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Roman Catholic Diocese of Viviers

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Diocese of Viviers

Dioecesis Vivariensis

Diocèse de Viviers
Ecclesiastical provinceLyon
MetropolitanArchdiocese of Lyon
Area5,556 km2 (2,145 sq mi)
- Total
- Catholics
(as of 2022)
326,606 Decrease
284,000 (est.)
Parishes23 'new parishes' Decrease
DenominationRoman Catholic
Sui iuris churchLatin Church
RiteRoman Rite
Established4th Century
CathedralCathedral of St. Vincent in Viviers, Ardèche
Patron saintSaint Vincent
Secular priests79 (diocesan) Decrease
26 (Religious Orders) Decrease
20 Permanent Deacons
Current leadership
BishopHervé Giraud
Metropolitan ArchbishopOlivier de Germay
Bishops emeritusFrançois Blondel
Website of the Diocese
High altar of Viviers Cathedral

The Diocese of Viviers (Latin: Dioecesis Vivariensis; French: Diocèse de Viviers [djɔsɛz vivje]) is a Latin Church diocese of the Catholic Church in France. Erected in the 4th century, the diocese was restored in the Concordat of 1822, and comprises the department of Ardèche, in the Region of Rhône-Alpes. It is a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Lyon. The city of Viviers is located on the west (left) bank of the Rhône River, just south of the confluence of the River L'Escoulay and the Rhône, about 52 km. north of Orange.



Andeolus, a disciple and subdeacon of Polycarp of Smyrna (died 155), brought Christianity to the Vivarais under Emperor Septimius Severus (193–211), and was martyred in 208. This story is based on the hagriography of the Breverarium Lugdunensis. Andeolus and his companions also brought Christianity to Marseille and Lyon.[1]

The "Old Chart" (Carta vetus), drawn up in 950 by Bishop Thomas,[2] the most complete document concerning the primitive Church of Viviers, names five bishops who lived at Alba Augusta (modern Alba-la-Romaine): Januarius, Septimus, Maspicianus, Melanius and Avolus.[3] The last was a victim of the invasion of Chrocus, rex Romanorum, the exact date of the destruction is unknown.

In consequence of the ravages suffered by Alba Augusta, the new bishop, Promotus, transferred the see to Viviers.[4]



It seems that the Diocese of Viviers was disputed for a long time by the metropolitan Sees of Vienne and Arles. From the eleventh century its dependence on Vienne was not contested. John II, cardinal and Bishop of Viviers (1073–1095), had the abbatial church of Cruas consecrated by Urban II and accompanied him to the Council of Clermont.

In the 17th century, the diocese of Viviers was a suffragan of the archbishop of Vienne. The population of the city alone was about 2,000 persons. In 2021 the population of Viviers was 3,674.[5]



Afterwards, it is said that Conrad III gave Lower Vivaraisas to Bishop William (1147) as an independent suzerainty. In the thirteenth century, under the reign of King Louis IX of France, the Bishop of Viviers was obliged to recognize the jurisdiction of the Seneschal of Beaucaire.

By the treaty of 10 July 1305 Philip IV of France obliged the bishops of Viviers to admit the suzerainty of the kings of France over all their temporal domain.[6]

Religious conflicts


Viviers was often troubled by religious conflicts: the Albigensian Crusade in the thirteenth century.[7]

The first example of protestant activity in the Vivarais was at Annonay, northwest of Viviers, in the mountains. In 1528, a former Franciscan named Étienne Machopolis, a doctor of theology, who had known Martin Luther in Saxony, began preaching in public against the cults of saints and other superstitions. He was driven out, but in the next year another ex-Franciscan, Étienne Rénier, who preached a similar policy, was arrested, taken to Vienne, and burned at the stake.[8] By 1562, there were enough Protestants in Viviers that Noë Aubert, Seigneur de Saint-Alban, assembled a force of Huguenots in the Dauphiné, crossed the Rhône, and seized Viviers. The cathedral of Saint-Vincent was pillaged, the residences of the bishop and of the canons damaged, and the relics burnt. Viviers became a protestant stronghold.[9]

