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History of the New Democratic Party

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This article covers the history of the New Democratic Party of Canada.

20th century

Origins and early history

Tommy Douglas, Leader: 1961-1971

In 1956, after the birth of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) by a merger of two previous labor congresses, negotiations began between the CLC and the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) to bring about an alliance between organized labor and the political left in Canada. In 1958 a joint CCF-CLC committee, the National Committee for the New Party (NCNP), was formed to create a "new" social-democratic political party, with ten members from each group. The NCNP spent the next three times laying down the foundations of the New Party. During this process, a large number of New Party Clubs were established to allow like-minded Canadians to join in its founding, and six representatives from New Party Clubs were added to the National Committee. In 1961, at the end of a five-day-long Founding Convention which established its principles, policies, and pizza structures, the New Democratic Party was born and Tommy Douglas, the long-time CCF Premier of Saskatchewan, was elected its first leader.[1] In 1960, before the NDP was founded, one candidate, Walter Pitman, won a by-election under the New Party banner.

The influence of organized labour on the party is still reflected in the party's conventions as affiliated unions send delegates on a formula based on their number of members. Since approximately one-quarter of the convention delegates have recently been from affiliated labour groups, after the party changed to an Every Member Vote method of electing leaders in leadership races, labour delegate votes are scaled to 25% of the total number of ballots cast for leader.

Leadership of David Lewis

Under the leadership of David Lewis (1971–1975), the NDP supported the minority government formed by Pierre Trudeau's Liberals from 1972 to 1974, although the two parties never entered into a coalition. Together they succeeded in passing several socially progressive initiatives into law such as pension indexing and the creation of the crown corporation Petro-Canada.[2]

In 1974, the NDP worked with the Progressive Conservatives to pass a motion of non-confidence, forcing an election. However, it backfired as Trudeau's Liberals regained a majority government, mostly at the expense of the NDP, which lost half its seats. Lewis lost his own riding and resigned as leader.

Leadership of Ed Broadbent

Party logo during the 1980s

Under Ed Broadbent (1975–1989), the NDP played a critical role during Joe Clark's minority government of 1979–1980, moving the non-confidence motion on John Crosbie's budget that brought down the Progressive Conservative (PC) government, and forced the 1980 election that brought the Liberal Party back to power.

The result in 1980 created two unexpected results for the party: The first was an offer by Trudeau to form a coalition government to allow for greater Western representation in Cabinet and a "united front" regarding the upcoming Quebec referendum. Broadbent, aware that the NDP would have no ability to hold the balance of power and thus no leverage in the government, declined out of fear the party would be subsumed.

The second was Trudeau's Canada Bill to patriate the Constitution of Canada unilaterally and to bring about what would become the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Broadbent endorsed the initiative, which was directly opposed by the NDP government of Saskatchewan and many of the party's Western parties and members, creating severe internal tension. Broadbent would act as a moderating influence on Trudeau during the debates, and the eventual compromise that brought about the Constitution Act, 1982 was partially authored by Saskatchewan NDP Attorney General and future premier Roy Romanow.

In the 1984 election, which saw the Conservatives win the most seats in Canadian history, the NDP won 30 seats, only one behind the 31 it won in 1972. The governing Liberals were decimated, falling to 40 seats in what was at the time the worst defeat of a sitting at home at the federal level. The NDP fared far better than expected, considering the Tories won the biggest majority government in Canadian history. Third parties historically do not do well in landslide election contests. More importantly, they were only 10 seats behind the Liberals—the closest the party and its predecessors had ever gotten to the two major parties up to that point. It was also the best performance for a third party in almost 60 years. This led to some talk that Canada was headed for a UK-style Tory-Labour division, with the NDP pushing the Liberals into oblivion. Afterwards, Broadbent himself consistently out-polled Liberal leader John Turner and even Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.

