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{{For|the blog by Yoani Sánchez|Generación Y}}
'''Generation Y''' (sometimes referred to as "'''Millennials'' (AKA Class of 2000)'"<ref name="Shapira">{{cite news|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/05/AR2008070501599.html|title=What Comes Next After Generation X?|last=Shapira|first=Ian|date=2008-07-06|work=Education|publisher=The Washington Post|pages=C01|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref> or "'''Echo Boomers'''"<ref name="usa110605">http://www.usatoday.com/money/workplace/2005-11-06-gen-y_x.htm</ref>, and occasionally jokingly "'''Generation Why?'''") refers to the [[Cohort (statistics)|cohort]] of individuals born between 1982 and 1994.<ref name=Tovar2007>{{cite journal | last= Tovar|first=Molly | date= August/September 2007 | title = Getting it Right: Graduate Schools Respond to the Millenial Challenge | journal = Communicator | volume = 40 | issue = 7 | pages = 1 | url = http://www.cgsnet.org/portals/0/pdf/comm_2007_08.pdf| accessdate = 2008-08-29 }}</ref>
{{List of Generations}}

'''Generation Y''', also known as '''The Millennial Generation''', is a term used to describe the demographic cohort following [[Generation X]]. Its members are often referred to as "Millennials". There are no precise dates for when Gen Y begins and ends, but usually it is between the late [[1970s]] and early [[2000s]], with the average definition given being about [[1980]] to [[1995]].<ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.abanet.org/lpm/lpt/articles/mgt08044.html |title= Generation X and The Millennials |last= Diane Thielfoldt and Devon Scheef |date=08-2004 }}</ref><ref name="Shapira">{{cite news |url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/05/AR2008070501599.html |title=What Comes Next After Generation X? |last=Shapira |first=Ian |date=2008-07-06 |work=Education |publisher=The Washington Post |pages=C01 |accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref> Generation Y has been referred to as the offspring of the [[Baby Boomers]], [[Generation Jones]], and [[Generation X]] cohorts.<ref>http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-paulsen/attention-genyers-talk-to_b_137937.html</ref><ref>http://www.auburnmountain.com/ConsumerEducation/Minorities.aspx</ref>
== Defined demographically ==
Generation Y is the first generation without mature memories of a powerful [[Soviet Union]]. In newly rich countries such as [[South Korea]] or [[Greece]], they have known nothing but [[developed world]] [[standards of living]], while their [[grandparents]] often grew up in [[developing world]] conditions, causing considerable social changes and inter-generational difficulties as the young reject many traditional ways of life. <ref>http://www.limelightgenerations.com/blog/labels/Generation%20X.html</ref> Generation Y was the first generation in countries like [[India]] and [[China]] to experience amenities of industrial and post-industrial modes of production on a wide scale. <ref>http://byteresawu.com/2008/12/08/clarifying-the-gen-y-stereotypes/</ref>
Generation Y is the generation following [[Generation X]], especially people born in [[western culture]]<!-- Is this a necessary part of the definition? --> from 1982 (Millenials) to the mid-1990s. The generation is also alternatively defined as the children of the Baby Boomer generation. People born in the early 1990s are sometimes lumped into [[Generation Z]] (though the majority opinion begins this generation around [[1996]]), however the main Generation Y cohort consists of those born in the mid to late 1980s.

==The Term==
== Defined sociographically ==
Generation Y, like other generations, was shaped by the events, leaders, developments and trends of its time.<ref name="McCrindle">{{cite web|url=http://www.quayappointments.com.au/email/040213/images/generational_diversity_at_work.pdf|title=The ABC of XYZ: Generational Diversity at Work|last=McCrindle|first=Mark|publisher=McCrindle Research|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref> The rise of instant communication technologies made possible through use of the internet, such as [[email]], [[texting]], and [[Instant messaging|IM]] and new media used through websites like [[YouTube]] and social networking sites, may explain Generation Y's reputation for being peer oriented and for seeking instant gratification. This trend of communication is continuing into [[Generation Z]].

