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Transcription of Japanese magazine sources


I used the Google Translate camera tool and my own Japanese skills to transcribe these articles from Dreamcast Magazine (JP). Please understand that the tool does not work perfectly, and I had to replace and move many characters myself to get an accurate transcription. That said, I did not fix every character. Some of the writing here is transcribed incorrectly. The February interview and the March write-up should be mostly correct, but the first half of the February article was more rushed. This is here only for convenience if someone wishes to do further research or re-transcribe. TarkusABtalk 04:44, 29 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

"Gun Beat" (PDF). ドリームキャストマガジン (in Japanese). Japan. 26 February 1999. pp. 139, 144–149. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 April 2018. {{cite magazine}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)

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二足歩行でチャカチャカ地面を走るさまは苾見! イカス機械男。「ちょっと馬鹿というか、ネジが2〜3本抜けた機械というイメージでやっているんで、走らずに飛べば早いじゃんみたいな所でも走るヤツ。というのも、飛ぶこと自体は忘れてはいないんですけど、考えつかないというか、走らなきゃと思ったら、とりあえず走っているだけで飛ぶことを考えつかない、そういうバなキャラです(デザイナー・大橋)」


Developer interview section

前川正人 (Masato Maegawa)

大橋清隆 (Kiyotaka Ohashi)


大橋: 最初はどれと考えてはいませんでした。今回のようなゲームを作リたいと考えた時に、それをやろうとすると既存のハードではほぼ無理だろうという状況だったんです。

前川: その頃にちょうどNAOMIボードの話があったので、タイミングが良かったということもありますね。セガさんとは以前、「レイディアントシルバーガン('98年/ ST-V基板)」で販売と営業をやっていただいたこともありますし、じゃあNAOMIで開発をやってみようとなりました。


大橋: まず方向性のバラバラなキャラクターたちがドタバタとレースをするゲームがいいなというのが自分の中であって、すべてはそこからスタートしました。あとは単なるレースゲームじゃなくて、アクションの要素をもっと入れていこうという形で考えていって……だけどれがパンチとキックとかだと今までのゲームと変わらない。結局、ゲーム性を煮詰めていく段階で「弾を撃たせよう」という話がプログラマーから出てきて今に至るのですが。


大橋: ええ。もともと、こういうファンタジーな世界観が好きなんですよ。それにファンタジーなら空を飛ぼうが何をしようが「魔法です」で許されるのがいいですね(笑)。


大橋: 舞台がファンタジーなら後で(魔法で、など)いくらでもこじつけができるんで、同じような乗り物に乗せるくらいだったら、大きさも別々のもののほうがかえってキャラクターが立ってくれるのではないかと思いまして。小さなキャラはひ弱だし、大きなキャラは強いしというのがパッと見てわかりやすくなるというのもあって、全然違う方向でキャラクターを作っていきました。それからとにかく自分の好きなようにやっていこうという部分もあり、それぞれのベクトルで自分の好きな方向性をぶつけていったというのがこの4人です。本当はもっといっぱいキャラクター原案を練ってはいたのですが、結局、同時に走らせて面白いのは何人ぐらいかと考えたとき、ザコキャラも飛ばす関係上4人ぐらいが妥当なんですよ。それ以上キャラクターがいても画面がバタバタしちゃうだけだし、これ以上少なくなつちゃうと寂しいし、といった葛藤中で4人という形に納まりました。

Ohashi caption:


Maegawa caption:

コナミでゲーム開発に携わった後、92年にトレジャーを設立。ゼネラルプロデューサーとして全作品を観ながら、「ゆけゆけ//卜ラブルメーカーズ」(エニックス\ 97年/ N64)などでは、自らもプログラムを担当している。


前川: 確かに、トレジャーらしくしないというコンセプトは最初からあったんですよ。

大橋: 社長が“トレジャーっぽくしない”という方向性を知っていたということを今知って、私は一番ピックリしてますけど(笑)。

前川: 何を今さら(笑)。企画書に“トレジャーらしくないゲームにする”って書いてあったじゃない。

大橋: え?!そうでしたっけ?確かにそう考えてはいましたけど。

前川: ちなみに実はこれ、もともとの企画はレースとアクションの2種類あったんですよ。




















ドリマガの前身、メガドライブ専門誌から読み続けてくれている方には懐かしい "トレジャーマン”。スカッドマソにはその面影も。実は、このキャラクターはグラフィッカーのポリゴン描画研究用にと、大橋氏が最初に描いたそうだ。やはりトレジャーらしい!?!