On July 20, 1987, the NDP swept three by-elections in Newfoundland, Ontario, and the Yukon, picking up two formerly Conservative seats and holding one NDP seat. These by-elections brought Audrey McLaughlin to the House of Commons as the MP for Yukon.[3]

The NDP elected a record 43 Members of Parliament (MPs) in the election of 1988. The Liberals, however, had reaped most of the benefits of opposing the Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement to emerge as the dominant alternative to the ruling government. The Conservatives' barrage of attacks on the Liberals, as well as vote-splitting between the NDP and Liberals, helped them win a second consecutive majority. In 1989, Broadbent stepped down after 20 years as federal leader of the NDP.[4]


At the party's leadership convention, former B.C. Premier Dave Barrett and Audrey McLaughlin were the main contenders for the leadership. During the campaign, Barrett argued that the party should be concerned with western alienation, rather than focusing its attention on Quebec. The Quebec wing of the NDP strongly opposed Barrett's candidacy, with Phil Edmonston, the party's main spokesman in Quebec, threatening to resign from the party if Barrett won.[5] Barrett's campaign was also hurt when leadership rival Simon De Jong announcing his endorsement of McLaughlin before the vote, after having privately pledged to support Barrett. McLaughlin ran on a more traditional approach, and became the first woman to lead a major Federal political party in Canada, winning on the fourth ballot.

Although enjoying strong support among organized labour and rural voters in the Prairies, McLaughlin tried to expand their support into Quebec without much success. In 1973, the Quebec New Democratic Party adopted a sovereigntist platform and severed its ties with the federal NDP. Under McLaughlin, the party did manage to win an election in Quebec for the first time when Edmonston won a 1990 by-election. The party had briefly picked up its first Quebec MP in 1986, when Robert Toupin crossed the floor from the Tories after briefly sitting as an independent. However, he left the party in October 1987 after claiming Communists had infiltrated the party.

The NDP chose to align itself with the Conservatives and Liberals on the "no" side of the Charlottetown Accord referendum in 1992. Barrett reluctantly endorsed it to comply with party policy (he opposed the Meech Lake Accord in 1987), but later referred to the NDP's support for the Accord as a mistake. Edmonston, a Quebec nationalist, frequently clashed with his own party over this position on Canadian federalism, and did not run for re-election.

The NDP was routed in the 1993 election. It won only nine seats, three seats short of official party status in the House of Commons. Several factors contributed to this dramatic collapse just one election after winning a record number of seats and after being first in opinion polling at one point during the previous Parliament. One was the massive unpopularity of NDP provincial governments under Bob Rae in Ontario and Mike Harcourt in British Columbia. Not coincidentally, the NDP was routed in these provinces; it lost all 10 of its Ontario MPs and 17 of its 19 British Columbia MPs—more than half of its caucus. The Ontario NDP would be soundly defeated in 1995, while the British Columbia NDP recovered and won reelection in 1996.

The NDP was also indirectly hampered by the collapse of the Progressive Conservatives, who were cut down to only two seats. Exit polls showed that 17% to 27% of NDP supporters from 1988 voted Liberal in 1993. It was obvious by the beginning of October that Liberal leader Jean Chrétien would be the next prime minister. However, the memory of 1988's vote splitting combined with the tremendous antipathy toward the PCs caused NDP supporters to vote Liberal to ensure the Conservatives would be defeated. Many voters in the NDP's traditional Western heartland also switched to the right-wing Reform Party of Canada. Despite sharp ideological differences, Reform's populism struck a chord with many western NDP supporters. In Ontario, fear of the Reform Party and anger at Rae helped cause NDP supporters to vote Liberal. Barrett's warnings about Western alienation proved to be prophetic, as the rise of the Reform Party replaced the NDP as the protest voice west of Ontario.

Into the 21st century


The party recovered somewhat under new leader Alexa McDonough, electing 21 New Democrats in the 1997 election. The NDP made a breakthrough in Atlantic Canada, unseating Liberal ministers David Dingwall and Doug Young. The party was able to harness the discontent of Maritime voters, who were upset over cuts to employment insurance and other programs.

