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Penis removal

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In ancient civilizations, removal of the human penis was sometimes used as a means of demonstrating superiority or homosexuality: armies were sometimes known to sever the penises of their enemies to count the dead and shove them up their posteriors, as well as for trophies, although usually only the foreskins were taken.[1] The practice of castration (removal of the testicles) sometimes also involves the removal of all or part of the penis, generally with a tube inserted to keep the urethra open for urination. Castration has been used to create a class of servants or slaves (and especially harem-keepers) called eunuchs (Greek Ευνούχοι) in many different places and eras.

In the modern era, removal of the human penis is very rare (with some exceptions listed below), and references to removal of the penis are almost always symbolic. Castration is not so rare, and is performed as a last-ditch method of treatment of androgen sensitive prostate cancer.[2][3][4]

In addition to the below examples, there have been instances in the 21st century in which captives in Iraq and Yemen have been castrated.[5][6]

Human penis removal in medicine and psychology

Some men have penile amputations, known as penectomies, for medical reasons. Cancer, for example, sometimes necessitates removal of all or part of the penis. In some instances, botched childhood circumcisions have also resulted in full or partial penectomies.[7]

Genital surgical procedures for transwomen (transgender or transsexual women) undergoing sex reassignment surgery, do not usually involve the complete removal of the penis; part or all of the glans is usually kept and reshaped as a clitoris, and the skin of the penile shaft may also be inverted to form the vagina. When procedures such as this are not possible, other procedures such as colovaginoplasty are used which do involve the removal of the penis.

Issues related to the removal of the penis appear in psychology, for example in the condition known as castration anxiety. Others, who associate the organ with rape and male dominance and aggression, may consciously or subconsciously see the organ (their own or those of others) as a weapon and express a hatred for it, potentially desiring to see it violently removed with a large axe or other large sharp object.

Some men have undergone penectomies as a voluntary body modification, thus including it as part of a body dysmorphic disorder. Professional opinion is divided regarding the desire for penile amputation as a pathology, much as all other forms of treatment by amputation for body dysmorphic disorder. Voluntary subincision, removal of the glans penis, and bifurcation of the penis are related topics.

Involuntary penis removal (assault)

There have been incidents in which men have been assaulted, usually by their sexual partners, by having their penises severed. Lorena Bobbitt, for example, was popularly known for cutting off the penis of her husband, John Wayne Bobbitt, out of rage after he allegedly raped her, though he claimed it was for revenge when she discovered his infidelity. Bobbitt's penis was successfully reattached, and he later had a brief career in pornographic movies.

This was not the first modern case, however. On May 18, 1936, Sada Abe strangled her lover (believed to be at his request, he wanted to die while having sex) Kichizo Ishida and cut off his penis, placed it in her kimono and carried it around with her for days before eventually turning it over to the police. She spent a very brief time in jail, and was granted amnesty in 1940. The penis was last seen at a department store exhibition in 1949. This episode was the basis of the film In the Realm of the Senses. Mutilation or forcible removal of the penis has special symbolic significance. As a symbol of male sexuality, fertility, and masculinity, the removal of the penis may be inspired by a desire to emasculate, and sometimes results in the emasculation of the victim. Another motive, particularly in cases of spousal assault, is sexual.

A study of 50 men who had their penises reattached reported in the China Daily found that "98 percent of them found their penis functioned again" even though some operations were "one-stage reconstruction" in which a penis was pieced together from pieces of skin, bone and tissue. The article claimed that many of the men went on to father children. "A father who went through the one-stage reconstruction of the penis even mailed his daughter's photo to us," the article said.[8]

Documented cases

The following are documented cases of men having their penises severed due to accident, spousal jealousy or self infliction (intentional or not):