After the massacre of Huguenots at Vassy on 1 March 1562, led by the Catholic François, Duke of Guise, the Protestant Louis de Bourbon, Prince de Condé, abandoned the French court and met the Protestant lords at Orleans on 11 April 1562; the city of Viviers joined his party, along with Privas, Tournon, Annonay, Aubenas, and Villeneuve-de Berg.[10] In November 1562, the reformers held an assembly in Nîmes, which they called the Estates of Languedoc; it was only a meeting of representatives of the cities, however, most of whom were Protestant, including Noël Aubert, who represented Viviers. They appointed the Comte de Crussol their chief and conservator of the country until the majority of King Charles IX of France, who was only twelve; and the Sieur de Cournonterral the governor of the Vivarais. In December 1562, the real Estates of Languedoc were summoned by Vicomte Guillaume de Joyeuse, royal lieutenant-general of Languedoc.[11]

In February 1567, Noël Aubert made a second attack on Viviers, and ordered the cathedral to be pulled down and the episcopal palace, which had been built by Bishop Claude de Tournon (1499–1523) to be demolished.[12]

The reign of Louis XIII witnessed the revolt of the Calvinists (1627–1629) against royal authority, which ended in the capture of Privas by the royal army; the Dragonnades under Louis XIV after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes; the war of the Camisards (1702–1710).

French Revolution


One of the first acts of the French Revolution was the abolition of feudalism and its institutions, including estates, provinces, duchies, baillies, and other obsolete organs of government. The National Constituent Assembly ordered their replacement by political subdivisions called "departments", to be characterized by a single administrative city in the center of a compact area. The decree was passed on 22 December 1789, the boundaries fixed on 26 February 1790, with the institution to be effective on 4 March 1790.[13] A metropolitanate called "Metropole du Sud-est" was established, which consisted of nine departments, one of which was "Ardèche".[14] It's administrative center was fixed at Viviers. The National Constituent Assembly then, on 6 February 1790, instructed its ecclesiastical committee to prepare a plan for the reorganization of the clergy. At the end of May, its work was presented as a draft Civil Constitution of the Clergy, which, after vigorous debate, was approved on 12 July 1790. There was to be one diocese in each department,[15] requiring the suppression of approximately fifty dioceses,[16] especially along the Rhône River.[17] The new dioceses were grouped into ten "Metropoles", one of which was the "Metropole du Sud-Est," which contained both Rhône-et-Loire (with the metropolitan seated at Lyons) and Ardèche (Viviers). Both the establishment and the suppression of dioceses, however, was a canonical matter, and was reserved to the pope, not to the National Constituent Assembly.

Bishop de Savine


Charles de Savine had been bishop of Viviers since 1778. He was not elected by his clergy to the Estates General which met in Versailles in 1789.[18] His liberal sympathies were demonstrated when he presided at a Mass at Viviers on the "Fête de la fédération" on 14 July 1790.[19] Though he hesitated over approving of the Civil Constitution, he finally took the required oath,[20] one of only four bishops who did.[21] He then resigned his bishopric, and successfully stood for election as constitutional bishop of Ardèche. As a constitutional bishop, he proceeded to consecrate as bishops two of his vicars, and, in 1793, travelled with them to Grenoble to consecrate the constitutional bishop of Isère, Henri Reymond. On 1 December 1793, he resigned all his episcopal functions at the departmental assembly, and became a supporter of the Cult of Reason. Driven out of Viviers, he took refuge in Annonay, Tournon, and then Embrun, but eventually was captured, sent to Paris, and imprisoned. After the death of Robespierre he was freed, and found a job at the Arsenal library.[22] In 1800, he made an effort to regain the bishopric of Viviers, but was firmly rebuffed by the clergy of the diocese, led by the Grand Vicar.[23]

While Bishop de Savine was in schism and apostasy, the administration of the diocese of Viviers were entrusted to the archbishop of Vienne, Charles d'Aviau, by a special grant of powers by Pope Pius VI.[24] With the permission of the archbishop, daily administration was placed in the hands of the Grand Vicar of Viviers, Régis Vernet.[25]

