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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Calcium617 (talk | contribs) at 00:31, 22 September 2008. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Thanks for visiting my talk page. If you post here, I will reply here so the conversations don't get dis-jointed. If I have posted to your talk page, feel free to post your replies there...I'll watch. At present there is no archive, I just remove out of date stuff and keep a deletion log. Please add your message at the bottom, or click here to start a new section. Thanks



Merry Christmas

Dear Alf, I just read your note on JCarriker's talk page, re: your internet. What a horrible time for them to cut you off, they should read Dickens' A Christmas Carol and be ashamed of themselves. Hope you get it all sorted in the new year! In the mean time, in case we don't see each other around in the next couple of days, I wish you a Merry Chistmas and a very, very good New Year! Kind regards, --JoanneB 08:23, 21 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Why thanks, if you would be so kind as to email Jay to draw his attention to it (I have no email at present due to this fiasco) I would be very grateful. I have already made an appointment with BT for the 'phone line to go in on the 17th January, internet should be active within a week of that. I will be in work today and the next two days so I'll be "contactable" on this page at least over that period, and again from 28th-31st December, as I will be able to check things using work's machines. Have a very good Christmas yourself, don't let the budgie anywhere near the Christmas Pudding, otherwise it won't be a silver sixpence you'll be biting into :) I will be able to wish you a brave New Year nearer the time.--Alf melmac 08:38, 21 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
And Joanne showed me the link and drew to my attention your internet company that obviously has no Christmas cheer! So Merry Christmas to you, and a safe new year; don't put the custard down your pants :P. And when you are freezing on Christmas Day, just think of me in 38 degree heat, it will make you feel much better! --Ali K (talk) 08:42, 21 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
They're my pants, I'll pour as much custard down them as I like :D Yes Virgin Media are teh suxx0rs - paid last month by cheque - they didn't clear it until one day after due date and now want £123 ON TOP of the £60 for the tv, internet and telephone for this month. None of the call centre people I've spoken to were English native speakers and they just followed their script anyway and wouldn't listen to sense and/or reason - to be frank, they can go fuck themselves, I've spent enough hours keeping them informed, they didn't even bother to tell me they were going to cut me off, I've got all the evidence a court needs, I'll be happy to see them there if they want anything more than the sixty quid for the services themselves. I will think of you sunning yourself on a cold Christmas day in wintry North Norfolk (which is where I'll for the four days around Christmas) and I'm sure I'll fell muuuuch better :p Take care.--Alf melmac 09:01, 21 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Erm wait that's not right. HAPPY EARTH DAY. NO GODDAMMIT. HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Yes that's the one. Sir Alf, shall I have Mr. Daniel AKA Banes, hire a hitman to take out the head of that internet company? KnowledgeOfSelf | talk 11:57, 21 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Kind offer, thanks, but I already received some sop (to my frustration and righteous indignation) in 'phoning my bank to ensure they don't activate any direct debits (which were still open at the banks end [so they could have already taken the money if they'd so asked, but Virgin Media have obviously programmed their software otherwise] so those got shut down immediately) and a block has been put on any request from them to be denied. With the telephone number due to be changed, their only way of contacting me will be mail, which I will note appropriately in large red crayon and return it to them in their pre-paid envelope. Can you guess that I've already exceeded my tolerance limits with this company?--Alf melmac 12:19, 21 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Well to be fair, they are Virgin media. Still new to things ;). I'll get some new crayons for you. Might need some more to finish them off :) --Ali K (talk) 13:17, 21 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
hehehehe.--Alf melmac 14:09, 21 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Mission accomplished, Jay has been emailed! Good luck with those red crayons and all that. You're obviously not the only one. I'm happy to see that it's not keeping you from editing and reverting, though it must be quite a difference without IRC. --JoanneB 16:57, 21 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Have a very safe and happy holiday season Sir Alf!. :D (talk) 16:59, 21 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Just over another four hours of work before I'm off for four days, so I'll take this opportunity to return you wishes for a safe and happy holiday season to your good self Libs (the bad self gets to sit in the corner, facing the wall :p ) I'll be back before the New Year to 'party up' (as much as I can on a work machine) with you all then.--Alf melmac 14:45, 23 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Motorhead and Motorheadbangers etc

Hi, Alf, thanks for all the positive encouragement, I'll take a look at the citations in the Motorhead categories over Xmas, it shouldn't take too long. Take care, have a great crimbo and a beer from me (now I can't drink!) Alan.Alan Burridge (talk) 08:47, 22 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Many thanks, Mr Burridge, I hope you too have a great crimble. I hope to be able to take you up on that beer in real life one day :) --Alf melmac 09:21, 22 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Pat is never invited out for drinks with Alf... ScarianTalk 14:51, 22 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
You forgot the " sulks off, kicking the walls " bit :D I no longer suggest to anyone that 'we should go for a drink': as a general rule, I don't drink (last time I was anywhere near tipsy was over six years ago and was celebrating the New Year with a number of friends) but I'd happily accept a drink from you in real life and return the favour should we ever meet and recognise each other - Mr Burridge has a head start on you though, as I've seen a photo of him (here - Author Interview) and could spot him at the bar at a Motorhead gig and demand my promised drink.--Alf melmac 15:36, 22 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Please make my day and tell me you're the lady with the pushchair? :-D ScarianTalk 16:19, 22 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

If it'll make your day... puts on best lying face ... I am that woman :D --Alf melmac 16:24, 22 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Is there anything I can do to make your day, Christmas and/or year, Alf? I'm willing to invent a time machine so you can go back to see Motorhead... that's how willing I am... ScarianTalk 16:48, 22 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
A time machine eh? Hmmmm... I think I'd prefer to go into the future than the past (we've all been there plenty of times already). Mind you, it could just save the gruelling walk up Gangs Rinpoche, I think I'd settle for that, take a stroll around it and then "back home in time for tea and medals" biscuits.--Alf melmac 16:57, 22 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, I've climbed up that thing a million times... It's as easy as making a cup o' tea... which reminds me... I'm afraid you admitting to being a woman (and, thus, making my day) has just been beaten... My partner has just told me that they "love me"... Ah, Christmas... couldn't get any better or more love filled. If I don't see you around Alf (I read your problem with Virgin Media above): Have a great Christmas and New Year and I wish you all the happiness in the world available to a MotorHead rocker :-D - Take care, friend. ScarianTalk 18:53, 22 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
What a nice start to the day, OK - so I like the smultchzy lovey-dovey stuff too - a MotorhHeaderBanger can be allowed to be happy that others are happy :) Merry Chrimble!! --Alf melmac 07:11, 23 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I'd rather not build a time machine... it could have serious consequences, though if you could I'd rather go the past, to see my dad a bit younger than he is now... he's 62 at the moment... turning 63 on Aussie Day...RoryReloaded (talk) 19:55, 23 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Secret Mark

Thanks for changing to a more appropriate tag. It's a subject I'm interested in, and it was a bit frustrating not to see citations for specific points. Happy holidays... Raymond Arritt (talk) 16:05, 23 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

No problem, I haven't seen anyone rushing to fix them... yet. Merry Holidays.--Alf melmac 16:09, 23 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas, Alf! Hopefully what you get will be good...RoryReloaded (talk) 19:59, 23 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Erm... do you have a shower? I don't... looks at the still boxed shower radio and wonders how long it would last totally submerged in the bath :s) One very nice pressie was a book on Zen, which was much appreciated. Hope yours were less of a mixed bag than mine ;)--Alf melmac 16:15, 28 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Actually it was a bit of a mixed bag, what with Smiggle and a DS Lite (blue style... lol) I do take a shower, otherwise I would smell a bit like a skunk... P.U.--RoryReloaded (talk) 08:03, 29 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Alf unboxes and tunes the shower radio into Radio One and lobs it across to Rory

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, old froot! May 2008 be a good one (once you get them pesky ISPs under control)! :D – B.hotep u/t20:11, 26 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Alf notes the "old froot" comment and wishes henceforth to be known as "TSB" (see episode 12) just for the mayhem and confusion with the bank.