The term Generation Y first appeared in an August 1993 [[Ad Age]] editorial to describe those teenagers born between 1974 and 1976 (now usually considered a part of [[Generation X]]). <ref>[Generation Y: complex, discerning and suspicious-Carol Nader- The Age- October 9, 2003 ]</ref> "Generation Y" alludes to a succession from "[[Generation X]]".
==Trends among members==
As with previous generations, many trends (and problems) began to surface as the Millennials came of age.<ref name="Rout">{{cite news|url=http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,20587320-661,00.html|title=Junk Food Bans at Schools |last=Rout|first=Milanda|date=2006-10-16|publisher=Herald Sun|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref>
* Members of this generation are facing higher costs for higher education than previous generations.<ref name="Males">{{cite book|last=Males|first=Michael|title=The Scapegoat Generation: America's War on Adolescents|publisher=Common Courage Press|date=March 1996|isbn=1567510809|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref><ref name="Rothberg">{{cite web|url=http://www.collegerecruiter.com/weblog/2007/03/gen_y_community.php|title=Gen Y: Community Focused or Money Hungry?|last=Rothberg|first=Steven|date=2007-03-30|publisher=College Recruiter|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref>
* They have been labeled the "sandwich generation" because so many remain home well into their 20s right at the time that their own parents are needing more care.<ref name="Warfare">{{cite web|url=http://www.mccrindle.com.au/snapshots/GenerationalWarfare.pdf|title=Generational Warfare|last=Pleffer|first=Andrew|date=2007|work=Snapshot|publisher=McCrindle Research|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref>
* In the United States, as they begin to enter colleges and universities in large numbers, some of their [[Baby Boomer]] parents are becoming [[helicopter parent]]s. Many college advisors and administrators worry that this could have a negative effect on the student's social progress, ego, and developing maturity.<ref name="WSJ">{{cite news|date=2005-07-28|publisher=The Wall Street Journal|title=(title not known)|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref>
* They represent more than 70 million consumers in the United States. They earn a total annual income of about $211 billion, spend approximately $172 billion per year and strongly influence many adult consumer buying choices. They also face a greater degree of direct corporate marketing than any other generation in history.<ref>Harris Interactive 2003 Youth Pulse(SM) Survey</ref>
* A 2008 survey by UK recruitment consultancy FreshMinds Talent in partnership with Management Today suggested that Generation Y are generally more ambitious, brand conscious and tend to move jobs more often than ever before. The survey of over 1,000 people, entitled Work 2.0, also suggests several possible misconceptions about Generation Y, including that they are as loyal as their predecessors and believe that their job says something about them as individuals.<ref name="MT FreshMinds">{{cite web|url=http://www.managementtoday.co.uk/news/786810/mt-freshminds-work-20-survey-generation|title=Work 2.0 Survey - My Generation|date=2008-02-28|publisher=MT FreshMinds|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref>
* There is more experience of family breakdown. The generation has seen high divorce rates, and homes with 2 working parents are much more common. This has greatly changed their relationships at home when compared to their parents and grandparents. This may have led them to be more peer-oriented and this may be a contributing factor to the premium that Gen Y workers place on workplace culture.<ref name="McCrindle" />
* A 2007 episode of the American news magazine ''[[60 Minutes]]'' entitled ''The Age Of The Millenials'' proposed that members of the generation are exceptionally [[wikt:tech-savvy|tech-savvy]], are especially tuned to their own value in the job market, have limited loyalty to any particular employer, and insist on working in a stimulating job environment.<ref>{{cite episode | author = [[Morley Safer]] | ulr = http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/08/60minutes/main3475200.shtml | title = The Age Of The Millenials | series = 60 Minutes | serieslink = 60 Minutes | airdate = 2007-11-08 | season = 2007}}</ref>
*More openness in regards to sexual and romantic life-styles than prior generations. Generally more openness to sexual expression and experimentation, but with less or even totally without romance or attachments.<ref>[http://www.smh.com.au/news/health/sexual-infections-rise-among-gen-y/2008/07/02/1214950851362.html Sexual infections rise among Gen Y]</ref><ref>[http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_19960123/ai_n9640323 Bed, please, but hold the romance :GENERATION Y: SEX]</ref>

The name "Echo Boomers"<ref name="usa110605">http://www.usatoday.com/money/workplace/2005-11-06-gen-y_x.htm</ref> relates to the size of the generation and its relation to the [[Baby boomer]] generation. The actual "Echo Boom" was a five year span between 1989 and 1993 when for the first time since 1964, the number of [[live births]] reached over four million. It wouldn’t be until 1985 that the live birth number would even match that of 1965 at 3.760 million. Also it should be noted that the birthrate of 1971’s 17.2% has yet to be reached according to the [[2000 census]]. <ref>[William Strauss and Neil Howe Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069:Perennial; Reprint edition (September 1, 1992) ]</ref>
These are characteristics and attitudes that were previously attributed to Generation X in works such as the 1999 article "The Hunter-Gatherers of the Knowledge Economy: The Anthropology of Today's Cyberforagers" by David Berreby,<ref>{{cite journal | last = Berreby | first = David | authorlink = David Berreby | title = The Hunter-Gatherers of the Knowledge Economy: The Anthropology of Today's Cyberforagers | journal = [[Strategy+Business]] | publisher = [[Booz & Company]] | year = 1999 | location = [[New York City|New York]] | pages = 52–64 | url = http://www.strategy-business.com/press/16635507/19461?tid=230&pg=all | issn = 1083-706X}}</ref> so these behaviors may be consequences of modern culture or of the modern economy rather than qualities of a particular generation.

