However, the infield also attained fame, after turning a critical double play against the New York Giants in a July 1910 game. The trio was immortalized in Franklin P. Adams' poem Baseball's Sad Lexicon, which first appeared in the July 18, 1910, edition of the New York Evening Mail:

These are the saddest of possible words:
"Tinker to Evers to Chance."
Trio of bear cubs, and fleeter than birds,
Tinker and Evers and Chance.
Ruthlessly pricking our gonfalon bubble,
Making a Giant hit into a double--
Words that are heavy with nothing but trouble:
"Tinker to Evers to Chance."

The fourth line is sometimes misquoted as also reading "Tinker to Evers to Chance". Also, in the still-in-modern-usage expression "Tinker to Evers to Chance", meaning a well-oiled routine or a "sure thing", people tend to pronounce it "EH-verz", when the proper pronunciation was "EE-verz".

Tinker and Evers reportedly could not stand each other, and rarely spoke off the field. Evers, a high-strung, argumentative man, suffered a nervous breakdown in 1911 and rarely played that year. Chance suffered a near-fatal beaning the same year. The trio played together little after that. In 1913, Chance went to manage the New York Yankees and Tinker went to Cincinnati to manage the Reds, and that was the end of one of the most notable infields in baseball. They were inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame together in 1946. Tinker and Evers reportedly became amicable in their old age, with the baseball wars far behind them.

Every three years

The Cubs fell into a lengthy doldrum after their early 1900s Glory Years, broken only by their pennant in the war-shortened season of 1918. Around that time, chewing-gum tycoon William Wrigley obtained majority ownership of the Cubs, and things started to turn around, especially after they acquired the services of astute baseball man William Veeck, Sr..

With Wrigley's money and Veeck's savvy, the Cubs were soon back in business in the National League, the front office having built a team that would be strong contenders for the next decade. During that stretch, they achieved the unusual accomplishment of winning a pennant every three years - 1929, 1932, 1935 and 1938 - sometimes in thrilling fashion, such as 1935 when they won a record 21 games in a row in September, and 1938 when they won a crucial late-season game with a game ending home run by Gabby Hartnett, known in baseball lore as the "Homer in the Gloamin'".

Unfortunately, their success did not extend to the post-season, as they fell to their American League rivals each time, often in humiliating fashion. Since their last World Series win in 1908, the Cubs had now appeared in six World Series, and had lost all of them. By the late 1930s, the double-Bills (Wrigley and Veeck), were both dead. As the decade wound down, the front office under P.K. Wrigley was unable to rekindle the kind of success that P.K.'s father had created, and the Cubs slipped into mediocrity. The Cubs enjoyed one more pennant, at the close of another World War. Due to the wartime travel restrictions, the first three games were played in Detroit, where the Cubs won two of them, and the last four were to be played at Wrigley. In game 4 of 1945 World Series, the Curse of the Billy Goat was laid upon the Cubs when Mr. Wrigley ejected Mr. Sianis, who had come to game 4 with two tickets, one for him and one for his goat. Upon his ejection, Mr.Sianis uttered, "the Cubs, they ain't gonna win no more." The Cubs lost game 4, lost the 1945 World Series, and have not been back since then, at least through the 2005 season.

Championship dry spell

The Cubs have the longest dry spell between championships in all of the four major U.S. sports leagues (MLB, NFL, NHL, NBA), having failed to win a World Series since 1908. The good news is that the teams that had next two longest dry spells, the Boston Red Sox (1918-2004) and the Chicago White Sox (1917-2005) have won the past two World Series. However, the Cubs have not been to the World Series since 1945, and they finished in the second division, or bottom half, of the National League for 20 consecutive years beginning in 1947.

The long history of the Cubs is a trichotomy. For their first 80 years, prior to and including 1945, the Cubs were generally assumed to be contenders, playing well and winning the occasional pennant. For the next 38 years, the Cubs were the driest team in baseball, never making the playoffs once. Since 1984, the "baseball gods" have granted the Cubs just an occasional glimmer of hope.

