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User:Billy Preston69

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi, my name is Billy_Preston69. I am currently attending sixth form college and am a big fan of Soul singer Billy Preston. I am a musician and have always relied on Wikipedia for useful information.

Musical Tastes


I enjoy all kinds of music. I also enjoy playing music. These are my favourite musicians

Classical Music Tastes


Other than Jazz, Soul and R&B, the occasional piece of Classical music oft calms and soothes. Here is a list of my favourite Classical Composers

Pet Hates


I hate racism and racial ideology. But then again, I do think it is weird why people refer to each other as "nigger" even if they're white. It befuddles me.

Dream Dates


I have had a massive crush on the following celebrities...

I have also dreamed about travelling back in time to date the following famous ladies of the silver screen...

The damned list is endless; to say the least.



I am absolutely petrified of scarecrows. The fear is apparently called formidaphobia. This was because I saw that Doctor Who episode when the scarecrows came to life; also the fact that a so-called best mate of mine thought it would be funny to push a six-foot seven one right on top of me. I spent two days in therapy trying to recover. It hasn't kicked in yet though. I got my revenge though; I caused him to accidentally fall into a shallow well. The only ones I can stand without ducking behind a cushion or running away is the scarecrow from The Wizard Of Oz, Batman and Live and Let Die.



I am a Baptist Christian.

I am also a Marxist. I believe that everybody should have an equal access to funds; without the poxy government controlling our money.

I am also a pacifist; but only if the violent actions are bloody unnecessary; they get people killed and cause many global problems. I am Anti-War!

Positions on topical matters

  • Homosexual marriage is alright by me; as long as they are happy.
  • Terrorism is destroying our civilisation; violence never solves anything
  • Peace throughout the world
  • Paedophiles are f***ing disgusting creatures that shouldn't be allowed in decent society
  • Child Pornography is disgusting and vile; who'd do that to poor harmless children? The thought of it sickens me!



I have written thirteen different romantic styled poems, forty five different pulp fiction-esque novels and sixty different classical inspired symphonies and ensembles

Favourite Movies


My favourite movies are...

What I'm passionate about


This section covers my personal passions.

  • I love Jazz music
  • I enjoy the company of women
  • I like Groucho Marx and Alan Alda as both share similar perspectives on life which I also agree with; what is the point of war? Why should politics have to be so damned difficult?



I look up to the following people...

Favourite Writers


The following names are my favourite authors. In brackets are my favourite books by said authors...