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Divine Comedy in popular culture

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The life and works of Dante Alighieri, especially his masterpiece, the Divine Comedy, have been a source of inspiration for many artists for seven centuries. Some notable examples are listed below.

Dante of Erminio Blotta, at Bd. Oroño, Rosario


  • Geoffrey Chaucer (ca. 1343-1400) is responsible for a number of translations and adaptations of, and explicit references to, Dante's work.[1]
    • "A Complaynt to His Lady," an early short poem, is written in terza rima, the rhyme scheme Dante invented for the Comedy.
    • Anelida and Arcite ends with a "compleynt" by Anelida, the lover jilted by Arcite; the compleynt begins with the phrase "So thirleth with the poynt of remembraunce" and ends with "Hath thirled with the poynt of remembraunce," copied from Purgatory 12.32, "la punctura di la rimembranza."
    • The House of Fame, a dream vision in three books in which the narrator is guided through the heavens by an otherworldly guide, has been described as a parody of the Comedy. The narrator echoes Inferno 2.32 in the poem (2.588-92).
    • The Monk's Tale from The Canterbury Tales describes (in greater and more emphatic detail) the plight of Count Ugolino (Inferno, cantos 32 and 33), referring explicitly to Dante's original text in 7.2459-62.
    • The beginning of the last stanza of Troilus and Criseyde (5.1863-65) is modelled on Paradiso 12.28-30.
  • John Milton finds various uses for Dante, whose work he knew well:[2]
    • Milton puts to use Dante's insistence on the separation of worldly and religious power in Of Reformation, where he cites Inferno 19.115-117.
    • Beatrice's condemnation of corrupt and neglectful preachers, Paradiso 29.107-9 ("so that the wretched sheep, in ignorance, / return from pasture, having fed on wind") is translated and adapted in Lycidas 125-26, "The hungry Sheep look up, and are not fed, / But swoln with wind, and the rank mist they draw," when Milton condemns corrupt clergy.
  • The title of Honoré de Balzac's collective work La Comédie humaine (the "Human Comedy," 1815-1848) is a conscious adaptation of the Divine Comedy.[citation needed]
  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, who translated the Divine Comedy into English, also wrote a poem titled "Mezzo Cammin" (Halfway, 1845), alluding to the first line of the Comedy,[3] and a sonnet sequence (of six sonnets) under the title "Divina Commedia" (1867), published as flyleaves to his translation.[4]
  • Karl Marx uses a paraphrase of Purgatory (V, 13) to conclude the preface to the first edition of Das Kapital (1867), as a kind of motto: "Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti" ("follow your own road, and let the people talk").[5]
  • In E. M. Forster's novel Where Angels Fear to Tread (1905), the character of Gino Carella, upon first introducing himself, quotes the first lines of Inferno (the novel includes several references to Dante's La Vita Nuova as well).[citation needed]
  • T. S. Eliot cites Inferno, XXVII, 61-66, as an epigraph to "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1915).[6] Eliot cites heavily from and alludes to Dante in Prufrock and Other Observations (1917), Ara vus prec (1920), and The Waste Land (1922).[7]
  • First begun in 1916, Ezra Pound's Cantos take the Comedy as a model.[8]
  • Primo Levi cites Dante's Divine Comedy in the chapter called "Canto of Ulysses" in his novel Se questo è un uomo (If This Is a Man) (1947), published in the United States as Survival in Auschwitz, and in other parts of this book; the fires of Hell are compared to the "real threat of the fires of the crematorium."[9]
  • Malcolm Lowry paralleled Dante's descent into hell with Geoffrey Firmin's descent into alcoholism in his epic novel Under the Volcano (1947). In contrast to the original, Lowry's character explicitly refuses grace and "chooses hell," though Firmin does have a Dr. Virgil as a guide (and his brother, Hugh Firmin, quotes the Comedy from memory in ch. 6).[10]
  • Jorge Luis Borges, who wrote extensively about Dante,[11][12] included two short texts in his Dreamtigers (El Hacedor, 1960): "Paradiso, XXXI, 108" and "Inferno, I, 32," which paraphrase and comment on Dante's lines.[13][14]
  • Poet Derek Walcott, in 1949, publishes Epitaph for the Young: XII Cantos, which he later acknowledged as deliberately influenced by Dante.[15]
  • James Merrill published his Divine Comedies, a collection of poetry, in 1976; a selection in that volume, "The Book of Ephraim," consists "of conversations held, via the Ouija board, with dead friends and spirits in 'another world.'"[16]
  • Authors Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle wrote a modern sequel, Inferno (1976), in which a book author dies during a fan convention and finds himself in Hell, where Benito Mussolini functions as his guide.[17][18]
  • Gloria Naylor's Linden Hills (1985) uses Dante's Inferno as a model for the trek made by two young black poets who spend the days before Christmas doing odd jobs in an affluent African American community. The young men soon discover the price paid by the inhabitants of Linden Hills for pursuing the American dream.[19]
  • Author Monique Wittig's Virgile, Non (published in English as Across the Acheron, 1985) is a lesbianfeminist retelling of the Divine Comedy set in the utopia/dystopia of second-wave feminism.
  • Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho (1991) begins with the words "Abandon all hope ye who enter here."[20]
  • The main characters of Stephen King's Wizard and Glass (1997) have to cross a door within a building reminiscent of the palace of the Wizard from the film The Wizard of Oz: "The sign on this door wasn't from the movie, and only Susannah knew it was from Dante. Abandon hope, all ye who enter here, it said".[21]
  • Mark E. Rogers used the structure of Dante's hell in his 1998 comedic novel Samurai Cat Goes to Hell (the last book in the Samurai Cat series), and includes a gate to hell whose inscription reads "YOU'VE HAD YOUR FUN / YOU'VE MADE YOUR BED / YOU'RE BOUND FOR HELL / NOW THAT YOU'RE DEAD / ABANDON ALL HOPE YE THAT ENTER HERE."[22]
  • Irish poet Seamus Heaney publishes a poem on the front page of the Irish Times (18 January 2000) that begins with a translation of Paradiso 33.58-61.[23]
  • The Amber Spyglass (2000) by Philip Pullman includes several references to Dante's vision of hell, including the concept of Harpies, an ascent along the flinty steps in the Eighth Circle of Hell (Inferno, Canto XXVI); and the two main characters emerging from their experience of hell back onto the earth to look at the stars (last line of Inferno).
  • Nick Tosches's In The Hand of Dante (2002) weaves a contemporary tale about the finding of an original manuscript of the Divine Comedy with an imagined account of Dante's years composing the work.[24]
  • Inferno by Peter Weiss (written in 1964, published in 2003) is a play inspired by the Comedy, the first part of a planned trilogy.[25]
  • The Dante Club is a 2003 novel by Matthew Pearl which tells the story of various American poets translating The Divine Comedy in post-civil war Boston.[26]
  • In 2004 and 2005, Giulio Leoni publishes two crime novels, I delitti del mosaico and I delitti della luce respectively, in which Dante is an investigator.[27]
  • Pope Benedict XVI has said that part of his first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est (2006), was inspired by Canto XXXIII of Paradise.[28]
  • In the novel The Tenth Circle (2006) by Jodi Picoult, the main character's comic strip, "The Tenth Circle," is based on the Inferno [29]
  • Dante himself is a character in The Master of Verona (2007), a novel by David Blixt that combines the people of Dante's time with the characters of Shakespeare's Italian plays.[30]


