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Peruvian protests (2022–2023)

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December 2022 Peruvian protests
Part of 2017–present Peruvian political crisis
Date7 December 2022 (2022-12-07) – present
Caused by

Pro-Castillo protestors

Government of Peru

Anti-Castillo protestors
Lead figures
Injuries8 (according to government)[2]
22 (according to unofficial records)[3][4]
Arrested7 (10 December)

The 2022 Peruvian protests in favor of Pedro Castillo correspond to a series of demonstrations called by supporters of the ousted president of Peru Pedro Castillo[5][6][7]—both civilians and social organizations and groups of indigenous peoples, specifically from the spectrum from left to far-left[8][9][10][11]—after his dismissal by Congress and arrest for having announced the dissolution of Congress, the intervention of the state apparatus and the establishment of an "emergency government". Among the main demands of the demonstrators is the dissolution of the congress, the resignation of the current president Dina Boluarte, new elections, the release of Pedro Castillo and the installation of a constituent assembly.[9][12] It was also reported that some of the protesters have declared themselves in an insurgency.[13][14][15]

In some localities, the protests showed a position of rejection towards congressmen from their departments that they represent for allowing the vacancy motion for Castillo.[16][17][18] They also led to the partial suspension of services via Panamericana Sur,[19] as well as the suspension of almost all public sector work in the department of Apurímac.[20]

Escalation of protests

Before 7 December 2022, a march called "Toma de Lima" was called, originally a meeting in Plaza Bolognesi with the aim of closing the congress and expressing their support for Pedro Castillo.[21][22] This march was organized by the National Assembly of the Peoples,[23] an organization affiliated with the officials, whose meeting in November of that year was televised.[24][25] The Agrarian and Rural Front of Peru confirmed their collaboration in the scheduled march.[26] The demonstrators agreed to the dissolution of the Congress of the Republic, a new constitution through a constituent assembly, the rejection of the then vice president Dina Boluarte and the support for the then president Pedro Castillo, whose objectives were achieved with the populist measures dictated by the then president in his message to the Nation on December 7.[21] After the message to the nation, it was denounced that the Minister of the Interior, Willy Huerta, ordered the doors of the congress to be opened, which were closed, so that the summoned protesters could storm the congress.[27] However, due to the failure of his self-coup attempt and the subsequent vacancy by the Congress of the Republic, the demonstrations increased.[28]

For Castillo's followers,[6][26][28] it was the congress that carried out the coup against the president, due to its opposition coalition close to the political right.[29] In addition, they consider Dina Boluarte a "traitor", "dictator" and "usurper" after her subsequent assumption as the new president of the republic,[9][28][30] based on the promise of the then vice president: "If the president is vacated I will go with the president ».[31] In this way, supporters of the former president encouraged the prompt release of Castillo and an advance of elections.[12]

The "Toma de Lima"

Lima is one of the cities that were summoned. On December 7, between one and two hundred people gathered in the "Toma de Lima" in the Plaza San Martín and surroundings.[8][32] However, after the events of the vacancy and detention, the protesters mainly occupied Abancay avenue,[33] which was guarded by police to avoid entering the congress.[34] The PP outlet considered the pro-government meeting as the largest since Castillo came to power.[35] However, the pro-Castillo mobilization got out of control when they attacked and insulted a journalist in front of the cameras.[36] Massive purchases of supplies were registered by the population fearing an escalation of events.[23] According to the Voice of America, nearly a thousand people participated on December 9 events.[37]

On 10 December, hundreds of protesters gathered peacefully during the day. The San Marcos University Federation (FUSM) joined the march.[38] The great expectation was the arrival of Antauro Humala and his reservists in Lima at 6 pm, which is why there was a great concentration during those hours. The ethnocacerist leader gave a press conference in the Plaza San Martín de Lima where he recognized the government of Dina Boluarte and did not say at any time that he would lead or his party would massively support the marches, which is why he was booed and expelled from the square.[39][40][41][42] After the incident, the numerous demonstrators marched towards the congress and had a confrontation with a police contingent.


