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Walton High School (Bronx)

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Walton High School is a large comprehensive secondary school located in the Bronx borough of New York, comprising 1191 students located in the Bronx borough of New York City comprising of about 1191 students in America. School:

The school is in the same neighborhood as the Bronx High School of Science and DeWitt Clinton High School. It is one of the low-performing high schools in the city. Walton is operated by the New York City Department of Education.

Walton High School
Established 1923
School type Public
Principal John Tornifolio, I.A.
Location 2780 Reservoir Avenue
Bronx, NY 10468
Phone (718) 364-7400
Enrollment 1191
Colors Blue and White
Homepage www.waltonhs.com


Walton High School is named after Mary Walton, whom many consider one of the most beautiful and astounding women of her day. She was the wife of General Lewis Morris, who was a member of the continental congress and a signer of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, as well as one of the first members of New York State's Board of Regents, Mary Walton was the mother of ten children, four of whom fought in the American Revolution. The Walton and the Morris families owned land in the west Bronx from the 1600s until the 1800s. Mary Walton was not just a wife and mother but also ran a "dame school," educating little girls of the colonial period how to read, write, do basic mathematics, and keep a house.

Mary A. Conlon was an elementary school principal of P.S. 30 in the South Bronx. In 1923 she founded Walton as one of the first all-girl schools in New York City. Mary Walton was buried next to Saint Ann's Church which was located next to P.S. 30 where Walton was first housed. The New York City Board of Education accredited Walton as an all-girl high school on April 19, 1923. The first graduation took place in January of 1926 with just 126 girls.

In 1930 the building on Jerome Avenue and West 195th Street was constructed as Walton's new home in the same structure as Abraham Lincoln High School and Samuel J. Tilden High School, both in Brooklyn. By 1932 the school moved to its new home. Conlon continued as principal until her death in 1936 as Marion Cahil Heffernan took over as the school administrator. Walton was a prestigious all-girl institution throughout history with a high graduation rate and students were often inducted into the Arista honor society. Many of Walton's graduates went on to Ivy League colleges and universities. For many years the school's yearbook was named the Periwinkle, a small blue flower. In 1966 the school appointed its first male principal named Daniel Feins and continued as an all-girl school until 1979 when boys were first admitted.

In 1980 Dr. Marjorie Kipp was appointed as the new principal. In 1983 the school's pool was closed due to leaks in the sewer system. During that same time the school's success deteriorated as fights, truancy, drop-outs, and criminal activity flourished the school. In 1990 a large number of students walked out of the school during class and protested outside the building. Issues were addressed like Walton's low-performing status and criminal activity. Dr. Kipp was removed and a new principal named Mrs. Nicola Genco was appointed. During her tenure she resolved the school's problems by employing over twenty school safety officers and helped gain funds for the high school to be renovated. In 1994 the school's $54 million modernization was officially launched and completed in 1998. She also oversaw faculty turnover by terminating non-compliant teachers and hiring more qualified ones. Programs like the Pre-Teaching Academy and Humanities gave Walton a good reputation. Principal Genco and the rest of the school's administration implemented the Walton Plan to taregt lateness and loitering around campus. By this time the faculty during her administration showed interest in every student's success and the school's progress surprsingly increased.

On April 19, 1998 Walton celebrated its' 75th anniversary by throwing a birthday party inside the lunchroom and holding a luncheon at Maestro's Restaurant for all the graduating classes throughout the school's history. The Periwinkle (yearbook) also acknowledged the anniversary.

In 1999,Valerie Vallade, an alumna of Walton, was appointed as the sixth principal and increased the graduation rate by 2002. By that time the Board of Education (renamed the New York City Department of Education) offered Principal Vallade an extensive retirement plan. Patricia Friedman (former Assistant Principal of English) was appointed as an Interim Acting Principal. The school returned to the same state of corruption of the 1980s as truancy and criminal activity soared. Many faculty members berated Friedman for this fiasco and considered Walton an egregrious citywide embarrassment. She was finally forced into resignation and a newly appointed principal named John Tornifolio took over the leadership of the school.

In 2004, along with Lafayette High School in Brooklyn, mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Department of Education labeled Walton as an "Impact School" and has assigned over twenty School Safety Officers and installed surveillance cameras around campus.

Walton High School is facing a phase-out in 2005 because of overcrowding and criminal activity, but numerous advocates, such as the Walton High School Alumni Association, is pressuring the New York City Department of Education to keep the school running. However the school will be downsized as a mini-school to provide students with personal and academic support.

Walton High School in New York City should not be confused with the other Walton High Schools in Walton, NY (upstate in Delaware County), Marietta, Georgia; Florida; and London, England.

Walton's colors are sky blue and white. Its motto Semper Fidelis means always faithful. The school seal is an open book supported by the torch of learning, and the school crest contains the head of Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom. The wildcat is the mascot used by the Walton's sports teams.

Walton High School in 1998


In 1998 the School Construction Authority had declared the completion of Walton's renovation. Principal Genco at the time was outraged that not all of the building's modernization were complete. She and the SCA held a meeting and the agency threatened to close the school down. So Genco immediately consulted the news media, such as WABC-TV, WNBC-TV, the New York Daily News, etc. She addressed issues like the peeling paint around the building, lack of heat, poor architecture, and the mismanagement of the pool. This caused a citywide outrage, making city schools lose trust with the SCA.

In 1999, the SCA agreed with Genco shortly before her retirement to repair the school's roof. In 2002 principal Vallade persuaded the agency to modernize the exterior of the building which was completed in 2005.

