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College Historical Society

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The College Historical Society (commonly known as The Hist) was founded in Trinity College in 1770 and traces its creation to the historical society founded by the philosopher Edmund Burke in Dublin in 1747. It occupies rooms in the Graduates' Memorial Building of Trinity College, Dublin, which it shares with the University Philosophical Society, and the College Theological Society. Its members included many Irish men and women of note, from the republican revolutionary Theobald Wolfe Tone, the noted author Bram Stoker, to the great Conservative and Unionist man of state Edward Carson and, in more recent times, Tánaiste Mary Harney.



The College Historical Society was founded by Edmund Burke in 1770, with James Reid as its first Auditor, when Burke's Club (founded 1747) merged with the Historical Club (founded 1753). It was a time of great change in Ireland and the Western World, at the height of the Enlightenment and before the American War of Independence and the French Revolution. From its inception it showed itself to be at the forefront of intellectual thought in Ireland, and many of its members later went into politics.

Restrictions and Expulsions

Theobald Wolfe Tone, later leader of the United Irishmen, was elected Auditor in 1785, and Thomas Addis Emmet was a member of the committee. The society was briefly expelled from the College in 1794, but readmitted on the condition that "No question of modern politics shall be debated". In 1797 the poet Thomas Moore and the nationalist Robert Emmet were elected as members. Eight members of The Hist were expelled in 1798 in the run-up to the Rebellion, and a motion was later carried condemning the rebellion, against their former Auditor.

Tension between the society and the college flourished in the early nineteenth century. The auditor was called before the Provost in 1810. In 1812 the provost Dr Thomas Elrington objecting to the motion 'Was Brutus justifiable in putting Julius Caesar to death?'. After a number of members were removed at the request of the College board, the society left the college in 1815.

The Extern Society

The Society continued from 1815 as the Extern Historical Society. Among its members at this time were Isaac Butt, who tried unsuccessfully in 1832 to have the Society readmitted, Joseph Sheridan LeFanu, Thomas Davis and John Blake Dillon and many other notablesof the nationalist cause . In 1843 the Society was refounded within the College after a student petition, again on the condition that no subject of current politics was debated. This regulation remains to this day, however its spirit is often broken by the controversial topics discussed regularly in The Hist.

The Nineteenth Century

The Society continued successfully after that with many lively debates, including the motion on June 10, 1857 'That the Reform Bill of Lord Grey was not framed in accordance with the wants of the country', proposed by Isaac Butt and opposed by Edward Gibson. This era was considered by many to be the high point of the Society, with many of its members moving to high political positions. It was common for the MPs for the University to have served on the Committee of the Hist, such as Edward Gibson and David Plunkett, who were both Auditors, and Edward Carson, who was the Librarian. Bram Stoker, author of Dracula, became auditor in 1872 (Stoker has the unique disctinction of also having been elected President of the Hist's great rival, the University Philosophical Society). In 1864 the Society collected money from its members to erect statues outside the College of Edmund Burke and Oliver Goldsmith.

The Society moved to the Graduates' Memorial Building (GMB) in 1904, which it shares with the University Philosophical Society. The College Board relaxed its rules, allowing such motions as 'That the Gaelic League is deserving of the support of every Irishman' in 1905 and 1906.

The Twentieth Century

The society continued well through the twentieth cenury, although the First World War hit it badly, with 136 of its former members being killed. Eoin O'Mahony was elected Auditor in 1930 and faced impeachment when he raised a toast to Ireland instead of the King. Interestingly, Eoin O'Mahony offered Lord Carson the Presidency of the Society in 1931, although Carson declined due to ill health and former Gold Medallist and future President of Ireland Douglas Hyde was elected instead.

Women had been refused membership of the society until 1969, when the motion 'That this House reveres the memory of Mrs Pankhurst' was debated with Rosaleen Mills participating (the motion, however, was defeated). The first female Auditor, future Tánaiste Mary Harney, was elected in 1976. The Society's Bicentennial Meeting in 1970 was addressed by US Senator Edward Kennedy at which he called the Society "The greatest of the schools of the orators".

Wednesday Night Debates

As it was two hundred and thirty six years ago, the main thrust of the society continues to be the weekly debates held each Wednesday Night during term time.

The wide ranging and varied motions give students an opportunity to debate with experts on the specific motion chosen. The motion is usually based on an important issue taking place in current affairs.

The format of the debate continues to be that of British Parliamentary debating, with the propostion and opposition speaking alternatively. The proceeding are contolled by a guest chairperson. At the end of the debate, the audience have an opportunity to decide which side has made the most persuasive argument.

Presidents and Vice-Presidents

Presidents of the Society since 1843-

Current Vice-Presidents

  • Professor R.B. McDowell Professor Emeritis
  • John N. Ross, Former solicitor and Senator for Dublin University
  • Stephen G. Harris
  • William Arthur Watts, Former Provost
  • Mary Robinson, Former Senator and President of Ireland
  • Professor Gary H. Holbrook
  • Michael J. Cameron, Former Auditor
  • [[Shane Ross|Senator for Dublin University
  • [[David Norris Senator for Dublin University
  • Senator Mary Henry
  • Eric Lowry, Former Auditor
  • The Hon. Justice Declan N. O. Budd, Justice of the High Court
  • David O'Sullivan, European Community Director General for Trade
  • Sir Brian Williamson, Former Auditor and prominent banker

Notable Auditors

Other Notable Members

Committee Structure

The Committee of the College Historical Society consists of 13 individuals: 6 Officers (Auditor, Treasurer, Correspondence Secretary, Record Secretary, Censor and Librarian), 6 Members of Committee and a Debates Convenor. All but one of these positions is directly elected: the Debates Convenor, whose role is to encourage and develop competitive debating within the society with specific responsibility for co-hosting the Trinity IV (comprised of the Kingsmill-Moore Invitational and Dean Swift IV) with the University Philosophical Society. The Convenor is appointed by the Auditor with the approval of the Committee following each annual election. The position was added in the 234th Session. It existed previously for two years off committee.

It is the only role on Committee that does not require direct democratic election by the members of the society (though the nominee must be ratified by the elected Committee). It is also the only position that is not filled at commencement of the Session - meaning that candidates that have lost elections for other positions may be appointed Debates Convenor.

The Members of Committee (MCs) have traditionally been assigned to an Officer based on the order of their election, with the first MC as Senior Member of Committee, the second as Pro-Treasurer, and so on.