Alfie! Hope you had a good one :). Regards, —Celestianpower háblame 12:21, 29 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Mr Power! I did :D How nice to see your words on this page. I hope you also had a pleasant one, if not, there's always the New Year to look forward to.--Alf melmac 13:21, 29 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Alf! and CP! Have a few oliebollen! And have a good New Year!! --JoanneB 16:53, 29 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, there's nothing like seasonal food, especially donut-related seasonal food. BURRPP, sorry CP you were a bit slow to the plate ;) I very much intend on having a good New Year, regardless of what stupidity is happening on this planet (and boy is there some stupidity lately!!).--Alf melmac 16:56, 29 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Yep. A lot of stupidity. Personally I think that there should be a bit of al-Qaeda and Taliban victim in this war.RoryReloaded (talk) 19:44, 30 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Ooh, thank you very much for those delicious-looking oliebollen! Too bad there were none left for me - you'll have to make a new batch, Joanne :). Glad you had a good Christmas, and boy am I looking forward to New Year! It's going to be ever-so fabulous! Regards, —Celestianpower háblame 14:09, 31 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I didn't bake them myself this year, as they tend to leave a very strong smell and a thick layer of grease on everything in sight (most people bake them in their shed for this reason, or outside!) when baking them, and we have no shed, outside or balcony so I just bought them :-) Bought some extra for you guys, go ahead and have some! --JoanneB 20:19, 31 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
In Australia (which is where I live) it's 2008! Whoopee! Now, I'm not meaning to push your bubble gum, but today I'm not climbing Mt. Everest in a Spider - Man suit. RoryReloaded (talk) 21:12, 31 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Happy new year Alfie. We be missing you on the talker. We've recruited someone new. :D KnowledgeOfSelf | talk 07:37, 1 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The "falsifier"

FYI - Mr Falsy has a new IP (talk · contribs) (talk) 00:20, 29 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, it appears Pops has beaten me to the block. Morning Libs, morning Pops :) --Alf melmac 07:03, 29 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
This falsifier is driving me mad! Personally I would block him/her FOREVER!--RoryReloaded (talk) 07:58, 29 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I just might put an sock tag as a user page if I find out who the real person is. Then I'll put two tags on his page... RoryReloaded (talk) 19:47, 30 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Happy New Year/Gelukkig NieuwJaar!

Rather than bod about and paste pre-formed wishes onto your talk pages I wish all 'the regulars' - you know who you are :) a very Happy New Year (JoanneB especially is wished "Gelukkig NieuwJaar" - one has to keep the treater of many foregin delectables sweet ;)) - To those readers of this page who don't edit it, likewise - enjoy yourselves over the festivities, but not to excess and damage. Here's hoping that 2008 will bring a fresh sense of collaboration and common purpose to both contributors and maintainers of the wiki for the benefit of all.--Alf melmac 07:35, 31 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, Alf, here's really hoping! Have a good 'un! :) – B.hotep u/t10:39, 31 December 2007 (UTC)`[reply]
I wish you all the same! I supplied some more oliebollen somewhere up there (pointing to one of the paragraphs above), all readers here are welcome to them. --JoanneB 20:31, 31 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Would you like an article list?????

If you want it, just tell me on my talk page! My articles only. --RoryReloaded (talk) 10:37, 31 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The "Falsifier"... yet again

New IP (talk · contribs) same habits/same haunts. (talk) 05:32, 1 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Well spotted Mr. Anon, reverted and blocked. Happy holidays. KnowledgeOfSelf | talk 07:37, 1 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks Pops. My laptop seems to have stumbled across a local wireless connection while on the first of four days off! I'm not going to run anything too heavy though, as that might tweak the owner into shutting it, so I won't join you on talkies until I've got my own connections sorted again - mid-late January.--Alf melmac 10:45, 1 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Frickin sweet! Is the IRC too heavy? KnowledgeOfSelf | talk 12:11, 1 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Oh my goodness! When will this falsifier guy stop?!--RoryReloaded (talk) 21:00, 4 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Late reply to your email

I received a rather confusing email from you some time ago. I apologize for the late response. I do not check my Wikipedia email very often. I have been away from Wikipedia for a long time. I think you might have me confused with a different editor. I am going to start editing again. I am going to switch my email to one that I use more frequently. Perhaps you can clarify your previous email on my talk page. Cheers and take care! Anger22 (Talk 2 22) 02:10, 3 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

No problem, email was a guess at who a user was, I was obviously wrong, no worries.--Alf melmac 09:19, 3 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Far and away...

This is my best edit yet in this short 2008 year. Happy New Year Alf! (talk) 17:32, 5 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Alf chuckles behind his hand, so the anon doesn't notice him Thanks Libs, good start!--Alf melmac 18:13, 5 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Best wishes

Thanks, and Happy New Year to you too!  :) --Elonka 16:49, 6 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Frank West

This has been corrected. Thanks for mentioning it. Hewinsj (talk) 15:18, 7 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Missing custard and cream and donuts...

Alfie, I miss the custard and cream and donuts and cereal being put down my clothing :( KOS and I were discussing our withdrawal symptoms from not talking to you. Please, our lives are at stake!--Ali K (talk) 15:56, 8 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Talk to my ISP then and tell them to stop being tossers the way they are. Should be back on board fully by the end of the month. Alf crumbles a whole packet of jammy dodgers into AliK's sneakers to be getting on with--Alf melmac 16:16, 8 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Yay!! The end of the month!? :( :( Well.. I won't be here from this weekend for 2 weeks, back late January so I guess the timing is okay. Still.. *cough*tossers*cough*. Ali grins at crumbs and pours cream down Alfie's shirt. Ali also gives Alfie some crayons to munch on in her absence.--Ali K (talk) 03:26, 9 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

