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- '''Quittance''' is one of the background characters on the ''Dutchman''. He has [[seaweed]] for hair, an [[sea anemone|anemone]] for a mouth and a [[moray eel]] living in a hole in his chest,[http://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=3680] which reveals itself as Will Turner learns the rules of [[Liar's Dice]]. He also has a [[clam]] for a right eye. In one scene, he teamed up with Old Haddy and fought [[Pintel and Ragetti]]. They knock Quittance to the ground, who grabs for the Dead Man's Chest as they run off with the chest. Quittance was performed by Marc Joseph, although his part was uncredited.[http://imdb.com/title/tt0383574/fullcredits]
- '''Quittance''' is one of the background characters on the ''Dutchman''. He has [[seaweed]] for hair, an [[sea anemone|anemone]] for a mouth and a [[moray eel]] living in a hole in his chest,[http://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=3680] which reveals itself as Will Turner learns the rules of [[Liar's Dice]]. He also has a [[clam]] for a right eye. In one scene, he teamed up with Old Haddy and fought [[Pintel and Ragetti]]. They knock Quittance to the ground, who grabs for the Dead Man's Chest as they run off with the chest. in At Worlds End the eel becomes his head.
Quittance was performed by Marc Joseph, although his part was uncredited.[http://imdb.com/title/tt0383574/fullcredits]

- '''Ratlin''' is a crew member that appears to have been fused with rope and sailcloth.he has ropes ropes fused to his face.[http://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=3667&page=2] He can be seen clearly on the ropes when [[Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)|Davy Jones]] orders the ship underwater. His name is a joke on his description, as [[Ratlines|ratlin]] is part of a ship's rigging. Ratlin turns the wheel to the ''Kraken Hammer''.
- '''Ratlin''' is a crew member that appears to have been fused with rope and sailcloth.he has ropes ropes fused to his face.[http://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=3667&page=2] He can be seen clearly on the ropes when [[Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)|Davy Jones]] orders the ship underwater. His name is a joke on his description, as [[Ratlines|ratlin]] is part of a ship's rigging. Ratlin turns the wheel to the ''Kraken Hammer''.

Revision as of 01:21, 28 May 2007

This is a list of minor characters appearing in the film series Pirates of the Caribbean.

The Black Pearl (under Captain Barbossa)

This crew was originally raised and captained by Jack Sparrow. 10 years prior to The Curse of the Black Pearl, they all supported Barbossas mutiny and soon after that all of them became cursed after taking a piece from the cursed Aztec treasure. The curse made them immortal but robbed from them the possibility to feel, taste or smell anything and let them turn into rotten skeletons in moonlight.


Bo'sun is the Boatswain (Bosun is the colloquial pronunciation of Boatswain) of Captain Barbossa's crew, played by Isaac C. Singleton, Jr. and voiced by Fred Tatasciore in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow. He is a large man of African descent and is covered in ritual facial and body scarring. These scars and his thick accent suggest that he was an African who was brought to the Caribbean as a slave.

He is also one of the Cursed Pirate enemies in the Port Royal world of Kingdom Hearts II, voiced by Beau Billingslea. In the game he fights using two handaxes.


Clubba was a background member of Barbossa's crew. He was played by David Patykewich. He is bald and slouches. He is seen a lot of the time with Maximo.[1]

Dog Ear

A background crewman, Dog Ear was portrayed by Tobias McKinney.[2]


Grapple is one of the cursed pirates serving under Captain Barbossa in The Curse of the Black Pearl, played by Trevor Goddard. He earns his nickname because he fights with a large grappling iron. He is paired with Mallot. He fights with Will Turner during the siege of Port Royal, during which a falling sign knocks him through a shop window, and later in his skeleton form terrorizes Elizabeth aboard the Black Pearl by swinging with her through the air on a rope. He is also responsible for holding a struggling Will back while Elizabeth is being marooned alongside Jack. At the end of the film, he and Mallot are left aboard the Black Pearl to guard the prisoners and are knocked into the ocean after Elizabeth helps them escape.

A deleted scene shows Grapple and Mallot having a brief argument over sharing the cake as their first meal after the anticipated removal of the curse.


Michael W. Williams played this pirate.[3]

Jack the Monkey

Jack is a Capuchin monkey; According to Barbossa, Jack was mockingly named after Captain Jack Sparrow. He was Captain Barbossa's pet and sailed with him aboard the Black Pearl and had been cursed along with the rest of the crew. The curse, which robbed Barbossa's crew of their passions and made them undead in moonlight, also bestowed superhuman indestructibility. Jack lost this power like his crewmates when Will Turner lifted the curse. However, in an Easter egg after the film's credits, Jack was shown swimming back into the cave, where he stole an Aztec coin and became cursed again.

File:Jack The Monkey.JPG
Jack as a Skeleton.
File:Scared Monkey.JPG
Jack, captured, in the hut of Tia Dalma.

A recursed Jack appears in one of the opening scenes of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. His presence on The Black Pearl (captained again by Jack Sparrow) is not explained, but Gibbs mentions that Isla de Muerta and the Aztec treasure sank beneath the sea. Jack Sparrow apparently vents his anger upon the undead animal, exclaiming at one point, "Now where is that monkey? I want to shoot something!" The monkey is later captured and bartered to Tia Dalma for information about Davy Jones. The monkey then goes to a back room and climbs on top of a black boot, apparently Barbossa's.