As this generation came of age during and after the [[1980s]], during the [[Digital Revolution]], terms such as "Net Generation" and "First Digitals" are used to describe Gen Y at times.
The generation is sometimes described as "Civics", characterised as wealth creators and nation builders{{Fact|following reference does not mention this|[[User:Gorbag42|Gorbag42]] ([[User talk:Gorbag42|talk]])|date=August 2008}}. They are sometimes described as an "overachieving, overscheduled" generation."<ref name="Devine">{{cite news|url=http://www.smh.com.au/news/opinion/gen-ys-dish-it-back-for-the-right-reasons/2006/10/18/1160850995575.html|title=Gen Ys Dish it Back, for the Right Reasons|last=Devine|first=Miranda|date=2006-10-19|publisher=The Sydney Morning Herald|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref>

==Books on Generation Y==
==Generation Y and technology==
In their recent book, ''Connecting to the Net.Generation: What Higher Education Professionals Need to Know About Today's Students'', Reynol Junco and Jeanna Mastrodicasa<ref name="Junco">{{cite book|last=Junco|first=Reynol|coauthors=Mastrodicasa, Jeanna|title=Connecting to the Net.Generation: What Higher Education Professionals Need to Know About Today's Students|publisher=NASPA|date=2007-03-29|edition=1st|isbn=0-931654-48-3|url=http://bookstore.naspa.org/browseproducts/Connecting-to-the-Net.Generation--What-Higher-Education-Professionals-Need-to-Know-About-Today%27s-Students.html|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref> found that in a survey of 7,705 college students in the US:
* 97% own a computer
* 97% have downloaded music and other media using [[peer-to-peer file sharing]]
* 94% own a [[cell phone]]
* 76% use [[instant messaging]] and [[social networking]] sites
* 75% of college students have a [[Facebook]] account<ref name="Przybyla">{{cite news|url=http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601070&refer=home&sid=aJ4wSyFVOGx8|title=Obama's 'Youth Mojo' Sparks Student Activism, Fueling Campaign|last=Przybyla|first=Heidi|date=2007-05-07|publisher=Bloomberg|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref>
* 60% own some type of portable music and/or video device such as an [[iPod]]
* 49% regularly download music and other media using peer-to-peer file sharing
* 34% use websites as their primary source of news
* 28% author a [[blog]] and 44% read blogs
* 15% of IM users are logged on 24 hours a day/7 days a week

===Howe and Strauss: "The Millennials"===
==Various Names==
The generation has many names largely as a result of the many subcultures and diversity within the group.<ref name="Shapira" />

Following the publication of their book, ''Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069'', much credit has been given to the names used for various American cohorts by authors [[William Strauss]] and [[Neil Howe]]. Howe and Strauss use the term "Millennials" as opposed to "Generation Y", arguing that this cohort actually coined the term Millennials themselves and have expressed a wish not to be associated closely with Gen X. They followed up their large study of the history of American demographics with a new book specifically on that generation, titled ''Millennials Rising''.
===Generation Y===
The most commonly used term, "Generation Y", alludes to a succession from [[Generation X]], a term popularized by the Canadian fiction writer [[Douglas Coupland]] in his 1991 book ''[[Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture]]''.

In ''Generations'', Howe and Strauss use the years 1982-2001 as the birth years of the Millennial Generation, using the 18 [[childhood]] years of the [[high school]] graduating class of 2000 as their marking points. They reasoned that the high school class of 2000 received notable public attention and political initiatives during their youth that provided a contrast between Americans born before this class and those born after.<ref name="Shapira">"{{cite news|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/05/AR2008070501599.html|title=What Comes Next After Generation X?|last=Shapira|first=Ian|date=2008-07-06|work=Education|publisher=The Washington Post|pages=C01|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref> This term relates to the generation's young age during the turn of the millennium.
One name sometimes used when referring to this group is "Millennials," which was coined by [[Strauss and Howe | William Strauss and Neil Howe ]] in their 1991 book [[Generations (book)| ''Generations.'']] <ref name="Shapira">"{{cite news|url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/05/AR2008070501599.html|title=What Comes Next After Generation X?|last=Shapira|first=Ian|date=2008-07-06|work=Education|publisher=The Washington Post|pages=C01|accessdate=2008-07-19}}</ref> This term relates to the generation's young age during the turn of the millennium.

