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Alert Ready

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Current English logo of Alert Ready

The National Public Alerting System (French: Système national d'alertes à la population),[1] branded as Alert Ready (French: En Alerte), is the national warning system in Canada. The system consists of infrastructure and standards for the presentation and distribution of public alerts issued by government authorities (including Environment and Climate Change Canada and other provincial public safety agencies), such as weather emergencies, AMBER Alerts, and other emergency notifications, by all broadcasters and Last mile distributors in the affected region, including television stations, radio stations, television providers, and LTE mobile networks in the affected region.

The system is based upon the Common Alerting Protocol, and uses the National Alert Aggregation and Dissemination system (NAAD) operated by Pelmorex Media as its backend for distributing alerts to broadcasters, in consort with a style guide that dictates when and how alerts are to be broadcast.

In development since 2010, the system officially launched on March 31, 2015; the system is legally backed by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), who enacted a mandate in August 2014 for all broadcasters and broadcast distribution undertakings in Canada to relay emergency messages that are distributed through NAAD as of that date. Beginning April 6, 2018, wireless providers are also required to participate, utilizing a Canadian variant of the Wireless Emergency Alerts framework utilized in the United States.

Environment and Climate Change Canada also maintains Weatheradio Canada, which transmits weather information and hazard alerts. Unlike Alert Ready, it utilizes Specific Area Message Encoding—the same protocol used by the two systems' U.S. counterparts—NOAA Weather Radio and the Emergency Alert System.[2][3]



Various attempts had been made in the 21st century to establish a public alert system in Canada, by both departments of government and by television broadcasters. In 2001, Pelmorex, owners of The Weather Network and its French language counterpart MétéoMédia, applied to the CRTC for an amendment to their licenses to encompass a mandatory "All Channel Alert" system, requiring all television providers to relay emergency messages on behalf of governments across all of their channels. The service would have used proprietary hardware developed by Pelmorex, and would have been funded primarily by a $0.13 increase in carriage fees for the two channels. However, its initial proposal was denied by the CRTC, citing the need for consultation with broadcasters, television providers, and other parties on how the system would be designed, along with its costs.[4][5] Establishment of such a system in a voluntary form was also hampered by CRTC rules at the time, which required television providers to obtain consent from broadcasters before they could overlay emergency notifications onto their programming.[4]

In 2005, CRTC called for proposals regarding a national alerting system; Pelmorex and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation submitted proposals for a national system, while Bell ExpressVu submitted a proposal requesting the removal of the consent requirement. The CBC's proposal would have fed alerts via satellite to decoders installed at local CBC Radio transmitters. It would have allowed television providers to participate on a voluntary basis by installing decoders of their own, if the aforementioned consent requirement were removed. All three applicants promised to adopt the standardized alerting specifications that were developed by the government-backed CANALERT initiative.[4]

While broadcasters and governments supported the proposals for a national alerting system, CTV, Canwest Global and CHUM Limited showed concerns surrounding the Pelmorex proposal, as it would be operated by a for-profit venture that would have the power to override their signals with third-party content, and be redundant to alerts already provided as a public service by some broadcasters. Shaw and Rogers argued that the Pelmorex system was less cost-efficient than the CBC's proposal. It was also disputed whether the CRTC could even order the mandatory distribution of the service, as the CRTC does not regulate alphanumeric content because it is not considered television programming. In 2007, the CRTC removed the consent requirement to ease the adoption of voluntary alerting by broadcast distribution undertakings, but stated that it would reconsider the possibility of a mandatory alert system in the future.[4]


In 2009, the CRTC approved a proposal by Pelmorex to grant must-carry status to The Weather Network and MétéoMédia on digital television services. As part of the proposal, Pelmorex committed to developing a "national aggregator and distributor" (NAAD) of localized emergency alert messages compliant with the Common Alerting Protocol. Pelmorex established a governance council for the system, including representatives of the broadcasting industry, federal government, members of the Senior Officials Responsible for Emergency Management (SOREM), and the Canadian Association for Public Alerting and Notification, to oversee its operations. NAAD would become operational in 2010.[6][7][8]

In a 2011 renewal of the must-carry status, the CRTC praised Pelmorex's work, considering the NAAD system to be "an essential element of a national public alerting system", and expressed an expectation for all broadcasters to voluntarily participate in distributing its alerts. However, as a condition of the renewal, the CRTC ordered Pelmorex to reach agreements with all federal, provincial and territorial emergency management officials to allow them to transmit messages through the system, implement the capability of processing "broadcast intrusive alerts" through the system, and develop a public awareness campaign surrounding the alert system with a budget of at least $1 million per-year.[6][7][8] In June of the same year, the province of Alberta launched a new alerting system of its own, Alberta Emergency Alert, which distributes alerts on radio and television, as well as online and via social networking services.[9][10] This replaced the previous Emergency Public Warning System which had been used since 1992.

