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Soma Cruz

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Soma Cruz
'Castlevania series character
File:Soma Cruz (Castlevania character).gif
Soma Cruz in Aria of Sorrow
First gameCastlevania: Aria of Sorrow

Soma Cruz (来須蒼真, Kurusu Sōma) is a fictional character and the protagonist of Konami's action-adventure games Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, part of Konami's highly successful Castlevania video game series. This character and the associated games he has been featured in have been highly successful. Aria of Sorrow has recieved several accolades, including Game of the Month from Electronic Gaming Monthly,[3] and has been re-released in a dual pack with Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance.[4] Dawn of Sorrow has been prominently high in sales lists.[5]

Soma Cruz is one of the few protagonists in the history of the Castlevania franchise to be the primary character in more than one game. Furthermore, he is not part of the Belmont clan, whose members are the protagonists in most Castlevania games. Soma is presented as an androgynous young man with white hair and a long white coat. Although he is capable of using numerous weapons throughout the duration of the game, Soma is depicted wielding a silver longsword in the box art for Aria of Sorrow.[6] Soma's appearance in Aria of Sorrow is the work of longtime Castlevania illustrator Ayami Kojima.[1] In Dawn of Sorrow, however, Soma is given a distinctive anime look due to influence from producer Koji Igarashi, who wanted to market the game to a younger audience. Soma's seiyū in both games is Hikaru Midorikawa,[2] and he has no English voice actor.

Soma is a 19-year old transfer student who is is forced into a journey to free himself and his childhood friend Mina Hakuba from Dracula's castle.[7] At this time, Dracula, the longtime antagonist of the Castlevania series, is dead, and the consequences of that event are made manifest during Soma's journey. During this journey, Soma learns of his dark power, the "power of dominance," or the ability to seize the souls of his defeated enemies and use their abilities.[8] The ultimate realization of the source of his powers is one of the most major plot twists in the entire Castlevania franchise.



Aria of Sorrow

Soma's land of birth and parentage is unknown, but in the year 2035, he was visiting Japan as a transfer student, and living near the Hakuba shrine. During a solar eclipse, he visits the Hakuba shrine with his longtime childhood friend Mina Hakuba.[9] He and Mina are then drawn into the eclipse, landing in a mysterious castle, where they are confronted by Genya Arikado. Arikado reveals that they are in Dracula's castle.[10] As Arikado continues, a group of monsters appear. Arikado manages to destroy all but one, and the remaining one is dispatched by Soma. However, the monster's soul flows into Soma. Arikado explains this as the awakening of Soma's "power of dominance."[8] Arikado then directs Soma to enter the castle and seek the masters' chamber. Soma is initially unwilling, but leaves when Arikado reveals that he will protect Mina for him.[11]

As Soma proceeds through the castle, he progressively becomes more powerful due to absorbing more souls, enabling him to reach different parts of the castle, where he confronts several characters. Graham Jones, a missionary that has come to the castle, befriends Soma, and explains the nature of the castle.[12] Graham goes on to reveal that Dracula, long thought to be immortal, is truly dead, and that his powers will be passed down onto his reincarnation.[13] When Soma proceeds further into the castle, he meets the witch Yoko Belnades, who is present on the orders of the Roman Catholic Church. Yoko is looking for Graham, who she believes is dangerous and the inheritor of Dracula's powers.[14] She clarifies the nature of Soma's powers, revealing that they are not necessarily evil, but inherent to Soma himself.[15] Later, Soma encounters Hammer, a member of the United States Army that was ordered to come to the Hakuba shrine. However, he has forfeited his mission in favor of selling goods.[16] He becomes Soma's vendor, selling numerous goods to aid Soma's quest. A mysterious man then accosts Soma, asking about the nature of Soma's dark power. When Soma continues to converse with him, the man reveals that he has amnesia, and the only thing he can remember is that his name starts with "J".[17]