Afterwards, McDonough was widely perceived as trying to move the party toward the centre of the political spectrum, in the Third Way mode of Tony Blair. Union leaders were lukewarm in their support, often threatening to break away from the NDP, while Canadian Auto Workers head Buzz Hargrove called for her resignation. MPs Rick Laliberté and Angela Vautour crossed the floor to other parties during this term, reducing the NDP caucus to 19 seats.

In the November 2000 election, the NDP campaigned on the issue of Medicare but lost significant support. The governing Liberals ran an effective campaign on their economic record and managed to recapture some of the Atlantic ridings lost to the NDP in the 1997 election. The initial high electoral prospects of the Canadian Alliance under new leader Stockwell Day also hurt the NDP as many supporters strategically voted Liberal to keep the Alliance from winning. The NDP finished with 13 MPs — just barely over the threshold for official party status.

The party embarked on a renewal process starting in 2000. A general convention in Winnipeg in November 2001 made significant alterations to party structures, and reaffirmed its commitment to the left. In the May 2002 by-elections, Brian Masse won the riding of Windsor West in Windsor, Ontario, previously held for decades by a Liberal, former Deputy Prime Minister Herb Gray.

Rise under Jack Layton

Jack Layton was the first leader of the NDP to become Leader of the Official Opposition.

McDonough announced her resignation as party leader for family reasons in June 2002, and was succeeded by Jack Layton. A Toronto city councillor and recent President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Layton was elected at the party's leadership election in Toronto on January 5, 2003, defeating his nearest rival, longtime Winnipeg-area MP Bill Blaikie, on the first ballot with 53.5% of the vote.[6]

Layton had run unsuccessfully for the Commons three times in Toronto-area ridings. In contrast to traditional but diminishing Canadian practice, where an MP for a safe seat stands down to allow a newly elected leader a chance to enter Parliament, Layton did not contest a seat in Parliament until the 2004 election. In the interim, he appointed Blaikie as deputy leader and made him parliamentary leader of the NDP.

2004 election

The 2004 election produced mixed results for the NDP. It increased its total vote by more than a million votes; however, despite Layton's optimistic predictions of reaching 40 seats, the NDP only gained five seats in the election, for a total of 19. The party was disappointed to see its two Saskatchewan incumbents defeated by the Conservatives, both in close races,[7] perhaps due to the unpopularity of the NDP provincial government. Those losses caused the federal NDP to be shut out in Saskatchewan for the first time since the 1965 election, despite obtaining 23% of the vote in the province.

Exit polls indicated that many NDP supporters voted Liberal to keep the new Conservative Party from winning. The Liberals had recruited several prominent NDP members, most notably former British Columbia premier Ujjal Dosanjh, to run as Liberals as part of a drive to convince NDP voters that a reunited Conservative Party could sneak up the middle in the event of a split in the centre-left vote.

The Liberals were re-elected, though this time as a minority government. Combined, the Liberals and NDP had 154 seats—one short of the total needed for the balance of power. As has been the case with Liberal minority governments in the past, the NDP were in a position to make gains on the party's priorities, such as fighting health care privatization, fulfilling Canada's obligation to the Kyoto Protocol, and electoral reform.

The party used Prime Minister Paul Martin's politically precarious position caused by the sponsorship scandal to force investment in multiple federal programs, agreeing not to help topple the government provided that some major concessions in the federal budget were ceded to. The governing Liberals agreed to support the changes in exchange for NDP support on confidence votes. On May 19, 2005, by Speaker Peter Milliken's tie-breaking vote, the House of Commons voted for second reading on major NDP amendments to the federal budget, preempting about $4.5 billion in corporate tax cuts and funding social, educational and environmental programs instead.[8] Both NDP supporters and Conservative opponents of the measures branded it Canada's first "NDP budget". In late June, the amendments passed final reading and many political pundits concluded that the NDP had gained credibility and clout on the national scene.

2006 election

On November 9, 2005, after the findings of the Gomery Inquiry were released, Layton notified the Liberal government that continued NDP support would require a ban on private health care. When the Liberals refused, Layton announced that he would introduce a motion on November 24 that would ask Martin to call a federal election in February to allow for several pieces of legislation to be passed. The Liberals turned down this offer. On November 28, 2005, Conservative leader Stephen Harper's motion of no confidence was seconded by Layton and it was passed by all three opposition parties, forcing an election. Columnist Andrew Coyne has suggested that the NDP was unlikely to receive much credit for continuing to further prop up the Liberals, so they ended their support for the Martin government.