"Gun Beat" (PDF). ドリームキャストマガジン (in Japanese). Japan. 5 March 1999. p. 97. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 April 2018. {{cite magazine}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)

Extended content


MAGICAL TURBO: ショットを敵やライバルに当てることで上昇する「マジカルターボゲージ」。中でも特に上昇率が高いのがライバルに当てた場合で、しかも被弾した側のゲージを減らせるオマケつき。ゲージがたまれば5秒間のみ敵や障害物を貫通できる高速移動が可能となる。相手の背後についたら弾を集中し、一発逆転を狙え!

Caption: 左下に見えるのがそのターボゲージ。一方、先行して背後につかれたら、左右に動いて弾を食らわないようにしたい。

爆風でライバルの足止めもできる「マジカルショット」: 広範囲にショットを乱射する「マジカルショット」は、ボタンをタメて離すことで発動可。通常弾では弾かれてしまうライバルへの攻撃も、爆風なら効果あり。パワーをタメている間はショットが撃てないため、使いどころは難しい。

BLAST LINK SYSTEM: 飛来する敵編隊の中にいる色違いの敵。これはコア(核)と呼ばれる存在で、破壊すると誘爆が起こって1グループをまとめて撃墜できる。コアを画面外に逃さず連続して破壊していくと、つなげた数(リンク数)に応じたボーナスが加算されてゆく。ボーナスは「基本得点Xリンク数」とかなり大きいので、どこまでリンクがつなげられるかがスコアアタックの中心課題となるだろう。リンクに気おとられすぎてライバルに抜かれないよう。

一撃必殺 ”ビートガン”: レバーを前方に2回、チョンチョンと押すと一瞬だけ放たれる近距離用の特殊なショット。これには通常弾で破壊できないトラップや敵弾を打ち消す力がある。攻撃値も高く、ボス戦では特洧効。

その他の主なボーナスは…: ゴールt時の順位や残りタイムでボーナスが入るほか、ビートガンで通常壊れない敵弾、障害物を破壊した場合にも加算される。

テザイナーから見たNAOMIボードの実力: 「想像したとおりのレースフィールドが再現できるのは、やはりすごいと感じます。それから敵や背景にポリゴンを使いつつ、これだけのモデルを4人同時に動かせるのはNAOMIのカですね。あと“光る半透融理 "が初めてできるようになってうれしいです(笑)」(大憍)

English notes from part 1 February 1999 article

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Some enemies are "bosses" and larger than others.

Enemies and traps can slow down the player. Best to maintain top speed without taking damage.

Time is extended when checkpoints are passed, if timer reaches, the player "retires".

Usus communication of NAOMI to have max 4 plyers.

Carmine was designed as an ideal hero character, in contrast to the more fantastical other characters.

The characters were designed to appear from different works, with different clothes and vehicles.

Mirabel is a witch girl, heroine. They gave her a long skirt as opposed to the more shameless short skirt look.

Magical turbo gauge rises if you hit an enemy and falls if you get hit.

When the gauge accumulates, the player can move at high speed through enemies and obstacles.

Each character has different characteristics (handling, shot performance, body size). The same two characters cannot be chosen by two different players.

Cunyanya, a small boy and a large Siberian flying squirrel.

Squad-Man is the fourth character, a biped robot that can fly and run.

Beat Gun can destroy enemy bullets and traps that cannot be destroyed with normal bullets, high attack power

Magical Shot attacks at wide range

English notes from part 2 (developer interview) of February 1999 article

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Idea came before Naomi. With existing hardware when the idea first came to be, it was not possible.

Then NAOMI board cam out, perfect timing.

Ohashi: Started with idea of slapstick disjointed racing, like Wacky Races. From there, they added in action elements, first just punching and kicking. Then a programmer thought of shooting bullets instead.

Ohashi: Stuck with 4 characters. More than 4 caused slow down, and less was too lonely

Ohashi in charge of art and character design

Carmine only traditional Treasure character here.

Maegawa: From beginning, a concept was to not make it like previous Treasure games.

10% complete at AOU, had planned to release something playable.

Mr. NON from Alien Soldier and Gunstar doing music again.