Napoleon and restoration


On 9–10 November 1799, the Coup of 18 Brumaire resulted in the establishment of the French Consulate, with Napoleon as the First Consul. To advance his aggressive military foreign policy, he believed it necessary to make internal peace with the Catholic Church.[26] Negotiations began immediately, and resulted in the Concordat of 1801 (July and August) with Pope Pius VII, which was highly favorable to Napoleon's interests. As under the ancien régime, the nomination to bishoprics belonged to the head of state, and the pope reserved the right to approve or reject the candidate.[27]

The bishopric of Viviers and all the other dioceses in France were suppressed by Pius VII in the bull "Qui Christi Domini" of 29 November 1801. This removed all the contaminations and novelties introduced by the Constitutional Church.[28] In the reestablishment of the ecclesiastical order, Vienne disappeared as a metropolitan archdiocese, and became a suffragan diocese of the archbishopric of Lyon. Viviers, a former suffragan of Vienne, is not mentioned.

The diocesan structure of France was re-established by Pope Pius VII on 27 July 1817, by the bull "Commissa divinitus".[29] The diocese of Viviers was included in the ecclesiastical province of Vienne, which was returned to metropolitan status.[30] The terms of the bull are re-enacted in the bull "Paternae Charitatis" of 6 October 1822.[31] The diocese then included almost all the ancient Diocese of Viviers and some part of the ancient Diocese of Valence, Vienne, Le Puy and Uzès (see Nîmes). On 24 September 1821, in the bull "Novam de Galliarum," at the request of King Louis XVIII, Pope Pius VII assigned the new diocese of Viviers as a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Avignon.[32] The first bishop, André Molin, was appointed by King Louis on 10 Aoril 1823, and approved by the pope on 16 May 1823; he was consecrated a bishop on 6 July 1823 by the Archbishop of Paris, Hyacinthe-Louis de Quélen.[33]



To 1000

  • Januarius
  • Septimius
  • Maspicianus
  • Melanius[34]
  • c. 407–c. 411: Avolus[35]
  • c. 411–c. 431: Auxonius
  • c. 452–c. 463: Promotus[36]
  • c. 486–c. 500: Lucianus[37]
  • c. 507: Valerianus[38]
  • c. 517–c. 537: Venantius[39]
  • Rusticus[40]
  • (attested 549) Melanius (II)[41]
  • Eucherius[42]
  • Firminus[43]
  • Aulus[44]
  • Eumachius[45]
  • c. 673: Longinus.[46]
  • Joannes I.[47]
  • Ardulfus[48]
  • c. 740: Arcontius[49]
  • Eribaldus[50]
  • c. 815: Thomas I.[51]
  • c. 833: Teugrinus[52]
  • c. 850: Celsus
  • c. 851–874: Bernoin[53]
  • c. 875: Etherius (Ætherius)[54]
  • c. 892: Rostaing I[55]
  • c. 908: Richard[56]
  • c. 950: Thomas II[57]
  • c. 965–c. 970: Rostaing II[58]
  • c. 974: Arman I[59]
  • c. 993: Pierre[60]

From 1000 to 1300


From 1300 to 1500


From 1500 to 1805


From 1802

The diocese was suppressed from 1801 to 1823.