Environment Canada, the Canadian Council of Emergency Management Organizations, and the provinces of Manitoba and New Brunswick endorsed the potential use of the NAAD framework as a backend for a mandatory public alerting system.[8][1] On May 26, 2013, SOREM published a "Common Look and Feel" specification for alerts. Developed with guidance from the broadcasting industry, it describes how and when alerts are to be distributed and presented to the public.[1] On February 27, 2014, the CRTC issued a proposal to mandate participation in the national alert system by all broadcasters. The commission felt that owing to the importance of the endeavour, broadcasters had displayed an inconsistent level of commitment to implement it voluntarily.[1]


On August 29, 2014, the CRTC ruled that all Canadian broadcasters, including over-the-air television broadcasters, radio broadcasters, and broadcast distribution undertakings, must begin participating in the National Public Alerting System by March 31, 2015. Community, campus, and aboriginal broadcasters were given an extended deadline of March 31, 2016 to implement the system.[6] The National Public Alerting System was launched on March 31, 2015 under the public-facing brand Alert Ready (French: En Alerte).[11]

Bell TV, MTS, Shaw Direct, and Sogetel do not fully participate in the system, as some of their customers utilize legacy set-top boxes that cannot be updated to support the display of public alerts. They were granted a six-month extension for the implementation deadline by the CRTC in order to address these issues, under the condition that they inform customers that they cannot receive public alerts unless they update their hardware, and must present bi-weekly progress reports to the CRTC. CRTC chairman Jean-Pierre Blais criticized the providers for their inability to properly implement the system, stating that the commission "will not hide our disappointment that certain television service providers are not ready, despite having been given more than enough time [to implement it.]"[12][13]

In December 2015, the CRTC granted an indefinite extension of the exceptions and reporting guidelines to Bell, Shaw Direct, and MTS until they completely phase out hardware that is not compatible with the NPAS. The CRTC felt that the providers had made a good-faith effort in informing customers of their inability to receive public alerts and offering hardware replacements. Bell reported that some customers had declined their offering of a free set-top box replacement as they did not want to participate in receiving alerts. MTS discontinued its legacy "Classic TV" service due to its inability to display alerts, and provided incentives for its remaining customers to upgrade to its current "Ultimate TV" service.[14][15]

Provincial tests began to be held to improve public awareness of the new system, such as in Manitoba,[16] and Quebec. One of the tests in the province on May 19, 2015, simulating a tornado emergency in the Centre-du-Québec region, surprised many people tuned in to radio or TV in the region, leading some to believe that there was an actual tornado emergency.[17]

Mobile alerting

On April 6, 2017, the CRTC required all wireless carriers in Canada to begin relaying public alerts over LTE wireless networks by April 6, 2018, using Cell Broadcast-based standards by ATIS similar to the U.S. Wireless Emergency Alerts system, collaborating with the SOREM Common Look and Feel guidelines.[18][19] Older network technologies such as 3G were excluded from the mandate, since it would have minimal impact because of the ubiquity of LTE in the country (especially due to funds supporting its deployment in underserved areas).[19]

On January 29, 2018, the CRTC informed the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence that the official implementation of mobile alerting might not actually occur on the deadline day. The commission cited concerns over the possibility of false positives (such as a false missile alert in Hawaii earlier that month), and ensuring that the industry meets its goal of at least 50% of devices being capable of receiving mobile alerts by that date.[20][21][22]

The first public awareness test to include Cell Broadcast transmission occurred in Ontario and Quebec on May 7, 2018, with the remaining provinces following suit on May 9, in observance of Emergency Preparedness Week. The test failed on phones in Quebec due to a formatting error in the manually-generated test message (although it was correctly received on all other platforms, including The Weather Network and Météomédia's mobile apps), while users in Ontario reported mixed results.[23]