Scud Man design based on "Treasure Man" a character that appeared in Mega Drive Magazine

English notes from March 1999 article

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4 player simultaneous

release date TBD

Aim is to complete race while destroying enemy ships and traps on the course

Enemy attacks become more intense as the game progresses. So the chance for players to attack and overtake opponents towards the end of the race becomes very high. There's a lot of strategy on where to overtake an opponent.

The Magical Turbo gauge increases by hitting shots on enemies and rival opponents. Likewise, for those hit, their gauge is reduced. If the gauge stops, it is possible to move through enemies and obstacles for 5 seconds.

There is also a Magical Shot which shoots random shots at a wide range, but it cannot be used while accumulating power.

Enemies are segmented in different colors. Shooting the "core" segment of the enemy will destroy the entire enemy and give a bonus based on how many segments the enemy had.

Alternate short range shot that is powerful and can counteract traps and enemy bullets that cannot be destroyed with standard bullets. (Beat Gun)

Bonuses based on rank and remaining time at end of race, and based on how many obstacles you destroyed.

Designer says the NAOMI board allows them to develop the race track is envisioned. Having 4 models move through a polygonal environment with enemies too.

Translation of Consoles +

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Source: "Treasure: le podium à tout prix". Consoles + (in French). No. 87. EMAP France. April 1999. p. 20.

Treasure: the podium at all costs

After the resounding Radiant Silvergun, Treasure is back in the arcades with a game for the NAOMI, entitled Gun Beat.

Treasure is often synonymous with intense and original actions. Their new game is no different. Gun Beat mixes shooting, fighting and 3D racing thanks to a simple concept: we race on a 3D circuit to complete a specific number of laps within a time limit. Classical, you might say! But wait, this isn't over. Of course, everything is permitted, and all shortcuts can be taken. There are also a ton of traps, items to pickup, and ennemies who will do everything to slow you down. It's up to you to to clear your path with the help of the weapons at your disposal. If you chain your attacks together, you'll even be able to cash in Combos and score a lot of points. To save some time, you have access to a Magical Turbo gauge. The game includes three circuits (city, snow, ruins) and four characters with varied movement modes (on foot, on a magical broom, on a giant hamster, on a futuristic motorcyle). There are also three game modes: Race, Score Attach (to score a maximum of points), and VS (up to four linked players). The controls are very simplistic. The joystick controls the right and left lateral movements, and the speed is controlled by pushing the joystick up and down. The Beat Gun (super special attack) is triggered with a double-upwards movements. We also have two buttons : normal shot and jump (double-tap for Magical Turbo). At the end of the race we're attributed a rank in accordance with the number of points collected, like in Fatal Fury. We also find a complete system of various bonuses. In short, Treasure seems to have once again hatched a very interesting title. We're impatiently awaiting the definitive version and, of course, the Dreamcast version a bit later.

Caption, top image: Your opponents will do anything to slow you down!
Captions, bottom four, from top-left clockwise:

  1. Avoir enemies. Time is short!
  2. To go faster, fill your Magical Turbo.
  3. Combos bring you points!
  4. The crosshair automatically targets

GA Review

This review is transcluded from Talk:Gun Beat/GA1. The edit link for this section can be used to add comments to the review.

Reviewer: Nomader (talk · contribs) 17:00, 10 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]

I'll be doing this review. Nomader (talk) 17:00, 10 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]