===Alsop: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaking Up the Workplace"===
===Echo Boomers===
The name "Echo Boomers"<ref name="usa110605" /> relates to the size of the generation and its relation to the [[Baby boomers]] generation.

As millions of millennial generation students graduate from college and join the work force, it’s becoming quite clear that the workplace will never be the same. Employers are bracing for some of the biggest management challenges they’ve ever faced as they try to integrate the most demanding and most protected generation in history into a workplace shaped by baby-boomers. Alsop's book provides a rich portrait of the millennials, told through the eyes of millennials themselves and from the perspectives of their parents, educators, psychologists, recruiters, and corporate managers. Millennials represent a new breed of student, worker, and global citizen, and this book explores in depth their most salient attributes. It also describes how companies are changing tactics to recruit millennials in the Internet age and looks at some of this generation’s dream jobs and employers.
===Other Names===

* "Backpack generation" <ref name=Curtis2001>{{cite journal | last= Curtis|first= James M. | date= Spring 2001 | title = The Backpack Generation and Art History | journal = Journal of Aesthetic Education | volume = 35 | issue = 1 | pages = 31–44 | url = http://www.jstor.org/pss/3333769 | accessdate = 2008-03-21 | doi = 10.2307/3333769}}</ref>
==Gen Y and Digital Technology==
* "iGeneration"<ref name=writerGrrl>{{cite= bio | last= Lars|first=MC | title=The Graduate | url=http://www.mclars.com/v2/navbio.html | accessdate= 2008-08-24}}</ref>

* Youtube Generation
In their 2007 book, Junco and Mastrodicasa expanded on the work of Howe and Strauss to include research-based information about the personality profiles of Millennials, especially as it relates to [[higher education]]. They conducted a large-sample (7,705) research study of [[college]] [[students]]. They found that Net.Generation college students were frequently in touch with their [[parents]] and they used [[technology]] at higher rates than people from [[List of Generations|other generations]]. In their survey, they found that 97% of students owned a [[computer]], 94% owned a [[cell phone]], and 56% owned an [[MP3 player]] ([[iPod]], [[Zune]], [[Sansa]], etc.). They also found that students spoke with their parents an average of 1.5 times a day about a wide range of topics.<ref name="Junco">Junco, Reynol and Mastrodicasa, Jeanna M. "Connecting to the Net.Generation: What higher education professionals need to know about today's students" (2007)</ref> Other findings in the Junco and Mastrodicasa survey included that 76% of students used [[Instant messaging]], and 92% of those reported [[multitasking]] while IMing, and 40% of students used [[television]] to get most of their news and 34% the [[Internet]].

56% reported [[downloading]] [[music]] using peer-to-peer [[file sharing]] (15% reported downloading [[movies]] and 16% reported downloading [[software]]). 69% of students reported having a [[Facebook]] account, typically logging in twice a day.

==Generation Y in the Workforce==

The Millennials are sometimes called the "Trophy Generation", or "Trophy Kids,"<ref name="Alsop08"/> a term that reflects the trend in competitive sports, as well as many other aspects of life, where "no one loses" and everyone gets a "Thanks for Participating" trophy and symbolizing a perceived sense of entitlement. It has been reported that this is an issue in corporate environments."<ref name="Alsop08">{{cite book|last=Alsop|first=Ron|title=The Trophy Kids Grow Up: How the Millennial Generation is Shaking Up the Workplace|publisher=Jossey-Bass|date=October 13, 2008|isbn=978-0470229545|accessdate=2009-02-24}}</ref> Some [[employers]] are concerned that Millennials have too great expectations from the [[workplace]] and desire to shape their jobs to fit their lives rather than adapt their lives to the workplace.<ref name="WSJ_Trophy_Kids">{{cite news|url=http://sec.online.wsj.com/article/SB122455219391652725.html|title=The Trophy Kids Go to Work|last=Alsop|first=Ron|date=2008-10-21|publisher=The Wall Street Journal|accessdate=2008-10-24}}</ref> To better understand this mindset, many large [[firms]] are currently studying this conflict and are trying to devise new programs to help older employees understand Millennials, while at the same time making Millennial more comfortable. For example, [[Goldman Sachs]] conducts training programs that use actors to portray Millennials who assertively seek more [[feedback]], [[responsibility]], and involvement in decision making. After the performance, employees discuss and debate the generational differences they have seen played out "<ref name="Alsop08"/>