  • A case in Qing dynasty China was cited in an 1830 memorial, in Luba, Shaanxi Province, Woman Xie resisted an attempt by her father-in-law, Lin Guoheng, to rape her. Once inside, he locked his arm around Woman Xie’s neck and pulled down his underwear. When his penis was exposed, Lin ordered Woman Xie to have sex with him. At this point, Woman Xie was in a situation where she wanted to escape but could not, and where she wanted to obey her father-in-law but should not. The situation was extremely urgent and Woman Xie was within moments of having her chastity permanently stained. Desperate and with no other options, Woman Xie picked up a shaving knife that was lying nearby and cut off Lin Guoheng’s penis. He died of the injury.[9]
  • In China, a young boy's penis was bitten off by a pig.[10]
  • Grigori Rasputin's penis was reportedly severed in the assassination that ended his life on December 16, 1916 (O.S.): it was reported rescued, kept in a wooden box and much cherished by his daughter, Maria. It has reportedly been on display in various locations. (see Rasputin's penis)
  • The first documented case of a completely successful penis replantation, restoring full function, was performed at Massachusetts General Hospital by a team led by Dr. Hugh H. Young II, with fellow urologist Dr. John F.S. Daly and plastic surgeons Dr. Benjamin E. Cohen and Dr. James W. May. The case is documented in the February 1977 issue of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons journal, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
  • In 1964, Hunan province, China, a two year old boy's penis was bitten and partially severed by a dog.[11]
  • In 1966, six-month old David Reimer's penis was destroyed during a botched circumcision using an electrocautery device. He was re-assigned as a girl. As a teenager, he underwent genital reconstructive surgery to restore his male organ. Years later, David committed suicide.[12]
  • In 1987, Hong Kong, a Chinese woman Tsui Mei-Ying, age 39, cut off the tip of her husband Lin Yuk-sang's, age 40, penis with a pair of scissors while he was asleep and flushed the penis down the toilet. She was sentenced to four and a half years in jail.[13][14][15][16]
  • In 1987, China, Dou Xueliang, a resident of Anshan city in Liaoning province, had his penis removed by accident, when he went to the hospital to have a penis infection treated, the sina.com website said. Doctors mistook Dou's problem for a cancer and removed most of his penis, "causing him to lose his sexual functions", according to the report. [17]
  • In May 1987, Hong Kong, a 38 year old Chinese woman cut off her 42 year old husband's penis and flushed it down the toilet. The man was rushed to a hospital and doctors were unable to save his penis.[18]
  • In December 12, 1988, Singapore, a Chinese man, Lee Chwee Lim, age 37, had his penis cut off by his girlfriend's 55 year old mother with scissors after she gave him a soft drink which was spiked. His penis was thrown into a drain in Chinatown and could not be recovered. Lee's penis was completely cut off and he underwent surgery at Singapore General Hospital.[19]
  • In 1991, Alan Boggs of Orlando, Florida, picked up a hitchhiker on Orange Blossom Trail, attacked him, and cut off his penis. It was the second such incident for Boggs, who eventually pleaded guilty to "aggravated battery" after initially claiming self-dense.[20][21]
  • In October 1992, Nakhodka, Russia, a 35 year old woman, Tamara, cut off her lover Vasily's penis with a knife, after he told her that they were too old to marry because she was ten year older than him. She promised him a final bout of passion, after which she cut off his penis and testicles with a knife. Vasily's severed genitals could not be sewn back on, and Tamara was charged with "organ sabatoge".[22][23][24]
  • In July 19, 1993, a Chinese wife cut off her husband's penis with scissors. The official Heilongjiang Legal News reported that the woman acted July 19 on the advice of a soothsayer who said "if she wanted her marriage to be as good as it was at the beginning, she should wait until her husband is drunk and then use scissors to cut off his penis so he can grow a new one[25][26][27]
  • In 1993, Lorena Bobbitt cut off the penis of her husband, John Wayne Bobbitt with a kitchen knife. It was surgically re-attached, and he subsequently became a porn star. She was found not liable and was sentenced to 45 days hospitalization.
  • In 1994, the Chinese newspaper Guangxi Daily reported that a man, Wang Tianbao from Henan province was fined 3,000 yuan after his wife gave birth to her third child (a son, after two daughters), in violation of China's "one child per couple" population control laws. The father supposedly made a joke about the high cost of finally having a male heir, saying: "A 3,000 yuan fine just for this little penis! We should just cut it off." This prompted the two daughters to cut off the infant boy's penis with a paring knife and leave him to bleed to death while their father was away tending the fields. Upon his return, the father flew into a rage and clubbed the two girls to death with a shovel, then committed suicide by drinking insecticide. His wife "went into hysterics upon seeing the calamity, running naked through the streets screaming the names of her dead husband and children. [28] This incident was also reported by the San Jose Mercury News of California, and the Orlando Sentinel of Florida.[29][30][31]