The swimming pool, with mini-coloumns and beautifully tiled, was never repaired, in spite of the SCA contract. Today the pool is used as a dumping ground for broken or outdated computer monitors and hard drives.

The Walton High School All Years Reunion 2007

Walton High School is set to have an all alumni reunion banquet on April 20, 2007 (although it is one day after the school's 84th birthday).

Organizational houses

In order to provide personal and academic support, Walton is divided into eight theme houses.

  • Apollo House
  • Hercules House
  • Jupiter House
  • Mercury House
  • Orion House (Special Education)
  • Pre-Teaching House
  • Ulysses House
  • Welcome House (for incoming freshmen)


When Walton opened in 1923 the school was 100% White. When Mary A. Conlon was deceased in 1936 the school was 80% White and 20% Black. In the mid-1960s Hispanics were starting to enroll in school and by the end of the 1960s Walton's ethnic makeup was 40% White, 40% Black and 20% Hispanic.

The school currently has a large Dominican, Puerto Rican and African American population. In recent years there was a racial conflict between the Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, leaving Walton to become a symbol of racial tension in New York City.

Current ethnicity makeup

Enrollment, class size and graduation rate

  • 1191 Students
  • 34 students per classroom
  • 44.9% graduates (as of August 2005)


Many students that attend Walton are primarily from the Bronx. They either transport to school by bus or subway. Very few students commute from other boroughs of New York. Students who live at least two miles from the school are issued a Student MetroCard pass from the New York City Transit Authority.


Programs for students

  • Pre-Teaching Academy - Founded in 1984 by Phyllis Opochinsky, students work with other peers with classwork and homework, assist teachers in classrooms, write term papers on their experience in Pre-teaching, and earn college credit through Lehman College. All students must earn a grade of 80 (B) and above.
  • Humanities - Students study in interdisciplinary studies in the arts, history and participate in cultural trips.
  • Business - Computer training, accounting, resume preparation, pre co-op Program, etc.
  • Cooperative Education - Students work one week and attend school the next. It is often a paid internship, and students earn college credit.

Extracurricular activities

  • Yearbook (Periwinkle) - Founded in 1926 when the first graduating class graduated from the school, the Periwinkle is one of the most unique and distinct yearbooks in the United States.
  • Performing Arts - Only available to students assigned to Walton. It includes drama, vocal and instrumental music, and art.
  • Cheerleading - Many students (male and female) are in the cheerleading squad. It has won six awards for six consecutive years.
  • Football - Reinstated in 2001, it is not a major city PSAL sport like the other sports in Walton.
  • Step-Team
  • Cross Country - running track
  • Tennis - One of the popular PSAL sport in Walton throughout history.
  • Basketball - Many male and female students participate in this PSAL sport and has won many championships.
  • Baseball - One of the most astounding baseball teams in New York City.
  • Softball - The most outstanding softball team in the United States.

Student support services

  • SPARK - A citywide drug-sex prevention program open to students from all grade levels.
  • PIUS XII/Good Shepperd Student Services - A community-based program designed for drop-out intervention. The program is conducted by Antonia Campopiano-Ferrara and has been active in Walton since 1991.
  • College Advisory - Provides resources for students who plan to enroll in a college or university.
  • SBST (School-Based Support Team) - Provides personal and academic support to regular and special education students.

Poems and songs

Revised Version

Walton, Alma Mater

Walton, Alma Mater dear
Thy sons and daughters rise to bless thee
Voices ringing far and near
The best of mothers fair confess thee
We will ever love thy name
To thee our grateful praise we render
Help us to increase thy fame 
Oh Walton, Alma mater dear.

Original Version

Walton, Alma Mater dear
Thy loyal daughters rise to bless thee
Voices ringing far and near
The best of mothers fair confess thee
We will ever love thy name
To thee our grateful praise we render
Keep us spotless as thy fame 
Oh Walton, Alma mater dear.

The Loyal Pledge

With gratitude to my parents and school; with interest in my city and with concern for my country, I pledge: As a graduate, to build on my education at Walton High School; as a citizen, to work both alone and with many to improve my city and country; and as an American , to respect my country's hopes and ideals and to support, defend and improve its' constitution.

Mini-Schools inside the Walton Campus

Official Website

Inside Schools Profile

Inside Schools profile

  • The Kingsbridge International High School - Founded in September 2005 with only four classrooms in Walton, is the sister school of the successful International School in Queens. Like its other sister schools, Manhattan International and Bronx International, Kingsbridge was implemented to help new immigrants in New York learn English through various projects. There is a mutual rapport between the students and the faculty. Most of the students are new to this country and many have had their educational opportunity derailed due to poverty and lack of resources.

Address and contact numbers

2780 Reservoir Avenue
Bronx, New York 10468
Telephone (718) 364-7400
Fax (718) 295-3535

Current administrators

  • John Tornifolio - Principal (I.A.)
  • Mr. Prince - Assistant Principal of Organization (Administration)
  • Ms. Tucker - Assistant principal of Guidance (Pupil Personnel Services)
  • Ms. Butowski - Assistant Principal of Security/Campus Manager


  • Mary A. Conlon (1923-1936)
  • Marion Cahil Heffernan (1936-1966)
  • Daniel M. Feins (1966-1980)
  • Marjorie J. Kipp (1980-1990)
  • Nicola Provenzano-Genco (1990-1999)
  • Valerie J. Vallade (1999-2002)
  • Patricia Friedman (2002-2004)
  • John Tornifolio (2004-present)

Notable Alumni

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