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Professional wrestling strikes

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Attacking maneuvers in the kayfabe of professional wrestling are mainly used to wear down an opponent for a submission hold, or set up for a throw.

There is a wide variety of attacking moves in pro wrestling. Many moves are known by several different names. Professional wrestlers frequently give their "finishers" (signature moves that usually result in a win) new names. Occasionally these names become popular and are used regardless of the wrestler performing the technique.

Professional wrestling contains a variety of punches and kicks found in martial arts and other fighting sports, listed below are moves more specific to wrestling itself.

Many of the moves below can also be performed from a raised platform (the top rope, the ring apron, etc) these are called aerial variations.

Moves are listed under general categories whenever possible. Note that many of these moves are prohibited in Greco-Roman and Collegiate wrestling.

Double axe handle

Also known as a Double Sledge, or Polish Hammer, this attack sees the wrestler clasp both his hands together, and swing them at an opponent, hitting any part of them. The Polish Hammer name comes from its most noted user, Ivan Putski.

The names for this move comes from the attack mimicking the motion seen when people swing a sledgehammer or axe.

Back elbow

The wrestler stand with their back to a running opponent and thrusts out an elbow, which the opponent runs into.

Bell clap

The attacking wrestler slaps both ears of an opponent simultaneously with the palms of his hands, distorting their balance. Often used to escape a bearhug hold.

Big splash

Also known as a vertical splash, the big splash involves a wrestler jumping forward and landing stomach first across an opponent lying on the ground below.

This move has been a mainstay in the movesets of heavier/larger wrestlers.

Body avalanche

The wrestler charges into an opponent in the corner of the ring without leaving their feet, crushing them into the turnbuckle. This is normally used by bigger, heavier wrestlers.

Lou Thesz press

This move which was popularized and subsequently named after Lou Thesz sees the attacking wrestler jump towards a standing opponent and knock them over, resulting in the opponent lying on their back with the wrestler sitting on their chest, pinning the opponent.

Most variations will sees the attacking wrestler jump on a running opponent often followed by the wrestler repeatedly striking the opponent in the face after mounting them using this maneuver.

One other variation sees the attacking wrestler jump from the apron to an opponent to the floor, which is often called La Silla.

Stinger splash

This is an attack in which a wrestler runs at an opponent, who is resting in the turnbuckle, then jumps forward so that he splashes his whole body stomach-first, squashing his opponent between him and the turnbuckle. This move was named after its most noted user, Sting.

Bronco buster

This is a seated senton to an opponent who is resting on the bottom turnbuckle.

The Bronco buster is normally treated as having comic or sexual connotations, rather than as a legitimately painful move. It is often used by female wrestlers to excite the spectators.


Backhand chop

The act of a wrestler to slap the chest of his opponent, using the back of his hand. However, as the chop comes diagonally wrestlers often hit with the palm of the hand.

Many wrestlers use this chop, often referring to it as a knife edge chop, but it more or less has been popularized by Ric Flair. Flair's use has made it a tradition for fans to yell "Wooo!" whenever any wrestler uses it.

Kesagiri chop

A downward diagonal backhand chop to the side of the opponents neck.

Overhead chop

Also known as a tomahawk chop. The wrestler draws his hand back and hits the opponent vertically with a backhand chop, hitting usually the head.

Forehand chop

Sometimes referred to as a frying pan chop. The act of slapping the chest of the opponent using the forehand.

Mongolian chop

The act of 'karate chopping' both the opponent's shoulders and sides of the neck with the hands' edges in a swinging motion at the same time.


A move in which one wrestler runs towards another and extends his/her arm out from the side of the body and parallel to the ground, knocking over the other as he/she runs by. Often confused with a lariat.

JBL's finisher is a type of clothesline in which he gets a running start (sometimes off the ropes) first before hitting a high-impact clothesline, in which he swings his arm forward while running toward his opponent, which he calls the Clothesline from Hell.

Cactus clothesline

A clothesline used by Mick Foley that is named after his "Cactus Jack" gimmick. The attacking wrestler charges at an opponent who is against the ring ropes and clotheslines him/her. The force and momentum from the charge knocks both the wrestler and the opponent over the top rope and onto the floor.

Short-arm clothesline

This variation of the clothesline is set-up by Irish-whipping the opponent, but holding onto the arm. When the arm is completely extended, the wrestler pulls the opponent back, and clotheslines him with other arm.

Flying clothesline

While running towards an opponent, an attacking wrestler would leap up into the air, before connecting with a clothesline.

Another version sees an attacking wrestler leap up into the air and connecting with a clothesline, onto an opponent leaning against the corner turnbuckle.