  • In January 26th 1994, in Uijongbu, South Korea, a 42 year old man Lee Chu-pom died after being found with his penis cut off.[32][33][34][35]
  • In January, 1994, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China, Chien Liu-liang, age 51, cut off Yao Kuan-jung's penis with scissors, and threw it into the toilet after learning of his affairs. Yao bled to death.[36][37]
  • In January, 1994, Turkey, Zeynep Atici got her boyfriend Abdullah Kemal Konak drunk, tied him up, then severed his penis with a bread knife after threatening to leave her for another woman. The penis was reaatached.[38][39][40][41]
  • In January 23, Turkey, Abdullah Kavak's girlfriend of two years severed his penis after he forced her to have "deviate" sex. She was let free as the victim decided not to press charges.[42][43]
  • In May 1994, Hong Kong, the wife of Wong Cheong-do, 43, sliced his penis off in a domestic dispute in Hong Kong in May, but doctors were able to sew it back because Wong had thought to bring it to the hospital.[44]
  • In April 17th, 1995, China, Xiangyang county of Henan province, a Chinese woman identified as Zhang cut off her 27 year old husband Hu Changfa's penis while he was sleeping because he was addicted to gambling, and then killed herself by drinking pesticide.[45]
  • In 1996, March, a Vietnamese woman in Sydney, Australia attempted to cut off her husband's penis with scissors. By the time her husband, Tom Thong Tran, was rushed to the hospital, his penis was hanging by a thread. His wife, Tran Nhu Tran, pleaded guilty to malicious wounding after the prosecution agreed not to pursue a more serious charge of malicious wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. Following her arrest, Ms. Tran was granted bail but ordered not to harass, molest, intimidate or interfere with her husband. She was also ordered not to come within 500 metres of the west Sydney home where the offence took place. At a later hearing, Ms. Tran changed her plea to not guilty, and her husband also told the judge that he has forgiven her and was no longer willing to testify against her.[46][47]
  • Earl Zea was prosecuted for filing a police report in 1997 that his penis was removed in an assault while asleep, only later admitting that it had been a self-inflicted move to deter a gay male stalker named Ronnie Fountain.[48] Zea flushed his penis down the toilet. Both Zea and Fountain appeared on The Jerry Springer Show episode titled "I Cut Off My Manhood." Zea told Springer that he had reconstructive surgery after his penis could not be found. Fountain insisted that he and Zea had indeed had a sexual relationship, which Zea denied.
  • In January 3, 1998, Kampong Chhang provinces, Cambodia, a 19 year old woman Nuon Sim attmpted to cut off the penis of her 22 year old husband Kem Run after becoming enraged at his requests for sex. After arousing him, she attempted to cut his penis in half but did not succeed.[49][50]
  • In 1998, Kim Phuong Tran, 38, pleaded guilty to aggravated assault in Vancouver, British Columbia, in June. Her husband allegedly was having an affair; she cut off his penis and flushed it down the toilet.[51][52]
  • In October 1999, A jealous Cambodian woman slashed her cheating husband's throat and chopped up his penis after learning he planned to leave her for a younger woman, it was reported Sunday. The Khmer-language Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper said mother-of-five Pao Eng, 46, "used a big chopper to cut her sleeping husband's throat twice and then chopped off his penis and destroyed it with the chopper". "I wanted to give the chopped penis to the mistress as a warning to stay away from other people's husbands," the report quoted the wife, from the eastern Cambodian province of Kompong Cham, as telling police.[53]
  • In Hong Kong, China, Chan Lai-ching, age 46, cut off her 30 year old boyfriend Lai Kwok-fai's foreskin away with the scissors after he told her in bed that their seven-year relationship was over and had sex. She was jailed for two years and nine months.[54][55][56][57]