Testing in the remaining provinces, excluding Nunavut, occurred May 9, 2018, again to mixed results with people reporting having not gotten an alert despite their phones meeting the requirements. Though the test was reported to have worked in Nova Scotia and PEI, reports from Alberta, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories, Newfoundland and Labrador,[24] and Saskatchewan saw people failing to get alerts (although the crown telecom SaskTel deemed it a success).[25][26]


Alert Ready alerts are broadcast to last-mile distributors using the Anik F1R satellite over C-band on virtual channel 206 (with virtual channel 550 as a backup), and using the Anik F2 satellite over Ku-band. Alerts are also distributed over the internet from web servers based in Oakville and Montreal on TCP port 8080. An RSS feed of past alerts is also available.[27]

The presentation of alerts is dictated by the NPAS Common Look and Feel Guidance. Messages are formatted using the Canadian Profile of the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP-CP), and are provided in at least one of Canada's official languages (either English, French, or both, as determined by local policies and laws). Alerts can contain text and audio components, and contain information designating the region that an alert applies to.[28]

Messages marked with "Broadcast Immediately" flags are used to designate alerts that present "an imminent or unexpected threat to life, that alerting officials wish to be distributed and presented to the public as soon as possible, even if it means disrupting the programming of last mile distributors." On television and radio, relevant alerts marked with this flag are immediately presented to viewers when they are received, interrupting programming to facilitate their display. These alerts are prefaced by the Canadian Alerting Attention Signal (a series of square wave tones, alternating between 440 Hz/659 Hz and 932 Hz/1046 Hz), followed by the audio of the alert where applicable or supported by hardware (in the absence of audio, the alert may be read using a text to speech system, or a generic message played).[28]

The Common Look and Feel Guidance prescribes that, on television, the text of alerts be displayed on either a crawler, or as a full screen notice that covers programming, in white text on a red background in both cases. Crawlers inserted by television channels are positioned near the centre of the screen out of respect for those inserted by broadcast distribution undertakings at the bottom of the screen. The guidelines note that "automated broadcast interruption need not be used if a person can present the text of an audience alert message verbally and visually mindful of the other guidance found in [the guidelines]."[28]

A separate "Wireless Immediately" flag is used to require Cell Broadcast distribution as well. Wireless alerts on devices specifically supporting Cell Broadcast alerts utilize the same attention signal sound and a specific vibration pattern mimicking this sound. The Common Look and Feel Guidance specifies that the phone's software must display these alerts with a capitalized, bilingual heading reading "EMERGENCY ALERT / ALERTE D'URGENCE", and a limit of 600 characters due to device limitations. Device software may not offer the ability for alerts to be disabled; as such, on devices configured primarily for U.S. Wireless Emergency Alerts, Canadian messages may be identified by the operating system as a "presidential alert" (the only U.S. category which may not be disabled).[28][29][30][31]

Mobile apps are available that distribute alerts as push notifications to mobile devices such as smartphones.[32][33][9]

Five public awareness tests are scheduled per-year, in which a 30-second test message (60 seconds in provinces where bilingual messages are issued) is publicly broadcast. Four are scheduled quarterly on the third Wednesday of every third month of the year, and an additional test is held in May during Public Safety Canada's "Emergency Preparedness Week". NAAD periodically sends "heartbeat" notifications used to verify network connectivity to alerting hardware; they are not marked for broadcast.[34] Only one public test of wireless alerting will be held per-year, coinciding with the May test during Emergency Preparedness Week. Quarterly tests will still be sent to wireless providers, but they will only be distributed on an internal test channel and will not be sent to end-users.[35]

Participating agencies

Alerts distributed by NAAD originate from specially-designated provincial and federal agencies and ministries, such as Environment Canada, and provincial alerting agencies.[36]


An activation of the system in Manitoba for a tornado spotting led to criticism over the quality of the text-to-speech system used by Manitoba's implementation of the alert system, with viewers reporting a "garbled" message and mispronunciations of community names.[41]

On March 6, 2016, Alert Ready was used to distribute an AMBER Alert in Ontario relating to an alleged kidnapping of a child in Orillia (the child's father was actually picking up the child after it had run from home). Viewers felt that the frequent notifications (especially as it occurred during the U.S. airing of the series finale of Downton Abbey, seen via PBS stations carried in Canada) with full-screen messages and alarm sounds as being disruptive, in comparison to the previous, voluntary practice of Canadian broadcasters displaying AMBER Alert messages on tickers. At the same time, the move was praised for providing a higher degree of prominence to the alert; Orillia Ontario Provincial Police commander Patrick Morris defended its use, stating that "while I will apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, we won't apologize for using all of the tools available to us to find a missing child."[42]