After locating the castle's clock tower, Soma meets Graham once more, and questions him on Yoko's suspicions. Graham claims that he will recieve Dracula's powers, as he is Dracula himself.[18] However, Graham inquires as to the nature of Soma's powers, to which Soma responds that he has "the power to rule," sending Graham into a panic.[19] Concerned, Soma confides this incident to Yoko. Yoko recommends that Soma join her, and that Graham must be stopped.[20] Soma agrees and proceeds into the lower portions of the castle to collect the soul necessary to access the area of the castle Graham is in. After Soma defeats the demon Legion, he comes upon a scene of Graham stabbing Yoko with a knife. Graham retreats, and Yoko warns Soma of Graham's power.[21] Arikado arrives, promises Soma he will look after Yoko, and demands that Soma pursue Graham.[22] Soma is furious at Arikado's mysterious motivations, but agrees to do so. Soma eventually acquires the soul he requires, but meets "J" once more. "J" reveals that he is Julius Belmont, the man who defeated Dracula in 1999.[23] As he leaves, he remarks that he knows something about the current situation, but does not elaborate.[24]

Soma ascends to the castle's keep and confronts Graham in the throne room. Although Soma's sole desire is to leave the castle, Graham is convinced that Soma must be killed for binding the souls of the castle's demons.[25] Soma manages to defeat Graham, even after Graham uses his newfound powers to assume a demonic form. As Graham falls in defeat, Soma begins to unconsciously absorb the castle's power. After this is completed, Soma gains a frightening counterance,[26] and comes to a shocking realization: that he is Dracula's reincarnation.[27] Arikado arrives and Soma denounces him for awakening Dracula's powers. However, Arikado reveals a way for Soma to save himself from his fate via halting the flow of chaos into the castle.[28] Soma proceeds to the Chaotic Realm, but Julius attacks him, believing that Soma is Dracula.[29] Soma defeats Julius, and accuses him of not fighting at his full potential. Julius admits to this, as he sensed Soma's soul fighting against Dracula's influence.[30] Before he leaves, Soma elicits a promise from Julius to kill him if he fully becomes Dracula.[31] Soma travels through the Chaotic Realm, and finally comes upon the source of chaos. As he stands on the threshold, he is comforted by his friends telepathically, who are not afraid of his dark inheritance, and instead give him consoling words.[32] Soma manages to defeat the manifestation of chaos, and is sent congratulations by Yoko,[33]Hammer,[34]Julius,[35], and Arikado.[36] Soma awakens outside the castle with Mina, pleased that the conflict is over.

Although the game possesses multiple endings, this ending is considered canon by Konami. See Alternate Endings for more details.

Dawn of Sorrow

One year later, Soma is living happily with Mina, and believes that his powers have been lost.[37] A woman then appears, and identifies herself as Celia Fortner. She summons various monsters, intending to kill Soma. Arikado arrives and although Celia conjures a barrier to repel him, he manages to throw Soma a knife, which Soma uses to defeat the monsters. Strangely the monsters' souls are absorbed by Soma. Celia retreats, proclaiming that she will destroy Soma. Soma is confused how he was able to absorb the souls, but Arikado reveals that Soma's powers never truly left him.[38] He also informs Soma that Celia is the head of a cult that seeks the resurrection of a dark lord by killing Soma.[39] He then leaves, instructing Soma not to pursue Celia.

Soma Cruz in Dawn of Sorrow

Soma, however, uses information acquired from Hammer to locate the cult's base, a fascimile of Dracula's castle.[40] Hammer arrives, and as he has left the military, agrees to be Soma's vendor once more.[41] Soma then enters the castle, and encounters Yoko and Julius at a bridge. As Julius leaves, Soma escorts Yoko to a safe location. During this time, she instructs him in the use of a Magic Seal, which is necessary to defeat certain monsters in the castle.[42] Shortly after their conversation, Soma uses the Magic Seal to complete his defeat of an animated flying armor.

As Soma travels farther into the castle, he meets Celia, who is flanked by two men. The two men beside her, Dmitrii Blinov and Dario Bossi, are the "Dark Lord's candidates," as they were born in 1999 on the day Dracula was destroyed, similar to Graham Jones. She reveals that if either of them killed Soma, then the death of Dracula's reincarnation would allow for the rebirth of the dark lord.[43] Later, Soma encounters Dmitrii, who is participating in a ritual to enhance his power. Soma engages Dmitrii and is able to defeat him, but spares his life. Dmitrii, however, dies, and Soma gains dominance over his soul, although he acquires no abilities.[44] As Soma travels further, he comes upon Dario. Despite Dario's ability to manipulate fire, Soma defeats him, and Celia arrives to teleport Dario away from harm.