Mobilizations of leftist organizations related to Castillo were evidenced in Lima, Ayacucho, Cusco, Ica, Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Huancavelica,[43][44] Huancayo, Tacna,[45] Jaén,[46]Moquegua,[16] Ilo,[47] Puno.[48][49][50][51] and in Chota, the place where Castillo grew up.[52] Of the many groups encouraged to protest is the radical Movadef.[53] According to analyst David Rivera del Águila, in an interview with Mónica Rincón from CNN Chile, "there is a possibility that there may be acts of violence", although he warned that "someone who wants to assume the leadership of the protests is missing".[54] In fact, the National Association of Journalists indicated that 21 journalists were victims of aggression between December 7 and 11.[55]

The Superintendence of Land Transportation of People, Cargo and Merchandise announced in a statement that the transportation sector in southern Peru was suspended, where the Panamericana Sur highway is partially blocked.[28][56][57][58] By December 9, passengers and the police tried unsuccessfully to negotiate with the protesters.[59] As a consequence, for the next day (10), the prices of the tickets from the Tacna bus terminal to Arequipa and Lima doubled.[60] Land access between Cusco and Arequipa via Canchis was also blocked.[61] Among the affected passengers are applicants for the Public Teachers Career held on December 9.[62]

Nationwide protests


The Ayacucho People's Defense Front mobilized from the city, an organization that was restructured during the protests "in other regions because we are creating a national front that will have a historical role in respecting the clamor of the people."[63] During the protest, local social organizations described departmental congressmen Alex Flores, Margot Palacios and Germán Tacuri as "traitors to the homeland."[17] The Ayacucho Agrarian Federation also expressed its support for the dissolution of the congress.[64] At the same time, from the Pampa de Ayacucho, the Summit of the Governor and Mayors of Latin America was held to meet the requests of the political crisis without the participation of the Executive and Legislative powers of Peru.[65]


On December 10 there were violent confrontations between community members and residents of Andahuaylas against police officers. With 3,000 people participating, during the afternoon, the protesters took 2 policemen hostage and requested a "prisoner exchange". In light of this, a division of special forces from Abancay of the PNP moved to Andahuaylas and arrived in a small plane.[66][67][68] Hours after the kidnappings, the demonstrators released the police officers and numerous social organizations from the department of Apurimac declared themselves in a "popular insurgency" and will begin a regional strike starting Monday, 12 December.[69][70][71]

Due to the clashes, 20 civilians and 10 police officers were injured.[72][73][74] In addition, with the new confrontations at the Huacabamba airport, they managed to vandalize the area from burning tires to damaging stores.[75][76][77] It is estimated that 50 members of the PNP and collaborators are in these facilities.[78] However, the first deceased was reported in that city.[79]


In Arequipa, the demonstrations were held from the Plaza de Armas simultaneously with the message to the Nation that lasted briefly with hundreds of people, then they were held again spontaneously.[30][80][81] Although the protesters lack a leader,[7] they received support from labor unions such as the Arequipa Departmental Federation of Workers, the Civil Construction Union,[82] and the National Front of Transporters and Drivers of Peru.[83][84] Subsequently, the Region's Popular Struggle Committee announced on December 10 that they would carry out strikes for three days in response "to the kidnapping of Peru and President Pedro Castillo by economic groups and the coup of the congress."[85] The protests grew from other sectors when the Arequipa Regional Teachers Union joined,[86] which in addition to washing the flag demanded compliance with the educational initiatives of the former president, and merchants from the commercial platform Andrés Avelino Cáceres.[87] On the other hand, the representative of the group of ethnocaceristas did not rule out that there are militants involved in the protests.[10]

In the city of La Joya, where the Panamericana Sur is located, ollas comúnes were made.[88] While on the afternoon of 8 December, blockades were made to the interprovincial highway.[10] The same happened with the nearby Majes-Siguas sector, where initially there was no predominant police presence.[10][89] It is estimated that around 10,000 people participated in these areas of the Arequipa department on December 9.[90] To expedite traffic, the head of the Police and Public Order Division ordered the deployment of 150 police officers,[91] despite not counting a Minister of the Interior between December 9 and 10 or an emergency decree.[92]