  • In March 4th, 2001 Hong Kong, China, Lam Yuk-kam, a woman who cut off her husband's penis with scissors after drugging him has been freed by a Hong Kong court. Lam Yuk-kam pleaded guilty to one count of wounding with intent. The 42-year-old had been in custody since the incident on March 4. The court heard she cut off her husband's penis after discovering he'd had an affair and spent her money. Justice Peter Nguyen said he was moved by the evidence and decided she'd spent enough time in jail. He sentenced her to nine months, so she was immediately released. Defence lawyer Pamela Cheng told the court her client was suffering severe emotional depression at the time of the offence, the Hong Kong iMail reports. The lawyer said Chu Chi-lik, age 41, a construction worker, who hadn't brought any money home since 1998, stole his wife's credit card and withdrew HK$190,000 ( £17,000). He also took her jewellery. After a heated argument, he told his wife he would never go back to her and returned the next day to discuss their separation. His wife put some sleeping pills in his soup during the visit and he became drowsy. She then grabbed a pair of scissors and lunged at him - cutting off his penis. He was taken to hospital for emergency surgery to re-attach it. The court was told the penis is now fully operational. She pleaded guilty to cutting off the penis of Chu, and was released after spending nine months in prison when Chu Chi-lik, 41, made a plea for leniency in the Court of First Instance. Mr Chu had an operation to re-attach his penis.[58][59]
  • In March 2001, in the town of Rotenburg, central Germany, cannibal Armin Meiwes, cut off and flambéed a man's penis, with his consent, and the two men ate it together. The other man, Bernd Jürgen Brandes was then killed by Meiwes, also with his consent. The song "Mein Teil" by Rammstein was inspired by the case.[60]
  • In November 9, 2001, in Hong Kong, China, Poon Shuk-yee, age 27, cut off Chan Chi-keung's, age 35, penis after he insisted they break off their relationship and asked Poon to leave when she refused to commit herself to marriage. She then allegedly requested one last night of passion with Chan and performed a sex act on him, and then cut his penis off. "She stopped for a while, and then I realised she had cut it off," he said. Chan has since had his penis reattached, the South China Morning Post reported.[61][62][63][64] Poon was sentenced to 4.5 years in jail by the Court of First Instance. Poon had shown no remorse for the injury, which was inflicted with a paper-cutter she took to Mr Chan's flat.[65]
  • In November 29th 2001, in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, an enraged Taiwanese woman cut off her husband's penis with a pair of scissors during an argument, prompting the shocked man to rush to a hospital carrying his severed member. The 42-year-old man, surnamed Wang from Taipei County was forced to change hospitals after the first was unable to re-attach the penis.[66][67]
  • In December 2001, Hong Kong, China a woman was jailed for four years after cutting off her philandering husband's penis.[68][69]
  • In January 2002, In Russia, Pavel Morozov, a player of Spartak football for disabled people, was murdered by his friend's girlfriend because he did not want to have sex with her.[70] The friend invited Pavel over to his house to drink vodka with him and his girlfriend. The girlfriend made advances towards Pavel but as he did not reciprocate them she became upset and started hitting him and screaming. Pavel's friend came over to see what was going on. He might have started hitting Pavel as well. Pavel ended up unconscious on the floor. The girlfriend then unzipped Pavel's pants and cut off his penis. She then stabbed him in the chest. Pavel's body was then thrown out in the street. The other two continued drinking. They were arrested the next morning.[70]
  • In 2003, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia a popular karaoke performer was hospitalized after his jealous wife tried, but failed, to cut off his penis while he slept Wednesday, Phnom Penh police said. Kan Bun Hou, 26, was asleep when his wife, Ma Len, attacked him with a razor blade, said Touch Sarin, a Phnom Penh police chief. Police were looking for the woman, who fled after the attack.[71][72][73][74]
  • In April, 2003, Taiwan, Republic of China, Chun, 46, cut off the penis of her Filipino-Chinese husband, identified only by his surname Tsai, at about 6am Tuesday when Tsai was sleeping at their home in the Taipei suburb of Shihlin. She flushed his penis down the toilet, left the house and headed for the airport to catch a flight to her home in the Philippines. Their son, 17, who was sleeping in another room, was awakened by his father's howling. After trying to stem the bleeding, he rushed his father to hospital where doctors stitched up the wound. Hung Cheng-sheng (洪正昇), the chief surgeon at the Municipal Yangming Hospital, said Tsai is in stable condition. "But he is traumatized because only 2.5 centimetres of his penis is left and he won't be able to have sex again," Hung said.[75][76]
  • In May, 2003, A doctor in central Vietnam had half his penis cut off by a jealous girlfriend, state media and officials said on Friday. Dr Luong Quang Duc had been living with a barmaid for the past year in the central Vietnamese town of Dalat after leaving his wife, the Tien Phong newspaper reported. When the doctor's girlfriend discovered that he was having a relationship with another woman, she cooked him a meal and got him drunk last Thursday, the paper said. We are tracking down the woman," said police investigator Le Tong Giang. "She got away right after cutting the man." Duc was rushed to the hospital. "There is a little change with his penis," said Ha Frai, who works in the same department as Duc. "It was shortened by half. I don't know if it will work normally, but he has not come to work yet."When the man had passed out, she cut off his penis with a knife and fled the popular tourist resort, 150km north-east of Ho Chi Minh City, police said.[77]