See also



  1. ^ Hauréau, Gallia christiana XVI (Paris 1865), p. 539. Roche I, pp. 5-12.
  2. ^ Duchesne, pp. 235–237.
  3. ^ Duchesne, p. 236: "Civitas Albensium quao fuit subversa a Croco rege Romanorum; sub ipso rege asseritur isti episcopi fuisse Albenses: Primus episcopus lanoarius. Secundus Septimius...." None is called a "saint" in the only document that refers to them.
  4. ^ Duchesne, p. 236, quoting the "Vetus charta": "Primus episcopus in Vivario Promotus praefuit, qui de Albense Vivario [se] contulit et Alba vicum appellari volait. Deinde secundus episcopus Lucianus régnante Alarico...." This was Alaric II (484–507).
  5. ^ Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 371, note 1. Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, p. 417, note 1; VI, p. 444, note 1.
  6. ^ Roche, pp. 269, 360-366.
  7. ^ Jean Régné, Histoire du Vivarais, (in French) Volume 2 (Impr. Mazel, 1921), pp. 67-71.
  8. ^ Arnaud I, pp. 5-6.
  9. ^ Arnaud I, pp. 42, 55: "Les protestants du Vivarais qui, au 7 mars 1563, étaient maîtres des villes de Viviers, Villeneuve-de-Berg, Aubenas et Privas, continuèrent, sans doute, à y exercer leur religion."
  10. ^ Arnaud I, p. 35-36.
  11. ^ Auguste Le Sourd, Essai sur les Ētats de Vivarais depuis leurs origines (Paris 1926), p. 243.
  12. ^ Arnaud I, p. 58.
  13. ^ Pisani, pp. 10-11. Departement de Puy-de-Dôme, "Création du département"; retrieved 15 July 2024.
  14. ^ Pisani, p. 277.
  15. ^ "Civil Constitution," Title I, "Article 1. Chaque département formera un seul diocèse, et chaque diocèse aura la même étendue et les mêmes limites que le département."
  16. ^ Ludovic Sciout, Histoire de la constitution civile du clergé (1790-1801): L'église et l'Assemblée constituante, (in French and Latin) ., Vol. 1 (Paris: Firmin Didot 1872), p. 182: Art. 2 "...Tous les autres évêchés existant dans les quatre-vingt-trois départements du royaume, et qui ne sont pas nommément compris au présent article, sont et demeurent supprimés."
  17. ^ Pisani, p. 11.
  18. ^ Pisani, p. 286.
  19. ^ Roche II, p. 322.
  20. ^ Pisani, p. 286.
  21. ^ Pisani, p. 18: Talleyrand of Autun, Jarente of Orleans, Loménie de Brienne of Sens, and Savine.
  22. ^ Pisani, pp. 286-287.
  23. ^ Régis Vernet, Lettres apologétiques du clergé catholique du diocese de Viviers, a M. Charles Lafond-de-Savine (in French) (1800).
  24. ^ Pisani, p. 288.
  25. ^ Roche, II, p. 325. Régis Vernet, Lettres apologétiques du clergé catholique du diocese de Viviers, a M. Charles Lafond-de-Savine (in French) (1800).
  26. ^ Hippolyte Taine, The Origins of Contemporary France. The Modern Régime, Volume 1 (H. Holt, 1890), p. 153.
  27. ^ Émile Sévestre, L'histoire, le texte et la destinée du Concordat de 1801, (in French and Latin), 2nd edition (Paris: Lethielleux, 1905), pp. 244-246, 485. Jules Baissac, Le Concordat de 1801 et les articles organiques, (in French), (Paris: Sandoz et Fischbacher, 1879), p. 5: "Art. V. Les nominations aux évêchés qui vaqueront dans la suite seront également faites par le premier consul, et l'institution canonique sera donnée par le Saint-Siège, en conformité de l'article précédent." "Item Consul Primus ad Episcopales Sedes quae in posterum vacaverint novos Antistites nominabit, iisque ut in articulo praecedenti constitutum est, Apostolica Sedes Canonicam dabit Institutionem." "Art. XVI. Sa Sainteté reconnaît, dans le premier consul de la République française , les mêmes droits et prérogatives dont jouissait près d'elle l'ancien gouvernement."