Soma then encounters Arikado, who is initially angered by Soma's presence, but accepts the situation. He gives Soma a letter and a talisman from Mina. Soma briefs Arikado on the current situation, and Arikado leaves to locate Dario. Soma later comes upon Dario and Julius, with the latter defeated due to his inability to use a Magic Seal.[45] Dario retreats, instructing Soma to fight him in the castle's throne room. Soma does so, lambasting Dario for only desiring power, and promising to defeat him.[46] Before the battle begins, however, Soma uses one of his souls to transport himself into the mirror in the room, revealing Aguni, the fire demon sealed to Dario's soul. Soma defeats Aguni, leaving Dario powerless. As Dario flees, Celia arrives, and cryptically orders Soma to come to the castle's center.

Upon arriving, Soma is forced to watch Celia kill Mina. Furious, Soma begins to succumb to his dark power, and is willing to become the dark lord in order to avenge Mina's death.[47] However, the talisman that Mina gave Soma is able to slow the transformation, enabling Arikado to arrive in time to inform Soma that the "Mina" that Celia killed was a dopplegänger.[48] This aborts the transformation, but a soul exits Soma and enters the dopplegänger, which takes on the appearance of Dmitrii. Dmitrii reveals that he died as a gambit to copy Soma's power of dominance, and leaves with Celia to increase his strength by absorbing the souls of additional demons.[49] Soma and Arikado chase after the two, and find them in the castle's basement. Dmitrii, using Celia as a sacrifice, seals Arikado's powers, and engages Soma. However, his soul is unable to bear the strain of maintaining the power of dominance, and the demons under his control erupt out of him, combining into the gargantuan Menace. Soma manages to defeat the creature, but the souls that composed the demon begin to fall under Soma's dominance. Soma rejects them, and flees the castle with Arikado. Soma is conflicted over the present situation, as he believes it is fated that he become the dark lord, but Arikado convinces him that his fate is not fixed.[50] Soma then shares a tender moment with Mina, much to the amusement of the onlookers.


Soma is initially portrayed as an innocent transfer student, and is overwhelmed by the magnitude of the journey that lies in front of him. Despite this, he shows a large sense of responsibility and loyalty towards those he considers his friends. In Aria of Sorrow, he refused to venture into the castle until Genya Arikado agreed to safeguard Mina Hakuba on his behalf.[11] Similarly, when Yoko Belnades was severely wounded by Graham Jones, his immediate interest was in Yoko's health, not in the reflective comments made by the recently arrived Arikado.[51] This loyalty extends to the point that when Yoko denounced Graham as the inheritor of Dracula's powers, Soma was hesistant to believe her.[14]

After uncovering his true identity as Dracula's reincarnation, Soma is hesistant to associate himself with his friends, believing himself a monster that will only do them harm. He feels insecure in his identity, and is unable to reach to those around him, even when they are not afraid of who he is.[52] However, the willingness of his friends to accept that he is Soma, and not Dracula, enables him to cope with his identity, and retain his sense of self.[32] Following his release from his fate, Soma feels more confident in himself, and feels changed for the better by the conflict.[53]

In Dawn of Sorrow, Soma's experience has translated into a greater feeling of responsibility with his powers, granting him a more mature personality. When facing the dark lord candidate Dmitrii Blinov, Soma attempted to persuade Dmitrii to stand down, rather than throw himself into battle,[54] and spares Dmitrii's life after his defeat.[55] Soma even mocked the second dark lord candidate, Dario Bossi, for being consumed by a desire for more power.[46] After Soma defeats the cult and flees the castle, he is conflicted by the seemingly inevitable destiny that he become the new dark lord. However, with aid from Arikado, Soma is able to realize that his fate his own to determine,[50] and he is content with living happily with his friends.

