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2016 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

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2016 Armenian–Azerbaijani border clashes
Part of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and Armenian–Azerbaijani border conflict

  Territory controlled by the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
  Territory claimed by the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic but controlled by Azerbaijan
Date2 April 2016 – 5 April 2016
(8 years, 6 months and 1 day)
Nagorno-Karabakh line of contact
Status Ceasefire[1][2][3]
 Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR)
Units involved
Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army
Armed Forces of Armenia
Azerbaijani Armed Forces
Casualties and losses

Official Armenian figures:

  • 27 soldiers killed, 26 missing, 72 soldiers wounded[4]
  • 4 civilians killed, 6 wounded[5]
  • 7 tanks destroyed[6]

Azerbaijani claim:[7]

  • 370 soldiers killed
  • 12 tanks, 12 armored vehicles, 15 artillery pieces destroyed

Official Azerbaijani figures:

  • 28 soldiers killed[8][9]
  • 2 civilians killed,[10] 2 wounded[11]
  • 1 Mi-24 helicopter shot down[4]
  • 1 tank damaged[4]

Armenian claim:[12]

  • 300 soldiers killed
  • 2 helicopters, 6 drones shot down
  • 18–29 tanks, 3 APCs, 1 AEV, 1 MRL destroyed

On 2 April 2016, clashes occurred on the line of contact between the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army and Armenian Armed Forces on one side and the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, with Azerbaijani forces seeking to retake control of the territory backed by Armenia since the Karabakh War[13]

Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has de facto independence from Azerbaijan, but the territory is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan.[14] The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia seek to maintain the current de facto line of control and gain international recognition of the territory as an independent country.

Later that day, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense announced a unilateral end of the active clashes from its side, but according to Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army, the attacks continued.[15] According to official statements of the involved sides, 18 Armenian soldiers and 12 Azerbaijani soldiers were killed during the clashes,[16] and several pieces of military equipment from both sides were destroyed. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs also confirmed the deaths of three civilians.[17]


Since the Nagorno-Karabakh War in 1994, there has been an unofficial ceasefire, so that the small seperatist Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh which is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan cleared all the Azeri population of the Karabakh with the help of Armenia. There have been constant shootings from both sides, but 2016 saw the largest attacks and casualties since 1994.

Azerbaijan cites the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 62/243 for "continued respect and support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity" of Azerbaijan "within its internationally recognized borders", demanded the "immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of all Armenian forces from all the occupied territories" of Azerbaijan and emphasized that "no state shall render aid or assistance" to maintain the occupation of Azerbaijani territories[18].

Internal political situations

The ongoing tension is instrumentalized by the politicians of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Since 1994, the dictatorship in Azerbaijan passed on from Haydar Aliyev to his son, Ilham Aliyev. Azerbaijan's economy and state budget are largely based on petroleum exports and other natural resources. The 2015 drop in the price of oil presents a political difficulty for Aliyev.

In his statements about Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, Aliyev has been cited as calling all Armenian people in the world as the enemies of Azerbaijan,[19][20][21] and as regularly threatening to take over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh and the entire Armenian Republic through military force.[22][23][24]

Military buildup

Azerbaijan, whose oil-fueled military spending exceeds Nagorno-Karabakh's and Armenia's entire state budgets, had threatened to take back the breakaway region by force if peaceful negotiations failed to return them all of the territory. [25]

In early 2015, the New York times reported:

In his speech, Mr. Aliyev warned darkly that Azerbaijan, which has an economy seven times larger than Armenia’s, planned this year to spend more than double Armenia’s entire annual budget of $2.7 billion on strengthening its military.[26]

Russia, the major power in the region, has long sold weapons to both Armenia and Azerbaijan, but not to the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army directly.


Each side blamed the other for the outbreak of hostilities which breached the ceasefire terms of the Bishkek Protocol. According to Armenian sources, on late night of April 1 and early morning of April 2 the Azerbajani side launched large-scale attacking actions along the contact-line between the Karabakh-Azerbajani opposing forces, on April 2, at 8:30 am, Vaghinak Grigoryan, born in 2004, was killed as a result of missile artillery attack from MM-21 Grad from the borders of Martuni.[27] Two children were wounded as well.[28] According to Azerbaijani sources, on April 2 Azerbaijani positions and inhabited places near the front line came under fire from Armenian military that killed and wounded several civilians.[29] In response to that, the Azerbaijani army launched counter-fights around Aghdara, Tartar, Agdam, Khojavend and Fuzuli.[30] It said that its frontline forces had suddenly come under fire from mortars and high caliber grenade launchers before the Azerbaijani Army was forced to take urgent measures to respond.[31] According to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense, during a rapid counter-offensive the front defense line of Armenian side was broken in several places and several strategic heights and inhabited places were retaken (including the strategically important hill of Lala Tepe).[29][30] The Azerbaijani side claimed that they had captured some areas including heights near the village of Talysh, as well as the village of Seysulan.[32] 14,400 people living in villages were affected by clashes, but no internal displacement or immediate humanitarian need was reported.[17]