When the resurrected Barbossa reveals himself at the conclusion of the film, Jack is once again perched upon his master's shoulder.

Jack in The Empress on the way to Davy Jone's Locker.

In Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Jack has returned to Barbossa, his owner. In one scene, Jack Sparrow asks if anyone came to save him just because they missed him. Only a small number of the crew raise their hands, followed in suit by Jack. Jack serves mainly as a comic relief character in Ar World's End. He sets off a chain reaction of fireworks explosions that rescues the crew in Singapore. When Jack (Sparrow), Will, Gibbs, Elizabeth, and Barbossa are pointing their guns at eachother, Jack (the Monkey) points a gun at Cotton's parrot. Also, at some point in the movie, Jack gets shot out of a cannon, hitting Maccus in the face, and knocking him off the ship, thus saving Will, who was currently fighting Maccus.

Jack in the first movie was played by Tara, a 10-year-old female monkey, and Levi, an 8-year-old male. The Skeletal monkey was added in post-production by Industrial Light and Magic; according to commentary and special features on the DVD, the monkeys were sometimes difficult to work with as they were easily distracted. ("I want to stuff the monkey!" Keira Knightley jokingly exclaimed in the commentary.) Reportedly actor Geoffrey Rush, who played Barbossa, would patiently wait for the monkey to look in the direction it was supposed to, then deliver his lines. In some occasions, a water gun was used to grab the monkey's attention by squirting it a few times. It is said in the commentary that Geoffrey Rush got hit a few times by accident.

In the second and third movies "Dead Man's Chest" and "At World's End" Jack is played by Boo Boo, a twelve year old male monkey and Mercedes, a ten year old female monkey. The monkeys are white-throated (cebus capuchinus) capuchin monkeys. They were obtained in Pennsylvania. Boo Boo loved to play ball and clean his cage and windows. Mercedes loved to ride on her owner's shoulders and eat Rose Petals. The animals were trained by Boone's Animals for Hollywood, Inc.

In the first movie Jack (the monkey) is seen smiling when Barbossa tells Sparrow they named the monkey after him. In the special features on the DVD it is revealed that the monkey did this purely by chance and it was not planned out in any way. A similar incident in the first movie showed Barbossa and Jack the Monkey sharing similar confused looks while chasing The Interceptor in brief scene.


Jacoby is one of the cursed pirates serving under Captain Barbossa in The Curse of the Black Pearl played by Vince Lozano. His gimmick is throwing hand grenades, and his long black beard is almost always wreathed with smoke as if aflame, a gimmick inspired from the historical pirate Blackbeard. He is one of the first clues that there is something supernatural about Barbossa and his men: during the siege of Port Royal, Will Turner hits him in the back with a hatchet and "kills" him, but then Jacoby turns up alive and a short time later, laughs and waves at a flabbergasted Will. At the end of the movie, Jacoby ends up skewered on a metal pole with two other pirates while in their skeleton forms and Will and Elizabeth stick one of Jacoby's grenades into his ribcage and then shove all three of them out of the moonlight, trapping the explosive inside his now flesh-covered body as it explodes, taking him and the two other Pirates with it. Before his demise, Jacoby, with smoke coming out of his mouth looks directly into the camera and whimpers, "No fair!" He is called Blackbeard on the commentary by Keira Knightley.

He is used as one of the Cursed Pirate enemies in the Port Royal world of Kingdom Hearts II, voiced by John DiMaggio. He is also a boss in the video game Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow.


Jose G. Zelaya portrayed this crewman.[4]


Ketchum was played by Jerry Gauny.[5]


Koehler is one of the cursed pirates serving under Captain Barbossa in The Curse of the Black Pearl, played by Treva Etienne & voiced by Fred Tatasciore in The Legend of Jack Sparrow. He is a skinny black man with dreadlocks. He is also one of the first clues that there is something supernatural about Barbossa and his men: when he and Twigg encounter Jack Sparrow in the dungeon after mistaking it for the armory, Jack tells them that "the deepest circle of hell" is reserved for betrayers and mutineers such as them, whereupon Koehler reaches through the bars and seizes Jack by the throat, telling him he knows nothing of hell. Koehler's arm passes into a shaft of moonlight and becomes skeletal, showing Jack there was a curse after all.

Koehler is one of the pirates who briefly entertains the idea of overthrowing Barbossa, claiming that every decision he had made led them from bad to worse. But Barbossa stands firm and quells the mutiny. Koehler and Twigg are the ones who rig The Interceptor to explode. At the end of the film, Koehler and Twigg are among the pirates who walk to The Dauntless and board her. During the battle, Koehler fights Commodore Norrington and is impaled by him, thus being mortally wounded when the curse is lifted, and he becomes the first pirate to die (and the only one actually shown dying) during the battle.


Mallot is one of the cursed pirates serving under Captain Barbossa in The Curse of the Black Pearl, and was played by Brye Cooper. He wields a large mallet for a weapon and is paired with Grapple, often being portrayed as the younger brother in Fanfiction. When Barbossa's crew is considering mutiny upon discovering Elizabeth is not related to Bootstrap Bill, he points out that Barbossa was the one who ordered Bill Turner to be thrown overboard and thus lost, only furthering the pirate's time as being cursed. At the end of the film, he and Grapple are left aboard the Black Pearl to guard the prisoners and are knocked into the ocean by Elizabeth and Sparrow's crew after Elizabeth Swann helps them escape.