National Post columnist Matt Gurney provided similar praise, but noted that the system's operation hindered its ability to disseminate information quickly. He explained that while the purpose of such a system is to "[get] information to the public as rapidly and as clearly as possible", on his television provider's set-top box "the text was arriving on my screen incredibly slowly. Several minutes into the alert, we were just starting to get the description of the child and the suspect vehicle. It was embarrassing — when seconds count, the province needed minutes to deliver incredibly basic, utterly crucial facts about the emergency. The contrast between the urgently screeching buzz of the alarm and the text crawling up the screen in ultra-slow motion seemed designed for comedic effect." He also, similarly, noted the poor quality of the text-to-speech systems.[43]

Similar criticism emerged following an AMBER Alert in Ontario on May 14, 2018 for a child allegedly kidnapped in Thunder Bay, Ontario—the first to have included mobile Cell Broadcasts. Three different emergency messages were sent, the first contained only English text, but was resent merely a half hour later in order to add a French-language translation, followed by one more alert message stating that the AMBER Alert had been cancelled, and the child found safe. Criticism was directed primarily towards the intrusive presentation of the message, the fact that the alert was sent across the entire province rather than regionalized to only cover a vicinity around Thunder Bay (the alert was received as far as Toronto, which is at least 1,400 kilometres (870 mi) away), and the fact that all wireless alerts are mandatory and cannot be disabled (unlike in the U.S., where they are divided into AMBER Alerts, "Severe", "Extreme", and "Presidential" levels—the last of which may not be disabled). There were concerns that such excessive use could result in alarm fatigue and desensitization to actual local emergencies.[44][30][45]