Armenian Defense Ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan sharply accused Azerbaijan of "launching an unprovoked coordinated ground offensive against Armenia’s forces", saying the Azerbaijani military used warplanes, tanks and artillery to try to make inroads into Nagorno-Karabakh.[31] During the first day of fighting, Armenian forces claimed to have destroyed at least three Azerbaijani tanks, two military helicopters (including at least one armed Mil Mi-8/17) and two unmanned drones, photographs and videos of which surfaced on the internet.[33] Armenian frontline positions were reinforced, heavy artillery was brought forward, and in the NKR capital Stepanakert reservists were called up. On April 3, Armenian military authorities announced that NKR forces had recaptured positions around Talysh,[34] which in turn was refuted by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense.[35]

On April 3, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense announced a unilateral end to hostilities. The Armenian Defense Ministry quickly refuted Azerbaijan's declaration, saying that it was continuing to attack NKR positions.[36] The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense warned that should Armenian shelling pursue, Azerbaijan will continue its offensive.[37] On April 4, it reported that an Armenian command and control center had been destroyed and released a video capturing the attack. The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense claimed that along with numerous military personnel, two high-ranking Armenian officers were killed as a result.[38] The same day, the Armenian defense ministry announced that an Azeri drone attacked a bus carrying Armenian volunteers for military service to the Nagorno-Karabakh town of Martakert, killing five people aboard.[39] Foreign Ministry spokesman for Azerbaijan, Hikmet Hajiyev warned[when?] Armenia against targeting of Azerbaijani settlements and civilians.[40]

In the course of the clashes, mortar shells fired from the conflict area hit a village in the northwestern Iranian province of East Azerbaijan, but no casualties or damages were reported.[41]

Alleged war crimes

According to Armenian officials, almost all residents of Talysh and the nearby village of Madagiz had been evacuated and provided with shelter in other parts of the region.[42]

However, reports from Talysh after the village was retaken by Armenian troops alleged that an elderly Armenian couple, Valera Khalapyan and his wife Razmela, were shot in their home and their corpses mutilated, Azerbaijani soldiers also executed Marousya Khalapyan (born 1924).[43][44][45] Azerbaijan's Ministry of Defense has described such reports as "provocations"[46] and disinformation.[47]

Azerbaijani forces allegedly decapitated Yezidi Armenian soldier Karam Sloyan and posted videos and pictures on social networks where they paraded his severed head.[48][better source needed]

International reactions

In support of Azerbaijan

Very few states have made statements in favor of continued violence.

  •  Turkey – President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev to pay condolences for the "martyred" soldiers.[49] The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement condemning what they claimed was an Armenian attack on civilians and calling on Armenia to comply with the ceasefire.[50] He also announced his country's support to Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh border clashes, saying "Turkey backs the Azeris 'to the end' against Armenia".[51]
  •  Pakistan – Secretary to Pakistan president, Ahmad Farooq, said "Pakistan always stands by Azerbaijan" and that "Azerbaijan is a brotherly and friendly country."[52][better source needed]

Calling for peaceful resolution

The rest of the international community, including Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia, and major powers like the US and Russia, are unanimous in officially favoring a peaceful resolution.