Carol Elam and Nicole Borges discuss some issues with Millennials in a medical school environment.<ref>Elam, Carol and Nicole Borges E:Millennial in Medicine: a new generation comes to medical school(2008)<http://www.med.wright.edu/aa/facdev/Events/2008info/millennials.ppt> </ref>

Gary Hamel discusses managing members of Generation Y. <ref>http://blogs.wsj.com/management/2009/03/24/the-facebook-generation-vs-the-fortune-500/</ref>

{{Section OR|date=May 2009}}
===In America===

Being amongst the first generations to be born and actively grow up in an American society [[desegregated]] by law ('''[[Brown v. Board of Education]]'''), imposing [[sexual equality]] by law ([[Title IX]]), and proactively defending the rights of various [[minority groups]] by law, in addition to the effects of '60s and '70s era influence on their generation, Millennials have been conditioned by the [[Sovereign state|state]], [[educational institutions]], and by [[cultural influence]] to take a supportive outlook on [[multiculturalism]].

These combined influences have served to create what is a more culturally tolerant and open-minded generation, at least with concerns to [[race]], and a dramatic decrease in racial and ethnic conflicts.

[[Social studies]] [[education]] has changed significantly particularly during this generation's [[childhood]] and [[adolescence]], with [[tolerance]] and multiple points of views on divisive issues being introduced into school [[literature]], such as [[Christopher Columbus|Columbus controversy]], [[Martin Luther King]], the [[civil rights era]], and [[sexual education]].

The [[Financial crisis of 2007-2009]] has had a profound impact on all of Generation Y, as many of the unemployed are in this generation, as they cannot find work due to lack of experience.


Institutionalized racism in countries such as [[South Africa]] <ref>http://www.historywiz.com/end.htm</ref> and the [[United States]] <ref>http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1988/1/88.01.03.x.html</ref> was abolished by the time Gen Y grew up, and they know of it only as an evil of history.

In [[Europe]], [[Canada]], [[Australia]] and the [[United States]], Gen Y themselves are far more multicultural, which may explain why [[homophobia]] is still more of a problem among Gen Yers, while racism is universally condemned.

In Ireland, Gen Y are known as "Celtic Tiger Cubs", a reference to their childhood taking place during Ireland's economic boom of the late [[1990s]] and early [[2000s]], often resulting in them enjoying a childhood of far greater privilege and wealth than their parents.

==See also==
==See also==
* [[Cold Y Generation]]
* [[Baby Boomer]]
* [[Boomerang Generation]]
* [[Generation]]
* [[Generation X]]
* [[Generation Z]]
* [[List of generations]]
* [[MTV Generation]]

*[[Generation "We..."]], a characterization of Generation Y and Generation Z based on changing relationships to digital and information technology
*[[After-eighty generation]]
*[[After-ninety generation]]

==External links==
==External links==
*[http://blogs.ft.com/management/2009/01/14/podcast-how-to-keep-generation-y-motivated/ Financial Times Podcast - how to keep Generation Y Motivated]
* [http://www.pbs.org/newshour/generation-next/documentary/index.html Generation Next, A PBS Documentary]
*[http://www.genblending.com/ Blending Generational Knowledge and Talent Strategies - Gen|Blending]
* [http://www.gen-y.org Collection of Articles on Millennials]
*[http://www.brandchannel.com/features_effect.asp?pf_id=156 Who's filling Y's shoes - The origin of Gen Y]
* [http://www.usatoday.com/money/workplace/2005-11-06-gen-y_x.htm USA Today]
*[http://www.pbs.org/newshour/generation-next/documentary/index.html Generation Next, A PBS Documentary]
* [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/08/60minutes/main3475200.shtml The "Millennials" Are Coming]
*[http://www.usatoday.com/money/workplace/2005-11-06-gen-y_x.htm USA Today]
* [http://www.deloitte.com/dtt/cda/doc/content/us_consulting_millennialfactsheet_080606.pdf Millennial Fact Sheet] By the Deloitte consulting group.
*[http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/08/60minutes/main3475200.shtml The "Millennials" Are Coming]
* [http://decadeology.wetpaint.com/page/Generation+Y Decadeology Wiki - Generation Y]
*[http://www.deloitte.com/dtt/article/0,1002,sid%253D26554%2526cid%253D242640,00.html?wt.mc_id=w Resource Library: New World, New Workforce: Gen Y Views on Today's Workplace] January 2009
* [http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-01-09-gen-y-cover_x.htm Generation Y's Goal: Wealth and fame?]
*[http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-01-09-gen-y-cover_x.htm Generation Y's Goal: Wealth and fame?]
* [http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=3932 "A new switched-on and cynical generation"]Peter West - Monday, 12 December 2005
* [http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2007/05/28/100033934/ Attracting the twentysomething worker]
*[http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2007/05/28/100033934/ Attracting the twentysomething worker]
*[http://www.spectrumknowledge.com/signatureprograms The Gen Y Perceptions Study]
[http://www.radaronline.com/features/2008/05/generation_x_millennials_facebook_kevin_colvin_baby_boomers.php Radar: Generation Slap]
* [http://www.censusscope.org/us/map_generations.html CensusScope-Dominant Generations by US region]