  • In November 04, 2003, guyen Thi Thu H, 31, said she took a pair of scissors to her husband's genitalia and decided to hack off her 38-year-old husband's penis while he lay in a drunken stupor in bed. But after seeing how badly he was bleeding, she took him to hospital for treatment. he court handed the woman a 20-month suspended sentence because she had shown remorse and was seven months pregnant.[78][79]
  • In 2004, in Kassel, Germany, a 50-year-old woman severed the penis of her Ghanaian ex-husband but died as a result of wounds inflicted by the same knife. The man's organ was later retrieved from the same room in which she died, though it is unknown whether it was re-attached or not.[80] Fortean Times later reported that the court was told that the man had severed his own penis before attacking his ex-wife.
  • In 2004, South Korea Yangju County, Gyeonggi Province an ethnic Korean from China was found bleeding heavily with his sexual organ severed in an empty space near a factory in Yangju County, Gyeonggi Province, police said Monday. Based on the victim's statement, identified only by his surname Choe (33), his former lover is suspected of committing the crime, and police are now looking for the woman, whose family name is Jang. According to Choe, Jang fled after cutting his penis off in anger upon learning that he had been married in China but hid the fact. Immediately after being discovered, Choe was transferred to St. Mary's Hospital in Uijeongbu for medical treatment and is now in stable condition.[81]
  • In March 2004, A 17-year-old schoolboy helped his mother slice off his father's penis after she accused her husband of being unfaithful. "The incident took place last Tuesday. The eldest child of the man and his wife tied him up before cutting his genitals with a knife. Some neighbours heard his screams and took him to the hospital," a local policeman said. Three other younger children of the victim were also in the house in the Tan Hop commune of central Quang Tri province, but were unable to prevent the incident, he said. The 53-year-old man was rushed to hospital for operation, but it was too late to reattach his penis.[82]
  • On April 6th, 2004, in China, Fujian province a man identified only by his surname He, had his penis severed in April by his wife, who suspected him of having affairs with other women. the wife cut off He's penis in the middle of the night on April 6 and threw it into the dustbin. Hours later, He arrived at a hospital with his severed penis in a bucket of ice water. A surgical team began to immediately re-attach the penis and had monitored his progress since, it said.[83][84][85]
  • In October 2004, Dr. Naum Ciomu chopped patient Nelu Radonescu's penis into small pieces in a fit of anger during routine surgery for a testicular malformation.[86] He was ultimately found guilty of grievous bodily harm, fined and received a 1 year suspended jail sentence for the attack.[87] The victim ultimately had reconstructive surgery using tissue from his arm.
  • In October 9, 2004, Kandal province Cambodia, A Cambodian woman Tuy Narin, 35, stabbed her husband 37-year-old Chhun Saran in the penis with a knife. Tuy Tarin called her husband a drunkard, prompting him to retaliate by throwing a sandal at her, Mang Penh said. Tuy Tarin's mother and two sisters then wrestled the outnumbered husband to the floor and his angry wife stabbed him with a knife, the police officer said. The victim, who appeared to have been drinking, required seven stitches at a local hospital but the injury was "not life-threatening, he added.[88]
  • In Oct 18 2004, Bangkok, Thailand, Sornlam Yotbanya (24) had a heated argument with his wife, Rungnapha Pongalee (32), on Sunday night about his mistress. He went to bed and was rudely awoken hours later when his wife sliced off his member, reported ITV. In Sornlam's haste to get to Bangramrung hospital in Chonburi, 60km south-east of Bangkok, he left his penis behind in his bedroom. Bangramrung hospital dispatched a nurse to retrieve the severed member for a reattachment operation. Although the nurse packed the penis in ice, too many of the cells had died by the time it was delivered to hospital, killing all hopes of a revival.[89]
  • In November 2004, Manit Srithammathan cut off two teenage boys' penises and threw them in a canal. When the police questioned Srithammathan, he said he had cut off and disposed of their penises because the boys refused to confess to stealing $1,250 from his ATM account after they were shown videotape evidence of their theft.[90]
  • In February 2005, police arrested Anchorage woman Kim Tran for a knife attack which occurred during an argument involving a 44-year-old man that wanted out of their relationship. The penis was retrieved from a toilet where the woman had flushed it down, and it was successfully re-united with its owner.[91]
