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Districts of Uzbekistan

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Ymblanter (talk | contribs) at 11:48, 22 January 2016 (you screwed up all the links, and did not even demonstrate that these names are the most common in English). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

The regions of Uzbekistan are divided into districts (tuman). The districts are listed by region, in the general direction from west to east. Names often transliterated from Russian.

Okresi of Uzbekistan
Okresi of Uzbekistan
Districts of Karakalpakstan
District name District capital
1 Amudaryo District Mang‘it
2 Beruniy District Beruniy
3 Chimboy District Chimboy
4 Ellikqala District Bo‘ston
5 Kegeyli District* Kegeyli
6 Mo‘ynoq District Mo‘ynoq
7 Nukus District Oqmang‘it
8 Qonliko‘l District Qanliko‘l
9 Qo‘ng‘irot District Qo‘ng‘irot
10 Qorao‘zak District Qorao‘zak
11 Shumanay District Shumanay
12 Taxtako‘pir District Taxtako‘pir
13 To‘rtko‘l District To‘rtko‘l
14 Xo‘jayli District Xo‘jayli

*Kegeyli district was created in 2004 by the merger of former Bozatau district (the northern part of district 5 on the map) and former Kegeyli district (the south-eastern part of district 5). This merger was effected by Resolution 598-II of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan (11 February 2004) and Resolution 225 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (11 May 2004), which abolished Bozatau district and created the enlarged Kegeyli district. Prior to that date, there were 15 districts in Karakalpakstan. See Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Karakalpakstan on gov.uz.

Districts of Xorazm
Key District name District capital
1 Bog‘ot District Bog‘ot
2 Gurlen District Gurlen
3 Xonqa District Xonqa
4 Xazorasp District Xazorasp
5 Khiva District Khiva
6 Qo‘shko‘pir District Qo‘shko‘pir
7 Shovot District Shovot
8 Urganch District Qorovul
9 Yangiariq District Yangiariq
10 Yangibozor District Yangibozor
Districts of Navoiy
Key District name District capital
1 Kanimekh District Kanimekh
2 Karmana District Karmana
3 Kyzyltepa District Kyzyltepa
4 Khatyrchi District Yangirabad
5 Navbakhor District Beshrabot
6 Nurata District Nurata
7 Tamdy District Tamdibulok
8 Uchkuduk District Uchkuduk
Districts of Bukhara
Key District name District capital
1 Alat District Alat
2 Bukhara District Galaasiya
3 Gijduvan District Gijduvan
4 Jondor District Jondor
5 Kagan District Kagan
6 Karakul District Qorako‘l
7 Karaulbazar District Karaulbazar
8 Peshku District Yangibazar
9 Romitan District Romitan
10 Shafirkan District Shafirkan
11 Vabkent District Vabkent
Districts of Samarqand
District name District capital
1 Bulungur District Bulungur
2 Ishtikhon District Ishtikhon
3 Jomboy District Jomboy
4 Kattakurgan District Paishanba
5 Koshrabot District Koshrabot
6 Narpay District Oqtosh
7 Nurobod District Nurobod
8 Oqdarya District Laish
9 Pakhtachi District Ziadin
10 Payariq District Payariq
11 Pastdargom District Juma
12 Samarqand District Gulabad
13 Toyloq District Toyloq
14 Urgut District Urgut

Latinization of district names according to Samarqand regional web site on gov.uz

Districts of Qashqadaryo
District name District capital
1 Chirakchi District (Chiroqchi) Chirakchi
2 Dehkanabad District Karashina
3 Guzar District Guzar
4 Kamashi District Kamashi
5 Karshi District Beshkent
6 Koson District Koson
7 Kasby District Muglan
8 Kitob District Kitab
9 Myrishkor District Yangi-Mirishkor
10 Muborak District Muborak
11 Nishon District Yangi-Nishon
12 Shakhrisabz District Shahrisabz
13 Yakkabog District Yakkabog

Latinization of district names according to Qashqadaryo Region web site on gov.uz

Districts of Surxondaryo
District name District capital
1 Angor District Angor
2 Bandixon District Bandixon
3 Boysun District Boysun
4 Denov District Denov (Denau)
5 Jarkurghon District Jarkurghon
6 Kizirik District Sariq
7 Kumkurghon District Kumkurghon
8 Muzrabot District Khalkobod (Khalkabad)
9 Oltinsoy District Qarluq
10 Sariosiyo District Sariosiyo
11 Sherobod District Sherobod (Shirabad)
12 Shurchi District Shurchi
13 Termiz District Uchkhizil
14 Uzun District Uzun