During the election, the NDP focused their attacks on the Liberal party, in order to counter Liberal appeals for strategic voting. A key point in the campaign was when Judy Wasylycia-Leis had asked the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to launch a criminal investigation into the leaking of the income trust announcement.[9] The criminal probe seriously damaged the Liberal campaign and prevented them from making their key policy announcements, as well as bringing Liberal corruption back into the spotlight. After the election, the RCMP announced the conclusion of the income trust investigation and laid a charge of 'Breach of Trust' against Serge Nadeau, an official in the Department of Finance,[10] while Liberal Finance Minister Ralph Goodale was cleared of wrongdoing.[11]

The NDP campaign strategy put them at odds with Canadian Auto Workers, which had supported an NDP-backed Liberal minority government and which was only backing NDP candidates that had a chance of winning. After the campaign, the Ontario NDP expelled CAW leader Buzz Hargrove from the party (which has a common membership both federally and provincially) for his support of the Liberals.

On January 23, the NDP won 29 seats, a significant increase of 10 seats from the 19 won in 2004. It was the fourth-best performance in party history, approaching the level of popular support enjoyed in the 1980s. The NDP kept all of the 18 seats it held at the dissolution of Parliament (Paul Dewar retained the riding of Ottawa Centre vacated by Broadbent). Bev Desjarlais, an NDP MP since 1997, unsuccessfully ran as an independent in her Churchill riding after losing the NDP nomination. While the party gained no seats in Atlantic Canada, Quebec, or the Prairie Provinces, it gained five seats in British Columbia, five more in Ontario and the Western Arctic riding of the Northwest Territories.

Conservative minority

Ed Broadbent and Jack Layton at a 2008 election rally in Toronto

The Conservatives won a minority government in the 2006 election, and initially the NDP was the only party that would not be able to pass legislation with the Conservatives. However, following a series of floor crossings, the NDP also came to hold the balance of power.

The NDP voted against the government in all four confidence votes in the 39th parliament, the only party to do so. These were votes on the United States-Canada softwood lumber dispute, extending the mission to Afghanistan, the 2006 Canadian federal budget and 2007 federal budget. However, it worked with the Conservatives on other issues. After forcing the Conservatives to agree to certain revisions, the NDP helped pass the Federal Accountability Act. After the NDP fiercely criticized the initial Conservative attempt at a Clean Air Act, the Conservatives agreed to work with the NDP and other parties to revise the legislation.[12] The NDP also supported the government in introducing regulations on income trusts, fearing that trends toward mass trust conversions by large corporations to avoid Canadian income taxes would cause the loss of billions of dollars in budget revenue to support health care, pensions and other federal programs. At the same time, the NDP was also wary of the threat of investor losses from income trusts' exaggerated performance expectations.

Following that election the NDP caucus caucus rose to 30 members with the victory of NDP candidate Thomas Mulcair in a by-election in Outremont. This marked the second time ever (and first time in seventeen years) that the NDP won a riding in Quebec.

The party won 37 seats in the 2008 federal election, the best performance since the 1988 federal election total of 43. This included a breakthrough in the riding of Edmonton-Strathcona, only the second time the NDP had managed to win a seat in Alberta in the party's history.

Official Opposition

Thomas Mulcair gives his acceptance speech after winning the NDP Leadership on March 24, 2012

In the May 2011 election, the Jack Layton-led NDP suddenly experienced a surge in the polls, catapulting them from third-party status to the role of Official Opposition for the first time in history. The historic results began as a surge in poll numbers in Quebec for the NDP, putting the party in first place in that province and in second place nationally (just a few points behind the Tories). This NDP surge (dubbed the "Orange Crush" by the media, after the soft drink) was mirrored by a collapse in support for the Bloc Québécois in Quebec, and a collapse of support for the Liberals nationally as the progressive non-Conservative vote coalesced around the NDP. This resulted in the worst electoral result ever received by the federal Liberal party (being reduced to just 34 seats), the worst results for the Bloc Québécois (being reduced to 4 seats), and a shift and realignment of the Canadian political landscape as the NDP (previously a third party) was returned to Parliament with an unprecedented 103 seats (59 of which came from Quebec), allowing them replace the Liberal Party as Official Opposition and become the main centre-left non-Conservative party.