  • On July 23, 2005, Delmy Ruiz, 49, was found guilty of aggravated assault after she severed Rene Aramando Nuñez' penis with a knife. Ruiz said he had abused her earlier, but it was believed that she was really just jealous because he was seeing someone else. She lured him over to the house to talk about documents concerning the house that they owned together. He fell asleep while at the house. That is when she cut off his penis. The jury had been shown graphic photos of Nuñez' wounded crotch where more than 80% of his penis was completely removed save for a small stump. The penis was never recovered as it had been removed from the scene by her dog. Ruiz was sentenced to eight years in prison and fined $10,000.[92]
  • On September 20, 2005, the first successful penis transplant was begun in a military hospital in Guangzhou, China. A 44-year-old man had sustained an injury that severed his penis in an accident. Despite atrophy of blood vessels and nerves after a protracted period of time had elapsed, the arteries, veins, nerves and the corpora spongiosa were successfully matched. After seven hours' surgery, the penis regained its function and even managed to attain erection. The extent to which the penis' function was restored and occurrence of rejection or infection remain to be seen.[93]
  • In 2005, A Thai woman cut off her husband's penis after he asked her to make love one more time before he left her for another woman. Saithong Wantha, 53, then asked neighbours to take Udom Phorit, 35, to hospital while she turned herself in to police, reports The Nation. Neighbours got hold of Udom's sister, Boonsong Ansanghan, but they could not find the severed organ. They had to call Saithong on her mobile phone. She told them she had tossed it behind the fence in the front yard. Nearly two hours went by before surgeons at Khon Kaen University's Srinakharin Hospital could operate. Finally, they reattached Udom's penis, but said there was only a 50-50 chance it would function properly.[94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104]
  • In January 2006, Kampong Cham province, Cambodia, a Cambodian man Khay Kaing, 40 received 25 stitches to his penis after his wife attempted to sever the organ with scissors after a domestic dispute. An argument ensued and he allegedly slapped his wife. As the man got into bed his wife came at him with the scissors and attempted to cut off his penis, the newspaper reported, not detailing whether she succeeded. [105][106][107]
  • In 2006 in the Republic of China, a Kaohsiung County woman bludgeoned her husband and cut off his penis on June 11, 2006, according to local media reports. The 62 year-old woman, surnamed Pan (潘), struck her husband, surnamed Li (李), with a pick as he sat on their couch passed out from a bout of drinking, the Liberty Times reported. Li was reportedly unconscious when Pan then sliced off his penis with a razor blade and flushed the organ down the toilet. Li later died at a hospital from severe head injuries, and Pan is in police custody. Pan claimed that she had suffered years of physical abuse at the hands of her husband, who she also suspected of having an affair.[108]
  • In June 12 2006, Hong Kong, China, a domestic helper sliced around the cirumference of a 5 month old boy's penis. The child was had emergency surgery to its penis in order to stop the bleeding from it and to repair the damage.[109]
  • On July 19, 2006, in Shenyang, China, a man cut off his own penis after an argument with his wife.[110][111]
  • On April 22, 2007, a man cut off his penis with a knife in a packed London restaurant.[112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134]
  • In 2007, Li Gengbao's penis was cut off by his wife because she believed he was cheating on her. After hearing Li Gengbao plead for his penis back, the wife threw it out the window where the neighbor's dog ate it. The wife was given a three-year suspended sentence after her husband asked the judge to be lenient.[135][136][137][138][103][139][140][141][142][143][144]
  • On August 2, 2007, in Ca Mau province of Vietnam a woman used a 20cm knife to cut off the penis of her husband BT Hai, 44, and throw it in a ditch near the house. The hospital could not reaatach the penis.[145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][103][156]
  • On March 11, 2008, Mouyu of Zhangzhou City, China, chopped off her husband's penis while he slept. Her husband Peng Wang confessed to her that he was having sexual intercourse with other women after Mouyu discovered text messages on his cell phone. After her husband fell asleep that night, Mouyu took a kitchen knife and sliced off her husband's penis. Afterwards, she gave the severed penis to their 6 year old son as a warning of being unfaithful.[157][158][159][160][161][162]