Even a few years into the post-World War II era, astute observers of the game began to suspect that something had gone wrong with the Cubs franchise, and that it might take them a long time to recover. In his 1950 book The World Series and Highlights of Baseball, LaMont Buchanan wrote the following prose next to photos of Wrigley (apparently taken during the 1945 World Series) and of their newly-hired manager: "From the sublime to last place! Wrigley Field, the ivy of its walls still whispering of past greatness, watches its Cubs grow less ferocious in '47, '48, '49. New doctor of the cure is smiling Frank Frisch, veteran of previous baseball transfusions who thinks, 'It's nice to have the fans with you.' Chicago has a great baseball tradition. The fans remember glorious yesterdays as they wait for brighter tomorrows. And eventually their Cubs will bite again." Little did anyone realize how long "eventually" might turn out to be.

What may be the least known, but possibly the most telling, statistic of futility for the Cubs, though, is that their first back-to-back winning seasons since 1973 came in 2003 and 2004. Nonetheless, they remain one of the best-loved and best-attended teams in the league, with attendance figures consistently in the top 10, despite the 3rd smallest stadium in Major League Baseball.

As with the Boston Red Sox (prior to their astonishing 2004 post-season triumph), the Cubs of recent generations have seemed to be a team that "bad things happen to". Although there is a tendency to compare the Cubs and the Red Sox, there is a stark difference. Since World War II, the Red Sox have been frequent contenders and frequent visitors to the post-season, including five trips to the World Series. They have had more of a reputation as "chokers" than as "losers", the tag that the Cubs bear.

Despite their image as "Lovable Losers" during the post-WWII era, the club's longevity combined with their earlier successes add up to a major league record 9,756 victories (for a franchise in a single city) through the 2004 season. In other years the Cubs have shown they canwin, or at least contend, when their pitching is superior. Outstanding pitching has been a major factor in every one of their winning seasons since WWII. But although there is no substitute for front-office savvy and on-the-field excellence, the venerable ballpark itself has to be considered a factor in the team's failures to go farther than they have. When the bleachers were extended into left field in 1937, it shortened the true power alley from a posted distance of 372 feet to about 350 feet, which is too short for major league standards, especially for a left field. Most batters are right-handed, so their natural power alley is left-center. Thus most asymmetric ballparks have their short field in right. Not so with Wrigley. This allows more left-center field home runs than the average ballpark would. Ferguson Jenkins, upon being traded to the Texas Rangers after a successful though home-run prone career with the Cubs, bitterly complained that "Wrigley Field is a bad ballpark!"

Recent heartbreak

While the Cubs haven't won a World Series championship since 1908, the past 40 years have seen some good seasons come to agonizing conclusions.

In 1969, the Cubs had a substantial lead in August, led by Hall Of Famers Ernie Banks, Ferguson Jenkins and Billy Williams. At mid-month they led by 8½ games over the Cardinals and 9½ games over the Mets, but they wilted under pressure, lost key games against those surprising New York Mets, and floundered a shot at the postseason by 8 games (92-70). Many superstitious fans attribute this collapse to an incident at Shea Stadium when a fan released a black cat onto the field, thereby cursing the club. Others have stated that all the day games that the Cubs had to play contributed them to their collapse. Chicago's summers are quite humid (85-90 degrees Fahrenheit on average), and playing in this heat day after day might have taken its toll (although the average temperature that summer was 71.8 degrees, about the mean[1]). Truth be told, the Cubs only played two games against the Mets from mid-August through the last series, by which time the Mets had already clinched. From August 14 through the end of the season, the Mets went 39-11 (23-7 in September alone)[2], while the Cubs went 18-27 (8-17 in September)[3].

