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Wikipedia:WikiProject Dyslexia/support by country

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We are gathering information per country so that we can create more support by country articles.

please add any information, documentation references etc as you find it for each country.

We have initially started list of Country Sections just to get the project started.

Some basic information can be found at DITT

If the county you have information for does not already have a section then please create a new section specifically for that country.

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations http://www.dest.gov.au

List of the Universities in Australia http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=au

Other services and support networks

The Australian Federation of SPELD Associations : (SPELD - Specific Learning Difficulties Association) http://www.auspeld.org.au/index.html

Learning Difficulties Coalition of NSW INC.: http://www.ldc.org.au

Learning Difficulties Australia : http://www.ldaustralia.org

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Australia)

Ministry of Education http://www.ab.gov.ag/gov_v2/government/.. ..shared/dep_meducation.html

University of Healh Sciences Antigua Indies http://www.uhsa.ag

Other services and support networks

Antigua & Barbuda Centre for Dyslexia Awareness (ABCDA) :

US Peace Corps Office P.O. Box 3613 Factory Road, ST. JOHN'S Tel: (+268) 560 81 68 E-mail: abcda@actol.net

Antigua Teacher's Union : P.O Box 196 The Valley ANTILLA Tel: (+268) 497 47 86 Fax: (+268) 929 29 09 E-mail: info@atu.ai

Ministry of Education http://portal.mec.gov.br

List of the Universities in Brazil http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=br

Other services and support networks

Brazil Dyslexia Association : http://www.dislexia.org.br

List of the Ministries of Education in Canada http://www.destineducation.ca/intstdnt/annex-c8_e.htm

Council of Ministers of Education, Canada http://www.cmec.ca

List of the Universities in Canada http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=ca

Other services and support networks

Canadian Dyslexia Association :

The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada : http://www.ldac-taac.ca

ALDA Adult Learning Development Association : http://www.alda-bc.org

NALD – National Adult Literacy Database : http://www.nald.ca

Movement For Canadian Literacy : http://www.literacy.ca

Canadian Information by Subject / Education : http://www.collectionscanada.ca/caninfo/ep037.htm

International Dyslexia Association, Ontario Branch http://idaontario.com

Ministry of Education of The People’s Republic of China http://www.moe.edu.cn/english/

List of the Universities in China http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=cn

Other services and support networks

Dyslexia Association Hong Kong : http://www.dyslexia.org.hk

Ministry of Education http://www.emoe.org

List of the Universities in Egypt http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=eg

Other services and support networks

Egyptian Dyslexia Center : http://dyslexia-egypt.com/dysen.php

Ministry of Education http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/?lang=en

List of the Universities in Finland http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=fi

Other services and support networks

The Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Dyslexia (JLD) - University of Jyväskylä : http://www.jyu.fi/humander/dyslexia.shtml

The following are suggestions from the Finnish National Board of Education Finnish National Board of Education : http://www.oph.fi/english

The Center for Learning Research (situated in Turku) : http://www.otuk.utu.fi/en/

Niilo Mäki Institute (situated in Jyväskylä) : http://www.nmi.fi/en

Country with European Dyslexia Association membership http://www.dyslexia.eu.com/members.html

Ministry of Education http://www.education.gouv.fr

List of the Universities in France http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=fr

Other services and support networks

Fédération d’associations de parents d’enfants dyslexiques: http://www.apedys.org/dyslexie/index.php?op=edito

Association française de parents d’enfants en difficulté d’apprentissage du langage écrit et oral: http://www.apeda-france.com

Fédération française des troubles spécifiques du Langage et des Apprentissages: http://www.federation-fla.asso.fr/

Association de parents d’enfants dyslexiques: http://www.trustd.org/

Coordination des intervenants auprès des personnes souffrant de dysfonctionnements neurologiques: http://www.coridys.asso.fr/

Traitement et Amélioration des Dysphasies de Développement (ou troubles du langage congénital) et autres troubles du langage (Dyslexie, Dysorthographie): http://perso.orange.fr/tadd/

Federal Ministry of Education and Research - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung http://www.bmbf.org

Ministries of Culture - Kultusministerien der 16 Länder http://www.bildungsserver.de/zeigen_e.html?seite=580