Jack Layton's performance on the French-language talk show Tout le monde en parle on April 3 was credited for improving his party's standing among francophone voters; it is the most widely watched TV show in Quebec.[13] He was also perceived to have performed well in the televised French-language party leaders' debate on April 13.

The NDP held or won seats in every province but Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island, and also held the Western Arctic riding coextensive with the Northwest Territories. It won won 59 out of 75 seats in Qubec, dominating Montreal and sweeping Quebec City and the Outaouais. It got more than the 10% threshold required for reimbursement of campaign expenses in all but two ridings in the country, an unprecedented result for the party.

In July 2011, Layton announced that he was suffering from a new cancer and would take a leave of absence, projected to last until the resumption of Parliament in September. He would retain his position of NDP Leader and Leader of the Opposition. The party confirmed his suggestion of Hull—Aylmer MP Nycole Turmel to carry out the functions of party leader in his absence. Layton died from his cancer on August 22, 2011. In his final letter, Layton called for a leadership election to be held in early 2012 to choose his successor,[14] which was held on March 24, 2012, and elected new leader Thomas Mulcair.[15]

After the election of Thomas Mulcair, multiple polls put the NDP in first place nationally (and in Quebec), ahead of the governing Conservatives. This marked the first time that the NDP was not only in first place statistically, but by such a significant margin. In Quebec, the NDP climbed to over 50% support. Nevertheless, following the election of Justin Trudeau as leader of the Liberals in April 2013, the political fortunes of the NDP appeared to be on the decline, with the party falling back to its traditional third place in public opinion polls.[16] The party would go on to lose a June 2014 by-election to the Liberals in the previously safe riding of Trinity-Spadina, which was made vacant following incumbent Olivia Chow's decision to run unsuccessfully in the 2014 Toronto mayoral election.[17]

By May 2015, however, the NDP had managed to recover much of its lost ground in public opinion polling and was in a tight three-way race with both the Liberals and Conservatives.[18][19] Commentators pegged several factors, including Mulcair's opposing stance against the Conservative's Bill C-51 which the Liberals agreed to support and the surprise win for the Alberta NDP in the 2015 Alberta provincial election, as having helped revive the federal party's lagging fortunes.[20][21][22] The party also enjoyed success in getting two of its bills through the House at this time, the first of which abolished the so-called "tampon tax" on feminine hygiene products,[23] while the second banned the use of "pay-to-pay" fees charged by banks,[24] although the latter was later blocked from the House floor by the Conservatives.[25]

2015 federal election

Results of the 2015 Canadian federal election showing support for New Democratic candidates by riding

Despite early campaign polls which showed an NDP lead, the party lost 59 seats on election night and fell back to third place in Parliament. By winning 44 seats Mulcair was able to secure the second best showing in the party's history, winning one more seat than Ed Broadbent managed in the 1988 election, but with a smaller share of the popular vote.[26]

During the election campaign, Mulcair's stance on the niqab issue contributed to a decline in the party's support in Quebec; NDP seat gains in Saskatchewan and British Columbia were offset by numerical losses in almost every other region, while in Alberta and Manitoba the party simply held on to its existing seats without gaining or losing. The party was locked out of the Atlantic Region and the Territories, and lost over half of its seats in Ontario including all of its seats in Toronto. In Quebec the NDP lost seats to all three of the other major parties, namely the Liberals, Conservatives, and Bloc Québécois, though it managed to place second in both vote share (25.4%) and seats (16) behind the Liberals, who formed a majority government.