A deleted scene shows Mallot and Grapple having a brief argument over sharing the cake as their first meal after the anticipated removal of the curse.

Mallot is featured twice as a level boss in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow.


Maximo the crewman was played by Maxie J. Santillan Jr. He was seen in the siege of Port royal with Clubba. He is short and has a greyish moustache and wears a green bandana.[6]


Michael Lane portrayed this background crewman.[7]


Don Ladaga played this background crewman.[8]


Scarus was played by Tommy Schooler. [9] When the British Navy won the battle on the Dauntless, Governor Swann wagged his finger at Scarus then brandished his fists at him.


Portrayed by Finneus Egan, Scratch was a background crewman under Barbossa. He had blond dreadlocks and wore an orange coat. He seemed to fight with a dagger. http://www.hollywood.com/celebs/detail/id/1266120]


A crewman played by Michael A. Thompson.[10]


Twigg is one of the cursed pirates serving under Captain Barbossa in The Curse of the Black Pearl. He appears to be friends with Koehler as they are often seen together. He helped Koehler raid an armoury at the beginning of the film and also helped him rig the Interceptor with explosives. Although Koehler is killed in the battle aboard the Dauntless when the curse is lifted, Twigg and the other pirates surrender. He was played by Michael Berry Jr. He is used as one of the Cursed Pirate enemies in the Port Royal world of Kingdom Hearts II.


D. P. Fitzgerald played Weatherby, a member of Barbossa's crew.[11]

Background Crewmen

As seen in the Movie and according to a featurette on the DVD, they are about 60 other unnamed background crewmembers in this crew. They were played by uncredited laymen actors

The Interceptor / The Black Pearl (Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew)

Jack Sparrow raised this crew on Tortuga. Most crewmen were killed and eaten by cannibals on Pelogosto, or killed during the Kraken attack, only a few survived until At World’s End.

Cotton and his Parrot

Cotton is one of the pirates Jack Sparrow and Joshamee Gibbs hire out of Tortuga in The Curse of the Black Pearl. He had his tongue cut out at some point in the past, so he trained his pet parrot to speak on his behalf. No one is quite sure how. Both Cotton and his parrot loyally serve Jack throughout the events of Curse of the Black Pearl and return in Dead Man's Chest. In both films, Cotton is played by David Bailie [12]. His parrot, a Blue-and-yellow Macaw (like many other parrots in pirate movies) was voiced by Christopher S. Capp [13] in the movies and by James Arnold Taylor [14] in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow. He and his parrot are two of the few Black Pearl crew members to survive the Kraken's attack. They also appear along with the rest of the survivors of the Kraken in At World's End. They are with Sparrows rescue crew and serve on the ship throught the film.


A Pirate in Jack Sparrow’s crew in the first film. Jack hired him out on Tortuga. He was played by Craig Thomson. [15]


One of Jack’s crewmen that Gibbs recruited on Tortuga. He appeared in both films and was played by M. Scott Shields. [16]


One of the pirates Jack Sparrow recruited on Tortuga in the first film. He was played by Mike Haberecht. [17]


Chris 'Sully' Sullivan [18] played this Pirate. Jack Sparrow recruited him on Tortuga. He appeared in both films.


Leech is an Indian pirate under Captain Jack in Dead Man's Chest. He contemplates mutiny because the crew is not getting paid at all, and claims that the Black Pearl can be crewed by 6 men. He dies on Pelegosto Island alongside several other crewmen when his cage falls into a vast canyon. Leech was portrayed by San Shella. It was revealed in the DVD commentary that Leech was intended to be a character that when dead, would be missed somewhat, and that the directors spent sufficient amounts of time working on him.


LeJon is a pirate that serves under Jack Sparrow. He is black, with large hair, and a deep accent. He was one of the pirates the cannibals left alive, and was put in the cage with Marty, Gibbs, Will and Cotton. He accompanied Jack Sparrow during the first visit in Tia Dalma’s house. [19] When the Flying Dutchman calls the Kraken for the second time, LeJon yells, "We must have hit a reef!" When the Black Pearl was under attack from the Kraken, LeJon was picked up by a tentacle while trying to blow up the barrels of gunpower and rum, and eaten by the beast. LeJon is credited by the actor's stage name, which is Lejon.


Marty is a dwarf pirate that Jack Sparrow and Joshamee Gibbs hire out of Tortuga in The Curse of the Black Pearl. He loyally served Jack throughout the events of Curse of the Black Pearl and return in Dead Man's Chest. In all three films he is played by Martin Klebba, and he is voiced by James Arnold Taylor in The Legend of Jack Sparrow. Marty is one of the few survivors of the Kraken attack and journeys with the crew to find Jack. And in the third installment of the series Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End, Marty is one of the very few crewmembers who raises his hand when Jack Sparrow asks "Did no one come to save me just because they missed me?".