Corner clothesline

A clothesline used by a wrestler where instead of knocking a standing opponent, the attacker charges against a (usually groggy) opponent on the corner.


Also known as cross body block. A maneuver in which a wrestler jumps onto his opponent and lands horizontally across the opponent's torso, forcing them to the mat and usually resulting in a pinfall attempt.

There is also an aerial variation where wrestler leaps from an elevated position towards the opponent. It is known as flying crossbody.


This is an attack performed when a wrestler has a rear mount (sitting across the opponent's back) and uses forearm shots across the opponent’s face.


Drops are moves in which wrestlers jump or fall down onto a person on the floor, landing with a specific part of the body

Butt drop

See Seated senton

Chop drop

The wrestler either falls forward, or jumps up and drops down, hitting a laying opponent with a backhand chop on the way down. The wrestler usually lands on his knees.

Scotty 2 Hotty's The Worm is a chop drop preceded by a routine that involves Scotty hopping on one leg four times (as the crowd chants W-O-R-M), doing worm dance moves towards the opponent and swinging his arms just before hitting the chop drop, while his opponent lays motionless on the mat.

Elbow drop

A elbow drop is a move in which a wrestler jumps down on an opponent driving his elbow into anywhere on the opponent's body.

A common elbow drop sees a wrestler raise one elbow before falling to one side and striking it across an opponent, another common elbow drop is the pointed elbow drop that sees a wrestler raise both elbows up and drop directly forward dropping one, or both elbows onto the opponent.

The Rock's People's Elbow is an elbow drop, preceded by a routine that involves The Rock pulling off his elbow pad and throwing it into the audience, bouncing off the ropes, then lifting one leg as if performing a leg drop, and hitting the elbow drop as his opponent lays motionless on the mat.

Dusty Rhodes has used, and probably originated, an elbow drop similar to the "People's Elbow". As he approached his downed opponent he would grab his crotch, raise his elbow high and drop the elbow with as much impact and dramatic effect as possible.

Many other professional wrestlers use an elbow drop in much the same fashion as (and often referencing) The People's Elbow: Glenn Gilberti (Village People's Elbow), etc. The Blue Meanie uses a leg drop variation, which he calls The People's Leg Drop.

Bionic elbow

This is a move in which a wrestler faces an opponent and smashes his elbow on to the top of the opponents head, made famous by Dusty Rhodes.

Spinning headlock elbow drop

This is any elbow drop which is performed after applying a headlock, the most widely known variation is an inverted facelock elbow drop in which a wrestler puts his opponent into a inverted facelock, and then turns 180°, dropping the elbow across the opponent's chest, driving him down to the mat. Another variation of this move sees the executer use their whole arm as a lariat instead of just the elbow.

Muhammad Hassan previously used a front facelock variation of this move, calling it the Finishing Touch.

Fist drop

A fist drop is a move in which a wrestler jumps/falls down on an opponent driving his fist into anywhere on the opponent's body. The falling variation was commonly used by 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase, who would hit a downed opponent with multiple fist drops.

John Cena's Five Knuckle Shuffle is a fist drop preceded by a routine that involves Cena first looking his lying opponent in the eyes and doing his "you can't see me" taunt, followed by bouncing off the ropes then wiping his right hand on his left shoulder (followed on occasion by a comic routine) before hitting the fist drop using that hand, as his opponent lays motionless on the mat.

Forearm drop

A forearm drop is a move in which a wrestler jumps down on an opponent driving his forearm into anywhere on the opponent's body.

Headbutt drop

A headbutt drop is a move in which a wrestler jumps down on an opponent driving his head into anywhere on the opponent's body.

Knee drop

A knee drop is a move in which a wrestler jumps down on an opponent driving his knee into anywhere on the opponent's body. It is often sold as more powerful if the wrestler bounces off the ropes first.

Jesse James and Billy Gunn as the New Age Outlaws often strutted off the rope toward the knee drop, often one after the other, in a move called the Shaky Knee Drop. James (now B.G. James) still does the move.

Knee drop bulldog

A version of a knee drop that involves the wrestler placing one knee against the base of the opponent's neck, who is leaning forward, then dropping. This forces the opponent's head down to the mat, while landing on the opponent's upper body, and driving his knee to the neck of the opponent.

There is also a diving version.

Leg drop

A move in which a wrestler will jump and land his leg across an opponent's chest, throat or face. Most famously used by Hulk Hogan, who uses this as his finisher when wrestling in North America, calling it the "Atomic Leg Drop."

Elbow smash

The wrestler delivers a punch, but tucks their hand into their chest so that their elbow and forearm make contact instead of their fist.