GA review (see here for what the criteria are, and here for what they are not)
  1. It is reasonably well written.
    a (prose, spelling, and grammar): b (MoS for lead, layout, word choice, fiction, and lists):
  • The "core" segment bit is a little confusing. It feels to me like the first player to start a game gets to be the "core" segment? Or is that a certain enemy? Should be clarified.
    • I rewrote this part. That's not what it means so hopefully I clarified.
    • Much, much better, thanks!
  • What does "game over" mean in this context? Do I have to keep putting more money in to keep playing, or does the game just end automatically? I imagine it isn't stated in sources here, but if it does, saying what happens if one person dies and the other survives is interesting for gameplay as well (but as it's a canceled game and we're citing a flyer here, no big if it doesn't exist).
    • The term they use in the interview is "retire". So the player retires from the race if they run out of time. In the context of racing games, retiring means you lost the race, so I interpreted that as game over. They did not specify if you could potentially put in more money or expand on it whatsoever.
      • Got it, then I'm fine with it.
  1. It is factually accurate and verifiable.
    a (reference section): b (citations to reliable sources): c (OR): d (copyvio and plagiarism):
  • Magical shot and beat gun should be cited.
    • Done
  • Magical turbo gauge should be shot-- also, is there a source that says it's a "magical" turbo gauge? Seems to be used quite a bit in those few sentences. I can't read Japanese so I'll AGF with whichever direction you go on this one.
    • What do you mean by "Magical turbo gauge should be shot"? And the gauge certainly is for "Magical Turbo", Don't need to read Japanese for this one! ;) https://retrocdn.net/images/b/b6/DCM_JP_19990305_1999-08.pdf page 97
      • I think that I may have been a litttle tired when I wrote that sentence. And wow, you were right, it's the one part of the whole magazine that I didn't! I have no idea what I meant after re-reading that sentence, so we're just gonna go ahead and give you this one. :)
  • Checkpoints bit should be cited.
  • 'The idea for the game came...." this sentence should be cited.
    • Done
  • Wacky Races note should be cited.
  • Make it unlike previous Treasure games-- why? This should be cited. (Fine with not citing the previous sentence if this one is)
    • Citation added. Reasoning is not stated in interview. Since they don't expand on what they aim to do differently in any sense, I can remove if you think that's better.
      • I think it's fine as is, but felt if the source was there to explain it, to go ahead and do so. Definitely keep it in.
  • Should be cited for the punching and kicking note. Any notes on why they moved from that to shooting instead in particular that could flesh it out?
  • Hanzawa music should be cited.
    • added
  • Ohashi sentence should be cited.
    • added
  • Frame rate sentence should be cited.
    • added
  • Carmine sentence should be cited.
  • Shameless sentence should be cited (really interesting tidbit if true there).
  • The comparison sentence to Bomberman from IGN should be cited.
  1. It is broad in its coverage.
    a (major aspects): b (focused):
  2. It follows the neutral point of view policy.
    Fair representation without bias:
  3. It is stable.
    No edit wars, etc.:
  4. It is illustrated by images and other media, where possible and appropriate.
    a (images are tagged and non-free content have fair use rationales): b (appropriate use with suitable captions):
    I would generally be hesitant about using such an extensive video clip, especially considering that there's already a screenshot in the article. It would seem to maybe fall afoul of WP:NFCC#3, but because of the historical nature of the clip (which emphasizes that it really was the only gameplay footage ever recorded) I think it should be fine. Make sure to expand on WP:NFCC#8 and WP:NFCC#2 in the video description.
I expanded on NFCC8 and 2. I was hesitant to upload too, but it is truly the only footage out there of the game. And it's a short video, low resolution, no commercial opportunity infringement since it was canceled, etc...so hopefully it's OK.
I think it's fine, and for the purposes of this review, I'm good with it. You've addressed my concerns with the rationale.
  1. Overall:
    Most of these sources probably already exist, but I think it's important that any statements that could be theoretically challenged should have an in-line reference (specifically the ones I listed above). Really interesting article and great work on this! Put on hold pending the changes I've listed above being addressed. Nomader (talk) 17:21, 10 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Nomader: All the text in this article is supported by the closest following footnote. Per WP:CITEFOOT, citations are sufficient at the end of the information it supports, but not necessarily required at the end of each sentence. Are there particular phrases that should have a duplicate footnote at the end to make the support more clear, or should each sentence have a footnote regardless? I personally prefer not having every sentence footnoted if it isn't necessary, as it causes clutter. TarkusABtalk 02:22, 11 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@TarkusAB: Completely understand where you're coming from here. I went through and struck about half of the requested citations (I wasn't clear that some of them were from later sources, but on a re-read it seems obvious to me). Unfortunately, I think the rest that haven't been struck should be still have an in-line citation. For example, after the magical shot sentence, there isn't a citation for another five sentences-- there's nothing to indicate that it's from the same source. Per WP:CITEFOOT, it needs to be clear that which source supports which part of the text, and those sentences would be helped with the clarification. Let me know if you have any concerns about the ones that are left currently too and sorry to drop this on you! Nomader (talk) 04:13, 11 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Nomader: OK responded to all comments. TarkusABtalk 03:33, 13 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks so much-- really great work all around. I'm good with all of these edits, and after doing one more once over, I'm passing the article. Terrific work! Nomader (talk) 03:50, 13 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]