  • In Claudio Monteverdi's 1607 opera L'Orfeo, the title character is bombarded with the famous line [further explanation needed] as he attempts to enter the underworld.
  • Franz Liszt's Symphony to Dante's Divina Commedia (completed 1856) has two movements: "Inferno" and "Purgatorio." A concluding "Magnificat" is included at the end of the "Purgatorio" movement and replaces the planned third movement, which was to be called "Paradiso" (Liszt was dissuaded by Richard Wagner from his original plan). Liszt also composed a Dante Sonata (started 1837, completed 1849).
  • Pyotr Ilich Tchaikovsky's 1876 Francesca da Rimini (subtitled "Symphonic Fantasy After Dante") is a symphonic poem based on an episode in the fifth canto of the Inferno.
  • Giacomo Puccini's 1918 one-act opera Gianni Schicchi is drawn from a brief reference to the title character in the Inferno.
  • F.M. Einheit of Einstürzende Neubauten and Andreas Ammer collaborated on an experimental recording called Radio Inferno, an radio play adaptation of the Comedy.
  • Thom Yorke of the band Radiohead has also referenced Dante's Inferno as a recurring source of inspiration for his music and many references to the poem can be found in the band's lyrics.
  • Tangerine Dream has released albums setting all the three parts of The Divine Comedy to music: Inferno is a recording of a live performance at the St Marien zu Bernau Cathedral in 2001, and Purgatorio is a studio album from 2004.
  • Folk singer Loreena McKennitt's song "Dante's Prayer", the final track on her 1997 album The Book of Secrets, is based on Dante's work.
  • Canadian post-rock group As The Poets Affirm took their name from a passage in the Inferno.
  • Asaki's first album, Shinkyoku, is also the name of the Comedy in Japanese Kanji.
  • The Bright River is a hip-hop retelling of the Inferno by a traditional storyteller, Tim Barsky, with a live soundtrack performed by hip-hop and klezmer musicians.
  • In Weezer's album Make Believe, released May 10, 2005, there is hidden text in the pictures. The text reads "Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita".
  • The song "Roll Right" on the album Evil Empire by Rage Against the Machine contains the refrain 'Send 'em to tha seventh level!' referencing the seventh circle (or level) of Hell, where the violent are held.
  • Australian goth-electro band The Tenth Stage has a self-titled track (2006) which describes the singers descent past the nine stages of Dante's poem to a 10th stage of Hell.
  • Technical death metal guitarist Fredrik Thordendal (from the Swedish Death metal band Meshuggah) used quotes from the Divine Comedy in the song "Dante's Wild Inferno" from his solo album Sol Niger Within.
  • The song "Canto IV (Limbo)" from Progressive music group Discipline's album Unfolded Like Staircase describes the sorrow of those souls whose never knew a deity.
  • New Jersey band The Gaslight Anthem referenced the Comedy in their song "The Navesink Banks" from the album Sink or Swim with the opening line, "All hope abandoned, ye who enter here".

