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List of botany journals

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The following is a list of botanical scientific journals.

General botany

The following table is a list of scientific journals publishing articles on many areas of botany.

Journal Homepage Publisher Publication History Language Publication Frequency
Acta Botanica Gallica journal home Taylor & Francis for Société botanique de France 1853–present English and French 4 issues per year
Acta Botánica Mexicana journal home Instituto de Ecologia 1998–present Spanish 4 issues per year
Acta Botanica Yunnanica journal home Chinese Academy of Sciences 1979–present Chinese 6 issues per year
Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica journal home Japanese Society for Plant Systematics 1932–present English 3 issues per year
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae journal home Polish Botanical Society 1923–present English 4 issues per year
Aliso journal home Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden 1948–present English 2 issues per year
American Journal of Botany journal home HighWire Press and the Botanical Society of America 1914–present English 12 issues per year
Annals of Botany journal home Oxford Journals 1887–present English 12 issues per year
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden journal home Missouri Botanical Garden Press 1914–present English 4 issues per year
Annual Review of Plant Biology journal home Annual Reviews 1950–present English 1 issue per year
AoB PLANTS journal home Oxford Journals 2009–present English Continuous, Online
Aquatic Botany journal home Elsevier 1975–present English 6 issues per year
Arnoldia journal home Harvard University 1911–present English 4 issues per year
Australian Journal of Botany journal home CSIRO 1953–present English 8 issues per year
Australian Systematic Botany journal home CSIRO 1988–present English 6 issues per year
Biologia Plantarum journal home Springer Science+Business Media and Institute of Experimental Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1959–present English 4 issues per year
Blumea journal home ingentaconnect and National Herbarium of the Netherlands 1934–present English 3 issues per year
Blyttia journal home Norwegian Botanical Association 1943–present Norwegian 4 issues per year
Bonplandia N/A Universidad Nacional del Nordeste 1960–present Spanish 2
Botanica Helvetica journal home Springer Science+Business Media and the Swiss Botanical Society 1890–present English, German, Italian, French and Romansh 2 issues per year
Botanica Pacifica journal home Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern branch of the Russian academy of Sciences 2012–present English 2 issues per year
Botanical Journal of Scotland N/A Edinburgh University Press for Botanical Society of Scotland 1991–2008 English 2 issues per year
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society journal home Wiley Online Library 1856–present English 12 issues per year
Botanisk Tidsskrift N/A Danish Botanical Society 1866–1980 Danish, German, English and French 4 issues per year
Ботанический журнал (Botanical Magazine) journal home Russian Academy of Sciences 1917–present Russian and English ?
Botany journal home National Research Council Canada 1929–present English 12 issues per year
The Botanical Magazine, Tokyo N/A The Botanical Society of Japan 1887–1971 English and Japanese 11 issue per year
Botanicheskii zhurnal N/A Russkoe Botanicheskoe Obshestvo 1916–present English and Russian 12 issues per year
Brittonia journal home New York Botanical Garden Press 1931–present English 4 issues per year
Contributions of the University of Michigan Herbarium journal home University of Michigan Herbarium 1939–2007 English Variable
Curtis's Botanical Magazine journal home Blackwell Publishing and Kew Gardens 1787–present English 4 issues per year
Dansk Botanisk Arkiv N/A Danish Botanical Society 1913–1980 Danish, English, French and German Variable
Darwiniana, nueva serie journal home Instituto de Botánica Darwinion 1922–present Spanish, English 2 issues per year
Edinburgh Journal of Botany journal home Cambridge University Press for the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 1954–present English 3 issues per year
Environmental and Experimental Botany journal home Elsevier 1961–present English 9 issues per year
Erigenia journal home Illinois Native Plants Society 1982–present English Variable
Flora journal home Elsevier 1818–present English (current) and German (former) 8 issues per year
Folia Geobotanica journal home Springer Science+Business Media for the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1966–present English 4 issues per year
Frontiers in Plant Science journal home Frontiers (publisher) 2010–present English continuous on-line
Gardens' Bulletin Singapore journal home National Parks Board, Singapore 1912–present English 2 issues per year
The Great Lakes Botanist (formerly The Michigan Botanist through Volume 55) journal home Michigan Botanical Club 1962–present English 4 issues per year
Harvard Papers in Botany journal home Harvard University Herbaria 1989–present English and up to two non-English abstracts (current) 2 issues per year
International Journal of Herbal Medicine journal home AkiNik Publications 2013–present English 6 issues per year
International Journal of Plant Sciences journal home University of Chicago Press 1875–present English 9 issues per year
Italian Botanist journal home Pensoft Publishers 1969– English 2 issues per year
Journal of Botany and Plant Biology journal home Progress Academic Publishing House 2007–present English, French, Russian, Spanish 4 issues per year