reply to your comment at Master Scarians page

I would love to have either or both Popups and Twinkle... whoever, to have them, one needs to be able to add the script to their own monobook page. And, by Wiki's own rules... and rightfully so... an anon can't edit their monobook page. And my good friend Wiki libs can't edit my monobook page for me. BUT... if I had proven myself worthy as a noble and true Vandal hunter and I think that I have 100 times over.. NO... 49000 times over :D then an admin could add those scripts to my Static IP page. (obviously when I am walking around with a laptop and editing via any local wireless hub the tools would not be available to me) I've done without them up to now... so I am more then able at "the long way"... but if an admin were to add those script(s) to my Static page I would be most humbly appreciative, honoured and in great wiki-servitude. But giving an IP! ... an anon! ... such precious tools... is really stretching the upppermost limits of AGF on Wikipedia. And it would take an admin with a big pair of arnolds to risk their AGF'ing that much... which could result in their adminship being put at risk just over their AGF of a lowly anon IP... And I don't want anyone to compromise their toolbox just to give me some speedy tools to help me fight vandalism. As most anyone can see... I am a crack editor at doing that without any tools what-so-ever. I know, I know... just add those scripts to Wiki libs monobook page and use the account :D. W_libs is only there to give me email access and I have permanently retired my "Mr. ______" user account(it had all kinds of anti-vandal tools). I have chosen the anon path... so I will just have to live with the consequences of my decision. And I'm cool with that. Obviously... I've been editing this way for almost 2 years :D . (talk) 11:27, 10 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Having trawled through the vandalism tools pages, I cannot see a mention of ips not being allowed to use thess tools, however do note the responsibility issue and consider that well. I would be fine to add that script to your static ip's monobook unless someone can point me to an official page that says this is not allowed. I'm going off to do some other jobs right now, so I'll check back in a couple of hours.--Alf melmac 11:42, 10 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
If you could do that I would be most appreciative... MOST appreciative!
I am actually quite good at reverting without any anti-vandal tools at all. But it would be more than great if I had Twinkle and Popups. I actually see a benefit of both... Popups simply for viewing changes/history quicker and Twinkle for revert and... more importantly issuing warnings and reporting to AiV something I don't do near as often as I used to simply because of the "pain-in-the-ass" of it all... edit conflict wise If I am to be so honoured with these anti-vandal capabilities then I would also request that Lupins Tools script be added as well. I always enjoyed that one for the extended left side toolbox functions especially the 'Filter recent changes' and 'Recent IP edits' links.
There aren't enough words of gratitude in the English language to convey my humblelishesness if I am given access to the vandal tools that I used so much back "in-the-day". I have learned shortcuts that have helped me in my 'sans-tools' anon era. But to fast track the baddies back using those anti-V gifts will just make things so much easier I am 'puckering and un-puckering' just at the thought of it :D well... not really... but I am certainly excited
Can you imagine the looks on the Wiki should be for registered users only f*ckheads when they see an anon with script tools showing up in their recent changes list :D . There'll be hate messages galore flying around about that :D .
Alf... Scripts or no scripts... I would like to dedicate this AC/DC song to you to honour your massively manly "set".
Let it be known to all the Wiki-world...
Wiki alf doesn't teabag... he potato sacks!

Have a nice day!. (talk) 13:45, 10 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

OOoooooooooooo Christmas comes in January for ol' Libs! Thank you for the vote of confidence. Hopefully no comeuppance occurs because of it. I know of a couple of "anti-IPs" who will absolutely SH*T their pants if they see an anon with script tools :D . Hope they have an extra roll-O-paper lying around :D . Again thanks!!!!. You edit to the monobook page has actually opened up the edit tab for for to use now too. Which is nice. It just needed it's cherry broke :D . (talk) 18:09, 10 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Spoke too soon. The tools are anti-IP biased. Tried different combos but to no avail. Ne travail pas. My friend Wiki libs tried them and of course... they all worked perfectly for that a**hole :D . But not me. Oh well, he can have 'em. Perhaps he will use them someday. Despite the scripts not working let it be known that this anti-anon roadblock does, in no way, reflect on the spectacular size of your legendary nads ;D .

I guess you'll just have to give me that non-admin rollback whatever whatever :D .

Thanks for tryin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a nice day. (talk) 19:09, 10 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Damn.--Alf melmac 07:54, 13 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The falsier

Is back as IP (talk · contribs). (talk) 23:08, 10 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry, wasn't around, wasn't long before they got knobbled for a month by some wise admin though.--Alf melmac 07:54, 13 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, dear.RoryReloaded (talk) 20:25, 9 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]


Oh, good call - that site's been down for ages, so I just assumed that it had packed up. Bob talk 15:57, 13 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

No problem, looks like a lot of decent info there.--Alf melmac 15:58, 13 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Boo :)

The Special Barnstar
Alf! Thanks for the revert :) Have this Barnstar (which I've never seen before in my life), just for being you! — Xy7 (talk) 16:54, 15 January 2008
w00t - I almost feel guilty now for having sorta vandalised your page when I was bored - almost ;) --Alf melmac 17:00, 15 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Hehe, oh you can vandalise my page any day. — Xy7 (talk) 17:06, 15 January 2008


I've been feeling the walls desperately and tripping over stuff for hours. Many thanks for finding the switch. ;o) ➔ REDVEЯS is standing in the light 08:59, 16 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

You're most welcome :) --Alf is wearing a pointy hat he stole from REDVEЯS
By the way, I appear to have lost my favourite pointy hat. You haven't seen it, have you? ➔ REDVEЯS has lost his hat 09:19, 16 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Erm... the nice pointy hat that you were wearing around town? Nope, sorry, haven't seen that.--Alf appears to be concealing something under his jacket
Oh well. If you're sure you haven't seen it, then I must just have left it somewhere. That's a nice jacket, by the way. A bit pointy in places, but still very nice. ➔ REDVEЯS has a cold head 09:26, 16 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
You can image my surprise when I found the culprit - see the photo of the villain caught 'red-headed' on the right..--Alf is a dirty rotten liar and will likely get a lump of coal next Christmas
You'll probably get some crayons that I bought for you if you give it back... Rory asks for the pointy hat that Santa Claus or Alf has so Rory can put it under his own jacket —Preceding comment was added at 20:30, 2 April 2008 (UTC)

Your opinion

This edit (read the edit summary carefully) is Libs pushing the limits of WP:BOLD and exposing Libsy's "plus grande nads" to all Wiki and seeing just how long it takes a logo crufter to rv the edit. I believe, based on both the policy and the long overdue discussion on it... that the edit is a valid one. Wikipedia, by it's own mandate, is to be a free encyclopedia promoting free-use content when/wherever possible. You just cannot get any more free-use than plain text. Most bands copyright their logos and therefore using them requires well worded fair-use rationale. And if free-use always wins out over fair-use... I think my edit summary is noble, just and true. Time will tell. Do you agree? Do you disagree? Do you have a third opinion. I would be most interested in finding out. And I invite you to go ahead and invite anyone you wish into the conversation. Perhaps the discussion can be moved to my static IP page where it can be an informal chat... rather than a discussion... leading to consensus... leading to guidelines... leading to policies... and all that other Wiki-crap :D . Does free-use always win? I think Wikipedia was built on the foundation of "free-use". What are your thoughts? (talk) 01:38, 17 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Well it seems to be following the thrust of what voices have voiced themselves in the discussions about this, naturally it will piss off the people who created and uploaded them. There are good ideas on usage there (at the discussion - as in showing the logo is already under free licence or considering its usage elsewhere in the article, supported by text [my particular favorite as that is pretty much exactly what Fair Use™ is about] and yes they are right, it will mean another edit to that hot potato of an infobox. I don't know if free use would win over well used fair use as I've not seen that magic combination at work - yet. The base line here is the ethic that we are creating a free encyclopedia, anything that moves away from that is naturally less desirable with the caveat that well used Fair Use, where appropriate, should not be problematic to upholding the ethic.--Alf melmac 08:08, 17 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for your input. The logo discussion is stretched out over several talk pages and projects. If any of those lugs want to get some sort of guideline in place they'd better find a single path for it. I see the point that "free-use" text defeats "fair-use" images. I also see the point that some of these "fair-use" logos are well "entrenched" into the wikipedia-ishesness. I had tried the same test edit to the Def Leppard article a couple of weeks ago (I didn't have the talk page linked into my edit summary) A gruft-lobber replaced it saying that it was fair-use to use it. Which was never my arguement nor was it in my edit summary. As it's been mentioed in many a discussion... some editors view Wikipedia with their images turned off. Not everyone has high speed access... in fact most of the globe doesn't. So adding this sort of superfluous cotton candy just discriminates those users from viewing these articles because a key component of the infobox... the name... won't show up. Which means that it isn't "an encyclopedia for everybody"... like it's supposed to be. I must admit the Iron Maiden page was a bad example start with. As I mentioned to Scarian on his talk page. The band's logo was hand designed by Steve Harris and created before there was actually a full band to use it. That little tidbit... with a citation... AND the logo... would be a great "fair-use" addition to the first "early history" section of the article. There are other band logos that could have the same treatment. But many/most band logos are corporate designs by the band's management and record companies and don't have the same "content flavour" that the IM logo does. They just colourful advertising. It's an interesting discussion to follow around (as it jumps from page to page) It really get down to the whole crux of what Wiki is all about. Much more interesting than commas and linebreaks. More philosophy than policy. For now the logo rm hasn't been rv'd. The day is still young. (talk) 21:10, 17 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Centralized TV Episode Discussion

