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The following is a partial list of 'initialisms and acronyms commonly used in health care'. The terms listed are used in the English language within the health care systems of various countries.
Health care
AACOM—American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
AAHAM—American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management
AAHP—American Association of Health Plans
AAPCC—Average Adjusted Per Capita Cost
AARP—American Association of Retired Persons
ABN—Advance beneficiary notice
ACA—Affordable Care Act
ACGME—Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
ACHE—American College of Healthcare Executives
ACO-Accountable care organization
ACLS—Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support
ACR—Adjusted community rating
ACS—American Cancer Society … also American College of Surgeons
ACU—Ambulatory care unit
ADA—Americans with Disabilities Act … also American Diabetes Association
ADC—Average daily census
ADS—Alternative delivery system
AGPA—American Group Practice Association
AHA—American Hospital Association … or American Heart Association
AHRQ—Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
AIDS—Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
ALJ—Administrative law judge
ALOS—Average length of stay
AMA—American Medical Association
AMCRA—American Medical Care and Review Association
ANA—American Nurses Association
AOA—American Osteopathic Association
AONE—American Organization of Nurse Executives
APC—Ambulatory Payment Classification
APG—Ambulatory Patient Group
APR-DRG—All payer refined diagnostic related group
ARC—American Red Cross
ASC—Ambulatory surgery center
ASO—Administrative services only contract
BBA—Balanced Budget Act of 1997
BBRA—Balanced Budget Relief Act of 1999
BCAA—Blue Cross Association of America
BCBSI—Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Iowa now known as Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa
BLS—Basic Life Support
BHAI—Behavioral Health Affiliate of Iowa
BIA—Bureau of Indian Affairs
BIPA—Benefits Improvement & Protection Act of 2000
BLS—Bureau of Labor Statistics
CAH—Critical access hospital
Cahaba GBA—Cahaba Government Benefit Administrators , LLC (administers Medicare health insurance for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
CAHPS-Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
CAM—Complementary and alternative medicine
CARF—Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
CAT—Computerized axial tomography
CAA—Care area assessment
CBSA—Core based statistical area
CCI—Correct coding initiative
CCR—Cost-to-charge ratio
CCU—Cardiac care unit
CDC—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.)
CHA—Catholic Health Association
CHAMPUS—Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
CHAMPVA—Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veterans Administration
CICU—Cardiac intensive care unit
CIPI—Capital input price index
CISM—Critical incident stress management
CLIA—Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (1967) … also Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (1988)
CME—Continuing medical education
CMHC—Community mental health center
CMI—Case mix index
CMP—Competitive medical plan … also Civil monetary penalty
CMS—Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
COB—Coordination of benefits
COBRA—Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985
COI—Certificate of Insurance
CON—Certificate of Need
COP—Condition of participation
CORF—Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitative facility
CPI—Consumer price index
CPR—Customary, prevailing, and reasonable (charges) … also Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation
CPT—Current Procedural Terminology
CQI—Continuous quality improvement
DEA—Drug Enforcement Administration
DHPC—Direct Healthcare Professional Communication
DHS—Department of Human Services (Iowa)
DMAT—Disaster Medical Assistance Team
DME—Durable medical equipment … also Direct medical education
DNR—Department of Natural Resources … also Do not resuscitate … also Do not report
DRA—Deficit Reduction Act of 2005
DRG—Diagnosis-related group
DSA—Disproportionate share adjustment
DSH—Disproportionate share hospital
EBP—Evidence-based practice
ECF—Extended care facility
EEOC—Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EHR—Electronic health record
EMR—Electronic medical record
EMS—Emergency medical services
EMTALA—Emergency Medical Transfer Active Labor Act
EOB—Explanation of benefits
EOC—Episode of care … also Emergency operations center ... also Explanation of coverage
EOMB—Explanation of Medicare Benefits
EPA—Environmental Protection Agency
EPO—Exclusive Provider Organization
EPSDT—Early periodic screening diagnosis and treatment program
ER/ED—Emergency room/emergency department
ERISA—Employee Retirement Income Security Act
FAQ—Frequently asked questions
FDA—Food and Drug Administration
FEC—Freestanding emergency center
FEHBP—Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
FFS—Fee for service
FFWU—Full fever work-up
FI—Fiscal intermediary
FPL—Federal Poverty Level
FQHC—Federally Qualified Health Center
FSA—Flexible Spending Accounts
FTC—Federal Trade Commission
FTE—Full-time equivalent
GAF—Geographic adjustment factor
GAO U.S.—Government Accountability Office
GHAA—Group Health Association of America
GME—Graduate medical education
GPCI—Geographic practice cost index
HANYS—Healthcare Association of New York State
HAWK-I—Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa
HCPCS—Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
HCSE—HealthCare Systems Engineering
HEDIS—Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set