Supranational bodies
  •  EU – High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini urged the parties "to stop the fighting immediately and observe the ceasefire".[53]
  •  UN – Secretary General Ban Ki-moon demanded all sides involved in the conflict to immediately cease all armed hostilities and observe the terms of ceasefire.[54]
  • PACE – President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Pedro Agramunt called on both sides to respect the ceasefire and resume peaceful negotiations. He also called for the withdrawal of all Armenian armed troops from occupied Azerbaijani territories in compliance with the UN Security Council resolutions.[55]
  • OIC – The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation condemned "the attack by Armenian forces on the borders of occupied Azerbaijani territories" and Yerevan’s "disrespect of the unilateral ceasefire" announced by Baku.[56]
  • CSTO – A spokesman for the head of the CSTO, Nikolay Bordyuzha, stated that the conflict must be settled through negotiations. Bordyuzha added that the Azerbaijani side is "leading to the escalation of the situation and the conflict".[57]
OSCE Minsk Group and co-chair countries
  • OSCE Minsk Group – The Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group expressed "grave concern over the reported large-scale ceasefire violations that are taking place along the line of contact in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone" and strongly condemned "the use of force and regret the senseless loss of life, including civilians".[58] The OSCE Minsk Group scheduled to have a meeting on April 5 in Vienna over the incidents.[59]
  •  United States – The State Department condemned ceasefire violations and urged the sides to "show restraint, avoid further escalation, and strictly adhere to the ceasefire." Their statement continued, "The unstable situation on the ground demonstrates why the sides must enter into an immediate negotiation under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs on a comprehensive settlement of the conflict. We reiterate that there is no military solution to the conflict. As a co-chair country, the United States is firmly committed to working with the sides to reach a lasting and negotiated peace."[60]
  •  Russia – President Vladimir Putin called on both sides to end hostilities and show restraint.[61] On April 4 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov criticized what he called Turkey's interference into the internal affairs of neighboring nations and called Turkey's strong support for Azerbaijan "one-sided".[62]
Other states
  •  Cyprus – Foreign Ministry statement accused Azerbaijan in violations of the armistice line and urged Azerbaijan to "respect the status quo ante." It also urged Turkey to "refrain from any activities and statements that further destabilize the unfolding situation."[63]
  •  Belarus – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged the parties to continue seeking a peaceful solution to the conflict "in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, first of all, on the basis of respect and guaranteeing of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders, as well as the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and decisions of the OSCE". The Belarusian ambassador to Armenia was summoned to be informed that Yerevan was "deeply bewildered" by this statement which "does not correspond to the spirit of the Armenian-Belarusian relations" and "is detrimental to the negotiation process".[64][65] Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko insisted that both sides should seek a peaceful dialogue.[66]
  •  Canada – Minister of Foreign Affairs Stéphane Dion called on all sides to show restraint, immediately return to a true ceasefire, and actively resume dialogue within the framework of OSCE Minsk Group. "Canada firmly believes that there is no alternative to a peaceful, negotiated solution to this conflict," Minister Dion said in a statement.[67][68]
  •  Czech Republic – Foreign Ministry expressed concern over extensive violations of the ceasefire on the line of contact of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and condemned the use of force. It called to involved parties to stop the violence and to strictly respect the truce. Foreign Ministry supported the peaceful efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group.[69]
  •  Georgia – Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili expressed concern over the recent developments in the region and expressed hope that the international community's efforts will help to de-escalate the situation.[70] President Giorgi Margvelashvili called on both neighbors to end fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh region and resolve the conflict peacefully.[71] In a telephone call with her Azerbaijani counterpart Zakir Hasanov, Defense Minister Tinatin Khidasheli reaffirmed Georgia's support of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.[72]
  •  Germany – Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier called on both sides to immediately stop fighting and to fully respect the ceasefire.[73]
  •  Greece – The Foreign Ministry expressed concern and called on the two sides to "exercise restraint and composure in order to return, as soon as possible, to the process of dialogue within the framework of the Minsk Group."[74]
  •  Iran – Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari called for both sides to "refrain from any manner or action" which could "worsen the situation." He added that Iran recommends a cessation of hostilities by reaching a peaceful solution within the framework of United Nations regulations, while he further underlined that, as the region has been the scene of "destructive actions" by extremist groups, such clashes arouse "severe concerns" for Iran.[75]
  •  Kazakhstan – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its concern with the recent escalation of violence and called on the parties to abide by the ceasefire agreement.[76]
  •  Kyrgyzstan – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its concern with the worsening situation in Nagorno-Karabakh. It said that it stands for working out constructive proposals on searching for ways of resolving the dispute and that it is ready to mediate the settlement of the conflict.[77]
  •  Latvia – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on both sides to stop the hostilities immediately and resume the ceasefire, expressing regret over casualties and deaths and conveying condolences to the families of those killed.[78]
  •  Norway – Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende called the clashes an "unacceptable military escalation".[79]
  •  Poland – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland called on parties of conflict to cease military operations in region and return to peace talks initiated in 1994. Poland called also to recognize territorial dispute by diplomatic and political negotiations including OSCE Minsk group mediation format.[80]
  •  Romania – Romania urges to resume diplomatic efforts to resolve Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Foreign Ministry of Romania expressed concern over the escalation in Nagorno Karabakh. Romanian Foreign Ministry urged to immediate cessation of hostilities. "Resumption of diplomatic efforts is necessary for peaceful settlement."[81]
  •  United Kingdom – Minister for Europe David Lidington expressed concern about increased violence and urged both sides "to engage constructively and intensively in the search for a negotiated peaceful settlement through the Minsk Group process."[82]


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  3. ^ http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/04/crunch-talks-vienna-nagorny-karabakh-fighting-160405081141941.html
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