*[http://www.publiclibraries.com/authors/mico14/chinageny/ China's Generation Y: Understanding the Future Leaders of the World's Next Superpower]
*[http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=3932 A new switched-on and cynical generation]
*[http://www.thaiasiatoday.com/life-in-thailand/life-in-thailand/generation-y-the-internet-and-mindfulness.html Generation Y, the Internet, and mindfulness] From a Gen Y'ers point of view, not PR or marketing-related. March 2009

* 5- "Drug Survey of Students Finds Picture Very Mixed" by KATE ZERNIKE, New York Times, 12/20/05
* 6- Time Magazine, August 1, 2005.
* 7- The Wall Street Journal, 7/28/05.
* 8- William Strauss and Neil Howe Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069:Perennial; Reprint edition (September 1, 1992)
* 9- After X Comes Y - echo boom generation enters workforce - Brief Article HR Magazine, April, 2001 by Julie Wallace
* 10-Brandchannel.com: Dr. Pete Markiewicz: Who's filling Gen Y's shoe's?
* 11-Millennial Manifesto: Scott Beale and Abeer Aballa-InstantPublisher (November, 2003)
* 12-CensusScope-Dominate Generations http://www.censusscope.org/us/map_generations.html
* 13-CDC report- Table 1-1. Live Births, Birth Rates, and Fertility Rates, by Race: United States,1909-2000

{{start box}}
{{start box}}
{{succession box | <!-- These dates cite Strauss/Howe's Generations and other sources, and have been crafted via to meet a consensus, as much as possible. Do not change them unless you can cite a reputable, published source, and discuss your changes in Talk first. -->
{{succession box | <!-- These dates cite Strauss/Howe's Generations and other sources, and have been crafted via to meet a consensus, as much as possible. Do not change them unless you can cite a reputable, published source, and discuss your changes in Talk first. -->
before = [[Generation X]]<br /> (1964-1981)|
before = [[Generation X]]<br /> (1965-1979, give or take some years) |
title = Millennials (Generation Y) |
title = Generation Y |
years = (1982-1997) |
years = (1980-1994, give or take some years) |
after = [[Generation Z]] <br /> (1995-2009, give or take some years) |
after = [[Generation Z]] and/or [[Internet Generation]]<br />(1998 &ndash;2020) <ref>{{cite |url=http://www.generationz.com.au/about_who.html|title=Who is Generation Z |publisher=McCrindle Research Pty Ltd|accessdate=2008-07-21}}</ref> |

{{end box}}
{{end box}}

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[[Category:1980s births|*Y]]
[[Category:1980s births]]
[[Category:1990s births|*Y]]
[[Category:1990s births]]
[[Category:American generations]]
[[Category:Cultural generations]]
[[Category:Cultural generations]]
[[Category:Cold Y Generation]]

[[ar:جيل فلان]]
[[be-x-old:Пакаленьне Y]]
[[be-x-old:Пакаленьне Y]]
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[[he:דור ה-Y]]
[[he:דור ה-Y]]
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Revision as of 18:49, 14 May 2009

Template:List of Generations

Generation Y, also known as The Millennial Generation, is a term used to describe the demographic cohort following Generation X. Its members are often referred to as "Millennials". There are no precise dates for when Gen Y begins and ends, but usually it is between the late 1970s and early 2000s, with the average definition given being about 1980 to 1995.[1][2] Generation Y has been referred to as the offspring of the Baby Boomers, Generation Jones, and Generation X cohorts.[3][4] Generation Y is the first generation without mature memories of a powerful Soviet Union. In newly rich countries such as South Korea or Greece, they have known nothing but developed world standards of living, while their grandparents often grew up in developing world conditions, causing considerable social changes and inter-generational difficulties as the young reject many traditional ways of life. [5] Generation Y was the first generation in countries like India and China to experience amenities of industrial and post-industrial modes of production on a wide scale. [6]

The Term

The term Generation Y first appeared in an August 1993 Ad Age editorial to describe those teenagers born between 1974 and 1976 (now usually considered a part of Generation X). [7] "Generation Y" alludes to a succession from "Generation X".