Jack Sparrow and Joshamee Gibbs hired this pirate on Tortuga in the first film. He was played by Rudolph McColam. [20]


Félix Castro [21] played Moises, a pirate Jack Sparrow and Joshamee Gibbs recruited on Tortuga in the first film.


One of the Pirates Jack Sparrow hired on Tortuga in the first film. He was portrayed by Fred Toft. [22]


Hernando Molina plays this crewman, who appears only in the second film.[23]


A Pirate Jack Sparrow recruited on Tortuga in the first film. He was played by Gerard J. Reyes. [24]

Background Crewmen

As seen in Dead Man’s Chest, they were many other unnamed background crewmembers in this crew. Jack and Gibbs Recruited them on Tortuga. They were played by uncredited laymen actors and they all were killed by the Kraken towards the end of Dead Man’s Chest

The Flying Dutchman (under Captain Davy Jones)

Each crewman was originally a mortal man who sold his soul to Davy Jones. Over time, each became less human and more sea creature, like the captain himself. There are 19 distinct crewmembers, plus six new ones being added in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End; each was created digitally, except for "Bootstrap Bill" Turner. Note that Wheelback, Ratlin, Angler, and Old Haddy were created entirely at Industrial Light and Magic, instead of being sketched by Crash McCreery.


Angler is a fat Flying Dutchman crew member with the face of an anglerfish. His right arm is a barracuda[citation needed]. He can be seen out on the deck during Cheater's Dice, and is later seen turning the wheel to the Kraken Hammer.


Broondjongen is a new crewmember added in At World's End. Broondjongen has the body of a clam. One of the designers, Aaron McBride, said, "His torso splits open into a clamshell a withered figure contorted inside the clam in a death frieze. Like when a dominant twin will absorb its sibling in utero and always has vestigial remnants of dead sibling." [25][26]


Clanker is a crewman with barnacles and mussels all over his face, and seaweed for hair.[27]. Clanker does battle with two balls of chainshot; he was one of the crewmen that Will fought on the wrecked ship, being the first to approach Will while yelling "Down on your marrowbones and pray!". He can later be seen playing Cheater's Dice with Koleniko and Maccus. Actor Andy Beckwith performed the part, although the credits misspell the character's name as "Clacker". An action figure of Clanker was released in the first series of Secrets of the Deep action figures by Zizzle. He will get a second i


- Crash is one of the background crew of Davy Jones. He has tendrils coming out of one eye and his right leg is fused with a tentacle. In place of a mouth he appears to have a crab's mandibles.[28][29] Crash also has a sawfish bone sword which he uses to restrain Bootstrap Bill when Davy Jones sends the Kraken after Will Turner. Crash also fights with a pulley. He was played by Patrick Hume.[30]


- Finnegan is a new crewmember added in At World's End. His head looks sort of like a rockfish. One of the designers, Aaron McBride, said, "Gore wanted him to have the coloring of a Rockfish. Very aggressive red spotting to compliment the sharp serrated fins on his body. We gave him a hair lip so he would have a perpetual distorted snarl.“ - [31][32]


- Greenbeard, the navigator of the Flying Dutchman, has a latticework of hanging seaweed covering his body. He also has mussels for teeth sunk into his face, which has one eye set within a slit-shaped socket.[33] He navigates the ship while the crew is asleep, and can also be seen turning the wheel to the Kraken Hammer. He's first seen emerging from the run-aground ship right before Davy Jones first appears. A man denies Jones' offer to join his crew and has his throat slit and then thrown overboard by Greenbeard. - He is played by Jason Kakebeen, although he was uncredited. [34]


- Hadras is played by Ho-Kwan Tse. His head is protected by a conch shell that sits on top of his neck attached by tendrils. [35]Like his fellow crew member Old Haddy, he uses knuckledusters as his weapon in battle. Old haddy was based on his concept art before hadras was redesinged with the hermit crab.His knuckledusters are visible when he restrains Bootstrap Bill Turner when the kraken is called for the first time in the movie. Hadras speaks Cantonese with a Chinese accent. - - Whilst trying to recover the titular chest for Davy Jones, Hadras' conch-shell head was knocked off by a coconut thrown by Jack Sparrow. The disembodied head thereafter had to shout directions in Cantonese to the now blind and headless body. Later, Hadras' body carried the empty Dead Man's Chest back to the Dutchman, and his head scuttled after it by pulling in its face and releasing the legs of a hermit crab. In later scenes aboard the Dutchman, he can be seen with his head re-attached; in the DVD Commentary, the writers acknowledge this and cite the reason as sufficient time having passed for his head to reconnect to his body. - - He can also be seen in At World's End, where the chest with Davy Jone's heart fell onto his head and pushed his loose head deep into his body. He then proceeds to fall off the Dutchman into the maelstrom.