Bandikhon and Kizirik Districts was merged in December 2010 [1]

Districts of Jizzakh
Key District name District capital
1 Arnasay District Goliblar
2 Bakhmal District Usmat
3 Dustlik District Dustlik
4 Forish District Yangikishlok
5 Gallaorol District Gallorol
6 Jizzakh District Uchtepa
7 Mirzachul District Gagarin
8 Pakhtakor District Pakhtakor
9 Yangiabad District Balandchakir
10 Zaamin District Zaamin
11 Zafarobod District Zafarobod
12 Zarbdar District Zarbdar
Districts of Sirdaryo
Key District name District capital
1 Akaltyn District Sardoba
2 Bayaut District Bayaut
3 Gulistan District Dehkonobod
4 Khavast District Khavast
5 Mirzaabad District Navruz
6 Saikhunabad District Saikhun
7 Sharof Rashidov District Pakhtaabad
8 Sirdaryo District Sirdaryo
9 Mekhnatabad District Kakhraman
Districts of Tashkent
District name District capital
1 Bekabad District Zafar
2 Bostanliq District Gazalkent
3 Buka District Buka
4 Chinaz District Chinaz
5 Qibray District Qibray
6 Okhangaron District Okhangaron
7 Oqqurgan District Oqqurgan
8 Parkent District Parkent
9 Piskent District Piskent
10 Quyi Chirchiq District Dustobod
12 Orta Chirchiq District Toytepa
13 Yangiyol District Gulbakhor
14 Yukori Chirchiq District Yangibozor
11 Zangiata District Keles

Toshkent and Zangiota Districts was merged in August 2010 [2]

Latinization of district names according to Tashkent regional web site on gov.uz

Districts of Namangan
Key District name District capital
1 Chartak District Chartak
2 Chust District Chust
3 Kasansay District Kasansay
4 Mingbulak District Jumashuy
5 Namangan District Tashbulak
6 Naryn District Khakkulabad
7 Pap District Pap
8 Turakurgan District Turakurgan
9 Uchkurgan District Uchkurgan
10 Uychi District Uychi
11 Yangikurgan District Yangikurgan
Districts of Fergana
District name District capital
1 Altyariq District Altyariq
2 Baghdad District Baghdad
3 Beshariq District Beshariq
4 Buvayda District Ibrat
5 Dangara District Dangara
6 Fergana District Vadil
7 Furqat District Navbakhor
8 Qo'shtepa District Langar
9 Quva District Quva
10 Rishton District Rishton
11 Sokh District Ravan
12 Tashlaq District Tashlaq
13 Uchkuprik District Uchkuprik
14 Uzbekistan District Yaypan
15 Yozyovon District Yozyovon

Ohunboboev District was renamed to Qo'shtepa District in August 2010.

Latinization of district names according to Fergana regional web site on gov.uz

Districts of Andijan
District name District capital
1 Andijan District Kuyganyar
2 Asaka District Asaka
3 Baliqchi District Baliqchi
4 Boz District Boz
5 Buloqboshi District Buloqboshi
6 Izboskan District Paytug
7 Jalalkuduk District Akhunbabaev
8 Khodjaobad District Khodjaobad
9 Kurgontepa District Kurgontepa
10 Marhamat District Marhamat
11 Oltinkol District Oltinkol
12 Pakhtaabad District Pakhtaabad
13 Shakhrihon District Shakhrihon
14 Ulugnor District Okoltin

Latinization of district names according to Andijan regional web site on gov.uz

Source: Administrative-Territorial Division of the Republic of Uzbekistan, map, State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography, and State Cadastre, Tashkent, 2007.

Tashkent City

Districts of Tashkent City
Nr District Population
1 Bektemir 27,500 20.5 1,341
2 Chilanzar 217,000 30.0 7,233
3 Hamza 204,800 33.7 6,077
4 Mirobod 122,700 17.1 7,175
5 Mirzo Ulugbek 245,200 31.9 7,687
6 Sergeli 149,000 56.0 2,661
7 Shaykhontohur 285,800 27.2 10,507
8 Olmazar 305,400 34.5 8,852
9 Uchtepa 237,000 28.2 8,404
10 Yakkasaray 115,200 14.6 7,890
11 Yunusabad 296,700 41.1 7,219