The name "Echo Boomers"[8] relates to the size of the generation and its relation to the Baby boomer generation. The actual "Echo Boom" was a five year span between 1989 and 1993 when for the first time since 1964, the number of live births reached over four million. It wouldn’t be until 1985 that the live birth number would even match that of 1965 at 3.760 million. Also it should be noted that the birthrate of 1971’s 17.2% has yet to be reached according to the 2000 census. [9]

As this generation came of age during and after the 1980s, during the Digital Revolution, terms such as "Net Generation" and "First Digitals" are used to describe Gen Y at times.

Books on Generation Y

Howe and Strauss: "The Millennials"

Following the publication of their book, Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069, much credit has been given to the names used for various American cohorts by authors William Strauss and Neil Howe. Howe and Strauss use the term "Millennials" as opposed to "Generation Y", arguing that this cohort actually coined the term Millennials themselves and have expressed a wish not to be associated closely with Gen X. They followed up their large study of the history of American demographics with a new book specifically on that generation, titled Millennials Rising.

In Generations, Howe and Strauss use the years 1982-2001 as the birth years of the Millennial Generation, using the 18 childhood years of the high school graduating class of 2000 as their marking points. They reasoned that the high school class of 2000 received notable public attention and political initiatives during their youth that provided a contrast between Americans born before this class and those born after.[2] This term relates to the generation's young age during the turn of the millennium.

Alsop: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaking Up the Workplace"

As millions of millennial generation students graduate from college and join the work force, it’s becoming quite clear that the workplace will never be the same. Employers are bracing for some of the biggest management challenges they’ve ever faced as they try to integrate the most demanding and most protected generation in history into a workplace shaped by baby-boomers. Alsop's book provides a rich portrait of the millennials, told through the eyes of millennials themselves and from the perspectives of their parents, educators, psychologists, recruiters, and corporate managers. Millennials represent a new breed of student, worker, and global citizen, and this book explores in depth their most salient attributes. It also describes how companies are changing tactics to recruit millennials in the Internet age and looks at some of this generation’s dream jobs and employers.

Gen Y and Digital Technology

In their 2007 book, Junco and Mastrodicasa expanded on the work of Howe and Strauss to include research-based information about the personality profiles of Millennials, especially as it relates to higher education. They conducted a large-sample (7,705) research study of college students. They found that Net.Generation college students were frequently in touch with their parents and they used technology at higher rates than people from other generations. In their survey, they found that 97% of students owned a computer, 94% owned a cell phone, and 56% owned an MP3 player (iPod, Zune, Sansa, etc.). They also found that students spoke with their parents an average of 1.5 times a day about a wide range of topics.[10] Other findings in the Junco and Mastrodicasa survey included that 76% of students used Instant messaging, and 92% of those reported multitasking while IMing, and 40% of students used television to get most of their news and 34% the Internet.

56% reported downloading music using peer-to-peer file sharing (15% reported downloading movies and 16% reported downloading software). 69% of students reported having a Facebook account, typically logging in twice a day.

Generation Y in the Workforce

The Millennials are sometimes called the "Trophy Generation", or "Trophy Kids,"[11] a term that reflects the trend in competitive sports, as well as many other aspects of life, where "no one loses" and everyone gets a "Thanks for Participating" trophy and symbolizing a perceived sense of entitlement. It has been reported that this is an issue in corporate environments."[11] Some employers are concerned that Millennials have too great expectations from the workplace and desire to shape their jobs to fit their lives rather than adapt their lives to the workplace.[12] To better understand this mindset, many large firms are currently studying this conflict and are trying to devise new programs to help older employees understand Millennials, while at the same time making Millennial more comfortable. For example, Goldman Sachs conducts training programs that use actors to portray Millennials who assertively seek more feedback, responsibility, and involvement in decision making. After the performance, employees discuss and debate the generational differences they have seen played out "[11]

Carol Elam and Nicole Borges discuss some issues with Millennials in a medical school environment.[13]

Gary Hamel discusses managing members of Generation Y. [14]


In America

Being amongst the first generations to be born and actively grow up in an American society desegregated by law (Brown v. Board of Education), imposing sexual equality by law (Title IX), and proactively defending the rights of various minority groups by law, in addition to the effects of '60s and '70s era influence on their generation, Millennials have been conditioned by the state, educational institutions, and by cultural influence to take a supportive outlook on multiculturalism.