Bund–Länder Commission for Educational Planning and Research Promotion

http://www.blk-bonn.de/englisch/contents.htm (English) and http://www.blk-bonn.de/ (German)

German Eduserver – Deutscher Bildungsserver


Special Needs Education – National Overview Germany


List of Colleges and Universities in general


List of the Universities in Germany http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=de

Other services and support networks

Bundesverband Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie e. V. : http://www.legasthenie.net

Dachverband Legasthenie Deutschland (DVLD) : http://www.legasthenieverband.org

Arbeitskreis Legasthenie Bayern e.V. : http://www.akl-bayern.com

Forschungsgruppe Lese-Rechtschreibstörung : http://www.info-legasthenie.de/index.php

Bundesverband Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung e. V. : http://www.alphabetisierung.de

Legakids – German website for dyslexic children, their parents and teachers : http://www.legakids.net

E-learning for adults : http://www.ich-will-schreiben-lernen.de

Contribution from former Board Member, Dr Lisa Dummer-Smoch "Legasthenie – kurz gefasst für Eltern und Lehrer" (PDF file 84Kb)

Country with European Dyslexia Association membership http://www.dyslexia.eu.com/members.html

Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs http://www.ypepth.gr/en_ec_home.htm

List of the Universities in Greece http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=gr

Other services and support networks

Elliniki Etairia Dyslexias – (Greek Dyslexia Association) : http://www.dyslexia.gr ..or : http://www.dys.gr

Country with European Dyslexia Association memberships http://www.dyslexia.eu.com/members.html

Ministry of Human Resource Development http://www.education.nic.in

List of the Universities in India http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=in

Other services and support networks

Maharashtra Dyslexia Association : http://www.mdamumbai.com/

Madras Dyslexia Association : http://indiatogether.com/stories/mda.htm

Indian – American Education Foundation : http://www.iaefseattle.org/index.htm

India Parenting : http://www.indiaparenting.com/faqs/.. ..parentsofschoolgoers/dyslexia.shtml

Department of Education and Science http://www.irlgov.ie/educ

Academic research http://www.psychology.tcd.ie/DRG/pcogan.html

List of the Universities in Ireland http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=ie

Other services and support networks The University College Dublin/Trinity College/Student Disability Services : http://www.tcd.ie/disability

Dyslexia in Ireland : http://www.clubi.ie/dyslexia/history.html

Dyslexia Association of Ireland : http://www.dyslexia.ie

For the educational CD-ROM - "Tintin helps dyslexics learners" International Education Services : info@iesltd.ie

Country with European Dyslexia Association membership http://www.dyslexia.eu.com/members.html

Ministry of Education http://cms.education.gov.il/educationcms/units/owl/english/.. ..about/ministry+structure.htm

List of the Universities in Israel http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=il

Other services and support networks

The Israeli Association for Children with Learning Disabilities (Nitzan) : http://www.nitzan-israel.org.il/main/siteNew/index.php?langId=3&page=106⊂=Green

CH.I.L.D. - The Haifa Center for Children with Learning Disabilities : http://info.jpost.com/1999/Supplements/Charity/haifacenter.html

Ministry of Education http://www.istruzione.it

List of the Universities in Italy http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=it

Other services and support networks

AID - Associazione Italiana Dislessia (Italian Dyslexia Association) : http://www.dislessia.it

Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche (The Institute for Educational Technology) : http://www.itd.cnr.it

See Dr Giacomo Stella, dyslexia specialist : http://ok.corriere.it/medici/stella.shtml

See Dr Roberto Iozzino, dyslexia specialist : http://www.oocities.com/athens/crete/2429

Contacts proposed by the national UNESCO Commission "IPRASE DEL TRENTINO Istituto Provinciale per la Ricerca, l'Aggiornamento e la Sperimentazione Educativi" : http://www.iprase.tn.it/prodotti/materiali_di_lavoro/dislessia

Centro per la dislessia : http://www.dislessia.ch

Associazione Ricerca ed Intervento in Età Evolutiva : http://www.ariee.it/

Leonardo srl : http://www.leonardoausili.com/archivio7.htm

Knowledge Manager : http://www.conceptmaps.it/KM-Dyslexia-it.htm

"Portale dei genitori sulla dislessia" : http://www.dislessia-genitori.org (which also contains links to useful didactic games for little children : Mago Merlino : http://www.ulisse.bs.it Sandro 32 : http://www.romazzini.it/sandro32.php)