Over the past months, TV episodes have been redirected by (to name a couple) TTN, Eusebeus and others. No centralized discussion has taken place, so I'm asking everyone who has been involved in this issue to voice their opinions here in this centralized spot, be they pro or anti. Discussion is here [1]. Even if you have not, other opinions are needed because this issue is affecting all TV episodes in Wikipedia. --Maniwar (talk) 02:29, 21 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Spinning wheels

You tell the Viking Logo Goddess that there is a clear cut concensus on removal (thanks BTW ) And Carcharoth (who I don't know from a hole in the ground so he obviously hasn't been part of any previous discussion) tells the editor with the horny helm to join the discussion to help reach a consensus??? That just invited him to go on an edit war. Scarian thinks he may be a sock to another logo-ite. Time will tell. Also... Chase me ladies(etc) reverted some of my earlier edits using a vandal tool... which shakes more of anti-IP-ism than actual editing since they were clearly edits with detailed edit summaries?? A normally cool-headed admin it surprised me to see such a prickish manoeuvre. Some editors ( and unfortunately some admins ) Just seem to read part way through discussions until they read one line that supports their opinion instead of getting the whole global jest. Wikipedia is going to miss KOS's 3500 edits/day. He said he may do the occasional anon edit. What an incredibly noble path to choose :D . Time to spin some wheels. Hopefully Carcharoth doesn't puncture any of my tires without reading my license plate first. :D (talk) 14:09, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

It is also possible that some of those admins may have been using feedback from a bot (via whichever editing "tool"), which, if one had decided to use rollback on one edit, may have coloured the other edits, or marked them as dubious, so one early rollback may have led to the others (without the admin(s) being aware of any previous 'perfect edits').--Alf melmac 14:37, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
And yur durn tootin' they was purfict too. Like me :D BTW... Welcome to the 10% club. :D (talk) 14:45, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Alf this edit didn't require a sig. Could you... ummm? :D . (talk) 17:00, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, but that blessed bot is good at signing my name too :) --Alf melmac 17:24, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I wonder if Pepve talks to himself when he isn't editing Wikipedia :D. (talk) 18:11, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Some years back, I realised the increasing amount of icon-isation (principally on computers) and wondered whether, at some time in the future, if there would come a day when people would find reading real words tiresome as opposed to icons "giving" the info. That day appears to have come round sooner than I expected :s --Alf melmac 18:41, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Why are they always afraid to talk to me directly? Anti-anon bias will always be one of Wikipedia weakest links. I revert way more red link User account vandals in a day then IP vandals. IPs are easy to spot. But these single purpose vandal accounts are so much harder to find I get 10 times the satisfaction of reverting them. This is just one of those days. To top it off I forgot my glasses at home and staring at this page is giving me a scorcher of a headache. Owww! (talk) 19:17, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Didn't mean to ignore your previous comment... sorry. It's the "picture says a thousand words" syndrome. Libraries like mine used to be crammed full of people. Now it's just full of hippie students who smell bad and have to come here because they spent their internet budget on a new bong :D . Not really :D. Some days I sense that the printed word is dead. And other days the staff here just can't seem to push enough books. And I can't say much for myself... the last bits of enjoyable reading for me have been graphic novels. It takes 10 times more effort to generate one of these sh*tty looking logos then it does to type the word. Why don't they just type? (talk) 19:24, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Afraid? You're delusional. I simply dislike communicating with individuals who have no grasp of the concept of civility.Óðinn (talk) 19:30, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry... Alf if I've been uncivil with you today please accept my heartfelt apologies. (talk) 19:38, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

We are all delusional.--Alf melmac 19:40, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
We are not all Buddhists. :-) Óðinn (talk) 19:47, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Indeed so, though you, Óðinn, as much as Libs, Pat, and even LemonyLemon have "Buddha-nature" (and live in "delusion"), even if you don't realise it.--Alf melmac 19:53, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I don't seek perfection. I don't wish to escape Samsara. I can't, therefore, have a Buddha-nature. Óðinn (talk) 20:10, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
That isn't a logical deduction. You do, it's enough for me for me to know it, whether it's enough for you is up to you ;) --Alf melmac 21:46, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Better to eat those crayons then to to stick them up your... OhOh gotta go... Wiki vandal at 4 O'clock. (talk) 19:45, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

This is the "Budda"/"Buddha" I have my sights on. :D (talk) 20:04, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

That boy Odinn was uncivil! :-O Someone should give him a warning! ...Ah, fiddle-sticks! Who cares? We've got much better things to be doing... like... editing... or... removing logo's... ScarianNew Human Resources Manager at Wiki Alf's talk page... 22:09, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I don't think I can "dumb it down" any further than that!??! Time to make the glue. (talk) 23:39, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Are you bored tonight Alf? :-D - Grab WP:HUGGLE if you are. Lib's doesn't like it... but I think it's awesome. Quietly pockets his sponsorship money... ScarianCall me Pat 23:55, 22 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I'm soon off to bed, I did get to the "Requirements" section though - "Windows 2000 / XP / Vista" <full stop> No Linux there, no Windows here, except in VMware and darn it - I mostly use that just for poker :).--Alf melmac 00:07, 23 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Alf, doesn't anyone tell you to be normal? Get Windows! Come over the darkside! And be apart of the 95% of computer users on the planet! ScarianCall me Pat 00:31, 23 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

two voices from the same throat

this IP edit is LemonyLemons. I tagged the page as an IP sock and Lemony replied as himself acting as an IP trying not to be himself. I still suspect a LemonyPepeLemons combinations happening. If they are they same throat.... they may be sitting in the same chair/classroom/dorm/library/cafe/living room/dining room/bedroom/turkish bath... whatever :D. (talk) 14:45, 23 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The contributions by the ip and LemonLemonLemons do consistently use lower case "i" instead of "I". If evidence of vote-stacking becomes an issue, then definitely a RfCU will be in order.--Alf melmac 15:07, 23 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
There is some "common ground" between the IP and the citrus (along with the fact that one speaks for the other). If a new user account suddenly casts an opinion, would that qualify for an RCU (without it looking like fishing?) and, if so, could another "very active" debater(whose edit history also shows an abundance of "common ground") be added to the RCU check-em-up-em list? (talk) 15:43, 23 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
If it were clear that the two were editing as independent editors (the ideal cruncher being voting type edits by both accounts) then RfCU is unlikely to be refused, if they are just another voice in the argument, I don't think it would be accepted.--Alf melmac 15:54, 23 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]


Holy crap!!! You like Ensiferum, too? Blizzard Beast $ODIN$ 00:34, 25 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I don't have to like it to edit it :) I was just showing how easy it is to add some meaningful content and put things like the logos and such into proper context.--Alf melmac 00:36, 25 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I find this discussion interesting