These combined influences have served to create what is a more culturally tolerant and open-minded generation, at least with concerns to race, and a dramatic decrease in racial and ethnic conflicts.

Social studies education has changed significantly particularly during this generation's childhood and adolescence, with tolerance and multiple points of views on divisive issues being introduced into school literature, such as Columbus controversy, Martin Luther King, the civil rights era, and sexual education.

The Financial crisis of 2007-2009 has had a profound impact on all of Generation Y, as many of the unemployed are in this generation, as they cannot find work due to lack of experience.


Institutionalized racism in countries such as South Africa [15] and the United States [16] was abolished by the time Gen Y grew up, and they know of it only as an evil of history.

In Europe, Canada, Australia and the United States, Gen Y themselves are far more multicultural, which may explain why homophobia is still more of a problem among Gen Yers, while racism is universally condemned.

In Ireland, Gen Y are known as "Celtic Tiger Cubs", a reference to their childhood taking place during Ireland's economic boom of the late 1990s and early 2000s, often resulting in them enjoying a childhood of far greater privilege and wealth than their parents.

See also



  • 5- "Drug Survey of Students Finds Picture Very Mixed" by KATE ZERNIKE, New York Times, 12/20/05
  • 6- Time Magazine, August 1, 2005.
  • 7- The Wall Street Journal, 7/28/05.
  • 8- William Strauss and Neil Howe Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069:Perennial; Reprint edition (September 1, 1992)
  • 9- After X Comes Y - echo boom generation enters workforce - Brief Article HR Magazine, April, 2001 by Julie Wallace
  • 10-Brandchannel.com: Dr. Pete Markiewicz: Who's filling Gen Y's shoe's?
  • 11-Millennial Manifesto: Scott Beale and Abeer Aballa-InstantPublisher (November, 2003)
  • 12-CensusScope-Dominate Generations http://www.censusscope.org/us/map_generations.html
  • 13-CDC report- Table 1-1. Live Births, Birth Rates, and Fertility Rates, by Race: United States,1909-2000
  1. ^ Diane Thielfoldt and Devon Scheef (08-2004). "Generation X and The Millennials". {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. ^ a b Shapira, Ian (2008-07-06). "What Comes Next After Generation X?". Education. The Washington Post. pp. C01. Retrieved 2008-07-19. Cite error: The named reference "Shapira" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  3. ^ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-paulsen/attention-genyers-talk-to_b_137937.html
  4. ^ http://www.auburnmountain.com/ConsumerEducation/Minorities.aspx
  5. ^ http://www.limelightgenerations.com/blog/labels/Generation%20X.html
  6. ^ http://byteresawu.com/2008/12/08/clarifying-the-gen-y-stereotypes/
  7. ^ [Generation Y: complex, discerning and suspicious-Carol Nader- The Age- October 9, 2003 ]
  8. ^ http://www.usatoday.com/money/workplace/2005-11-06-gen-y_x.htm
  9. ^ [William Strauss and Neil Howe Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069:Perennial; Reprint edition (September 1, 1992) ]
  10. ^ Junco, Reynol and Mastrodicasa, Jeanna M. "Connecting to the Net.Generation: What higher education professionals need to know about today's students" (2007)
  11. ^ a b c Alsop, Ron (October 13, 2008). The Trophy Kids Grow Up: How the Millennial Generation is Shaking Up the Workplace. Jossey-Bass. ISBN 978-0470229545. {{cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  12. ^ Alsop, Ron (2008-10-21). "The Trophy Kids Go to Work". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 2008-10-24.
  13. ^ Elam, Carol and Nicole Borges E:Millennial in Medicine: a new generation comes to medical school(2008)<http://www.med.wright.edu/aa/facdev/Events/2008info/millennials.ppt>
  14. ^ http://blogs.wsj.com/management/2009/03/24/the-facebook-generation-vs-the-fortune-500/
  15. ^ http://www.historywiz.com/end.htm
  16. ^ http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1988/1/88.01.03.x.html
Preceded by
Generation X
(1965-1979, give or take some years)
Generation Y
(1980-1994, give or take some years)
Succeeded by
Generation Z
(1995-2009, give or take some years)