Alternate Endings

Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow both contain different endings are possible depending on the player's actions. These endings vastly change Soma's fate. During Aria of Sorrow, should the player defeat Graham without equipping the proper souls, Graham will be defeated, and Soma will be able to teleport outside of the castle with Mina. He does not learn that he is Dracula, and instead feels that the castle is calling to him.[56] However, if the player defeats Graham properly, but loses to Chaos, Soma is engulfed by his dark power, and becomes the new Dark Lord. As Soma drinks from a chalice of blood, Julius arrives, proclaiming that he will fulfill his promise to Soma.[57] Despite the presence of these separate endings, the one described above where Soma defeats the manifestation of chaos and retains his identity is considered canon by Konami, as this ending is assumed to have occured in Dawn of Sorrow.[7]

In Dawn of Sorrow, if the player defeats Dario instead of defeating the demon in the room's mirror, Dario will die, and Soma and Arikado will flee the castle. As they begin to leave, Soma feels pain due to his absorption of Dmitrii's soul, and Arikado promises to bring him to the Church for treatment.[58] Should the player fail to equip Mina's talisman when Celia kills the Mina dopplegänger, then Soma will embrace his dark powers in order to take revenge on Celia. Julius, Yoko, and a revealed Alucard will then confront Soma in his throne room.[59]