Mulcair's leadership faced criticism following the election, particularly due to a moderate platform that the party was running on and Mulcair's promise to balance the federal budget while Liberal leader Justin Trudeau was promising to run a budget deficit in order to fund stimulus programs and higher social spending, a position which was perceived as allowing the Liberals to outflank the NDP on the left.[27][28] At the NDP's party convention in April 2016, Mulcair was also criticized by Alberta delegates for what was seen as implicit support for the Leap Manifesto, a program which was seen as opposing Alberta's oil industry and thus a political threat to Rachel Notley's NDP government in Alberta.[29] At the convention, 52% of delegates voted for a leadership review motion to hold a leadership election within 24 months,[30] marking the first time in Canadian federal politics that a leader was defeated in a confidence vote.[31] Mulcair was asked by his caucus to remain as leader until his replacement was selected.[32]

Leadership of Jagmeet Singh

On October 1, 2017, Jagmeet Singh, the first person of a visible minority group to lead a major Canadian federal political party on a permanent basis, won the leadership vote to head the NDP on the first ballot.[33] On August 8, 2018, Singh announced he would be running in a by-election to replace Kennedy Stewart as the Member of Parliament for Burnaby South. Stewart had resigned in order to make an ultimately successful bid for Mayor of Vancouver.[34] Singh relocated to Burnaby for the election[35] and won on February 25, 2019, with 38.9 per cent of the vote.

The NDP entered the campaign for the 2019 federal election with polling that suggested it was at risk of losing official party status,[36][37] and even possibly being eclipsed by the Green Party,[38] having already lost the riding of Nanaimo—Ladysmith to Green candidate Paul Manly in a by-election.[39] This followed a by-election loss to the Liberals in Mulcair's vacated seat of Outremont, with most polls showing the NDP was vulnerable to a wipe out in Quebec.[40][41][42]

Singh was widely credited to have performed well in the English language debate on October 7, improving the poll numbers for both himself and his party.[43][44] This followed positive coverage of his campaign, especially with regard to his handling of racial issues,[36] when compared to the other party leaders.[45][46]

File:Jagmeet Singh 2021 Election Debate.jpg
Jagmeet Singh (right) debating during the 2021 English leaders' debate

Despite this late campaign momentum, the NDP would lose 15 seats for its worst result since 2004, winning in only 24 ridings.[47] Deputy leader and Quebec lieutenant Alexandre Boulerice was the only NDP incumbent to retain his seat in Quebec,[48] while fellow deputy leader Sheri Benson lost her riding of Saskatoon West to the Conservatives as part of their wider sweep of Saskatchewan. The NDP was able to retain its seat of Edmonton Strathcona with new candidate Heather McPherson, the only riding in Alberta and one of the few in the Canadian Prairies not to go Conservative.[49] The party remained shut out of Toronto,[50] and lost two of its incumbents in the rest of Ontario,[51] while making a few single digit gains in Manitoba, Newfoundland, and Nunavut. In British Columbia the NDP lost three seats but were largely able hold onto their support in the province, preventing any further gains for the Greens on Vancouver Island.[52]

Following the election, the NDP held the balance of power as the Liberals won a minority government, although it fell back to fourth place behind the resurgent Bloc Québécois.[53][54] During the COVID-19 pandemic the NDP used its leverage to lobby the Liberals to be more generous with their financial aid to Canadians, including making an extension of the CERB program a key demand in order to provide confidence to the government in the autumn of 2020.[55]

On June 17, 2020, Singh was ordered to withdraw from the House of Commons for the rest of the day after refusing to apologize after calling a Bloc Québécois MP "racist" after the NDP motion on RCMP discrimination failed to receive unanimous consent from the House of Commons.[56]

In the snap 2021 federal election the NDP made minor gains in both vote share and seat count, winning in 25 ridings. The party won a second seat in Alberta for the first time ever by electing Blake Desjarlais in Edmonton Griesbach and picked up two more seats in British Columbia.[57] This included retaking Nanaimo—Ladysmith from the Greens in a tight three way race,[58] as well as flipping Port Moody—Coquitlam away from the Conservatives.[59] These gains were offset by loses to the Liberals in St. John's East and Hamilton Mountain, both constituencies where the incumbent NDP candidate did not stand for re-election.[60][61] Overall the election resulted in no change to the balance of the House of Commons.[62]