Talk:John Lennon#Unreadable??? Yes I know there are trolls how go about all day long doing nothing but marking articles as {unreferenced} and then never returning to follow up and provide some assistance to remedy the need for the tag. But this article, as with all Beatles related articles, has a small but dedicated group of editors who work very hard at pushing WP:V to the uppermost limits (re: Paul McCartney's 305 citations). Beatles articles aren't as easy to reference as some might think. They are a band that are absolutely saturated with media mention. Access to interviews are out there in the thousands. But the books written about them are, in many cases, lacking in source and validity themselves. When you really have to dig just to find 1 ref is hard. But digging through 40 slightly different references for a single line of text... just as hard, if not harder at times. Saying the {cn} tags makes the page unreadable is silly.... beyond silly. I've made a comment on a different talk page that it isn't a bad thing to reference every single line of text in an article. What do people have against WP:V? "LessHeard" is one the Beatles regulars. He was chided on his talk page because he told someone to f*ck off. Eww, Eww, WP:CIVIL!!!!... plllease. :D . His "F.O." didn't have anything to do with the Beatles. But still... if I was working hard at a W_project and had to put up with comments like "please don't ask for citations"... and then had to go and do admin work... I'd tell the first editor that crossed me the wrong way to F.O. too :D. Heck I'd tell the first half dozen editors I crossed paths with to F.O. whether they pissed me off or not. Navlos got caught telling a big fat forceful blatant lie(times about 50) in his logo re-add agenda last night. The whole "official" cauldron will probably start to brew and bubble again today. I am heading to the cottage later on for some peace/quiet... and ice fishing. Still got the high speed out there though... just not good ol' 156.34 . As usual... the game for the weekend... who will find Libs first :D. Have a nice day! (talk) 14:13, 25 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Great day in the fresh/freezing Maine air today(-22C on the lake Brrrrr) I caught a big pickerel(Pike). I named it in honour of a Viking God. Then I chopped its head and tail off and peeled the guts out of it and fed them to the dogs. I have no use for the boney buggers after that. I don't eat fish... I just like catchin' them. The kids and I can fill a big bucket in about an hour. We just give 'em to the neighbours. They oblige with a big moose roast or some homemade pickles and jams. I love gettin' out to the lake and away from the city. The cottage has 4 huge loft style bedrooms and cathedral ceilings in "the big room". No plaster or sheet rock here. The main interior is finished with pine boards that we cut and finished ourselves. Two of the bedrooms are done completely in cherry wood and the other two are finished with birds-eye maple. That's as rustic as it gets though. The main room is home to a 52" TV and a "cracked" satellite dish that has 900 channels... which I never watch. I hate TV. But we need something for the kids when it's storming outside. My office window looks out over the lake... I am at peace... and I have high speed internet. :D . Ahhhhhhhh! (talk) 02:17, 26 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
How on earth do you manage to tear yourselves away from all that to return to city - I think I'd be tempted to 'go hermit' in place like that and never be seen again :) Enjoy!--Alf melmac 10:32, 26 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

An RCU question

The other day there was a "maybe" Today I think I have a "yup". I am having a struggle with a "couple" of crufters while trying to POC sheen the Mick Taylor article. I thought I was speaking to two people (one of whom also edits frequently as an IP and uses the same edit summaries so he was easy to spot) The other weighed in a support "re-cruft" vote. Then an IP (which I thought was editor # 1) issued an NPA vio on the talk page. The IP then corrected his IP sig to the sig of editor # 2. I asked Scarians opinion on, what I see, as a pretty easy RCU. But since we RCU spoke just the other day I thought I'd ask you too. The edit evidence is posted on Scarian's talk page. If it's valid then I have run up against an editors pressing hard to create a false consensus a=on whether the article should be encyclopedic or whether it should be returned to its former fansite state. Your thoughts. If it wasn't -30C outside I'd be out n about. But the cold has pushed into "Fanboyville" and I don't even like bubblegum or cotton candy :D. (talk) 17:22, 26 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Yup that looks like cooked already. I'd be very disappointed if RfCU was denied on that.--Alf melmac 17:27, 26 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Been a long time since I've created one. I will wait and see if the noble Scarian can assist. Thanks for your comment. I have a crushing headache from a smelly sock drawer. Wikipedia should be a "scent-free workplace" :D. (talk) 17:33, 26 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

What does this mean? Rather obvious but not serious? (talk) 02:58, 28 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]


Troublesome troll on the Jimmy Page article. Lots of previous warnings for this one. Almost reminds me of Dragong4? Troubling day. (talk) 20:44, 26 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I hope you are not referring to me as the troll. I can assure you that I am not.Pistolpierre (talk) 21:19, 26 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I have protected the article from further editing for a short time to prevent either party exceeding the three revert rule (if they haven't done so already, I haven't checked). I notice that Pistolpierre has been blocked for exceeding this before and discussion on the talk page in respect of making non-neutral point of view edits. Biographies of living people also needs to acknowledged when editing the Jimmy Page article.--Alf melmac 21:32, 26 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the prot. I reported him at the BLP noticeboard... whether anything comes of that... should went straight to ANI... ANI always works so w... oh... maybe I was right to go to BLPN. :D . This afternoon warmed up enough we ran out and snagged two freakishly big fish. Named one after a Viking God and the other after a Norman handgun. :D... their final fates were the same as all the others. And got some homemade Lady Ashburnhams (pickles... Mmmmm) in a swap from the kind old ladies down the road. Ahhhh.... rustic living. Now I am going to sit down and watch Madame Tutli-Putli. If you haven't seen it.. try and download it. Great little animated short... very unique. (talk) 22:50, 26 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

My "edit of the day award" goes to...

This comment. One to bookmark for future reference. I come across them all day. Not usually that outspokenly obvious though. I am back in the city. Next weekend I am taking my Cub Scout troop out for 3 days of "real" camping. No electricity. So Wikipedia will have to do without me for 3 full days. Might just as well fold the project up right now. :D . (talk) 20:57, 28 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

What exactly does he mean... uncivil?. And why would he not issue the same warning to the the "actual" uncivil person re: the comment above? Do admins play favourites? Has he been known to be a "registered-users-only" admin before? (talk) 14:41, 29 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
PS... since your own RfA have you learned to "grok the Tao of Wiki"? (talk) 15:27, 29 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Waterbrother, I am still an egg compared the fount from which that gem flowed.--Alf melmac 09:08, 30 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Am I the "actual" uncivil guy? :-( ScarianCall me Pat 15:48, 29 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Incivility? (isn't uncivil to do with lacking culture?).--Alf melmac 09:08, 30 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Bah! Everyone uses "uncivil" on Wikipedia incorrectly then... ScarianCall me Pat 09:51, 30 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Well one view of English is "she is as she is used" and who am I to disagree with the great unwashed :p --Alf melmac 11:02, 30 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I've read the conversation a dozen times and I can't see where I am uncivil requiring a block warning and the "all IPs are rats" editor gets no warning at all. It was a "from outta left field" warning coming from an admin who has never crossed paths with me before and smells of a behind the scenes "IRC buddy stroke". To be fair I did refer to that a_hole Wikilibs character as an a_hole but thats only because he is one of the biggest a_holes on Wikipedia. But thats just a fact and has nothing to do with rat boy not getting a warning. (talk) 11:18, 30 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I still can't quite get over the idea of being warned about not being glazed with olive oil and decorated with gold, wearing togas, laying around and having servants peel and feed one grapes while the lyres are stroked with gentle wafts from the muses. Gosh they do mean "incivil" how uncivil to use such barbaristic talk.--Alf melmac 11:27, 30 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

You had a fanclub this morning

It's always on Wednesdays. Something to do with kids and their extra hour of lab time on Wednesdays. One of those editors was trying to express his Wiki-love for you and you spurned it. Very incivilianistic of you. (talk) 14:08, 30 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Meh, I didn't give a warning in return for their vandalistic "love", that's pretty civil if you ask me. :) --Alf melmac 14:34, 30 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Shadowbot doesn't operate but...