With an opponent sitting against the bottom corner turnbuckle, an attacking wrestler repeatedly rubs the sole of their boot across the face of the opponent. This is usually followed by either a running front kick, a running knee, a running low yakuza kick, a low jumping single leg running front dropkick or other strikes that first see the attacking wrestler rebound off the opposing ropes and charge at the opponent.

The facewash name is closely associated with Samoa Joe, who popularized the move in American wrestling, and with Shinjiro Otani, who originally popularized the move in Japan. The name refers to how the attacking wrestler appears to be scrubbing the opponent's face clean with their boot.

Forearm club

An attacking wrestler uses one hand to take hold of an opponent (by their head or hair) and lean them forward while extending their other arm in a raised position and clenching the fist of that hand before throwing the arm forward down onto the opponent; using their forearm and clenched fist to club the opponent across the back of their head/neck. This will often send the opponent to the mat front-first.

A lesser used version of this move can see the attacking wrestler take hold of an opponent and lean them backwards to expose their chest area, allowing the attacking wrestler to club the chest of the opponent and send them to the mat back-first.

Forearm smash

An attacking wrestler charges at the opponent with their arms out folded over each other, and then hit the opponent in the chest to force them back and down to the mat. Sometimes, however, it hits the opponent's chin or face.

Flying forearm smash

While running towards an opponent (usually after bouncing off the ropes), an attacking wrestler would leap up into the air, before connecting with a forearm smash.


An attack where a wrestler uses his head to strike a part of the opponent's body, usually the head or skull, to daze him. Unlike a legitimate headbutt, the pro-wrestling version most often impacts with the opponent's forehead, counting on the superior hardness of the wrestler's head and the momentum delivered to hurt the opponent without hurting the wrestler. The headbutt is most often used by Samoan and Tongan wrestlers, who are generally portrayed in pro wrestling as having hard heads. However, very large wrestlers, such as André the Giant, have also used headbutts, counting on their sheer size to easily subdue their opponents.

Battering ram

The wrestler stands facing an upright opponent, lowers their head and then jumps or charges forwards, driving the top of their head into the abdomen of the opponent. There is also a double-team version of the move.

Trapping headbutts

The wrestler holds both the opponent's arms under his own, and delivers a series of headbutts to his opponent, who is unable to counter. This attack was popularized in the United States by Al Snow, whose fans would chant "Head" as he performed the maneuver.

Heart punch

This attack sees an attacking wrestler first lift up an opponent's arm, placing it in a wrist lock behind the opponent's, to expose this opponent's chest. From here the attacking wrestler will directly punch the opponent in their exposed chest around the heart area. In kayfabe this makes the heart skip a beat and cause great pain to the opponent.

Knee strikes

Attacks were a wrestler will strike an opponent using their knees. The idea of using knees as an offensive weapon is popular through out British wrestling.

Go 2 Sleep

Named and innovated by KENTA this sees a wrestler place an opponent in a fireman's carry and proceed to drop the opponent in front of them. While the opponent is falling the wrestler quickly lifts a knee up, striking the opponent in the face.
The Inverted Go 2 Sleep sees KENTA lift his opponent into an Argentine backbreaker, throw his opponent forward, and have his knee connect with the back of the head.

High knee

An attack in which a wrestler will charge towards their opponent, then raise their knee or jump up so that their knee would hit the opponent usually into the side of the head, or face.

This move has been closely associated with Harley Race, often being referred to as a "Harley Race style High Knee".

KENTA uses a dropkick-like variation names the Busaiku Knee Kick where he charges towards the opponent and jumps up from his left foot, throwing his right leg and arms forward while bending his left knee, striking the opponent in the head and/or upper chest region.

Running knee

The wrestler charges towards an opponent striking them in the face/head with their knee. It is often used while the opponent is usually seated or kneeling. The knee strike is usually forward however some use a side knee strike. These are sometimes confused for Shining Wizards.

Shining Wizard

A jumping strike to the side of the opponent's head, with either the side of the knee or the shin, delivered to an opponent who is down on one knee, after stepping off that opponent's raised knee with the other leg.

The move was innovated and named by Keiji Mutoh, who originally performed the move as a high knee to the forehead of the opponent.

Gregory Helms uses an enzuigiri variation called the Shining Wizard, but does not step off his opponent's knee. Arik Cannon's Glimmering Warlock also does not use a step off as he approaches the opponent from behind. While their versions do not use the step up an enzuigiri with the 'Shining' step off is sometimes referred to as the Shining Apprentice.

Reverse Shining Wizard

The wrestler jumps and steps up onto the opponents knee and from there spins 360 to the outside direction of his leg and hits the opponent in the side of the head with the outside of his leg.