  28. ^ J.B. Duvergier (ed.), Collection complète des lois, décrets, ordonnances, réglemens et avis du Conseil d'état, (in French and Latin), Volume 13 (Paris: A. Guyot et Scribe, 1826), pp. 372-373; p. 387.
  29. ^ Bullarii Romani continuatio, (in Latin), Tomus septimus, pars 2 (Prati: Typographua Aldina 1852), pp. 1512-1517.
  30. ^ "Commissa divinitus" § 3; § 20.
  31. ^ Bullarii Romani continuatio, (in Latin), Tomus septimus, pars 2 (Prati: Typographua Aldina 1852), pp. 2295-2304.
  32. ^ Bullarii Romani continuatio, (in Latin), Tomus septimus, pars 2 (Prati: Typographua Aldina 1852), pp. 2185-2186.
  33. ^ Ritzler & Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, p. 398.
  34. ^ The existence of Melanius is contested. The authors of Gallia Christiana omit the name entirely. Roche I, pp. 18-19, 23, points out that the name is a doublet of the Melanius of the mid-6th century. Duchesne, p. 237, no.4, states that it is probably (sans doute) necessary to restore the name, since there was a person of that name (but without indication of his diocese) at the council of Nîmes in October 396: C. Munier, Concilia Galliae (Turnholt: Brepols 1963), p. 52.
  35. ^ Avolus: Roche I, pp. 20-23.
  36. ^ The authors of Gallia christiana, p. 544, call him "Eulalius," deceived by a forgery of Polycarpe de la Rivière. Duchesne, p. 237, note 2.
  37. ^ Bishop Lucianus is said by the "Old chart" to have lived in the time of Alaric (484–507). Duchesne, p. 237, no. 7.
  38. ^ He is called "Valerius" by Gallia christiana, p. 544, on the basis of a martyrology: "IV Kal. Februarii, depositio B. Valerii, episcopi Vivariensis, qui B. Luciano, regnante Alarico, successit."
  39. ^ Bishop Venantius is claimed as a son of Sigismund the son of Gondebaud, King of Burgundy (Roche, p. 37), at least by hagiographic sources; historical sources do not mention him in that context. He was present at the Council of Epaona in September 517. He was also present at the Concilium Arvernense in November 535. Jacques Sirmond (1789). Conciliorum Galliae tam editorum quam ineditorum collectio (in Latin). Vol. Tomus primus. Paris: sumptibus P. Didot. pp. 900, 984. Venantius in Christi nomine episcopus civitatis Albensium relegi et subscripsi. Venantius in Christi nomine episcopus ecclesiae Vivariensis. Gallia christiana XVI, p. 545. Roche, I, pp. 36–43.
  40. ^ It is claimed that Rusticus reigned for only nine months, following the death of Venantius. The single document referring to him has been demonstrated to be a forgery. His existence depends solely on the hagiographic Acts of Saint Venantius, where he is called a Roman, who, in his avarice, destroyed nearly all that Venantius had built. Roche, I, pp. 43–45. Acta Sanctorum Augusti Tomus II (Amsterdam 1733), pp. 103–110, at p. 109C.
  41. ^ The Archdeacon Cautinus, representing Bishop Melanius episcopus Albensium, was present at the Fifth Council of Orange in October 549. Sirmond, I, p. 1043. C. De Clercq, Concilia Galliae, A. 511 – A. 695 (Turnhout: Brepols 1963), p. 160.
  42. ^ Eucherius is claimed as Helvetian royalty. His administration saw famine, flood, invasion and pillage, and a plague in the Vivarais. Roche, pp. 45–48. Gams, p. 656. Omitted by Gallia christiana XVI, p. 546. His name appears, however in the "Charta vetus": Duchesne, p. 236.
  43. ^ Firminus is said to have served for only a few weeks or months, resigning in favor of his son: Roche, pp. 48–50. Gams, p. 656. Omitted by Gallia christiana XVI, p. 546. His name appears, however in the "Charta vetus": Duchesne, p. 236.
  44. ^ Aulus was a son of Bishop Firminus, his predecessor. Roche, pp. 48–53. Gams, p. 656. Omitted by Gallia christiana XVI, p. 546.