Is there still a "blacklist"? And, if there is, can http://asiafanclub.com/ be added to it? And, if there is a blacklist... how does it work if Shadowbot doesn't work anymore? And, what's the proper minutes/pound for cooking a turkey? And, at what temp? And,... ahhhh... just the blacklist question for now I guess :D . (talk) 01:36, 2 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The owner of said "unreq'd/adds nothing to the content/WP:EL vio" says "If we meet any resistance we will file a lawsuit for emotional stress and discrimination and deformation and sue personally those who edited out this important authorized site and this will go to the Arbitration Committee. We do have long history of resistance, and I have already contacted an attorney. Never eat barbeque chips when you're reading stuff like that. They burn when you pass them through your nose following the sudden burst of laughter. maybe I shoulda posted the 'chip warning' ahead of the quote :D (talk) 01:56, 2 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Ahhh... it's all done and done. Now.... back to that turkey question. (talk) 13:16, 2 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Long time no speech - still having ISP probs?

Your appearances are sporadic and fleeting. Only online at work? Was wondering... next time you 'gopher' into Wiki... could you pop a request over to the spammylink blacklist place and add this little spammydom http://oxfordcommariddim.com. Typical nn fansite junk and rm'ing the owner's re-add is becoming a tiresome and tedious task. Linkbot would be so much swifter. Hope you wire up soon. Have a nice day! (talk) 09:57, 12 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, but I will either need the user(s) involved or some diffs of the insertions as described at User talk:XLinkBot/RevertList. Comment on sporadic and fleeting appearances: there has been an awful lot of reading to do of late, the subjects, the handling and the outcomes have made me less happy than normal.--Alf melmac 10:36, 13 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
User is a rotten ol' floating IP - 172.X range. diffs=[2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13]
Link adder took a dislike to User:Funeral for rm'ing his link and vandalised his talk page here and here.
a little name calling here
I think they're bound and determined to get their link onto Wikipedia. One of those IPs has a comment in their about showing Wiki readers how to find their forum link. (talk) 11:30, 13 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
request made thanks.--Alf melmac 12:16, 13 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
And thank you! (talk) 12:33, 13 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

What an earth?

What on earth is this picture meant to be? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:03, 14 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

here.--Alf melmac 19:29, 14 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Reference question - is a picture worth a thousand words?

A user is doing some cleanup/referencing of some of the "guitar player" lists and asks the following:

one more gormless question about references: do photos count? as in: if a book or magazine contains photographic evidence of the factuality of a statement, but don't actually include text that refers specifically to (for example) the model of guitar, is it acceptable to cite that book or whatever as a source?

In this case it is simply clarifying/verifying that a particular guitarist has used a specific model of guitar. It isn't a situation where an editor makes a judgement call on what he/she sees in a photograph. Can the editor cite the book with the "picture only" for a situation like this? Thanks for your input. Have a nice day! (talk) 17:39, 18 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hmm I've seen editors add in details of guns used in films when they are identifiable from the image on the screen, I don't see this as much different - providing it is clearly that particular model in the picture (that there's no other lookalike models it could be).--Alf melmac 18:15, 18 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you kindly! (talk) 18:56, 18 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Would you like a t-shirt, Alf? I'd be happy to give you mine ;-) - Thanks for the support, btw, I really appreciate. And thank you for all the help/advice/funny times you've give me :-) ScarianCall me Pat 10:20, 21 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Tea with Alf and Pat (TV show)

Studio audience claps from introduction, cheesy 80's talk show music can be heard Hello and welcome to Tea with Alf and Pat! We are your hosts Alf and Pat and we are going to talking about things and tea! Yep, tea! Okay, Alf here is some Liptons try that... nice? Oh, actually, I heard you were in a bit of bother earlier with a page mover Studio audience gasps - Tell us more about that? ScarianCall me Pat 22:27, 23 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Yep, Pat. It's all in the edit history, seemed to lose control for a minute or twoten there, should've walked away, nice tea by the way, got any biscuits?--Alf melmac 23:11, 23 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Ouch, not very nice of him... Pauses to think... - I can make it look like an accident...? No one will ever know any different... ScarianCall me Pat 00:21, 24 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
How painful could this "accident" be? Alf practices his 'evil monkey face' and compliments Pat on the biscuits anything approaching a trapped spinal nerve could be good :) --Alf melmac 08:01, 24 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Studio audience and Pat laugh... Oh, Alf! You joker! ...Do you have a trapped spinal nerve? Studio audience 'Awws' Alf and his trapped spinal nerve... ScarianCall me Pat 10:51, 24 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, Pat Alf fumbles around a bit and produces a small wooden box I keep it safely tucked away in here, don't fiddle with the latches though, it's mighty feisty for getting out. Alf holds pose as he hears the voice-over for going to the commercial break and now a word from our sponsors....--Alf melmac 11:34, 24 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Voice over via Libsey... Have you ever wanted more power? Have you ever wanted to shove a mop in someones face and shout, "Hey, don't make me block yo' face mo' fo'?" Have you ever wanted to pull wiki chicks? If so, then go through the hell that is RfA! In 7 days time you could be as cool as this guy:

File:Muzar alf.JPG

New Wave of British Heavy Metal

Lots of discussion by lots of individuals (including you) have come to the conclusion that NWOBHM is not a genre it is an era/movement/moment in time when a certain flock of band from a certain country gained some notoriety... all at the same time. It has been removed from many/most band infoboxes where it was being used as a genre... Mo_head being the flagship of this sort of cleanup. I have this question/request for comment/request for edit... from you. If you look at the New Wave of British Heavy Metal page you will see a pretty infobox in the top right of the page. This is a "genre" box. If, in fact, we have determined NWOBHM to NOT be a genre... should the genre box be rm'd from the page as it is "misleading" a reader, unfamiliar with the subject, that the term is a genre... when it isn't. This sort of "infobox goof" has been repaired in articles like [[Arena rock} and Power ballad and Sleaze rock and so on. I could be bold and rm the box m'self... but that may wind up getting me added onto that ignorant Huggle blacklist again and then I'd have to park another boatload of thank-yous for Scarian after he cleans my talk page history again. If you can provide some thoughts and perhaps an "I concur" to the proposed removal of the offending box... then perhaps another bold and noble editor who eavesdrops onto this page will go ahead and do the overdue edit. (talk) 15:13, 25 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I'll do it. If you could just show me a replacement infobox? Btw, User:WesleyDodds pick up on your NWOBHM removal as a genre and I rerverted him by telling him to look at the actual article itself stating that it's an era rather than a genre. So... To Do List: 1) Find replacement infobox 2) Keep it quiet so no one notices ;-) ScarianCall me Pat 15:51, 25 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
For the other article no other replacement infobox was used since there isn't one for "Music terms" or "music eras". (talk) 16:02, 25 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Didn't we get this site blacklisted?