Hip attack

Also known as a Thump this attack is usually performed with a running start, when wrestler jumps into the air, spins around, and thrusts his pelvis backwards, thus hitting the opponent's head or chest with his hip or buttocks. The move is also known as the Butt Butt and was made famous by Iceman Parsons in World Class Championship Wrestling in the 80s.


In violence, martial arts and sports, a kick is an attack using the foot, knee or leg to strike any part of the opponent's body particularly in the head, shin, mid-section, etc.

Backflip kick

While the wrestler has his back to the opponent. The wrestler performs a standing backflip and hits the opponent in the head with one or both their legs, with the wrestler usually landing on their hands and/or feet facing downward. This maneuver is known for its use chiefly by Puroresu Legend Keiji Mutoh and, more recently, A.J. Styles who calls it the Pelé kick after the famed Brazilian footballer who popularised the overhead kick in football.

Corner backflip kick

Often called the Tiger Wall Flip, after Tiger Mask, this move sees an opponent propped up in the corner as an attacking wrestler charges towards them, running up the ropes (that are beside the opponent), or in some cases, up the opponent, and, as they reach the top, kicking off this opponent's chest to perform a backflip so the wrestler lands on their feet.

Big boot

This is usually done with the opponent charging towards the wrestler, using the opponent's momentum to deliver the wrestler's boot to the upper-body or head. This move is commonly performed by tall wrestlers to enhance its view as a strong attack even though the wrestler themselves are not moving and it's the opponent running into their foot, and due to that their height makes it easy for their leg to reach the head of normal sized wrestlers.

When this move is performed with the wrestler charging towards an opponent it is referred to as a Kenka Kick (Kenka means "fight" in Japanese) or the older name Yakuza Kick, named by Masahiro Chono. Taking the naming convention in reference to the organized crime groups, the move is also referred to as a Mafia Kick in the United States, and Hooligan Kick in the United Kingdom.

Bicycle kick

An attacking wrestler jumps up and kicks forward with both feet in a pedaling motion with the foot that gets lifted second being extended fully to catch a charging opponent directly in the face.

Dragon whip

This is a leg lariat or Spinning heel-kick move which is performed after an opponent catches the leg of a wrestler who has attempted a kick of some sort (i.e. superkick or side kick), then while the opponent throws the leg out away from himself the wrestler continues to spin all the way out with his leg still extended to hit the leg lariat.


A dropkick is defined as an attack where the wrestler jumps up and kicks the opponent with the soles of both feet, this sees the wrestler twist as they jump so that when the feet connect with the opponent one foot is raised higher that the other (depending on which way they twist) and the wrestler fall back to the mat on their side, or front. This is commonly employed by light and nimble wrestlers who can take advantage of their agility.


The term Enzui refers to any attack that strikes the back of the head and giri is a generic suffix referring to a kicking attack. Thus an enzuigiri (often misspelled 'ensuigiri' or 'enzuigeri.') is any kick targeting the medulla oblongata. It is usually associated with lighter weight class wrestlers, as well as wrestlers who have a martial arts background or gimmick.

The most well-known variation (especially in North America) is the leg-feed enzuigiri. It is often a counter-move after a kick is blocked and the leg caught, or the initial kick is a feint to set up the real enzuigiri attack.

In America, this maneuver was made famous by Bad News Brown, who called it The Ghetto Blaster.

Chris Adams' enzuigiri was often mistakenly called a superkick, which is another move entirely.

Football kick

Sometimes also referred to as a soccer kick. The wrestler kicks an opponent, who is sitting on the mat, vertically to their back, with the foot striking the base of the spine, and the shin striking the rest of the spine.

Jumping high kick

The wrestler jumps up and kicks the opponent to the side of their head. It is properly called a gamengiri, but due to the similar nature can be confused for an enzuigiri.


The wrestler drops to one knee and extends their other leg, then quickly pivots their body around, using their extended leg to knock away the opponent’s legs.

Mule kick

With the wrestler facing away from the opponent who is charging them. The wrestler bends down and pushes out one foot striking the opponent with the bottom of it.

Double mule kick

Usually done with the wrestler facing away from the opponent, sometimes done in a corner, wrestler jumps and kicks backwards with both legs to the opponent hitting them with both soles of their feet. If acrobatically inclined, the wrestler can roll forward so they are standing after they hit it.

Overhead kick

Similar to a Back Flip Kick this attack sees the wrestler either start by laying down or drops down on the mat while the opponent standing near their head. The wrestler lifts a leg and kicks up over their waist and chest, hitting the opponent with the top of their foot, usually in the head. Can be used as a counter to an attack from behind. For example, a wrestler attempts a full nelson, the wrestler breaks the opponent’s lock, falls to the canvas and kicks them in the face with their foot.