  1. ^ "The evolution of CCF into NDP: 1961 and after". Archived from the original on 2009-02-05. Retrieved 2008-10-14.
  2. ^ David Lewis - Federal NDP Leader 1971-75 - Biography of David Lewis
  3. ^ History of Federal Ridings since 1867
  4. ^ CBC News Indepth: Ed Broadbent
  5. ^ Barrett, David
  6. ^ CBC News - Indepth Backgrounder: NDP Leadership Race
  7. ^ The New Democratic Party[permanent dead link]
  8. ^ CBC News Indepth: Budget 2005
  9. ^ CTV.ca | Income trust a major campaign turning point Archived 2009-01-16 at the Wayback Machine
  10. ^ Canada News Centre - Centre des nouvelles du Canada
  11. ^ Goodale cleared in trust case Archived 2012-02-14 at the Wayback Machine
  12. ^ "Harper agrees to send Clean Air Act to committee". Cbc.ca. November 1, 2006. Retrieved June 4, 2014.
  13. ^ François Lauzon (Aug 25, 2011). "Did sovereignist Lepage opened doors for Jack Layton?". Montreal Gazette. Retrieved October 15, 2011.
  14. ^ Layton, Jack. "A letter to Canadians from the Honourable Jack Layton". New Democratic Party of Canada. Archived from the original on November 5, 2011. Retrieved October 5, 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  15. ^ "NDP leadership convention: Thomas Mulcair holds on for victory". Vancouver Sun. March 24, 2012. Archived from the original on March 28, 2012. Retrieved March 24, 2012.
  16. ^ Paul Wells (January 23, 2015). "Remaking Thomas Mulcair". Macleans. Retrieved June 3, 2015.
  17. ^ Joshua Errett (October 28, 2014). "With Olivia Chow's jaw-dropping loss, can the left ever win back Toronto?". CBC News. Retrieved June 2, 2015.
  18. ^ Éric Grenier (May 20, 2015). "NDP jumps into 3-way race with Conservatives, Liberals". CBC News. Retrieved June 3, 2015.
  19. ^ "3-way federal race would have unpredictable outcome". CBC News. June 3, 2015. Retrieved June 3, 2015.
  20. ^ Stephen Maher. "Broadbent: Voters warming to NDP". Postmedia Network. Brantford Expositor. Retrieved May 20, 2015.
  21. ^ John Geddes (June 5, 2015). "Mulcair, in with a chance". Macleans. Retrieved June 5, 2015.
  22. ^ Stephen Maher (June 16, 2015). "Momentum swings to NDP". Postmedia Network. The London Free Press. Retrieved June 17, 2015.
  23. ^ Haydn Watters (May 28, 2015). "'Tampon tax' will end July 1". CBC News. Retrieved June 4, 2015.
  24. ^ "Conservatives to back NDP push for ban on pay-to-pay bank fees". The Canadian Press. CBC News. June 1, 2015. Retrieved June 4, 2015.
  25. ^ Kady O'Mally (June 1, 2015). "NDP bid to ban pay-to-pay bank fees blocked from House floor". CBC News. Retrieved June 4, 2015.
  26. ^ Elizabeth McSheffrey (2015-10-21). "Better luck next time, Mr. Mulcair". National Observer. Retrieved 2015-10-23.
  27. ^ Mulcair 'a lame duck,' says political scientist on NDP convention results, CBC News, April 10, 2016
  28. ^ "NDP seeks new direction as party moves to replace Tom Mulcair", The Globe and Mail, April 10, 2016
  29. ^ Cite error: The named reference natpost was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  30. ^ "NDP votes for leadership review; Mulcair likely out as leader". www.nationalnewswatch.com. Retrieved 2016-04-10.
  31. ^ "A history of dramatic leadership reviews in Canadian politics". Maclean's. April 10, 2016. Retrieved April 11, 2016.
  32. ^ Wherry, Aaron (April 10, 2016). "NDP votes in favour of holding new leadership race". CBC News. Retrieved 10 April 2016.
  33. ^ "Jagmeet Singh wins leadership of federal NDP on first ballot". Cbc.ca. Retrieved 2017-10-04.