Forum Dislessia Online : http://www.dislessia.org/forum

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology http://www.mext.go.jp/english/index.htm

List of the Universities in Japan http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=jp

Other services and support networks

NPO EDGE (Japan Dyslexia Society) : http://www.npo-edge.jp/English/english-dyslexiajapan.html

The Learning Disabilities Association of Tokyo, Japan : http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hp/keyaki/index.html#P

Ministry of Education http://www.education.go.ke

List of the Universities in Kenya http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=ke

Other services and support networks

Dyslexia Kenya : http://www.dyslexia-teacher.com/africa.html

Imfundo Support to Kenya : http://imfundo.digitalbrain.com/imfundo/.. web/activities/Kenya/kenya.htm

Ministry of Higher Education http://www.mohe.edu.kw

List of the Universities in Kuwait http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=kw

Other services and support networks

Kuwait Dyslexia Association (KDA) : http://www.kuwaitdyslexia.com

Ministry of Education http://www.education.gov.mt

Website of the government with a link to Education http://www.gov.mt/servicecluster.asp?s=7&l=2

List of the Universities in Malta http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=mt

Other services and support networks

See EDA – European Dyslexia Association : http://www.dyslexia.eu.com/members.html

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science http://www.minocw.nl/english/index.html

List of the Universities in Netherlands http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=nl

Other services and support networks

Stichting Dyslexie Nederland : http://www.stichtingdyslexienederland.nl

Vereiniging BALANS : http://www.balansdigitaal.nl/sitemanager.asp

LEXIMA : http://www.lexima.nl

Country with European Dyslexia Association memberships http://www.dyslexia.eu.com/members.html

Ministry of Education http://www.minedu.govt.nz

List of the Universities in New Zealand http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=nz

Other services and support networks Dyslexia Australia and New Zealand : http://www.dyslexia-teacher.com/Australia.html

SPELD New Zealand : http://www.speld.org.nz/

Ministry of Education and Research http://odin.dep.no/kd/english/bn.html

List of the Universities in Norway http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=no

Other services and support networks Dysleksiforbundet i Norge (Dyslexia Association of Norway) : http://www.dysleksiforbundet.no

DYSNETT : http://www.statvoks.no/forward 'Our objective is to create a durable European network in the area of adult literacy, with special focus on reading and writing difficulties in adult learners'

Lesesenteret (Support group for dyslexia) : http://www.uis.no/lesesenteret

The Norwegian Support System for Special Education : http://www.statped.no 'The National Support System for Special Education (Statped) is managed by the The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training. This Directorate is responsible for the development of primary and secondary education, and is the executive agency for the Ministry of Education and Research' (English site : http://www.statped.no/moduler/templates/Module...)

Country with European Dyslexia Association membership http://www.dyslexia.eu.com/members.html

Ministry of Education http://www.moe.gov.pk

List of the Universities in Pakistan http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=pk

R.E.A.Dyslexics http://www.readyslexics.com/

Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation http://odin.dep.no/kd/english/bn.html

List of the Universities in Romania http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=ro

Ministry of Education http://www.mon.gov.ru

Federal Education Agency of the Russian Federation http://www.ed.gov.ru

List of the Universities in Russian Federation http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=ru

Ministry of Education http://www.moe.gov.sg/

List of the Universities in Singapore http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=sg

Other services and support networks Dyslexia Association of Singapore : http://www.das.org.sg/

Ministry of Education http://www.education.gov.za

List of the Universities in South Africa http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=za

Other services and support networks

The Southern African Association for Learning and Educational Difficulties : http://www.saaled.org.za

The Smart Reading Academy : http://www.readsmart.co.za/about.htm

Ministry of Education, Sport and Social Policy http://www.mec.es

List of the Universities in Spain http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=es

Other services and support networks Associació Catalana de Dislèxia i Altres Dificultats Especίfiques : http://www.acd.cat/ACD/

DISFAM ( Asociación Dislexia y Familia) : http://www.disfam.net/moodle/

Association de Padres de Ninos Con Dyslexia :