Rolling wheel kick

Also known as a Rolling Koppou kick and abisegiri. The wrestler rolls towards a standing opponent, extending a leg which connects with the back, chest, or head of the opponent.

Savate kick

The most commonly used kick which is referred to as a "Savate kick" in wrestling is the chassé, a piston-action kick, with the sole of the foot to an opponent's head or chin. This kick is in some ways similar to, but not considered, a superkick.

Scissors kick

Main article: Scissor kick (strike)

A version of a leg drop, which is performed on an opponent who is standing, bent over, usually in the middle of the ring. This sees a wrestler bounces off the ropes, jumps -- driving his leg(s) into the back or neck of the opponent, forcing them face first into the floor. Also known as an Axe Kick, or a Butterfly Kick.

Shoot kick

A kickboxing-style kick with the shin (generally protected by a shinguard) striking an opponent's face or chest. Originated in the Japanese UWF, used by many Japanese wrestlers and in shoot-style environments.

Sole butt

A thrust kick where the wrestler turns his torso away from the opponent while at the same time lifting his leg horizontally and extending it forward, striking the opponent in the torso with the sole of his foot.

A spin kick variation sees the wrestler spin around and then perform the sole butt kick with his outer leg. Known as rolling sole butt kick in Japan.

There is also jumping variation where the wrestler jumps straight up, spins in the air, and then delivers the sole butt with his outer leg. This variation targets the head of the opponent.

Tiger Mask and Ultimo Dragon use it as a part of their kick combination, which consists of a shoot kick and a spin kick, followed by the jumping rolling sole butt kick.

Spin kick

A high kick which gains power and momentum from spinning in place. Similar to the spinning heel-kick or a reverse roundhouse kick, but the wrestler does not jump off the ground, making the move a leg lariat of sorts. It is common to see this move executed after an opponent is irish whipped off the ropes, in México is known as La Filomena.

Spinning heel-kick

Occasionally referred to as a Spinning Wheel Kick or Kneel Kick this usually involves the wrestler spinning as they jump so that his body is somewhat horizontal, before hitting their opponent with back of his leg(s) or heel(s) on the face, neck or chest. Rob Van Dam does a variation of this called the "Van Daminator", in which Rob Van Dam forces a steel chair into the face of the opponent using a spinning heel kick


Also known as a foot stomp, this attack sees a wrestler stamps his foot on any part of an (fallen) opponent. One variation of the stomp called the Garvin Stomp, named after its innovator Ron Garvin, sees a wrestler perform a series of stomps all over the body of a fallen opponent in the order of left arm, left chest, left stomach, left upper leg, left lower leg, right lower leg, right upper leg, right stomach, right chest, right arm, and finally the jaw

Double foot stomp

When a wrestler jumps and stamps both feet on any part of an opponent. Also known as a double stomp.


A high side thrust kick with the sole of the foot to an opponent's head or chin, usually preceded by a sidestep, often referred to as a Shuffle side kick, Crescent Kick, or just a Side kick. The wrestler will often slap their thigh to generate an appropriate sound effect.

Tiger Feint Kick

The Tiger Feint Kick, named after Tiger Mask, and innovated by Satoru Sayama, the original Tiger Mask, is a move in which a wrestler jumps through the second and top rope while holding on to the ropes, and uses the momentum to swing back around into the ring, and was originally performed as a fake dive to make opponents and fans into thinking that the wrestler was about to dive through the ropes to opponents outside the ring. This move requires high agility, and is mainly used by smaller wrestlers in Japan and Mexico.

A variation of this move, innovated by Japanese wrestler MIKAMI, under the name Mickey Boom, sees an opponent being hung over the second rope facing the outside, as MIKAMI swings around back to the ring his feet would hit the prone opponent in the head. In the western world, this version is best known as the 619 as named by Rey Mysterio in reference to the area code of San Diego, Mysterio's hometown.


Lariat is another name for a lasso and is referred to in wrestling when an attacking wrestler runs towards an opponent, wraps his arm around their upper chest and neck, and then forces them to the ground, very similarly to a clothesline, the difference being that in a clothesline the wrestler's arm is kept straight to the side of the wrestler during the move, while in the lariat the wrestler strikes their opponent with his arm.

This move is a frequent finisher in Puroresu wrestling matches, as a homage to strong style wrestling legend Stan Hansen who used the lariat as his finisher.

A lariat to the back of the opponent's neck and shoulders is sometimes referred to as a northern lariat or enzui lariat.

A lariat where the wrestler doesn't run but simply strikes the opponent while standing next to him is sometimes referred to as a short range lariat or a burning lariat. The wrestler can also hold the opponent's head up before performing the lariat with his other arm.