On his album "Human the Death Dance" (2007) American underground hip-hop artist Sage Francis uses stanzas from Dante's Inferno sung in Italian during the chorus of the song "Black Out on White Night".


The Gates of Hell, Musée Rodin.

Visual arts

  • Sandro Botticelli made the most famous set of illustrations during the Renaissance. Another interesting series was done by Stradanus.
  • John Flaxman's illustrations were influential across Europe in the Eighteenth century because of their radically minimalist style.
  • Eugène Delacroix made his name with The Barque of Dante. depicting Dante and Virgil crossing the river Styx.
  • Before his death in 1827, William Blake, the English poet and painter, planned and executed several watercolour illustrations to the Divine Comedy. Though he did not finish the series before his death, they remain a highly powerful visual interpretation of the poem.
  • William-Adolphe Bouguereau, the prolific 19th century academic artist, painted "Dante And Virgil In Hell" in 1850.
  • Gustave Doré made the most famous illustrations in the 19th century.
  • Franz von Bayros, mainly known for his erotic drawings, illustrated a 1921 edition.
  • Salvador Dalí made a series of prints for the Comedy in 1950-51[1].[31]
  • Jimbo in Purgatory: being a mis-recounting of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy in pictures and un-numbered footnotes, a 33-page graphic novel by Gary Panter, an adaptation of Dante's Purgatorio (melded with Boccaccio's Decameron and a bit of the Canterbury Tales, Milton, John Dryden, and pop culture references).[2][3]
  • Wayne Barlowe's book, Barlowe's Inferno, containing paintings of Hell and an accompanying narrative, is partially inspired by Dante's Inferno.
  • Mickey's Inferno is a comic-book adaptation written by Guido Martina and drawn by Angelo Bioletto featuring classic Disney characters including Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck published by the then-Italian Disney comic book licensee Mondadori in the monthly Topolino from Oct. 1949 to March 1950. An English-language version appeared in Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #666 [March 2006].
  • British artist Tom Phillips illustrated his own translation of the Inferno, published in 1985, with four illustrations per canto.
  • Neil Gaiman's Sandman comic series features a heavily Dante-inspired Hell, including the woods of Suicide, the Malebolge, and the City of Dis.
  • DC/Vertigo comics's Lucifer, based on characters from Neil Gaiman's Sandman, featuring aspects of a Dante-inspired Hell and Heaven, particularly the Primum Mobile.
  • DC/Vertigo comics's Kid Eternity, in which Kid and his companion Jerry Sullivan travel to a Dante-inspired Hell to free a partner of Kid's. The structure of the comic also draws features from Dante's Inferno.
  • An issue of the first volume of comic book adaptations of Star Trek by DC Comics, entitled "Hell in a Handbasket", involves Captain Kirk and his crew being subjected to a telepathic hallucination of Hell, as described in The Divine Comedy.
  • Ty Templeton parodied Dante in his Stig's Inferno.
  • The fourth Uncanny X-men Annual, entitled "Nightcrawler's Inferno", chronicles the descent of Dr. Strange and the X-men into a facsimile of Hell based on Dante's Inferno.[32]