In September 2018, Scott Shortliffe, chief consumer officer of the CRTC, acknowledged that the effectiveness of the system was being affected by technical problems, following an AMBER Alert in North Battleford, Saskatchewan where the wireless cell broadcast was delayed by several hours (as well as complaints by Manitoba residents over the expansion of said alert into the province),[46] and mixed reports during tornadoes in the Ottawa-Gatineau region (including some users not receiving any message, and users in Quebec only receiving an English-language message).[47] On October 3, 2018, CRTC Secretary General Claude Doucet issued a letter indicating that emergency management organizations were considering holding additional visible tests in November, and ordered wireless service providers to participate and provide at least 30 days notice in the event that one is organized.[48]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d "Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2014-85". CRTC. Retrieved 14 April 2015.
  2. ^ "Weatheradio network". Environment and Climate Change Canada. Retrieved 1 December 2017.
  3. ^ "Weatheradio Canada: general information". Environment and Climate Change Canada. Retrieved 1 December 2017.
  4. ^ a b c d "Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2007-20". CRTC. Retrieved 14 April 2015.
  5. ^ "Decision CRTC 2001-123". CRTC. Retrieved 14 April 2015.
  6. ^ a b c d "Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2014-444 and Broadcasting Orders CRTC 2014-445, 2014-446, 2014-447 and 2014-448". CRTC. Retrieved 14 April 2015.
  7. ^ a b "Broadcasting Order CRTC 2009-340". CRTC. Retrieved 14 April 2015.
  8. ^ a b c "Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2011-438". CRTC. Retrieved 14 April 2015.
  9. ^ a b "Alberta emergency system goes digital". CBC News. Retrieved 9 June 2015.
  10. ^ a b "Digital alert system hard to decipher: critics". CBC News. Retrieved 9 June 2015.
  11. ^ "New emergency-warning system launches in Canada". The Weather Network. Pelmorex. Retrieved 14 April 2015.
  12. ^ "Emergency alert system now active in Canada". CBC News. Retrieved 14 April 2015.
  13. ^ "Canadians who listen to the radio or watch television can now receive emergency alert messages". Government of Canada. Retrieved 14 April 2015.
  14. ^ "Upgrade from MTS Classic TV service to Ultimate TV today". Manitoba Telecom Services. Retrieved 17 August 2015.
  15. ^ "Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2015-569". CRTC. Retrieved 21 December 2015.
  16. ^ "Manitoba to test new emergency alert system on Wednesday". CBC News. Retrieved 8 June 2015.
  17. ^ "Le signal d'alerte qui a surpris le Québec". TVA Nouvelles. Retrieved 8 June 2015.
  18. ^ "Amber Alerts, other urgent warnings to be extended to cellphones by next April". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 7 April 2017.
  19. ^ a b "Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2017-91". CRTC. Retrieved 7 April 2017.
  20. ^ "LTE emergency alert system won't go live in April 2018, CRTC tells Senate". MobileSyrup. 7 February 2018. Retrieved 7 February 2018.
  21. ^ Oliveira, Michael (21 March 2018). "Canadians to get emergency alerts on their phones soon". CTVNews. Retrieved 21 March 2018.
  22. ^ "5 things you need to know about wireless emergency alerts starting this spring". CBC News. Retrieved 21 March 2018.
  23. ^ "That cellphone emergency alert system test for today never really happened". CBC News. CBC. Retrieved 7 May 2018.
  24. ^ "Emergency alert in N.L. is late, and non-existent for others | CBC News". CBC. Retrieved 9 May 2018.
  25. ^ "Glitches reported as emergency alert testing resumes across Canada | CBC News". CBC. Retrieved 9 May 2018.
  26. ^ Mills, Sarah. "SaskTel calls alert test a success despite inconsistencies". 980 CJME. Retrieved 26 May 2018.
  27. ^ "Last Mile Distributor - User Guide" (PDF). Pelmorex. 25 April 2017. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
  28. ^ a b c d "Common Look and Feel Guidance 2.0". Federal / Provincial / Territorial Public Alerting Working Group of Senior Officials Responsible for Emergency Management. Retrieved 1 August 2018.
  29. ^ "Did your cellphone make an alarming sound? Mixed result for B.C. test of new emergency alert system". CBC News. Retrieved 2 August 2018.
  30. ^ a b "Technology exists to improve Ontario's 'Alert Ready' system, experts say". The Globe and Mail. Retrieved 26 May 2018.
  31. ^ "Did you get the B.C. emergency alert?". The Columbia Valley Pioneer. 9 May 2018. Retrieved 2 August 2018.
  32. ^ "Alberta Flood advisories available on new phone app". CBC News. Retrieved 12 July 2016.
  33. ^ "SaskAlert app will keep people in Saskatchewan informed of emergencies". Global News. Corus Entertainment. Retrieved 12 July 2016.
  34. ^ "NAAD System Test Messages" (PDF). Pelmorex. Retrieved 10 May 2017.
  35. ^ "CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee – Consensus reports on a proposed wireless public alerting test alert schedule and methodology". CRTClanguage=en. Retrieved 1 April 2018.
  36. ^ a b "Emergency alert system implemented". The Star-Phoenix. Postmedia Network. 17 April 2016. Archived from the original on 27 June 2015. Retrieved 8 June 2015. {{cite news}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  37. ^ "Public Alerting Bulletin to Last Mile Distributors" (PDF). Pelmorex. Retrieved 9 June 2015.
  38. ^ https://www.emergencyinfobc.gov.bc.ca/test-bc-emergency-alerting-system/
  39. ^ "Emergency Measures Organization: Alert Ready". Government of Manitoba. Retrieved 8 June 2015.
  40. ^ "L'exercice provincial pour tester le système d'urgence est un échec". Le Journal de Quebec (in French). Retrieved 8 June 2015.
  41. ^ "Garbled tornado alert recording panned by Manitobans". CBC News. Retrieved 25 June 2015.
  42. ^ "Ontario viewers peeved after Amber Alert interrupts Sunday night TV-watching". CBC News. Retrieved 9 March 2016.
  43. ^ "Matt Gurney: We need a better robot voice for Amber Alerts". National Post. Retrieved 9 March 2016.
  44. ^ "Amber Alert scares the heck out of everyone in Toronto". blogTO. Retrieved 26 May 2018.
  45. ^ "'It's a complicated system': CRTC to address problems in new wireless emergency alert system". Financial Post. 15 May 2018. Retrieved 26 May 2018.
  46. ^ "Manitobans have mixed reactions to overnight Amber Alert cell phone notification". Global News. Retrieved 3 October 2018.
  47. ^ Berthiaume, Lee (25 September 2018). "Feds working to iron out kinks in public alert system". CTV News. Canadian Press. Retrieved 26 September 2018.
  48. ^ "Telecom Commission Letter - Subject: Requirement that Wireless Service Providers distribute additional visible wireless test alerts". CRTC. Retrieved 3 October 2018.

External links