See also


  1. ^ a b Profile of Ayami Kojima, with a list of the games she collaborated on. Retrieved on May 12, 2007
  2. ^ a b Hikaru Midorikawa's profile on the Internet Movie Database IMDb. Retrieved on May 14, 2007
  3. ^ Official Aria of Sorrow site with list of praise. Template:Jp icon Retrieved on May 15, 2007
  4. ^ Sinclair, Brendan (2005-12-09). "Castlevania combo headed to GBA". GameSpot. Retrieved 2007-05-12. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  5. ^ Thorson, Tor (2006-06-20). "US console sales charts: June 11-17". GameSpot. Retrieved 2007-05-12. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  6. ^ Box art for Aria of Sorrow Amazon.com. Retrieved on May 7, 2007
  7. ^ a b Official Castlevania website. Retrieved on May 15, 2007
  8. ^ a b Arikado: "So it has awakened." / Soma: "What? What has?" / Arikado: "The spirit of the creature you killed has just entered your body. You have the power to absorb the abilities of the monsters you kill." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  9. ^ Soma: "I live near the Hakuba shrine, an ancient shrine with strong ties to Japanese mythology. Mina Hakuba, the only daughter of the shrine's caretaker, is both my classmate and my only childhood friend." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  10. ^ Arikado: "Why have you come here?" / Soma: "Why? Well, Mina and I...Hang on where are we?" / Arikado: "We're in Dracula's castle." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  11. ^ a b Soma: "But I can't just leave Mina here like this." / Arikado: "No need to worry about her. I'll put up a protective barrier. But death will most certainly find those who stay here too long." / Soma: "The...then I..." / Arikado: "Yes only you can save her from a painful death." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  12. ^ Soma: "Is it true that this is Dracula's castle?" / Graham: "It most certaintly is." / Soma: "But isn't Dracula's castle in Europe somewhere?" / Graham: "In theory yes. But his TRUE castle exists somewhere else." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  13. ^ Soma: "So...you are trying to tell me now that Dracula has been resurrected?" / Graham: "No. Dracula perished in 1999. You do know of the prophecy of 1999, don't you?" / Soma: "Nostradamus' great prophecy?" / Graham: "That's right. Dracula resurrected exactly as he predicted. But vampire hunters destroyed him completely. They ended his regeneration cycle by sealing his castle...the symbol of his demonic power, inside the darkness of an eclipse." / Soma: "And that eclipse is where we are now?" / Graham: "Yes, but there's still more to the story." / Soma: "There's more?" / Graham: "In the year 2035, a new master will come to the castle, and he will inherit ALL of Dracula's powers." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  14. ^ a b Yoko: "I'm not used to being thanked by people. Oh I forgot to ask you. Have you seen a man named Graham?" / Soma: "Graham? Yes, I met him earlier." / Yoko: "Be wary of that man. I believe that he will inherit Dracula's powers." / Soma: "No way! He did not look like a bad guy." / Yoko: "Right, and I've got a bridge to sell you! Don't be fooled by his appearance! He's not who you think he is." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  15. ^ Yoko: "Oh, no...did I say something...I...well...what's said is said. Essentially, you have the power to rule over and command monsters." / Soma: "Rule over monsters? I have no desire to do that..." / Yoko: "It comes as naturally as breathing for you, so you may not realize it yet. And although I called it a "dark power" it doesn't mean its evil. It's like a weapon. Its user decides whether to use it for good or evil." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  16. ^ Hammer: "I thought I was inspecting a shrine. But suddenly I was in a castle. Don't ya think that's a mean thing to do to a guy? So I just bailed on my mission." / Soma: "What do you mean?" / Hammer: "There were a bunch of strange people gathered at the shrine. I thought they'd be good customers, so I opened up a shop." / Soma: "Ah...good for you..." / Hammer: "There are weapons all over this castle and no monsters at the front gate. Good place for a shop! Come on by! I'll give ya a good deal." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  17. ^ J: "I can't give you my name, but people call me J." / Soma: "People call you 'J'? Why hide your real name? Are you a criminal?" / J: "No. I have amnesia. I'm told that I was in an accident in 1999. When I woke up in the hospital, I had forgotten my name and my past." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  18. ^ Graham: "I was born on the very day that Dracula was destroyed...so, in short, that means I AM DRACULA!" Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  19. ^ Graham: "I sense a power within you. Do tell me...what kind of power has awoken within you?" / Soma: "...The power to rule..." / Graham: "WHAT?! You foolish boy! That's impossible!" / Soma: HUH? / Graham: "I can't remain here any longer. I must get to the throne! Your name is Soma right? You are wrong Soma! I will not allow you to rule!" Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  20. ^ Yoko: "But it's better this way." / Soma: "What is?" / Yoko: "The fact that he sees you as an enemy means you're my comrade." / Soma: "Does it?" / Yoko: "What? You don't want to be on my side?" / Soma: "No...that's not what I meant..." / Yoko: "It's so much fun to tease you. But this is not the time to be fooling around. Your presence here has thrown Graham into a panic. This is our chance." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  21. ^ Soma: "Graham that bastard! What has he done?!" / Yoko: "He has...absorbed this castle's power...and he's gotten much stronger. Oww ahh...my plan has...failed..." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  22. ^ Soma: "Graham went to the throne. What's there? What are you hiding from me?!" / Arikado: "I cannot say. You must go there yourself and if you don't...you will lose Mina...and Yoko as well! Their fate is in your hands..." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  23. ^ Julius: "My real name is JULIUS BELMONT. I am a descendent of a clan that has fought against Dracula for ages." / Soma: "And that person who destroyed Dracula in 1999 was..." / Julius: Yes. It was me..." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  24. ^ Soma: "You haven't met a man named Graham yet, have you?" / Julius: "Graham? Uh, you mean that missionary right? I met him a little while ago. But when he saw my face, he turned and ran." / Soma: "He told me that he was Dracula." / Julius: "I did sense Dracula's powers at work within him... But it's difficult to believe that he's Dracula...rather...I think...No, forget it. It is nothing more then a hunch." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  25. ^ Soma: "I came here to find a way out of this castle." / Graham: "With my new abilities, I can get you out of here quite easily...You, however, have some property of mine in your possession. The souls of MY demons are under YOUR control. Can I forgive such a crime? NO! NEVER!" / Soma: "If I knew how, I'd return them all to you right here and now!" / Graham: "Even if you return them, you have still committed the crime of stealing. Don't you know that? It's only right that thieves receive the punishment they deserve." / Soma: "You are one selfish bastard!" / Graham: "You're guilty of grand theft. Therefore, I sentence you to death!" Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  26. ^ Picture of Soma's evil appearance. Retrieved on May 12, 2007
  27. ^ Soma: "Finally...I clearly understand...everything. I am...Dracula." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  28. ^ Arikado: "The evil in this spirit comes from those who seek chaos and destruction. So we need to cut off the source of the chaos influencing the spirit." / Soma: "Is that possible?" / Arikado: "This castle is a product of Dracula's magic. It's a spiritual world. My point is this...a stream of chaos exists within this castle as well. There is a place where you, Dracula, can go. That's where the chaos is!" Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  29. ^ Julius: "I must destroy Dracula at any cost. That is my destiny." / Soma: "NO WAIT! I don't want to fight against you." / Julius: "Nothing you say will stop me! Prepare to die!" Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  30. ^ Soma: "You took it easy on me. I could tell. The strength of a Belmont...No...the strength of a vampire hunter is greater than this." / Julius: "...When I fought you, I felt the evil spirit within you. But there's more...I also sensed Soma's spirit. And that's more then enough to stop me." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  31. ^ Soma: "...I've got a favour to ask of you." / Julius: "What is it?" / Soma: "From here. I will set off to fight against my own fate. If I lose the battle...and I become reincarnation of evil, I want you to kill me." / Julius: "...I will...I promise." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  32. ^ a b Soma: "I bet they're all afraid of me..." / Mina: "No, not at all! At first we were shocked, but everyone believes you'll get through this. I'm going to send you a message from them now listen..." / Hammer: "You'll visit my shop again, wont ya? I'll be waitin' for ya." / Yoko: "Good morning, Soma I just heard about what happened to you. I told you this before you are who you are and you mustn't let him win." / Julius: "To the man who beat me... don't disappoint me now." / Arikado: "This is your last chance and ours as well...I'm counting on you." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  33. ^ Yoko: "Hello Soma congratulations. I've got to another job that I must attend to, so I have to go now. When I first heard that YOU were Dracula, I was shocked...I was just waking up you know If you think about it though everything turned out ok. Ha ha ha...I never forget your strength and courage. And I haven't thanked you yet for rescuing me so...thanks. You're like a younger brother to me. It was fun, and I hope we meet again Goodbye." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  34. ^ Hammer: "Hey there much obliged for your business at my shop. Back at the castle I realised my true calling. Fighting's not me. I think I'll quit the army and open up a shop sometime soon Promise me you'll come. I'll give ya a good deal." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  35. ^ Julius: "You fought well. When I fled the castle, I felt the power from the vampire killer fading away. I don't know what it means but I won't have to do anything for the time being. Farewell, may we meet again." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  36. ^ Arikado: "The path you took was the most challenging one. You did well. For God to be good evil is an absolute necessity in this world. In the future someone may follow again in Dracula's dark footsteps. At that time, perhaps we'll meet again. Farewell...In my mother's name, I send thanks to you." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  37. ^ Mina Hakuba: "And what was it called? You know, the ability to use the power of monsters?" / Soma Cruz: "You mean the power of dominance? I lost it when we escaped Dracula's Castle, remember?" Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  38. ^ Soma Cruz: "Yeah, I'm fine. But that power...It returned! Arikado, what's going on?" / Genya Arikado: "The power didn't "return." It was always with you. You just never had a need for it since you fled the castle. And that set free all the souls that you had gained dominance over." Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  39. ^ Genya Arikado: "They want to resurrect the lord of darkness. Like some sought to do with Dracula." / Soma Cruz: "I guess they don't like the fact that I didn't become the 'lord of darkness'." / Genya Arikado: "Not only that, they intend to create a new lord by eliminating you." Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  40. ^ Soma Cruz: "So, the cult's base is here. Hammer's info wasn't so iffy after all." Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  41. ^ Hammer: "Aw, man... Well, since I'm here, I'd better make the best of it. I guess I'm back in business, and you're my customer!" Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  42. ^ Yoko Belnades: "The cult leader appears to create gates that draw the power of darkness. Monsters exposed to that power are said to be invincible." Soma Cruz: "So how am I supposed to destroy them?" / Yoko Belnades: "That's where this Magic Seal comes in." Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  43. ^ Soma Cruz: "So those two are the dark lord's candidates..." / Celia Fortner: "Correct. They were born at the same time as Dracula's demise. They are inheritors of Dracula's dark powers." / Soma Cruz: "But that's no guarantee that they can become the dark lord." / Celia Fortner: "They can. By shattering Dracula's soul." Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  44. ^ Soma Cruz: "Unh! What was that? Did I gain dominance over a human soul? No, I gained no power... But...what was that light?" Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  45. ^ Julius Belmont: "Watch it. He's tough. Especially for me, since I can't use Magic Seals." Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  46. ^ a b Soma Cruz: "Was there ever any doubt? Power is nothing if you don't know how to use it. I'll never lose to a fool dominated by his own power like you." Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  47. ^ Soma Cruz: "If it means getting Mina's revenge, I'll do it. Make me the dark lord." Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  48. ^ Genya Arikado: "That Mina is a fake!" / Celia Fortner: "Arikado! Why must you always get in the way?" / Genya Arikado: "How clever of you to use a Doppelganger. Ah, but you haven't won just yet..." Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  49. ^ Genya Arikado: "You copied the power of dominance from Soma?" / Dmitrii Blinov: "Ah, so you understand. I touched the boy's soul and copied his ability." Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  50. ^ a b Soma Cruz: Then that means there will always be a need for a dark lord. All because I ducked out from becoming the next in line! / Genya Arikado: Don't misconstrue me! Perhaps there is a need for the dark lord...But there is no reason at all for you to become the dark lord. / Soma Cruz: But if it weren't for me, none of this would have happened! / Genya Arikado: You're neither a god nor a demon. You're only human. You have no chance at ever achieving perfection. Or are you saying you want to be the dark lord? / Soma Cruz: No...Of course not. Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  51. ^ Arikado: I underestimated the amount of power he acquired... / Soma: Don't just stand there mumbling! Yoko's in a bad shape! Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  52. ^ Soma: "If I weren't Soma anymore how would you feel?" / Mina: "What...what's wrong with you?" / Soma: "Listen, If I...if I looked like me, but...If in the inside I was someone else...how would that make you feel? What the hell am I saying? Forget what I just said Mina, Ok?" / Mina: Hmmm I might not like you anymore. And that look in your eyes scares me. I'd rather see your exterior changed, but not the inside... / Soma: "...Please forgive me if I ever change..." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  53. ^ Mina: "I'm so glad that your experience didn't change you." / Soma: "But it DID change me!" / Mina: "In what way?" / Soma: I'm a lot cooler now! / Mina: "Yeah...you HAVE changed the old Soma would never say that." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  54. ^ Soma Cruz: Hold it. I don't have any reason to fight you. Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  55. ^ Soma Cruz: I won't take your life. Just give up. Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  56. ^ Soma: "And the castle...is the castle still in the eclipse?" / Arikado: "Yes, it awaits the coming of its new master. Someday someone will assume the form of Dracula again. When that time will be, I do not know..." / Mina: "What's wrong Soma? We've made it back home. Why the sad face." / Soma: "I feel like the castle is still calling out to me...Maybe the castle is where I truly belong." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  57. ^ Julius: "Sorry I kept you waiting. Time to keep that promise I made to you." Konami (2003-05-06). Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Game Boy Advance). Konami Tokyo.
  58. ^ Genya Arikado: "Hmm... Did anything strange happen in the castle?" / Soma Cruz: "No, nothing... Wait! Come to think of it, when I fought Dmitrii, there was something weird." / Genya Arikado: Go on. / Soma Cruz: "I never finished him off. But he died anyway. And that's when I felt something enter me...like a soul under domination." / Genya Arikado: "...We'll have to investigate. Come, we'll meet with Yoko right away and head for the Church." Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.
  59. ^ Julius Belmont: "Soma...It's time I fulfilled my promise to you." / Yoko Belnades: "I'm sorry, Soma. I will free you from your torment." / Alucard: "Soma...I never wanted it to end this way...But I can't allow you to wreak havoc anymore..." Konami (2005-10-04). Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Nintendo DS). Konami Tokyo.

Template:Contains Japanese text

  1. Official Castlevania site
  2. Official Aria of Sorrow site Template:Jp icon
  3. The Dawn of Sorrow section on the official Konami site
  4. The Castlevania Dungeon a large repository of Castlevania information