Performing arts

Digital arts and computer games

  • Beyond Software wrote Dante's Inferno in 1986 for the Commodore 64.
  • In Descent II, the first level is titled "Ahayweh Gate," an acronym for the words at the gate of Hell, Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here.
  • In the game Devil May Cry, the protagonist's name is Dante, his brother is Vergil, and Dante's partner-in-crime's name is Trish, a derivative of the name Beatrice.
  • Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, a video game in the Devil May Cry series, is very loosely based on the Divine Comedy by the use of allusions, including the game's protagonist Dante, and other characters like Vergil and Cerberus. Many of the enemies are named after the Seven Deadly Sins, such as "Hell Pride" or "Hell Lust."
  • In Devil May Cry 4, when the player dies the screen will shatter and read 'Abandon all hope...'. A portion entitled 'The Ninth Circle' is designed around a massive statue of a devil. One of the characters in the game, Agnus, is named after the Agnus Dei, prayer for the Third Terrace of Purgatory in the Divine Comedy. Also the game has special mode where one of the protagonists must progress through 101 stages. On the Xbox 360 version the player receives a gaming achievement for every ten levels completed up to the ninth. These achievements are named after the nine circles of hell. The game's references to Dante's works go beyond the Divine Comedy, since the last mission is called La Vita Nuova.
  • The third episode of the video game Doom, appropriately called Inferno, takes place in Hell, in such places as Limbo and Dis.
  • Final Fantasy IV features four Elemental Lords named Rubicante, Scarmiglione, Barbariccia, and Cagnazzo, after members of the Malebranche. A mid-game boss, Calcabrina, also has the name of a Malebranche demon. Final Fantasy V features yet another Malebranche, Farfarello.
  • Tamashii no Mon, translated as "Gate of Souls," is a computer game developed by Koei and released on the PC98 computer system in 1994. It is an adventure that closely follows Dante's journey through Inferno.[citation needed]
  • Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow feature several spear-wielding flying demons named after the Malebranche: Cagnazzo, Rubicant, Scarmaglione, Dragghinazzo, Malacoda. Rubicant and Scarmaglione are mistranslated as "Lubicant" and "Skull Milone."
  • The fifth act of Rainbow Six: Vegas takes place in a casino that is under construction called "Dante's". The first chapter is called "Hell's Gate."
  • In Wild Arms 2, there is a gang called Cocytus, whose members are named Caina, Antenora, Ptolomea, and Judecca.
  • In World of Warcraft, a sign before the entrance to Deadwind Pass states "Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here."
  • In Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation, Judecca, Levi Tolar's personal unit, uses attacks named after the four zones of the ninth circle of hell.
  • In Persona 3 FES, areas are called Malebolge, Cocytus, Caina, Antenora, Ptolomea, Judecca, and Empyrean.
  • In Fallout 3, there is a bar called "The 9th Circle" in the city of Underworld. The bar's bouncer is named Charon; a robot guarding the city is named Cerberus.
  • In Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, the final level takes place in hell, and is appropriately named "Lou's Inferno"; an obvious reference to Dante.
  • Dante's Inferno (video game) is an upcoming video game based on the Divine Comedy.
  • Pandemonium, the highest-level zone in the Anarchy Online expansion Shadowlands, is split into four parts, each named after one of the four parts of the Ninth Circle.[33]