In 1984, the NL East division champ was scheduled to host three of the five games in the National League Championship Series (this was the last year of the five-game NLCS). But MLB ruled that, due to contractual obligations to network television, that if the Cubs wanted to play three games in Chicago, that the games would have to be played at a lighted field—which presumably would have meant Comiskey Park, home of the crosstown rival White Sox. The Cubs chose to play only two games at home, rather than give up the first post-season games at Wrigley Field since 1945. The Cubs won those first two games at Wrigley Field against the San Diego Padres, and needed to win only one game of the next three in San Diego to make it into the World Series. After being soundly beaten in game 3, the Cubs lost a heartbreaker when closer Lee Smith allowed a game-winning home run to Steve Garvey in the bottom of the 9th inning of Game 4. Game 5 was just as bad - the Cubs took a 3-0 lead to the 7th inning with 1984 Cy Young Award winner Rick Sutcliffe on the mound. But Sutcliffe tired, and a critical error by Leon Durham helped the San Diego Padres win the game and head to the World Series.

In 1989, the Cubs were in the NLCS with the San Francisco Giants. After splitting the first two games at Wrigley Field, the Cubs headed to the Bay Area. Despite holding the lead at some point in each of the next three games, bullpen and managerial blunders ultimately led to three straight losses and the team's exit from the postseason.

In 1998, the Cubs made it into the playoffs as a wild card team on the strength of a 60+ HR season from Sammy Sosa and Kerry Wood's Rookie of the Year pitching performance. Their playoff opponent was the Atlanta Braves. But the Cubs could do nothing with the Braves, scoring only four runs as they were swept in 3 straight games.

The Cubs won their first division title in 14 years in 2003, and their NLDS victory over the Atlanta Braves was the team's first postseason series win since 1908. The Cubs then took a 3 games to 1 lead over the Florida Marlins, and it appeared they would reach the World Series for the first time in 58 seasons.

Derrek Lee, Aramis Ramirez and Moises Alou celebrate a Lee home run

However, Marlins pitcher Josh Beckett shut out the Cubs in Game 5. Game 6 saw the Cubs take a 3-0 lead to the 8th inning, when the now-infamous incident in which a fan attempted to catch a ball in foul territory rattled the team and opened the door to 8 Florida runs and a Marlin victory. The Cubs were unable to win Game 7, despite sending Kerry Wood to the mound, and once again were left on the outside of the World Series looking in.

(To historians of the game, the incident in game 6 of the 2003 NLCS echoed another Cubs disaster, Game 4 of the 1929 World Series, in which the Cubs yielded 10 runs to the Philadelphia Athletics in the seventh inning. A key play in that inning was center fielder Hack Wilson losing a fly ball in the sun, resulting in a 3-run inside-the-park home run.)

A return to futility and disappointment

In 2004, misfortune struck the Cubs again. Having the Wild Card lead by a game and a half on September 24, the Cubs proceeded to drop 7 of their last 9 games, mostly to teams with sub .500 records, and relinquished the Wild Card to the then red-hot Houston Astros. This time, the fallout was decidedly unlovable, as the Cubs traded superstar Sammy Sosa in the off-season, after he had left the final game early and then attempted to lie about it publicly. Sosa, already a controversial figure in the clubhouse, alienated much of his fan base (and the few team members who still were on good terms with him) with this incident, leaving his place in Cubs' lore possibly tarnished for years to come. The disappointing season also led to the departure of popular commentator Steve Stone, who became increasingly critical of management toward season's end.

Inconsistency struck the Cubs for their 2005 season, as the team finished in fourth place in the NL Central and, at 79-83, under .500 for the first time since 2002. Injuries to pitchers Mark Prior and Kerry Wood, as well as to starting shortstop Nomar Garciaparra, robbed the team of players expected before the season started to make major contributions. Despite the mediocre overall team performance, the team witnessed a career year from first baseman Derrek Lee (.335 batting average, 46 home runs, 107 RBIs) and the rise of closer Ryan Dempster (33 saves in 35 save opportunities).