Journal of Experimental Botany journal home Oxford Journals for the Society for Experimental Biology 1950–present English 12 issues per year
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology journal home Blackwell Publishing, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Botanical Society of China 2005–present English 12 issues per year
Journal of Japanese Botany journal home Tsumura, Japan 1916–present English, Japanese 6 issues per year
Journal of Plant Interactions journal home Taylor & Francis 2005–present English 4 issues per year
Journal of Plant Biology journal home Botanical Society of Korea ???–present English 6 issues per year
Journal of Plant Physiology journal home Elsevier 1909–present English
Journal of Plant Research journal home The Botanical Society of Japan 1972–present English 6 issues per year
Journal of Systematics and Evolution journal home Botanical Society of China, the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2008–present English 6 issues per year
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society journal home Torrey Botanical Society 1973–present English 4 issues per year
Lagascalia journal home Universidad de Sevilla 1971–present English, Spanish, Portuguese and French 1 volume per year
Madroño journal home California Botanical Society 1915–present English 4 issues per year
Makinoa New Series journal home Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden 2001–present English 1 issue per year
Missouriensis journal home Missouri Native Plant Society 1979–present English 1 issue per year
Molecular Plant journal home Oxford Journals for Chinese Academy of Sciences and [Chinese Society for Plant Biology 2008–present English 6 issues per year
New Journal of Botany journal home Maney Publishing, later Taylor & Francis for Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland 2011–2017 English 3 issues per year
New Phytologist journal home Blackwell Publishing and the New Phytologist Trust 1902–present English 16 issues per year
New Zealand Journal of Botany journal home Royal Society of New Zealand 1963–present English 4 issues per year
Nordic Journal of Botany journal home Blackwell Publishing 1981–present English 6 issues per year
Nuytsia journal home Western Australian Herbarium 1970–present English 3 issues per year
PhytoKeys journal home Pensoft Publishers 2010–present English Variable
Phytotaxa journal home Magnolia Press 2009–present English ca 24 issues or more per year
Phytochemistry journal home Elsevier 1961–present English 12 issues per year
Plant Biology journal home Blackwell Publishing, the German Botanical Society and the Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 1999–present English 6 issues per year
Plant Ecology & Diversity journal home Taylor & Francis for Botanical Society of Scotland 2008–present English 4 issues per year
Plant Ecology and Evolution journal home Royal Botanical Society of Belgium and Botanic Garden Meise 2010–present English and French 3 issues per year
The Plant Genome journal home Crop Science Society of America 2008–present English 3 issues per year
The Plant Journal journal home Blackwell Publishing and the Society for Experimental Biology 1991–present English 24 issues per year
Plant Physiology journal home American Society of Plant Biologists 1926–present English 12 issues per year
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry [1] Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology and French Society of Plant Biology 1998–present English 12 issues per year
Plant Science journal home Elsevier 1973–present English 12 issues per year
Plant Science Today journal home Horizon e-Publishing Group 2014–present English 4 issues per year
Plant Species Biology journal home Blackwell Publishing and the Society for the Study of Species Biology 1986–present English 3 issues per year
Plant Systematics and Evolution journal home Springer Science+Business Media 1851–present English 12 issues per year
Planta journal home Springer Science+Business Media 1973–present English 12 issues per year
Plantae Scientia Journal home Department of Botany, Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Omerga 2018-present English 6 issues per year
Portugaliae Acta Biologica journal home University of Lisbon 1945–present English and Portuguese 1 volume per year
Preslia journal home Czech Botanical Society 1914–present English 4 issues per year
Rhodora journal home New England Botanical Club 1899–present English 4 issues per year
South African Journal of Botany journal home South African Association of Botanists 1932–present English 6 issues per year
Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift journal home Swedish Botanical Society 1907–present Swedish 5 issues per year
Systematic Botany journal home American Society of Plant Taxonomists 1976–present English 4 issues per year
Taxon journal home International Association for Plant Taxonomy 1951–present English 6 issues per year
Telopea journal home National Herbarium of New South Wales, Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust 1975–present English 1 issue per year
Thai Forest Bulletin journal home Forest Herbarium, Bangkok 1954–present English 1 issue per year
Thai Journal of Botany journal home The Botanical Garden Organization,Thailand 2009–present English 2(3) issue per year
Tropical Plant Research Journal Home Society for Tropical Plant Research 2014–present English 3 issues per year
Watsonia journal home Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland 1949–2011 English 2 issues per year
Wrightia : a botanical journal N/A Texas Research Foundation 1945–present English ?