On December 10, artisanal miners took part of the road in the Chala District.[93]


On December 7, the first calls were made from the Plaza de Armas of Cuzco, whose members attacked other citizens against the self-coup attempt.[94] On December 11, it was announced that the Cusco Departmental Federation of Workers (FDTC), the Túpac Amaru Cusco Agrarian Revolutionary Federation (Fartac), the Cusco University Federation (FUC), the Sutep and the Cusco Regional Youth Assembly (Arejo) that they will unite the mobilizations and that they will attack the indefinite strikes.[95] The peasant organization announced a delegation to Lima.[96]


On the South Pan-American Highway, the protesters blocked three sectors of the province of Ica (Barrio Chino, La Expansión Urbana, and El Álamo), which are closed to the blockade carried out in La Joya (Arequipa), with tires, stones and other elements. This first led to the arrest of several heavy-duty vehicles according to the Highway Protection Unit of the National Police and also prevented access to Cuzco.[97] On the morning of December 10, according to the newspaper Correo, the police only unblocked kilometer 48 of the penetration highway to Arequipa.[98][99][100]


The demonstrations were held in the city of Puno on December 7, whose four congressmen representing the homonymous department elected to abstain in the vacancy motion.[101] These had the support of the president of the Unified Defense Front against the contamination of the Coata basin and Lake Titicaca, who called for new demonstrations between December 13 and 15.[102] It also received the support of the regional Sutep, which ignored Boluarte's election and declared a permanent mobilization. Dozens of people gathered, which over time expanded to other provinces of San Román and El Collao.[14]

Protests also took place in the main square of Juliaca.[103][104][105][106] For their side, the National Federation of Workers in the Education Sector confirmed through the local teachers' union a 24-hour strike and the declaration of persona non grata to congressmen Flavio Cruz, Oscar Zea, Carlos Zeballos and Flores Ancachi for supporting the vacancy motion.[18]


  • The recently proclaimed Peruvian president Dina Boluarte responded in a conference "to the social organizations to the movements that are now mobilizing in the streets, let's talk and seek a peaceful solution to this situation."[34]
  • Meanwhile, Free Peru congresswoman Kelly Portalatino encouraged successor President Boluarte to "listen to your Apurímac region and to all regions of the country, let's not allow more injuries, no more convulsion in the country."[107] PL called for protests in Lima[108] and tabled a motion of no-confidence against President of Congress José Williams.[109]
  • The National Assembly of Regional Governments proposed the convening of the National Agreement to seek a consensus between organizations, political parties and unions.[110][111]
  • The National Police of Peru announced the suspension of vacations for all personnel from December 9 until "new order."[112]
  • A group of officers from the La Libertad Macro Police Region under the command of General Augusto Ríos ordered that "all police officers must be in their units due to absolute alert, maximum alert that is being decreed".[113]
  • The New Peru political party joined in the plans to call demonstrations.[114] It expressed for the Telesur network that "they advance the general elections and the call for a Constituent Assembly so that a new Magna Carta be drawn up."[115]
  • After the damage to the facilities in Huacabamba, the Peruvian Airport and Commercial Aviation Corporation announced the closure of the Andahuaylas Airport for security reasons.[116][117]
  • The Regional Government of Apurímac announced the indefinite suspension of classes at all educational levels and alerted all institutions to work under the virtual modality throughout the department, with the exception of the health sector.[20]

See also


  1. ^ https://www.infobae.com/america/peru/2022/12/11/crisis-en-peru-reportan-un-muerto-en-protestas-a-favor-del-cierre-del-congreso-y-nuevas-elecciones-en-huancabamba/ Apurímac: Dos muertos en protestas a favor del cierre del Congreso y adelanto de elecciones en Andahuaylas
  2. ^ https://twitter.com/DinaErcilia/status/1601602111896444929 El respeto, el diálogo y la tolerancia son imprescindibles en democracia.
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