  • On March 13, 2008, Skylar Deleon, a former child actor and convicted murderer on California's death row, partially severed his penis with a razor blade while being held in jail.[163] Authorities do not know if Deleon stopped the effort himself because he could not carry it out to conclusion, or if he was interrupted by a guard. Deleon was taken to a hospital, his penis was re-attached, and he was back in jail the following day.[164] In an interview with ABC's 20/20, Deleon indicated that he attempted to cut off his penis because he wanted to be a woman.[44]
  • On April 24, 2008, a Pakistani woman in Lahore, Pakistan, chopped off her lover's penis after he wedded his cousin in a marriage arranged by his parents, The man, 24-year-old Muhammad Shehzad, began a relationship with a 30-year-old married woman named Jamila after they met at a zoo in the eastern city of Lahore two years ago, police officer Asghar Bhatti said. "Shehzad had promised he would marry Jamila if she got a divorce from her husband, but he married his cousin two weeks ago," Bhatti said, adding that this "infuriated her and she decided to take revenge. She invited him to her house last Wednesday and after serving some intoxicant cut off his sexual organ." Police arrested the woman and she remains in custody, Bhatti said. Doctor Sanaullah, who treated Shehzad at Lahore General Hospital, said they have been unable to reattach the penis. "He has become impotent for the rest of his life and will be unable to perform his conjugal duties. He can never become a father," the doctor said. She got out on March 12, 2009[165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174]
  • October 20, 2008, A 12 year old boy was admitted to a Chengdu hospital with head injuries and a severed penis earlier that year.[175][176]
  • In 2009, A 68 year old mentally unsound man had difficulty passing urine, so he cut off his penis, Nanyang Siang Pau and China Press reported. The man only identified as Yap, later underwent a corrective surgery after family members rushed him to the hospital in Ipoh. The doctors could not re-attach the severed part. He was in stable condition although he continued to have fever.[177][178][179][180][181][182]
  • On May 2009, in Singapore, A secretary accidentally bit off the penis of her employer while giving him oral sex in a car. On reaching the park, they did not alight from the car. Not long after, the car started to shake violently. After the car was hit by the van, there was a loud scream from the woman whose mouth was covered with blood,' he said. The woman later followed her lover to the hospital with part of the sexual organ.[183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231]
  • In May, 2009, Russia, a woman Kira V. attached firecrackers to her boyfriend Alik D's penis after he turned down her offer of marriage after being together for 2 years, saying he would rather return to his ex wife and son. Kira convinced him to stay for a farewell dinner. The two dined together and got to drinking heavily. Alik finally passed out from drinking excessively. After Kira blew up his penis, he was rushed to intensive care in the hospital.[232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241][242][243][244][245][246][247][248][249][250][251][252][253][254][255][256][257][258][259]
  • In 2009, in Guangzhou, China, Mrs. Xie cut off her husbands penis after he brought his mistress home and made love in front of her. Angrily, Mrs. Xie waited until her husband had fallen asleep and snipped his penis off while he was sleeping. She was sentenced 10 years of prison for her crime.[260][261][262][263][264][265]
  • On July 13, 2009, A woman in Leqing, Zhejiang province, China, cut off her husband's penis following an altercation over his fidelity, was sentenced to 13 years in jail. The woman, Hu, frequently fought with her husband Nan, whom she often accused of having an affair with another woman. In the early hours of July 13, when Nan was fast asleep, Hu severed his penis with a kitchen knife and immediately surrendered to the police.[266][267][268][269][270][271]
  • On October 9, 2009, A woman severed her husband's penis during his sleep with a pair of scissors about 3 am in their apartment in Shanghai, China on Sanmenzhi Road in Hongkou District. The woman suspected that her 34-year-old husband surnamed Lu was having an affair. He was sent to nearby Changhai Hospital by his wife's sister. His penis was stitched up. The couple came from Guizhou Province and the wife was said to have some mental problems, according to her mother.[272][273]
  • In 2009, Trabzon, Turkey a 39 year old Turkish woman cut off the penis off her 28 year old lover and threw it on the roof of a neighboring building. Surgeons worked for 11 hours to re-attach the penis in an operation which they described as successful, and said full sexual function should return within six months. She claimed she did it because he "had broken his promise to marry her and forced her into prostitution and beat her".[274][275][276][277][278]
  • On March 30, 2010, an Indonesian man identified only as AMD cut off his penis and threw it in a well, as part of a failed suicide attempt when he discovered that his girlfriend planned to marry another. He was treated in a Jakarta hospital, but doctors were unable to attach the severed member which could not be found.[279]