- Jelly is a new crewmember added in At World's End. He has jellyfish membranes all over his body. One of the designers, Aaron McBride, said, "The human bits you can see underneath the jellyfish membrane start to look like he was regressing back to an embryo. Like he was de-evolving. I looked at reference of chicken embryos developing in eggs. Also made one of Jelly's eyes entirely black and lifeless like he has an eight ball hemorrhage.” [36][37]


- Jimmylegs is the bo' sun on the Flying Dutchman. He has the face of a stonefish and has a fin on his back.[38][39] Bill Turner says that he "prides himself on cleaving flesh from bone with every swing."[40] While on the Black Pearl, he can be seen restraining Ragetti. He can also be seen whipping the crew members who are operating the Kraken Hammer. He was also sent to Isla Cruces to recover the chest of Davy Jones. Jimmylegs was played by Christopher Adamson. [41]


- Koleniko is a pufferfish-like crew member of the Flying Dutchman in Dead Man's Chest, played by Clive Ashborn.[42] Half of his face is like that of a pufferfish, which slowly inflates and deflates with his breathing. One of his eyes is that of a pufferfish. He wears a brown bandana and cloak witch he ties around his neck and also wears a very large round earing in left ear. Judging by the orders Davy Jones gives him, he is one of the coxswain. He can be seen playing Liar's Dice on the Flying Dutchman, and winning after Maccus calls him out. He is seen restraining Pintel on the deck of the Black Pearl. During the battle at Isla Cruces, Koleniko is seen fighting Jack Sparrow. Along the rest of the crew he too becomes human when Jones is killed.


- Maccus is the first mate of the Flying Dutchman under Davy Jones in Dead Man's Chest, and is played by Dermot Keaney. He has the head of a hammerhead shark, his right eye is in the human position and his left is in the hammerhead position, his teeth are also of a shark and his back which ressembles a spine and arms are covered with crustacean-like legs ,[43], which can be seen on his action figure by NECA, and on the scene in which we first see Davy Jones. He was first designed with hair and a cap.Sega released a Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Plush Maccus. The fingers of his left hand also closely resemble crab legs, seen when Will challenges Davy Jones to a game of Liar's Dice. [44] Maccus' name is Celtic for 'hammer', [45] an obvious reference to his transformation. He is seen frequently conversing with Davy Jones throughout the film, as well as losing a game of Liar's Dice against Clanker and Koleniko.In At World's End Maccus is again frequently seen with Davy Jones. He was also present during the death of James Norrington, and the final battle. He is distracted during his fight with Will Turner by Jack the Monkey, and falls off the Dutchman after losing his balance. He falls into the maelstrom, though being supernatural he could have survived to become human when Davy Jones was killed.


- Manray is a new crewmember added in At World's End. He has a manta ray as a head. One of the designers, Aaron McBride, said, "Elongated the tail on the back of his head. Almost like when a robber wears a stocking over his face and it pushes and pulls the features of their face flattening and distorting them. Gave him silver eyes and very small pupils to look like psychopath.” - [46][47]


- Ogilvey is the head gunner of the Flying Dutchman which Davy Jones orders to arm the triple-cannons. Ogilvey's face has lost all humanity; he has only one red eye at the top of his head and a twisted, inhuman mouth.[48] Ogilvey wears a orange bandana and fights with a hook. When Will was fighting the crew on the wrecked ship, he cut Ogilvey's stomach open, causing fish and chum to spill on the deck. Ogilvey was also seen turning the wheel to the Kraken Hammer and behind Will Turner during the game of Liar's Dice with Davy Jones. He was played by Jonathan Linsley.

Old Haddy

- Old Haddy is a crew member wearing a stocking cap and a green, sleeveless shirt, is covered in mussels and fights with knuckledusters[49]. He can be seen during the Isla Cruces beach fight, when he teams up with Quittance and fight Pintel and Ragetti. Old Haddy is based on Hadras' concept art, before he (Hadras) was redesigned with the hermit crab head. He can be seen turning the wheel to the Kraken Hammer.


- Palifico is Davy Jones' personal guard, appearing to be primarily reef-like in appearance.[50] He fights with two rusted swords fused to his hands, although he is seen without them through most of the movie. (second from right in [51]) In place of eyes, nose, and mouth, Palifico has a cluster of tentacles and two fanworms in his eye sockets. He is played by Winston Ellis in Dead Man's Chest and was made into an action figure by NECA.[52] He was seen turning the wheel to the Kraken Hammer, and after the Kraken destroys the Black Pearl, he says "The captain goes down with his ship" in reference to Jack Sparrow.


- Penrod is the half-human, half-lobster member of Davy Jones' crew, played by Peter Donald Badalamenti II.[53] Penrod is a small sailor, a joke on the fact that he resembles a shrimp (or small lobster), with numerous exoskeletal plates on his body. He also has two antennae growing on either side of his nose like a mustache, and his left leg has split into two lobster-like legs. His right hand is slowly turning into a claw. Penrod was seen, appropriately, holding a knife to Marty the dwarf's throat while Davy Jones was on the Pearl. He also sits near to Bootstrap during the game of Liar's Dice, as seen here.


- Piper is a new crewmember added in At World's End. He is made up of tube coral. One of the designers, Aaron McBride, said, "I tried not to give him specific eyes. Instead added many coral tubule holes to his face so to resemble many possible eyes like a spider.” - [54][55]


- Quittance is one of the background characters on the Dutchman. He has seaweed for hair, an anemone for a mouth and a moray eel living in a hole in his chest,[56] which reveals itself as Will Turner learns the rules of Liar's Dice. He also has a clam for a right eye. In one scene, he teamed up with Old Haddy and fought Pintel and Ragetti. They knock Quittance to the ground, who grabs for the Dead Man's Chest as they run off with the chest. in At Worlds End the eel becomes his head.