A short-arm lariat is variation where the wrestler grabs one of the opponent's wrists with his hand and pulls the opponent closer, striking him with the lariat with his other arm.

Crooked arm lariat

The crooked arm lariat is performed when an attacking wrestler runs towards an opponent with the his arm bent upward at the elbow 60-90 degrees and wraps his arm around their head forcing them to the ground.

Hulk Hogan uses this maneuver as a finisher while wrestling in Japan, and calls it the Axe Bomber. This move is famous in Japan because Hogan accidentally knocked out Antonio Inoki with it.

Flying lariat

The attacking wrestler first uses the ropes to build up speed. When speed is built the attacking wrestler uses the speed to leap forward and wrap his/or her arm around the opponent's neck, causing the power of the force to knock down the opponent, thus causing the attacking wrestler to flip forward downward.

Lariat takedown

The wrestler runs towards his opponent, wraps his arm around their upper chest and neck of the opponent, and swings his legs forward, using his momentum to pull the opponent down with him to the mat, on to their upper back. Also called neckbreaker drop, necktie clothesline, bulldog lariat and Hart Attack.

Leg lariat

Also referred to as a jumping leg lariat or a running calf kick this attack is seen when an attacking wrestler runs towards an opponent, jumps and wraps his leg around the opponent's head/neck knocking the opponent to the ground.

Doug Basham and Slyk Wagner Brown are known for jumping higher than what is needed and wrapping his lowest leg around the opponent's head forcing the opponent and himself to the ground. Basham calls this variation the Last Impression. He would also land on the opponent in a fashion not so different from a leg drop.


A simple close-fisted punch, normally to the body or face of the opponent. Unlike most illegal attacks, punches almost never result in disqualification. Instead, the referee simply admonishes the wrestler to stop, usually to no effect. Punches are often used by both heels and faces. However, when heel wrestlers perform the strike while either the opponent is not expecting it, or when the referee is in some way distracted, it seems more devastating and often referred to as a "cheap shot".

Punches to the head are much less tolerated in Japan, although punches to the body are accepted. This also holds true for Ring of Honor's "Pure Wrestling" division.

Mounted punches

A common variation of the punch involves standing on the middle or top ropes and delivering repeated punches to the face while the opponent is backed up against the turnbuckles. The crowd tends to count the punches, which typically end at ten, provided they're not interrupted by the opponent pushing the wrestler off the ropes. In some cases, the attacker can seat themselves on top of a prone opponent facing up or down throw punches this way also.


The wrestler delivers an overpowering backhand/open-hand slap to his/her opponent.

Palm strike

The wrestler delivers an open hand strike with the palm of their hand, usually to the chin of the opponent.


Similar to a big splash, except the wrestler would jump over an opponent while falling backwards to land back-first on the opponent. Often referred to as a Senton Splash, or Back Splash in reference to the big splash as well as to differentiate from the senton's diving version.

The name comes from Spanish sentón, meaning "big sit-down".

Another slight variation on a standard senton sees the attacking wrestler jump forward and perform a somersault (front flip) to land back-first on the opponent. This is appropriately known as a Somersault Senton, but is also referred to as a Front Flip / Rolling Senton.

Standing corkscrew senton

This senton variation is performed by first executing a backflip, then spinning 180°, landing on a fallen opponent back-first.

Seated senton

A seated senton, also known as a hip drop, vertical splash, or La Silla (in lucha libre) is a move in which a wrestler jumps down to a sitting position across the chest or stomach of a fallen opponent. However, this move is often used by larger wrestlers that more often fall to a sitting position rather than jump to gain height.

The butt drop as it is sometimes known as is an obvious and often-used counter to the sunset flip.


This is a front flip senton performed to an opponent sitting in a corner. With the opponent seated the wrestler runs at the opponent and flips forward 180° so that their back impacts on the opponents chest and head causing the opponent to be sandwiched between the turnbuckle and the wrestler.

Shoulder block

A shoulder block sees a strike an opponent with their shoulder usually ramming their shoulder, by keeping their arm down by their side, into the opponent's shoulder or abdomen of an opponent running towards them. However, often this will see a larger wrestler stand still and have the other wrestler run towards the larger one to try an execute the move only to get knocked down.

The shoulder block often is used to display the size and strength of a wrestler, with the larger wrestler challenging another to run off the ropes and hit the move. This usually sees the other wrestler attempt to charge at the larger one several times only to see their attempts have no effect, or get knocked down themselves. A slight variation on this called the body block which is also typically used by large wrestlers, this sees an opponent run at the large wrestler who would simply engulf the charging opponent by swing his/her arms round and forcing the opponent to impact the wrestlers entire body.