Agronomy and horticulture

The following table is a list of botany journals specialising in agronomy, including crop science and horticulture.

Journal Homepage Publisher Publication History Language Publication Frequency
Agronomy Journal journal home The American Society of Agronomy 1907–present English 6 issues per year
Agronomie journal home INRA and EDP Sciences 1981–2004 English and French 6 issues per year
Agronomy for Sustainable Development journal home INRA and EDP Sciences 2005–present English 4 issues per year
American Journal of Potato Research journal home Springer Science+Business Media and The Potato Association of America 1924–present English 6 issues per year
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research journal home Blackwell Publishing and the Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology 1995–present English 3 issues per year
The Biology of Canadian Weeds journal home Agricultural Institute of Canada ?–present English Variable
British Sugar Beet Review journal home British Sugar 1926–present English 4 issues per year
Cereal Research Communications journal home Akadémiai Kiadó 1972–present English 4 issues per year
Cereal Chemistry journal home AACC International 1923–present English 6 issues per year
Ceiba N/A Escuela Agricola Panamericana 1950–present English ?
Crop Protection (journal) journal home Elsevier 1982–present English 12 issues per year
Crop Science (journal) journal home The Crop Science Society of America 1961–present English 6 issues per year
Davidsonia journal home UBC Botanical Garden 1970–present English 4 issues per year
Economic Botany journal home Society for Economic Botany 1946–present English 4 issues per year
Erwerbs-Obstbau journal home Springer Science+Business Media 1958–present German 4 issues per year
Euphytica journal home Springer Science+Business Media 1952–present English 12 issues per year
European Journal of Agronomy journal home Elsevier and the European Society for Agronomy 1994–present English 8 issues per year
European Journal of Horticultural Science journal home Ulmer 1935–present English (current) and German (former) 6 issues per year
Field Crops Research journal home Elsevier 1978–present English 6 issues per year
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution journal home Springer Science+Business Media 1953–present English 6 issues per year
Grass and Forage Science journal home Blackwell Publishing and the British Grassland Society 1946–present English 4 issues per year
Hilgardia N/A University of California, Berkeley 1925–1996 English 9 issues per year
The Horticulturist journal home Institute of Horticulture 1992–present English 4 issues per year
Horticultural Reviews journal home John Wiley & Sons 1979–present English 1 volume per year
Industrial Crops and Products journal home Elsevier 1992–present English 6 issues per year
Invasive Plant Science and Management journal home Weed Science Society of America 2008–present English 4 issues per year
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science journal home Blackwell Publishing 1987–present English 6 issues per year
Journal of Applied Horticulture journal home Society for the Advancement of Horticulture 1999–present English 3 issues per year
Journal of Bamboo and Rattan journal home[permanent dead link] Springer Science+Business Media 2001–present English 4 issues per year
Journal of Cereal Science journal home Elsevier 1983–present English 6 issues
Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology journal home International Society for Horticultural Science 1925–present English 6 issues per year
Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research journal home Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture 1993–present English 1 volume per year
Journal of plant nutrition and soil science journal home Wiley-VCH 1923–present English 6 issues per year
Journal of Plant Registrations journal home Crop Science Society of America 2007–present English 3 issues per year
Journal of the American Society of Horticulture journal home American Society for Horticultural Science 1875–present English 6 issues per year
Molecular Breeding journal home Springer Science+Business Media 1995–present English 4 issues per year
PHM journal home Hortilien 1826–present French 11 issues per year
Plant and Soil journal home Springer Science+Business Media and the Royal Netherlands Society of Agricultural Science 1948–present English 12 volumes per year
Plant Breeding (journal) journal home Blackwell Publishing 1986–present English 6 issues per year
Postharvest Biology and Technology journal home Elsevier 1991–present English 12 issues per year
Potato Research journal home Springer Science+Business Media and the European Association for Potato Research 1958–present English 4 issues per year
Rice journal home Springer Science+Business Media 2007–present English ?
Rice Science journal home Elsevier and China National Rice Research Institute 2007–present English 4 issues per year
Scientia Horticulturae journal home Elsevier 1973–present English 16 issues per year
Weed Biology and Management journal home Blackwell Publishing and the Weed Science Society of Japan 2001–present English 4 issues per year
Weed Research journal home Blackwell Publishing and the European Weed Research Society 1961–present English 6 issues per year
Weed Science journal home Weed Science Society of America 1952–present English 6 issues per year
Weed Technology journal home Weed Science Society of America 1986–present English 4 issues per year


the following table is a list of journals that specialize in publishing articles on dendrology.