Quittance was performed by Marc Joseph, although his part was uncredited.[57]


- Ratlin is a crew member that appears to have been fused with rope and sailcloth.he has ropes ropes fused to his face.[58] He can be seen clearly on the ropes when Davy Jones orders the ship underwater. His name is a joke on his description, as ratlin is part of a ship's rigging. Ratlin turns the wheel to the Kraken Hammer.

The Twins

- The dual crewmen who are two brothers who serve as deckhands and assist in preparations for the summoning of the Kraken.[59] They resemble Siamese twins, though it's not known exactly if they were born that way, or if their current state was a result of their servitude, assimilating each other while adapting sea-creature features. They are joined from the shoulder down, each one with one arm and a third leg ending in a stump where they are connected. two other arms hang limp from their front and back from the center. The left twin has a horseshoe crab on his head with it's claws hanging down like hair, and they both had small beards of coral and eyes like polyps. One of them, during Liar's Dice, pulls something off of the other one's chest and eats it, and they can later be seen turning the wheel to the Kraken Hammer. they fight using swords

- The twins were performed by real-life twins Chris and Michael Symonds, although the part was uncredited.[60]


- Urchin is a new crewmember added in At World's End. He has spikes all over his body and looks like a sea urchin. [61][62] -


- Wheelback is the member of Davy Jones' crew with a ship's steering wheel embedded in his back.[63] One of his arms is fused with a club and his left eye is covered by a compass fused to his face. Besides the ship's wheel, Wheelback also has a few rusty chains and other numerous pieces of metal conjoined to his body like armor. He can be seen turning the wheel to the Kraken Hammer, and he fights Pintel during the battle on Isla Cruces. Wheelback can also be seen walking in the foreground carrying a lantern when the crew are pulling up the cannon, just before Will Turner gets whipped.


- Wyvern's transformation is one of the most dramatic as he integrated into the Flying Dutchman's hull, becoming part of the vessel itself in the form of different species of coral.[64] His role as a crewmember is relegated to forever holding a lantern. Wyvern is the one who tells Will Turner about the Dead Man's Chest. He temporarily pulls himself loose from the wall (exposing his brain, which was both located behind his neck and resembling brain coral) before snapping back to his usual, unconscious state. - - Wyvern was played by John Boswall and unfortunately, however, not seen in At World's End.

The Empress (under Captain Sao Feng)

This Oriental pirate warship is featured in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007). She is maintained by a crew of the supernatural and captained by Sao Feng.

Asia Twins

They are played by Michelle Lee [65] and Adrienne Wong [66]. They attend to Sao Feng and were not chosen merely for their good looks - they are deadly fighters in their own right. Unfortunately, both were shot by Mercer in the head early in the story.

Tai Huang

Captain of the bodyguards in Seo Feng's Crew. He joins Jack's Crew on their quest to save Jack and later serves Miss Swann. He commands Sao Feng's ship in the final battle. He has the most screen time of any person from Feng's ship other then Feng himself.

He is played by Reggie Lee [67]


He was portrayed by Chi Mou Lo [68]

The Royal Navy

Lieutenant Gillette

Lieutenant Gillete is a Royal Navy officer and Commodore Norrington's personal 1st Lieutenant in Port Royal. Norrington entrusted him the Dauntless twice; one time in Port Royal, when he prepared the Interceptor for the chase after the Black Pearl, but Jack Sparrow and Will Turner managed to capture the Dauntless and then the Interceptor, the second time at Isla de Muerta, when Norrington and the marines went to the cave, Gillette against stayed on the ship and participated in the battle aboard the Dauntless at the end of the film, and managed to survive. Played by Damian O'Hare, he only appears in The Curse of the Black Pearl.

Lieutenant Groves

Another Royal Navy officer, Groves is played by Greg Ellis. [69] He served in Norrington’s crew aboard the Interceptor and after her capture by Jack Sparrow and Will Turner aboard the Dauntless. He also survived the battle aboard the Dauntless and he’ll return in At World’s End.

Mullroy and Murtogg

Mullroy and Murtogg are two Royal Marines in The Curse of the Black Pearl. Mullroy is played by Angus Barnett [70] and Murtogg is played by Giles New [71]. The two are comic relief characters, similar to Pintel and Ragetti. A running gag is that they can be easily distracted by getting them into an argument (such as whether or not the Black Pearl is a real ship) while Jack Sparrow gets away (or almost gets away) with what they were guarding (such as getting aboard the Intercepter or stealing the Dead Man's Chest).They both participate and survive in the battle aboard the Dauntless at the end of the film. It appears that by the end of the first film, the duo may have received a promotion, indicated by the color of their hair, now white and in the form of a wig, rather than tied back. They have also received epaulets. However, they do not appear in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. They return again in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, serving under Cutler Beckett.[72]. It is ironic that in the first film, Mullroy and Murtogg were the "good" comic relief characters and Pintel and Ragetti were the bad, and in the third film, Pintel and Ragetti are the "good" comic relief characters, and Mullroy and Murtogg are the "bad", or at least working for the "bad". In the end, they both become pirates aboard the Black Pearl under Captain Barbossa.