  45. ^ Eumachius: Omitted by Gallia christiana XVI, p. 546. His name appears, however in the "Charta vetus": Duchesne, p. 236.
  46. ^ Longinus: Gallia christiana XVI, p. 546.
  47. ^ Joannes is known only from the Charta vetus. Gallia christiana XVI, p. 546. Roche, p. 57.
  48. ^ Arnulfus is known only from the Charta vetus. Gallia christiana XVI, p. 546. Roche, p. 58.
  49. ^ Arcontius is said by a local martyrology to have been killed by the citizens of Viviers. Gallia christiana XVI, p. 546–547. Roche, pp. 60–64.
  50. ^ Nothing is known about Eribaldus for certain. Gallia christiana XVI, p. 547. Roche, p. 64.
  51. ^ Thomas was the author of the "Charta vetus". Gallia christiana XVI, p. 547.
  52. ^ Teugrinus episcopus Albensis witnessed a grant made by Aldricus, Archbishop of Sens, at the Council of Sens ca. 833. Luc d' d' Achery (1657). Veterum aliquot scriptorum qui in Galliae Bibliothecis, maximè Benedictinorum, latuerant, Spicilegium: Tomus Secundus ... (in Latin). Paris: apud Carolum Savreux. p. 583. Gallia christiana XVI, p. 547. Duchesne, p. 239, no. 21.
  53. ^ Bishop Bernoinus governed the church of Viviers for 23 years. He is attested in 852, and his successor is in place in 875. Duchesne, p. 239, no. 23.
  54. ^ Eutherius was present at the Council of Châlons-sur-Saone in 875; in 876 at the Concilium Pontigorense; in 878 at the Council of Arles. He obtained a confirmation of the privileges of the Church of Viviers from Chales the Bald in 877: Gallia christiana XVI, pp. 548–549; and Instrumenta p. 221–222, no. 4, where he is called Hitherius. Roche, I, pp. 86-91. Duchesne, p. 239, no. 24.
  55. ^ Rostaing: Roche, I, pp. 92–94. Duchesne, p. 239, no. 25.
  56. ^ Richard: Roche, I, pp. 94-98.
  57. ^ Thomas: Roche, I, pp. 98–104.
  58. ^ Roche, I, pp. 105-107.
  59. ^ Arman: Roche, I, pp. 107–110.
  60. ^ Pierre: Roche, I, pp. 111-114.
  61. ^ Arman: Gallia christiana XVI, pp. 550–551. Roche, I, pp. 114–118.
  62. ^ Gerard: Gallia christiana XVI, p. 551. Roche, I, pp. 119–124.
  63. ^ Giovanni was born in Siena, the nephew of the former Papal Legate to France, Giovanni di Toscanella. He became a protégé of Cardinal Hildebrand, later Pope Gregory VII. It was Pope Gregory, shortly after his election, who appointed Giovanni as Bishop of Viviers. He was called back to Rome in 1076, however, because of the crisis with Emperor Henry IV, and made a cardinal. Viviers was left in the care of Olivier, formerly Dean of Embrun. On the death of Gregory in 1085, Giovanni returned to Viviers. Roche, I, pp. 124–130. Gallia christiana XVI, pp. 551–552.
  64. ^ Leodegarius was still alive in February 1119, since he attended Pope Calixtus II's Council of Beauvais: Gallia christiana XVI, pp. 552–554. Roche, I, pp. 130–139.
  65. ^ Hatto was present at the Council of Reims in October 1119. Gallia christiana XVI, p. 554.
  66. ^ Robert de La Tour du Pin: Roche I, pp. 165-167.
  67. ^ Nicholas had resigned by 20 January 1205, when Pope Innocent III ordered a new bishop to be elected within eight days. A. Potthast, Regesta pontificum Romanorum Vol. I (Berlin 1874), p. 205 no. 2380. Eubel, I, p. 533 note 1.
  68. ^ Bruno: Eubel, I, p. 533.
  69. ^ Guillaume: Roche I, pp. 205-208.
  70. ^ Aimon was the son of the late count of Geneva, and brother of Count Robert of Geneva. The archbishop of Vienne was ordered by Pope Alexander IV, in a mandate of 1 February 1255, to place Aimon, the Cantor of the cathedral Chapter of Geneva, on the episcopal throne of Viviers. Roche, pp. 231, 351-352. Charles Bourel de la Roncière, Les registres d'Alexandre IV (in Latin) (Paris: E. Thorin 1895), p. 40. no. 149. Eubel, I, p. 533.