Plaza San Amaro 7 28020 MADRID [Tel/Fax : (+34) 15 71 97 18]

Associacio Catalana de Dislexia: catalandislexia@hotmail.com

Country with European Dyslexia Association membership http://www.dyslexia.eu.com/members.html

Ministry of Education and Research http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/2063

List of the Universities in Sweden http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=se

Other services and support networks

Svenska Dyslexiföreningen (Swedish Dyslexia Association) : http://www.ki.se/dyslexi/

Daisy Consortium ( Digital Accessible Information System) : http://www.daisy.org/get_involved/

National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools http://www.spsm.se/Startpage/

Talboks - och punktskriftsbiblioteket : (The Swedish Library of Talking Books and Braille) http://www.tpb.se/english/

Foraldraforeningen for Ordblinda barn (FOB): dyslexi@fob.nu

Forbundet Funktionshindrade Med Las-och Skrivsvarigheter (FMLS): info@fmls.nu

Svenska Dyslexiforeningen: svenska.dyslexiforeningen@neuro.ki.se

Country with European Dyslexia Association memberships http://www.dyslexia.eu.com/members.html

State Secretariat for Education and Research - SER http://www.sbf.admin.ch/index.html

List of the Universities in Switzerland http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=ch

Other services and support networks

Verband Dyslexie Schweiz : http://www.verband-dyslexie.ch

Association Dyslexie Suisse-Romande (aDsr) : http://www.adsr.ch

Der Schweizerische Bildungsserver : http://www.educa.ch/dyn/9.asp?url=73833.htm

Schweizerische Zentralstelle für Heilpädagogik : http://www.szh.ch

Country with European Dyslexia Association membership http://www.dyslexia.eu.com/members.html

Ministry of Education and Youth Minister of Education and Youth P.O. Box 295 ABU DHABI Tel: (+971.2) 34 24 08 - 21 38 00 Fax: (+971.2) 35 11 64 Tlx: 22581 http://www.moe.gov.ae/

List of the Universities in United Arab Emirates http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=ae

TheDyslexia support in the United Kingdom has been started, but requires a great deal of additional information.

Department for Children, Schools and Families http://www.dfes.gov.uk/

List of the Universities in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=uk

Other services and support networks

Teachernet : http://www.teachernet.gov.uk

The British Dyslexia Association : http://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk

PATOSS - The Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties : http://www.texticweb.com/patoss/ ..or : http://www.patoss-dyslexia.org

IPSEA - Independent Panel for Special Education Advice : http://www.ipsea.org.uk

NASEN – National Association for special Education Needs : http://www.nasen.org.uk

Dyslexia Action - Assessment, Education, Training : http://www.dyslexiaaction.org.uk

Adult Dyslexia Organisation  : http://www.adult-dyslexia.org/

HADC – Helen Arkell Centre – Consultation, Assessment, Tuition : http://www.arkellcentre.org.uk

Being Dyslexic : http://www.beingdyslexic.co.uk

Bristol Dyslexia Centre : http://www.dyslexiacentre.co.uk

Dyslexic Brian - Dyslexia Support Service based in Bristol : http://dyslexicbrian.com/

Dyslexia Research Trust : http://www.dyslexic.org.uk/aboutus.htm

Country with European Dyslexia Association membership http://www.dyslexia.eu.com/members.html

Some further issues which require further investigation to make the article more comprehensive.

Government Reports / Reviews

Disability Discimination Acts and Disability Equality Duty (DED)

SEN/AEN VfM Resource Pack for Schools

UK support organisations

Dyslexia Scotland : http://www.dyslexiascotland.org.uk/

Northern Ireland Dyslexia Association : http://www.nida.org.uk

U.S. Department of Education http://www.ed.gov/index.jhtml

List of the Universities in the United States of America http://www.webometrics.info/university_by_country.asp?country=us

Other services and support networks

The International Dyslexia Association : http://www.interdys.org

Learning Disabilities Association of America : http://www.ldaamerica.org/

LD Online : (The world’s leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD) http://www.ldonline.org

Reading Rockets : http://www.readingrockets.org

International Reading Association : http://www.reading.org/association/index.html

Individual States
