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World Public Forum
TypeNonprofit organization
HeadquartersVienna, Austria
Region served

World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” (WPF DoC) is an international nongovernmental European-based organization which supports and develops dialogue among civilizations since 2003 and enjoys the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Special Consultative Status since 2013[1]. The objective of the World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” is to combine the efforts of the international community in protecting humanity's spiritual and cultural values, to organise constructive dialogue between the contemporary world's major civilizations and to promote multilateral relations in all spheres of public life. The Forum's various activities are designed to develop, enhance and disseminate the culture of dialogue, bringing the spirit of cooperation and understanding into the daily lives of people from different cultures.



The WPF DoC is registered as an international nongovernmental, non-commercial organization with headquarters in Vienna, Austria and Moscow, Russia. Vladimir Yakunin (Russia) is the Founding President of the WPF DoC. The Co-chairmen of the Forum are federal Chancellor of Austria (2007–2008) Alfred Gusenbauer and Professor of Notre Dame University Fred Dallmayr (USA).



Current World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” activities focus on the reconstruction of a new image of the present-day multipolar world with the aim of transforming the existing social and political situation into the vision of future paths of development. The Forum works with different public institutions and organizations all over the world. Among them are the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO); the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF); the International Association for Intercultural Education (IAIE); and other nongovernmental organizations which form the WPF “Dialogue of Civilizations” network.

Rhodes Forum


The WPF DoC has been holding the Rhodes Forum annually since 2003. During the last decade the Rhodes Forum has become an effective mechanism of public involvement in the decision-making process. The main working principle of the Rhodes Forum is the formation of a multi-level system of relations based on dialogue, openness, freedom of speech and mutual respect. Over 600 people from more than 70 countries participate annually in the work of the Forum. The 11th annual Rhodes Forum held in 2013 was focused on the reconstruction of a new image of the present day multipolar world with the aim of transforming the existing social and political situation into the vision of future paths of development.

Publishing Projects


22 Ideas to Fix the World - Conversations with the World's Foremost Thinkers. Edited By Piotr Dutkiewicz and Richard Sakwa. Interviews with: Zygmunt Bauman, Shimshon Bichler & Jonathan Nitzan, Craig Calhoun, Ha-Joon Chang, Fred Dallmayr, Mike Davis, Bob Deacon, Kemal Dervis, Jiemian Yang, Peter J. Katzenstein, Ivan Krastev, Will Kymlicka, Manuel F. Montes, Jose Antonio Ocampo, Vladimir Popov, Jospeh Stiglitz, Olzhas Suleimenov, Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Immanuel Wallerstein, Paul Watson, Vladimir Yakunin, Muhammad Yunus[2][3].

The Possible Futures ( series gathers together leading social scientists to address the significance of the global economic crisis in a series of short, accessible books. The editors are prominent American social scientists: Craig Calhoun, being President of the (American) Social Science Research Council and Director-elect of the London School of Economics, and Georgi Derluguian Professor of Sociology at Northwestern University. Contributors include: Immanuel Wallerstein, David Harvey, Saskia Sassen, James Kenneth Galbraith, Manuel Castells, Nancy Fraser, Rogers Brubaker, David Held, Mary Kaldor, Vadim Volkov, Giovanni Arrighi, Beverly Silver, and Fernando Coronil[4].



See also


External links


Category:Social forums