HEICS—Hospital emergency incident command system
HFMA—Healthcare Financial Management Association
HHA—Home Health Agency
HHR—Health human resources (or health workforce)
HHS—Health and Human Services (Federal)
HHSC—Health and Human Services Commission
HIAA—Health Insurance Association of America
HIM—Health information management
HIPAA—Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIPCs—Health Insurance Purchasing Cooperatives
HIPPS-Health Insurance Prospective Payment System
HMO—Health maintenance organization
HPB—Historic payment basis
HPCI—Health Policy Corporation of Iowa
HPSA—Health Professional Shortage Area
HQRM—Healthcare quality and resource management
HSR—Hospital-specific rate
IAHSA—Iowa Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
ICD—International Classification of Diseases
ICF/MR—Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded
ICN—Iowa Communications Network
ICS—Incident command system
ICU—Intensive care unit
IDIA—Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals
IDN—Integrated Delivery Network
IDPH—Iowa Department of Public Health
IDS—Integrated delivery system
IFMC—Iowa Foundation for Medical Care
IHA—Iowa Hospital Association
IHC—Iowa Healthcare Collaborative
IHHCC—Iowa Hospital Home Care Council
IHERF—Iowa Hospital Education & Research Foundation
IHI—Institute for Healthcare Improvement
IHO—Iowa Hospice Organization
IHS—Indian Health Services
IME—Indirect Medical Education … also Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
IMGMA—Iowa Medical Group Management Association
IMS—Iowa Medical Society
INA—Iowa Nurses Association
IOM—Institute of Medicine
IOMA—Iowa Osteopathic Medical Association
IONL—Iowa Organization of Nurse Leaders
IPA—Independent Practice Association
IPF—Inpatient psychiatric facility
IRB—Institutional review board
IRF—Inpatient rehabilitation facility
ISMP—Institute for Safe Medication Practices
ITC—Iowa Trauma Coordinators
ITPDM—Initiative to Pay Doctors More
LAMA—Left against medical advice
LCD—Local coverage determinations
LOS—Length of stay
LSA—Legislative Service Agency
LTC—Long-term care
MA—Medicare Advantage
MAC—Medicare Administrative Contractor
MB—Market basket
MBI—Market basket index
MCO—Managed care organization
MDA—Muscular Dystrophy Association
MDC—Major Diagnostic Category
MDH—Medicare Dependent Hospital
MDS—Minimum Data Set
MedPAC—Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
MEI—Medical economic index
MFS—Medicare fee schedule
MGCRB—Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board
MLP—Mid-level practitioner
MMA—Medicare Modernization Act of 2003
MOB—Medical office building
MRI—Magnetic resonance imaging
MSA—Metropolitan statistical area
MSO—Management service organization
MUA—Medically underserved area
MUP—Medically underserved population
MVPS—Medicare volume performance standard
NBC—Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
NCD—National coverage determination
NCQA—National Committee for Quality Assurance
NDMS—National Disaster Medical System
NF—Nursing facility
NIC—Neonatal intensive care
NICU—Neonatal intensive care unit
NIH—National Institutes of Health
NIMS—National Incident Management System
NLRB—National Labor Relations Board
NP—Nurse practitioner
NPI—National Provider Identifier
NQF—National quality forum
OASIS—Outcome and Assessment Information Set
OBRA—Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
ODS—Organized delivery system
OIG—Office of Inspector General
OMB—Office of Management and Budget
OPO—Organ procurement organization
OPP—Out-of-pocket payments
OR—Operating room
OSHA—Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OT—Occupational therapy
PA—Physician assistant
PACS—Picture archiving and communication system
PCN—Primary care network
PCP—Primary care physician (or primary care provider if the provider is an NP, PA, or other non-physician)
PDL—Prescription drug list
PDP—Prescription drug plan
PET—Positron emission tomography
PFFS—Private fee-for-service
PHN—Public health nurse
PHO—Physician hospital organization
PHS—Public health services
POS—Point of service
PPE—Personal protective equipment
PPI—Producer price index
PPO—Preferred provider organization
PPRC—Physician Payment Review Commission
PPS—Prospective payment system
PQRS-Physician Quality Reporting System
PRO—Peer review organization
PRRB—Provider reimbursement review board
PSO—Provider sponsored organization
PT—Physical therapy
QA—Quality assurance
QI—Quality improvement
QIO—Quality improvement organizations
RBRVS—Resource-based relative value scale
RHC—Rural health clinic
RPB 6—Regional Policy Board 6 (AHA)
RUGs—Resource utilization groups
RVS—Relative value scale
RVU—Relative value unit
SCH—Sole community hospital
SCHIP—State Children's Health Insurance Program
SEIU—Service Employees International Union
SGR—Sustainable Growth Rate
SMDA—Safe Medical Devices Act (1990)
SNF—Skilled nursing facility
SNS—Strategic National Stockpile
SPECT—Single-photon-emission computerized tomography
SSA—Social Security Administration
SSI—Supplemental Security Income
STHP—Short Term Health Plan
TPA—Third-party administrator or third-party administration
TQI—Total quality improvement
TQM—Total quality management
TRHCA—Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006
UB-04—Uniform Billing Form , modified in 2004
UB-92—Uniform Billing Form , modified in 1992
UC—Urgi Center
UCR—Usual, customary and reasonable (charges)
UR—Utilization review
USPHS—United States Public Health Service
VA—Veterans Administration
VBPM—Value-based payment modifier
VHA—Voluntary Hospitals of America
WHO—World Health Organization
WIC—Women and infant children program
Disaster preparedness
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