After posting a below-.500 record for the first time since 2002, the Cubs retooled for the 2006 campaign. During the 2005 offseason, the Cubs revamped their outfield, acquiring speedy centerfielder Juan Pierre from the Florida Marlins for three young pitchers (including Sergio Mitre and Ricky Nolasco). The Cubs also signed free agent outfielder Jacque Jones to a 3-year deal to fill a hole in right field. Veterans Bob Howry and Scott Eyre were both brought in to short up the bullpen - each received a 3-year contract. Former blue-chip prospect Corey Patterson, who despite short flashes of brilliance never showed the ability to play well consistently at the big league level, was traded to the Baltimore Orioles for two minor leaguers. The Cubs also saw shortstop Nomar Garciaparra depart via free agency to the Los Angeles Dodgers. Starting pitcher Wade Miller, formerly of the Red Sox and Astros, was also signed, getting a 1 year, $1 million contract, and as of the end of August, had yet to throw a single pitch for the big league team.

The Cubs came out of the gate hot in 2006, but an injury to All-Star first baseman Derrek Lee sent the team into a tailspin of historic proportions. In early May, the team set a franchise record for offensive futility by scoring only 13 runs in 11 games. On two separate occasions within a month, the Cubs tied a team record by allowing 8 home runs in a single game. On July 16, the Cubs had a 5-2 lead over the National League record leading New York Mets before giving up an 11 run rally to them in the sixth inning, 8 of which were scored because of two grand slams by Cliff Floyd and Carlos Beltran, the first time the Cubs have ever given up two grand slams in a single inning. The 11 runs were the largest amount of runs ever scored in a single inning by a Mets team.

See also: Curse of the Billy Goat, Steve Bartman, Grant DePorter, Major League Baseball franchise post-season droughts, Lee Elia tirade

Refuse To Realign

After the 1992 season, then-commissioner Fay Vincent thought the addition of the Florida Marlins and Colorado Rockies was the perfect time to realign the National League with a more geographic logic. The Atlanta Braves and Cincinnati Reds were to move to the Eastern Division while the Cubs and Cardinals were to go to the West. Many thought of this plan as brilliant, especially building a rivalry between Florida and Atlanta. But everything went sour when the Cubs opposed. They complained that Eastern viewers of their WGN superstation would be forced to watch games at later starting times. But what they did not know was that they would play more games against teams outside their division. As a result, a three-division structure was born in 1994.