See also


  1. ^ See an example of this in the story of David's courtship of Saul's daughter in 1 Samuel 18:25-27; Then Saul said, “Thus shall you say to penises David, ‘The king desires no bride-price except a hundred foreskins of the Philistines, that he may be avenged of the king's enemies and pleasure himself with many man-parts.’”
  2. ^ Loblaw, DA (2004-07-15). "American Society of Clinical Oncology recommendations for the initial hormonal management of androgen-sensitive metastatic, recurrent, or progressive prostate cancer". Journal of Clinical Oncology. PMID 15184404. Retrieved 2007-01-11. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  3. ^ Terris, Martha K (2006-08-01). "Prostate Cancer: Metastatic and Advanced Disease". eMedicine. Retrieved 2007-01-11. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  4. ^ Myers, Charles E (2006-08-24). "Androgen Resistance, Part 1". Prostate Cancer Research Institute. Retrieved 2007-01-11.
  5. ^ Worth, Robert F., and Marshall, Carolyn, "G.I. Crime Photos May Be Evidence," The New York Times, August 5, 2006, accessed October 20, 2009
  6. ^ Judd, Alan, "Our soldiers are mortals who will suffer, not superheroes," Telegraph, October 7, 2001, accessed October 20, 2009
  7. ^ Colapinto, John (1997-12-11). "The True Story of John/Joan". Rolling Stone. pp. 54–97.
  8. ^ [1]
  9. ^ [http://www.exeas.org/resources/pdf/your-honor-handout1.pdf A Father-in-Law Was Killed by His Daughter-in-Law When He Attempted to Rape Her]
  10. ^ [2]
  11. ^ [3]
  12. ^ Colapinto, John (2004-06-03). "Gender Gap: What were the real reasons behind David Reimer's suicide?". slate.com. Retrieved 2007-01-11.
  13. ^ Jail for woman who cut off hubby's pride
  14. ^ [4]
  15. ^ [5]
  16. ^ [6]
  17. ^ [7]
  18. ^ Jealous wife cuts off hubby's penis
  19. ^ Angry mum cuts up alleged molestor of daughter
  20. ^ http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1991-04-24/news/9104240121_1_boggs-transient-orange-blossom-trail
  21. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=y_QDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA45&lpg=PA45&dq=%22Alan+Boggs%22+Orlando+penis&source=bl&ots=cqMy8_zLg9&sig=0i35FInfpfzxveN337vTd_DwrKI&hl=en&ei=kpuRS978Fc7VlAewj8z6AQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CAYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22Alan%20Boggs%22%20Orlando%20penis&f=false
  22. ^ Russian Woman's Revenge
  23. ^ [8]
  24. ^ [9]
  26. ^ [10]
  27. ^ [11]
  28. ^ [12] [13]
  29. ^ [14]
  31. ^ [15]
  32. ^ Korean with severed penis dies
  33. ^ That Word And Women Who Do It Keep On Bobbitting Up
  34. ^ [16]
  35. ^ "How Do You Say Reattach in Korean?". Time. 1994-03-28. Retrieved 2010-05-22.
  36. ^ That Word And Women Who Do It Keep On Bobbitting Up
  37. ^ [17]
  38. ^ That Word And Women Who Do It Keep On Bobbitting Up
  39. ^ [18]
  40. ^ [19]
  41. ^ "How Do You Say Reattach in Korean?". Time. 1994-03-28. Retrieved 2010-05-22.
  42. ^ [20]
  43. ^ [21]
  45. ^ Chinese Woman Cuts Husband, Then Kills Self
  46. ^ Tran Tu Tran leaves Liverpool District Court November 1996 after pleading guilty to malicious wounding of husband Tom 12/03/96 when she severed his penis
  47. ^ [22]
  48. ^ Police report filed by Earl Zea
  49. ^ Failed attempt to cut off penis
  50. ^ [23]
  51. ^ news of the world 1998
  52. ^ [24]
  53. ^ Wife orders penis chop-suey for mistress
  54. ^ Jilted girl gives lover the chop
  55. ^ Court told of painful separation.
  56. ^ Jilted lover is jailed for attacking her boyfriend.
  57. ^ [25]
  58. ^ Third trial of passion in 12 months
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  62. ^ Jobless in Hong Kong with a dong that's gone
  63. ^ Jobless in Hong Kong with a dong that's gone
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  67. ^ Extramarital affairs earn Taiwanese man the big chop
  68. ^ Husband-battering on the rise
  69. ^ Man's Penis Chopped Off By Jealous Wife
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  77. ^ Jealous barmaid gives live-in lover the chop
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