The East India Trading Company


Mercer is Lord Cutler Beckett's loyal personal assistant in Dead Man's Chest, played by David Schofield. In addition to these duties he is also a spy and an assassin and does whatever he can to further Beckett's agenda. He killed the captain of the ship that Weatherby Swann had planned to use to rescue Elizabeth. In the DVD Special Features, it is stated that this captain's name is Hawkins. Later, Mercer was at Tortuga, where he located Elizabeth, Norrington, and Jack Sparrow's crew. Mercer led the search to find the Dead Man's Chest, and returned with Norrington.

In At World's End, Mercer led an assault at Sao Feng's hideout/bathhouse. There, Mercer killed the Asia Twins and learned of a deal between Sao Feng and Will Turner. Later, Mercer led the crew to take controll of the Black Pearl. However, after Barbossa and Sao Feng made a deal, Mercer fought Barbossa to escape the Pearl by jumping into the water. He was left in charge of Davy Jones and had men surrounding the chest after Norrington was killed. Mercer, despite is assassinasin ways, was terrified by the battle in the Maelstorm. When a blast killed most of EITC Marines, Davy Jones grabbed Mercer by his crab arm. He is killed when Davy Jones inserts his face tentacles into Mercers head via mouth, nose, eyes, and ears.

The Cartographer

This old man is employed by the EITC and draws a map of the world for Lord Cutler Beckett. When he receives new information about so far unexplored areas and locations, he extends the map. In the original screenplay by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, Gibbs stated that Jack Sparrow was his apprentice when he worked for the EITC.

Captain Bellamy

Captain Bellamy commands the merchant vessel The Edinburgh Trader that Elizabeth Swann stows away on during Dead Man's Chest. Later, his ship picks up Will Turner at sea. However, Will's presence aboard dooms everyone to suffer the wrath of Davy Jones. Jones' monstrous Kraken attacks and sinks the ship; Bellamy is the first to die when he is snatched off the deck by one of the monster's tentacles. He was played by Alex Norton.

Bursar and Quartermaster

Bursar and the Quartermaster are two crewmen of The Edinburgh Trader that found Elizabeth's dress, and thought it belonged to a ghost. They began a heated debate about the nature of the 'ghost' until Elizabeth herself indicated that the ghost desired passage to Tortuga, where the Bursar insisted that they had made a sizeable fortune in Tortuga, though off records. Later, as the Kraken was attacking, the Bursar held out the dress, yelling "Take it, Take it!" before he was swept away by a tentacle. The ultimate fate of the Quartermaster, however, is not depicted onscreen; he was either killed in the Kraken attack, or picked up and executed by Jones's crew. The Bursar was played by Max Baker [73] and the Quartermaster was played by Steve Speirs.

Edinburgh Trader crew

The Edinburgh Trader was crewed by a large number of superstitious crewmen; they were played by Matthew Bower (a sailor) [74], David Sterne (the cook) [75] and Michael Enright (a deckhand) [76]. All of them were killed by the Kraken when it attacked the ship, and the few survivors were captured & slaughtered on instruction of Davy Jones by the Dutchman’s crew

Lieutenant Greitzer

A EITC officer aboard the Endeavour. Cutler Beckett has control of the ship and orders Greitzer to where the Empress and Pearl meet. However, when Beckett orders him to follow the Pearl, Greitzer silently watches the main mast fall due to Jack Sparrow's escape. After the repairs are made, they follow via dead body trail made by Turner. In the battle at Shipwreck Cove, Greitzer asks Beckett for orders when the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman team up and destroy the Endeavour. Beckett is too stunned to answer, and Greitzer orders to abandon ship. His fate is unknown, as he could be killed, rescued by the EITC fleet, or by the pirates.[77] . He is played by David Meunier [78]

Tortuga Inhabitants


A woman living in Tortuga, Scarlett is most likely a prostitute, although her occupation is never stated. She has bright red hair and typically sports both a red dress and an excess of blush. She and Jack had met before the first movie, and her animosity (echoing that of Giselle and AnaMaria) became a running gag. When Jack appears in Tortuga, she approaches him and slaps him, to which Jack says to Will "Not sure I deserved that."

Scarlett appears in all three films, but in the children's novelization of Dead Man's Chest, she has Giselle's role; she slaps Will Turner as a callback to the gag in the first film. She is based on the redhead in the auction scene of the Pirates attraction. She reappears in World's End at the end of the film when she and Giselle slap Jack Sparrow for "lying" that he had a grand, majestic ship (this was true, but was stolen by Barbosa and the crew). He also, at this point, admitted to all of the other lies he told Scarlet and Giselle: "Yes that makes you look fat, no I don't love you ....."She was played in all three films by Lauren Maher.[79]

She also appears in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow where she is voiced by Nika Futterman.


Another woman from Tortuga, Giselle is a blond wench of dubious occupation. After seeing his encounter with Scarlett, she demanded to know who Scarlett was before slapping him. Jack admitted to Will Turner that he might have deserved that.

Giselle reappeared in Dead Man's Chest during Will's hunt for Jack Sparrow. Giselle claimed that she had not seen Jack in over a month and asked, "When you find him, will you give him a message?" She then slapped Will.

She reappears in World's End at the end of the film when she and Scarlet slap Jack Sparrow for "lying" that he had a grand, majestic ship (this was true, but was stolen by Barbosa and the crew).