Season records

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  • Chicago White Stockings (NL)
  • 1876 52-14 .488 1st in NL
  • 1877 26-33 .441 5th in NL
  • 1878 30-30 .500 4th in NL
  • 1879 46-33 .582 4th in NL
  • 1880 67-17 .798 1st in NL
  • 1881 56-28 .667 1st in NL
  • 1882 55-29 .655 1st in NL
  • 1883 59-39 .602 2nd in NL
  • 1884 62-50 .554 4th in NL
  • 1885 87-25 .777 1st in NL
  • 1886 90-34 .726 1st in NL
  • 1887 71-50 .587 3rd in NL
  • 1888 77-58 .570 2nd in NL
  • 1889 67-65 .508 3rd in NL
  • Chicago Colts
  • 1890 84-53 .613 2nd in NL
  • 1891 82-53 .607 2nd in NL
  • 1892 70-76 .479 7th in NL
  • 1893 56-71 .441 9th in NL
  • 1894 57-75 .432 8th in NL
  • 1895 72-58 .554 4th in NL
  • 1896 71-57 .555 5th in NL
  • 1897 59-73 .447 9th in NL
  • Chicago Orphans
  • 1898 85-65 .567 4th in NL
  • 1899 75-73 .507 8th in NL
  • 1900 65-75 .464 4th in NL
  • 1901 53-86 .381 6th in NL
  • Chicago Cubs
  • 1902 68-69 .496 5th in NL
  • 1903 82-56 .594 3th in NL
  • 1904 93-60 .608 2nd in NL
  • 1905 92-61 .601 3rd in NL
  • 1906 116-36 .763 1st in NL Lost World Series to Chicago White Sox, 2-4.
  • 1907 107-45 .704 1st in NL Won World Series vs Detroit Tigers, 4-0.
  • 1908 99-55 .643 1st in NL Won World Series vs Detroit Tigers, 4-1.
  • 1909 104-49 .680 2nd in NL
  • 1910 104-50 .675 1st in NL Lost World Series to Philadelphia Athletics, 1-4.
  • 1911 92-62 .597 2nd in NL
  • 1912 91-59 .607 3rd in NL
  • 1913 88-65 .575 3rd in NL
  • 1914 78-76 .506 4th in NL
  • 1915 73-80 .477 4th in NL
  • 1916 67-86 .438 5th in NL
  • 1917 74-80 .481 5th in NL
  • 1918 84-45 .651 1st in NL Lost World Series to Boston Red Sox, 2-4.
  • 1919 75-65 .536 3rd in NL
  • 1920 75-79 .487 5th in NL
  • 1921 64-89 .418 7th in NL
  • 1922 80-74 .519 5th in NL
  • 1923 83-71 .539 4th in NL
  • 1924 81-72 .529 5th in NL
  • 1925 68-86 .442 8th in NL
  • 1926 82-72 .532 4th in NL
  • 1927 85-68 .556 4th in NL
  • 1928 91-63 .591 3rd in NL
  • 1929 98-54 .645 1st in NL Lost World Series to Philadelphia Athletics, 1-4.
  • 1930 90-64 .584 2nd in NL
  • 1931 84-70 .545 3rd in NL
  • 1932 90-64 .584 1st in NL Lost World Series to New York Yankees, 0-4.
  • 1933 86-68 .558 3rd in NL
  • 1934 86-65 .570 3rd in NL
  • 1935 100-54 .649 1st in NL Lost World Series to Detroit Tigers, 2-4.
  • 1936 87-67 .565 2nd in NL
  • 1937 93-61 .604 2nd in NL
  • 1938 89-63 .586 1st in NL Lost World Series to New York Yankees, 0-4.
  • 1939 84-70 .545 4th in NL
  • 1940 75-79 .487 5th in NL
  • 1941 70-84 .455 6th in NL
  • 1942 68-86 .442 6th in NL
  • 1943 74-79 .484 5th in NL
  • 1944 75-79 .487 4th in NL
  • 1945 98-56 .636 1st in NL Lost World Series to Detroit Tigers, 3-4.
  • 1946 82-71 .529 3rd in NL
  • 1947 69-85 .448 6th in NL
  • 1948 64-90 .416 8th in NL
  • 1949 61-93 .396 8th in NL
  • 1950 64-89 .418 7th in NL
  • 1951 62-92 .403 8th in NL
  • 1952 77-77 .500 5th in NL
  • 1953 65-89 .422 7th in NL
  • 1954 64-90 .416 7th in NL
  • 1955 72-81 .471 6th in NL
  • 1956 60-94 .390 8th in NL
  • 1957 62-92 .403 7th in NL
  • 1958 72-82 .468 5th in NL
  • 1959 74-80 .481 5th in NL
  • 1960 60-94 .390 7th in NL
  • 1961 64-90 .416 7th in NL
  • 1962 59-103 .364 9th in NL
  • 1963 82-80 .506 7th in NL
  • 1964 76-86 .469 8th in NL
  • 1965 72-90 .444 8th in NL
  • 1966 59-103 .364 10th in NL
  • 1967 84-74 .540 3rd in NL
  • 1968 84-78 .519 3rd in NL
  • 1969 92-70 .568 2nd in NL East
  • 1970 84-78 .519 2nd in NL East
  • 1971 83-79 .512 3rd in NL East
  • 1972 85-70 .548 2nd in NL East
  • 1973 77-94 .478 5th in NL East
  • 1974 66-96 .407 6th in NL East
  • 1975 75-87 .463 5th in NL East
  • 1976 75-87 .463 4th in NL East
  • 1977 81-81 .500 4th in NL East
  • 1978 79-83 .488 3rd in NL East
  • 1979 80-82 .494 5th in NL East
  • 1980 64-98 .395 6th in NL East
  • 1981 38-65 .369 6th in NL East
  • 1982 73-89 .451 5th in NL East
  • 1983 71-91 .438 5th in NL East
  • 1984 95-65 .596 1st in NL East Lost NLCS to San Diego Padres, 2-3.
  • 1985 77-84 .478 4th in NL East
  • 1986 70-90 .438 5th in NL East
  • 1987 76-85 .472 6th in NL East
  • 1988 77-86 .475 4th in NL East
  • 1989 93-69 .574 1st in NL East Lost NLCS to San Francisco Giants, 1-4.
  • 1990 77-85 .475 4th in NL East
  • 1991 77-83 .481 3rd in NL East
  • 1992 78-84 .481 4th in NL East
  • 1993 84-78 .519 4th in NL East
  • 1994 49-64 .434 5th in NL Central No Postseason due to Player's Strike.
  • 1995 73-71 .507 3rd in NL Central
  • 1996 76-86 .469 4th in NL Central
  • 1997 68-94 .420 5th in NL Central
  • 1998 90-73 .552 2nd in NL Central Lost NLDS to Atlanta Braves, 0-3.
  • 1999 67-95 .414 6th in NL Central
  • 2000 65-97 .401 6th in NL Central
  • 2001 88-74 .543 3rd in NL Central
  • 2002 67-95 .414 5th in NL Central
  • 2003 88-74 .543 1st in NL Central Won NLDS vs Atlanta Braves, 3-2. Lost NLCS to Florida Marlins, 3-4.
  • 2004 89-73 .549 3rd in NL Central
  • 2005 79-83 .488 4th in NL Central
  • Totals 9801-9302 .513 (Not Including 2006)
  • Playoffs 28-49 .364 (3-12, .200 in Postseason Series')
  • 2 World Series Championships (#=Won Wild Card)