I thought we got this site blacklisted? It was on the shadowbot blacklist which... I will assume... doesn't carry over to the new spamlist. Thoughts? (talk) 22:34, 28 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I've added it to User:XLinkBot.--Hu12 (talk) 23:09, 28 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]


I was wondering... Would this be something you'd be interested in? - jc37 04:21, 29 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Goodness, if only that were Request for Bagels I'd be all over it. Thanks very much for the question, though the answer at this moment in time will have to be no. Should the situation change, I will let you know. Thanks.--Alf melmac 14:10, 29 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Ok, you just got added to my talkpage list of memorable comments.
And no worries. Just in my experience with you, you seem to be someone who I feel would be a good choice. Hope you're having a great day : ) - jc37 18:34, 29 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Moving pages--confused

OK, so the Wikipedia standard for language pages is that all pages about a language be called "X language". Nothing fancy. Being just a linguist and not a computer specialist, I was cutting and pasting. Apparently that's bad. OK, I didn't see the move button at the top of the page. So you reverted the change. Now I have a page with the "X language" label that has a "history", so I can no longer use the move button to move the content. What do I do now? (Taivo (talk) 08:26, 1 March 2008 (UTC))[reply]

As long as there is no other contributor, there should be no problem moving the page over the redirect, if the software doesn't allow for some reason, let me know and I can either delete the destination page or move it for you.--Alf melmac 08:43, 1 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I have moved the page for you. Please consider amending pages that used to link directly to the old target a list is here.--Alf melmac 08:58, 1 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much :) (Taivo (talk) 09:56, 1 March 2008 (UTC))[reply]
I don't think all of these pages should have been moved. The rule has always been that the qualifier 'language' should only be added where no to might lead to confusion. — Gareth Hughes (talk) 00:12, 2 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I don't have a vested interest here other than to make reference consistent. My only comment would to be make sure there are always "X language" pages that redirect if a person doesn't want "language" on the page of their excellent work. These Aramaic articles are obviously on a different level than the pages I find in Africa, for example, that just label a group and are ambiguous. (Taivo (talk) 05:25, 2 March 2008 (UTC))[reply]

unblock request

Please unblock User_talk:Daniel_Hannan. He is now identified. Regards, NonvocalScream (talk) 15:30, 2 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

(Rhetorical question) How much simpler would it have been to have identified when first asked to and it was explained to them.? Block lifted.--Alf melmac 15:36, 2 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
When I first started Wiki, things were not as easy for me. I had to learn.  ;) Best regards, NonvocalScream (talk) 16:48, 2 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Motorhead question

What's your opinion of this edit here and the little hidden text? I am usually quick to rm hidden messages but that one intrigued me and I wanted to ask your thoughts. It obviously didn't intrigue me enough at the time though since the edit was done 3 days ago and I am just remembering it now but oh well. I can recall Robbo's satin shorts and kneehigh jock socks.(with a bit of nausea) Pink tutus and ballet slippers? the "refused to play the classic numbers" text following should be ref'd and reworded or something... but for today... I just want your thoughts on how you feel about Robbo in a pink tutu. (talk) 13:18, 9 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Another Perfect Day has such fantastic sky-scraper wall of sound from him, I'd forgive him if he was doing Daisy the sheep on stage, nowhere else does any motorhead period have that extra piece of spatial overlay that he was so every good at. Oh the edit... - well hmmmmm... fights broke out over that tutu my friend, cos some of us thought "so what if he's a bit woofy - just listen to that Guitar" I'm sure a ref for that is possible, it's known well enough.--Alf melmac 13:49, 9 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Sounds good. I have read that article many times and it never jumped out at me before... but the little hidden text gave me a mild tingling of "hmm??" so I thought I'd ask. In my own memory banks I can recall 2 interviews with Robbo from that period. The first was a 'technical' piece that focused on his layered guitars for the album and how that was a new element he brought to the band that he hoped the fans would like. It also talked about what gear he used to recreate "the wall" on stage. The only other interview I can think of was a "post-departure" bit and the only part I can remember was that he hoped that he added something different to the band and that when all was said and done he just hoped that people would admire the fact that he had the balls to do the gig in the first place. Another Perfect Day is one of my favourite Motorhead albums and I Got Mine has always been in my Mo_head top 5 songs. Speaking of which... the Wikipedia article for that album has the most 'weasel'-ish in text with the line: "Although it is the most melodic and unique album Motörhead had ever recorded, the fans were not pleased" I hate it when people add their pov to pages and try and tanker 'the fans' into their opinions. Weasels they is... weasels the whole lot of 'em. (talk) 15:23, 9 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Rudd or Nelson

I know you're not Australian, but who would you prefer?

Please. -- (talk) 22:47, 20 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

That was my IP. Sorry about that. —Preceding unsigned comment added by RoryReloaded (talkcontribs) 22:49, 20 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

What the...?

What do you mean by this band? And what star sign are you? Could you please tell me? Buys some crayons to give to KOS RoryReloaded (talk) 07:36, 31 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

April 2008

You have been blocked from editing for a period of A couple of days in accordance with Wikipedia's blocking policy for For being such a darned good contributor. Once the block has expired, you are welcome to make constructive contributions. If you believe this block is unjustified, you may contest the block by adding the text {{unblock|your reason here}} below. ScarianCall me Pat 00:25, 1 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Alf! Two years ago, you said hi to me as a new user on WIkipedia. My extremely rare use of my user-ness led to me not even noticing that you had say hi. So, two years later, hello, and thanks for the welcome! (This seems like it could be a jape for today, but it's not.) Viktor Haag (talk) 15:41, 1 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Replaceable fair use Image:Sir_Patrick_Moore.jpg

Replaceable fair use
Replaceable fair use

Thanks for uploading Image:Sir_Patrick_Moore.jpg. I noticed the description page specifies that the media is being used under a claim of fair use, but its use in Wikipedia articles fails our first non-free content criterion in that it illustrates a subject for which a freely licensed media could reasonably be found or created that provides substantially the same information. If you believe this media is not replaceable, please:

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  2. On the image discussion page, write the reason why this image is not replaceable at all.

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Oh boy, Scarian has copped it

Scarian will pay for blocking you for absolutely no reason... Naughty admin he is sometimes, that Scarian... this is not a personal attack, I'm just saying... RoryReloaded (talk) 07:27, 4 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, be fair. He had a reason. You just didn't like his reason. It's really just a matter of opinion. Enigma msg Review 08:01, 4 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I've reported it. RoryReloaded (talk) 08:10, 4 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Smile, smile everywhere!


OK. It is World Youth Day. No, don't tell me... Ah! World Health Day! Make sure you stay healthy, even over here. Or there. Wherever you are, stay healthy! --RoryReloaded (talk) 08:40, 7 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, although I'm not so young, I will! --Alf melmac 10:56, 7 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]
HOORAY! Your block has been lifted, oh lifted away, I thought it would take so long! RoryReloaded (talk) 20:52, 7 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for uploading Image:A Man for All Seasons.jpg. You've indicated that the image is being used under a claim of fair use, but you have not provided an adequate explanation for why it meets Wikipedia's requirements for such images. In particular, for each page the image is used on, the image must have an explanation linking to that page which explains why it needs to be used on that page. Can you please check

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This is an automated notice by FairuseBot. For assistance on the image use policy, see Wikipedia:Media copyright questions. --18:48, 22 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

TY bot if the two sets of explanations is insufficient, then fine it can be deleted.--Alf melmac 07:41, 23 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I'm back

Here I am, back on Wikipedia after a 18 day hiatus on my editing. It's good to be home again. Oh, HAPPY GREEK EASTER! RoryReloaded (talk) 20:43, 28 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hope you enjoyed it :) --Alf melmac 10:00, 3 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. RoryReloaded (talk) 21:38, 8 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Motorhead discography section

Hi Wiki alf, I reverted back the article to the simpler form of the discography section. Fact is the discography section should not contain details such as a table, chart positions, compilations etc.. Feel free to check any featured article: Metallica, Opeth etc. The filmography, similarly can be added to the discography article. As for the band member table, it was quite ungainly and would better off as a separate article I think. Remember that we have to avoid the article becoming too listy (with tables, charts etc), as that would make it overwhelming for the reader. Thanks for your time, and feel free to clarify any doubts you have. indopug (talk) 19:24, 17 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah I did check, Pink Floyd for example. The fact that none of the information (particularly the film info) wss transferred to the discography when whoever edited out it is upsetting. The article passed FA status with that in, I see no reason to chop it about after having been exposed to thousands on its day on the front page - where very little was changed. I would have less objection if the info was retained in the discography.--Alf melmac 10:58, 18 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Pink Floyd is a very old FA which, frankly, has been brought up many times as a possible FA-removal candidate. The way I had formatted the discography section, with only studio albums and year, is the standard format for all band articles on Wikipedia. See modern FAs such as Radiohead, R.E.M., U2, Pearl Jam, Megadeth etc. I believe this definitely improves the article by enhancing readability and appearance, and also encourage more to visit the discography article too. Thanks, indopug (talk) 22:26, 19 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]


Can't wait! – B.hotep u/t08:27, 31 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Happy First Edit Day

Happy First Edit Day, Wiki alf, from the Wikipedia Birthday Committee! Have a great day! ~~~~

Idontknow610TM 13:28, 20 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Gosh is it that time again already? Very nice for you to (remind me and) wish me nice time, it's appreciated.