Chop block

The chop block is a shoulder block that targets the back of an opponent's knee. The wrestler performing this attack would come from behind an opponent and drop down to connect with his/her shoulder into the back of one of the opponent's knees, this is often used to weaken the leg for submission holds.


Also known as the Shoulder block takedown. This is an attack where an attacking wrestler charges towards a standing opponent, driving their shoulder into the opponent's mid-section, tackling them, and forcing them down to the mat.

This move is similar to the double leg takedown, except the impact is more focused on the midsection rather than the legs.

Rhino, uses a version he calls the Gore! in which he does not hold on to the opponent to tackle them; using the move as a strike that often sees the opponent flip backwards after impact.

Turnbuckle thrust

This move is a shoulder block performed to an opponent who is set up on the turnbuckle. The opponent is often resting back first against the turnbuckles. The wrestler can run at the opponent, but normally the wrestler will place his/her shoulder against the opponent and swing their legs back and forth, driving their shoulder into the opponent’s chest, often repeatedly to then gain momentum.

Standing moonsault

A move in which a wrestler, who is standing next to an opponent laying on the ground, turns his back to the opponent and executes a standing backflip, landing on the opponent chest-first.

Standing shooting star press

See: Shooting star press.


This attack involves a wrestler smothering their buttocks onto the face of an opponent lying in the corner of the ring. It's mainly used to "humiliate" the opponent as it doesn't injure them. The move was most famously used by Rikishi, though André the Giant had also used the move on occasion.


The uppercut is a punch used in boxing that usually aims at the opponent's chin. It is, along with the hook, one of the two main punches that count in the statistics as power punches. In boxing an uppercut only refers to a punch, while in wrestling other forms of uppercuts are used including an open-handed punch version.

European uppercut

This is a forearm uppercut in which a wrestler does a quick grapple then brings their arm up inside to hit the opponent under the chin. This move has long been a signature move of many European wrestlers and is often adopted by more technical wrestlers also.

Knee lift

This is an uppercut using the wrestler's knee in which a wrestler brings their knee up to hit the opponent under the chin. This often sees a prone opponent bent over when the wrestler chargers at the opponent and lifts his knee up under them.

The move can be performed using two knees; the wrestler forces the opponent’s head down, then quickly jumps, bending at the knees, and hits the opponent in the face.

Throat thrust

This attack is similar to a conventional uppercut, but the attacker strikes at the opponent's throat with an open hand usually with their palm facing upwards usually with all five of the fingers together. This attack can also require just one finger or thumb if necessary.

Weapon shot

Many items are used as weapons in professional wrestling. Some of the more common weapons used include chairs, guitars, folding tables, title belts, "kendo sticks", and trash cans and their lids.

While picking up the upper half the ring steps for use as a weapon is illegal, slamming an opponent into the ring steps is not considered illegal, though it is frowned upon.

Chair shot

A wrestler simply hits the opponent with a chair. In modern wrestling Steel/metal folding chairs are used with the strike being performed with the flat face of the chair to slow the swing and distribute the impact, to prevent injury.

Sabu is perhaps best known for using chairs as much as possible in his matches, often throwing chairs at opponents rather than actually hitting them with it. He is also well known for using the chair as a step-up/springboard type object to aid in other moves.

Rob Van Dam is also well known for using chairs with various kicking combos, for example his Van-Daminator, and his Van-Terminator.

One man con-chair-to

This Chair attack involves a wrestler placing their opponent so that they are horizontal with their head resting on a chair, then hitting their head from above with a second chair, squashing the head of the opponent between both chairs.

Made popular by the former team Edge and Christian, who developed this move from its double team version whilst feuding with one another.

The word's pronunciation is an intentional homophone of concerto

El Kabong

A maneuver used by Jeff Jarrett, The Honky Tonk Man, and New Jack in particular, it simply involves breaking a guitar, often an acoustic one, over an opponent's head. Due to it being mainly acoustic guitars used in this way its use as a weapon is often referred to as "The Acoustic Equalizer".

The "El Kabong" name comes from the name of the alter ego of cartoon character Quick Draw McGraw, known for doing the same; and the reference to the cartoon was first popularised by ECW play-by-play man Joey Styles.

Transition moves

Some moves are meant neither to pin an opponent, nor weaken them or force them to submit, but are intended to set up the opponent for another attack.


This is a move in which a wrestler will spin in place before hitting an attack, like the discus clothesline, discus punch, or the discus forearm. The move is usually used instead of charging towards an opponent to built up momentum for an attack.

Kerry Von Erich during his stint in the then-WWF as the Texas Tornado, used the discus punch calling it his Tornado Punch.


