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Talk:Wolf Lepenies

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Refugees and Expellees


According to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, a refugee is a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution.

Germany was not a foreign country for German citizens that found themselves on Polish territory in 1945. Therefore they could not find refugee in Germany. (talk) 16:13, 9 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Expelling of citizens and replacing them by an conquering occupation force is illegal.

Refugees and expellees from eastern part of Germany (Deutsches Reich) (from east of the Oder-Neisse Line, which in 1945 was military conquered by the Soviet Union, who gave it into Polish Administration (or Czech etc), escaped or later were expelled to Allied Occupation Zones in Germany, parts of west of the Oder-Neisse line German territory, administered by Allied Control Council, which since 1949 became either Bundesrepublik Deutschland Federal Republic of Germany or DDR GDR German Democratic Republic.

In other words, there were different types of Allied Occupied German Zones or states and a number of other countries involved.

The people received Fluechtling und Vertriebenen Ausweise (Refugee and Expellee Passports). ( (talk) 21:33, 9 January 2009 (UTC))[reply]

First of all Soviet Union did not gave anything to noone. Recovered Territories became again part of Poland in 1945 due to the agreements between the three powers that were victorious in WWII. Secondly no part of pre war Germany became part of Czechoslovakia.

The third thing is that eventhough Germany was under occupation the citizenship and other laws of this sort were still in force. Therefore a German citizen cannot find refuge in germany (regardless it is under occupatio or not). (talk) 23:53, 9 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]