Happy Independence Day!

As you are a nice Wikipedian, I just wanted to wish you a happy Independence Day! And if you are not an American, then have a happy day and a wonderful weekend anyway!  :) Your friend and colleague, --Happy Independence Day! Le Grand Roi des CitrouillesTally-ho! 03:58, 5 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

If the Red Coats had been any good at warring we'd be celebrating "British Empire Day"... Pat sighs ...No more colonialism for us. ScarianCall me Pat! 04:04, 5 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Ohhhh say can you seeeeeeee. Byyyy the dawns' early liiiight. What sooo proudly we hailed.... :P KnowledgeOfSelf | talk 04:10, 5 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Shush you, Yanky! -.- ScarianCall me Pat! 04:20, 5 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Don't pick on Americans now! Remember... any ill-feelings that the rest of the world may have for them can all be negated by one key thing... their neighbours to the North are absolutely perfect and eventually that quality will rub off on them :D. PS.. its Yankee :-) Libs (talk) 15:54, 5 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks guys, excellent stuff - KOS, I do hope that was to Hendrix riff...--Alf melmac 06:16, 7 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]
KOS listens to rap music, he wouldn't know about the legendary Woodstock performance Pat sticks his tongue out at KOS the Yankee ScarianCall me Pat! 06:20, 7 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Shame for you to be confused, and mistaken! All I shall say is For Yasgur's Farm! Besides I listens to all music... as Alfie very well knows thanks to our many Skype conversations. Alfie and KOS burst out into a rendition of "Child in Time" Ahh the good times. KnowledgeOfSelf | talk 22:21, 7 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]
And why are User:Enigmaman and I never invited? We're in this whole cabal thing with you guys... Our cabal is Libsey, Engimaman, Alfie, sometimes KoS, sometimes that Australian guy who stalks Alf and thinks that I blocked him, Funeral (Who's changed his username to hide from our cabal), and myself... So, yeah, why aren't we invited to the Skype conversations? ScarianCall me Pat! 22:35, 30 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]
You are soooo mistaken, the original cabal was, CP, Joanne, Ali, Banes, KOS, Alfie, Pschemp, sometimes Redvers, sometimes Jay. This cabal you speak of is soooo new. :P Too be honest PAt I never knew you had the Skype, by all means, contact me if you'd like to exchange contact details. :D KnowledgeOfSelf | talk 05:42, 31 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Good Article sweeps: Great Pyramid of Giza

Hello, I am reviewing Archaeology articles as part of the Wikipedia:WikiProject Good articles/Project quality task force GA sweeps. I reviewed Great Pyramid of Giza today and placed the article on hold for a week to allow for my concerns to be addressed. I am contacting you because you have been a major contributor to the article and may be able to help. The reassessment can be found at Talk:Great Pyramid of Giza/GA1. Please get in touch or comment on the reassessment page if you have any questions. Thanks, GaryColemanFan (talk) 14:55, 12 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, Alf

Wow. Hi. For 6 weeks I have not been able to communicate or edit or yadda-yadda anything on the Internet. Now, I'll get to reading this 939 page FACT book by Penguin--RoryReloaded (talk) 10:31, 16 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Something's up...

For some strange reason, Scarian has completely emptied the page and protected it. Do you know why? I'm being serious.--RoryReloaded (talk) 21:13, 18 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

"Technical metal" discussion

The technical metal page (which you contributed to the discussion of regarding it's validity as a genre) is currently on the articles for deletion discussion area. Just letting you know in case you wish to add your voice to the debate/vote. Cheers. Prophaniti (talk) 21:01, 24 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Userbox Question

Hey Alf,

I saw your name as an admin member in Wikiproject Userboxes and was wondering if you could answer a quick question for me. I was hoping to make a userbox section on my user page consisting of three columns of userboxes. So far I can get userboxes on the left and on the right, but not in the center. See below for an example of what I mean. Is this even possible? Thanks for your help, αЯβιτЯαЯιŁΨθ (talk) 16:18, 25 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

A userbox is a small rectangular box that looks like this. Below are more examples.
A userbox is a small rectangular box that looks like this. Below are more examples.
Userboxes can come in many different styles and colors.
Userboxes can come in many different styles and colors.

Oxford Wikimania 2010 and Wikimedia UK v2.0 Notice


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We are also in the process of forming a new UK Wikimedia chapter to replace the soon to be folded old one. If you are interested in helping shape our plans, showing your support or becoming a future member or board member, please head over to the Wikimedia UK v2.0 page and let us know. We plan on holding an election in the next month to find the initial board, who will oversee the process of founding the company and accepting membership applications. They will then call an AGM to formally elect a new board who after obtaining charitable status will start the fund raising, promotion and active support for the UK Wikimedian community for which the chapter is being founded.

You may also wish to attend the next London meet-up at which both of these issues will be discussed. If you can't attend this meetup, you may want to watch Wikipedia:Meetup, for updates on future meets.

We look forward to hearing from you soon, and we send our apologies for this automated intrusion onto your talk page!

Addbot (talk) 21:11, 30 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hey what are you doin' in here?

I thought we had lost you to the wolves :D. The Real Libs-speak politely 21:47, 2 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I pop my head in at least once a week still. Like you do when visiting the analyst :p --Alf melmac 10:47, 7 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Same here. Although not quite as often. Rock Out! :D – B.hotep u/t12:20, 8 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]


Hi Alf, As a devout Pastafarian, I was struck by the cosmological implications of the spaghettification effect of entering a black hole, the likely end of all our existence, and it's links to FSM. I was saddened to see your quick revert, and your failure to see the linkage. So it goes. Pete —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:26, 13 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

If you could point to me to any part of the Gospel (of FSM obvisouly) that makes such a connection then I would be happy to reconsider my edit, at present I cannot see that any part of the FSM canon is explicit in the Spagettification effect as described and expected by astrophysicists and their followers. Personally, on a side note, I do not expect a likely end of all our existence until all sentient beings become liberated, but hey, so it goes :) --Alf melmac 17:13, 13 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]


I just wanted to know if you could help me with the recent changes dept. It's getting pretty annoying out there... so can I please have some help? Throws Cadbury Dairy Milk to Alf RoryReloaded (talk) 21:01, 15 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Rory, I'm not able to help personally, not enough time for much other than sticking my head in and checking the watchlist, I'm sure the likes of KOS will be assisting though.--Alf melmac 07:18, 18 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Before you ask

Yes, the classification of singles and songs is dumb - songs are songs and singles are songs too - according to our classification. Then, just to compound the gross oversight of confusing non-solid objects with solid objects we disambiguate them by the name of the entities making the non-solid object into a solid object (instead of the year the solid object was produced) - erm duh? Anyways, no need to ask now is there?--Alf melmac 22:53, 18 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Please stop your disruptive editing. If your vandalism on the Troy Southgate page continues, you will be blocked from editing Wikipedia. Get the page semi-protected and we will settle the dispute with a wikipedia editor. My additions are from articles mentioned in the references and you are gate keeping and protecting the subject from fair verifiable journalistic facts. Calcium617 (talk) 00:31, 22 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]