The wrestler runs towards the ropes and performs a handstand right next to them, using his momentum to throw his legs against the ropes, using the spring to throw himself backwards back onto his feet, and using the momentum still to leap backwards, usually to deliver an attack. A back elbow strike variation is the most common.

Another common variation of the handspring transition sees the attacking wrestler Irish-whip their opponent onto a turnbuckle from an adjacent corner. Once the opponent crashes with their back onto the turnbuckle, the wrestler immediately performs a handspring combo towards the opponent across the ring. The acrobatic combination usually consists of a cartwheel followed by one or two back-tucks leaving the wrestler's back facing the opponent. When the wrestler is in close range of the opponent, they are free to use the momentum of the handspring combination to leap backwards and strike with either a back-elbow, a back-thump, a dropkick or any other convenient attack. This attack is most often used by female wrestlers with gymnastic experience such as Chyna, Molly Holly, Jillian Hall and Sharmell Sullivan, with Sharmell using a back-elbow strike and calling her variation the Sharmellbow.

Rolling thunder

A rolling thunder refers to the action of a forward roll towards an opponent using the complete rotation to spring up onto their feet and into the air and perform an attack. The most popular version of this ends it with a jumping somersault senton and is used by Rob Van Dam.

Though Van Dam doesn't call his move anything more than "Rolling Thunder" most other variations use a naming system of Rolling Thunder [attack name]. The most notable variations are ones ending in a vertical splash ("Rolling Thunder Splash" also used by Van Dam), a jumping lariat ("Rolling Thunder Lariat" as used by Konnan), and a legdrop version.

Illegal attacks

Illegal attacks are mainly used by heel wrestlers and are usually an offense punishable by disqualification, though typically done when the referee is disabled or otherwise distracted.

Asian mist

The wrestler spits a colored mist in the face of the opponent. The mist (typically green, but also in red and black varieties) supposedly stings and temporarily blinds opponent. As the name implies, the move is associated with wrestlers of Asian origin. Asian mist was invented by The Great Kabuki.

Eye poke

When a wrestler pokes his finger(s) into an opponent's eye(s). This is an illegal attack mainly used by heel wrestlers to gain an upperhand on their opponent.

Eye rake

Also called a Thumb to the eye. This is when a wrestler rakes his thumb(s) down an opponent's eye(s). This is an illegal attack mainly used by heel wrestlers to gain an upperhand on their opponent.


The wrestler sets a piece of quick-burning paper (flash paper) alight and throws it at the opponent, giving the impression of a supernatural ball of fire emerging from their hand. The Sheik is credited as the first man to throw fire in wrestling.


Seen when a wrestler who is on the opposite side of the ring ropes from an opponent grabs him by the head and drops down, forcing the opponent’s throat across the ropes. This is an illegal attack because of its use of the rope.

Low blow

A direct shot to the groin of an opponent; otherwise known as a groin attack. It is an offense punishable by disqualification. This illegal attack is mainly used by heel wrestlers or valets to gain the upper hand on their male opponents. Although kicking an opponent in the groin is the most obvious method, the most popular version sees an attacking wrestler drop to their knees and raise their arm up between the opponent's legs, striking the groin with the inside of their elbow-joint. Often wrestlers will perform the strike while the referee is in some way distracted in what is known as a "cheap shot".

Goldust would trap his opponent in the corner by tangling their legs in the ring ropes and then deliver a running kick to the groin, which he dubbed Shattered Dreams (later in his WWE tenure, he renamed this the Golden Globes).

Hardcore Holly would hold an opponent's legs while their upper body was hung on the ropes, then kick between their legs into their mid-section. In turn, his shin would impact the groin of the opponent. As this is indirect it was deemed a legal move.

Petey Williams would put his opponent in a tree of woe and get on the second turnbuckle, stepping on the opponent's groin while singing O Canada. This is called the O Canada nut squash. In Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, some rules are loosened, so this is simply counted against by the referee like any other tie-up in the corner.

Despite hitting the groin, the inverted atomic drop is not considered a low blow. This is because it involves dropping the opponent so that their groin hits the wrestler's knee, rather than raising a knee to hit the opponent's groin. In the same fashion, if a wrestler is lifted so that they fall and straddle an object it is frowned upon but not deemed illegal.

Another non-illegal method is to take the feet away from under an opponent while they are standing on the top rope so they drop and straddle the rope/corner turnbuckle.

Testicular claw

A version of a clawhold in which a wrestler will grab hold of an opponent by the testicles and squeeze. This is an illegal attack mainly used by wrestlers to gain the upper hand on their opponents and is an offense punishable by disqualification if not released before a five count (See also Groin attack).

See also