Giselle was played by Vanessa Branch.[80]

Pirate Musical Band

This band consists of three pirates playing in a bar on Tortuga; one of them plays a guitar, another an accordion, and the third one plays a fiddle. They were portrayed by uncredited layman actors and resembles the three singing pirates from the ride, but while the pirates on the ride perform Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me), the band in the movie plays a variation of a traditional piece called Fisher's Hornpipe during the pub brawl.

Port Royal Inhabitants

Mr. Brown

John Brown [81] is the owner of the blacksmith's shop in Port Royal where Will Turner works at the beginning of The Curse of the Black Pearl. He is depicted as a lazy drunkard who sleeps all day, letting Will do all the work and taking all of the credit and the profit. However, he assisted in capturing Jack Sparrow by breaking an empty bottle over his head during his swordfight with Will. He was played by Ralph P. Martin.


Estrella, played by Paula Jane Newman [82], is a maid in the governor’s household. She warned Elisabeth when the Black Pearl’s landing troop led by Pintel attacked the house, then she escaped and presumably reported to Governor Swann and Norrington about Elisabeth’s kidnapping. She appeared only in The Curse of the Black Pearl.

The Harbormaster

A British civil servant who was corrupted by handling for many years with pirates, smugglers and various other criminals. His clothes are much too expensively for his content, he paid it with the money he get as bribe. It’s his job to register all ships, goods and persons arriving in the harbor and to collect fees. When Jack Sparrow arrived in Port Royal, he captivated him in order to hide his identity and stole his purse. He was played by Guy Siner [83] and appeared only in The Curse of the Black Pearl.


The four Prisoners awaiting execution for undisclosed crimes in a cell next to Jack Sparrow’s. The prisoners futilely attempted to retrieve the keys from the Jailhouse Canine by attracting the latter with food, which didn’t work, as Jack said, but when The Black Pearl attacked Port Royal, a cannonball blasts a hole in the wall and they escaped, their further fate is unknown. They were played by Michael Sean Tighe [84], Ben Wilson [85], Antonio Valentino [86] and Mike Babcock [87].

Jailhouse Dog

The jailhouse dog in the first movie always carries the jail keys in his mouth. Prisoners futilely attempt to retrieve the keys from the dog by any means necessary.

When Jack Sparrow was in the jail, he tells the other prisoners that calling the dog won't work. However, after The Black Pearl blasts a hole in the wall, allowing the other prisoners to escape, a desperate Jack tries calling the dog without luck.

Apparently Pintel and Ragetti are more successful with the pooch. In the second movie, they are seen in a rowboat with the dog who is holding the keys. Somehow they managed to get the keys from the dog and escape jail. During their voyage to Pelegosto, the dog jumped from the boat and swam to shore, waiting at the beach. Shortly after this, the dog runs away from the pursuing cannibals when they have failed to catch Jack. In a post-credits scene, the cannibals have made the dog their new king.

In At World's End website, the dog is present during the Brethren of the Coast, yet how he got there was unknown. Captain Teague mutters during a scene in the film that the dog arrived by sea turtles, a running gag in the movies. A more likely scenario would have been Captain Teague bringing him there, because Captain Teague is the Keeper of the Code. The dog has the keys to the book.

The dog is based on the canine in the prison scene from the Disney Pirates attraction.

The Executioner

The executioner in the Curse of the Black Pearl, who had been put in charge of Jack Sparrow's execution. However, the execution efforts were halted by Will Turner, who dueled the Executioner in an attempt to rescue Jack, which ultimately succeeded in the executioner cutting the rope holding Jack, who then fled to the balcony with Will. He reappears in At World's End, aiding Cutler Beckett in the execution of many people accused of piracy or befriending those accused.


The Jolly Mon

The Jolly Mon is a fishing trawler originaly owed by Anamaria. Jack Sparrow stole it and arrived on it in Port Royal. On the way, the Jolly Mon gets a leak and sunk in the Harbour. Later, on Tortuga, Anamaria accused Jack of stealing the boat. Jack states "You'll get another one" and Will says "A better one. That one", pointing to a ship in the harbor, to which Jack responds "What one?... That one ?!... Aye, that one. What say you?!".

The Princess

The Princess was a British merchant ship which sailed from England to Jamaica. It was destroyed by a explosion, and the sole survivor, Will Turner was rescued by the HMS Dauntless. There are two possible reasons for the disaster, either an explosion in the powder magazine or an attack by the Black Pearl. Which of these two possibilities was the truth one wasn’t explained neither in the movie nor in the commentaries, the scriptwriters especially mentioned that this remains an unresolved question.

Turkish Fishing Boat

The turkish fishing boat, similar to the Jolly Mon, became the first victim of a Kraken attack in Dead Man's Chest; a sailor pulled Jack Sparrow's tricorne from the water and tries it on, unwittingly calling the Kraken. He and another crewman soon hear rumbling from the ocean depths. A massive jet of water erupts as the Kraken violently pulls the ship and her entire crew under the sea. Her crewmen spoke turkish (without Subtitles), but one of them spoke Cypriote Greek (also without Subtitles).


The small dinghy that Jack Sparrow uses to attempt to find the fountain of youth in At World's End.