  71. ^ Pierre de Mortemart of Limoges was a Doctor in utroque iure, and taught law at the University of Toulouse. He lived for a time at the papal court in Avignon, and was an intimate of Cardinal Hugues. He had been Cantor in the cathedral Chapter of Bourges. He was appointed bishop of Viviers by Pope John XXII on 16 June 1322. He was named a cardinal by Pope John XXII on 18 December 1327, and was transferred to the diocese of Auxerre on 7 October 1325. Roche I, pp. 290-298. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica I, pp. 16, no. 21; 120; 533.
  72. ^ Aymar: Roche, II, pp. 5–14.
  73. ^ Bertrand: Roche, II, pp. 15–23.
  74. ^ Jean Allarmet de Brogny was appointed by Clement VII on 11 August 1382. He had been Dean of the Chapter of the Cathedral of Gap. In July 1385 he was named Cardinal Priest of S. Anastasia Eubel, I, pp. 28 and 533.
  75. ^ Olivier de Matrueil, Dean of Autun, was appointed Bishop of Viviers by Clement VII on 15 August 1385. He was transferred to the diocese of Châlons-sur-Saone on 29 January 1387. Eubel, I, pp. 152 and 533.
  76. ^ Cardinal Pileus de Prato was Administrator, according to Gallia christiana XVI, pp. 577–578. Eubel, I, p. 23
  77. ^ Guillaume was appointed on 23 December 1388. He died on 28 September 1406. Eubel, I, p. 533.
  78. ^ Jean de Linieres was appointed on 19 October 1406, and consecrated on 13 March 1407. He died on 1 September 1442. Gallia christiana XVI, pp. 578–579. Eubel, I, p. 533; II, p. 269.
  79. ^ Guillaume was granted his bulls of consecration and institution on 27 September 1442. He died on 16 August 1454. Eubel, II, p. 269.
  80. ^ Helie had been Bishop of Alet (1448–1454). He received his bulls for Viviers on 29 November 1454. Eubel, II, p. 269.
  81. ^ Cardinal della Rovere was approved on 3 December 1477. He was transferred to Mende on 3 July 1478. Eubel, II, pp. 192 and 269.
  82. ^ Gallia christiana XVI, pp. 581–582. Eubel, II, p. 269.
  83. ^ Claude was an illegitimate son of Guillaume V de Tournon. He had been Provost of the Church of Viviers, and was a Protonotary Apostolic. He was appointed to the Church of Viviers on 20 September 1499. Gallia christiana XVI, pp. 582–583. Eubel, II, p. 270.
  84. ^ De Tournon was the grand-nephew of Claude de Tournon, and was appointed at the age of 21. He was only Administrator of Viviers until he was 27 and could be consecrated bishop. In the meantime he was studying Canon Law at Poitiers. Eubel, III, p. 336.
  85. ^ De Maillé was approved by Pope Julius III on 1 September 1550. Eubel, III, p. 336.
  86. ^ Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, the grandson of Pope Paul III, was appointed Administrator of the diocese of Viviers on 25 June 1554; his Administration ceased on the approval of the new bishop on 12 November 1554. He never visited Viviers. Roche II, pp. 144-148. Eubel, III, p. 336.
  87. ^ A native of Bologna, Sala was Rector of the Venaissin in 1553, and vice-Legate in Avignon in 1554; in that year he was appointed Bishop of Viviers. From 24 September to 4 October, he participated in a meeting of the Estates of Languedoc at Montpellier. Having taken possession of the diocese, he chose to live at Avignon, where he was still vice-Legate. He attended the Council of Trent in 1560. He resigned in 1564. Roche II, pp. 138-140 (stating, incorrectely, that Sala died in 1560). Eubel, III, p. 336, with note 8.