  1. ^ All Chaucer references in David Wallace, "Dante in English," in Jacoff, Rachel (1993). The Cambridge Companion to Dante. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. pp. 237–58. ISBN 9780521427428. {{cite book}}: Check |isbn= value: checksum (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help) 237-40.
  2. ^ All Milton references in David Wallace, "Dante in English," in Jacoff, Rachel (1993). The Cambridge Companion to Dante. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. pp. 237–58. ISBN 9780521427428. {{cite book}}: Check |isbn= value: checksum (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help) 241-44.
  3. ^ Axelrod, Steven Gould (2003). The New Anthology of American Poetry: Traditions and Revolutions, Beginnings to 1900. Rutgers UP. p. 231. ISBN 9780813531625. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  4. ^ Gary Scharnhorst, "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)," in Haralson, Eric L. (1998). Encyclopedia of American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century. Taylor & Francis. pp. 265–69. ISBN 9781579580087. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help) p. 269.
  5. ^ "Preface to the first edition"; Marx, Karl (1976). Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. Penguin Classics. p. 93. ISBN 9780140445688. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  6. ^ Fowlie, Wallace (1981). A Reading of Dante's Inferno. Chicago: U of Chicago P. p. 174. ISBN 9780226258881. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  7. ^ Havely, Nick (2007). Dante. Blackwell. p. 222. ISBN 9780631228523. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  8. ^ Havely, Nick (2007). Dante. Blackwell. p. 222. ISBN 9780631228523. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  9. ^ Schwarz, Daniel R. (2000). Imagining the Holocaust. Macmillan. pp. 84–85. ISBN 9780312233013. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  10. ^ Asals, Frederick (1997). The Making of Malcolm Lowry's Under the Volcano. U of Georgia P. pp. 202, 231–32. ISBN 9780820318264. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  11. ^ Menocal, Maria Rosa (1991). Writing in Dante's Cult of Truth: From Borges to Boccaccio. Duke UP. p. 132. ISBN 9780822311171. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  12. ^ Havely, Nick (2007). Dante. Blackwell. p. 222. ISBN 9780631228523. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  13. ^ Borges, Jorge Luis (1985). Dreamtigers. University of Texas Press. pp. 43, 50. ISBN 9780292715493. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  14. ^ Ward, Philip (1978). The Oxford Companion to Spanish Literature. Clarendon Press. p. 265. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  15. ^ Havely, Nick (2007). Dante. Blackwell. p. 222. ISBN 9780631228523. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  16. ^ Vendler, Helen (1979-05-03). "James Merrill's Myth: An Interview". The New York Review of Books. 26 (7). New York. {{cite journal}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  17. ^ David Wallace, "Dante in English," in Jacoff, Rachel (1993). The Cambridge Companion to Dante. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. pp. 237–58. ISBN 9780521427428. {{cite book}}: Check |isbn= value: checksum (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help) 255.
  18. ^ Niven, Larry (2008). Inferno. Macmillan. p. 236. ISBN 9780765316769. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  19. ^ David Wallace, "Dante in English," in Jacoff, Rachel (1993). The Cambridge Companion to Dante. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. pp. 237–58. ISBN 9780521427428. {{cite book}}: Check |isbn= value: checksum (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  20. ^ Murphet, Julian (2002). Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho: A Reader's Guide. Continuum International. pp. 23–24. ISBN 9780826452450. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  21. ^ King, Stephen (2003). The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass. Signet. p. 666. ISBN 0451210875.
  22. ^ Rogers, Mark E. (1998). Samurai Cat Goes to Hell. Macmillan. p. 66. ISBN 9780312866426. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  23. ^ Havely, Nick (2007). Dante. Blackwell. p. 224. ISBN 9780631228523. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  24. ^ Havely, Nick (2007). Dante. Blackwell. p. 225. ISBN 9780631228523. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  25. ^ "Inferno by Peter Weiss". The Complete Review. 2008. Retrieved 2009-02-08. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  26. ^ Havely, Nick (2007). Dante. Blackwell. p. 225. ISBN 9780631228523. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  27. ^ Havely, Nick (2007). Dante. Blackwell. p. 225. ISBN 9780631228523. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  28. ^ "Dante Influences Benedict XVI's First Encyclical: Pope Points to Divine Comedy". Zenit: The World Seen from Rome. 2006-01-23. Retrieved 2009-02-08. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  29. ^ Picoult, Jodi (2006-03-17). "Book 13: The Tenth Circle". Retrieved 2009-02-08. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  30. ^ Wisniewski, Mary (2007-11-4). "'Master' class; Chicago actor gives readers a delightful romp through the backstory of Romeo & Juliet". Chicago Sun-Times. pp. B9. {{cite news}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  31. ^ Havely, Nick (2007). Dante. Blackwell. p. 222. ISBN 9780631228523. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  32. ^ "X-Men Annual #4". Marvel Masterworks Resource Page. Retrieved 2009-01-22. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  33. ^ Pandemonium Anarchy Online Wiki. Retrieved on 2009-02-27.
  34. ^ "Restauran el Palacio Barolo, una joya de la arquitectura". Clarin.com. 2003-10-18. Retrieved 2009-01-22. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  35. ^ Schmadel, Lutz D. (2003). Dictionary of Minor Planet Names: Prepared on Behalf of Commission 20 Under the Auspices of the International Astronomical Union. Springer. p. 247. ISBN 9783540002383. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  36. ^ "Dante's Inferno". Wikia Gaming. 2007-07-18. Retrieved 2009-01-22. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)

Further reading

  • Griffiths, Eric (2005). Dante in English. Penguin Books. ISBN 0140423885. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help) - An essay and anthology about translations of Dante's works into English and other literary works influenced by him.