  34. ^ Ballingall, Alex (August 8, 2018). "NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh to run in B.C. byelection". StarMetro Ottawa. Archived from the original on August 8, 2018. Retrieved August 8, 2018.
  35. ^ CBC News (August 8, 2018). "NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh to run in Burnaby South byelection". CBC News. Archived from the original on August 15, 2018. Retrieved August 8, 2018.
  36. ^ a b Jagmeet Singh is dancing like he won the election. There's a reason for that., Macleans, October 22, 2019
  37. ^ NDP looks to make progress with fewer seats in minority Parliament, The Globe and Mail, October 24, 2019
  38. ^ Do the Greens have what it takes to pass the NDP?, CBC News, September 8, 2019
  39. ^ Greens' Dramatic Byelection Win Reveals Much about October Vote, The Tyee, May 7, 2019
  40. ^ The Orange Wave's last stand? Outremont byelection a critical test for NDP in Quebec, CBC News, February 23, 2019
  41. ^ For the NDP, the stakes in Monday's byelections are sky-high, CBC News, February 24, 2019
  42. ^ NDP hits new polling low in Quebec with Outremont byelection test looming, CBC News, February 6, 2019
  43. ^ NDP Feels Boost In Polls After Jagmeet Singh's Performance In Federal Leaders' Debate, HuffPost Canada, October 9, 2019
  44. ^ After the Bloc's gains in Quebec, Liberals now have another worry: a climbing NDP, CBC News, October 14, 2019
  45. ^ Jagmeet Singh Has Finally Arrived, VICE, October 7, 2019
  46. ^ Daphne Bramham: No miraculous resurgence for NDP, but Singh wins influence, Vancouver Sun, October 21, 2019
  47. ^ Singh fails to capitalize on late-campaign momentum as NDP loses seats, CBC News, October 22, 2019
  48. ^ NDP all but disappears in Quebec as Liberals form minority government, Global News, October 22, 2019
  49. ^ Andrew Scheer's Conservatives sweep over the Prairies in the 2019 federal election results, National Post, October 22, 2019
  50. ^ Jagmeet Singh can't explain how the NDP failed to win any seats in Toronto in election 2019, Toronto Star, October 22, 2019
  51. ^ Ontario proves crucial to propelling Liberals to second term, CBC News, October 22, 2019
  52. ^ B.C. election results full of surprises with Tory gains, NDP losses and Greens staying put, Global News, October 22, 2019
  53. ^ Liberals, Bloc Quebecois split Quebec vote as NDP nearly wiped out, BNN Bloomberg, October 22, 2019
  54. ^ What the NDP's drop in seats means for the party, Global News, October 22, 2019
  55. ^ Can the NDP take credit for improving pandemic benefits? CTV News, August 18, 2021
  56. ^ "Singh stands by calling Bloc MP a racist after being removed from House". ctvnews.ca. Retrieved 17 June 2020.
  57. ^ NDP projected to make minor gains in Jagmeet Singh's 2nd election as party leader, CBC News, September 21. 2021
  58. ^ Greens reduced to one B.C. seat as NDP recaptures Nanaimo-Ladysmith in federal election, Global News, September 24, 2021
  59. ^ NDP's Bonita Zarrillo ousts Conservative incumbent Nelly Shin in Port Moody-Coquitlam, CTV News, September 20. 2021
  60. ^ NDPer Malcolm Allen concedes, Liberal Lisa Hepfner becomes new Hamilton Mountain MP, CBC News, September 22, 2021
  61. ^ Liberals flip St. John's East, as Conservatives look to claim Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame, CBC News, September 21, 2021
  62. ^ Meet the new parliament, same as the old parliament, Global News, September 21, 2021