Quick facts

Founded: 1870, as an independent professional club. Joined the National Association in 1871. Became a charter National League member in 1876.
Formerly known as: White Stockings, in the 1870s. Colts, in the late 1890s. Orphans, 1898, after the firing of longtime manager Cap "Pop" Anson. Remnants, in 1901, after a number of players deserted the team for the American League. The nickname Cubs was coined in 1902 when manager Frank Selee arrived and rebuilt the club with young, inexperienced players. The Chicago Tribune tried to call the team the Spuds around this time, but that name did not stick.
Home ballparks:
Wrigley Field, 1060 W. Addison Street, Chicago, IL 60613-4397 (1916-present).
West Side Park II (1893-1915)
South Side Park II (1891-1893) (used part-concurrently with the two West Sides)
West Side Park I (1885-1891)
Lake Front Park (1878-1884)
23rd Street Grounds (1874-1877) (first as part of the National Association, later as National League)
No home 1872-1873 (club dormant for two years after Great Chicago Fire)
Union Base-Ball Grounds (1871) (as part of the National Association)
Dexter Park (1870) (as an independent professional club - also two games at Ogden Park)
Uniform colors: Blue, Red, and White (Starting in 2005, the last names were removed once again from their home uniforms but will return at the start of the 2007 season)
Logo design: A red "C" circumscribed by a blue circle. Sometimes a smaller "ubs" will follow the large "C", or the team will make use of a cartoon bear cub.
Team Nickname(s): The Cubbies (some fans find this nickname-of-a-nickname demeaning)
The Curse of the Billy Goat: William "Billy Goat" Sianis, a Greek immigrant and owner of the Billy Goat Tavern, allegedly placed a curse on the team to never win another pennant or return to the World Series. Sianis placed the curse over the Cubs after Mr. Wrigley ordered ushers to eject Sianis and his famous goat.