Journal Homepage Publisher Publication History Language Publication Frequency
Canadian Journal of Forest Research journal home National Research Council Canada 1971–present English 12 issues per year
Dendrobiology journal home Institute of Dendrology 1955–present English (current) and Polish (former) 2 volumes per year
Forest Genetic Resources Bulletin journal home FAO 1973–present English, Spanish and French 1 volume per year
Journal of Dendrology N/A The Dendrological Society of South Africa 1981–present English and Afrikaans ?
New Forests journal home Springer Science+Business Media 1986–present English 4 issues per year
Tree Genetics & Genomes journal home Springer Science+Business Media 2005–present English 4 issues per year
Tree Physiology journal home Heron Publishing 1986–present English 12 issues per year
Trees - Structure and Function journal home Springer Science+Business Media 1987–present English 4 issues per year

Plant pathology

The following table is a list of botany journals specializing in plant pathology.

Journal Homepage Publisher Publication History Language Publication Frequency
African Journal of Plant Pathology journal home Agricultural Research Institute, Egypt 2004–present English 3 issues per year
Annales de Phytopathologie N/A Institut national de la recherche agronomique 1969–1980 French Once a year
Annual Review of Phytopathology journal home Annual Reviews 1963–present English Once a year
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection journal home Taylor & Francis 1967–present English 6 issues per year
Australasian Plant Pathology journal home CSIRO 1972–present English 6 issues per year
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology journal home The Canadian Phytopathological Society 1979–present French and English 4 issues per year
Canadian Plant Disease Survey journal home The Canadian Phytopathological Society 1997–present French and English Once a year
Crop Protection journal home Elsevier 1982–present English 12 issues per year
EPPO Bulletin - A journal of regulatory plant protection journal home Blackwell Publishing and the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization 1972–present French and English 3 issues per year
European Journal of Forest Pathology journal home Springer Science+Business Media 1895–present English (current) and German (former) 8 issues per year
European Journal of Plant Pathology journal home Springer Science+Business Media 1895–present English 8 issues per year
Fitopatologia Brasileira journal home Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia 1976–present English, Spanish and Portuguese 6 issues per year
Iranian journal of plant pathology/Bimarihaye Guiahi N/A Iranian Phytopathological Society 1963–present English 4 issues per year
Journal of General Plant Pathology journal home Springer Science+Business Media and The Phytopathological Society of Japan 1918–present English (current) and Japanese (former) 6 issues per year
Journal of Phytopathology/Phytopathologische Zeitschrift journal home Blackwell Publishing 1929–present English (current) and German (former)
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection journal home German Phytomedical Society ?–present English 6 issues per year
Journal of Plant Pathology journal home Italian Phytopathological Society ?–present English (current) and Italian (former) 4 issues per year
Journal of Plant Protection Research journal home Polish Academy of Sciences 1968–present English
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions journal home American Phytopathological Society 1998–present English 8 issues per year
Molecular Plant Pathology journal home Blackwell Publishing and the British Society for Plant Pathology 2000–present English 6 issues per year
New Disease Reports journal home British Society for Plant Pathology 2000–present English 2 volumes a year
New Zealand Plant Protection journal home New Zealand Plant Protection Society 1948–present English Once a year
Pakistan Journal of Plant Pathology N/A Asian Network for Scientific Information 2002–2003 English 3 issues per year
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology journal home Elsevier 1971–present English 12 issues a year
Phytoparasitica journal home Priel Publishers 1973–present English 5 issues per year
Phytopathologia Mediterranea journal home Firenze University Press and Mediterranean Phytopathological Union 1967–present English 3 issues per year
Phytopathology journal home American Phytopathological Society 1910–present English 12 issues per year
Phytoprotection journal home The Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants 1963–present French and English 3 volumes a year
Plant Disease journal home American Phytopathological Society 1916–present English 12 issues per year
Plant Health Progress journal home Plant Management Network 2000–present English Online only
Plant Pathology journal home Blackwell Publishing and the British Society for Plant Pathology 1952–present English 6 issues per year


The following table is a list of botany journals that contain collections of review papers about general plant science.

Journal Homepage Publisher Publication History Language Publication Frequency
Annual Review of Plant Biology journal home Annual Reviews 1950–present English 1 volume per year
The Botanical Review journal home New York Botanical Garden Press 1935–present English 4 issues per year
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences journal home Taylor & Francis 1981–present English 6 issues per year
Current Advances in Plant Science journal home Elsevier 1972–present English 12 issues per year
Current Opinion in Plant Biology journal home Elsevier 1998–present English 6 issues per year
Trends in Plant Science journal home Cell Press 1996–present English 12 issues per year

See also