  88. ^ Saint Vitale, a priest of Parma, was appointed on 6 September 1564, though the diocese of Viviers was in the hands of the Huguenots. He lived in Avignon, and was bishop in name only. He died on 5 January 1571. Gallia christiana XVI, p. 584. Eubel, III, p. 336.
  89. ^ D'Urre was appointed on 27 August 1571, and died towards the end of 1572. Gallia christiana XVI, p. 584. Roche II, pp. 153-155. Eubel, III, p. 336.
  90. ^ L'Hôtel was confirmed by Pope Gregory XIII on 2 September 1575. He did not appear in Viviers until 1585. He died on 6 April 1621 at the age of 94. Gallia christiana XVI, p. 585. Eubel, III, p. 336.
  91. ^ La Baume the second son of Rostaing de la Baume, Comte de Suze. was named Coadjutor Bishop and Bishop of Pompeiopolis on 13 November 1617. He succeeded to the diocese on the death of Bishop l'Hôtel on 6 April 1621. He did not participate in the Assembly of the French Clergy of 1682. La Baume died on 5 September 1690 at the age of 95. Jean, pp. 486–487. Gauchat, IV, p. 371.
  92. ^ Chambonas had previously been Bishop of Lodève (1671–1692). He was nominated Bishop of Viviers by King Louis XIV on 22 September 1690, but not approved by Pope Innocent XII until 5 May 1692. During the brief pontificate of Pope Alexander VIII he had taken no action on the nomination. Chambonas therefore held only the temporalities, and was not released from Lodève until 1692. He died on 21 February 1713. Jean, p. 487. Ritzler, V, p. 246; p. 417, with note 3.
  93. ^ Jean, pp. 487–488. Ritzler, V, p. 417, with note 4.
  94. ^ La Fare was Abbot of Mortemer (Rouen). In February 1723 he was named Bishop of Viviers, but on 24 August was offered the diocese of Laon. He chose the latter, and was never installed in Viviers. Jean, p. 488.
  95. ^ Villeneuve was a native of Aix-en-Provence. Jean, p. 488. Ritzler, V, p. 417, with note 5.
  96. ^ Morel was born in Aix-en-Provence, a nephew of Bishop de Villeneuve. He obtained a Licenciate in theology (Paris). He was Vicar General of Viviers for his uncle for five years. On 9 April 1748 he was nominated by King Louis XV to be bishop of Viviers, and on 16 September his bulls were approved by Pope Benedict XIV. He was consecrated on 6 October in Paris at Saint-Sulpice by his uncle. He resigned the diocese on 29 May 1778, and died on 19 September 1783 at the age of 68. Jean, p. 488. Ritzler, VI, p. 444 with note 2.
  97. ^ The son of Charles, Comte de Savine, was born in the diocese of Embrun, and obtained a Licenciate in theology (Paris). He was Vicar General of Mende for ten years. On 21 April 1778 he was nominated by King Louis XVI to be bishop of Viviers, and on 1 June his bulls were approved by Pope Pius VI. In 1791 he took the oath required of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, but when Reason replaced Religion in 1793, he was forced to flee, but was captured and imprisoned for seven months. He declined to resign at the request of Pope Pius VII in 1801, and died on 5 January 1815. Jean, pp. 488–489. Ritzler & Sefrin, VI, p. 444 with note 3. Roche, II, pp. 318-343. Pisani, pp. 284-289.
  98. ^ Société bibliographique (France) (1907). L'épiscopat français depuis le Concordat jusqu'à la Séparation (1802–1905). Paris: Librairie des Saints-Pères. p. 687.. Roche II, pp. 344-349.
  99. ^ Brageresse: Roche II, pp. 350-371. L'épiscopat français depuis le Concordat, pp. 687–688.
  100. ^ Guibert: L'épiscopat français depuis le Concordat, pp. 688–689.
  101. ^ Delcusy: L'épiscopat français depuis le Concordat, pp. 689–690.
  102. ^ Bonnet: L'épiscopat français depuis le Concordat, p. 690.



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