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Template:Forgotten Realms Deity Azuth is a fictional deity in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of D&D. He is the god of mages. His alignment is lawful neutral. The appearance of Azuth seems to be somewhat indistinct, he often manifests simply as an elderly voice or shimmering blue luminescence.

Azuth is known as the god of all mages and wizards in the realms. This would seem to make his portfolio conflict with that of Mystra, however she is the goddess of all magic, while Azuth specialise on its practitioners. Azuth is one of Mystra's subordinates but he is also known to be a friend and advisor to her. During the Time of Troubles 1358DR he spent much of his time caring for part of Mystra's power and guarding a statue of her at the Pool of Yeven in Battledale.

Worship of Azuth

Azuth and his faithful, the Azuthans, concern themselves with the way in which mages behave, not simply magic itself. Because Azuth is concerned mostly with wizards, Azuthans mainly feel that it is best to approach magic with logic and reason. For the Azuthian clergy caution and clear focus are the order of the day. The clerics of Azuth teach wisdom and restraint. This means that Azuth is often not the favoured god of sorcerers with their fiery, instinctual use of magic, and bards with their somewhat fanciful approach to it.

Details regarding the Azuthian clergy are few and far between. What is known is that they mainly eschew any formal titles and wear his holy symbol upon their chests. A magical aura emanates from this symbol, the color denoting an individual's rank in the church. Blue is the most common color.

Clerics of Azuth pray for their spells at dusk. Whenever a mage ascends to the rank of Magister, Azuth's church celebrates a holiday. His clerics recognize few other holidays of note, though liturgical readings at meal times play an important role in honoring the Lord of Spells. Texts composed by famous wizards make up the bulk of the church's canon. Clerics of Azuth commonly multiclass as arcane devotees or wizards.

Azuth controls Savras the All-Seeing and Velsharoon the Vaunted among the lesser Gods and associates with Deneir the Lord of Glyphs, Oghma the Scribe and Leira the Lady of Mists. Azuth's greatest enemy, perhaps his nemesis, is Bane, god of strife, kin to Bhaal and Myrkul.

Dogma of Azuth

Reason is the best way to approach magic, and magic can be examined and reduced to its component parts through study and meditation. Maintain calm and use caution in your spellcasting and magic use to avoid making mistakes that even magic cannot undo. Use the art wisely, and always be mindful of when it is best not to use magic. Teach the wielding of magic and dispense learning throughout Faerun that the use and knowledge of magic may spread. Live and teach the idea that with magical power comes grave responsibility. Learn every new spell you discover and make a copy for the temple library. Do not hoard your knowledge, and encourage creativity in magic in all ways and at all times.

Saints of Azuth

  • Hobark: one of the few recognized saints in all the realms and now adopted as a saint of Mystra as well.

Temples of Azuth

  • Selgaunt
  • The Divinatorium, Cimbar

Azuth - Black Metal band from Ukraine (Donetsk) Style - Atmospheric Black Metal / Black Ambient Members: Sauras - All Was formed in June 2006