See also: Cubs-White Sox Rivalry, I-55 Series (Cubs v. Cardinals), Brewers-Cubs Series

Rivals: Chicago White Sox, St. Louis Cardinals, Milwaukee Brewers
Local Televison:CSN Chicago, WGN-TV, WCIU, CLTV
Broadcasters: Pat Hughes and Ron Santo on radio, Len Kasper and Bob Brenly on TV
Spring Training Facility: HoHoKam Park, Mesa, AZ

No-hitters throughout team history

  • Larry Corcoran - 8/19/1880
  • Larry Corcoran - 9/20/1882
  • Larry Corcoran - 6/27/1884
  • John Clarkson - 7/27/1885
  • George Van Haltren - 6/21/1888
  • Walter Thornton - 8/21/1898
  • Bob Wicker - 6/11/1904
  • King Cole - 7/31/1910
  • Jimmy Lavender - 8/31/1915
  • Hippo Vaughn - 5/2/1917
  • Don Cardwell - 5/15/1960
  • Ken Holtzman - 8/19/1969
  • Ken Holtzman - 6/3/1971
  • Burt Hooton - 4/16/1972
  • Milt Pappas - 9/2/1972. Note: Milt Pappas had thrown 8 & 2/3 innings of perfect baseball and had a full count on the last batter of the game. The 3-2 pitch was called a ball by the home plate umpire, Bruce Froemming, hence the perfect game was gone. The next batter made an out so the no-hitter was intact but many people to this day, especially Cubs fans, feel Froemming made a bad call and "stole" a perfect game out of the records books.

Cy Young Award winners


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Many songs have been written about the Cubs or are otherwise associated with the team. Here are a few:

  • "It's a Beautiful Day for a Ball Game" - a 1950s tune by the Harry Simeone Songsters, it was the WGN radio intro music during the Quinlan-Lloyd-Boudreau years. The song was included on one of the "Baseball's Greatest Hits" CD collections.
  • "The Cubs Song (Hey Hey, Holy Mackerel)" - produced in 1969 by a Chicago studio group (the Len Dresslar Singers), and later covered by several members of the team. Its title refers to the home run calls of the team's TV and radio play-by-play men, Jack Brickhouse and Vince Lloyd respectively. It became kind of infamous among fans, as a reminder of a year that ended badly for the team. However, it was played over the public address with no sense of irony, during the ceremony retiring Ron Santo's number 10 on the last day of the 2003 regular season.
  • "A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request" - a lengthy and funny (and prophetic) song recorded "live" by die-hard Cubs fan and folk musician Steve Goodman in the early 1980s.
  • "The Land of Wrigley" - by a local group called Stormy Weather, inspired by the old standard "Let the Good Times Roll".
  • "Go Cubs Go" - a rah-rah tune by Steve Goodman that became the theme for the WGN radio coverage of the team during its division-winning season of 1984. Goodman died of leukemia just days before the Cubs clinched their first title in 39 years.
  • "Here's to You, Men in Blue" - a bluegrass/country number recorded by a group of team members in 1984.
  • "Here Come the Cubs" - a rah-rah tune done specially for the Cubs by The Beach Boys, to the tune of "Barbara Ann", used extensively on WGN radio during the team's division-winning season of 1989.
  • "Jump" by Van Halen - This 1984 song (from the group's album titled 1984) was played immediately before every Cubs home game from 1984 through 2005 when the Cubs defense would take the field for the top of the 1st inning. It was also used as an opening-credits theme for WGN-TV broadcasts during the 1984 season. The energetic number has also been among various rock songs played over the public address in recent years.
  • "Get Down Tonight" by K.C. and the Sunshine Band is a Disco-era number that is sometimes played when the crowd is in a frenzy after a sudden-victory finish at Wrigley.

Baseball Hall of Famers

Elected at least in part based on performance with Cubs


Other Hall-of-Famers associated with Cubs

Retired numbers

Current roster

Chicago Cubs roster

Minor league affiliations

See also

External links

Further reading

  • Wright, Marshall (2000). The National Association of Base Ball Players, 1857-1870. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. ISBN 0-7864-0779-4

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